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City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Auralis city, the present day. A police officer calls in a X-Seven.

Seven ment a simple break and enter. X ment anything but simple. Auralis city had long adapted to the presence of its superhuman defenders. The heroes of the Justice Society, lead by the Council of Five.

For the police force of the medium sized city with both an upper and a lower class district, industrial, social and technological centres, this was both a boon and a curse.
A boon in that, most ordinary criminals knew better than to even try, a curse in that they were often regarded as just assistance to the superheroes, when another one of the 'special criminals' tried their luck in the central city of justice. To prove themselfs, because they held a grudge, because they were crazy...

This time, it was none of the above. Or perhaps it was, but the answer wasn't this easy to come by. One of the heroines and a more suspicious one at that, had a rising suspicion. Most of her comrades decried it as paranoia, because, 9 out of 10 times.. she was a little too paranoid.

But perhaps, this time, it was a number ten case. The changes had been subtle, not crimes, but a lack thereof, a lack of information. Perhaps another shadowy organization, but if it was one, then finding them was like following someone shadow alone, and dusk was coming. Criminals willingly moving away from a certain part of the city, people disappearing, reappearing after a few days, always with perfect excuses, seeming perfectly normal. Too normal.

Was it crazy to see a pattern in a complete lack of a pattern? One would have thought so, until the mysterious symbol surfaced.

A grafiti no one paid mind to. A flier of a sect or church few cared about, the babblings of a homeless person or two on the street few listened to, yet, all three had described the same thing. A person, with a ring on the third finger on their hand. Or was it on the fifth finger? Stories conflicted. And a symbol. a hand, holding the world.:

But those paying attention might wonder what all of this had to do with the X-Seven call of the police officer. A break in, a bit at the edge of the silent, suspicious 'noise' zone in the city, into a pharmaceutical manifacturer in the industrial district, but the thing that was interesting was the police officers report:

"Yes, I'm standing at the corner Brown street Harbour bay, infront of the fence, theres a hole in it. No security guard, but I followed someone.. inhuman, I suspect. I couldn't recognize any features, long, dark cloak, strong enough to tear a hole in the fence.. oh, a ring on their fourth finger, saw it when they hopped into the plant. Do you have any forces nearby? Sorry, ever since the incident with Dark Steel and what happened to Dave's leg I'm not going close to anything potentially inhuman."

Dark Steel, or, Dr.Steele, before he transfered his consciousness into the android body had been the last supervillain that had dared challenge the Justice Society in Auralis city itself, a few months back. He had been a dangerous challenge, requiering the united powers of four heroines to take him down, but was significantly less of a thread with his consciousness trapped in a computer running Windows 95.

A quick check on the Pharmaceutical company, Stone enterprises, would reveal nothing too unusual, a standard medicine manifacturer, though they had some rare ingredients that, if mixed by the wrong hands, with the right chemical expertise, could spell havok for the city. A break in couldn't go unchallenged, however, unless there was note of a more serious threat, there was no need to send out any elite heroes either, better to give rookies some training.. and perhaps it was best to silently investigate this one rather than attract immediate attention, if it was indeed a trail.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Anne Strauss drove a rather normal looking car to the scene of the crime, getting assigned to deal with what was considered to be a more simple situation to handle. She liked to call herself the Super Sleuth, considering her own detective prowess and the seemingly mundane powers that she had. Her senses were more sensitive than any normal human, and she had little difficulty in perceiving things that even some of her fellow superhumans completely missed. Plus she was exceptionally analytical, able to devise plans and deduce facts far better than anyone on the common police force. The Society had decided that her deductive skills were more suited to what they wanted, to figure out more details about the whole situation and assess if any extra power might be needed for everything. Well, Anne was certainly eager to prove herself, wanting to get a higher spot in the Society's intelligence sector and help lead these kinds of investigations in the future.

Luckily, or maybe unluckily in some ways, she no longer had any close ties outside of the Society, so she had no real need for a mask or a disguise, preferring to instead look like a regular private investigator. Her long hair was tied into a side ponytail, a color somewhere between brown and orange. She wore a small necklace, a white button up blouse which was covered with a yellow jacket, which connected down to her yellow skirt. A blue tie finished off her top, and bellow she wore comfortable shoes, picked more for practicality than any sort of style, considering she could be fighting or running if things went south.

She had already been in the area when the call came in, assigning her to this crime to gather as much intel as possible. They figured she could handle it solo, as she was trained in hand-to-hand combat and her powers helped her fight tactically. Either way, she stepped out of the car, making her way to the scene, taking an initial look around, her eyes sharp and ready. Then she'd move towards it, getting briefed if anyone was there to talk to her once she flashed her Society badge. If no one was there, or if they quickly briefed her, she'd begin an investigation, putting some gloves on and surveying the area, looking for any quick clues on how much of a threat the intruder might have been, and anything that might lead her to them.

"Heh... Funny how the others usually hate playing detective... But if they don't want to go the extra mile to impress the Council, then I will." She muttered to herself as she looked around, not really thinking that she'll get anything major enough to make the council notice her, but you never know what might be waiting around the next corner!

The first thing she'd want to check out is the actual hole in the fence, seeing if anything jumped out at her. Her higher ups had said something about wanting to see if this might be some lead on something more than just a regular break in. And who better to figure that out than your absolute best investigator! Hey, a little exaggeration never hurt anybody...
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

The policeman.. about 35 years of age, well trained but a bit overweight, seems nervous, a normal reaction, he seems an ordinary member of the police force, simple rank. was waiting at the scene of the crime, indicating the fence. High security steel latice, torn open to allow anything of about 2 metres in size to pass through. the tear pattern is unusual. A closer examination of the tearing revealed tiny bitemarks. Most people would have mistaken it for a simply crude cuts, but to superhuman senses, the truth was obvious. Rodents, possibly? However, the bitemarks extended up to the entire height of the fence, something with tiny teeth yet the ability to pull such a thing open? Most likely super-human. Perhaps a swarm-summoning kind of arcane user? Anne should make sure and call for backup.. if she wanted someone else to earn the credit. Why break in here?

There was a distant noise from inside the facility, hard to distinguish.

The Super Sleuth would have to investigate inside, and, nodding to the police officer, as luck would have it, she quickly came upon a door, lock blown open... small, precision strike focused on the door-keyhole, ruining it and thus breaking the door open, without a lockpick. Someone didn't want to make much of a fuss, or didn't have enough power to simply blow open the door. Closer investigation again showed bitemarks, clearly a creature-user supervillain?

The inside of the pharmaceutical factory were a bit eery, she had to admit, medicine bottles standing still, waiting for the next production day. Anne noticed that the factory was dark, and she could spot no light sources inside, though there were noises ahead. She could see somewhat in the semi-light coming from the moon outside, but only due to her sharp senses.. and this would most definitly not be enough to spot what was going on inside, or who she was facing. Though, shining a lamp inside would put her at a disadvantage as well.

Anne is standing at the side door of a pharmaceutical factory. About 7 metres away from the hole in the fence. The police guard is happy to stand further back.

She seems to be at the entrance to a production line of a factory, a larger hall ahead, though she can most certainly tell that there is someone ahead by, for the normal ear, almost inaudible noises of something metallic being manipulated, she can only guess whats going on or who she is dealing with. A possible theory could be that someone is stealing medical supplies, or.. more sinister, perhaps they are adding something not ment to be there to the factory production line. Either way, Anne has to determine how to approach the burglar, either find out what she is dealing with, but giving herself away as a prime target, or trying to sneak up on someone that, apparently, is more comfortable in the dark than herself.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


The Super Sleuth knew that keeping record of anything she found was just as important, though she also couldn't afford to waste too much time writing things down. So, unless she had need to be quiet, she would simply pull out a recording device and mutter all of her observations into it. Some of the people that had reviewed her tapes complained that she was far too detailed, and as such made reviewing far more difficult. However, she had always said that any detail was important, and as such omitting them would be even more problematic to her. Plus, if she had to decide which details she needed to leave out, and which to keep, she sometimes would omit things that were actually important while rattling off details of exactly how a door may have broken off its hinges. Looking around, part of her said she should call in a bit of backup... it was going to be dangerous after all. But what kind of heroine would she be if she couldn't brave a simple factory! Not only would the person helping her probably take the credit, but she'd look silly calling for backup and the only thing the Council would think was that she was too inexperienced to handle anything!

Once she made her way into the factory, she would begin whispering as low as she possibly could. Which meant that she was extremely quiet, as "loud" for her was far different than loud for the normal person. Of course, this also meant that her recordings would be difficult to decipher later on. The current plan were to record some tapes that only she could hear, and the re-record them in normal voice for later review. The bite marks that continued to show up were concerning, as if this person had the power to control creatures, she could be up against multiple targets at once.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she focused in on those metallic sounds, quieting down even more than before. Her opponent seemed to have some sort of advantage in the dark... but hopefully that meant they only had the advantage in one of their senses. If they had the drop on her in sight, she would have the advantage in hearing, touch, and smell (she wasn't sure taste would help her all too much here, but hey, you never know!). Alright buddy... Let's see if we can get you to do something without exactly knowing who's here... She looked for the farthest point from her that she could accurately see, sliding a pen out of her pocket. Notes would have to be sacrificed for the sake of figuring out what she was dealing with.

With that in mind, she'd look for a place she could hide effectively, moving softly and silently over to where that place was. And once that was done, she'd throw her pen as far as possible, aiming for something metallic that would make a bit of sound. So... either they take the bait and come out on their own... OR they send out a creature to investigate and I can figure out what I'm dealing with. From her secluded spot, she'd carefully peak around, listening to see if the metal noises would stop. Anne may have been overconfident, but even she knew when something was a bit too much of a risk for her. A dark factory, a superpowered creature user, a potential disadvantage on ANY of her senses, her opponent at least sort of looking out for anyone stopping them, this all meant that she needed more intel before trying anything.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

Anne spent some time rattling of details, from the curvature of the door hinge breaking to the number of moths dancing around the street lantern, already turned on behind her at this time of the day.

Her whispering seemed to go unnoticed, the pen however, didn't, clattering up against a piece of machinery, as she saw..


The woman was wearing a cloak, covering her features, but the sharp eyed detective still detected something.. off, something with her eyes.. so it was night-vision. A ring on her fourth finger, an odd movement under the robes. The woman made her way towards the disturbance and..

Noises. soft, silent, something slithering on the ground, towards her hiding spot, with uneering accuracy. An eel like, insectoid creature, well hidden from most.. a sneak attack.

Anne backed off, instinctively, and the woman turned, towards her hiding spot. "If you want to know, the moths gave you away. I had my eyes on you as soon as you came close. Hello, I'm called Lady Insectra, want to guess why?" The woman grinned, turning around and facing the Super Sleuth fully.

There was a clicking about 10 metres from her left. A swishing.. something whizzing through the air.. towards her! A stinging pain in her side. Something flowing into her blood stream. A numbness of her nerves.

"You talk too much." A second voice informed. "Well, thats exactly why we team up! I distract them, you do your sneaky thing and poke them, so is this one.." Another woman. Female, wielding a long range precision rifle, magazine.. magazine holds some sort of darts. Stealth outfit covering most of her features, ring on the second finger. Nightvision goggles which she now pulled away.


A trap? But why? For whom?"She reacted too quick for a normal human. She'll be sufficent for processing." "Did you hear that? You'll make for a great start to our plans! You should be proud. You will be proud, once I put one of my little ones into y.." "No. We need this one done proper, I'll handle her."

Body feeling numb. unresponsive. Most normal people would be unable to move, but Annes senses didn't dull quite so easily. Still, this was bad. "Aww come on V, I can handle it. I'll put a cute one in her, part of the family, soon she'll do anything for Insectra." "Your methods are .. efficent but too obvious. We can't risk a telepath finding out... She should be out already." "Huh, now that you say it.." The masked one lifted her rifle again, hand sliding into her poket. "She's resistant to poison or.. enhanced senses allowing her to resist the numbing agent?"

