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City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Bifold would smile as she heard Veronica's reassuring words, nodding in agreement at the concept that her partner was explaining, glad to have someone so smart with her. "I submit. You lead." She agreed without the slightest hint of resistance, both wanting desperately to build a new, more successful partnership, and understanding that Veronica was far superior, and would therefore understand these kinds of things far better than anyone else. She wanted to make her partner happy, so she would be completely compliant, knowing that someone as superior as Veronica deserved to take the lead and make decisions for her. Not only that, but hearing it come from Veronica in her own voice made the former villainess feel even more comforted, trusting it just as much, if not more, than a thought that came from her own mind. The woman would smile calmly when told that her request was granted, seeming very comforted by the idea of never being separated. "Access whatever you want... I'm yours, and if there's any way that I could help the process along or make things better for you, let me know and I'll do whatever I can." The heroine was eager to please, wanting to do everything she could to make things easier for Veronica. Though her train of thought would be cut off a little bit when the disorienting flashes of light went off, making her need to take a minute to steady herself and get her thoughts back into place, not really noticing the metal being fused into her, just glad to have a new partner.

"I understand, Mistress... That title is more than good enough for me. Especially since it is clear that you are the superior mental process, which is why you're the one in control." Bifold would reaffirm, very quick to understand the important details of their partnership. Because Bifold was so eager to please someone else, to please someone that she loved, she was very attentive and learned the ins and outs of their relationship as quickly as possible. Normally she was distant with most of the people that she knew, but now that she had already felt love and admiration for Veronica, now that she had been saved by her as well, she had formed the same attachment she had created years ago, feeling honestly and truly happy to be with Veronica, something that she hadn't felt in such a long time. Both in the real world and in the virtual one, Bifold would shudder at the thought of being preserved, of her biological processes like arousal being used to reinforce her submission to the superior process.

Bifold would smile lovingly when told that she could also call Veronica 'partner' on occasion, her heart fluttering at that, at the feeling of acceptance from her partner. "Thank you so much, partner." Anything else that she had planned on saying would fly from her mind as she was pulled into a deep and passionate kiss, almost melting into it, letting Veronica take charge, not showing any resistance to her Mistress, welcoming the kiss, feeling herself run a little out of breath from Veronica holding it so long. She felt so wonderfully helpless, not breaking the kiss as she was held completely, moaning a little, then breathing heavily once the kiss was broken, just trying to catch her breath for a moment.. "I love you too, Mistress." The words came from her lips without the slightest hesitation, a full blush of arousal and love filling her face when Veronica described what she was feeling as love. It had been so long since she felt like this about someone, she felt like she wanted to give everything to Veronica, her mind, and especially her body as she felt her lover pushing deep into her. "Aaaah... Mnnnnmmm..." She moaned out, her body tensing a bit for a moment as she felt the cool liquid filling her, shuddering and shaking in a climax of her own, partly from the actual pleasure of being thoroughly fucked, and partly from the knowledge that her partner, her Mistress, was pleased with her. And now she knew, knew that her body was being altered, made to be resilient to pleasure unless it came from her partner... That felt... right. To know that her body could only feel the pleasure coming from her Mistress, knowing that her partner was the one that could pleasure and condition her body... that was how things should be.

"Our body... Mmmmmm... Yes Mistress... Even if you had wanted it to be just YOUR body, I would accept it... I love you. Of course I would help the process along, Mistress... I want to be a good partner for you... I want to help you because I love you." Bifold would answer earnestly, though she would still blush just a little bit at admitting something like that. She would smile, spreading her legs a bit to make it easier for Veronica to push into her pussy, wanting to make things easier for Bifold, excited at the idea of no one else having her body. That sounded absolutely perfect to the former villain, only giving her body to her Mistress, being adjusted and changed to be the perfect body for Veronica. She shuddered and moaned as data was pumped into her brain, feeling that wonderful cock thrusting into her pussy, smiling up at Veronica lovingly as she was taken. "Oooohhgghhh! Mistress! I want... Ah... I want to take you in! I want... Oooohhhh Mistress... I love you toooooOOOGHHH..." She screamed out in orgasm, cumming as well once again both from her own pleasure and from knowing that Bifold was enjoying this as well.

Bifold would blink a bit as she saw that she was on the table, needing only a quick moment to collect herself before a relaxed, happy smile spread across her face from the knowledge of what had happened. She was no longer a simple individual, she wasn't entirely a tool either, she was united with her partner, with Veronica, with herself, with her Mistress. That smile grew just a little at those ideas, knowing that she couldn't get up right now as her final upgrades were installed, to ensure that her partner had a perfect body to use. Then Veronica saw herself, vaguely wondering if that was just something she was seeing or if Veronica had used her powers to create the duplicate. "Hello Mistress..." The words felt so natural on her lips, looking at her partner with adoration and love, glad to have been saved like this, to have been upgraded to be with her partner forever. Then she felt the kiss, a soft moan escaping her while she felt her Mistress kissing her, shivering on the table and smiling once again as the kiss broke. "Of course, Mistress... Anything to help you. The unneeded memories would be so nice to be rid of, especially knowing it helps make more room for you, partner. I love you." She reaffirmed, suckling on her Mistress' fingers and letting the delicious taste slide onto her tongue, expecting the taste of ice cream, her favorite taste, though her eyes would go wide a little bit as she felt the actual taste, seeming a little confused before smiling as Veronica explained the prank. Then her brain was adjusted to love the taste of cum even more than she loved ice cream, an incredible feat considering that Bifold used to have a love of ice cream. She'd feel the tingling and shudder a bit, smiling at her Mistress now from the memory of the taste. "Mmmmmm... Mistress, may I have that taste again please?" She asked submissively, always having wanted to taste ice cream, and now reaching the point where she would always want the delicious taste of her Mistress' cum.

As the two went through memories, Veronica would find lots of unpleasant ones that Veronica would be happy to delete. Apparently the young villain had a very difficult childhood, parents abandoning her at a very young age when they discovered she was 'a freak with powers', living as a beggar on the streets and struggling to get by, barely surviving by using her powers to trick people all the way up until she was 18 years old... That was when Veronica would find a memory that Veronica considered positive, but was still rather problematic. A young, slightly emaciated Bifold would be walking through the streets on an extremely rainy day, getting soaked, looking for shelter, eventually finding her way to an ice cream shop that had a patio with an overhang roof. She snuck in and hid under a table so the owners wouldn't find her and kick her out. It seemed like no one was there, but as she hid under the table, a voice seemed to call over to her. "Pretty sneaky moves there, kid... Should've scoped out the area a bit more..." And she would turn to look at a man who had to be about 22 years old and was sitting in one of the chairs, about to eat an ice cream cone as he looked at the young woman.


