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City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Insectra tilted her head. It seemed her super-powered swarm performed.. not as well as expected, actually. But well enough. God's Hand had expected resistance, well, that was not true. Victoria had expected resistance and their new, unnamed leader had shrugged. Insectra was suprised at this. She would prove insect supremacy!

Something more suprised her though. "Hey, V, about how I was supposed to report even minor things, there's robots in the masses." She noted. "Well, there's precedent for that, I'm quite certain the Major is a hyper-realistic android, I actually have my agent on that." "Oh yeah, your aquisition. I made a swarm out of mine and am currently beating up dozens of robots, whats yours doing, eh?" "Careful, Fifth, Anariel might yet prove of greater, if different usefullnes,.. so far the spread of your attack is far slower than predicted..." "Hrmpf.. I know that.. Hold on, I'm a bit busy myself. Call you back later." "For now, try to exclude the androids from your attacks, try and use surveilance instead, I'm getting reports that they explode, that doesn't help our case."

"Hello girls! How do you feel about upgrading to eusocial society status with me?" She waved, approaching the heroes and smirking, unafraid. "Oh, yes, if you deal with me, the Swarm would certainly be disrupted. So, why ain't I hiding?" She posed.
"Anyway, sorry, I ain't retreating, thanks for the offer though, but I suspect you'd not let me infest the prison-population while I'm at it."

Then, She narrowed her eyes however. "Geesh, come on, the heck is that quick-shooting. This was supposed to give you way more trouble... oh, hey, seems at least you can only do this for yourself though. Too scared of hitting your friend together with a mosquito, ain't ya? NOW THAT'S GOOD TO KNOW!" Insectra grinned, folding her hands together. "Alright, hands up, who here thought the stinging was only for blood. Yeah, thought so." And the sucessful Mosquito's returned to her hand, as insectra seemed to ponder.

"Well, one of you can defend completely, and the mind controlling poison ain't gonna get the other fast enough." She sighed. "That said, guessing by the speed with which you can shoot, you aren't gonna use that to kill me.. you had lotsa chances to do that.. much obliged, by the way. I could use my replicator insects, but you propably got intel of those, so.. GRAND WURM!" She slammed her hands into the ground, summoning a massive, bug like creature, a giant sand-wurm that erupted from the ground.. and swallowed Insectra whole, unless anyone had plans to stop her. Even if they tried to stop her, at least some force Insectra on her own could defend from using her chitineous wings.

Afterwardes, the wurm writhed and charged at the two heroines, seeming intent on swallowing them too. Considering its size of half a sky-scraper, charging at them, clearly, being swallowed by it, would -not- be to the heroes advantage and..

And if the heroes managed to dodge, or halt its first charge, the wurm suddenly disappeared, leaving Insectra sliding over the ground and coughing. "D.. Damn.. turns out summoning all of my swarm and all the conversion insects has left me a bit.. winded. Ach.. cha... Hey, mind if I take ten? Have a cup of tea? Wanna discuss insects? I'm a real expert.. ehe.. ehehe..." "Damn it Insectra, I told you not to overestimate yourself." "Listen.. give a gal.. a break.. you got me defeated on the ground here..." Insectra complained, panting.. her summoning magic had genuinly exhausted her a little, with all she had used. But she was not out of options yet.. she made little fists, energy gathering in there, as little, slithery creatures began to form from the master insect-summoners magic. "Welp, welp.. guess I'll have to surrender early, eh.. I could call my swarm back but that'd take too much time and you could just take me hostage.." Unlike the pompous higher up angels, she was not above fighting a little dirty as soon as these heroes thought they had her down and got close enough, she would jump up and then...

Meanwhile, Lily exhaled with relief, the Fly-surveilance, still linked to Insectra, of course, retreating from the waving, with Lily rubbing her nose worriedly. The fly, meanwhile, however, suddenly twitched and dropped down.. and turned into a cocoon, from which a few mosquitos burst.
"Lily Secret magic.. Candy Style!" The Vampire declared, each Mosquito transforming into a piece of candy with Lily giving her vampire maiden a thumbs up. "Snack in between, go nom nom. Later, perhaps, we'll do some super-nifty blood-magic."
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"Everyone's getting themselfs a slut trainin!" Cassandra encourage-answered to her horsey in particular and the hero-foes in general.

"Hoihoi, now listen Sleight, look at these.. and I ain't lyign when I say that, sadly, Gloria's are bigger.. not sure about our leader either actually.. anyway, my point is, our group certainly is not 'little'" She grinned and pointed at.. her breasts. She was pretty much immune to insulting banter, overall, though in this heroine she had found a tough opponent herself, banter wise at least. Though it seemed to work on this Lapin character, .. which was propably good, so she just winked at her wigh that and puffed up her breasts with a hand, for the benefit of everyone watching.. After all, any kind of arousal helped empower her ring. Many people thought Cassandra's ring unlimited.. the opposite was the case, she just knew how to elicit the right feelings to.. recharge her impressive base powers quickly. And with her lustful horses around already, any further arousal of the heroes actually overcharged her to levels were even Gloria would struggle to stand against her. Hah!

She also gave a thumbs up at Steamroller. "I think I'll let you pick your favourite animal when I get .. steamy with you. Always respected people that got my kind'a humor." She enthused.
"Well, I have the brute-force advantage, so why the fuck would I strategize, eh?" Cassandra retorted, unshacken, at Sleight's continued accusing.

It seemed that indeed the purified succubus was annoyed at the numbers, but, then, however, Cassandra's eyes got a dangerous glint to them. "You don't want to be on bottom huh.. well you bugged me, so I think we'll disagree at that. I'm happy to give ya'll what you want and V will bitch at me for wasting your talents... but if you got the makings of a dumb cow.. thats what you'll become." That said, the tentacle-copying kept Cassandra occupied, so that was no good.

Cassandra's plan for the counter-attack was simple. Either she'd hit an illusion.. or she'd hit Lindsay, who had the ability to simply absorb damage and grow stronger through it. However.. "Huh.. one more.. ugh.. more of that fuckin' strategy, ain't it?" She complained.

"Also.. ooh..oh I get it, the bunny gal had the hots for the one I turned into my happy cow. That explains that bit.... go ahead Leah, try to feed her some of your yummy milk, I'll let you two enjoy one another and hang, pinky promise... dun even need to change her bunny-ness much." Though bunnies and cows were not to good for combat.. she'd propably stick with Blair and Lindsay as her companions and let the other withdraw after this, she decided. She didn't want to endanger her cute fuck-animals in dangerous fights, after all.. Either way, this ment that the most dangerous, Lapin, the powerful psychic, was out and so was her tentacle-copying powers. And Cassandra could focus on.. well..

Her ring had a subtle glow emanating from it from the mere power of Blast-man charging it up, allowing Cassandra to create more flying dildo's and busy Sleight of hand's hands.. and mouth quite directly. At this point, Cassandra decided to even stop thinking about.. well... anything she would not normally think about. Even if she knows I plan to use Blast Man's power against me, or that I get stronger the hornier people around me get, it's like trying to NOT think about a pink elephant after someone told you about it. Best case, she gets angry and disrupts their formation further, now what to do with her.. hmnn.. I like me some nicely testosterone driven bulls actually, huge cocks throbbing, ready to breed.. no no, wait, another horsey, horny and willing to support my stable. Wonder if number bitch still reads my mind.. hah.. my mind is naughty enough on itself to just help me more.. hmnn.. I think I'll let Lindsay have the biggest cock of them all.. heh, wonder if Blair noticed the half inch difference, I just.. found it the most fun that way.. One has the size, the other the technique. But we gotta worry logistics.. perhaps I should let one of the heroes get away.. too many holes and not enough things to stuff them with...

Cassandra gasped and writhed in a classical-feminine way. That her body writhed in just the right way to allow her assailant to feel her bodies softness, her sensual curves, to touch her in all the forbidden places and make her moan.. that was all skill, honed over centuries.
"Oh my.. bend me over right here and punish me for being a bad girl.. that sounds so.. haah.. strong and manly!" She cooed.. and smooched his lips suddenly. Now, her kiss couldn't drain life anymore.. that was just fine, really, but...
"Hmnn.. Kiss of the Succubus Queen." She cooed, her hand cupping his shaft as she leaned back, the other caressing over her lips daintily. "Sorry, Sleight. Between Leah, my fiery horsey.. and one of the few men left to be fully affected by my magic, it seems you really had a good plan, but luck was on my side." She cooed, as strands of white light began engulfing the, right now, rather compliant seeming hero. "Now.. I don't usually do this mid-combat because it uses up a lot of energy and takes a little, buuut, since you all have been all nice and horny for mommy..." She mused.. as Blastmans form grew.. even larger, two large, pointed shapes rising from his head in the light-shapes, whatever clothing he had besides underpants (those were mysteriously less fragile for most heroic transformations, after all) simply tearing off, whilest Cassandra remarked, Sleight managing to tear down the last of her light-constructs whilest their creator was occupied.

Blast-man himself.. felt his balls churning and swelling almost as much as his muscles, a hot, slightly unpleasant but even more so arousing sensation of changing, all throughout his body... he was already one that struggled to think with his upper head, but now that the transmuting succubus magic was pulsing through him,.. only good fucking mattered. Only being a strong, dominant man and securing the next willing female.. what more was there to care about? Fuck. Eat. Fuck. Sleep. Fuck. What else did he need? Who else did he need? Who would dare get in his way?
"Ladies and Gentlement.. presenting to you the Improved Blast-man! .. the axe is decoration."

"Fun fact.. My animals are.. well, their libido is greatly increased.. but beyond that... all the same. I free your primal instincts, but there's no mind-control, personality stays exactly the same. Whatever they do,.. it ain't under my control. I just promise them the most amazing fucks.. so why not follow my suggestions to get them, eh?
My point is... Hello Blast-man, if you wish to keep that name.. now tell me.. how good does your dick feel.. how strong do your muscles feel.. is that not better than before? Ask Blair or Lindsay anytime, I'm ready to suck cock or be stuffed as they please.. only reason that's not what we are doing.. is cause I'm busy getting more juicy things to fuck...

Like your old teammates." She cooed, caressing her hand along a now even more massive bull-cock, prodding out of the massive minotaurs limited remains of clothing, her other hand pointing at Sleight, drawing the minotaurs attention to his team-leader..."I know, I've been a bad girl, and you can hmnn.. punish me with that delicious cock of yours as you please later... but come on.. how often has she ordered you around!
How often have you wanted to show her what its like when a real man makes the decisions. I can make her a proper fuck-cow.. if you show her her place, that is. Come on.. do you want her to still be in charge of the new, powerful you?? Is she stronger than you?"
Cassandra.. subtly manipulated. She lacked V's great intellect, but using the arousal of mortals.. that was her thing. It had been, like in Aeaea, so today. "Call out another formation Sleight.. I dare you." Cassandra cooed, lifting her ring.. light-tendrils beginning to snake outwards at the heroines, coiling around Lapin, who, if she was still held by Leah, would slowly find herself ensnared in more than a loving cow's embrace, and reaching for the other heroes, with Cassandra repeating her offer:
"I'm not your enemy.. I want you to fuck to your hearts content, finally let go of your inner animal. I know this is worrysome, but let it happen, let your inner self loose.. just ask yourself..what animal would I want to be? And tell me.. I'm fulfilling -everyone's wishes today!-.. and after I transformed you.. little pool-fuck orgy for everyone. Work with me here.. assume that even if you had the upper hand I still had an ace up my sleeve.. and look atmy horseys.. Linday, Blair, go ahead, help free your old allies from their disgusting inhibitions and tell them, are you being controlled? Made to do anything you don't want to? I command you to respond honestly.. if I could control you that was, if you are doing God's hands will because you -have- to- or because your balls feel so good, pumping all that nice testosterone all through your system, allowing you to ignore all those pesky side-thoughts and focus on whats fucking-fun... you too, my mighty minotaur-ally. Are you fighting for some higher ideal and nonsense.. or for some nice, fuckable pussy, wet and welcoming to your mighty, manly shaft." Well, this was not entirely fair. Sure, she was not controlling these folks to be loyal to a creed or code, but to a succubus, lust itself was control, in a way. Sure, unlike V or Gloria she'd never have people kneel down before her to lick her pussy, or shower her in adoration.. that was not her thing anyway. Her pets would grab her and bend her over and take her and the only thing that could stop them was the promise of even more lewdities later.. and she loved it that way.

"Hmph... 'Posted Bail'. Good one, you'd be deemed a flight risk almost immediately, especially after gloating to me about your other businesses. And I did record that. Normally you'd be right, but look around you, this is public property. Any security cameras or civilian recordings are completely admissible, your fault for gloating about crimes in public." She would comment idly, her fingers working tirelessly on her laptop, still not even trying to run, figuring that she had plenty of time before Benre reached her. Though she did also note that the corrupt CEO had a good deal of knowledge on the laws, only managing her argument because this parking garage was one of the few left around that was still public property... that had been part of the reason she had chosen it to look over the city. The comment about Benre's beauty and bust size would just make the secretary blush, not commenting as she worked.

"Listen, being appreciated is nice and all, but I'm not a selfish person. I'd rather be in an underappreciated job that doesn't compromise my morality instead of a job where I'm appreciated and help bad people. You think morality is boring, I think it's incredibly important." It did bother her quite a bit to be unappreciated though, her mind couldn't hide that no matter how much she talked about mortality. She liked to be told that she had done a good job, to know that her bosses understood the amount of work she did for them, and sometimes she wanted to just storm out of the office with the way they ignored her. But at the same time, she had chosen to become a heroine for a reason, with her particular set of skills she could have gotten rich off of hacking major companies alone. Though admittedly it would have been harder to do so in Auralis City, the Society was way better at preventing hacking attempts than she was at actually hacking. Still, she could have made millions off of hacking, she could have gotten rich from hacking for big companies, but it just didn't feel right to her.

"M-Mind control? The files didn't mention... You shouldn't... what?" The secretary would take a step back, wondering if she could attack or run, as this Benre could be a complete fake to trick her. Her eyes went wide as she tried to focus in on Benre, not wanting to be suddenly tackled or something by the villainess, but at the same time not having that much she could do. Then she would blush furiously when the businesswoman removed her suit, revealing that she hadn't been wearing underwear, and that she had such an impressive cock, long and thick, with heavy looking balls. Despite herself, the secretary would find herself looking at those for a few brief moments, trying to tear her eyes away from it.

She wouldn't be able to find her words as her eyes started to follow that swinging cock, tracing its every movement, not able to bring her eyes away from it. Something about it just made it so hard to look away, something about it was just too fascinating to stop staring... "H-Have... to... follow?" She barely whispered, all of her focus seeming to go into that pendulus cock, watching it sway back and forth... back and forth... so easy to just watch it now. "Huh...? No not... not... corrupted... Not respected? H-Have to... to work harder? E-E-Everything for... n-no... n-n-... Everything for c-company..." She would weakly protest, eyes not leaving that hypnotic member for even a moment, blushing and instinctively pushing her legs together a little bit as her mind was filled with images of her in a far more revealing outfit, doing everything for her CEO... caring about one thing and one thing only, her work ethic... She had to work hard, do everything she could regardless of who it affected... work... that was what mattered... With a monumental effort she would shake off those images for only a moment, but her eyes would still remain locked to Benre's cock, and her mind seemed to already be cracking under her power...



