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Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

No, they actually don't have a vitality stat so to speak of. They have a fixed HP amount, this way it kinda prevents the boss enemies from getting so stacked on the vit if you've done the same, or so low if you try to counter it as to be totally unbalanced.

Also, done for now on updates due to continuous phone calls, and having to get ready to go out.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

If there health isn't based on vitality, a character who is based on vitality and spirit will have a much stronger edge against bosses than one based on strength or speed given that you make the bosses' stats equal to the players stats. To make boss fights fairer on those with less stamina and hp, maybe the bosses' stats should equal the average of a player's stats instead of equal to the stats themselves.

Currently, the only difference in a boss fight between a high stamina character and a low stamina character is that a low stamina character gets stunned far more often gaining far more KP without any actual benefit.

The only other way to make a boss fight fair between character types would be to remove all kp damage done by orgasming during a boss fight as well as the stunning effect of orgasming.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

*Pokes my head over a box...*
I was told that you were still accepting new peoples? I figure I'll throw my name in, sounds like a fun time to me! ^-^

Hali Que Stats: 0/500 XP, 0/500 KP

Strength: 33
Dexterity: 42
Vitality: 20
Energy: 5
Intelligence: 50

HP/HP: 60/60 (max being 60, the first number being the current amount.
Stamina/Stamina: 30/30 (max being 30, the first number being the current amount.)
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)


Stats: 0/500 XP, 0/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 30
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP 90
Stamina 90
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

@ Hali and Avatar99: Welcome to the Citadel!

I apologize for the late replies, thinking has not been my forte lately with my head clouded in pain. Having a slightly bruised spine tends to do that to you. However, I am back now and hope to be able to update somewhat regularly from now on.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Been reading these and finally decided to try a character of my own.

Jane Stats: 0/500 XP, 0/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 40
Energy: 30
Intelligence: 30

HP: 120/120
Stamina: 100/100

(Think I got the health/stamina numbers right. Hopefully this will be as fun to play as it is to read. :D)
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Yah you got it right, and your in.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Hey I was reading these and these seem to be pretty awesome, so if your still taking in players (Victims most of the time) then I would like to jump on in.

Strength: 35
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 25
Energy: 25
Intelligence: 30

HP: 90/90
Stamina: 100/100

And pic of the character, just this minus the two swords.


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Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

OK, so here's the deal.

I've found myself with alarmingly shorter and shorter periods of free time, which have made it impossible for me to properly update this.

This is in large part due to the simple reason, I am preparing to take a trip to Florida, where I will not be around at all for a week.

Being that this is the case, and I have no idea what my schedule will be like upon my return with a surgery coming up in the near future, I am indefinitely suspending this RP, at least until the 12th of next month, possibly longer. I apologize for this, but I am left with no other option at this point.

I do hope to be able to continue this, but I can't say for certain if that will be the case or not just yet.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I realise you're putting this on hold (maybe permanently)
But if you do happen to come back, and are still accepting new characters IF you do, I would be very happy to participate in this more than simple but fun RP, -Cappy


0/500 XP 0/500 KP

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 25
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 35

HP: 75/75
Stamina: 55/55
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

OK, here's the deal.

I've had an instance of the wandering eyes move in with me for a brief period of time which is causing very little time for me to run this RP. So I've been doing some thinking about this, listening to the concerns regarding the unarmed combat system, and I must agree that the unarmed system is NOT going to work.

Therefore, I am doing two things to fix this.

One: I am combining brains with Archer to have some help with the actual updates and to have another person to run changes by.

Two: I am likely going to initiate a FULL restart of this with some major changes after some time.

I have an idea that combines elements from Guild Wars/Diablo 2 stats/combat system and skills, as well as enemies. I also am considering using some enemies from the Monster Encyclopedia since some of them would fit very well into an rp like this.

The main idea right now (subject to change but not likely to be changed) is that there will be specific character "classes" with preset level 1 stats. Monsters would work the same way and would be based on an I-lvl directly corresponding to the 'area' your in. Boss enemies would be a bit different, though I'm not 100% on how I intend to work that just yet.

