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City (All posts done directly in the city)

Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Meredith looks at Divas, incredulously. "Really? Ever heard of sarcasm?" She holds out one finger and tries to poke Divas in the shoulder.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"Well, hopefully I'll see you all soon. Do not forget that the world will be destroyed.", she says quickly before leaving all of you to your own devices.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Divas tries to bite Meredith's finger.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"What the fuck?" Meredith jerks her finger back and pushes Divas hard, trying to slam her back against the bookshelf behind her. "What's your damage, Boobs?"
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Divas just growled. She stopped suddenly as if remebering something. "Aheheh, cya."
Divas then began to run towards her home. (Bio hint hint, Also she has bindings on her breasts, she's in a irritable mood because of this. She has them so she won't get molested... Also note bio fiery temperment and that she stays at home alot..)
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Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Aya simply stood there, listening, not really amused at all. Still, obviously something was going on, and while she really didn't think the world was going to just 'explode' and end, she couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. She was half tempted to follow the other woman that had started all of this, but found herself drawn to the skirmish near by. Sighing, she stood, preparing to leave when the others had finally left.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Keyla shrinks away from Di'vas and Merediths argument and watches Anna leave. "Ahhhh," she sighs, then adds under her breath, "My friends picked some crazy people to help them play this prank on me." Backing up and throwing her bag over her shoulder, she looks at the other girls apologetically and says, "Well, this was... So I need to get going. Bye," before walking determinedly for the exit.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

That was a great joke hikabe decide to stay a little more
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Meredith watches the other girl walk off and shakes her head, "Whatever. I guess there's not a lot to do right now except head home." She looks around, "Unless anybody has any better ideas?"
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

I think I will follow suite with the others and head home, I have homework to do. Quetz thinks out-loud before heading out the doors and over to the bike rack.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)


Someone begins to ring your doorbell. "Anybody home?", says a feminine voice.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Priscilla had definitely gotten her mind off of the note and was thoroughly engrossed in the book. So much so that she almost missed the doorbell. Almost.

She rose out of bed and made her way to the front door. 'Who could be visiting? I'm not expecting anyone....' A moment later, the door opened slightly, the latch still in placed and Priscilla peering out. "Um, yes, can I help you?"
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Felicity gets up and heads out the door without saying another word. Seeing her new friend Quetz by the bike racks, however, brightens her mood a bit.

"Hey, you wanna hang? Watch some movies or something?"
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"Ahh, I'm the one who sent you the note. You can see it can't you? You're not the only one. Tell ya' what, let me in and I'll tell you more about the world's current crisis.", says the girls on the opposite side of the door.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

(go outside with all)
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

(Just RP or wait for me to finish because I made the chance extremely low that you'd face a golem today... )
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

ok...end XD

Can we go together?, i feel a little nervous after that weird talk. Say hikabe to Meredith and the others
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

I was planning on going home and doing my homework, really. Anyway, have you found any 'powers' like that girl mentioned popping up for you recently? Quetz replies to Felicity.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Meredith shrugs and nods to Hikabe, "Sure I guess so. I rode my bike down here but I haven't got anything better to do. Besides, if you've got a home somewhere it means that maybe you're not a figment of my imagination, right?"

She laughs and claps Hikabe on the back playfully.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Divas was jogging back to her house. Her thoughts on the matter with that girl * Wow, some people I just don't understand. I mean I could almost feel something not correct about that girl. I am sure that was a boy dressed up in girls cloths.* Divas has now left the Library.