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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The Drider giggled and shook her head. That's not a fox Seraphina. That... Is a very rare thing. How are you doing today Miss Kitsune?
I assume you're the guest we had upstairs?
She asked, leaning forward and resting her chin on her hand, Sera looking between the two with a slightly shocked expression, before facepalming. I was petting her..... O my gods.... I'm sorry...
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine barely suppresses a giggle. "Getting better, Ferina. And so I am. I'm honestly surprised that I didn't come poking here before. You do some quite impressive things with bone and wood." she replies, sitting on her haunches with her tails spread on either side of her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Ferina smiled and Seraphina just continued to hide her blush covered face, trying to disappear into herself it seemed in embarrassment. She still couldn't help herself from touching Christine's fluffy tails with one of her forelegs though.
Metal Rusts. Animals Die. The things left behind in death however last far longer then their living bodies. The trees give to us and so we care for them with all we have. It's become something of it's own artform I suppose. she said, gesturing around with a hand as she settled her abdomen down on the ground and somewhat laid forward to be face to face with Christine.The spiders talk about you, you know.
The Fuzzy Friend they call you. After your little episode with the young one,
and carrying a clutch of eggs yourself. Self Aware, but only just. They're sweet natured and a little overly eager sometimes. As are my family up above I hear. Sorry about the.... Hospitality, you met with. I've been busy down here rather then curtailing some of their bad habits. We rarely ever get visitors that are.... Compatible? And spend so much time fighting the merfolk for the islands that our view can be a bit skewed...
she said, looking suitably apologetic for the egging incident. Though maybe it's Ashliegh's fault. She's apparently been asked more then once if she wanted to come down and refused.
So.... Not too sorry about Her...
she added, giggling brightly. But welcome to the lower levels. I live here on this level because the magics that flow here flow best in the dark. Things from the land brought up into the light wilt quickly under the sun. But in the canopy they thrive.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"I can believe she did, too." Christine replies, with a faint amusement. "So what kind of magics do you work with, anyway, apart from shaping things? the kitsune asks, looking around Ferina's workplace.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Ferina took a moment to think about her reply, before holding up a finger. When you get a little more... experienced. You'll be able to see these without help. But here, it was the most important thing, I ever learned. And many people skip it because as I said. It is a secret that is revealed to all magic users in time. here. she said, moving back to a small nest of her own, only to come back out with what appeared to be a small telescope. Runes glittered down every surface of the almost green metal, shimmering language glinting with a light pulsing blue and white that shifted like foam on the sea.

Handing it to Christine, she gestured to use it. All the magic in this world, and likely every world, travels like water in rivers, pools in great reservoirs, and in some places, avoids and creates a barren and powerless landscape surrendered entirely to the simply but fair brutality and chaos of nature. And those places have their own kind of magic. But it's powerful, dangerous, and requires immense force of will. she said softly, waiting with baited breath for Christine to use the scope, to see what she couldn't see yet.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Like... leylines?" Christine asks curiously, peering through the scope.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Exactly that. but... we're at the interstice between earth, fire, and the great ocean. And the life that springs forth here because of it. Look. Ferina said before Christine peered through the scope, and could see.

What she saw was reminiscent of her time in the black keep, where all the power had been neat, orderly, arranged in their songs of power by their Queen, and her servants. But here..... Here everything was free to sing in it's own way. Christine could see the interplay between the different powers, and the sheer magnitude of the well of power beneath the islands. It glowed like it's own star and she could see how they interplayed naturally when they were truly uncontrolled.

From that star beneath the surface of the interplay of leylines Christine could see it branch out in great twisting flares that broke apart on their own to diffuse into different places, while others joined the great twisting flow of the powerful rivers of energy that rushed towards this spot, and then out of it again.