The combat system would heavily favor all but removing unarmed combat (there would still be a slight chance you'd have to use unarmed if say your weapons ran out of ammo, and your melee weapon broke, but this should be a VERY low chance of occurring unless you simply don't repair your weapons like some people I've played with in the game do.)

This is the version 2 I had been talking about, but now it may end up turning into more of a New Version 1.0 instead, since this old system has not turned out how I had hoped it would. I must re-iterate, I am NOT utilizing a DnD system, I don't understand it's mechanics enough to even try, let alone be able to update my own rp with.

From the start, players would be able to group up into a party of up to 4. The game would be set to most definitely prevent one particular class from stacking themselves and becoming all powerful, so expect the possibility for some immunities.

I know what your wondering. If they're immune to physical attacks, how do we hurt them? The answer to this is that I plan to create a MAGIC and Elemental Magic system of skills, or mimicry skills such as traps for an Assassin type. As one may expect, this will take some time to do, but I believe I can manage it and keep the balance with things. Of course this also means that you could come across Magic or Elemental Immunes, and there could be double immunes.

IE of Double Immune: Immune to Physical, Immune to Fire.

NEVER would they be immune to All Elements + something else. If they were Elemental Immune, that would be it.

I plan on this to encourage diversity amongst the group and a more balanced attack approach, rather than a single class of 4 trying to carve their way through. While there WILL be skills that allow for this to happen, don't count on them being massively effective and giving a one sided advantage either.

I must say, I have high hopes for the newer system, and I'd like to be able to finish it within the next couple of weeks, but as we all know, things like this take time. That said, here are a few options.

1: Everyone who still is interested could simply wait for this new one to be finished, allowing them to focus on some other things maybe they've been putting off.

2: I can send Archer all the files from this current version while I work on the newer one, and in the interim he could keep this RP running so that you have something to sink your perverted fangs into :p

3: Something else I haven't thought of that I probably should have but am too wired to actually have thought of. Translation - Ideas anyone?

Thoughts on this? Looking for some input on this here from the players while I start the process of doing this major overhaul.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

2 sounds good to me. I actually haven't had a problem with the game so far, but it's up to you if you want to do a reboot. I like the idea of adding more ways to fight enemies rather than just "I attack."
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Sounds awesome.

I'm all for Archer taking over as a GM for a while if you're busy sorting stuff out. As you say, give us something to do.

Tassadar said:
2 sounds good to me. I actually haven't had a problem with the game so far, but it's up to you if you want to do a reboot. I like the idea of adding more ways to fight enemies rather than just "I attack."

So yeah, this. I kinda liked how the system worked this time around other than how long it took to punch bosses to the floor, so yeah.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I'll for appointing Archer GM as well. Be much easier to wait for the new system if we have something to distract us :D

Also wondering, Will the new system still allow us to go solo or are we going to have to be with other people?
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I'm going to be sending Archer the files next time I catch him/her online, so bear with me on that.

As for the next version, it will be party oriented all the way. There will be a number of changes, not the least of which will be to the entire system of how combat works for damage, and orgasms/pregnancy will work differently.

I've probably finished about half of the new one already, most of what I have done now is patch and tinker with the pre-existing system to make it work better. Now though it hits for the harder parts with lining up enemies to areas, since it will follow a more lined out approach than it's predecessor. The toughest part will likely end up being the weapon durability system I want to put in, it's giving me nightmares. But not to worry, I will eventually finish it, hopefully before the end of the month but we shall see.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I assure you I will be a kind and loving GM for my brief time in total and absolute control.

*waits until you all stop paying attention*
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

*Takes a deep breath.*

Ladies, Gentlemen and Demonic friends! It is with great joy that I bring the following announcement to you.

"Planet of Pleasure, the latest in the CoC line of ERP's, is now accepting interest posts for it's maiden voyage!"

Yes, you heard that right, it's done. I have finally managed to get everything situated in an order that should work well. It isn't 100% what I was aiming for in some aspects, but I think it'll work better than what I wanted originally. There is a post in the sign-up forum, perhaps you wish to check it out.

-End of transmission. Source: Somewhere deep in the Pegasus Galaxy, location unknown.