This V woman seemed to be the sharper of the two, dangerously so, keeping a calm stare on The Super Sleuth, where her partner in crime was more easily distracted, giving her companion a pouty look as the creature on the ground slithered back to her and under her cloak, only for her to extend her arms. "Soo.. you got this or should I help knock her out, V? Come on, some horniness poison can only help.." She offered.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Anne was happy to conclude that her opponent did indeed have night vision, and as such this was a battle where her superior eyesight did her no good. At least she had some sort of idea of what she was dealing with, odd eyes on a woman that more than likely had some sort of power over creatures which is how she had managed to enter this place as confirmed earlier and... Oh... Seems she wasn't exactly hidden, in fact she had walked directly into a trap... That certainly wasn't going to impress anyone...

As she instinctively backed away from the creature approaching her, she clicked her voice recorder on in her pocket, using her initial movement and a few fake movements of panic in an attempt to cover up her turning it on.

Well, there was no hiding anything now, Anne knew what a bluff sounded like, and this certainly wasn't it. "The moths? You mean, all 27 of them? Or just the 5 slightly off color ones? Figured it was just a genetic mutation, but could've also been you..." Even when backed into a corner and truly scared for the first time during this entire situation, Anne would go into detail on all sorts of things that she had already picked up on. It didn't cross her mind however, that this might also clue them in to some of her abilities and skills along with it. "Insectra? I would guess that you call yourself that because your mother was a hoarder and as such find your home among cluttered trash rather than any sort of normal surroundings? And as such you inwardly worry that she never truly loved you, and from there have adopted insects as a second family to replace the one you never had?" Hey... she was screwed anyway, might as well take an absolute long shot and see if she could somehow unnerve her opponent through random guessing, well, not exactly random guessing, she was at least partially basing her guesses off of the name alone and the way she used her insects, but it was still an insane leap of logic that not even she thought would be true.

Her mouth may have run a mile a minute, but before it could go any further she felt that stinging pain and found it much more difficult to continue talking, especially at her usual speed. "Second... per...son... Smart..." Her only hope now was that they hadn't noticed she was recording everything around her... but even then they'd probably find the recorder on her person. Unless...

Anne listened to the conversation the two had, slightly annoyed that the one with the rifle was smart enough to keep an eye on her. She decided to keep trying to talk, her body feeling numb and tired, causing her speech to be slow and slurred. But hearing "V"'s theory about her powers was something she felt she should answer. "The... For...mer" She lied, because why not try? Maybe they'd do something dumb under the thought that she could resist poison. Her eyes darted to the rings both were wearing for a moment before she said another thing. "Didn't think... You... two... were... married..."

Some might call her insufferable, that was kind of the point this time though. If she was getting captured, punish her captors in any way she could, and if that meant annoying them, lying to them, and just being unhelpful, then why wouldn't she? "V... Must stand... for... Vic... tor... You're... a MAN!"

Well this wasn't going to last very long. Anne needed to try to get this tape out of here and hope someone else might find it one day. With the little strength she had, she looked around. This was a pharmaceutical factory, so it stands to reason dangerous chemicals and stuff were an issue, so from there the rooms should have sprinkler systems just in case, which meant there had to be a drain somewhere...

If Anne could locate a drain, she'd purposely let herself fall over as though the poison was getting to her, using the momentum and whatever strength she had to try to slide her very small recording device into the drain, figuring now was a good time to test out the "waterproof" claim her superiors had given her. If she couldn't locate a drain, she'd just leave the recorder in her pocket and hope that she could keep them from finding it.

Either way, she'd look at them and talk in that same slur until they actually knocked her out. She knew they had her, so she'd go down fighting in her own little way. "You... Weak... Needed... 2 of you... and bunch... of bugs... to beat... a... 19 year old..."
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)



"Wait you counted the moths, why'd you count moths? I mean, I do appreciate your interest in insects, most people disregard the poor things.." Insectra noted. "Veeeee she's analyzing me, make her stop." "Not wrong though." The insect-woman seemed annoyed by the detective, whilest her companion was more silent, if mirthfully amused.

"Also, its Queen Insectra. I have the ability to control insects, create critters and well.. " "Hush. She might have a remote transmitter." V was dangerously sharp, but not quite on par and, lucky for Anne, she did find a drain, just as this V person lifted her gun again.

"Your assumptions are incorrect insofar as you considered this a break in. We've come to liberate this city.. and you will provide the intel we need." And with that, a second dart shot at the Super Sleuth, and things grew dark around her.

A few moments later, the police officer leaning on the fence outside waved away a few curious moths flying up close to him. Then he doubled over.


"It stands for Victoria, Second finger of the Hand of god." A female voice informed. The voice from before. Still feeling drowsy. "The antivenom is fast acting, I despise inhibiting your interesting mental faculties.. which is why I shall make for the best teacher. The others consider me the silent type, but I merely don't waste words on the battlefield."

The Red haired woman had traded her modern riot gear for a more medieval looking equippment, a set of throwing daggers, easy to grip, though there was also a hand-gun, half hidden behind her in her belt. On closer examination her now somewhat revealed body was well trained, it was likely she was experienced with all of the weapons she wielded.


Anne was sitting on a chair as the woman withdrew a syringe from her arm, spinning it in her hand and putting it into a small case, likely containing other kinds of drugs as well. Annes hands were bound with police-quality cuffs, they'd need a bit of work to remove, but otherwise she was dressed and free to move. This woman, V's eyes were sharp and kept her in sight at all times though.

"You seem to like to come to your own conclusions, so I will allow you to do this and not tell you more about us and what we will do to you. However. It is important to get your assumptions correct, so making mistakes will necessitate education. That is why you are currently partially restrained. What do you know of the three wise monkeys?" V inquired, folding her hands.

The room around her seemed futuristic, a bit barren perhaps. there was a slightly odd smell in the air.. some sort of incense?


A police officer and a heroine, even if low ranking one going missing would normally be cause for immediate response. It was likely a high ranking Councilmember, or perhaps a team of two ordinary but well trained heroines would have to look into the matter, if Super Sleuth didn't report back in the morning when the factory workers picked up their duty.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Anne felt a small hint of pride that she had managed to annoy one of her two captors, especially considering that she was at least right in some manner. Though her hopes of getting more information or managing to upset her other captor were dashed by how smart V was. Either way, she didn't have too much time to really think over what might potentially annoy V before she was hit once again and finally passed out.

As she started coming to, and heard the information given to her, the Super Sleuth was right back to her usual ways, looking around and taking in as much information as possible. "Wha... Hey, so then I... was kind of... right... especially once you remove the part meant to annoy you..." With her mind coming back to her, Anne was quickly returning to top speed, rolling her eyes a little bit and looking at the ring on Victoria's hand. "Oh so that's what the rings are supposed to mean. And ugh... I hate dealing with you religious types. Nothing but boring logical fallacies that get me nowhere when I try to have a simple discussion! Though I had a nice talk with a few of the members of our Divine Division a week back, they were nice... Anyway! Not the point."

Suddenly she'd start wiggling around in her seat, attempting to maneuver herself until she was upside down in the seat. She enjoyed being a little odd, besides, if the blood rushed to her head she could try to turn herself upright and force a headrush to cause herself to pass out. Sure it was dangerous and had long standing health risks, but that might make things tougher for her captors, or at least waste time so that her being missing is discovered. Whether she got upside down or not, she'd continue talking as much as she wished. "Oh! By the way, when I get out of here, can we pretend there were like... 4 of you coming after me? Help make me look better, you know? Besides, you already needed 2 people to beat a 19 year old girl, why not toss another two in there at this point?"

While she looked at Victoria and looked around the room, she continued rattling off anything that might have possibly come to mind, making the most of a terrible situation. "Are you gonna try to torture me with everything looking like this?! I mean, far be it from me to tell you how to do your job, but like, there's some major disconnect in themes going on here. The room is all futuristic looking and such, but you have this whole medieval thing going on. How am I supposed to be scared and in pain when all I can think about is how you're sending completely different messages? Also, these handcuffs are too loose and I have too much room to move. Seriously, boredom can be just as terrible as torture, but if I can move I can keep active, even get some blood back into my limbs whenever you hurt them." Part of her wondered if Victoria had ever been criticized on 'torture' from one of her victims, the other part was just hoping to further anger the person here.

"Judging by what you've already said... You plan on altering my mind in some way to force me into helping you. So no torture then? No problem, you're clearly not all that good at it." Anything to stall, even a little bit, buy some time so that the Society will notice something suspicious and maybe even find her recording device.

"If you couldn't already tell, I'm not that much into religion and philosophy. But..." Just because she doesn't believe that much in that kind of stuff, didn't mean she wasn't well versed in the actual historical facts and the story of different pieces of folklore. "If you wanna talk about Mizaru, Kikazaru, and Iwazaru then I'm game. They're the whole 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' thing. Sometimes they add Shizaru for 'do no evil' though, sometimes they have him cover his genitals, but where's the fun in that? Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Depending on where you live there are different interpretations on what the monkeys actually MEAN. In Buddhist tradition, the tenets of the proverb are about not dwelling on evil thoughts. In the Western world both the proverb and the image are often used to refer to a lack of moral responsibility on the part of people who refuse to acknowledge impropriety, looking the other way or feigning ignorance. And sometimes it's used in gangs to represent the idea of a code of silence. Anything else specifically you want me to go on? I can explain how the whole thing is actually a play on words if you want." Anne liked to read about stuff online, so she may not know everything, but she certainly knew a lot, especially once she got interested in a certain topic and would spend an entire night reading up on things. "This place smells weird, by the way. For some reason I doubt that's a coincidence..."
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Logical fallacies do not hold so much ground when you face biblical demons and have those of divine nature in your own ranks. So you are not compulsively analyzing things and making assertions, good." Victoria asserted and calmly observed the upside-downness. they both seemed to like analyzing their opponents. "You aren't attempting to break out or assault me." She noted, but kept her conclusions to herself. If she was perplexed by Annes actions, she kept this well hidden.

"We didn't need two people to 'beat you' you misconstrue effectiveness vs efficency. Indubitably, Insectra had the ability to take you out all by herself, but I am more efficent at getting what we need from you and we couldn't know which heroine would be sent out.. I'll count this one as your first mistake." She raised one finger.

"Second mistake. Though what I will do might be classified by some as torture, truly, it is.. salvation.

How am I sending completely different messages. Think about it. In battle I used a high powered rifle, but I am more comfortable in this outfit, what would that indicate?"
V asked, seeming content to let Anne analyze her.. or try to at least.

"Also, if you consider this to be an attempt at intimidating you.. you don't know fear. Though one of us does use darker methods to show the lost the light. I'll count this as your third mistake, you have two remaining. You are not free because I made any mistakes, but because I am exracting information about you. Your reactions by itself tell an interesting story and restraining them, beyond a certain need, will limit the amount of information I gain, for example, you attempt to gain control of the situation, by telling me of percieved weaknesses, but you also know that ultimately you are at my mercy, because you do not attempt to act on those percieved weaknesses, so you are smart and defiant. One I value, the other I don't." Victoria shared -her- interpretations, apparently a villainess after Annes own heart.

The angering her approach didn't seem to work as the woman kept regarding her with a calm smile and calm stare. Well.. there was no calm smile on her mouth, but judging by her facial muscles, as much as could be seen under the mask, and her tone of voice, Anne estimated she was smiling."Correct! I am not good at torture at all, but I will liberate your mind." Still, three fingers remained raised at this point.

Victoria raised her hands, then clapped slowly, for a moment.. "I approve of your knowledge about Shizaru as well. If you want a play on words, how about a fifth monkey, Omouzaru. Think no evil.