Penny was already breaking under the thirst and the heat, her body betraying her at almost every turn as she fidgeted in place, the only part of her not wanting to immediately suck Mandra's cock was her pride and her heroic sense of duty. "H-Huh? That's... Nnnnnghhh... that's better at least..." She managed to struggle out, apparently caring enough about the environment that she could still compliment Mandra going back on her evil earth harming ways. It was one of her biggest pet peeves honestly... not caring about the environment... EVERYONE had to live on the planet after all.

Had she been in any right mind to answer Mandra, she would have given a witty retort that the villain could just look at her outfit. After all, her suit was very form fitting, it kind of had to be since she had to deal with wind resistance... It was the same reason she normally wore a helmet so her hair wouldn't be slowing her down either. Though she had taken the helmet off for this patrol, figuring she wouldn't need it, and she wished she had brought it along with her this time. "Wha-... But... Huh... C-Cock...?" She'd gasp out, a part of her already knowing that it was the only answer to the intense heat that was pulsing through her, but at the same time not wanting to accept something like that. And another part of her... actually kind of liked the sound of what Mandra wanted. A life with a casual fuck-buddy with video games and still being able to do some of the things she loved... were it not for the addictive cum, and the villainous intent and enslaving, she might have actually been cool with something like that. And of course, when she went in for a punch, it just ended up getting some of that cum over her hands, making things so much harder as she grappled with an instinctive impulse to just start licking it off her hands...

Then she felt the warm sticky splattering against her back, in her hair, and across her body, making her moan and shiver, falling even closer to the ground, her face right next to the puddle of cum that Mandra had left in front of her. It took her full force of willpower not to start lapping up as much as she could, fighting it hard and still slightly inching closer as she forced herself to keep her mouth closed. Which meant that she wasn't able to put up any resistance to Mandra moving her onto her back, moaning and shuddering just from the sensation of being touched, her body on fire, her tongue insufferably dry, every fiber of her being begging her to drink down that cum, pleading with her to just give in and sate all her desires. Her outfit opened easily, allowing the villain to splatter more cum across the heroine's tits, another loud moan of pleasure as she shuddered on the ground, feeling that cock pressing between her legs, oozing cum into her pussy, her entrance clenching a bit as though it were trying to pull that cock in, Penny's body still doing everything it could to get that cock inside her...

Then that cock slapped against her cheek, snapping Penny back to reality as she realized what was right next to her, not even noticing Mandra moving around to position it like that. Her mouth instantly watered, somehow still feeling intensely dry as she started drooling. And right then, something inside her broke, her desperation outweighing her willpower. She'd suddenly rub her face against that cock just a little bit, taking it in for a brief moment, inhaling deeply, her brain and body both wanting to experience the scent of the cum she was about to drink down. Then she'd open her mouth, wrapping it around Mandra's cock, no longer able to control herself as her tongue explored every inch of it. Her head would start bobbing up and down her cock, tongue twirling around the tip before sliding her mouth down the entire length of the shaft, Penny showing that she had some skill at giving a blowjob. But she wouldn't have control at this point, too much desperation and thirst, so she'd speed up, her super speed kicking in to suck up and down that cock at least 10 times in the span of a second, no biting or violence, but a lot of speed, desperately begging Mandra to cum. She'd keep licking over the head, giving it focus for... well technically a millisecond at a time, but with how fast her tongue could move it would feel like she was licking the head with 3 tongues at once, while at the same time bobbing up and down the length. It would all somehow feel like it was happening at once, her speed so intense that she could be moving her tongue across another part of Mandra's cock before the pleasure of the previous part faded, meaning that it felt like her cock was being sucked and licked all at once, like there were multiple tongues working in perfect tandem to pleasure her, despite it just being one heroine with super speed...



"B-But you... you... you just said your... cum was 'enhanced'... I-I-It has to have been that... I would never do something so... so... so lewd and depraved!" Hailey insisted, still not sounding sure of herself as she protested. A deep part of her already believed Jade, partially because the woman seemed so familiar somehow, partially because she knew that Jade would know the future perfectly even a hundred times over, and partially because a deep part of her was repressed and kinky no matter how little she wanted to admit it.

Her face would grow a bright shade of red as her cheek was kissed and she was tugged just rough enough to make her shiver just a little bit. A small gesture that the average person wouldn't notice, but someone that knew Hailey well enough would notice that, that sign she was trying to pretend she didn't like something. "I-I-I'M n-n-n-not a per-pervert!" Though at this point even she was having some troubles believing herself, especially as she was dragged into the back room, just the right mixture of gentleness but firm force to really start to get to her. Her blush would deepen, and because she was wearing her evening gown, Jade would see that her nipples were just starting to harden...

It didn't help that Jade seemed to know the back room almost as well as Hailey did, something that only employees should know about since they were the only ones that were around there for any length of time. Though she'd raise an eyebrow as a white static screen was brought up on the TV, curious as to how that could ever possibly enslave her, this wasn't some cheesy sci-fi movie that she... admittedly would have watched quite a lot when she was younger. "W-Wait p-please stop! I'll give you... I'll give you anything you want... Take the money f-from the register or... or all the ice cream... Anything! Ju-mppff mnnff mmmnnghr!" She pleaded as the ball gag was put in, static filling her ears, and from experience Jade would know that this too was a deep part of Hailey's fantasies that she had been suppressing. All she could see and hear was the bright static of the screen in the dark room... and suddenly there was a hand sensually moving in between her legs, her eyes going wide in a mixture of fear and pleasure, those hands seeming to know exactly where to touch her to get her going... and then it was over, the pleasure stopped and she'd return to struggling against her bindings, a part of her far too excited by this situation for her liking. And just like that she was alone, her breathing evening back out, her body calming down, if a little frustrated, as she was alone for... she wasn't sure how long. It felt like forever, just staring into that screen, watching and hearing the static, nothing else to see or hear or focus on. After a while she even stopped struggling against the bindings, not able to focus enough and figuring that it wasn't worth the energy. Then Jade was back and something was rubbed under her nose that felt like cum, Hailey unable to smell anything but that scent as an ice cream cone with... quite a bit of.. some kind of cream was presented to her.

With the gag gone, she would speak again, her voice less focused after just staring at static for who knows how long. "Y-Y-Y-You're wrong... I... I'd... never? I wouldn't do thaaaaaAAAgghh..." All of her protests were silenced by a moan, shuddering as she was pleasured again. And despite her refusal to believe it, her mind would start conjuring images of her on all fours begging to be treated like a bitch, to be fucked and used like a slave, like a pleasure toy, her brain unable to stop thinking about that fantasy now that it was put into her head. With her mind distracted by static and perverted fantasies, she barely even noticed that she was suckling on that salty ice cream, loving the taste of it even if she wasn't quite sure what it was. It was more absent-minded suckling at this point, her body still lightly struggling against the bindings, her eyes and ears getting less focused as they were filled with static, a small shiver running through her as her breasts were sensually played with, hands like an experienced lover running over her. Her eyes were already starting to get just a little glassy, but with her struggling and refusal to completely believe Jade's words, it seemed that there was still a little bit of fight left in her, the static pushing her, but her mind trying desperately to find someway to refute everything that Jade had already told her, grasping for anything at this point. Her body wasn't moving towards Jade's touch, but it already wasn't shirking away, responding to her skilled hands while her eyes were losing focus a little bit...

"I hope so, Mistress... I really do..." Lota would comment, feeling guilty about a few things that had happened with MM. And if Deva thought back to it, she'd remember that MM had been the only other heroine that she had seen shake off any mental effects, whether it be weaker forms of mind control or full on psychic assaults on her brain, MM had enough discipline and control over her own mind to shake them off. It was the only power where MM and Deva had ever stood on equal ground, both of them able to deal with possession and mind control attempts alike with enough effort. Even with the reassurance, Lota would blush deeply at the lewd ideas she had on the powers Deva could use to help make the enslavement process easier. "O-Okay Mistress... I love you too... I-I'll tell you about them later... even if they're so... lewd..." The mage would agree, knowing that she shouldn't always think these kinds of lewd thoughts, but happy that Deva still accepted her and was okay with it when it was to help humanity get happily enslaved.

Emma would look up at Deva trustingly, nodding along and smiling at her. Whenever she felt any trace of independence, or scary feelings of her own desire, she could just think of Mistress, she could think of how small and subservient she was when compared to her Mistress, how feeble and helpless she felt in Mistress' arms. She couldn't do much without her Mistress, that was how things were. The heroine would sigh happily when her tear was wiped away, nuzzling gently into Deva's hand as another sign of submissiveness. "Yes, Mistress..." Emma would agree before making a soft sigh, the both of them blushing as they felt those telekinetic hands teasing their pussies, leaving them warm, squirming just a little bit, and blushing in shy embarrassment from something so naughty. Yet at the same time, knowing it was their Mistress, they couldn't help themselves, feeling aroused and ever so slightly spreading their legs, a deep part of them wanting more, wanting their Mistress, a part that their shyness and fear of the world just couldn't completely keep down.

"Mnaaahhh... Love you too... Mistress." Emma would respond in time with Lota, both of them nodding in agreement as that wonderful warmth spread through them. Even when told that they should do what comes naturally, they'd nod, but continue seeming shy and embarrassed, seeming just the slightest bit hesitant, But not because they didn't understand Deva's orders, but because this shy and meek way of acting was what came naturally to them as they indulged in the desires that they just couldn't help. Then as Deva shifted to show her long, throbbing, impressive cock, the both of them couldn't bring their eyes away from it, no matter how deep their blushes grew or how shy they became, it was so hard for them to look away...

They would shake their heads a bit when asked if they couldn't look away, both of them very embarrassed that their eyes seemed to just stay there despite how much they tried to be good girls. It was so lewd, so strong, and it was Mistress' lewd thing... And because of that they just couldn't help themselves, their eyes roaming every inch of it, from the lewd head that was oozing precum, to the throbbing shaft that their eyes couldn't help tracing, to Deva's full balls that seemed so full just from looking at them. The image was filling their head, every little detail being slowly memorized, their faces growing redder when Deva mentioned the bit of drool that had started to trickle out of their mouths, their posture changing a bit more to make them look even smaller and meeker, wanting to be good girls but unable to stop looking at that throbbing cock. With all their embarrassment... they were still harem-slaves to Deva, they still desired their Mistress' body. A deep part of them was eternally thankful that Deva did want them to desire her, so glad that despite their lewd thoughts and actions they were still able to make their Mistress happy. And as she shifted to show off that cock, their eyes would go just a bit wider, suddenly seeing that beauty from a new angle, feeling their heads caressed, the pure joy of Mistress' approval mixing with the sight of their Mistress' cock, burning the wonderful sight of it into both of their brains, keeping it there to the point where they would see it even when they closed their eyes. The mixture of feelings all working together to keep it in their mind even with all the shy embarrassment.

The both of them would look up to Mistress, nothing but trust and neediness in their eyes, their Mistress' approval making sure that they felt no guilt from their lewd desires, just their meek, shy, embarrassment that Deva liked. It was okay to do these kinds of lewd things... it was their duty, and their Mistress approved of it, so they could indulge a little. They would explore that throbbing cock, their hands stroking it and learning the feel of it after taking in the sight, still having to look up at their Mistress for approval, needing her there so that they could do things... They were dependent on her, they needed her, even now as they were pleasuring her and could feel that warm precum starting to run over their hands, neither of them pulling away unless their Mistress wanted them to.

They of course would still look up at their Mistress, they were submissive, meek, subservient slaves, they needed to know that their Mistress was there and that she was okay with what they were doing. And their eyes would widen as Deva mentioned the cum going to waste, their embarrassment once again flaring up, but at the same time they really didn't want ANYTHING from their Mistress to go to waste. Plus... even with how lewd it was... they couldn't help but wonder how their Mistress tasted... everything else about her was so wonderful and amazing... it only made sense that the taste of her cum would be just as incredible as everything else about her...

Emma's cheeks would swell as Deva pumped so much of that sweet, sticky, creamy, and incredibly delicious cum into her mouth. Her eyes would slip shut for a moment as she got that taste, part of her unable to believe that even the lewdest part of Mistress would taste so wonderful. But at the same time, the proper slave part of her understood that her Mistress was perfect, so it was only natural that even her cum would be absolutely perfect. Meanwhile, Lota would look on in... well... it wasn't really envy or jealousy, more just... yearning. The mage was happy to know that her slave sister, the woman that she loved, was getting such a wonderful reward, but she did want to taste it herself as well. Before long, however, Emma's mouth wouldn't be able to contain all of that delicious cum, some of it starting to spill out and slide down her face, not wanting to lose even a little bit of it. Emma heard Deva, and wanted to kiss her slave sister, but she was worried, that was even lewder than everything they had done so far. Kissing when her mouth was already full of her Mistress' cum? Her face reached the reddest it had been since she had met Deva, wanting to do that but at the same time hesitating at the lewdness. Lota was the same way, wanting the taste, but not sure if that was something that a good girl should be going. Though the both of them would shudder in pleasure as those telekinetic hands pleasured them more insistently, keeping them nicely aroused through this entire experience, ensuring that their minds couldn't get away from their lewd thoughts. Both of them would nod slowly when asked if they would like help with the kiss that Deva wanted, feeling powerful, yet gentle hands pulling their heads close, neither of them resisting in the slightest. After all, what kind of good girl, or harem slave, or submissive lover, or just proper slave, would ever resist their Mistress? The two of them would be brought together to kiss, Deva's cock right in the middle of their lewd kiss, Emma filling Lota's mouth with that cum, giving her a taste as their tongues would wrestle a little with Deva's cock in between, both of them kissing around it, creating a mess of cum and saliva. It was a sloppy mess, but one that Emma and Lota were happy to indulge in for Mistress, both of their tongues pleasing Deva, focusing on that for a moment as their tongues seemed to move, hesitantly at first, but picking up a little bit of confidence when encouraged, sliding around Deva's cock, showing love and desire for both one another and Deva as they made out.

Then they would be guided to separate, Emma moving down lower, again looking up at Deva for encouragement, not wanting to take a single step that her Mistress didn't approve of. But when she got it, she would lovingly kiss Deva's full and heavy balls, finding some level of comfort in the embarrassment, knowing it was lewd and improper for a good girl, but also knowing that Deva didn't mind. She would lick and even suckle just a little bit, making sure her Mistress' balls got the attention they deserved. Lota would meanwhile move up, kissing the tip with that same loving reverence, rewarded with more of the sticky, sweet, warm cum that the two of them had been sharing only moments ago. They'd continue licking back to the middle where they would meet again, sharing the cum all over again, letting both of them enjoy it as they embraced one another, love and submissiveness coursing through them from this entire experience, so grateful to have one another and to both serve such a wonderful Mistress. And now that they knew what their Mistress wanted, they were able to do just a little more, not needing the direct guidance. Though they would still give Deva their shy and embarrassed looks, still looking for a little encouragement, partially out of their own meek nature, and partially because they could tell that Deva had liked it. They would continue kissing and pleasuring Deva, making a sloppy, lewd, yet loving and submissive mess as they pleasured their Mistress.