Among the trees she saw that power was broken up when it encountered Life, and took the form of that life, aiding and pressing it to grow and flourish. There was darker power there, but the circles the Driders had created was brushing that flow aside. Disease, Madness. entropy and death were pushed and contained and pressed into the weapons that the driders created not as an augmentation, but as a reaffirmation of their purpose to end life. The darkest of that flow was further pressed and pushed away, back into the earth and the flow to rush away.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine stares into the scope for a long while before stepping back, shaking her head. "Life and death. Fire and water. They're all in balance here, aren't they? Well... mostly in balance. I see entropy, but I don't see the power of preservation. Unless... that's just life?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Life Ferina confirmed, nodding and smiling. And they are for the most part as they should be. Life is the power of reparation. To preserve is to stagnate, things change and life is the driving force. Death, Entropy is it's opposite and just as inevitable. Creatures and plants die, mountains erode under the wind. Time and it's march. she said, smiling widely.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"And you use a bit of everything in this place, entropy and death for the weapons, life for the trees, carefully channelling everything to where it does the most good." Christine concludes. "What does the ground look underneath? I see quite a lot of death being channelled downwards."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Not sure beyond going down into caverns which have a very odd structure themselves. There's an energy down there that's akin to entropy and it's own kind of energy or life, but it's all got a different flavor... if you follow she answered, shrugging.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"I... think I do. What do you mean, odd structure?" Christine asks, curious despite being reminded of the last time she had gone into an odd cavern. She idly wraps a tail around Seraphina's leg.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The drider reached down to brush and stroke Christine's ears, unable to help herself as she felt the fluffy tail. You are admittedly, very cute. It's no wonder Sera likes you. Ferina said, giggling to herself for a moment.

And the structure is odd because many of the energies involved in Energy itself aren't like the ones here, there's very little Life down in many of the caverns but things are still moving and changing so that energy is there. When there is life it's a catastrophic explosion of fungi and other things to be found. And in some places there's no magic at all, despite being near a leyline or locus, and in others there's only stagnation and undeath like the area was poisoned long ago. The structure is off comparatively to anywhere on the surface. she tried to explain, giving the best scritches ever to tiny fox illusionist.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine wiggles her ears in response, the glow in her eyes slowly fading. "Sounds like a nasty place. I guess no-one goes there much? Do the undead cause problems up here?"
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

No, no real intelligence to them so when they do wander up far enough the hunters or the merfolk easily put them back in the ground where they belong. There was Some trouble with them a long while ago thanks to a necromancer being active but.... He found an underground River. And then the merfolk Found the same river.... They displayed his body rather proudly long enough for his bones to bleach in the sun. Ferina explained, still glowing because it seemed it was just an effect of the magics she worked.

Relaxing, she shooed away a huntress with a question with one hand and a raised eyebrow and continued her conversation with Christine instead. Sera meanwhile moved off to continue her own work with what Christine highly suspected just on her own build and physiology were poisons. venoms and toxins crafted from their own natural selection among the diversity of the driders here.

There is a cave system on an island nearby that no one goes into and no one comes out of... I imagine it's a portal if I had to guess by the activity there. The magic goes in, it doesn't come out, and what does come out is from different places. Sometimes forests, sometimes frozen tundras. We had native wolves here for awhile thanks to that. A pair came out. Very interesting time.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"That's actually how we got here... and how we'll hopefully get out. We...I... thought we could use the cave to get further north and cut weeks from our travel time, or at the very least we'd arrive near another entrance and could try again right away. Instead we got here, separated from the nearest entrance by miles of ocean." Christine admits, with a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "In retrospect, I should've asked more questions about it. The easy way is usually trapped, or so the saying goes."
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Interesting. And well.... You wont find a large land mass anywhere close to these islands so I guess there isn't much of a choice unless you want to wait and barter passage with the slavers. You don't have pointy ears so you should be fine... They really have a thing for Elves... Apparently the humans pay a fortune for them. Unfortunate really. But it Is another option. They should be passing by in about 2 weeks. she said, tilting her head before shrugging.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"Well, we're already practically on the other side of the world, so I don't see how another trip through the caves could make things worse unless we arrive on a different world entirely. I don't particularly fancy spending weeks or months at the sea and then travelling who knows how far by land. And that's assuming the slavers cause no problems and manage to take us in the right direction." Christine replies.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Well, you keep slaves do you not? So far our people have had to assume all your companions are subservient to you. Ferina said a little confused but let it go. And if you've already hit rock bottom you can only go up right? We can arrange an escort for you tomorrow if you wish to leave with haste.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

"That's, um, mostly by accident. Ashleigh is her own person, she just likes being around me and has decided to stick around. I did Dillian a rather large favour, so he's paying off his debt. And Tam was caught in the middle of a burglary before being given to me as a part of her punishment. I haven't actually had any dealings with slave traders, so far." Christine says slowly, trying to put the best face on things. "And that would be very nice, thank you."