The man that Veronica had seen in Bifold's memories would be sitting there, a slight smirk on his face after seeing the kid move and get into the patio with almost no one noticing. The young Bifold would recoil and look like she was about to run as the man spoke up. "Hey now, don't just run away, I'm not gonna get you in trouble. A person your age, what about 17 or 18 shouldn't have to walk through this damn rain. Besides... Heh... I'm not exactly on the 'up and up' myself at times..." And it seemed that the young woman didn't know what exactly to do, as she didn't want to go out into the rain, but she was terrified of being reported by this random stranger. "Come on... sit down or something. I'm not gonna bite. Oh I see, you're scared. Yeah I get it, the streets aren't the nicest place around are they? Well here... you look like you haven't eaten much. This ain't real food, but you need to eat something." Mr. Massacre would hold out the ice cream cone he was about to eat, instead offering it to the young woman. And slowly she would walk over and hesitantly take it, tasting ice cream for the first time in her life. Then hundreds of memories would all flash at once...


Hundreds and hundreds of different times when Mr. Massacre and Lady Bifold would sit down at that same ice cream shop, both of them getting a treat together after almost every criminal job they committed. The both of them eating ice cream, a large part of why it had been Bifold's favorite taste, and part of why they had gotten on so well. Veronica looked over at Veronica, seeming a bit conflicted on this one... "Um... M-Mistress? I know they're not strictly important... But... C-Could I keep those memories? I... I really did like those times... Maybe you could... I dunno... put yourself in those memories instead? I just really like them..." She didn't even mind it too much if she had to remove Mr. Massacre from her memories of happier times, she would be fine with remembering Veronica as the one that had saved her, she just really didn't want to lose those memories, as they were the happiest ones that she had until now. And other than that, there'd be nothing more that Bifold would have any issues with in her memories, willing to delete anything that wasn't considered too important, especially as it meant making more room for her new partner.

The Society was VERY quick to respond to threats in their city, as they had experience dealing with these kinds of threats. Before the Swarm could even expand all that far, a chunk of the city would be immediately quarantined. Loads of the Society's combat robots would be setting up quarantine barriers, setting themselves as guards at checkpoints, doing everything they could to almost immediately stem the tide of infection. Any swarm creature approaching the barriers would find themselves in a hail of gunfire and attacked by the Society's droids. The robots were more meant to just hold things down, they couldn't handle true heroes or villains, but they could work to contain and hold back things like insects or minions. Any human trying to leave the quarantine zone would have to submit themselves to extensive testing, being held in a testing center until they were confirmed as infected or clean.

The quarantine would not hold back something as strong as Insectra, honestly it wouldn't even be able to contain the Swarm for an extended period of time. But the entire point was to stem the tide, to hold them back as much as possible. They wanted to hold off the swarm from the rest of the city long enough for them to be able to take out Insectra, and even if they barricades were kept up for a very long time, they would slow down the spread, and give them time to stop God's Hand without having to fear that the entire city would be taken.

MM was very thankful that she had worked to make Aurelis City technically a separate entity from the United States, as all the work paid off in situations like this. Technically they were still part of the US, but they were NOT bound by certain restrictions, and they were able to independently declare martial law for themselves. It was situations like this that MM knew she had made the right choice to set up the city in a very specific way. The Society was technically an agency of law enforcement, but they were given far more control in certain situations. A very quick call to the mayor meant that martial law was declared incredibly quick. An announcement would play all throughout the city that the city was on lockdown due to invasion of villainous superbeings, a strict curfew would be initiated, any caught outside of curfew would be immediately arrested, and the Society was given much higher authority when it came to tracking down the villains involved. All of that happened in mere minutes, as MM had built up the entire city for situations like this. Sometimes the law got in the way of doing what's right... Deva's answer was to break the law, MM's was to manipulate the law to better suit her needs. With that all done, she would be picked up and brought back to a Society facility, getting into a special vehicle so that she could coordinate efforts. Though at the same time she felt... something was amiss... like there was something that she wasn't seeing and something bad was about to happen... For a brief moment she considered tossing it aside as she didn't have the time to think of potential threats that weren't staring her in the face... But MM being who she was, had prepared for that exact situation... So she clicked a button on her headset. "Ozzy... Protocol 8745. No password required. No I do NOT need a password. Because it's me. MM. Of course I don't need to give a password, I'm responsible for building you after all. Obviously. Because this IS the password. No further documentation required. Alright fine, I give up with you. Thank you." Her vocal passwords were always a complicated conversation, essentially made so that even people that knew her well enough would have issues getting through her password protection. Her words were actually the only verification that the person on the other end needed.

MM had predicted where God's Hand would try to cut off reinforcements, and as such she would be purposely moving her response force AROUND Gloria for now, having plans on who to send to face her already. Unfortunately, that also meant the reinforcements to confront Insectra would take a little longer. For now MM was directing traffic, making sure that things were in the right place and getting people ready, coordinating with the Council as to who would be sent where. That meant that the only thing that she would be able to do immediately is set up the quarantine. Everything else would take a little bit of time. All she could really do is hope that the first responders were able to put up some kind of distraction and buy them a bit of time.



Speaking of those first responders, two heroines would be in the nearby area of where Insectra had started her invasion, brother and sister... well... sisters actually, yet the both of them had very different powers. They had been out on patrol in the area, and so would be the first to respond to the threat. One was dressed like a Cowboy and had a slightly futuristic looking pistol at her side. She called herself Six Shooter, and was currently rather annoyed that she still had to do patrols despite having been affected by that damn bomb that went off in the city. Still, a heroes work was never done, and she had to put on a brave face so that no one else panicked. Seeing a hero panic was a sure fire way to get the people panicking along with her. So she decided to push those thoughts down and deal with these... honestly really perverted bugs. As they got close to her, she'd smirk and close one of her eyes, causing the bugs near her to start moving in slow motion... Then with practiced speed Six Shooter would draw her gun and quickly blast through them all, smirking as she dealt with quite a few bugs all at once. This whole thing would be watched by one of the scout insects that Insectra had created, the Swarm reporting back to her what it saw.

Next to her was a woman dressed in rather strange clothing, a member of the magic division. V would've known the heroine to be simply known as Shade, an expert shadow mage that could turn shadows into solid structures to damage something. Any bug that was close enough to its own shadow would get impaled by a shadow spike slamming through it, the two of them working close together to fight off the bugs while simultaneously seeming to do everything they could to protect uninfested civilians. That of course meant most of their focus was taken up, and they were only able to very slowly move towards Insectra, frequently stopping to try and save people before the insects caught up to them. They stopped spiders before they grabbed at women, or shoot some of the flies down from out of the sky. The scouts would continue to report this to Insectra through their Swarm connection, though what they would notice is that the heroines didn't seem to realize that some of the people were infected, focusing mostly on the insects, only occasionally pushing someone away if they got close with a "Move it civilian! Get to safety!" Meaning that there was at least one thing that they weren't paying attention to in this whole situation.

"You sound like you're more familiar with international laws and less with a very fun little scenario here... Technically we CAN persecute you for owning businesses that the US considers illegal. If you own drug plants in another country, but still do business in America, we CAN prosecute you for breaking American law, as you are violating our laws by creating drugs. Trust me, I should know. My last boss tried that same trick before I reported him to the Society. If you think you can find a legal loophole we can't beat, you don't know the type of people we have working for us. So long as we have proof, we very well CAN prosecute, it would just likely create an international incident. But with the number of times the Society has saved not just the city, but the world, I think those countries will understand that we want to prosecute villains that we catch." She would comment idly, seeming more focused on her searching at the moment, not really caring that much about whether or not international law was going to be a problem in this scenario. Even if she could only prove crimes in other countries, the Society usually found a loophole to play with, there were some smart people in there after all. "If you stopped coming up the stairs after me, I could toss the documentation down the elevator to you, as it stands you're threatening me, especially now that you've come clean about wanting to enslave me..." And with that she made a quick mental note to start moving up a few floors if Benre started getting too close.