Hearing their orders, the two would pick up in speed a little bit, Lota moving down to the balls this time to kiss and lick them, while Emma went to the tip and got another mouthful of cum that the two would happily share when they met up in the middle again. Both would continue to lick, kiss, embrace, share, and switch places with one another, picking up speed a little bit, growing a little more 'confident' if you could call it that as they picked up speed. More accurately, they understood that their Mistress wanted them to go faster, which left less time for them to hesitate and reassure themselves, instead focusing on pleasing and loving their Mistress and each other, encouraged on by her words alone. Their tongues would keep running up and down the length of that incredible cock, both of them pleasuring and swapping cum again and again, kissing lovingly with Deva's cock in the middle, all to pleasure her more. Both of them switching back and forth between the balls and the tip, meeting in the middle to sloppily share the delicious cum, still keeping Deva's dick in the middle to ensure that even when they shared and loved each other, their Mistress would get just as much pleasure. And they would keep at that, increasing their speed while keeping to that pattern, knowing what Deva wanted from them, and doing that as much as possible to please her.
New art cause old art herp a derped!

"Oh, this is a non-private area.. your country and it's silly privately owned spaces... See, this kind of issue is why I need some secretaries, I can't be asked to remember all countries laws..

Then again, I guess with God's Hand taking over it wont matter anyway, old habits." She chuckled. "But I do love me a girl with high morals. You know, don't polute the enviroment, don't bribe people, don't work just for profit.. you make the best spokespeople, plus there's something.. capitalistically pleasing about hollowing out your ideals and filling you up with a greater need to generate profit for your owner. My own little perversion, mostly roleplayed out, I will admit. Ever watched captain planet? Guess whom I rooted for." Lady Benre grinned as she approached the secretary-girl.
"I'm a low class telepath and a high class hypnotist though. Together, that means that not only could I change your mind, I know without changing it that you'd be genuinly more happy working hard and. hmnn.. bad but being praised for it than being underappeciated. only understandable, of course. Now, should we let the bad girl in you loose?" Benre mused, slowly swaying her hips, that large cock swinging back and forth.. back and forth, glistening at its tip..

"I call this Cocknosis, a special talent of mine... but enough chit chat, let's get to work. You like getting to work, don't you. You like being appreciated by your employer." Mistress Benre cooed, flicking her staff, stepping up close to the secretary-heroine, grabbing her by the shoulders, slowly, gently pushing her to her knees, .. not even with lewd intentions, but this way, that swaying, distracting.. entrancing cock was right up in her face..

"Hooh.. Nice mental resiliency, you are resisting. Good job on your resistance, that will help you with further employment at my company. Now, tell me, where do you see yourself in five years and do you have any questions about our company right now?" Deceptively mundane and misleading questions that everyone had heard and was trained to respond to. Benre smirked lustfully as she let her cock swing back and forth still, a string of cum oozing from it, glistening right before the half enthralled secretary as Benre continued. "You got to work hard to get this employment, you know.. there are many competitors. You got to do whatever it takes. But don't you worry, I'm a kind mistress. we wont change much about your mind at all, you don't want to be a mindslave, right? Then let's do that, ok. We'll keep your morals just as they are.. you don't want to lie for your CEO, you don't want to do dirty things for your company.. but you just can't help it, can you, you little secretary slut!" Benre moaned out lustfully, suddenly, taken by her own desire, grabbing the woman's suit and beginning to tear it off of her.

"You just want your employers appreciation that much you'd do whatever, wouldn't you? Lie and cheat and service her sexually.. oh what a naughty slave-secretary you are! I bet at this point you can't even tear your eyes of of my swinging cock, can you!" She cooed and moaned, grabbing her cock and presenting it lustfully, standing tall and strong and pulsing before the entranced heroine. Lady Benre was perhaps a bit straight-forward, but it felt.. so good to do these things to the little moral knight, and, directly under her influence, only the most strong willed, or perhaps someone getting help could still hope to escape her, as her cock pulsated in the girls mind and soul....

------------Meanwhile, Penny found herself confronted as well...----------------------------


Mandra chuckled, considering the circumstances not sure if Penny was being cute or silly to still care oh so heroically.
"Y'know, if it makes ya happy I'll let you whizz about doing hero stuff when I'm napping or somesuch.. though your proper duties would be to me and my cock and cum, of course. Heroes gotta make poor girls like me feel good and protected, right?" She grinned and pushed forth her C-cup breasts a little.

"'s a pretty chill life, really, we're sorta like Mafia enforcers.. well, we were, guess right now we just need to slow you lot down or somesuch, reduce numbers 'n all that. Anywhoo. You just chill out, if people behave, you have fun and fuck and play." Mandra tried to cajole, not even getting the whole sense of honor thing Penny had going on. "Also.. you're getting pretty slow for a speed-slut.. Somethin' on your mind, eh?" She smirked, victoriously. "Y'know, smartest thing to do against me would be to run away and let the effect wear off, but.. well, you're soon gonna need your buzz too bad to do any of that... Figured you dumb slut would be doing the whole heroic struggle rather than retreat though, so predictable.. Listen, it ain't that I loathe you heroes, but underestimatin' me just cause I grew up with a bit of a rough street-edge to my vocabulary and shit ain't cool, yo?" She insisted, casually, almost absent-mindedly stroking along her cock again, this time whilest very decidely watching Penny...

"Ya can keep on and try fighting it too.. but once you got a good shot of my cum-drug, not like it'll matter for long hon." She chuckled, slapping her cock against Penny's cheek again, only to let it stay there, press into her, and rub up against her slowly, hotly, leaving a smear of precum that tingled on her skin.. and continued to tingle warmly as it was absorbed into the poor heroines body, setting her senses ablaze.

"Haaah.. aah there you go.. was a bit concerned about your suprising will-force there, I suck at the subtleties of these things but.. haah.. now that you're sucking." Mandra sighed and exhaled deeply, contendly, smiling down at the speedster. "Woaah.. that.. this feels amazing.. as I suspected.. woah you give an amazing blowjob.. haah.. yeaaah.. aaah..." Mandra sighed, and the speedster could feel the pulsing of the cock slowly spread out, like a wave of lustful arousal, before the cock exploded, depositing some of it's warm load into Penny's mouth. Immediatly, Mandra reached out, grabbing her noise and holding her mouth, cooing, with a dangerous, but lustfully aroused glint in her eyes.
"Swallow. Hmnn.. yeees.. that's it... don't you worry, as soon as you do it, all that burning, hot thirst, will disappear, I promise.. Mostly anyway. You'll become a nice little cum-addict for me too, but.. hey, I promise to give you what you need and keep you well fed as long as you remain a good girl, deal?" She cooed, brushing her hand through the helpless speedy heroines hair, lustfully licking her lips and trying to endure the super-speeded blowjob, to let the girl feel the full burn of her lustful thirst. Not that it'd matter for much or long anymore...

"Hey.. look at me, I'm all laid back ain't I?"
The secret leader of the Futa's Three nodded, with a grin.
"I mean, yeah, my cum's enhanced, gift of an associate of mine. She was in.. some sorta experiment, long story. Mandra, spiffy lil gal. Not little all over though.. err.. make sure not to suck her cock randomly, her addiction tends to stick around and overwhelms mine.. I mean it you perv, don't make me spank you." She grinned.
"And you keep speaking like a first time outta the closet pervert. Heh.

You know, this is a favour for you, kinda work for me. Going into the past is not entirely recreational.. fun as it is watching you squirm. I do have to make sure you're all enslaved by the end of it, else you'll never know these hours we spent together, you know?" Jade mused, sounding.. almost nostalgic, about things that, far as Hailey knew, had not yet happened.. w.. would not happen. Right?

Jade's hand snuck up innocently, cup-rubbing Hailey's nipples through her dress in a slow, deliberately encouraging lustful way. "Give me anything I want huh? Hailey, I told ya' already and will so again.. I want YOU." Jade chuckled,.. and simply continued, past the redheads pleading.
"I mean, not gonna lie, perhaps I did break you a little.. am breaking you a little with this treatment.. but you know, can't break you into things that weren't already there, eh?" Jade chuckled to her white-noise treated, half sensory depraved, half futa-mistress teased little slave-pet to be.

And on and on her hands played. Jade was, just like her powers, nothing powerful, overwhelming, or even special. She was simple.. inescapability. The static, the images, they wouldn't stop. "No amount of resistance would make them stop." Did Jade say that, or did she think it? "Her mind was slowly turning to mush." while Jade's hands caressed along her sex, spreading her open, caressing her, nothing but these caring hands to distract her from the droning of the static. More delicous, yet slightly salty flavored ice fed to her.

Suddenly, the static of the TV turned off.. and the headphones only relayed empty silence, .. almost a jarring contrast to the noise before, as Jade, quickly as she could, replaced the TV with a mirror, where Hailey could see herself, staring at the mirror and, in the shadows behind her, barely visible yet standing above her, was Jade, whispering. "This awakens you a bit back to consciousness, doesn't it.. but too little, too late, look at your eyes, unfocused, lost and emptying out nicely." She exposed the girls spread pussylips, caressing upon her soft belly and cooed, suckling on her collarbone. "Soon.. some more. Empty. Defeated.. some would call it lifeless, almost.. but I call it filled with love for the lewd things I'll do to you. Here." Jade leaned back, her mighty shaft swinging in the darkness, hinting, tempting. "Do you want to feel it within you? Do you want to be freed to serve? Look at that woman in the mirror.. stare at her, obediantly.. You got to make her look more obediant.. think you can do that? Don't tell me I need the gag to silence that silly doubting woman in the mirror again.. With a gag, you can't suck, right?" Jade wagged her finger, yet cooed lustfully.
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"It's ok to be shy about your .. lewd ideas. You can just whisper them in mistress ear, ok?" Deva promised, tapping her earlobe and winking at Lota playfully. "Goes for you too, Emma, I know you might sometimes have a nice, warm dream about mistress and her thing, or perhaps even your slave-sister. It happens." She adviced, while telekinetic hands held the heroines steady, cupping their sexes, petting through their arousal-wettened pubic hairs.

"Hmnn.. it seems that what comes naturally to you, first and foremost, is being sweet, shy, enslaved lovely girls.. how nice." She praised.
"It's alright.. it's perfect. Nurture these shy and meek urges of yours until they are fully in control of you.. shy girls can never make mistakes, alright? They're just too cute and shy to. You're so shy.. that's why you can't help obeying.. Can't help yearning for me, right?" Deva continued nurturing her slaves dependance gently.

"Too shy to look away from mistress mighty thing, to not memorize every little detail of it..." She cooed. "Even if you close your eyes now, there it is, long and strong and thick and throbbing, right in your mind to adore and obey." She nodded. "My sweet harem-girls. Alright.. done putting that nice image in your head to help you relax? oooh wait, look at the other side.. you should take that in as well... that's good.. that's a good girl You can't fight these urges, so.. you gotta give in to them, as lewd as they are. No wonder you are always so shy and easily emberassed with those kinky thoughts hiding in you.. but it's ok.. it's all ok for mistress." These and similiar things she would whisper and nod, whenever one looked up to her for approval, heavy to give the guidance she now made both girls need so direly, happy to be their guide through their own lusts.
She cooed and couldn't stifle the smallest of giggles at Emma's growing emberassment.. Such a cute slave girl she had for herself. She'd treasure her, always.. she thought, even while guiding her slaves to give each other a sloppily naughty cum-kiss.
Another heavy gushing of precum hit, with a proper angling, now Lota's cheeks, dripping and oozing down onto her chest.

"Very good, my girls.. so very good. Look at you, so lewd and happy,...so very lewd.. but I guess you can't help it, it's the fault of my deliciously tasting cum, isn't it? Even with how emberassing it is, you just want that cum..." She nodded, with more than genuine appreciation, nurturing the girls natural desires and clingyness.. not really for her own gain, just because they were that cute.. and if they trusted her completely, she could protect them better. Her extended hands rubbed through thin air.. and both of her girls could feel an intense, warming pressure against their pussies.. not tight or demanding enough to truly pull forth their lusts.. Deva let her slaves desires work on that all on their own.

The mighty heroines balls were throbbing and heavy with cum, encouraged further by Emma's eager assistance. "Good girls.. this is how you work together too, through your emberassment. Lota helps collect that delicious cum that Emma helps me produce and then shares it back wit her sister.. this way both of you get your tastes.. hamnn.. though my arousal is building was, with how cute you two are..." She exhaled.
"I want you two to try and get more and more aroused, prepare to climax at my command, ok? It's alright if you don't manage to yet.. we got lots more training coming. But it'd make me very happy if you were that great girls already." She encouraged, one hand briefly stroking along her sloppy shaft.
She gripped her side, moaning out suddenly, with both her sweet girls speeding up more and more.

"H.. h-aaah.. yeees.. that feels good.. alright.. here.. hold still.. open your mouths and close your eyes.. let's get you used to this.. ooh.. you made mistress feel very good.. My beloved girls..." She moaned out, holding her shaft straight and aiming.. a thick, powerful gushing of cum shooting, splashing into Lota's mouth from the tip pushed up against her lips, filling her cheeks round and full, before Deva quickly pulled over, a string of naughtily glistening cum connecting the two pairs of lips as her second gushing of cum filled up Emma's lips, though that was far from all of the heroines climax, sticky cum oozing over Emma's cheeks, dripping onto her chest, filling her up and, if she tried to swallow it all, swelling her belly. Lota too was quickly splashed in cum, stickying her hair and gushing over her body. Deva meanwhile exhaled, gently, telekinetically gripping the two girls and turning them to face one another, reaching out, kneeling between them, her shaft still oozing a small puddle as she cupped each girls sex, leaning back and smirking lustfully...

"Open your eyes.. Look at each other.. haah.. you lewd girls made mistress so horny, she turned you into such sloppy messes.. DON'T look away.. look at each other.. know thats just how messy you look.. it's so lewd.. you are spoiled.. perverted.. you can't help it, can you? I want you to feel that heat of emberassement growing deep within you.. deep, all the way deep here, in your bodies." She applied subtle pressure to the girls pelvises with her hands, without ever stimulating their sexes much... on purpose.
"It's so emberassing.. you are so timid and you want to be a good girl so badly but look at how messy you two are.. you can't do anything about this, you are so helpless.. so hot.. can you feel the heat building more and more? You naughty girls are going to gush your climax all over mistress hands.. and there is nothing you can do about it.. it's coming, can you feel it? It's too strong to resist, too hot, too emberassing.. embrace this feeling of helpless shame. Don't fight it.. you are too weak.. embrace the shamefulness and just let mistress take you away to release the heat.. Climax at my command.. I'll count for your little hot special places.. ten.. so warm.. nine.. it's so emberassing, but you can't look away.. eight.. feel your hands wander to touch up to your stickyness? Seven.." With the subtlest of telekinetic guidances she had each girl did the emberassingly lewd act of touch the semen she had pumped onto them, play with it, stare at it.

"Six.. you're going to cum at mistress command.. Five.. and there is nothing you can do about it.. Four.. your body is so ready now.. the heat is too strong. It's overtakingy our reasoning.. Three. Just good girls, about to surrender to mistress.. Two.. almos there now. Too late to stop it. One.. it's coming.. CUM FOR YOUR MISTRESS!" She commanded, sending a subtle, telekinetic pulse into each of the girls pussies.. they'd not need it anymore soon, but for now, training them to be all hers.. it was just too tempting not to continue to give her very best for that, as she did in all things.