And your fourth mistake. It's actually a coincidence, the incense just wafts over from the church of.. my ally. Her methods are not mine, I enjoy the blessings of modernity to assist me, but they are potent. Still, this interrogation room should filter out any psychoactive substances. I will train you in a different way. .. as a reward for pleasing me with your answer I shall tell you. I have a hypothesis about your abilities. In superpower classifcations, they'd be called 'accelerated perception'. Thus, my training methods, mundane as they are, will be greatly suited for your rebirth.

By now you must have noted the abundant religious connotations in my expressions. Tell me, dear detective, do you believe in angels?"
Victoria didn't seem the dellusional type, but who knew..
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Anne was happy to be upside down, not just because she might be able to make herself pass out, but also because observing from an upside down position was always interesting. Her hair hung down and her smiley faced necklace was dangling a bit in front of her face as she continued her conversation with Victoria. "Here's the thing about demons and all that. Without any proof they may very well just be creatures with immeasurable power. People have always blamed things they don't understand or can't explain to deities. From primal forces like lightning and fire to things like consciousness and free will, they've always been explained through gods. Where's the proof that demons are any different? Until proof is given, is it not safer to assume they are something that can be rationally explained, much like every other force in the world?"

The Super Sleuth actually rolled her eyes at the idea of attacking or trying to break out, not one to hide her own facial expressions considering she normally read other people's more subtle ones like a book. "What good would attacking you do? I have no idea where I am, the door very well may be locked, my hands are cuffed, you clearly have weapons and combat training, and there are definitely more of you somewhere, so who knows what might try to stop me." Responding and talking with Anne seemed to have gotten her motor mouth going even more. Talking was definitely one of her favorite things to do, and Victoria was giving her the chance to do so, so why not take it?

"I contest that first mistake. You have no proof Insectra COULD have beaten me in the same way I have no proof she COULDN'T. However, you're the one making the positive claim in that scenario. You say that she could beat me on her own, I don't believe you and as such you have a burden of proof. Fact of the matter is you got involved before any decision could be made on that matter, and as such your claim hold no water." Oddly enough, she wasn't even scared of whatever supposed punishment was coming to her, she just couldn't help herself when she heard that she made a 'mistake' in her reasoning despite there not being any proof in either direction. Her instructor did always used to say to make your opponent fight for every bit of ground they take, Anne just extended that to a weird conversation/interrogation.

"Wait so a simple question constitutes a mistake? I asked IF you were torturing me! From there I just offered some advice for if you answered in the affirmative. Besides, even if I had assumed that, since what is and isn't torture is up to interpretation, then why are you the judge of what it and isn't? What if I consider it torture? Does my interpretation of what is being done to ME mean absolutely nothing?" If she couldn't get underneath Victoria's skin through simple insults and taunts, then she'd try to get there through arguing and fighting back against any point that she could make. "It's still a clash of themes going on.
If I was in my normal suit and tie, and then suddenly pulled out a flail and a shield or something, there's a clash going on. There's no unity, no consistency, with my look, which in turn sends mixed signals. You got yourself all medieval looking, but didn't even have the courtesy to do this all in a dank and dark dungeon place. If we're playing the 'Mistakes' game then I count that as your first mistake!"
She held up a finger, not really thinking that Victoria would be willing to reverse the rules and allow this sort of play, but hey, why not go for the inner moral victory while she still could?

"Ok, you got me on the 'third' mistake. Fine, my fault. I perceive weaknesses for many reasons. One of them may be to take a small measure of control. Another is that I enjoy seeing even minor details and describing them, if those turn out to be weaknesses then so be it. Yet another is that I want to annoy you in some way, so yes I am defiant. I consider punishing my captor to be a worthwhile goal, so I will make any attempts I wish to it. Oooh! Time to play the mistake game some more!" She smiled cheerily, tapping her necklace a bit to think about how to properly explain what she meant this time. "So you either don't value intelligence or defiance? Either that's a lie or you're making a major mistake in considerations. If you don't value intelligence, well, that might as well be it's own mistake. If you don't value defiance, then you must not see any point in defying the law you are CURRENTLY defying. Not to mention your defiance against the Society, and the defiance against what we currently consider 'moral'. Even if you don't agree with society, defiance is still involved, so if you don't value your own defiance then you must not value your own cause." This time she allowed herself a smug smile, satisfied with her own logic.

"You've got a decent smile when I don't have to actually look at your face, by the way." Seems the petty insults for the sake of insults weren't really gone. Anne liked to rationalize a lot of the things she did, but sometimes it was just cathartic to insult the people that were hurting you in some way. "Figured this probably wasn't torture. I'd have expected to wake up with a light bulb in my mouth." She shrugged.

Super Sleuth tried to manage a slight golf clap at the new suggested for one of the monkeys, trying to get some claps in even with the handcuffs. "Good job keeping with the play on words... Though where would 'Omouzaru's hands go? You can't put them on the top of his head because then he just looks surprised, rather than trying to signify anything. If you can't come up with that I might have to add another mistake to your record..."

"Tch! You keep taking my vague words to be statements of things I considered facts or assumptions. I said that I 'doubt' the smell was coincidental, I never said that it truly wasn't. Is one not allowed to doubt without making a factual claim? What's a skeptic to do without any sort of doubt? You tell me I'm wrong when I merely ponder something, but is doubt a mistake? If we can extrapolate vague musings as mistakes then you've already passed your 5 limit."

For a brief moment, Anne's eyes widened and her heart started to race. She knew exactly what to say, and excitement welled up inside her in a brief moment of anticipation. "OBJECTION!" She pointed her arms at Victoria, unable to point one finger very well with handcuffs on, if only she had super strength or something, then she'd just slam her cuffs on the ground to break them. Either way, she needed to get back to her objection! "I've always wanted to say that...
Anyway, you're wrong. My power is enhancement of my five senses, not perception. Super Senses is far different from Super Perception! Yes they may end up achieving similar things at times, but the powers are vastly different in the way they operate! So that... IS YOUR 3RD MISTAKE!"
She smiled some more, playing up the drama of the moment as well as stalling for time, wishing she knew how long she had been knocked out at this point.

"I believe in that which can be proven to me. I concede that 'angels' could exist, but I use my same argument that I used for demons. I would need further proof of them being actually connected to a deity for me to consider them any sort of holy authority. So, while angels could very well exist, whether or not I consider their opinion important or consider them to be holy in any way, depends on what else can be proven to me." Sounded logical enough to Anne at least, but who knew with Victoria.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Because of her upside down positioning, but Anne noted an odd bulging between Victorias legs with her super lewd detection sense. "A scientific agnostic hmnnn? Then again, if you accept and assume a being of such great power that it may as well be a deity, why bother distinguishing?" V was rather hard to read, disciplined and calm of mind, though the idea of atheism seemed to be displeasurable to her.

"And again you have given something away, if you reason not to attack me that means you lack the ability to do so, for example, through super strength. Either way, this is not a philosophical debate, you'll have to learn to trust my word when I claim that Insectra is dangerous enough on her own.

Your question constitutes an assumption on your part. Based on the information of the wicked world around you, you came to a wrong conclusion, I do not want to torture you to extract information, I want to save you.. after which you will volunteer information vital to me, but there is a sever difference. This may sound odd to believe from your perspective, but we are not the bad guys here."
V narrowed her eyes. "And your argumentative ways prove me right. So uncertain of what you even believe in.. struggling to find meaning in everything.." Then V nodded. "Don't worry, I will help you." She went on:

"Your interpretation is flawed. You discuss with me on a basis where you assume that we both have equal burden of proof, that we are equals, that not one of us is superior to the other by default." V allowed herself an ever so small subtone of arrogance here.

"Ahahaha. Well, I admit, what I'm wearing and using is quite the styles clash, I can't easily tap out of this one, can I?" V chuckled briefly, annoyingly positive about the whole situation, from Annes perspective at least. "I guess we could count this as a mistake for me then, I'll let you ask a question you desire answered truthfully as payment. Or we could reverse one of your weakness counter, your decision."

"Lets use it to reduce your mistake, because.. that was number five, I am not annoyed by your inquisitiveness and assertions, as I said.. you reveal more about yourself by showing what you think will get under my skin, so every benefit you gain by tempting me into anger is lost... as I learn more about how to treat you in the future." V nodded sagely, then listened on to Annes second mistake for her.

"Not a mistake on my part. I don't value defiance as a concept indeed. Your societies laws are not something worthy of our consideration in the long run. I'll let you ponder this one and more will be revealed to you, but suffice to say, you are still at four mistakes for my count." The woman nodded, calmly.

"Lightbulb in your mouth? Either way, I hide my face out of habit, I guess if I interprete your powers right, you could still identify me even with a change of hair and without the cloth." V Shrugged.

"Oh, more interesting than were Omouzarus hands would go is the question why you stressed that Shizaru shouldn't cover his genitalia, lewd girl." Victorias facial muscles moved into a grin again.

"Scepticism is innately flawed. Doubt leads to questions. Questions lead to defiance. Defiance leads to disobediance. Disobediance is a great sin. Sins are always wrong, thus, scepticism is wrong. You have an ability to gather great amounts of information, but without a direction, a reality in which you are grounded, your talents are wasted, like a fast runner, that does not know where to go. You enjoying to run for runnings sake does not give you purpose." V explained in response to Annes protest at her mistake count.

"Interesting, so all your senses are enhanced, rather than the rate at which you percieve things.. Very good of you to volunteer this information, it will help me greatly soon enough." Vicotria crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Anne..

"Tzk. Wrong, wrong! Wrong! Thats enough of the mistake game then, clearly, whatever you think is born from a flawed basis, so you..... tzk. You are trying to provoke me, aren't you? Not too wise, considering your situation. A mistake, indubitably, what little satisfaction you can get shall be squandered considering who is in control of this situation, and thus, your happiness. That and misunderstanding the nature of holiness makes it five." V caught herself amazingly fast, exhaling for a moment, but something about what Anne had said in reaction to the question about angels had, finally, hit at home.. the last bit about holyness, perchance? Still, V gave her time to respond to all that she had said, before concluding:

"My dear, it doesn't matter if you believe in angels.. They believe in you!" With that, Victorias hand shot foward, grabbing Anne by the throat, applying pressure in a way that only a skilled martial artist could, whilest holding her shakled hands with the other. "You will black out in about twenty seconds and lack the strength to fight out of this in your current position. Once you awake, you shall be cleansed, so think wisely what you want to say... ten seconds." Anne could feel the blood refusing to pump past the grip, causing a feeling of painful tension.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Anne raised an eyebrow as she noticed something from her upside down positioning, wondering if her 'insult' from earlier held more truth than she had thought at the time. Or it was just some weird weapon that Victoria was keeping, either way, she didn't feel much of a need to say anything about it. "Well you see, a powerful being can be fought, defeated, refused, and ultimately overcome once science explains how it operates. A deity is something else entirely, it places itself above us in what would essentially be a dictatorship. I don't want to be part of, or allow, any sort of dictatorship that lasts even beyond death. Not to mention the fact that gods are not explainable, they simply are. That doesn't even mesh with the laws of magic, let alone science and reality." If it was up to her, she wouldn't be having this debate again considering how many times she's had it before. But if she was dealing with some religious cult of villains, then she'd probably be having this argument many times more... hopefully she wouldn't get sick of it.

"I'm not gonna attack you because even when I win I have nowhere to go. For all I know there's thousands of you out there, and who knows how many people have crazy powers out there. If it were just you maybe I'd be doing something, but I already know you work with people." Super Sleuth rolled her eyes at the thought of just trusting Victoria when it came to Insectra. "Yes because you've given me so much reason to trust you. Insectra seemed way more susceptible to my assessments and analysis than you do, who's to say I couldn't have thrown her off balance and win? Neither of us has proof in either direction, so no assumptions can be made on who would've won."