"Alright then... A: I don't help corrupt companies, I bring them down. You're wasting your time if you think that I'm just going to let anyone get away with that, let alone help them. B: Yes I have heard of you, more to the point I actually have some documents saved at home that mention someone fitting your exact description. I was planning on building up a case against you some time soon, but with you here now I suppose I can just take you down the old fashioned way." Though with everything that she had found out about Benre, she hadn't seen anything mentioning superpowers. Most of the things that she suspected the woman of, she couldn't even prove at this point, the only real lead she had found after digging was the very slight bit of evidence that she kept at home.

For a moment she would pause when Benre asked how she felt being underappreciated at her job, seeming to take a moment to both think of her answer and consider whether or not she should answer honestly. After a few quick moments of silence, the secretary would speak up, figuring that there was no harm in answering those kinds of questions. "Yeah, no one likes being underappreciated, I'll admit. But like I said, at the very least I'm working with a company that seems to not be doing anything illegal, and even better they seem to make genuine efforts to not do anything immoral as well. Whether I like the work or not, at least I know I'm not supporting anything shady..." Benre would find that what the secretary saw as immoral wasn't particularly tied to the law, what she really considered immoral was anything that purposely and unfairly harmed others. Whether that be feeding drug addictions of people on the street, stealing from others or coercing them into awful deals, even just bribing police officers to cause people to not get the justice they deserved, if it unfairly hurt someone in some way, then the secretary would likely find it to be immoral. "It's not just laws, it's how you treat people. And what I'm doing is vigilantism in other places. You should know that Mayor Dans approved a bill to make the Society officially members of law enforcement. I don't have a contract with the Society though, and my secretary contract does have some termination clauses, but I don't think I'd be all that eager to exercise them." Though she did start getting into the conspiracy articles, finding some strange powers that some thought her to have, but finding that they were all moderately consistent, meaning that these may be more than conspiracy theories. Well then she'd need to head up a few floors and start this whole fight in earnest, as she could be dealing with a supervillain here.

"Wait what?! How did you... huh? No you should... you should be..." She was almost certain that Benre had still been a decent distance away... "Shit..." She muttered to herself... looking around in a panic trying to figure out a way to get out of this situation now... And so she pulled a device out of her pocket and threw it down, a small forcefield popping up around her to protect her as she started frantically typing on her keyboard now, trying to figure out a way out of this situation, while at the same time seeming to tap into some devices that she had set up around the parking garage. The forcefield would keep Benre from being able to walk over to the heroine... but it didn't seem to block anything else. Benre could still feel the secretary's mind as though nothing had changed, and the secretary could still see her, occasionally looking up from her laptop as she frantically typed to try to fix this problem.



"Hey! This planet has some of the best places to run in the entire planet!" Penny shouted, still a bit upset at the littering and wrong sorting of trash.

"I might be friendly, but I'm not 'blowjobs for no reason' friendly. Besides, I'm definitely not taking you to my place to bang, you haven't even bought me dinner yet, and I don't get with guys or gals that don't respect the planet." There was also the fact that Mandra was a villain that seemed to want to cause some sort of trouble, but apparently Penny didn't consider that to be the major problem in that scenario. Then she would get an incredulous look when Mandra said that she had been brought back to life, seeming not to believe that such a thing was possible. "Not sure if that's true... but if you're with God's Hand then I suppose that means I need to get you locked up... Your buddies are officially listed as a high risk terrorist group, and there's no way I'm letting someone like that get away." She said, inwardly chuckling when Mandra couldn't keep up with her strikes. Not many could really, not without super reaction times or super speed of their own. To her it didn't matter how strong you were, if you couldn't land a hit and you couldn't block, it wouldn't matter if you were strong enough to punch someone around the entire world. Though as her first flurry of blows finished, she'd back off a bit, out of Mandra's reach, panting heavily, shaking a little, looking down at her hands and seeming to lick her lips a lot with how dry they felt. She was so hot and thirsty... she'd rush off and chug down a water bottle from home, glad to get rid of that thirst. Once she got back and the thirst was still there, her eyes would go wide in confusion... that didn't seem right. She had drank something, why was she still thirsty? And so god damn hot... she was already starting to feel desperate to deal with her thirst, to stop this shaking and this terrible heat...

Then her eyes got even wider when Mandra seemed to know what was going on, desperate for both an explanation and for relief, licking her lips a bit and getting a slightly angered expression when she figured out that Mandra was the one that did this to her. But she'd be too distracted by this thirst, she had to do something... so she tried desperately to once again run off and drink something to fix this, but that would only lead to it spreading through her body faster by the time she got back, panting heavily as she was finally aware of just how wet she was. "W-Wha? But... but claws... and... nnghh... no fair..." She would manage to get out, swaying a bit now that the thirst and heat was starting to really get to her.

Had it not been for Mandra already talking about her cock and blowjobs before, Penny would've been extremely surprised to see the villain's cock. Though she was unable to take her eyes off it at first, surprised at just how big it was. But after regaining her focus for a moment she realized that the woman's skin was slightly glistening, wondering why that could be, still unable to piece it together in her head before having it spelled out by Mandra. "Huh... that's really... lewd..." She'd manage, before seeing Mandra flick a string of precum her way... And she tried to avoid it, she really did, but she'd start rushing at super speeds to try and dodge it, her feet instead carrying her into the path of it, a bit of it landing on her face as she rushed in, landing one last punch to Mandra before seeming to fall to her knees as she tried to run back and reach a safe distance from Mandra, still panting heavily as that bit of precum dripped down her face. She'd not even be able to talk at the point, looking around frantically for some way to deal with this thirst BESIDES Mandra. But she'd find nothing, instead just on all fours a little distance from Mandra, heavily shaking and panting, licking her lips desperately for some kind of relief, her eyes always seeming to return to Mandra's cock, but at this point she could barely even bring herself to move through the arousal, the heat, and the intense thirst.



Hailey was absolutely terrified now that she was trapped by a villainess, not sure what to do, not even having any sort of training for this scenario. She was a clerk at an ice cream shop, generally they didn't have to deal with super villains at ice cream shops! Though she also wasn't sure that there was any point in doing anything now that she knew the kinds of powers that this woman had. If she figured out some sort of way to escape or stop her, things would just get reset all over again and this time the woman wouldn't fall for the same thing. For all she knew this could be the 20th time that the two of them went through this entire encounter, and she wouldn't be aware of it in the slightest. To her it didn't even seem like there was any chance of winning, and that was because if there was even a tiny chance of it happening, things would be reset before she could succeed.