Then, once the girls had obeyed, she'd embrace them, pull them close and hold them up to her chest, burrowing both of their faces warmly and lovingly, letting their bodies twitch in helpless, lustful obediance while her hands held them steady, cuddling her slaves close to herself, lovingly, possesively.
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Rita would stand still, a blissful smile having spread across her face as she just stared and basked in the aura of worship that Gloria emitted. Her eyes would go wide in awe and helplessness as Gloria got closer... unable to stop herself from falling to her knees when that glorious, incredible, wondrous, intelligent, magnificent, and so beautiful angel came near. She'd put up no resistance to the headset being pulled off, just smiling from her knelt position. If someone as wise as this angel decided that the headset was no longer needed, then the lower ranking heroine would not struggle in the slightest against it. Instead she just continued staring at the angel, only a small shred of resistance left keeping her from openly praising the perfect being that was so far above her...

The remnants of her mental training continued to act up, fighting against it even when the rest of Rita wanted to give in completely to the kind and benevolent angel. But those... unimportant... memories would just fade away as she felt that small part of her being removed, the pale streak in her hair proof that she had lost those memories. Any ability to resist mental influences seemed to just flow out of her mind, her eyes growing just a little bit more blank now that those unneeded memories just disappeared. With that she would remain kneeling, listening to Gloria's words, her previous resistance and confusion now starting to fade while she watched all the transformations going on around her, tattoos and piercings vanishing, heights changing, bust sizes adjusting, and she looked down to notice that those same changes were slowly starting to take effect with her as well. She would smile, nod, and relax when told to just bask in Gloria's aura, a wondrous feeling of warmth flowing through her. She would look left and right, seeing so many gorgeous women, all identical at this point, removing their clothing and freeing one another of material bindings that had become the only real way to tell them apart. Then her own clothes were torn off, the ever fading resistance still keeping her back, remnants just enough to hold her together as she just blissfully accepted everything around her. Looking down... she saw the angelic mark that her pubic hair had become, and that her sinful pussy had formed into a much more pure, worship filled balls, and her clit had grown into a beautiful cock, as was the will of her angelic Mistress. Then she would shudder a bit as hands suddenly reached out, grabbing her new cock and cupping her balls, a small moan escaping her lips, the first sound she had made since coming under the effect of Gloria's aura.

She made a high pitched noise of pleasure as the first few drops of precum started to flow out of her cock, unnecessary memories flowing out along with it. Those memories were sinful, impure, they just weren't needed. Though Gloria's words would cut through to her mind, nodding as she made sure to stop kneeling just a little so that she could keep up with the procession, making sure to stay with her angelic Mistress. She desperately wanted to praise and worshpi Gloria, she wanted to be completely freed of all sin... In the corner of her vision, she saw more and more people being brought into the crowd, glad that others were able to learn this blissful obedience. Though she did wonder what was happening when she saw some of them kissed deeply, a nectar starting to ooze out of the corners of their mouths. What on earth was that? But that question was almost immediately answered, as one of her sisters pulled her into a kiss, a sweet, sticky substance filling her mouth so much that a good deal of it would start drooling out of the sides of her mouth. She would drink down some of that holy nectar, shivering in pure bliss as her thoughts and memories and resistance all felt like it was sticking together and oozing out through her cock, which would drip more and more precum as it was stroked, letting all that unimportant chaff flow out of her mind. Then she also felt more of those useless thoughts and memories flowing out of the corners of her mouth, drooling that holy nectar after such a wonderful kiss. rita understood things so much better now, there was so much unimportant things left in her mind that Gloria, her Mistress, the most wonderful angel, all of her mind and body and soul belonged to her. Her mind was emptied of unimportance, she was another happy, faceless, nameless member of Gloria's convent, a slave drenched in holy energy. She started to happily hum, a song of devoted praise to Gloria, enjoying and remaining close to all of her sisters, a proper slave slowly and properly being formed thanks to Gloria's energy. Thoughts and memories oozed more and more out of her cock, rita losing the unimportant things as they stuck together and were either drooled out or flowed out of her cock.

rita saw as Gloria came to the girl next to her, talking about her place in the Society before becoming a part of this happy convent... And despite all the individuality that she had lost, all the resistance that had flown out of her, rita found a few memories left over from when she was an... individual... The word itself felt wrong to her, but it was still there. In fact... just a little tiny bit of resistance was left, a little bit left of her mind... And so she would manage a small, just loud enough to be heard voice, speaking up, feeling wrong to do so, but her resistance working... "Was... me... part of... society... lowest rank heroine... nothing important..." She answered honestly... that resistance working instead to give Gloria that information so that she could be completely wiped of individuality. All she wanted to do was to give herself completely, as such she called upon the last scraps of her individuality to be rid of it once and for all... Though after speaking up, she would look down in shame, knowing that rita was not meant to be an individual, and as such she would kneel down and prostrate herself before Gloria, giving herself to the angel's mercy and hoping that the last of her individuality could be removed, still drooling holy nectar from both her mouth and her cock.

Gloria stood tall and proud above the lesser masses. By design, humans were filled of sin. But through her power, she could cleanse them of the things that brought sin. Where there was dreams, there were ambitions, were ambitions clashed, there were winners and losers, evil was born. But without ambitions or dreams of their own, humans were peaceful, obediant. Pure.

Smiling blissfuly, like most of them.. though Gloria sensed a dissonance. A lack of agreement, in rita's heroic training. Someone like V or Deva would have congratulated the resistance. To Gloria, resistance from being like the others was not something commendable, it was a nuisance at best.
Gloria's power was not a power in itself, but rather a lack of ability. Super-heroic humans, to her, where even more a stain upon humanity. The greater ones ability, the greater pain they could potentially afflict others with. Her angelic aura took away that ability, that uniqueness, that failure of creation, and made it void. Whatever abilities Rita once had.. it didn't matter. Only imperfect, lesser beings required other powers to aid their cause.. although Gloria would refrain from sharing that opinion with the rest of gods hand.

When Rita showed a little hint of uniqueness, remarked that she had been the heroine, Gloria chuckled. She did not say 'my bad' for she did not make mistakes.. she could not allow herself mistakes, infront of her congregation that was somewhere above zombies and machines, but certainly below individual humans, even below the individuality of the swarm. She looked at rita thoughtfully for a brief moment.

"The stain of the heroes society, keeping your trapped with remnants of what you once were. Quite cruel.. after all, anyone trying to restore you now would only give you suffering.. Indeed, you seem to suffer right now, with the curse of remains of what was once you. I do not have need for individuality, slave. The only ones that act independent are my angels, but they are not chosen because they are the most individual, but because the opposite is the case. They were the ones I emptied so much I could fill them with a new identity. To my side, Nariel."

Gloria commanded, and, just a few moments later, rushing, as if called to the most urgent call in the world, because she was, another angel stepped to Gloria's side.

Her hair had once been red, her dress yellow, her eyes.. shining, and not empty like they were now, though they were still blue. Nariel, Gloria's first created angel had an empty expression that, to rita, spoke of pure bliss.

"Nariel.. despite basking in my aura, this one has remnants of thoughts and an identity of their own. I do believe this is some society training regiment, keep that in mind. Usually, out of a thousand humans only one is fit to become an angel, but I am feeling generous.. and, once my aura is gone as I head into battle... I will need more angels to guide the flock. I will preserve my holy powers for the coming fight.. so you will sodomize her and purify her further. Destroy all traces of filthy individuality and self esteem, teach her how empty she is.. while I prepare her to become Nariel."

Gloria commanded the priorly enslaved angel, while lifting her spear, pointing it at rita.. a powerful pulse of whiteness hitting her, crushing something within her slowly, tossing it away ____ was not sure what it was-
____ hesitated. ____ had lost something that was important to it. To her? Who was she?

"Present yourself, Nariel. Now, make her one of you. You want her to be an empty vessel of my divine will, right?" Gloria nodded to ____ that was prostated on the ground. ____ wanted this? She did not want much on her own, but Gloria wanted it and ____ had not much desire of her own... no, wait, there was a desire.. to rid herself of these desires of her own. Gloria spoke again:
"I loathe resistance.. but I recognize it, begrudingly. Though, rather than respect it, I think it a reason to make extra sure to stomp it out. My worshippers are expected to be empty and obediant.. but my angels are expected to be so empty and obediant they can hollow out others, purify them of sin. So I shall 'reward' your resistance by emptying you, just like I emptied the first Nariel, so faithful and obediant you will want to share it with the humans you once belonged to.. praise me, for being allowed among the host of Nariel." Nariel.. was that it's name? As the glowing white staff of Gloria was presented before her, Nariel directed to take her and stroke her distant-memories oozing cock and most of all, as Gloria's mighty, commanding gaze rested upon her, a mark, just like the first Nariel's, beginning to form and mark her body, the heroine that had once been rita was growing more and more sure of this one truth. She was Nariel, one of many identical angels doing the great archangels bidding. Chosen, not for her uniqueness and talents, but for the exact lack thereof and filled with mistress divine will and essence... but first,
Nariel had to be cleansed.

The Huntress continued breathing in those powerful pheromones, not even thinking about what those could be doing to her. All she knew was that the scent was primal and made her drip in heat as she struggled with the wolf. And now that she had shut down the higher reasoning in her brain, now that she had shut out those distracting human thoughts, she was having a much easier time wrestling with the wolf.

Her instincts would continue to take more and more power over her, as wolfish features grew all over her bare naked body. Her powerful form grew even more impressive as she found it easier and easier to face these shadow wolves, her skin and fur glistening with sweat, both from the exertion of the fight and from arousal. And with every moment she would grow more and more animalistic in her fighting before finally managing to pin down the wolf. But by that point she had inhaled so much of Beastmistress' musk that she no longer was even thinking about why she was doing this, and instead was just focusing on the primal urge to fight.

And now that she had fallen completely into the primal urge, the next urge she felt ruled over her. Rather than worry about why she was trying to win, she would immediately embrace the powerful lust that was surging through her. She'd impale herself on that red, throbbing cock, riding the wolf with wild abandon, her body almost moving on its own to wildly fuck the wolf that she had just defeated. Her body was hot, she was breathing heavily, and any of the composure that she had was gone, replaced by wild lust and animalistic moaning and panting. Then she felt a hand across her belly, not even trying to fight it off as she instead heard those words worming deeply into her mind. The heat that Beastmistress spoke of would flow into her, not being resisted any more, as the animal side of her was in control now, and the heat felt good, so there was no reason not to let it in. The more composed and human part of her might have tried to fight this, but it was pushed away thanks to the power of Beastmistress' musk.

She would wantonly moan as she felt that knot pass into her, warm semen pulsing into her from the wolf, causing her to shudder and moan with carnal ecstasy. Then she'd take a few moments, breathing deeply as her mind was filled with nothing but submission to Beastmistress. She had won, yes, but she was not in charge, Beastmistress was. Beastmistress was the proper alpha, she was the one in control, that was how things worked. The animal half of her quickly fell in line once those ideas solidified in her head, causing her to moan a little more, the body and eyes of a proper werewolf having overcome the heroine. And now that she heard her order, she would immediately work to fuck any traces of humanity left, just as her alpha ordered. She would fuck and fill herself with primal lust until she no longer had any more humanity left standing in the way of her powerful, heated, lustful, primal, animalistic side that had already show its superiority over the pathetic human half.


The two vampire thralls were now happily in the service of their Mistress Lily, the both of them enslaved to her will in eternal pleasure filled servitude. They couldn't disobey Lily, and they would not disobey one another so long as they knew it would not conflict with their Mistress' wishes. The two of them did feel guilty, however, that neither of them were the best at coming up with awesome names, even for someone as wonderful as their Mistress. The issue was that they didn't know what Lily's own 'enhanced' form would be like, making it even harder for them to give a name (though admittedly they likely would have issue even before that). Still, if it was anything like Beastmistress, then the two of them knew they'd be in awe of the greater levels of power that their vampiric Mistress could use.

"Thank you... Mistress. I do feel prettier now that I have cast off my mortality to serve you..." She would agree, kneeling down before her Mistress to further show that her submission was both unquestioning and eternal now that she had been gifted with eternal life, or she supposed eternal un-life. "It is wonderful to have a new thrall for you, Mistress... Thank you so much for bringing her under your power..." The First Thrall would say, wishing to find some way to show her gratitude, wishing that she could give even more than her life, soul, body, and free will to her Mistress in thanks for this incredible feeling. Both the thralls looked at each other as it seemed that Lily was ready to clean up after Beastmistress, passion and love in their eyes now that they had been united together once again. All the anger that Bolt Storm had felt when she was alive had turned to gratitude towards Mistress for bringing her back to the one she loved, and anything else had just worked to further fuel the love she felt for her partner.

Hearing her order, the two thralls would immediately turn to look directly into Lily's eyes, not a hint of resistance to the power that she had over them. Their love and connection with one another was twisted by their Mistress' power, turning from pure love into lust and carnal desire. Their minds were filled with fantasies of their bare, pale, soft bodies without a hint of clothing covering them, the two pressed against each other in lust, lewd and carnal fucking. They heard their Mistress' orders and would continue staring into those glowing eyes, their fantasies of romantic dates shifting into public displays of carnal pleasure, their wishes to work together to stop villains turned into a craving to erotically seduce more into their Mistress' thrall, the two of them working together in erotic ways to bring more and more humans in. Fantasies of spending simple nights together warped into the two of them eating one another out before their Mistress, doing everything they could to put on a lewd and seductive display for their Mistress. The intense and passionate love that they felt for one another turned to a lustful desire, an erotic and carnal need for the other's body. The two of them felt every bit of their thoughts shift the way that Lily wanted, and not only were they not resisting, their bodies would heat up just a little bit in response as they enjoyed it. The thoughts they had of one another causing their nipples to grow stiff and their pussies to grow even wetter.

And once they were released from their Mistress' powers, they'd immediately pounce at one another, pulling each other into a deep and lustful kiss. The two would pull their clothes open, not ripping them apart but making sure that they had access to their most intimate parts as they quickly got to fingering one another and licking and biting, embracing the carnal hunger and desire of a vampire until their Mistress needed them to help wrap up what Beastmistress was doing.

Bethany was rather clingy, especially with people like Earl Grey that she cared about. That was part of why she was bad at saying goodbye, but in this case she understood why she had to leave so suddenly and had to help her Mistresses.

When Deva placed a hand on Bethany's shoulder, her eyes would go a bit wide in surprise and happiness, her blush deepening even further as she shuddered a little from her Mistress' touch, heart beating even faster now. Even such a small sign of approval brought another level of joy to her very soul, and she couldn't believe that she was so lucky to have her Mistress approve of her in any way. Any thoughts or worries in Bethany's head would completely fade away when her Mistress kissed her, completely docile and submissive even when kissed. She smiled shyly at her Mistress, unable to keep herself from blushing, especially now that she felt true and complete love wash over her, all the feelings she had already had for Lota, and the admiration that she held for Deva from the stories she was told all bubbling into even more powerful love. "Y-Yes Mistress... Thank you for making me yours. I love you." She said, mostly looking down timidly, occasionally bringing her eyes up to the wonderful heroine that she was enslaved to.