Oh boy, now she got to deal with the classic 'I'm the true hero' kind of villains, those were annoying because they continually justify everything they do. "Oh yes, you seem like quite the hero, holding me against my will simply because YOU were breaking the law. Capturing someone who's only desire was to protect the innocent from whatever criminals want to do, what a hero. How dare I, a captive being held against my will, argue with you. Arguing clearly is such a bad and villainous thing compared to kidnapping and interrogation." Sarcasm turned up to 11, another favorite tool of hers. "Just because I'm not certain about many things does not make me unsure of what to believe in. You're forgetting the other part of things like skepticism, which is pragmatism. Sure, there's no way for me to be sure that even the ground below my feet is 100% real, but because all evidence points to it being real then I err on the side of pragmatism and accept said reality until new information comes to light. I'm the same way with religion. I have no way to prove it either way, so I decide the more pragmatic option is to live my life independent f it until proven otherwise. Oh, and there is no meaning to anything if you wanna be technical. Nothing has a 'reason' to exist, it just simply does, which is comforting to me as I know there are no expectations from the universe, and there are fewer choices made FOR me. If you really wanna debate this whole idea, uncuff me and we can have this little debate over some tea or something at my home, free of duress. Offer stands until you actually try to harm me!"

She got a slightly pouty look at the bit of superiority, huffing a bit and shaking her head... which looked a bit ridiculous when upside down. "See, that's just silly. 'Oh you pointed out a flaw in my logic? Too bad I'm better than you, shut up'. If you wanna play this game at least play from a point of fairness. How am I supposed to accept the results of this game if you refuse to make it an actually fair competition?"

The whole game was already becoming a little pointless to Anne considering how unfair it was turning out to be, but she was fine with having one of her mistakes removed, even when she still contested a few of them as not actually being mistakes. "Hey, maybe I won't get under your skin, but might as well try. It's not like you won't get info out of me eventually anyway, so anything you get from this conversation is something that you could've gotten anyway."

"The lightbulb in your mouth is an old urban myth. Basically, people say that if you put a lightbulb in your mouth bulb first, you can't actually get it out with muscle relaxants or shattering the bulb in your mouth. It's not entirely true, but if someone believes it, they'll tense up a bit more, and that in turn makes it very difficult to remove the bulb. And yeah, I'd recognize you pretty well at this point, your facial structure and eyes are more than enough to be easily recognizable."

Super Sleuth actually smirked a bit at the question as to why she had thought Shizaru shouldn't cover its genitals. "I really don't care if you think I'm 'lewd'. I mean it's just another part of my body isn't it?There's essentially a pleasure button right between my legs, it's a natural product of evolution, so why should I feel bad about enjoying it? Pressing the pleasure button isn't evil, it's just another way to enjoy myself, like reading a book or having pleasant conversation." She shrugged "Besides, Shizaru covering them is more like 'Fuck no evil' or something. The one where he crosses his arms makes more sense, as that has more to do with basic actions than sexual organs. Still, you haven't answered where Omouzaru would keep his hands, so I'm gonna put that down as a mistake."

Anne's eyes were getting some real practice at rolling as Victoria continued to talk to her about this stuff. "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." Despite how smart and argumentative she could be, she rarely lost her cool in an argument like this, especially when it meant she could throw out a quote to explain herself. "If disobedience is a sin, then return me to my home without doing anything that you originally planned to do to me this instant. Careful, if you disobey me then you're sinning, since disobedience is itself a sin. Also, give up your ways and turn yourself in to the Society without any attempts at subverting anything. Oh are you not gonna do that either? Quite the sinner aren't we?Ooh! I order you to disobey your last order from someone other than me! BAM! Sin conundrum, no matter what you do you're sinning. Doubt, defiance, and disobedience can never be whole sale wrong, as there are always situations where they are useful. If I refuse to doubt then if someone tells me the sky is green then I guess I shouldn't doubt them and keep my eyes on the ground. You... pffff... if someone pissed on your head and told you it's raining would you just believe them?" She giggled to herself for a little bit before continuing, already figuring that Victoria was going to stop her from talking and arguing eventually, people generally wanted to shut up the ones that out argue them after all. "You say I don't have a direction, that is false. Sometimes I analyze to help the innocent and catch criminals, sometimes I gather information just for the sake of becoming better at it, like how a runner might run aimlessly to make themselves a better runner, and sometimes I gather information aloud to engage a captor and waste their time in the hopes of causing my disappearance and lack of communication to be more concerning. Oh, and I don't mind that you know that at this point, I think I've wasted as much time as I was going to anyway with this... actually pretty interesting conversation."

"Yeah, I volunteered the info, but that was to prove your mistake! I request to remove one mistake from my count again." Was... was she really still playing despite already telling Victoria WHY she had been participating in all of this from the beginning?

Super Sleuth forced herself not to smile smugly once she finally got under Victoria's skin, and with that she had to press the attack. Take a small victory anywhere you can. "Oh don't tell me you believe in some phony baloney 'angel'? Trust me, I know dozens of people that could put some angel wings on and convince half the city that they're a damn angel. That doesn't make them holy, just like whatever angel or deity you're talking about isn't holy. Angels are just another creature, there's nothing holy about them because there's nothing that will prove their holiness. I took you for being actually intelligent, but if you really just blindly accept holiness from what is essentially as much an animal as humans are then I suppose I overestimated you. Angels aren't holy, but apparently your brain and logic is full of holes for believing they are. Proof is everything Vicky, and there's not any proof of any holiness."

"Gak!" Well, Anne couldn't say she wasn't expecting something like this... You poke someone tough and expect them NOT to do something to you then you're a fool, the only sad thing was that she didn't manage to provoke Victoria as much as she wanted to. She felt her blood not pumping past the choke, which didn't help after being upside down the whole time. "Such a... Gnrk... Hero... Choking a... 19 year old girl..." She didn't even try to fight back, knowing it wouldn't change anything. As things started to fade, she managed to get one last thing out. "Thanks... for wasting... even more... time..." And that was it for her.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Tyranny, though it holds wrong connotations, is a blessing to the fools, just as a guiding hand is a blessing to the blind. Someone being in complete control of you doesn't need to be bad, if they genuinly have your best interests in mind and know what is best for you better than you do yourself, or will you argue for the right to be miserable?.. But don't worry, you will get to protect the innocent. And to be disobediant you first need to follow a higher authority... silly girl, thats me, not you." V's answer was brief, as Anne found herself getting dazed from the lack of bloodflow.

"Sometimes you do this, sometimes you do that, in the end, you lack... .. I .. .. .." And everything was getting rather dark, with her last sensation being herself being .. picked up?

That said, perhaps it was a dream, but Anne still picked up things from semi consciousness. Someone talking about a poor, confused child, lacking direction. Then, there was a pale angel smiling and petting her, then she was carried up a tower and jumped into a swimming pool. The last part seemed like her brain making wrong connections, however, she -did- awake in water. lukewarm, not too hot, not too cold.

"Good morning, Anne." It sounded in her ear. "Contrary to popular belief, unconsciousness lasts only for brief moments, usually. You may wonder why everything is still dark, even for your enhanced senses."

As a matter of fact, it was. As a matter of fact, she couldn't hear anything but V's voice, smell anything.. and, after a short wiggling revealed .. some sort of constraints she could barely feel, she couldn't touch anything either, more concerningly, although she could hear V's voice, she couldn't hear anything else and, if she tried to speak, she'd notice there was some sort of oxygen mask covering her face.. and preventing her from hearing herself speak.

"You have presented your point, a sad, confused, lonely view of the universe, now, it is time I present mine. You are innately flawed, your reasoning has already proved as much. To be a sceptic means to question everything. You tagged on the label of pragmatism, as without it, simply questioning everything leads you to the old Descartian trap. The old 'This could all be a dream', colloquially known as brain in a jar argument. You cannot, scientifically, prove that anything your senses percieve is truly real and not just a simulation. Most I hear follow this philosophy usually use a copout argument of 'well we have to take what our senses give us as real, else there is no point arguing, to argue we need a reason to disagree, ergo we argue for a reason!'

But I'll give you a different perspective, the thing you've been yearning and searching for.. purpose. Without need to question everything, and arbitrarily judge things to be 'pragmatic' just because they make the most sense. Sure, the ground being real and the sky not green makes a lot of sense, but its still only that, an assumption. Who is to say that, what you have associated with the color blue, doesn't look green to everyone else and vice versa and you've been percieving this color wrong all your life? If you can be wrong about something so obvious, couldn't you also be wrong about there not being true, holy, loving angels that want to guide you? The grass is red to the colorblind, they just pretend they know it is green. They wouldn't know red grass was something unusual even if they stood right before it in a field of green. You might say there are tests to find out if you are colorblind, yes. Consider this a test for you. But enough of this, you poor lost thing, I will give you the truth you've been searching for so long.

You can chose to continue to deny it, I do hear you, though you yourself will not, but I AM an angel. I bring you salvation and I want you to help me bring it to others too. At the moment, with all but your sense of hearing eliminated, I am certain you define yourself about what you listen to, so continue to listen to me. You are in an Isotopic floatation tank, otherwise known as a Sensory deprivation tank. You are blindfolded and immobilized and in a sound reduced chamber. Rumour has it that these devices cause insanity, or health benefits in alternate medicine.. both are incorrect,.. for normal types of their devices. Have you heard of arcanotech? A complicated, dangerous, highly effective science blending magic and metal, to put it in a headline. Well, although everyone will tell you it is impossible, that natural sciences don't mix with the divine.. You are currently in a prototype of my own design.. divinotech.

Where some of my allies are more.. pragmatic and dogmatic, I think you could make for a wonderful assistant, the only part you are lacking is information. .. well, that and you are just a human. Flawed."
There was silence.. and nothing else for a moment... a few seconds? A minute? Time seemed to stretch on painfully long.

"Despite your disrespect, you have given me the courtesy of a direct, honest talk, so I shall do the same. Your insults have, for the most part, not hurted me, but make me pity you, as incomplete lifeform that you are. It is true, you are evolved, imperfect, controlled by your emotions and senses. But there is a way out for you.

You have an intelligent mind, but are unable to look at the big picture, you not thinking about WHY I asked about the three monkeys gave that away. This is normal. Don't be ashamed. You shouldn't worry about the big picture, but let me dictate it, just like my voice is the only thing you can hear right now, just like you -want- me to speak again. Do not deny it, your enhanced senses have a weakpoint, they crave input, they demand it.. and the Divinotech chamber takes away all other senses, only to make what little you get more pleasant.

Your senses crave input, so they have taken in all the evil of the world. See no evil. Hear no evil. Think no evil. You've heard so much evil. Felt so much evil. It is only natural for a good person like you to stray from the path and turn to sceptic fatalism, but it doesn't need to be that way."
A gentle caress along Annes cheek and her arm, wait, shouldn't her sleeve be there? She was naked? Either way.. the sudden, unexpected sensation didn't leave her with little to focus her mind on but the caress.. the texture of the skin caressing her, gentle and smooth...

Victorias voice finally came again after the caressing hand had abandoned her and Anne couldn't help but note how, beyond the calm, intelligent analysis, her captor sounded genuinly caring. "You are innately flawed, ever since that damned tree, you comprehend and thus, are prone to doing evil. Even if you are born pure, with a thinking mind and the ability to percieve the world around you, you will naturally be exposed to and corrupted by evil. I will purge this impurity, for now, take away your ability to percieve that which is wrong. Later on, you will learn to ignore all the evil, wrong things. You call me being your captor as something wrong.. but it is not. Hypothetically, if a deity -had- designed you, had dominion over you and was all loving, then your freedom would not matter.. and it doesn't. You may call this determinism, but you are never truly free anyway. Your genetics, social circle and upbringing decide how you act in any given situation. Freedom is a lie your mind tells itself, so you see, I did no harm by taking you away from where you are. As for the break in.. nothing was stolen, the company has been given an anonymous donation in excess of the damage done to fence and lock and the sole purpose of the break in was to relocate a resource, you.