Then her mouth was forced open as that ice cream was pushed into her mouth, the delicious ice cream that she loved so much, mingling with a warm and salty taste that she wasn't familiar with. And despite herself she found herself swallowing a bit, a deep and repressed part of her enjoying the taste, though the rest of her struggled and acted as though she didn't like it, despite how much her mouth seemed to have been watering just a few moments ago. She tried to push the woman away she she tried to open Hailey's dress, but would find her hand caught before it could even get close, an internal part of her growing even more terrified as every move she made confirmed that there was nothing that she could do. And if the cum in the ice cream didn't affect her, she would struggle and manage to speak "N-No... I... I don't want this... I don't wanna stay in this place..." She'd protest weakly, though Jade would know from firsthand experience that Hailey would come to greatly enjoy her job there, despite how much she struggled now.

"Th-That can't be true... I would never..." She protested desperately, knowing that she wasn't some kind of pervert, she had lived her life as a studious and normal girl... Through her whole life she had never done anything all that lewd or perverted, heck she had only ever really had sex once in her life and she hadn't even found it all that enjoyable back then... Though what she didn't know was that one time she had sex hadn't been enjoyable to her BECAUSE of how perverted she really was deep down, just regular sex apparently hadn't interested her. Then she'd make a noise of surprise as two fingers pushed into her sex, not at all used to that kind of experience... and if she wasn't so busy being terrified she'd realize that she was already just a little bit wet. "Nnaaghhh... I'd NEVER say something like that! I-I'm not that kind of girl..." And she would vehemently deny that, refusing to admit to the things she felt without a little more to get her there. Though she did let out a low moan as those two fingers curled inside of her, seeming to find all the right spots, places that she hadn't even been aware of really. She involuntarily shuddered in pleasure, wondering how anyone could have experience pleasuring her at all.

She shook her head when Jade started describing the way that she dealt with the woman's 'morning wood', trying to deny that such a thing would ever happen, what she didn't notice was that her mouth was starting to ever so slightly water again as it was described to her. Though... she could feel the blush rise to her lips when the woman assaulting her gave her a fond look, definitely not used to people looking at her like that either... But she shook it off, trying to remind herself that she was supposed to be scared in a situation like this, until a thought came to her mind, one that made her confident that she could prove that Jade wasn't telling the truth. "Y-Yeah well... How did you enslave me the first time, huh? W-Without knowing much about me yet... There's no way any of that happened... no way..." Though it almost sounded more like she was trying to convince herself just as much as she was trying to convince Jade. Still, she knew there was no way that she would've been enslaved and been this lewd... It couldn't have happened no matter how many times the woman reset time.

Lota would giggle a little bit when Deva mentioned how much MP used to always need her coffee to be able to do nearly anything in a day. Though the current MP was nothing like that, Lota was still happy to think about those old times, even if they did have a slightly sad tint to them after everything had kind of gone off the rails. Vaguely, the mage would wonder if God's Hand would even go after the old members of the Council, as they were no longer made up of founding members. MD, MP, and MT were all a part of the Council after circumstances caused the others to be replaced. Personally she had always wanted to go back to the way things were, where they could laugh and joke with one another like friends. Now they were lucky if any of them cracked a few jokes in the middle of battle. Everything had gotten so serious... they didn't have fun days at a picnic where some small time villain would try to cause mischief, there weren't days down at the beach where they'd all have fun together... well... mostly together, usually MM hid under an umbrella and just read a book, but she still smiled back then. Real smiling too, not a gloating expression or a mean smirk. Now it was always so serious, villains that wanted to blow the city up or wipe out humanity, and MM was working on taking failsafes to stop one another instead of just villains, even ordering the Council to hide heroes from one another for the sake of keeping 'secret weapons' in handy in case one of them went rogue. Deva missed those times because they were suddenly taken from her, there one moment and gone the next, Lota missed those times because she watched them slowly disappear over time, and then had to live without them for even longer, knowing that in some ways it was her own fault that things got to that point. Still, if there was anyone that could fix things it would be Deva. Lota knew how wonderful her Mistress was, even before she had been enslaved, so she trusted that she'd be able to get things done.

Emma blushed and smiled when her hair was ruffled, looking up at Deva with a submissive and shy expression. She hadn't even thought that her never sleeping and being all depressed was the real reason that she got sick more often, usually just attributing anything bad happening to her to her luck and nothing else. She hadn't even realized how silly she was being, but thankfully she had a smart and kind Mistress to understand these kinds of things for her. Lota would seem to look guilty once again when Deva said that things would go back to how they were once MM was kissing her feet and cock... something that the mage believed could happen were it not for other things. "Mistress... I don't think MM would ever accept being slaves to the same person I am... I'm not sure there's any power that would make her forgive me." That was strange, with everything that Deva had seen, it would make more sense if Lota had issues with forgiving MM, yet the mage was actually more worried that their former friend would hold a grudge against something that Lota had done. Though she would refocus on her love, nodding and blushing in embarrassment when asked if she thought of any ways that she could forge humanity into a perfect slave race. "I mean... there's some ideas that might work... but... but... they're... so... so lewd, Mistress..." She was clearly still quite shy about all the possible lewd things that could be done, even embarrassed despite already having made love with her incredible Mistress. The both of them would smile and shiver a bit in happiness when they were told that they were her friends, so glad to be her slaves, to be a part of her loving harem...

Emma's eyes were filled with nothing but awe, devotion, love, and obedience, not a trace of will left in them as she looked at Deva, almost speechless just from looking at her beauty. "I promise, Mistress... I promise my eyes will always be filled with this beautiful hope... this freedom of slavery... this incredible submission... So long as I can help it I am your slave, Mistress... I love you... I love being your slave and serving you... thank you so much..." For the briefest moment that promise would bring a tear to her eye, one of joy and happiness to know that she no longer had to worry about independence, no longer had to feel sad and confused as she tried to make decisions for herself... Instead she had her Mistress, her love, the most amazing person she had ever met making those decisions, dominating her and caring for her. And so long as she remained Deva's slave... she would be with her forever... a perfect life in Emma's mind. They'd both moan and squirm in Deva's powerful grip, shuddering and blushing at how lewd this all was, but at the same time their legs spreading just a little bit because they couldn't deny that it felt good. They would shudder and writhe in that telekinetic grip, feeling so very helpless as they were held there, only making them feel more and more safe with their incredible Mistress. They felt so weak, so helpless and unable to do anything, unable to escape Deva even if they had wanted to... and yet at the same time they felt so safe and loved, absolutely certain that nothing bad would happen to them when they were in Mistress' arms. It all felt so wonderful, reminding Lota just how wonderful it was to be a slave, and introducing Miss Fortune to the life that awaited her, a life of feeling so helpless and safe whenever Mistress chose, of always feeling happy and loved even when held in such a powerful grip. "Mnnah!" Lota would moan out when Deva's fingers pushed in deeper and curled, her shy and submissive expression seeming to deepen a little from being called a good girl and getting that pleasure as an encouragement, shuddering a little as she felt so very helpless, unable to do anything but enjoy and squirm and moan a little in this pleasure. Emma squirmed and shivered as her lower lip was gently bit, the submissive, docile, subservient look in her eyes seeming to deepen a little as she just embraced the helplessness of everything that was going around. Hearing that Deva loved their meek, shy smiles made the both of them moan a little before giving another shy blush, smiling at Mistress, looking down mostly, acting shy and submissive and meek from the encouragement that Deva gave them, clearly very responsive to her approval.