The young heroine was eager to work, eager to be useful to her Mistresses, eager to help others understand how wonderful this all felt. She was a hero, it was her duty to do what was right for the people, and considering how wonderful this all felt that meant it was her duty to help spread this enlightenment to everyone. "I... Um... I'm good at making magic machines and um... upgrading things... At least... I've been told I'm good at it..." A part of her knew that she was better than most people when it came to those kinds of things, but even then she had problems believing that she could do better than most of the impressive heroines.

Bethany would focus a little bit when told to give her Mistress access, the headphones glowing a little bit with magical energy before her Mistress was given complete access to the device. Though when she pulled the headphones off, the heroine would feel an emptiness in her head, looking at the tentacle a bit longingly. She liked the feeling of the headphones deep in her brain, and now that they were gone she realized how much she missed it. Then she would gasp and shudder just a little bit as she felt the tentacles slide right back into her brain, smiling as that familiar and wonderful feeling returned to her. Only now they pushed in even deeper, all of her thoughts and any possible lingering resistance being pushed aside by those wonderful tentacles, made even better thanks to her Mistress' power. She felt her own submissiveness flowing into her, a wide and blissful smile growing on her face, still blushing knowing that her Mistress was there, and knowing that she was the one to give her this wonderful gift. The enslaved heroine would nod in agreement, the world was frightening and mean, it scared her so much, and made her worry and doubt herself... but now she had the headphones, there to link her directly to Deva. "Linked to Mistress..." She agreed with a happy sigh, blushing still, but genuinely smiling. Then she'd shiver some more as the tendrils grew even deeper into her brain, wanting them as deep as they could get, wanting to be linked directly to her wonderful and perfect Mistress. "Slave-Headphones... They protect me. Completely worth obeying Mistress and Gods Hand... It's worth it." She determined without any hesitation. Things were so scary to her, and so having something that kept her comfortable, something that allowed her to be happy, it was worth complete submission to her wonderful Mistress. And she needed her slavephones... Needed them to keep her safe and happy and protect her ears from the bad things in the world... she never wanted to take them off. And when the headphone was kissed, when the tentacles in her brain writhed in pleasure, Bethany would do so in turn, writhing in pleasure and happiness now that she felt that exquisite submission.

"Yes Mistress... I'll never take these off... Don't want to take my Slavephones off..." She agreed without the slightest hesitation. Even before that idea had been reinforced by her Mistress she wanted to keep them on forever. And now she would let them hear for her, let them be her ears while they fed thoughts of obedience, submission, and subservience to her Mistress. She thought that she couldn't rival other heroines, that was absolutely true. With everything that she could do, it still didn't feel anywhere near as incredible as those that she worked with like MT, or even MM when it came to coding... But her own thoughts didn't matter... not when she had Mistress' voice slithering deep into her mind, unable to be ignored or resisted. Bethany nodded slowly, letting Deva's voice fill her. "Could never fight this slithering... deep in my mind... So nice... Mistress' voice..." She agreed, her eyes growing a bit blank again as she let those wonderful words and tentacles impart those ideas deep into her mind. For the briefest moment the tentacles would encounter resistance to the idea that she could rival MT, probably the only bit of resistance left in her devoted brain... but that would be pushed aside with ease, and Bethany would nod. She could do this, she knew she could do this because her Mistress told her that she could. There was no way that she could doubt herself, as there was no way that she could doubt her Mistress. "Can't doubt Mistress" She agreed. Though her eyes would see the throbbing bulge in Deva's uniform, making her blush furiously at that realization, arousal only matched by her embarrassment... Even when her brain was filled with thoughts of obedience, seeing that managed to embarrass the shy, young heroine. Sure she had known that things like that had happened thanks to Gods Hand, but properly seeing that she was arousing her Mistress caused a storm of emotions in the woman.

"I... I can do it, Mistress. I promise I'll do everything to help You and Gods Hand." She agreed. Meanwhile Lota would smile and give a small bow to her Mistress, blushing just as deeply at the sight of Bethany being enslaved. Bethany, meanwhile would somehow manage to go even redder when told that she would be allowed to pleasure her Mistress as a reward, embarrassed and aroused by the idea of that. Miss Fortune gasped in surprise as she was pulled in, but would not fight her Mistress' powerful and wonderful grip, nodding in agreement. "Yes Mistress... I promise I'll rest." She agreed, not even trying to argue against her dominating and loving Mistress. She knew that her Mistress always wanted to best for her, so if she wanted her to sleep then it was right for her to sleep. They would all smile and blush as they were pulled into that hug, all of them enjoying the closeness to their Mistress. And feeling her kiss would make all of them shiver a little, smiling happy with slightly empty, enslaved eyes that spoke to how much they loved and worshipped their Mistress. Deva's slaves would respond that they loved her too, blushing faces betraying their embarrassment as they felt so helpless and happy in her embrace. They never wanted to be separated from their Mistress, and so they would all do everything they could to ensure Gods Hand was victorious. They wanted everyone to know this blissful feeling, and they wanted to be able to serve Mistress without any worry, so they would do their very best to help their Mistress and Gods Hand, wanting to make good on her promise to remain in her possession forever.

Bifold would find it soothing as well to be pet by Veronica, shuddering softly and smiling up at her partner. It just felt right to listen to her, and just as wonderful to feel her dominant program approving of her like this. "Oh I can't wait to be optimized... I know my role, my love... Just like with programs, and with lovers... Everyone has their role. Mine is to be subservient to you." She said, knowing where her place was, and more than happy to be there for the one that she loved... for her superior program. It made her heart beat just a little bit faster, and a feeling of comfort that she hadn't experienced in a long time.

She wasn't one to be as poetic as her lover, but she was absolutely touched by the things that Veronica was saying. "It's like that for me too... There aren't exactly words to describe how I feel about you... and being upgraded... It's a submissive joy... a servile love?" Even those words were ones that she hadn't used much before meeting Veronica, but now they sounded beautiful and proper pouring forth from her very heart and soul. "That which I was before... it doesn't matter. What I want is to be yours. Change whatever you need to make us closer together, my love..." The former villainess would tell her, wanting more than anything to be a perfect partner for the one that she loved. She was ready, no, she was eager to give her free will, her body, her everything to Veronica to ensure the two of them were together. Then she would give a soft sigh of pleasure when she was playfully groped, smiling coyly up at Veronica, eys full of genuine devotion and love, enjoying how much her partner took charge in any situation. Bifold may not have known the full extent of Veronica's power over her, she didn't know exactly that her partner could rewrite her to become hopelessly addicted to her voice, or her touch or kiss, or anything like that, but she did know that her partner could rewrite her, and even that idea was incredibly hot to her. If she even knew those details she would've found that just as erotic as everything else, it was true devotion that she knew she could never get away from. She wouldn't be lonely, she would always have her partner, and that made her happy.

Bifold was already rather quick to pick up on what her partner liked as she sucked her cock, tongue and mouth moving with a decent amount of experience, but more than that, a level of eagerness that showed she wanted to learn how to make her wonderful partner feel even better. So as she was fed that data on the right techniques to pleasure her partner's member, she'd put them to work immediately, focusing on the more sensitive parts, and the feeling of that hand against the back of her head only encouraged her on, wanting to make sure that she could give her partner as much pleasure as possible. Though when she stated that they wouldn't be apart, Bifold would look up, still sucking on Veronica's cock, but her eyes showed love and gratitude at that reassurance that the two would be together. Then when ordered she would continue pleasuring her robotic partner, only listening to the conversation around her as her eyes and mouth focused in on Bifold's cock. When she heard the things being said she would feel her heart beat a little more vigorously as she explained the 'issue' to Victoria. She wanted to be together... she would take enslaving her thousands of times rather than enslaving thousands of others... It... It made Bifold feel truly and honestly desired, something that felt so incredibe to her. Once the conversation finished up, Bifold would want to interject for a minor thing, pulling off of Veronica's cock with an audible 'Pop'.

"My love... Err... I think I can help at least on um... enslaving a few others... I um... I've always wanted pets... And you could... You could take some... Uhm... heroines for that... If it helps..." While she would not have the same level of love that she had for Veronica, she did like the idea of keeping a few people for fun... Her heart and body and mind belonged to Veronica, but at the same time she felt the two of them could enjoy pets or servants if Veronica wanted. "You come before all... My love. I just wanted to offer reason if you wish to take more..." She explained, ultimately leaving the choice up to her love, knowing that was how things were meant to be.

She gasped when when she felt Bifold pushing into her mind, seeing what was essentially her reality completely shift into that of a tropical paradise, alone on a beautiful and sunny beach with the woman that she devoted her life, soul, and body to. Her brain directly and carefully manipulated by Veronica, seeing the beautiful beach around her, feeling the sand on her knees as she knelt down beside her Mistress. The scents all felt completely real, the fresh sea air, the sweet smell of her Mistress' body, and the scent of cum in the air that made Bifold's mouth water. Then the taste hit her, the wonderful and intoxicating taste of her Mistress' cock, and the delicious taste of cum flowing over her tongue. It made her shiver, pussy growing even damper now as all of it felt so real to her. Her eyes shut, but she still knew that she was sucking her partner's cock, she still knew that her hand was gripping the base to make it easier to suck, she felt her knees in the warm sand as she did it, and the pinch to her nipples that made her eyes go wide in surprise and pleasure. Then when it felt as though she needed to breathe, she would pull away from that marvelous cock, a small bit of saliva connecting her to that cock for a moment before she took a deep breath in, smiling up at her perfect Mistress. Then she felt her bikini bottom shift from her lover's hand, making her smile, actually feeling better now that she was slightly showing off to her partner, glad that her partner wanted her like that, her pussy ever so slightly poking out thanks to the shifted bikini bottoms.

Bifold felt even more touched when she saw that Bifold took on her appearance as well, knowing that her body, her appearance, her everything belonged to Veronica. And that was how things should be, she knew that. She was the slave routine, she was loved and cared for, but ultimately everything was decided by Veronica. Veronica was the one in charge, she was the dominant one and the one that needed to be obeyed. "This is so beautiful... My love... I will do everything that you wish... Thank you so much for giving me this to enjoy..." She said, so glad to have been able to feel all of this. "Don't decide... Just obey." She agreed without a hint of resistance or even time to think about it. It was perfect, she knew her place, and that was just to obey and follow her smarter, more dominant half. "Yes... My partner. I promise I'll call you that from now on." She promised, saying the word 'partner' with an even greater level of devotion and reverence than she had used the term 'Mistress'. Bifold moaned as her pussy was spread, actually feeling happier to keep her bikini on, knowing that she was completely revealed to her partner, yet still had 'clothing' on, it made everything feel all the better. And with that she was guided right back to Veronica's cock, excitement clear in her eyes now that she could get back to sucking off her partner. "I love you... My partner." Bifold would earnestly state before returning to sucking Veronica's cock, not even thinking about anything that might be going on in the 'real world', instead wanting to enjoy the moment that she could spend with her wonderful partner, focusing on her beauty, the taste of her cock, the wonderful taste of cum that she got, and just how much she adored and loved the partner that would never leave her.
(Hard to find good wolf pic still, so here's a compromise!)

The werewolf-villain purified by God's Hand smirked lustfully to the huntress giving into her primal urges. "Good girl." She praised, panting a little after the rough and tumble, as well as the energy required converting a human into a wolf-beast like her. Still, she praised The Huntress like a beast.. not a human.

"Fight.. and fuck." She named the two most important things for her new packmember, her innate ability to control those animalistic enough holding a firm grip over The Huntress.. as she'd know, if she had the faculties left for it.. still, the new member of God's Hand was panting, and clearly nearing the limit of her own more combat-oriented wolfish form. She raised a hand and focused, making sure to put her new pack-members urges firmly in place.. not that she needed to, the heroine was lost to the amazing feeling of canine cock penetrating her so wonderfully already. "Hamnn.. it's alright to embrace this lewd heat. Come with me, I'll give you all the wolf-cock you can dream about. You'll have time to spent the rest of the night fucking out the remainder of your human reasoning, until then.."

She glanced over to the vampiress peering over to her, nodding impatiently. Yes. They had to retreat before any more heroes showed up. She was actually pretty exhausted after fighting someone that knew her well, and Lily was not a combat-type.

"Mortality is.. suuuper boring. Why do a dead if you can just play with Lily forever!" The vampiric villainess enthused.

"Also, you's prettier in pale!" She added, pat-patting each of her thralls heads. She grinned at the devoted expressions of her thralls. "You's want to serve mistress more, yes? Dun worry, can help drain yummy super-thrall number three later. Maybe! Will see what we finds." She offered.
"But later. You's gotta rest in comfy coffin, Beast-mistress gotta condition her new pack-slave, Lily.. wants to enjoy watching her two horny thralls." She grinned. Admittedly she had enjoyed twisting the purity of the two into passionate lust. She was still a lewd undead, after all! If they were all purely loving they weren't as easy to control as they were, filled with dark desires for each other and her.

"Welp!" Lily grinned, having observed the two vampires lewdly making out with one another (a great way to lure more victims too, in the future!) but it was time to retreat, for now. The futa-trio could take care of themselfs, but Lily, despite her apperance, had the patience of centuries.. she'd take slow, small victories over a larger defeat any time.
She clapped her hands together, before gesturing to her undead-sluts.

"Go go, pick up New Friend and Beastmistress, Lily gonna work on way out." She nodded, folding her hands, shadows gathering and.. forming into what looked like a little cart, the kind you'd find on a festival, with a cartoon-vampire decorating the front and enough space to carry multiple people. Along the way, she began decorating the wagon with candy-canes and tinsel, whilest trusting her thralls to gather everyone involved, and load them up onto the wagon.

And, with the apperance of a skeletal hore to pull the playfully macabre carriage, Lily drove off into the night, at an unusual speed, and with her tracks slowly fading away into the night-sky as God's Hand claimed two more heroines...

"Mistress believes in you. All of you." Deva softly restated. Not that this wasn't clear, she felt, but it seemed to do the three lovely girls good hearing it again and again.
"Don't struggle against anything that's happening and I will guide you to a happier path in life.. which is what I intend for all of humanity now."
She nodded.
"The only true pain I want there to be left for you to experience is the slight aching deep in your chest when you think of me." She promised. She was aware that humanity itself could not only be motivated by positive emotions, they had to strife for something, fear something.. but why not have that be pleasing mistress, or disappointing her, as opposed to more serious anxious things to worry about. She smiled and extended a hand to pet Bethany's cheek, encouraging her timidly compliant attitude some more.

She grinned and, in a lustful moment, leaned forwards to kiss Bethany's headphones once more, causing the tendrils within to wiggle ever so slightly more, encouragingly.
Of course, with Bethany's submission, and the tentacles linked directly into her brain, there was little need for gentleness, Deva could tell her slave whatever she wanted, and it'd be nicely delivered directly into her brain to obey.
Of course, she could still tell things nicely as well, and that's what she prefered.

"You are so pretty with your slave-phones." She praised, and the image and truth of Bethany's prettyness whilest wearing her slave-phones slid nicely and securely into her brain.. The leader of gods hand gave Bethany a deep, loving embrace.. and then gave the same to Lota and Miss Fortune, just so none of them could feel jealous!

Then, she lead the three heroines back to the hideout of God's hand, movingly swiftly underground, chuckling as she invited them into her relatively sparsely equipped personal chambers...
"Perhaps Lota can magic up some decorations, but for now... Strip" She commanded of them, smiling at their embaressment, nodding encouragingly, her shaft throbbing at the beautiful girls before her, in her thrall.