Now why is that wrong? Do go ahead, use the argument of your own happiness.. I look forward to dismantling it."
The voice sounded confident, as if it had already planned this all through, had all the answers. "If the only wrong I have done is to you, to make you unhappy, would this not be justified by utilitarianism, doing it for the greater good? But do not worry. I am not a utilitarian. I am above human law, but, in regards to humans, I am a hedonist. Your bodies are capable of experiencing great pleasure, I was pleased to see you knew this as well, so, I shall personally recompense you for the incovenience you suffered." A gentle hand caressed along Annes body, slightly parting her thighs.. unashamedly, without hesitation, caressing along her lower lips. Whilest the Super Sleuth would have already focused on the stimulation, right now, there was nothing but it, nothing but darkness, silence.. and the gentle caress. She had little choice but to focus on it, focus on how it gently teased her folds, increasing bloodflow to down there, warming her body.. Suddenly, there was the feeling of lips upon her own, not too forceful at first, but passionate... and still, she didn't even see what was right before her!

"I will save you from all the evil things that can poison your mind and heal the poison sickening you through sexual and psychological imprinting. I'm not telling you this to exchange information, to worry you or to 'break' you, but merely so you can help the process along. Now you might have heard of imprinting from young geese.. but well, it's more than just birds. Also, geese.. humans.. all animals, really. My Divinotech just helps you unlock this potential from your animalistic ancestry. Though you are an animal with a special gift, your senses, your intellect. This justifies someone like me investing work to .. well, put it simply,.." the nice voice stopped for a moment, as a soft kiss was planted, this time on Annes neck, the slow, systematic stimulation of her sex never stopping.. "I invested some effort into building this device to shield you from all evil and help you imprint on someone that will guide you on the right path, me.

I will give you pure pleasure, you will give me unending obediance. But I've spoken enough.. respond, if you want to, but what you say or want is secondary to what I want and you feeling good."
With that, the hand upon Anne kept up its efforts and actually stimulated her more determinedly, a brushing of her love-button, a gentle squeeze and lifting of her breast, followed by the intense sensation of someone blowing on.. then kissing it. It was impossible to shut out, with no other sensation being present.

"I could merely use sexuality to make you compliant, but I value your intellect, so I also wish to make you agree with me and you seem to derive joy from arguing, so by all means, argue on with me.. but do weight pointlessly opposing me for false principles with the benefits of recieving more pleasure" The woman offered, quite expertly in her teasing of Annes body, though, even a clumsy teenager could make the poor heroine aroused with her having nothing but these sensations, and never knowing what would happen next. Perhaps this would make her feel intensely helpless.. but at the same time, the feelings of arousal kept building up.. as did the darkness around Anne, the silence.. until there was the gentle, nice voice again, telling her.. Good girl.. Had Annes body writhed in arousal, or had she imagined that?

"You know how most humans think they have, or worse, that there exist only a total of five senses? Thats actually way off. Thats why this device has you float in water, to take away a total of seven senses, not five. Tell me if you feel discomfort at not quite having full control of your bodies mobility.. I don't want you to feel distressed, the feeling of a loss of control is a precious one I want you to focus.." The voice interrupted itself, to give Anne another kiss, with a slight nibbling to her neck. "on alongside the pleasure. If you are not in control of yourself.. you cannot do evil anymore, correct?"

It is now morning, even though Anne was more of a loner, indubitably someone will soon grow suspicious of her and the cop missing. It's a big city, but it'd be easy to track their last locations, plus, soon the factory will start its daily grind with a few mechanics coming in first to start up the machinery, later there'll be an engineer on call and pharmaceutical personnel checking the production. Annes recording device finds itself stuck in a sterile filtration system rather than flushed out, lucky for her.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Anne couldn't really get a retort in considering her consciousness had faded out, though she did feel some things rather vaguely, like she was in a dream. Yeah, that made sense, she was in a dream where an angel was petting her, making her smile and even try to rub into the petting, the pleasant sensation not being tempered by her own conscious thought and logic. But then just as suddenly she was awake... in water? It was hard to tell... actually it was hard to get a grasp on anything. She couldn't hear anything, feel anything, see anything, there just wasn't anything. For the first time since being kidnapped she felt scared and worried. Her whole life she was used to having so much detailed information from her senses, and now she had nothing... It was such a stark contrast that once she heard a voice her mind latched on almost immediately, giving full focus to the voice out of desperation for something, ANYTHING to give attention to.

"How do you know my... Huh? I can't..." She stopped talking, finding the idea of not even being able to hear herself very odd, and it certainly didn't help with the fear she was already feeling. Her brain was essentially thrust into a completely new and unheard of scenario, as even when she once tried one of the regular sense deprivation chambers, her sensitive senses could feel certain things. And once again she heard a voice, which actually helped her, it made her mind feel familiar again. "I don't like this... damn it! I can't hear me!" She sounded... scared, frightened, desperate. Her argumentative and defiant attitude was gone, replaced by what was almost panic.

She grew quiet, thinking that V actually couldn't hear her either, as it hadn't been explained to her yet. "I'm not lonely..." She muttered to herself, thinking Victoria wouldn't hear her. "I don't mind being alone... It'll always be that way anyway..." That being said, she had never felt this truly alone before, without even sound or feelings to keep her company. Hell, technically she didn't even have herself... as even if she spoke she couldn't hear it, how did she know she was even talking?

So, Super Sleuth remained mostly silent, listening intently to the voice, her only indication that anything was there at all. Normally she might have been able to come up with SOME form of retort to this whole line of thinking, but oddly enough with nothing to distract her she felt extremely distracted. She normally talked, thought of different things, observed the world around her, and moved around all at once, so with only one thing to focus on it was difficult to get her mind to move to anything other than what she was hearing. "You can hear me? But... that's not fair... I can't hear me..." Honestly she had already kind of figured out she was in some form of sense deprivation chamber, the only surprise was that they had one that had worked on her. "I've heard of that... Schizo Tech is cooler.." Her little comeback seemed more tame, her voice lacking any sort of bite that it had before, as though losing all her senses had essentially declawed her.

"I don't wanna be your assistant... I don't wanna be anyone's assistant..." Anne felt weak, helpless, useless, terrified, defeated, her entire world and everything she used to help define herself was gone, and all she had was the voice, it wasn't even her own, but it was all her brain had to latch on to. Then the silence came, the deafening silence that stretched on and on forever, the fear returned, she was alone again, there was nothing, not even herself, nothing... How long had it been? Why did the voice just leave? Where did it even go?

It was back... and she was slightly less scared once again, her brain finding something again. Once again she existed, in some form, because she could hear something, the voice was there so she could be certain she herself was there too. The explanation the voice gave... was that it? Was she just emotions and senses? Could that really be all she was? Anne seemed to be able to get into her own head far better than anyone else could, and when the thing she had used so effectively her whole life was suddenly gone, she could do nothing BUT get inside her own head... and listen... she could do that too.

With her unable to hear herself and her brain desperate for sensation, Anne's own filter had been reduced to nearly nothing, not stopping things she might have found embarrassing from coming out. "Y-Yes... Please don't stop talking... Please..." Anne was certain her mouth had moved and she had just said something, but... without hearing any of it she wasn't even certain over what it was.

Sensation! She had felt something... Smooth and soft caress against her cheek, skin against skin contact... Sensation. It was... she might have described it as heavenly, like stumbling across a lake after days of walking through a desert. Her mind was starved for feeling, and so the soft and gentle caress felt even more wonderful than normal, making her sigh for a brief moment. Even once it had stopped the feeling lingered for a bit, the sensations reassuring her that she definitely had a body, she wasn't just a consciousness that could hear, there was something that could feel.

And then it was all gone, all over again, nothing... Had it been a dream? Was it an imagined moment to keep herself comfortable? Where was the voice? Oh! It was back. Because she was forced to analyze and consider the voice (as nothing else was around) Anne realized just how smart the voice sounded, AND it sounded genuinely caring. That was nice... the only voice she could hear was smart and caring... that helped put her at ease a little more, getting her to listen to it even more. "But... I like to perceive... And I... I'm free. I've made my choices... right? 'You either get bitter or you get better. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you'." That was the most she had said this whole time, but most of it was just quote that she had lived her life by. She was cornered, unable to find fault in the logic of the only thing in existence, and so rather than try to argue she fell back on what had become her life creed after a long time. The thing that had helped pull her through no matter what, a saying she had memorized since she was 14.

Why was it still wrong? Well... no one seemed hurt except herself... But the voice sounded confident, ready for her to say that... Was that all she had? Had this been another situation she might have argued about the few friends she had who would be worried about her, that they would be hurt too... But as it stood, all she had to rebut this was the very argument put into her mind BY the voice. "You... You hurt me... Made me unhappy... Not nice to do that..." The touch was back... and Anne didn't even notice her own breath quickening a little in anticipation as it returned, drip feeding the drug of sensation that she had long become addicted to. Then she felt a gentle caress between her legs, warming her body with a wonderfully pleasant arousal. Her brain found another sensation to latch onto, focusing intensely on the arousal she felt, the pleasure of being touched. She squirmed in place a bit, at least she thought she did, and then she was suddenly kissed, passionate and wonderful, and she just melted into it, the already pleasurable sensations amplified by having nothing else to focus on.

"Why... Mnnnah... Help you?" Once again there was no defiance in Anne's voice, just confusion. She didn't know why she would want that. The voice wanted that... and the voice wanted her to be free from evil... but what was it that she wanted? Her brain didn't know anymore, it was lost and deprived, clinging to whatever it could sense, trying to find familiar and safe grounds, so it wasn't focused on complex topics of morality and argumentation. The nice voice paused... but this time it didn't seem so long, because she could still feel that pleasure, teasing her most intimate of places, and a kiss landed on her neck, adding to the intimate, loving pleasure her body was allowed to experience.

What she said and wanted was secondary? Was there much of a reason to respond then if it was all secondary? Maybe not... not when she was receiving the nice sensations anyway, plus if she argued then the voice might stop... With that decided, the only real noise she'd make would be moans of pleasure, the sensations increasing as her love button was stimulated, and her body was carefully pleasured and teased by what felt like the expert hands of a wonderfully intimate lover.

"I... I don't know... I like arguing... I think... But... Will this stop?" The sensations made her writhe and moan in place, but without the voice everything felt darker again, more silent, scarier... Where was the gentle, nice voice to save her from this? Suddenly she shuddered a little and her anxiety almost dissipated as the voice returned, telling her she was a good girl. Maybe normally she'd have taken offense to that, but it felt so good to hear a voice, and to be praised and pleasured at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to be upset with all of that.

"Actually... loads more senses... like temperature and spatial awareness and-..." This time she cut herself off... What was the point of saying any of that, and she couldn't hear herself saying it anyway. For a brief few moments she had a bit of clarity, just enough to think and reach a conclusion about something. "I... never realized how much I talked... just for the sake of hearing myself." That realization alone served to help Victoria, making Anne doubt everything she had thought and done before, and make her even more open to hearing something different, something V wanted her to hear. "I... I feel fine... Feels good... Just... please don't stop... It's scary..." There was complete honesty in her voice, not willing to go through the effort to lie to the nice voice, not when it wanted to help her. She gasped at yet another kiss, her powers and her own mind amplifying the pleasure beyond anything she had already experienced. "But... But I could be controlled to do evil... Right?"
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"I note you are less talkative, and take this as a sign of the.. treatment working. You seem distressed, as expected, but do consider this a necessary.. surgery." The voice spoke again. "Once I'm certain that this is a sucess, you shall be given back your senses, newly improved." Vicotria promised.