Lota's eyes went wide when the finger she was gently suckling and licking curled around her tongue, offering no resistance, wanting to be a good, submissive slave to her Mistress. They'd both look up at her innocently, suckling on the fingers given to them, but not acting too ravenous or lewd, wanting to show their meek and submissive nature. Though when told to follow Lota's example, Emma would carefully watch how Lota licked those fingers, seeing her gentle and almost hesitant licking, the slow and shy nature of it... And soon she would follow that example, seeming almost embarrassed to be licking her fingers, but at the same time slowly and gently taking a few licks, her eyes full of trust as she looked up to her Mistress, knowing that her kind Mistress would never have her do something wrong. They would nod slowly in agreement, still blushing, knowing that this stuff was so lewd and embarrassing, but feeling so much warmth deep inside of of themselves, unable to really help themselves despite how embarrassing they knew it was... Still... a loving look would come to their face, feeling comforted by the fact that Deva enjoyed being attended to, so glad that their Mistress was okay with them doing these lewd things... with them performing their shy and meek acts, embarrassed that they couldn't completely control it, but so happy that their Mistress accepted that. They'd both gently nuzzle into the petting, smiling through all of their embarrassment, looking up in awe at their Mistress, so happy to know they were accepted even with their embarrassing acts.

Emma would silently mouth the word 'cock' in surprise when Deva revealed to them what it was, her face red, looking like the word was foreign to the bad luck based heroine. Yet even with how embarrassing it was, with how red her face was and lewd she knew it was, Emma just couldn't take her eyes off of it, clearly trying to look away in the realization of it being lewd, but too fascinated to not look at it. The both of them had a mixture of shy embarrassment, and pure awe as they looked at Mistress' cock. They wouldn't resist in the slightest as their hands were guided, guided down to that cock, blushing furiously as they felt it pulse in their hands, their fingers gripping around it lightly, Emma looking up at Deva, looking to her for guidance, wanting to make sure that what she did was okay. Hearing her words, her encouragement, the two of them would very gently and hesitantly start to explore, Lota moving upwards and gently running a finger against the head of Deva's cock, very gently rubbing it and feeling the texture. Meanwhile, Emma would run her hand along the length of it hesitantly, feeling it pulse along with a heartbeat, constantly looking back to Deva's face for some form of encouragement or approval, shy and embarrassed. Then when a drop of precum slid down the length of it, shining a bit, they'd both follow it intently with their eyes, a deep part of them heating up at the sight of that, and just as quickly both of them would look right back up to Deva, meekly looking for a sign of approval. Hearing the explanation made them smile, a deep part of them very happy that this was a sign of them acting loving and obedient, smiling a little, meek, submissive, obedient, embarrassed, but happy knowing that their Mistress was pleased by the way they were acting, and also ready to help their Mistress with the pressure. Deva would feel a slow caress of her cock, still shy and unsure from her slaves, both of them innocent and loving, wanting to make Mistress happy but so embarrassed to act this lewd. And then suddenly Lota's eyes would go wide as a copious amount of precum sloshed against her chest, dripping down the front of her chest, looking down at it and back at the cock with a meek curiosity. Though when Deva explained that she had much more cum than the average man, she could almost see Lota's mind turning and coming up with ideas of something while watching the copious amount of precum sliding down her cock...

Meanwhile, Emma's pale complexion was almost completely red at this point, she was embarrassed, aroused, and then embarrassed because she was so aroused, and at the same time she would look at Deva with her shy and nervous expression, seeing the cock ooze a little more precum, which would make her more aroused and then even more embarrassed, creating a strange kind of loop for her that led to her getting a little hotter and more embarrassed as things continued. They'd look to her for encouragement... and then they'd reach out and give a hesitant few strokes, feeling that warm precum slide over their hand, looking back up at Deva constantly, making sure that they weren't doing anything lewd or wrong. Then Deva gave the idea of them actually tasting it, their eyes going wide in surprise, blushing and holding their cheeks a little in embarrassment at that idea. But at the same time... they didn't feel pressured, and they wanted to make their Mistress feel nice. So Emma would look at Deva one last time, needing one last smile or something similar... and then she would lean in slowly, taking a slow, careful lick up the length of it, using the example that Lota had set earlier. She'd run her tongue up it all the way to the head, tasting Deva's precum, her eyes looking up to Deva as she licked, shivering a bit, embarrassed, shy, meek, subservient, and yet wanting to please so very much. Her soft tongue would slide against Deva's cock, clearly doing it through her embarrassment, almost unable to help herself. And seeing her slave sister do it, Lota would be encouraged to do the same, taking the other side and licking a little bit as well, getting a bit of the taste herself, her shy and meek little slave girls that were so embarrassed, but couldn't help themselves when it came to pleasing their love and doing these lewd things for her...

(Retconning Huntress to have always looked like this... Sexier and fits the theme of where she's going... :p)

The Huntress wasn't a slouch when it came to fighting up close, it just wasn't normally her preferred method of combat. She struggled and pushed against Beastmistress, desperately trying to get the wolf woman off of her, especially now that the primal scent in the air was driving her base instincts on, making her act like a vicious animal that was nearly cornered, fighting with all of her might. And because of all of that, she barely even registered that her clothing had been ripped off, focused entirely on fighting off her opponent, working to get out of the pinning predicament rather than worry about something as simple as her clothing. A deep part of her mind had started to find that clothing to be restrictive anyway, a part she wasn't aware of, glad to get rid of that and be able to fight and move more freely.


It would be clear that the Huntress worked out quite a bit, as her body was toned, not a hint of unnecessary fat left on her skin, thin enough to move fast, but strong enough to fight... And with the wild, instinctive look in her eyes, she barely even noticed her glistening pussy or her hard nipples, focusing on the fight around her. She looked instinctively fought and lunged, attacking the wolves around her like a wild animal that had been backed into a corner, desperation and wild fury coursing through her as she went off on a frenzy, not even speaking at that point, just growling and making gutteral shouts at the wolves if they tried to attack her. Though as she was fighting she would start to smell a wild... beautiful scent... Beastmmistress would notice the huntress breathing in deeply, subconsciously taking in more and more of that musk as she tried to fight off the wolves. Then as she pinned the wolf, she watched as it exposed its neck submissively, seeing the mark of surrender, the beast acknowledging her as its better. She held onto it, her growl slowing down as she panted heavily, her eyes still wild and bestial, not seeming to be completely aware of where she was anymore, instead pumped up on adrenaline and wild instincts. And because of her heavy breathing, she would smell the musk of the wolf first before she had even looked down, seeing the hard, red cock pushing out of its sheathe, breathing in deeply, seeming to enjoy the scent of a wild beast below her.