"I -want- to molest you more, but even if you've all given yourself willingly, a lot has happened to you.. we can work on project Veronica first thing in the morning, well, almost first thing. For now, I want you to sleep and your mind to recover.. and solidify it's brainwashing.. no complaint!" She chuckled, guiding the girls to snuggly fit under the blankets, but also making sure to softly encourage their hands to rest upon one another, instructing: "You're with slaves of your mistress.. nothing is unusual about making each other feel nice and warm and helping your friends dream about me. Just relax, drift off into a nice, warm, comfortable cloud of happy dreams, ok? Pet through each others pretty hair down there, nice and just a little bit wet. Massage each other down there to feel nice and relaxed. Good girls."
She smiled and encouraged.

In the morning, Bethany awoke, feeling a clear urge, a sense of purpose. She knew what she had to do, where she had to go, to help upgrade a secret weapon for God's Hand, because the instructions were directly fed to her brain, with a wiggling of tentacles, and a feeling of mistress soft lips on her own.

Lota too, found herself occupied, mistress must have whispered instructions to her in her sleep, telling her to add defensive magic to the hideout of God's hand, to take her time and consolidate their positions, both here and in the city, whilest The Second, Fourth and Fifth lead the primary assault on the city.

Only Miss Fortune was unaware, to a degree, of the war in the city, as she found herself, in a cute pink PJ (Lota had summoned it, presumably), before her mistress, who was sitting, half-reclined on a chair and watching a camera-feed to the streets of the City of Justice.
"Good Morning.. are you feeling more in control after a good sleep?" She pondered.. and then there was a soft pulsing in the enslaved heroines mind. "Are you feeling an urge to attend my body? It's alright. You can use your mouth to attend any part of my body you'd like.
You know, a part of me wants to be out there, to quickly and decisively end this fight once and for all, but.. clearly my bursting in and unleashing all of my powers has not worked entirely. Victoria's strategy is up now, she hopes that with the loss of Lota and more and more of the city losing control, MT will be the one most easily lured out upon the City-streets. If we aquire her, together with your cute slave-sister Bethany, we can find a way to.. counteract the measures MM has put into place against me, which will lead to a decisive victory. If they do not use MT who, at least as far as I know, after Lota has the highest combat-potential, we'll just slowly but steadily take the city as ours, and turn this into a siege that The heroes cannot help to win."
She explained to her lucky slave. "MM might be able to easily anticipate any strategy we come up with, but that is of little help if none of the routes lead to victory. Plus, she should still not be aware of the full potential of Project Victoria, she most certainly only expects a nasty robot, which is just MT's area, not the culmination of divino and arcanocraft as well as the willing host we provide for Veronica... although I'm sure there are a few nasty suprises in stock for us as well."

"Correct!" Victoria grinned, and nibbled on her lover's neck. "We are ment to be a mighty creation to end a conflict, that is why ensuring your compliance was important but.. this is so much more than this." She smiled, extending a hand to caress along her lovers soft arm.
"Don't worry, however, I've already changed so much, us being apart again is an existential impossibility now. I could easily erase or supress your will and was given authority to do such, if absolutely necessary.. but I do not wish for that, I enjoy watching you bow of your own will, bending yourself at my whim." She affirmed, with a hint of lust.

Veronica nodded, then moaned heavily under her partners lewd attention.
"You wanted pets? Hmnn.. I could create lesser copies of my program, to create.. more like us. Share this joy.." She theorized, moaning under the heroines attention to her throbbing shaft.
With how eager Bifold was in accepting her minds rewriting, Veronica smirked playfully, allowing her partner to experience just a hint of the processes rewriting her sensations and understanding at the current time, a pulse of raw data overwhelming a fleshy brain, prepared to accept and process it constantly.

She could feel her subservient mind being adjusted, her mere enjoyment of being exposed ever so slightly blossoming into a deep desire, an urge to let her lover see just hints of her cute pussy exposed by the lack of her cute swimsuit, an urge to stoke her lovers desires.

There was a lustful sigh as Veronica simulated a climax, encouraged and driven on by the lewd attention of her partner on her shaft, a simple, but inescapable command send to her to cum, as Veronica softly massaged her slave-routine's pussy, letting her feel the warm wetness of her climax flow upon Bifold's lips, taking her time, as ever so slowly, the tropical paradise around them began fading away.
"We have a visitor who will complete us." Veronica finally nodded, turning to the door, her mostly human, but clearly augmented body shifting on the metal table they'd been lying on all this time, as a blonde, cute girl wearing a headset and an ever so slightly revealingly cut dress entered- propably, Bifold recognized her, although most data of her memory had been absorbed and sorted through.. perhaps she was -allowed- to recognize this one?

"Hello. I am project Veronica, in development stage. I am to be the Trump-Card of God's hand in this final form. We hope you can unlock the ability that V has been seeding within us to it's full potential, you can see all relevant data about me on the screens around you." Veronica presented, before preparing herself for updating...

(Can rp on here, but perhaps also worthy of a -until later-! Cut. *nodnod* up to you!)

Six Shooter and Shade were busy doing their best to fend off the mosquitoes, not really answering Insectra's taunts yet. It seemed that the two at least weren't as dramatic as her, or they weren't as dramatic when they were focusing on defending themselves. "Eu-What now? You speaking nonsense?" The Cowboy-based heroine would complain, not knowing what eusocial actually meant, just knowing that she had to take out the villain in front of her. "She's talking about an insect way of living... She's trying to put us in her Hive as well... Please at least TRY to use context clues in the future, Sister..." The shadow based heroine would say, rolling her eyes a bit at her sister's lack of knowledge. "I assume you're not hiding because you're confident that you can beat us... But it's good knowing that taking you down will take out the entirety of your little swarm. You catch that bit of info MM?" Six Shooter would say, seeming to speak into some sort of device that could just barely be seen on her ear. That was another part of the Society's large plan... it didn't matter how many heroines got enslaved, if they got more and more information to their leader, they had faith she'd come up with some sort of plan. Of course, that didn't mean the two weren't going to try and stop Insectra now that she was right in front of them. They were just good at making sure their back up plan would work.

The gun based heroine would narrow her eyes a little bit when Insectra mentioned that she was trying not to hit her sister, and was planning on not killing the bug woman. "Half right... I definitely could've put one right between your eyes with a finger twitch... And I do have full authority to kill you if things go bad..." "We were just hoping to take you in and get information instead... It'd be a shame to lose a tactical resource like that..." The two would lie. Neither of them had any plans to kill, and honestly there was no "getting permission" on killing a villain. MM had made it clear to each and every heroine in the entire society that killing a villain was grounds for extreme punishment, which could include being completely expelled from the Society. She condoned a lot of things in order to protect the innocent, but killing wasn't one of them. Lying, however, was one of her favorites.

"Fuck..." She would shout when she saw Insectra going into the giant wurm, immediately firing off shots at her to try and stop her, the bullets hitting her chitinous wings. But from there she would focus on shooting at the wurm, bullet after bullet firing out of her gun, striking at any weakpoints that she could see on the wurm, and if she saw none she would just keep firing at it. Meanwhile, Shade would use her shadow magic to pull both her and Six Shooter out of the path of the wurm's first charge, allowing the gun based heroine to focus solely on shooting and aiming. Normally it was up to the shadow magic heroine to focus on defense, using her magic to dodge and block attacks. She prepared to do more to get the both of them out of the way, but then the wurm fell apart and Insectra fell out.

The two heroines would look at one another now that the villain was on the ground before them, wondering if this was supposed to be some sort of trick. But they weren't going to get anywhere by doing nothing. So Six Shooter would immediately point her pistol directly at Insectra, firing a bullet right by her head, perfect aim so that she wouldn't be grazed by the shot. "That was your warning shot. Make any sudden movements without us telling you and I'll end you here and now..." Meanwhile, Shade would be focusing on her shadow magic again, a shadow arrow floating before her and pointing at Insectra as well, to add to the threat they had on the woman. "Get up and hold your hands above your head. No funny business. We're gonna put you in a sealed off cell and stopping this little invasion here and now."

However, the two of them didn't seem to notice that Insectra had been using her hand while on the ground to bring something new into the field. Both of them were intently focused on her, needing to keep their eyes on her to look for any sudden movements...

Sleight would roll her eyes when Cassandra took the time to comment about her breasts. "Oh a boob joke... A true master of comedy you are..." The leader of the heroines would state, voice dripping with sarcasm. Though that would be a little undermined as Steamroller held a hand to her mouth to mask her quiet laughter, apparently enjoying the succubus' humor far more than her leader was. Most of the team was actually rather good at focusing, Cassandra's lewd comments and appearance not affecting Escalta, Steamroller, or Sleight. Lapin meanwhile was just incredibly embarrassed by the entire situation, with Blast Man being the only that had been affected by how sexy her opponent looked. "Let me spell it out for you. When I call your group 'little' I mean it's inferior, lesser, beatable. Do you have any clue what the Society has been able to accomplish since the death of the woman you're apparently puppeting? Defeating and destroying 6 of the 7 Princes of Hell, you must have known some of them, yes? We've fought adaptive super intelligent AI, Greek Gods, Amorphous blob creatures that couldn't actually be harmed, and anything in between... So when I call your group 'little' I mean that it's another threat that I KNOW we can handle." Even if she wasn't able to be victorious here... she had seen the Society overcome far worse odds... Plus if her gloating could demoralize the enemy, then it was worth it. Plus she took pride in some of those accomplishments since she had a hand in some of them, taking them as another sign that she was better than many others, her biggest goal in life.

The short, powerful heroine would give Cassandra a thumbs up when she said that she'd be able to choose the animal she became, but otherwise wouldn't say anything. She didn't think she'd get turned into an animal today, but she could at least acknowledge that her and the succubus seemed to have a similar sense of humor. Just because you were enemies didn't mean you couldn't share a laugh.

"I. Don't. Bottom." The former con artist would almost growl, Cassandra touching a nerve with the things that she was threatening. "I told you, it was a shell game didn't I? Should've clued you in from the very beginning. Didn't expect you to lift both shells though..." She made a mental note that if the succubus was ever reformed she'd make an excellent mark for even her more simple cons. Sure she didn't do it to people on the streets, but a harmless bet among heroes won through sleight of hand wasn't against the rules.

For the first time, Lapin's blush would drain from her face, seeming to have been set off by something that was said. Her face would be red, though now it seemed to be more out of anger than embarrassment. "I do not 'Have the Hots' for Leah! I LOVE her! She's cool, and funny, and nice, and doesn't make fun of my ears, and helps me whenever I feel sad, and helped teach me to control myself with... err... things, and is the prettiest person I've ever met! So keep your weird lewd comments to yourself!" Hearing that would make Leah pause again, not rushing after Lapin when she heard that. "M-Mooo- L-Lapin?" Of course, before long she would return to trying to hug the bunny girl, because it was something that she liked doing and less because she was ordered to do it. "Doesn't matter whether's it's the hots or love... The both of you didn't register it... If you did that they'd have probably picked Delta or Iota team to handle this... Heh... Good to hear that Leah found someone that likes her though... Our relationship was mostly built around sex if I'm honest..." Blair would comment... leading to him getting knocked in the face by an incoming chunk of ice, hitting him back before he'd lift himself up, reminding himself to focus on the fight at hand. And while Lapin would keep trying to avoid the Cow-Woman trying to hug her, eventually she would be pulled into a grip, and her eyes would go wide with realization, the hug feeling incredibly familiar to her. "L-Leah... It is you... Wh-What have they done to you?" But even with that she wouldn't be able to break out of that grip, because that would mean harming and pushing against Leah, but that meant she couldn't do anything to get out of this...

Blair HAD noticed that her cock was slightly smaller than Lindsay's, but didn't mention it because he kind of hoped that Lindsay hadn't noticed... Blast Man, meanwhile continued to eye up Cassandra, taking in every inch of skin that she was so generously showing off. A clear tent would appear in his pants, licking her lips some more as fantasies ran through her head of bending that succubus over and showing her who's boss... properly punishing her. Then she'd gasp as her cock was gripped, eyes widening at the kiss, not sure what was going on as her body pulsed with heat, growing and transforming, cock throbbing in unrestrained lust as she could see herself getting bigger. He felt his balls churning, his desires surging through him with his new form, groaning a bit under the new urges to just eat, fuck, and sleep... a simple but ultimately enjoyable life.


"Don't care about the name..." Blast Man would note, still not used to his new body and the new sensations that came with it. It also didn't help that his mind was solely focused on those base pleasures now, meaning that something like a name didn't seem to matter to him anymore. He still seemed rather confused though, the sudden change breaking through the lust just a little bit, enough to not understand the transformation entirely. Though when asked if the body felt good he would nod just a little, at least able to tell that things overall felt better than when he was a man, and certainly enjoyd it more than when he was a woman. "I'm a con artist... You really think you're gonna trick me with the 'I don't actually control them' schtick? I'd sooner believe you telling me that my parents were both aliens." Sleight would scoff, not trusting people very often, least of all one of her enemies. It was actually one of her bigger weaknesses, because she was both obsessed with being the best, and she was used to always trying to trick people, she had problems trusting others, even her own team sometimes.

The new Blast Man would look at Sleight a bit more angry now, remembering the insults and the ways that she used to order him around. And right now he knew for a fact that he was stronger than her... that he deserved to take her and punish her properly for every time she acted like his better... He'd start to advance on her, though once he got close he'd suddenly eat a punch from Steamroller, her super strength knocking him back halfway across the room. The silent heroine apparently able to take a moment from her fight to protect her team leader, and still having considerably more strength than the minotaur... Strength was her whole deal, after all, but she was one of the best at it.

However, even with that, Sleight would take a look around at everything going on. Lapin was stuck in the grip of the cowgirl and the tentacles, there was no way that she was getting out without a heavy fight... So they had lost their ability to copy powers, that was a major loss. Blast Man wasn't on their side any more... Which meant one of their two ranged options was already taken out. In a match up between fire and ice, Sleight didn't exactly like Ice's chance, so Eskalta wasn't as much use as she'd normally be... And S had already retreated, and it seemed as though the 'shapeshifter' trick wasn't going to work... So that left her with just herself and Steamroller as primary offensive threats... "You want another formation? Alright... Epsilon... 479." Suddenly Steamroller would look at Sleight with shock and disbelief, and the Ice Mage would do the same, both of them expecting anything but that. "Sleight... You don't..." "Someone has to report this incident... And I'd rather lose me than lose the entire team trying to win... Besides... If I hold them off for long enough you guys can bring back up." She'd say with a reassuring smile to convince her team that this was all part of her plan. And with that, Steamroller and Eskalta would start to retreat out the same path that the shapeshifting woman had left, both of them covering each other in their retreat...

Meanwhile, if Cassandra or anyone else tried to chase after the two of them, they'd be cut off by a giant playing card suddenly appearing and blocking the path, further covering the retreat. "Spend my whole fucking life trying to rig things so luck's not a factor... But here it is again biting me in the ass. I'm smart enough to know I can't hold you off to get reinforcements..." That was just a lie that she had told her team so they would be willing to leave her behind. "But I can hold you off long enough to ensure their retreat..." Saying that, she'd pull out decks upon decks of playing cards, holding them in her hands with a solemn look on her face.