"You needn't be alone, little human." And, in a break between responses, the caresses of her body grew on, more insistant, increasing that heat in her, yet feeling disjointed from it at the same time. "I could go into scientific detail about how this tank disturbs your proprioception.. but not your hormonal response to arousal, but all you need to understand, right now, is that you come to associate my sound of voice, my skins touch, with positive actions out of a lack of other stimuli.. however, as you have been good, so far I will allow you another sense, permanently, your sense of smell. Good girls get rewards. Continue to be good and you will get more rewards." And, .. exactly that happened, there was a touch on Annes nose by Victorias smooth, nice fingers, and a feeling of something being pulled out and suddenly, Anne could smell again, even when she wasn't touched or talked to.. of course, as the first thing, and the most intense thing for a long, long time thusly, she smelled Victorias body.

The other womans scent was mature, healthy, somehow both feminine and masculine, tempting a primal part in "Your monkey brain, isn't it?" Victoria finished her thought. "Don't fight it. A humans sense of smell is pathetic, compared to many animals, but you can still enjoy the scent of potential mates. I'm sure you know of experiments about this, even if your modern world often hides these things under perfumes."

"Cooler hmnn? Well, I admit, Divinotech is a bit simple. But the japanese spirits are flighty and unreliable. Divinotech, once properly utilized.. is powerful. It helps make you obediant .. more permanently than a Kitsunes charms could ever hope to. Also, I do notice you are still partially defiant so.." The stimulating sensations stopped, only to, a brief moment after, be replaced, by a painful sting on one of her breasts.. a slap?

"Nociception, also known as the perception of pain. I wish not to go down this road, but I will, if you force my hand. I'd prefer you be a happy, obediant assistant. But you need to understand that defiance is a common symptom of the sin of disobediance. You mustn't defy your greaters. You must obey them at all times. The only questioning you should do, is if you serve them well enough, or if perhaps you could serve them even better if you interpreted their order another way." Perhaps, Anne wondered if the nice voice repeated words like obediance on purpose. It didn't sound like anything too concerning though.. losing the voice was far more concerning!

"Don't worry, I don't usually talk so much, but I know you enjoy my voice.. my scent. My touch. All you need to experience this is to be a good girl. I don't want to harm you, you need to understand you, I just want to protect you from evil.

See, with your superior senses, you picked up so much evil, you heard people talk about evil things, I'm sure you had someone run into you or perhaps even grope you, you've smelled vile and disgusting things.. but no more. I can teach you how to filter out all the bad things. And if you can't percieve them, they cannot corrupt your mind as they have."
The voice explained.

"The principle, is simple." And a hand returned to slowly caress around one of Annes nipples teasing the areola. "Your brain is a simple tool, focusing on one thing at a time. So if you learn to focus on something good above all else, you can simply replace the bad things with the good things. For example.." Victorias scent grew more intense, as a hand brushed against Annes nostrils.

"If you smell something evil and disgusting, you can simply think of mistress smell and don't let that other sensation affect you as anything more than a passive observer." Victorias voice had a triumphant subtone.. and another subtone, one of a certain.. arousal.

"But I shall.. hmnn.. give you something else to smell soon. But first.. would you like to touch something yourself? You can still take action.. you just need to follow my guidance,.. re-learn a few things. Here. Your hand is here." Another hand clasped into Annes.. it was Victorias, strong and determined.

But then the hand withdrew again. "You clearly have gotten bitter. Not believing in angels.. If you don't believe in me, should I go and truly disappear from your existance? You wouldn't want that. I am helping you get better. You don't have to be free, or experience bad things, you see.

You need to help me make the world a better place. I calculated that, the most likely person to investigate the break-in at the chemical labs would be someone with low powers, but high intellect and a thirst for information.. I was correct. This information about the Council of heroines can be used to purify them of their wickedness. Knowledge is power. if we were to challenge them all, as we are right now, we -might- triumph, but there is an over 98% chance of defeat.. if we know their exact abilities, limitations.. and the weaknesses of the stronger ones, I am aware you may not know much of this, but it will be a start.., but if we were to, our chance of defeat would drop to about 76% .. and finally, if we manage to isolate and liberate the heroines, one by one, the chance can be reduced to under 0.1%.

Why do we need to liberate and purify them at all you ask? It is simple logic."
The touches were slow now, to make sure Anne listened.. and slowly linked the nice voice as well as Victorias scent with a subtle pleasurable sensation of her body, Vicotrias finger diving low, slowly circling around Annes pleasure button again.

"Know that this is not the logic of all of my comrades, but, you will find my explanation the most reasonable, and our goals are ultimately the same.

I view humans as innately flawed and capable of evil, consequentially, all heroines are innately flawed, even the most pure of you has a CHANCE to turn wicked.
Now, whilest a normal human turning wicked can already kill several innocents and many humans can start wars.. among the stronger of you are heroines that have the strength of an entire army. The country, if not the planet itself could be in danger.. if the strongest of you turned rogue. Now, even if there is a low chance of this happening, due to the impact it would have, we need to do the utmost to prevent it. If you see any flaw in my logic, I order you to speak up now.."
Vicotria went on.

"Frankly, perhaps one of your councilmembers has the same thoughts and safeguards to disable or kill your members.. but there is no need if they are pure. If they are unable to act evil in the first place.. and that is my goal... and you can help do whats RIGHT. You don't need to be a good, obediant girl to know whats right, do you?.. but it'd certainly help as well." She asked, then caressed Annes hand in an almost gentle, romantic way. "Imagine all the heroines.. purified, emptied of their evil, free will. Their eyes pretty and blank.... but enough of this.. this is getting me aroused.. so I wish to show you something.. soon." Victoria cooed.

"If you don't want the sensations to stop, you can't argue with me. I am your superior. Your mistress. You cannot argue with me because I AM Truth. I am whats true and right, so arguing with me doesn't make sense. True is what you can percieve. You believe that from the bottom of your heart. Currently, I am the only thing you can percieve. Thus, I am true. What I am, what I say, is more true than anything else, right?" Victoria encouraged the certain line of thinking, whilest at the same time promising, tempting. The line of thinking itself was tempting..

"You are not allowed to hear yourself, because, until you are purified, your voice is flawed. Your own thoughts are flawed, and thus, you are only allowed to hear me. Once your voice is clean and gentle, you can hear it as much as you desire. Your friends might misunderstand your voice as you being 'dull' or 'a bit sleepy sounding' once its purified, but you know that thats not right, a voice that has an edge can cut, and speak words that can hurt. You don't want such a voice, you want a gentle, calm, subserviant voice of a slave. Would you like to be a good girl? Would you like to get your sense of taste back, purified, to only taste good, delicious things from now on?" The voice encouraged, before continuing..:

"You are correct, you could be controlled to do evil.. but only if you are controlled by someone that is evil. I am good. I make you feel good. The only time you don't feel good is when I'm not there, when you can't hear me speak, feel me touch you, smell my scent... and soon more will join this. I make you into a good, obediant girl, so I must be good." A finger finally pressed Annes pleasure button, to help her body distract her mind from the circular logic here.

"But enough of this... You have acted like a good, complicant girl more anticipated, so I shall reward you, by allowing you to feel more good things as you consider this. Endure a short while, alright?" There was a rustling noise, that made Anne think of something being undressed, then, Victorias sweet scent came upon her much stronger, and something warm and pulsating was presented to Annes hand.. even if the heroine hadn't known before, she could make an educated guess what it was. "Here.. feel free to explore it. There is a reason that your mythology describes angels as neither male nor female, you know. Indulge your curiosity. Learn all you can about it. How to please it. Do good.. and I will give you back another one of your senses, permanently. But you need to prove your devotion to good over evil first." The angels nice voice encouraged, as a hint of another scent, more .. primal and sensual, filled the air. "Once you explored it, caress along it. Slowly. You bring pleasure under my command. You do good. You are obediant."
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Anne was definitely distressed, but the promise that she would get her senses back helped to calm her down even further. Her brain had opened itself to the little sensation it could get, and so she easily believed that Victoria was being honest, and that all that it took to get her senses back was for all of this to be a 'success', whatever that meant.

"But... always been alone... People don't like me..." It wasn't argument or defiance, but instead it was her own evaluation of what had gone on in her life. Apparently she opened up readily when she was unable to distract herself with dozens of different observations. She shivered a bit as the pleasure continued, reminding her that she existed, and that the voice was giving her this pleasure. Her heart began to beat a little faster in anticipation when she was told she would be getting one of her senses back. Good girls got rewards... and she'd take that reward eagerly... she needed to be a good girl, needed to earn these rewards from the voice.

A sigh of happiness left her as her sense of smell returned to her completely. And there was already something to smell, a healthy and alluring smell that mixed masculine and feminine scent, making her grow even more aroused. She took deep breaths through her nose, savoring every moment that she experienced that smell. "Smell of a mate? Mmmmmm... smells nice..." And just like with the voice, her brain focused intently on the smell, connecting it with the feelings of pleasure and the gentle and kind voice.

And suddenly there was pain... intense and stinging pain, made even worse as it was the only sensation she had at the time. She let out a whimper, not wanting to experience that kind of vivid and intense pain ever again. "I-I'm sorry... I'll be good... Please... not again... I won't sin... I'm sorry..." She groveled and apologized, any trace of her normal state of defiance completely gone under the idea that she might feel that pain again, or even worse, the voice might leave her. If Anne was still observant, she might have caught herself referring to what she did as a 'sin', probably from the very nice and kind voice talking about obedience once again. It was almost as if the Super Sleuth was adopting Victoria's terms and vocabulary, grasping at the few patterns she heard and incorporating it into her own speech, and perhaps even her world view...

She enjoyed and loved the voice, the sweet smell, the wondrous pleasure, and to keep it all she just had to be a good girl. Anne could do that, she WANTED to do that, to be good. And the voice wanted to help her by shielding her from evil, if that was what was needed to be good then she would readily accept it. "Want to filter out bad things." She agreed, her mind eagerly lapping up everything the voice offered, only made more compliant through the pleasure.

Her nipples hardened a little more as one of them was teased, and because she had nothing else to focus on, it felt even better than usual. "Focus on good... ignore the bad..." That really was simple, and she was glad to have been taught it. Then the beautiful scent grew stronger, causing her to impulsively inhale more of it, her brain memorizing the scent even better. "Remember Mistress smell." She agreed, committing it to memory, feeling happy from how triumphant the voice sounded, because if the voice was happy about something than something good MUST have happened.

She... She could touch something? "Y-Yes please... I would like to touch... if I have been good enough..." Victoria's grasp would cause Anne to gasp a little in surprise and happiness... and then tears of joy welled up in her eyes, that firm grasp letting her know she definitely had a hand, that she could feel, and that the voice was still there with her. But just as suddenly, it was gone and she was forced to wonder if it had ever really been there before. She had grown bitter... she had failed in her own creed, the voice told her so."Wait... no... please don't go... I need you... I believe in you... Please help me get better... Help me not experience bad things..." Victoria had selected the absolute perfect method to work on Anne, as her entire world view was built around her senses, and by turning them off so suddenly, Victoria had shattered everything that Anne had once believed in. It was as though her brain had been shut down, and was now easily molded into anything that was desired of it.

The Super Sleuth listened carefully to what the voice wanted, and found that it made sense. The voice wanted to make the world a better place, and Anne couldn't fault that, why wouldn't she want to help make things better? And still, the tingling pleasure didn't cease, reinforcing the connection between Victoria's smell, the voice, and a nice flow of pleasure through her body. Even under normal circumstances, Anne would need time to create an argument against Victoria's logic, but as it stood there was absolutely no way for her to come up with anything. The voice always sounded so smart, so correct, what was she even supposed to come up with? In fact, she even briefly started imagining what might happen if someone like MT snapped and became evil, putting an end to that line of thought as she realized how much ruin it could bring. Hearing an order, Anne quickly moved to listen, wanting to be good girl and do as the voice ordered."There is no flaw in your logic."