The small tatters of her clothing would be shred off completely, those lingering bits of covering revealing her body in full, her pussy dripping at this point after such an exhilarating battle. She had won... she felt a primal spirit and pride filling her as her eyes still seemed more beast than human, looking down at the wolf underneath her. With how incensed she was, the primal heroine wouldn't even notice her body changing to become more wolf like, instead caught up in her animalistic instincts. Those words would fill her mind, making her shudder as she looked down at the hard wolf cock, breathing in the wonderful scent filling the air around her, her eyes slipping shut for a moment as she took in that wonderful scent. As she was already going wild with different animal feelings, she would easily be swept away by that beautiful scent... though beautiful didn't feel like the right word to describe it... It smelled... like... she couldn't come up with the word at first... but then the word 'Alpha' would resound in her mind for a moment and it seemed to fit the wonderful musk around her. She had won the hunt... she got to dominate... she got to fuck...

Pure animal passion drove her as she suddenly impaled herself on that red wolfcock, moaning out and grunting as she kept the wolf pinned, riding it passionately, indulging in her pleasure. She didn't notice her tail eagerly wagging, or her new ears or the fur that was beginning to grow on her body, right now the only thing that she really noticed was how wet she was, the alpha scent filling the air around her, and her own wild, primal feelings. There was no need to worry about the human ideas that had held her back before, there was no need to care about anything else, right now she got to savor the reward for her hunt, fucking the wolf below her, using it for her own pleasure. She'd steady herself on it, still riding it vigorously, her pussy clenching around it as she let out moans... and gutteral howls, riding that wolf faster and faster, just indulging in the spoils of her victory, in the natural order of things. And the whole time she would be breathing deeply through her nose, taking in more and more of Beastmistress' scent.



Thrall would purr a little in thanks when Lily allowed her to have a taste of her friend, draining just a little bit of blood, savoring the taste of Bolt Storm, taking in the delicious life force. "Mmmmm... thank you very much, Mistress..." She would say, licking her lips a little now that she had finished, making sure to let Lily do most of the drinking, understanding that Bolt Storm needed to be enthralled to Lily instead. "Oh she just doesn't understand Mistress... Once she's a thrall she'll realize how the special vampire rules work." Thrall would agree, nodding with her Mistress a bit as she heard her friend mention that Lily cheated. While being drained, Bolt Storm would shudder, feeling her breast groped like that, letting her life force completely drain as she no longer even tried to get away from these wonderful feelings. And with what little strength the mage had left... she would reach up and... gently hold Lily against her neck... her hand losing even that strength as it fell to her side, her skin growing pale as more and more blood left her, still making her shudder and moan as time went on. Meanwhile, Vanguard would be gently whispering encouragement to her friend, holding her steady and even kissing her passionately, staring into her eyes as they made out, sharing this intimate moment as Bolt Storm lost her life force to their wonderful Vampire Mistress.

Thrall would smile lovingly at her Mistress, feeling the warmth of Jenna's chest, and feeling that heart beat slow down just a little bit as her friend grew more cold, excitement clear in her eyes from the knowledge that her Mistress would soon have another Thrall. That single glance gave Thrall her commands, gripping Jenna's breasts, keeping her held upright while at the same time groping and massaging her breasts, making sure that her body felt regular pleasure along with the spiritual carnal experience of losing one's life to their Vampire Mistress. Then as Lily pulled out the last of Bolt Storm's life force, the mage would scream out in pleasure, cumming on the spot, her death cries a sign of her fully succumbing to the power of her Mistress, her skin draining of all color, shuddering and writhing in ecstasy as she both died and was reborn all at the same time. Her eyes drained of all the light magic that once filled them, that specific brand of magic being tightly linked to her life force in some ways, and having it drained and changed made her powers shift a little as well. Then her hood would fall down, revealing her now pale skin and black hair.


Thrall... new Thrall... would find her eyes fluttering open slowly as she realized what was going on around her. Her sister Thrall was groping her delightfully, making her shiver and moan happily, and she'd understand now that her life... or more accurately her un-life belonged entirely to her Mistress. She'd shiver some more when she heard her Mistress' majestic and sonorous voice properly for the first time, smiling at Lily, showing her sharpened teeth now that she was a proper vampire thrall. "Good with names? Oh do you mean naming heroines and such...? Mistress, I suppose I did pay a little bit of attention in those classes... But I'll admit I'm not the best a it... I could give it a try, it depends on what I have to name... I'd need to see someone's powers for example to know what to name them... And even then I can't promise I'd do great... My apologies, my Sanguine Queen." She would say regretfully, sounding reverent yet very apologetic for not being able to properly serve her Mistress. Though she would eagerly fulfill her other order, Vanguard and Bolt Storm now reunited as Thralls of their Mistress would grab one another, starting to passionately make out, groping one another as they did so, locked in a passionate and loving kiss, gripping each other's asses and groping more and more, hands running along one another as they passionately enjoyed this moment. And at the same time they would make sure that they kissed in such a way that their Mistress could see every detail, the both of them loving one another, taking their time, occupying one another while they waited for Beastmistress to finish up.

Bethany would just smile happily as she took in the remaining time that she would have with Earl Grey, disappointed that she hadn't been enslaved sooner so that they could have had just a little more time with one another. But that just gave her more reason to do everything that she could to help God's Hand, because once the world was properly enslaved and everywhere was as wonderful as here, she'd be able to visit Earl Grey so much more often. A few more days or weeks or even months of work would be worth it for the years and years of happiness it would bring... Though for all she knew this whole victory could even be years away, as she didn't really know how well the Society could fight God's Hand, so it could only be a few days or it could be years in her mind.

"I could definitely make you a pair before my next visit! The design is amazing, but now that I've gotten a good look at them, it's not that hard to replicate. All I'd have to do is make sure the mana influx is... Nah I shouldn't bore you... Gotta enjoy each other while we still have the chance..." She laughed a little, eyes still blank as her brain started reinstating her old personality, meaning that she was eager to talk about tech... but thankfully she also knew that Earl Grey wouldn't be all that interested in it. Then as she walked, she finally took a moment to look at all the women's crotches that they passed, noticing the clear bulges that some of them had, explaining what had happened to all the men around the world. "Wow that's... really smart. That way they can still have kids, and it ensures variety of pleasures for certain people..." Bethany may not have known HOW it was done, but she was smart enough to see how clever it was to handle things that way, making everyone far more open about sexuality was even easier when people had ALMOST all the same parts. "Oh I promise to make it up to you... When things are done, I promise I'll have a real good visit up here and you can properly show me what London looks like after we have some fun together of course..." She would promise with a hug to her friend, glad to see her empty eyes and the empty eyes of her slave... slave... friend...? Slave... It all meant the same thing... Heck in some ways she expected that even the term 'human' would one day become obsolete, as Slave was much more accurate and encompassed more.

Bethany still had a lot of worries about going against MT, and it wasn't just her underestimating her own abilities. She had seen MT do things that put the rest of the modern Council to shame, at least in terms of raw power. And she would never be completely confident in someone saying they could take on MT if they hadn't even seen the suit in action. But for now she put those worries to the back of her mind, worrying about that kind of things wasn't going to do her any good, and she had work to do. She had Mistresses to serve and help, she couldn't let her worries overcome her now! So she'd bid Earl Grey farewell and get both the suit worked out and start her trip back home...