"Or we could not waste either of our energy... I know they won't be back here in time... I've lost... Fuck I hate those words... Shit... Anyway... You beat me. But I still have the full belief that I could make this annoying for all of us. So if you agree to let SteamRoller and Eskalta go... I won't put up a fight. I'm smart enough to know that no matter what I do, you're going to be messing with the water supply. I also know that I can't escape, and that honestly I don't think we'd be able to save Lapin considering you somehow got her fucking girlfriend... But it'd save us all a lot of time if we could at least agree on that..." Sleight offered, seeming more angry with herself than anything, swallowing her pride and accepting the humiliation to try and ensure the others escaped. "A leader has to be ready to give everything up for her team..." She muttered to herself, repeating a lesson that she had learned from MM herself. Keeping her hands on the playing cards in case any of the animals tried to attack her, ready to give everything up now that she had at least saved a few of her team members.

"Those 'silly laws' are exactly how people can catch criminals like you... Never forget that Al Capone wasn't caught on murder or conspiracy or robbery or anything of the sort... He was caught and imprisoned on tax evasion..." The secretary would comment, knowing that those kinds of laws could help them when they needed to catch the more clever criminals. Sometimes you had to hit them with the minor crimes that you can prove rather than the giant crimes that you know they committed.

The secretary didn't see too much need to comment on Benre's little fetish for corrupting those that care about morals into her company, having seen quite a few strange things working for rich business executives. "You seem like the kind of person that took the severely wrong message from Captain Planet then..." Was the only thing that she would mention, using her hacking skills to try and finish this rather quickly, having set up a few traps that she'd be able to remotely control once Benre got too close to her floor. Unfortunately, because of the telepathic skills that the villain showed, she had assumed Benre hadn't made it to the traps yet until it was too late.

"I'm not... I'm not... bad..." She tried to protest, not sounding as confident in her morals as she was a few moments ago... Her voice grew distant and unfocused as Benre continued swinging that cock, her eyes unable to tear away from that perfect member swaying slowly back and forth... back and forth... Something about it was so enthralling, so difficult to look away from... and did she even want to look away from it? Her eyes would follow it intently, not missing a single movement as she watched it. She had been so focused on trying to pay attention to Benre, that her eyes had been drawn almost immediately to her hypnotic cock.

"Like... work... Really like... being appreciated..." The heroine would agree, that part being true even before she had met Benre. She seemed almost paralyzed as she stared at that cock, barely noticing as she was gently pushed down to her knees. She wouldn't resist at all, sinking down to her knees both because she barely had the mental capacity to understand what was going on, and because it brought her closer to that beautiful cock. A slight relaxed smile would seem to start creeping onto her face as she stared at the cock right before her eyes, swaying right in front of her face. Her eyes followed it even closer, taking in every detail of her throbbing member...

Were she fully aware of everything going on, the secretary would be confused at the standard interview questions that Benre was asking, but she was too distracted to really question those kinds of things. "Five years... See myself as a good worker and a useful part of... company... Entrusted with more responsibility... Questions? What's the... Work Environment like?" She asked, figuring that those questions had to be answered if she wanted the job... Was she trying to get a job? Well... she was being asked questions so it seemed right... Though any further thoughts down that end would end entirely as a string of cum oozed down from that hypnotic cock, swaying and glistening, further driving the woman's mind into nothingness. Her eyes would become glazed over completely at the string of cum, her smile growing a little as her eyes seemed enthralled by the string of cum dangling from that hypnotic cock. Just the slightest bit of drool would seem to slide out of her mouth as her eyes carefully followed that string of cum, any other thoughts being completely pushed out of her mind. Benre's words would flow into her mind, being pushed into her mind by that wonderful cock. She wanted this job... and she didn't like to lie or steal or act immoral, she knew that was wrong... But she knew she just couldn't help it like a naughty secretary slut... she couldn't help doing whatever her CEO wanted... whatever she said, even if she knew it was so wrong... so bad... so naughty... Benre would have no trouble pulling the secretary's clothes off, revealing a slightly lacy black bra and matching pair of panties.

"Want... appreciation... Do anything... Service my employer... slave-secretary... Can't look away from... beautiful cock..." She would mindlessly agree, pressing her legs together just a little bit, a wet patch visible on her panties from Benre's cock. Her eyes remained locked on that cock, seeing it pulse and sway, filling her mind completely, pushing out every single thoughts as she stared at that beautiful cock. She stayed kneeling there, looking directly at her cock, watching it sway back and forth, completely enthralling her, her own eyes going completely empty as she could almost feel it pulsating deep in her mind and soul, pushing out all of her own thoughts and allowing Benre's words to sink deep in instead.



Penny was even more surprised to hear that she would be allowed to continue being a heroine when she wasn't in the middle of servicing Mandra's desire... Hearing that... there seemed to be no part of this deal she didn't like... Sure her main duty would be to service Mandra's cock and make her cum and get her fix... but she could still do good for the city when she wasn't dealing with her more important duties... She hadn't even realized that she had mentally moved Mandra's cock as being more important than being a hero, the addiction, the scorching heat, and the dryness in her mouth had all worked together to make that cock seem like the most important thing in the world. "Y-Yeah... Gotta make sure... people feel good and... protected?" It seemed right... Didn't help that she had cum on the brain right now.

While she was definitely hearing what Mandra was saying about what their life would be like, she wasn't exactly able to think about it on a deeper level. Right now all she knew was that life would give her cum... It'd get her cum now... It would get her cum later... It would make sure that she could always get her fix of cum. Considering how driven she was by heat and thirst now, that was reaching the point in her brain of becoming a top priority. "C-Cum..." The heroine would struggle out when asked if she had something on her mind at this point, unable to focus on looking tough or professional or anything like that. While she wasn't one to look down on others just for how they grew up, she did absolutely underestimate the villainess. She was so used to being able to overwhelm her opponents quickly, she hadn't even considered that they'd use a strategy built around just making contact with her. Had she been focused enough she may have been able to realize it was better to run off and wait out the urges in her... But they were already unbearable to her. She couldn't imagine having to not give in to these feelings and get her fix. Even if she had been smart enough to run away at first, the desires would overwhelm her and her incredible speed would just end up being used to make her way back to Mandra.

Penny would actually moan just a little bit as Mandra slapped her cock against her cheek, feeling it press and rub against her skin, breathing deeply to inhale more of that scent. And it would leave a smear of precum against her cheek, making her body tingle insistently, the heat just growing worse... Yet she wouldn't be able to control herself completely, and her own hand would come up and rub her cheek, spreading more of that precum over her cheek and soaking more of it into her skin, her body wanting more and more of that cum. She'd be panting heavily now, her body shaking a little from need, wanting to take in more and more of that cum... NEEDING more and more of that cum.

The heroine had enough experience to be good at giving blowjobs, and enhancing it with her super speed meant that she'd be pleasuring Mandra with an extreme level of skill. She'd ramp up, getting faster and faster, and at some point it would feel like another tongue was added to the mix, feeling like four different people were blowing her at once despite it just being one very fast heroine. One or two tongues would focus on her head, twirling around it, another would be running up and down her member, taking her entire length into her mouth, and another would be down licking, kissing, and sucking her balls, making sure that the entirety of Mandra's cock received pleasure, seemingly all at the same time. And because it was one woman doing all of it, those tongues would all work in perfect tandem, keeping the exact same rhythm with one another. Penny's heart rate would raise as she felt that cock pulsing with lust, her body knowing what was coming and growing even more excited. Then it exploded, pulsing and filling her mouth with warm, sticky, salty cum, a load filling her mouth, her body incredibly eager for it at this point. She felt her nose getting pinched, but that didn't matter to her... it wasn't like she was planning on losing this wonderful cum. Penny would nod in affirmation to Mandra's deal, to be a good cum-addict and be a good girl for Mandra so that she could get her fix. The heroine would eagerly swallow that cum, having planned to do so from the beginning, not even needing her nose to be held closed. And when she did her eyes would roll up slightly, her body and mind already eager for getting this cum, needing it so desperately that her body would react just a little before she had even fully swallowed... Still, just as Mandra wanted, the super speed heroine had swallowed her load eagerly...



Hailey was indeed a closet pervert, despite her protests and denial as Jade continued to speak to her. Though hearing that the woman's cum was enhanced seemed to have the opposite effect of what Hailey was aiming for. She was trying to use it as proof that she couldn't have given in on her own, to prove that she didn't have these kinds of desires in her... But hearing that Jade had a power like that... a power that could work to help turn her into a depraved slut... it seemed to arouse Hailey. Her face would flush just a little from hearing that, and her nipples would poke out a bit in her sleep wear. "I-I'm NOT a pervert!" She would protest, not having much other arguments considering all evidence right now pointed to the contrary. "I-I-I was t-taught NOT to d-do or th-think those weird things!" Though the tone in her voice would make it hard to tell whether she was trying to make an argument for not being a pervert, or actually complaining about her upbringing.

She'd moan softly when Jade started rubbing her nipples though her outfit, already sensitive and stiff nipples responding to her touch. It especially didn't help that Jade would know exactly how to play with Hailey's body, it responding as though it were being felt up by an experienced lover. She knew that Jade had already said she wanted her, rather than wanting anything that was in the small and rather average ice cream shop. Either way, it wouldn't matter in a few moments as she was left sensory deprived, staring at static, left with her own thoughts... And even those were grinding to a halt while she just stared into what was essentially nothing. She couldn't hear anything... her vision was taken up completely by that tv screen, and she couldn't even manage to make a sound considering that she was gagged. The only thing that she had left was her own arousal, staring into the screen with barely any thoughts managing to get through. It could've been hours... days even for all she knew. Jade had powers, meaning that she could easily keep her here for days, finding ways to keep the store shut down without messing anything up. She had lost all sense of time... perhaps she had been staring at that screen for only a few minutes, or it could've been hours, it all fell apart in her nearly empty mind...

But there was touch... she felt hands playing with her body, helping her with her arousal and giving pleasure to pierce through the nothingness. She'd moan softly against the gag, shuddering in her restraints, clearly aroused by the situation around her. None of it was going to stop... No amount of resistance would make them stop... She... thought? to herself? She couldn't be sure if those were her own thoughts or if someone was saying these things to her... It didn't really matter though... since there was nothing, and she could barely form thoughts of her own, they may as well have been her own thoughts. My mind is slowly turning to mush... She continued to think... But this time the thought actually seemed to arouse her just a little. Despite how much she denied it, this situation was turning her on. She would shudder some more, her legs managing to spread just a little more when Jade caressed her between the legs, her body shuddering in pleasure as her brain became even more receptive to the leader of the futa trio. And then she was fed more of that sweet, delicious, but slightly salty ice... It tasted so good, and actually knowing what it was that was on that ice cream made it even more tantalizing and arousing to her...

And then out of nowhere the static stopped, the Tv would be replaced, and Hailey was staring at something completely different. Now she was looking into a mirror, she saw herself tied up, legs spread with her pussy revealed, and with Jade right behind her, speaking to her. Her brain was barely able to process what was going on, still caught in that mindlessness from before. When told she would look into the eyes of the woman in the mirror, seeing empty, glazed over eyes. They were unfocused, emptying out of all thoughts, powerless, devoid of any sort of thought... obedient... they were... hot. Jade would notice the woman getting wetter, her body shuddering a little, her nipples growing a little more stiff, aroused at the image in the mirror before her. Jade would know that Hailey got off to these kinds of things, actively enjoying both seeing someone's will and thought drain out, and loving it happening to her. And she could make out the slight outline of Jade's cock in the darkness, tempting her further, her blank eyes barely managing to see it as they kept looking into the mirror, looking at how obedient the woman was. Hailey would take in all the questions that Jade was asking, if she wanted to feel that cock in her, if she wanted to serve, if she could make the woman in the mirror look more obedient... She'd take just a moment before slowly nodding her head yes, agreeing with Jade as she stared deeper into those blank eyes, watching them grow emptier, watching the small bits of thoughts left drain out of them. Her expression grew just a little more slack, a little more obedient, while her body became more and more aroused. She had fantasized about something like this for so long, dreaming about how arousing it would be, thinking about how hot it would be to have this happen to her. For ages she had been fascinated with stories just like what she was experiencing... and fascinated with thoughts of futas like Jade. And now that she was living out those fantasies... any resistance would just keep draining out of her. She nodded in agreement with Jade some more, knowing that she wouldn't be able to suck or taste that ice cream if she had to be gagged. So instead she stared deep into the mirror, eyes managing to get even blanker by the moment, showing that her thoughts were grinding to a halt, becoming obedient just like Jade wanted her to be...

"Hey, ain't no livin' if you aren't swarming,. If it helps the sucessful specimen have great healthcare benefits?" The insect-queen offered.

"Also, can't you fight a bit without calling up mom for intel-sessions all the time, 's not like I phone in on V all the time." Insectra complained, less because of psychological warfare and more because she could. Also, she trusted more in her backup than in the heroines!
"Hah. Dumbass, think that's my real head? I am an insect. What do you know about insect-anatomy!" She grinned, using the six-shooters lack of education to her advantage now,.. again, more because she could and wanted to buy time. Without being shot, ideally! Lily could restore her, yes, but that'd occupy two members of gods hand right at the start of their proper attack!

"You can totally take me in though. Lead me to the torture rooms! Will we start with waterboarding or seduction?" Insectra grinned, almost as bad as her one rank above sister in the regard of taunt.

Insectra sulked and brushed bits of wurm-goo off of her, complaining: "You know, your name six-shooter is total bullshit by the way, are you ever reloading? What's six stand for, six thousand? You need a cool, fitting name, you know, like.. Insectra, the grand queen of insectry!" She mused, bending back her spine in a posture that was somewhere between seductive and damsel in distress.. well until Six-shooter asserted her dominance, anyway!

"Mieep.. great now my ears are ringing. I'll report you to some human rights activism groups.. well.. once I fished them out of the horde of mindslaves we turned them into, anyway. Some professions just don't work well in our new world order.. like.. you need counselors, as recondition experts, great work from V, you always need plumbers and hohoho let me tell you, ,the sex toy industry.. but activists.. I mean why?" She chuckled, and babbled on. By now, the more thoughtful of the two might be up to realizing there was time being squezeed out of this encounter..

"Right, right, surrender time. No funny business eh.. not even a joke? If it helps, we don't exactly kill you folks either, infact, we got a positive ratio thanks to the Fifth's revival powers, Y'know." Insectra chuckled, standing up, leaning back with hands behind her head.

"By the way, Summoning, Fifth Finger of God." She remarked, winking at the two.. whilest an insectoid cocoon grew by her side. "Think fast whom to shoot!" She declared, posing lewdly, whilest the cocoon plopped open, with Lily raising her hands out of it, shouting "Yaaay!" The vampire mistress enthused, all of a sudden. It seemed, Insectra was a sore loser, and had called in a substitution.

"I am Lily!" She declared, placing down, of all things, a radio infront of her, and pressing play on it.. if sheen shot by then,.. well, she was a vampiress.. she was physically rather weak, but hurting her was suprising hard. "And this is super awesome double God's hand release special ability combination! Insectra swarm plus Lily final ability! Full release.. All Hallows Eve!" She cheered, clapping her hands together, the ring on her pinky lighting up with a crimson glow and.. well, a song came from her portable music device (which, to an expert, looked like an unmodified one, really.