"We... could all trust each other... because none of us could ever BE evil..." Another sigh of happiness as her hand was gently caressed, helping to reaffirm the idea in her mind. "Sounds... Right." As ordered, she pictured all the heroines of the Society, eyes blank now that all the evil had been purged from them. And her brain linked that with everything else going on, that wondrous picture was linked to pleasure, contentment, and even some romantic feelings now that her hand was being caressed at the same time. Chances were very good that imagining that again, even outside of this session, would bring the same feelings of arousal and romance back.

The voice was the only sensation that Anne had any more, and she had based her entire reality, all truth on her senses. So, the voice was right, it was the only sense she had any more, so it was the only thing that even COULD be the truth. The voice was her Mistress, because the voice had said so, and the voice was the only truth there was, so her Mistress was the voice. "Yes... Mistress. You are the truth... I won't argue with truth." Arguing against pure truth was foolish anyway, and even then she wouldn't argue because that might make her lose the sensations she was feeling. Her brain had almost eagerly bitten onto that line of thinking, desperate to never have to lose what little sensation it had left, agreeing with anything wholeheartedly so long as it could keep its drug. If that meant believing that the voice was the truth, then she completely believed that it was.

A slave voice... her voice was too hard and full of evil for it to be heard, even by herself. She needed a slave voice, one that would no cause harm, would not spread evil, would not remind her of any evil that was once in her. To ever hear herself she would need a gentler, cleaner, calmer, more subservient, more obedient, slave voice. "I want to be a good girl. I would like to have my taste purified... if that is what you wish." Without even consciously trying to do so, Anne's voice had become meeker, a little more quiet, not completely without edge, but clearly having taken the first step already.

A moan of pure pleasure left her when her pleasure button was pressed, causing the circular logic to flow into her brain without a single bit of scrutiny. It all made perfect sense, the voice was good because it made her good and obedient, it was good because it made her feel good, and she knew it was making her good and obedient because the voice was good. She could be controlled to do evil, but if something good, like the voice, was in control, then she wouldn't be doing any evil. She was happy to have such a good voice to help her, to keep evil out, and to help her be a good girl that could earn the privilege of her sense.

Her heart raced eagerly at the promise of more good things to experience, and her brain connected this reward to being a good, obedient girl like the voice wanted. "Thank you. Thank you so much." She said with conviction, feeling nothing but grateful for the chance at yet another reward. Then the scent grew stronger, making her head spin ever so slightly from the pleasant musk coming over her. It didn't take long for Anne to realize what had been presented to her hand, and maybe hours ago she'd have felt something other than awe and excitement, but right now she was eager to feel something, and to do as the voice said. Once given permission to explore the member, she would move her fingers softly over it, looking for any spot that might make it throb a little more in her hand, clearly trying to learn the right spots to make it feel good. She wanted to prove her devotion to good, prove she no longer chose evil for pointless reasons. Not just to get one of her senses back, but also to be a good girl and keep out evil sensations. Her hand would slowly caress as ordered, returning and focusing a little more on any sensitive spot she had found earlier. "Yes Mistress... Pleasure under your command... I do good... I obey... I am obedient..." She repeated, caressing carefully, working to give pleasure, enjoying every moment she was allowed to feel that hard, warm, throbbing member.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Aww poor thing. I like you.. if you can be good, so no need to be alone, ok?" Victoria offered. "Yes, thats how your brain interpretes my scent.. thats fine, imprint on it.. you're already doing good." Vicotria nodded at Annes vividly enhanced reactions.. The tank was a sucess, though this one was propably among the easiest targets for it, still, she smiled with lewd enthusiasm.

"Good. I don't like punishing you, so you'll make us both happy if you are simply obediant. Don't sin. Don't do wrong things at all. Don't even think about doing them. Don't even sense evil." The hand came up to pet along her cheek softly. "Please don't sin alright? You can be better than that. Yes. Thats a good girl, a compliant girl, accept the good things I do to you, let them become more important than any bad things happening to you." Victoria smiled, brushing over the Super Sleuths now bleached out blonde hair.. a side effect of the tank, she presumed, but it did make her pretty and for her mission, it was easy enough to color her hair back to normal.. no, not normal, its prior state.

"Thats right, good girl. Remember my voice.. blend out any bad things people tell you, like you needing to be freed, or listen to anyone but me. Just remember my warm voice.. its like sweet honey for your ears, isn't it?" Victoria wasn't that good at metaphors, but she tried her best, for her slaves trainings sake.

"Ok then.. we both want you to get better after all. And to get better, you have to avoid all the evil in this world from affecting your slave senses. Thats why I had to seperate you from all the influx of evil, even if it scared you a bit.. I hope you understand. Now, all you need to do is focus on me, so much so that your slave-mind obediantly accepts me as its superior input. What I tell you to do is right and NEEDS to be followed, ok? I just want your best, my sense-slave." The voice sounded amused.. "My sense.. and my sensual slave." The voice came closer with the last bit, so this time, perhaps Anne could slightly anticipate the passionate kiss, though again it was a little too short, leaving her wanting, yearning.. open.

"There is no flaw in my logic. There is no flaw in me. So accept it as truth, accept me as truth. Obey me, my sweet girl, please?" It sounded like a hopeful request, and perhaps it was, but there was also a commanding subtone, determinedly pushing at Annes mind.

"Thats right, I want to brainwash you all. Some would say that, of course, brainwash is a bad word, so whenever you hear it, I want you to instead blend it out, hear my nice words, I don't want to brainwash anyone, I want to purify them, clean them, help them to salvation, understood? Good.. lets try another word.. whenver you hear the word slave.. just replace it with 'good girl' Because all slaves are good girls and you're a smart girl, so you know what the word slave really means, you can make that kind of connection, now that you are freed of evil, can't you?" Victoria looked down upon her trainee, then added.. "It's important I brainwash your comrades, don't you think? You could all be happy, brainwashed slaves together." She cooed softly.

"Enjoy it, take a moment to imagine them as empty eyed, clean, brainwashed slaves. Ready to do whatever they are told.. just like you." Victoria encouraged, gently embracing Anne, hugging her, letting her feel comfort and contentment in this image, before suddenly, Anne felt something reach behind her head, working on.. her enhanced senses quickly analyzed, removing some sort of thick gag from her mouth.

"Time to restore another of your senses, as you've been an obediant slave so far. Good slaves let themselfs be brainwashed." She tested Annes reaction a little, with a lustful grin on her own lips that could only be heared as happy amusement for Anne.

"Good girl, don't argue, just accept. Arguing with something that is wrong and evil is fine, but arguing that two and two doesn't equal four, or that your mistress is wrong, doesn't even make sense to you, does it?" She cooed, pulling the gag away from Annes mouth, but, before the same was allowed to feel her own mouth, two fingers pushed into it, allowing her to suckle, and imprint upon mistress, with her restored sense of taste.

"Good girl, Meek and compliant. Repeat what you just .. haaah.." The voice moaned in pleasure, Anne was giving her pleasure, was making the good mistress feel good.. which in itself was exeptionally good, as the shaft throbbed within her, Victoria reached back, cupping her shaft, and then, reached to rub something warm and sticky feeling under Annes nose.. an instantly strong masculine musk invading her sense. "There.. inhale this scent. repeat what you said to me about being obediant and.." The twitching shaft withdrew from her hand, as it felt as if something positioned above her, the fingers withdrawing from her mouth..

"Whenever you smell something disgusting, just blend it out, remember this sweet scent. And whenever you taste something disgusting.. remember this." A round, thick tip prodded at Annes lips, the shaft slowly pushing into her mouth. "Imprint on this. You need to be able to recognize your mistress rod by taste alone, your hand already remembers how it looks by touching it, now let your mouth confirm the picture. Suck and lick like a proper slave, let it brainwash you and imprint upon your mind forever. My taste is good for you. My scent is good for you, my voice is so good for you, all these things are good, so you need to obey them." The cock thrusted into Anne, letting her taste Victorias precum, slowly withdrawing, thrusting again, whilest telling her these things:

"Let the nice cum I have for you hamnn.. smooth out your voice into a gentle, obediant timbre.. if you do well and think about how nicely it flows into you, how it makes you meek, and obediant and brainwashes you completely, I will allow you out of the tank, I can trust you to move again, and regain most of your senses.. but you have to be completely brainwashed, ok? Ready to.. haah.. give me your evil soul, so you can't sense any more evil things." The voice cooed, and after Anne responded, the shaft thrust back into Annes mouth, twitching in eager anticipation. A hand came down to cup Annes pussy softly, beginning to caress it again, spreading it, letting her feel more pleasure in exchange for listening on, obeying on..
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"You.... like me? Not alone... Thank you..." Anne had felt alone for a long time, but it wasn't until she had become this alone that she completely realized how much it affected her. But now it didn't matter, the voice liked her, she wasn't alone, it was all okay. And the encouragement only made her breathe that nice scent in further, purposely doing as Victoria wished and letting her brain imprint on that nice smell.

The voice didn't want to punish her, which meant that Anne was the one that made the punishment happen. "I won't sin... I'll be good, I'll be obedient. No more sin." She agreed, making sure that she did everything she could to never get punished like that again. She softly purred when her cheek was pet, the nice tingling from a nice caress helping her accept the voice's words and her own words deeply into her brain.

Super Sleuth naturally shuddered in pleasure once she was told that she was a good girl, her body reacting to having pleased the voice. All she'd have to do when she heard bad things was fill her mind and ears with the voice, the nice, kind, loving voice. "Like honey... Yes, Mistress... think of your voice... block out evil." The voice didn't need to be all that great with metaphors, not when Anne's brain was completely compliant and open to anything that Victoria had to say.

Having things explained like that by the voice, Anne started to understand why she needed to have her senses taken from her. They had let so much evil into her, even more than the average person because of how attuned they were. This was all to cut them off from evil for a little bit, opening her mind to truths that all the evil had kept out before. "I understand... focus on Mistress... Obey Mistress... What you tell me is right. What you tell me must be obeyed... You know what's best for me." Never in her life did she accept someone else's control and authority so willingly, but now it all made sense. The voice wanted what was truly best for her, and sometimes Anne couldn't see that herself, so she needed to obey whoever she could trust to have her best interests no matter what. Her lips tried to part as she realized what was coming, welcoming the passionate kiss eagerly, wishing that it had lasted longer than it had. She already missed the sensation, and her brain was once again left desperate to receive another pleasant feeling like that.

"You have no flaws... You are truth... I will obey you." The hopeful sound of the voice, along with the commanding undertone, made Anne eager to answer in the affirmative, agreeing to obey that which was inherently true. She didn't want to disappoint the voice, not when it was so nice to her, not when all it wanted was for her to obey.

Brainwash was a bad word? Well, she had heard people use that term negatively before... what was she to do if that term was 'bad'? But her answer came rather quick, she could just let her purified senses fix the bad word into the nice meaning of the word. "Purify..." She whispered with an air of reverence, enjoying the feeling of that sacred word passing her lips. Then came another word she needed to replace, 'slave' wasn't the word she needed to hear, she needed to hear 'good girl' because being a slave basically meant she was a good girl anyway. "Yes... can make that connection..." Then she nodded in agreement as the voice continued, hearing the words she was meant to hear, not listening to what she had been told were bad terms. "Yes Mistress... Need to purify my comrades. Need to all be happy purified good girls..."