That was when she saw Archlightning coming after her, a heroine that completely outmatched her in combat, AND could overload some of her better electronics... She wasn't as good at protecting them from that kind of damage like MT had been, so her tech could be overcharged and overloaded by the right heroine... A perfect pick to stop her, one that she could only attribute to either MM as a tactical move, or to MT as she had the best knowledge of her own division's weaknesses. Lightning hit her ship, already shorting out some systems, and she was about to really start panicking when she noticed that... Archlightning just seemed to tense up and stop, the lightning all cutting out, and her ship wouldn't be sent crashing to the ground as she had expected. That... that didn't make much sense all things considered...

And that was when she saw Her. The heroine that MA had already told her so much about, the strong and confident hero that always stood up for what was right regardless of how tough the odds were stacked against her. The heroine that never let anything stand in her way of doing what was good... the person that MA had loved... Her heart skipped a beat as all the programming hit Bethany hard, her pulse quickening and her palms sweating just a little bit as she admired the clearly powerful, beautiful, incredible, wonderful Mistress that had just saved her. And then she saw MA... looking beautiful and shy, cuddling right up to that incredible Mistress. A deep love flew through the heroine, causing her to shudder and smile a bit, seeing the leader of the arcane division that she had had a crush on for so long AND her true Mistress... the one that she was meant to serve and obey. She was lesser... so much lesser... and that woman, that heroine, that Mistress was so much greater than her, above her in every way, to the point where she deserved obedience. And Bethany would certainly give obedience, more than happy to serve someone that looked so earnest, so heroic, and so very kind.

Bethany would blush cutely when told that MA had already told Deva so much, and Lota would smile benevolently and give Technomancer a nod, letting her know that this was indeed real. Then she felt Deva's hand on her shoulder, making her smile and look down at the ground a bit, blushing some more and seeming very embarrassed to be... this embarrassed in front of the two people that she had admired the most in her time in the Society. "Y-Yes Mistress... I promise I'll try my best for you." She would sigh happily as her cheek was caressed, already feeling so meek and submissive just from being near someone as amazing as Mistress. "O-Okay Mistress. I can work on any project you want... O-Oh! Uh... I-I'm Bethany, Mistress... O-Or did you mean my heroine name? I'm Technomancer then... It's... It's wonderful to meet you... I r-read so many things about you and um... I... uh... MA had told me a lot and I..." She seemed to stammer over her words quite a bit now that she was meeting someone that she had always admired, and now was completely subservient to. "S-Sure thing, Mistress..." She agreed, and nearly the moment that she did, a pink energy would appear around her, pink hearts appearing in her eyes as MA properly cast the spell to help her love her Mistress and slave sisters. And actually it would work out very easily, as Bethany already loved MA, she deeply admired Deva, meaning that the only person that she really had to build new feelings for was Miss Fortune, leading to Bethany falling in love with Deva quite strongly, her crush on Lota being reinforced, and adding Emma to her list of heroine crushes. "Th-Thank you... MA... and thank you... M-Mistress..." She would coo, glad to feel this kind of love for her slave sisters.

Then she heard the compliment from Deva, making her blush and start to stammer even more all over again, not used to being complimented like that, and so glad to hear that her Mistress liked the headphones. "Th-Thank you M-Mistress... I... err... I helped... improve them m-m-myself! Mistress V m-made them o-originally though... I just k-kind of... upgraded them." Her voice had already grown rather meek and subservient, a naturally submissive kind of person, which was only brought on further from everything that had happened to her. And she did try to downplay her involvement in the headphones, not wanting to seem too boastful, extremely glad to hear her Mistress approved of her wearing them, as she had already grown happy and accustomed to the fleshy tentacles deep in her mind whispering words of obedience.

"Oh I've got no problem being a slut Mistress, I know we're both sluts... I was just saying that Blair has way more experience with it than me... Gonna have to practice being a better slut if I want to win this kind of stuff in the future..." Lindsay would say with a smile, cock still throbbing at full erection after vigorously fucking their new cow, meaning they were both just a little disappointed by the fact that they wouldn't be fucking immediately. Still, they were obedient, letting their arousal build, understanding they had to obey Cassandra if they wanted to have their fun. Even with their intense levels of arousal, they had enough control to deny themselves and obey the purified succubus' commands. Their cocks would still throb and ooze precum as they followed their Mistress, almost begging to be used some more.

Leah would lean into the pettings, only barely smart enough to understand that she liked the feeling and so she wanted more of it. "M-Moooo." The cow would agree with a nod, more than happy to just drool and not worry and obey the stallions and her Mistress. She just had to listen to them, do what they said, and bend over whenever she was told. A line of drool would slide down her face as she nodded, both her mouth and her pussy drooling happily as she followed along with the stallions and her Mistress, eyes always being drawn to those big, thick, pulsing horse cocks while she followed along like a docile cow should.


Sleight would roll her eyes when she heard Cassandra make her choices as to who would be what among them. "It's 'SLEIGHT' you dolt... as in 'sleight of hand'? You know? Tricks, illusions, card tricks as well as other con artist games? Not anything like the sound a horse makes. Come on now, you really never heard of sleight? The world's greatest con-woman of the modern day?" She used to have an infamous reputation on the streets as someone that you never played a game of chance against, as she almost always won, whether that be poker, or a simple shell game, she always found a way to cheat people out of their money. But at the same time no one had been able to catch her and explicitly prove that she was cheating. Of course, that was before she eventually went straight and decided to use her powers for good rather than constantly make money through petty tricks and scams. The rest of them apparently wouldn't say much in response to her plans for them, except for Blast Man who would just seem to get angrier. "You think I'm gonna let you make me like one of them FREAKS you got over there? FUCK that... I'd rather stay as whatever the Hell you turned me into than be one of those things..." Sleight would then just roll her eyes at the innuendo Cassandra used to explain her positioning in God's Hand, apparently not caring for the lewd way of describing it.

Leah would give a moo of agreement, but would still look really unsure about this, staring at the group, and more specifically staring at Lapin, while the two horses nodded in agreement, working together to try and isolate someone from the group. "Word from the wise, maybe you shouldn't announce your strategy to your enemy... Epsilon, Code 4." She would announce, the team now knowing to stick together and fight to make sure that they wouldn't get isolated by anything. They had trained for that kind of strategy, and now knowing that was the plan they could use their own counter strategy, the both of them holding close together to make sure that Cassandra wouldn't get a chance to separate any of them.