Meanwhile, Insectra smirked, just remaining where she was.. even keeping up her mock surrender. Lily's Halloween was already in effect.. The only thing that could stop Insectras swarm corruption would be to disable or kill her.. and within the area of Halloween, lethal force was impossible. That was Lilys ability. It wasn't all that impressive.. on it's own.
It was quite likely that Six-shooter was the first to experience the effects of Halloween, her bullet shooting like normal, but bouncing off of the nearest surface it impacted, before growing little legsies, and armsies, and wandering off with a playful stroll.
"So.. have any of you heard of a superpower called 'Cartoon Physics'?" V had cautioned her against it,.. multiple times, but she couldn't help but gloat. "'cause if you don't you're in for a treat. Heh.. get it.. trick'n treat? Because her power's called Halloween? Kinda?... Anyway.. in exchange for being unable to do physical harm to anyone herself, Lily makes it impossible to harm those around her either. If you were to try and crash a car into a wall right now, you'd bounce off, or have that car bop you on the head with a tire as it slows down on it's own." Insectra spun, dramatically. "My Queen of Insects can indeed only be stopped by disabling me. And whilest Halloween is active, you can't do that, or squash my bugs within close vicinity Aren't we super special awesome?? Our strategy is unbeatable!" she cheered.

Meanwhile, in a darker room, V sighed inwardly. Of course Insectra would babble out all the details. That's why Gloria was on an interception course for any possible backup that could either deal with low scale reality bending, knock out Insectra harmlessly, or just transport the two apart.. the three sollutions to this scenario she.. and thus MM, could come up with easily. But this was not the real attack. This would bind the societies manyfold resources. V had planned ahead for potentially one out of her three attacks failing.. no matter if Insectra or Cassandra succeeded, it would leave large numbers of the population changed.. although MM's counter-measures were annoyingly effective. But the real strike, that was lead by the Second Finger, right towards the heroes quarters and any reinforcements they might send against a procession of spreading, holy might. Gloria didn't need any insects or support, her mere holy aura slowly converted anyone and anything within a hundred feet, and her followers worship of her slowly extended that range further...

"Hey now! Sex jokes are the height of comedy!" Cassandra enthused. "Oh I know the princes of hell, but honestly, Beelzebub hasn't been answering any of my calls since she got that scary-slut or whatever that was about. Very impressive. Now us, ... we enslaved your whole world while you were distracted playing heroes." She grinned and raised her hand, squeezing it into a fist with determination..
".. well.. 98% of it.. 98.1.. .2.. .3.. oh by the way, did you think this was the only front you were fighting at? God's hand has gotten very good at enslaving folks over time.." She nodded, before glancing over to Leah and Lapin.

"Right, fine, I'll grab you then deliver you to V or whatever for re-enslavement, I don't really do love.. Love is just fucking with unecessary extra steps if you ask me." She mused. Although, for the first time, she was slightly concerned.. The annoying power of love had a habit of breaking through her animalization, she didn't want to lose a cute cow in the process. Also that bunny seemed the weak mentality, powerful ability type. Would Cassandra have to get serious here? No. Not with the one horny hero she could corrupt here.. then, Cassandra chuckled at the con-artist, however.

"Bitch its true, my magic just turns people partially animal. They're as likely to rape me as they are others, really, and that's just the way I like it." She grinned. That team she was facing was a nut to crack however.. strength, range, a trickery leader, an ace in the hole..

"Ohoho.. neat.. a heroic sacrifice.. very dramatic. Very enjoyable!" She gave a thumbs up.
"Yeah.. you can't hold us off long enough and if you did, with you on our side, they would just run into an ambush, potentially. MM's not gonna send any backup and you know it" Cassandra mused. "But with some news on what I do and our plan, the damage can be mitigated, eh." She nodded, sniffing a little. "So melodramatic! I love it! Well.. Lapin was the biggest treat of your entire team anyway. Heh.. V. Code.. uh what was it.. I got one ok." Cassandra smirked, activating her communicator before she pointed, slowly wandering over to the bunny and cow combination.

"First of all, you're a con artist. I guessed that. So even if you say you'll not put up a fight, I don't exactly trust you. Nor do you have the personality to trust me. That said." She grinned. "Let me show you a challenge you cannot overcome. Your surrender is kind of meaningless, you know. .. Anyway. Lapin. I'll restore your ... lover to her former state, if you don't give me any trouble doing it. Cool? Cool." She enthused, touching the cows shoulder and.. focusing.. Leah's mind felt a little less.. clouded by the minute, her form slowly shifting back to a human (albeit still with larger breasts and a desire to.. well.. feel them touched..)

A red cloak fluttered behind her as she arrived. It was a subtle hint of someone having moved at superhuman speeds, only now slowing down, arriving with pretend-measured steps. A con artist like Sleight could see through the deception.. but that just made it scarier. She could read the calm, playful smile, the relaxed walk.. this was not someone that needed to decieve others by pretending to be weak. This was a god, pretending to be human, so the humans around her felt at ease.

"You called for me?" "As you see, backup can be quite quick.. you just need the right backup..." ".. Cassandra, we aren't teasing people again, are we.. oh is that Sleight? Woah your hair's so different and you've grown up a lot but the cards, would recognize those anywhere.. Is that your barrier?" The First mused, stepping forwards, examining the enlarged card and poking at it.. "Hoooh you've gotten it to be so big and tough! Nice! Let me test it proper." She mused, twirling her right arm, before, exhaling.. and punching the Barrier-card, sending vibrations and an odd, metallic sounding shrieking noise through the air.. before the card slowly tore, toppling over. "This could propably stop anything up to a point-blank tank-round! Very nice! Good job. You've gotten strong!" Deva enthused, reaching out to give Sleight a pat on her shoulder. "So err.. the bunny one can actually copy powers, quite impressive, I wonder if she can copy yours.. Also, they are all lovey dovey over there and it's given me stomach cramps.. and this one sacrificed herself for her team all heroic like, I'm just not in an orgy-mood, can you kinda.. take them away so I can complete the mission?" Cassandra implored, whilest Deva chuckled, glancing over to Lapin and Leah.
"Copy me? Now that would be interesting.. and amazing... and.." Deva blinked, taking in Lapin proper, before suddenly, in a blur of motion, she rushed behind her.. and had two hands rubbing those bunny ears curiously.
"Oooh! Look at those! They are adorable! So pretty and fluffy! I hope you don't mind me touching them! Ooh.. what's your name? I've got to know your story... are those ears part of your power?
Oh hello! Right.. introductions.. sorry for overwhelming you ehhehe.. but couldn't contain myself.. I guess you can call me The First, or just... I dunno, come up with a name. I never felt like names should matter to a hero, only deeds."
She chuckled, nuzzling the bunny-ears with her hands as if they were the most fascinating thing in the world.

"So.. Sleight.. can I trade you for Steamroller perhaps? I liked the cut of her jib.. No? Well Geesh everyone is busy and you don't quite seem lewd horsey material.. I just lost a cow.. not your style? Want to be on top and fuck me lots? with only four of us it'll take forever to sex up the water supply y'know.." She mused, tipping her chin. "I can totally handle three horsies and a minotaur.. any favourite animal you always wanted to feel like?"
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"And that is exactly why I need a capable secretary to deal with the .. small problems. Taxes.. complaints.. maybe a few drug trafficking related issues. See, I think you could be perfect, we just need to turn your morality upside down." She enthused.
"Just like my cock, by the way.. up and down.. left.. and right. You're not bad, yeah.. but you could be.. and it'd feel so good.. to be bad, just because a huge cock in charge tells you so." She smirked and suggested, stroking and swaying her cock forth and back, her voice almost seeming to echo in the girls mind as she focused her mental powers, dripping thoughts like 'well, why did she care about all the rules?' and 'Shouldn't it just matter most to be a hard, good worker for your boss? Wasn't that ones duty already?'

"I can respect and appreciate a good HARD worker... you just gotta throw your morals away.. discard them all. Be willing to do whatever it takes, bend every rule and law you can, all for the benefit and hmnn pleasure of your boss." She insisted. "This cock controls you. It's your boss'.
To enTHRUST more responsibility, you got to be willing to go the extra mile, do you understand that? You know it's true.. nice girls don't make it to the top.. and you want to be at the top, to serve as your mistress chief secretary.. don't you?"
She encouraged, along with the even more encouraging swaying of her cock.. always back and forth, never allowing the secretary to look at or think about much else.

"You love the cock.. you love the lessons cock instills in you. You want to qualify for more lessons soon." Mistress Benre subtly implanted. It was just good business practice, make people want to take further deals with you, even if they somehow backed out of this one..
"Are you looking at my cum? You want some of it.. of course.. but I got to warn you, that's not normal workplace behaviour.. it's terribly immoral to fuck your boss. suck her cock.. take her in your mouth and lick and worship that nice cock.. You might feel yourself become twisted just by tasting it..." she suggested, with subtle arousal in her voice as she stroked along her shaft slowly.

"You'll do anything, no matter how messed up it is.. for your employee, wouldn't you? You'll do anything for this job. You'll do anything for this cock... alright then.. have yourself a taste of your CEO's cum and get twisted by just tasting it.." She repeated, with a darker smirk. "You don't like cheating and stealing and bending the rules.. .now. But soon you will. Like a good Secretary-slut. Too late when you taste the cum twisting you... all too late for you now.

The CEO's cock is going to push into your mouth now. You wont be able to see it anymore, but it'll be there, deep in you. Dirty and wrong. Let it. Let it twist you. Your CEO wants you to be yourself. Loyal, dilligent.. twisted. Only profit and sucess and your CEO's pleasure truly matter there. Let the cock cum away your morality."
She encouraged.. before thrusting deep into the enthralled secretaries mouth, moaning and sighing, letting herself sink in deep... and letting the secretary have her first taste of forbidden cum. "Hmnn.. I think you almost have the job, you showed you are a good listener and willing to do WHATEVER it takes to get the job.. you just need to show a proper oral performance and you will be hired as Mistress Benre's slave secretary.. an important, prestigeous position!" She cajoled. "Mistress values her twisted secretary slut. .. I bet you'll come up with whole new ways to turn a prophit.. you certainly know how it's done, don't you?"


Meanwhile, the speedster heroine was facing a slightly less subtle approach. Mandra gave Penny a thumbs up and layed back, relaxedly. "Hun, I like looking at hot asses not on fire or injured or whatever, why would I want to stop my cock-sucker from protecting folks, long as she keeps up her duties, of course?" The futanari-villainess smirked, leaning down and slapping her cock as to leave no doubt what Penny's -duties- would entail.

"Listen.. I feel kinda bad making you a cum addict, but your speed-powers are way too kinky for me not to.. I do whatever the fuck I want, buuut to make this up to you, how about we play some smash and you get to pick whatever character I play.. am decent with most. eh." She grinned. "The nintendo game of course, you stupid slut, not smash your ass.. we can play that too, of course!" She considered, her grin widening a little. "What? Oh, right, cum first.. hmnn you are nice and receptive to my gifts.. I guess your metabolism turned you into a horny addict way faster?" She theorized, before shrugging, not caring that much, instead, just handing the speedster her.. treat.

"Horny, pretty little cum addict, ain't ya? Alright, let's get you your fix!" She grinned and panted, unable to maintain her playful cockyness with the pleasure of the intense blowjob quickly ramping up.. that was the life a horny speed-slut, he perfect cumsucker.. She'd have her balls emptied several times a day like this.. each time that cum-high wore off, really.. and she was looking forwards to that!
"Haah yeah that's right you cocksucker.. remember to love my balls too.. haah.. nice..." She moaned out, shifting, and slightly thrusting her cock upwards into that impressive mouth.. this super-speed blowjob was even more awesome than she'd expected!
Meanwhile, Penny got her fair taste of what she wanted, needed.. that precum just stoked the heat in her mouth on further, but finally.. relievingly, her cum-lover tensed up, her balls rising a little.. her reward imminent.. and then pouring into her.

When Penny came too, the world was nice and fluffy. She was high, she knew that, her throat not burning and dry anymore, but smooth with the cums heavenly taste. Everything was nice and puffy, as if she was walking on feathers, the wind against her skin felt nice, the light of the sun upon her felt nice, and Mandra leaning down to kiss her forehead felt extra nice. And she smelled so nice, subtly covered in her addictive cum as she was. Life was just fine, as long as she got her cum. "There we go, nice, hot relaxing load of cum to take the edge off.. eh?" She grinned, reaching down to cup the speedsters ass.. which also felt especially nice, even when Mandra gave her a slight slap "Being a cum-slut is fun, you'll see. My cum's highly addictive, alters your brain-chemistry to make cum the best thing to happen to you.. sadly doesn't work on myself, hehe. Anywhooo.. you got some real blowjob skills, I love it!" She grinned, giving Penny's ass another squeeze. "So.. what you say, wanna game or want to get fucked a little normally. Heh,.. I guess with you lasting 'long' wont be a problem? Speedy heroes are awesome." She enthused.


"And? You was taught it's wrong to be what you are, so that just makes you repressed, eh? By the way, congrats, you never argued like this before.. wonder what caused that.. " Jade pondered. This was a side-effect of her ability, minute changes had strangely different outcomes sometimes. She had once read that butterflies were to blame somehow.

But her argument earlier was all but forgotten with the dull emptiness of the TV beaming out at her. Jade broke people the way she experienced time.. not through an overwhelming of senses or direct mind control, just a patient, slow grind of mind into the shape she wanted it to be in. It didn't matter if someone accidentially broke a little too much.. she could just reset this.. and Hailey had been impressively resilient to breaking, or from another perspective, she broke all too easy, with how many perversions lurked beneath the surface. "So mushy.. your head and mind.. Nice and mushy." She whispered near Haileys ear.. infinitely patient.

As was she, with the mirror, camly repeating the words and Mantra she'd given the slave.. she'd gotten good at repeating things due to her power. And Hailey -was- hot and worth ir, most definitly. Mindless, obediant, hot and horny.
"Look at how horny the slave in the mirror is.. she's getting aroused at being a slave.. making herself mor of a slave, just so she can feel better.. that woman is emptying her own head to be the perfect slave.. not because I make her, but because it turns her on.. a lot."Jade suggested, truthfully.
"Let it all drain out. Watch it drain out. I like a relaxed, calm slave that just drains her own mind for me.. no suprises... just a reliable slave for my pleasure." She nodded.

"Aand.. far enough." Jade suddenly stepped into view and snipped her fingers. "You are no fun when you 'go all the way' as you begged me before. Follow, slave." She commanded, leading the empty-eyed girl to the bed, nodding. "Lay down all naked, present yourself slave.. hmn.. my Hailey.. yes.. this is how you're supposed to look.." she bit her lips, her cock twitching in desire as she approached.
"Don't worry, I know how much it turns you on, you can drain your head of all new ideas you had during the day each evening, but no more.. I like when you are able to think as far as 'love mistress' but no further." She explained, leaning down, gently spreading Hailey's legs. "No fun if you don't understand how well I fucked and drained your mind, understood.. good.. now.. hmn.n.. this is like your first time for you.. but for me, it's nostalgic.. let us both enjoy it.." She grinned, skillfully aligning herself with the girls pussy, hesitating, looking at her empty eyed gaze, leaning down and kissing her lips, musing: "Can't wait to see your sex-hungry drained face again.." she cooed, lovingly, before slowly thrusting into the mindslaved girl.
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