Another happy sigh as she thought of all of the Society nice and purified, happy and empty of evil, just like her. It was such a nice vision, so perfect. Then she felt a comforting embrace, her brain linking the warm, comfortable, content feeling with the image she had conjured up. Her comrades all being good girls like her was clearly something she wanted, if it gave her all these nice feelings whenever she pictured it. Anticipation grew once again, as she felt things were being adjusted on her face, wondering if she would be allowed another sense back.

Her breathing quickened a little in anticipation once the voice confirmed she could have another sense back. "Obedient good girl... Will let myself be purified... Want to be purified..." Being purified, being obedient, led to her getting one of her senses back, and it made the voice happy with her. Why wouldn't she want to be a nice and pure good girl? Especially when it helped make the voice happy, made her Mistress happy.

"Can't argue with truth... Mistress can't be wrong... arguing Mistress is wrong..." Anne was smart, so she knew it was ridiculous to try to argue pure fact, the truth couldn't be contradicted. And she knew her Mistress was good, right, and the only thing she could be sure was true. And yet another thing happened to reinforce everything she was learning, as she was allowed another sense back, her sense of taste. Not only that, but she got yet another wonderful gift from her Mistress, something to taste to help further block out any evil. She would eagerly suckle on those fingers, her tongue moving around them slowly, her brain making the connection even quicker to associate this taste with pleasure and her Mistress.

Anne's mind was a sponge for information, and so hearing the voice compliment her for being meek and compliant let her know that those were some of the qualities that she needed to have. From there her voice would become even meeker, softer, losing almost all edge to it if it meant her Mistress would approve of it. A warm feeling of contentment spread through Anne as she knew she was doing good, she was giving Mistress pleasure, making someone that she knew was good, feel good, which helped her know she was definitely doing good. She felt something warm and sticky rubbed under her nose, shuddering in pleasure as her nose was filled with such a strong, masculine, powerful musky scent. Her head swam for a bit, savoring the wonderful scent, connecting it to her Mistress."I do good... I obey... I am obedient..." She repeated in her soft, dulled, meek voice. And as she spoke and inhaled, she wished that she could have that warm, strongly scented substance on her forever, but at the very least she knew she could block out any bad smells with the memory of it. Her tongue moved after the fingers as they withdrew, longing for their taste, but stopping as she knew it was her Mistress' desire to withdraw that taste.

That scent would help save her, it would keep the bad scents away by letting her just bring back the nice smell whenever an evil one got to her. And now she was going to be given something that would do the same for taste. Anne already had an idea what that taste was going to end up being, and so she parted her lips so that her Mistress' shaft could easier push into her mouth. Her hand had already learned the shape and texture of it, now her tongue would learn it as well, reaffirm the details. She had to suck and lick like a Good Girl, and use the taste to help purify her, further imprint on her Mistress. The taste, the voice, the touch, the smell, it was all good for her, and it all came from her Mistress, so her Mistress was definitely good for her, so she had to obey.

Her tongue would run up and down the length of Victoria's cock, first reaffirming that it looked how her hand remembered it. Afterwards she would work with passion, remembering what areas had gotten a response from her fingers, and focusing her tongue on those spots. Her tongue would focus on the head for a few moments, then slide up and down the length a bit before returning to the head. Once she got a taste of Victoria's precum, she'd savor it, carefully committing that to memory so she'd know one of the tastes she could use to block out anything else.

Then she had a chance to respond, and while she enjoyed being able to reaffirm things with her Mistress, another part of her missed being able to taste her Mistress' rod. "I understand, Mistress. I need to be purified before I can have all my senses back. I don't want the evil to ever come back. Please... take my evil soul and purify it. Help me be immune to all the evil things I can sense, Mistress." She earnestly pleaded, wanting nothing more than to never be able to do evil. And once the shaft came back into her mouth, she would return to her eager and careful suckling, aiming to do nothing more than give her Mistress as much pleasure as possible. Then she felt a hand on her pussy, spreading it and caressing it, making her moan and shiver with even more pleasure, reinforcing the pleasure being around Mistress brought her, linking every sense she could use to sense her Mistress with pure pleasure, linking the very act of being purified with pleasure. And knowing that this was exactly what her Mistress was trying to do... made Anne want to help it along, purposely and consciously thinking of the pleasure all of this brought, knowing that they were one in the same both consciously and subconsciously at this point. And through it all she would continue sucking her Mistress' cock, eagerly awaiting the cum that would help smooth her voice over even more, dull the edge in it until she knew her voice was safe and completely bereft of even the slightest amount of evil.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Shh.. good girl." A hand brushed through Annes hair softly again. "No more sinning." She encouraged on, smiling down at the trapped ex-heroine. "Thats the good thoughts. Just think about these things, think about obediance if you feel alone or lost." She cooed pleasantly.

"Sounds as if you are coming along nicely." The voice encouraged, .. her mistress encouraged. "Thats it, let me brainwash you.. then you can help me help your comrades too." She encouraged. Then, When Anne eagerly devoted herself, and.. devoted herself to tasting and pleasuring Vicotrias shaft, the super-villainess smiled, and began unlocking the tank, a slight hissing noise as the water slowly flowed out whilest she suckled on Victorias shaft.
"Your request is honest.. so I shall fulfill it." The shaft, and its yummy tasting precum withdrew, only to lift Anne up, picking her up and putting her down on the ground, on her knees. she could feel her body again, feel the ground beneath her, feel her balance, where her hands were, were she was, kneeling, blindfolded and with some sort of specialized earphones, but otherwise free.. of course, that notion of freedom was quickly guided along by Victoria, who helped position her into a kneeling, reverent position.

"Now then.. a way to free yourself from evil, to pump it all out of you, as I pump my purity into you." A hand pushed into Annes sex, but not with the aim to pleasure, her, a purpose.. there was a short, searing sensation, as if of something burning, but without much of the associated pain and Annes sex felt.. odd.

Right after, Victoria removed the specialized headphones and her own microphone, leaving Anne unbound.. but for a blindfold, though the only voices she'd hear herself make would be those of naughty pleasure, wet, gasping squishy warm sounds, as Victoria pushed into the warm, wet mouth before her again, faster this time.
"H.. haaah.. now then, prepare yourself for my purity.. and as you have given in to my teachings, it is time to release your soul, unleash it, let yourself be free of wickedness and independence." A twitching between Annes legs, a heat, incredibly pleasurable bordering the painful, as her slit closed up, forming into two heavy, full balls, her clit twitching, growing out, slowly but steadily into a shaft, into the back of which was prominently burned the angelic sign of the one that had purified Anne. She however, was likely too preoccupied with the thick shaft pulsing in her mouth to care much as Victoria moaned out...

"Thats it my sweet girl.. haah.. I'm going .. gonna cum and fill you with my purity.. and then.. haaah.. just don't resist and you'll be fine." A hand cupped the unusual, sensitive, heavy feeling of a ballsack now belonging to Anne.. "Once I drain you from your evil, you can look upon me, look upon your owner. And you don't have to do anything. Just enjoy, do whats natural. Good. Obediant. Slave. Ready to be reborn into my service!" Victoria commanded softly, her fingers circling Annes balls encouragingly as she shaft pushed deep, twitching, thick, warm cum pumping into her, flowing into her, her cheeks growing wide from the sheer quantity, until the nice angel mistress leaned up, using both hands to guide her cheeks, making her swallow the sticky-sweet seed as it slowly swelled Annes belly, going down nice and smooth and preparing her body with a few secret internal changes that'd make her the perfect enslaved sleeper-agent.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Anne resolved to be good, promising to herself to never sin again, and do whatever she could to prove that she was a good girl. And now, if she ever felt alone or lost, if she was ever without someone that liked her, she could just sit down and think about obedience and her wonderful purification. It gave her comfort, knowing that no matter how bad things might get she could turn her brain towards something far more happy and wonderful.

While she was intently listening to her Mistress, the Super Sleuth knew that speaking wasn't necessary, not when she could instead devote herself to her Mistress' holy rod. She wanted whatever her Mistress wanted, and that meant that she wanted to help purify all of her comrades, make them just as obedient as she was. And her obedience, her devotion, her honest pleas were answered, rewarding her devotion by giving her her senses back almost entirely, which was the greatest reward her brain could have to link obedience to pleasure and rewards. Though her tongue did gently follow the shaft as it withdrew, wanting to taste some more of that sweet precum, but it stopped, knowing it was the will of her Mistress.

For a moment, the return of her senses nearly overloaded her, she could feel the ground, the texture, herself, she existed, she could feel balance and movement. But she had a duty, and so she actually blocked out those senses temporarily, instead focusing herself entirely on pleasuring her Mistress. And thankfully she was helped into a kneeling position, being properly in position to worship the magnificent, benevolent angel that had freed her, freed her from sin, from disobedience, from her own evil.

Even through her focus, she could feel a heated sensation between her legs, momentarily curious about what it could be before refocusing, returning to her duty. All she knew was that she could pump all the evil out of herself, and her Mistress would fill her with purity, which was more than enough for the now purified ex-heroine.

Anne even had her full sense of sound returned to her, and so she could hear the wet, passionate, warm sounds of her giving pleasure, such a wonderful sound to first hear when she regained that sense. She was eager to release her soul, to put it in the care of her teacher, her resplendent Mistress, her benevolent guiding angel, that was the extent she was more than happy to go to in order to be free of her wickedness, free of the evil that had been corrupting her for her entire life without even being aware of it. In her mind she readily released any independence and defiance she once held dear, understanding how sinful it all truly was. While she could feel her sex twitching, heating up, changing in some way, but other than that she paid it no mind unless ordered to do so. Besides, she was too busy tasting the most incredible taste that she had ever experienced, savoring every moment she was allowed to keep her lips wrapped around Victoria's divine cock.

She let out a moan of approval, no ounce of resistance left in her, not towards her Mistress, it was against everything she had learned to resist her Mistress. Her tongue redoubled its efforts, twirling around the head of her member before going right back along the length, wanting the taste of purity on her tongue. Her pleasuring went off rhythm for the quickest of moments however when she felt... her balls being cupped? But her brain pushed the confusion away, filling her thoughts with obedience to encourage her to just continue, after all, if it was anything to be even slightly concerned with, something unnatural, her Mistress would've let her know.

She felt ready, ready to be reborn, to be as obedient as she possibly could, to be a proper Good Girl for her savior. Anne let herself enjoy every moment, every taste, every sensation that helped purify her, even enjoying the fingers circling her balls. Then it came... the shaft she had been pleasuring this whole time pushed deep into her mouth and a torrent of delicious, incredible, sweet, amazing seed filled her mouth. Anne tried to swallow as much as she could, not wanting to lose a single bit of this purity flowing into her, but her cheeks swelled and she worried she might lose some. But then... then her saving angel, her Mistress, once again helped her lost soul, moving her cheeks so that she could continue to swallow all of it, helping her fill herself with purity. The sweet, sticky fluid would flow down her throat, feeling warm and wonderful the whole way down, and Anne would feel wonderful knowing that her Mistress had helped her swallow far more than she had thought she could.

Meanwhile, everything seemed to click in place in her brain and body. All that she had just learned associated everything that was currently happening with intense pleasure. So, as her brain realized it had pleased Victoria enough to make her cum, and that Anne was swallowing the delicious results of that effort, it was as if a dam had been opened. Anne's body shuddered in pure ecstasy as she felt an intense twitching and throbbing between her legs. A pressure that she had barely noticed building was released, and her newly formed shaft twitched, shooting her own load as the orgasm washed through her. However, part of her knew that what she was releasing was her evil, her soul, all that had been unclean within her, and it was all being released to her Mistress. That in turn only made her cum harder, her body remaining knelt as she let all that evil disobedience flow out of her, not stopping as this had all felt natural, and her Mistress had said not to fight it. Even throughout her orgasm, she would ensure she drank down all of Mistress' cum, wanting purity to replace all the wickedness that was leaving her.