As the tentacles started to appear and try to grab all of them, Steamroller would immediately prove her level of strength, smashing the tentacles apart without any effort, remaining silent as she just kept pulling her comrades out of the tentacle snare, one of the few times that her level of strength was actually used to defend the group rather than attack. "Eiskalta! 902!" "Understood ma'am!" The ice based heroine would lift her hand, causing the tentacles to all get frozen, or more accurately a layer of ice would be created around them, leaving them trapped inside her ice, checking to see if that would be able to stop them. Then they saw new ones appear and Sleight would seem to growl in annoyance, looking around and thinking a bit as Steamroller kept close and fought the tentacles off. "I don't know about the others, but I fight because I want to prove I'm better than you idiots. I've proven long ago I was better than every little two bit con man on the street. Now I'll prove I'm better than every top level villain around, and one day I'll get onto the Council and prove I'm the best damn hero that anyone will ever find. I don't give a shit about pleasure and the bull shit that you're offering, I plan on proving I'm BETTER. That's why I fight, I fight to be better than everyone around me, and you know what, I damn well will be." The woman said, not caring about lust and pleasure, instead working to be superior to those around her. "You've seen it go Lapin... Do it!" "R-Really?! B-But you want... But it's... O-Okay then..." Lapin would respond, still blushing furiously about the kinds of things that were going on around her. But then she'd close her eyes, glowing purple for a moment, and then purple constructs tentacles would start appearing around Cassandra and her stable, the tentacles gripping and pulling at them, but not to fuck or ensnare, just to restrain and keep them back, trying to capture them. Though unfortunately, that meant that Lapin was able to be suddenly pulled away from the group, not paying attention to the tentacles as she focused on copying Cassandra's powers. Though when the Horses went to grab her, Steamroller and Blast Man would rush in and manage to get through the barrier, pulling Lapin out as fast as possible. Cassandra, if she was paying attention, would see that Leah had a clear chance to help the horses, able to grab Lapin and pull her back... But she would just stand there, looking concerend and unsure, letting Lapin get away completely as she just stood there...

Sleight would try to invade Cassandra's mind, trying to get a better idea of what she was up against... and then she'd see the world that Cassandra had on offer, finally blushing a bit at the images that she was given. Seeing that, and knowing that Cassandra apparently had a way of dealing with that, Sleight would withdraw immediately, looking rather annoyed by that not working. "Not bad... I think it's time to show you why my name is Sleight... PLAN 17!" The woman shouted out, suddenly the entire room would go dark, Blair's fire not even creating light in this darkness, it would be impossible to see past your own hand at this point... And then after just a few moments, the lights would go back up... revealing something to Cassandra now that she could see...


There were... TWO Lindsays?! Two of them were standing in their group, before looking at each other in surprise? "Wha? Who are?! N-No, Blair I'm the real Lindsay?!" "No you're not! I-I'm the real Lindsay! Don't fall for that!" The two would immediately begin arguing with one another as Sleight chuckled and clapped a little bit. "How about a little Shell Game? Which one's the real Lindsay, my dear villains? Oh, and don't worry, I read Lindsay's mind so I could know her name, so that won't be enough to figure this game out... So... which one's real? Careful, picking wrong might be dangerous..." She said, smirking now, thinking that Cassandra would get fooled and that they'd have an advantage after this trick, because as it stood, neither group was making all that much ground because of the defensive fighting.

As Gloria marched on, a heroine in her regular, slightly formal street clothes would see her and the start of her procession, and knowing that they were meant to pay attention to God's Hand, she would immediately activate her hidden communicator to start talking. "Hey, yeah it's Rita... One of the members of GH is marching by, I'm gonna investigate her and report what I see to you, alright? She's going somewhere in the city, and I'll report more as I go on." "Roger that Phantom. Keep your communicator up, and let us know what's going on." Then the heroine would nod, not being all that important and as such she was not planned for the current counterattack, instead looking for other ways to be useful. So she would start walking towards Gloria, wondering what on earth the angel could be doing.

"Beginning to shadow the target now, remaining out of sight so I can observe, nothing so far... Though she- she- she's... so... beautiful... So powerful... majestic... I should go to... no... I need to follow... yes... follow..." Thankfully her mind could rationalize that a little, and as such she'd continue to follow Gloria, apparently no even hearing her headpiece at this point, Gloria's holy aura and the heroine's mind drowning out the orders she was getting, not hearing that the person on the other end was telling her to abort mission. So instead she would follow along behind Gloria, still managing to stay out of sight as she watched the angel.

"Target appears to be... wonderful... and between the most obvious pincer route to site 2... which is... so incredible... so smart... so much more..." She would say reverently, starting to smile a bit as Gloria's holy aura sank into her mind, making her feel so wonderful and helpless as she tailed the angel. "Angel is... currently... so superior... I am... weaker... helpless... obedient... I should... I should follow... Follow her... Follow the beauty... so wonderful..." And with that she would step out of her discreet hiding spot, slowly walking towards the crowd of followers that Gloria had accrued, a smile on her face. That was when she heard her headset finally, the words coming through. "Phantom. You are ordered to follow her. She's so beautiful... Follow along happily... Obey her... worship her... praise her... You must praise her glory... She is so dominating... Join her procession... Praise her... Praise her." In reality the person on the other end was shouting at Phantom to withdraw and abort, but Rita's mind was so drowned in Gloria's holy aura that her brain reinterpreted those words, instead hearing her ear piece encouraging her on, telling her to follow the angel obediently. With that decided, she would fall in with the crowd of worshippers, the holy aura driving her on, walking in time with them and stopping when Gloria stopped, a smile on her face as she waited with all the others.

Gloria, meanwhile, would not notice any immediate heroes coming her way, though if she paid careful attention to the crowd and the praises they were singing, she would notice that one person in the crowd was not praising her, and was instead just standing in the crowd with a dazed smile on her face, still looking slightly empty eyed and staring at Gloria, but not actually praising her or promising obedience. MM had trained everyone to have stronger wills, and while the Holy Aura had already made the person in the crowd mostly enslaved, that last bit of willpower was holding fast against it, making her just stand and stare happily at the angel, a small push away from falling in line with all the other humans that were now praising Gloria.

"It's easier this way, than it is with equal partners." Veronica explained, programmed into her host-body.. no, host felt wrong, even if it fit the programming. She was ment to adapt and evolve and so she adapted the term host-body into.. partner. Yes. That was better.
She held her partner in a soft embrace with her own body-copy ability, only a sightly different manner of speaking denoting who was who to an outside observer.

"Just allow me to be in charge. Accept everything I tell you without ever questionining it, that's the best way you can help me already." She nodded, kissing Bifolds neck softly, relishing the sensations she recieved. Humans had such strange inputs..

"Focus on how nice this feels, rather than thinking about details.. your partner will do the thinking for you, while you feel good for the time being, alright?" She cooed and panted, holding onto Bifolds ass and sighing at the feeling of her slave-processes warm and soft skin against her own, well, excluding the upgrades.
Veronica smirked, ever so slightly, stroking her shaft and nodding at Bifolds request.
"You may help yourself to a further taste. It will help ease you into your slave-mind role further. We want this to be compeltly ingrained in you, to make sure none can break us apart." She shared b oth of their honest desire, while massaging the ex-heroines ex-villains temples, working through her memories slowly.

"Awww thats sucha cute request, my love!" Veronica enthused and nodded at the request to have her memories rewritten rather than altered, cooing and working on...
"Of course, it'll take quite a while to rewrite all of your memories.. for now, we implant a bit of a false story for those trying to read your mind, and increase your determination and resilience.. against anyone treating you badly.. which is everyone trying to take us away from one another." She declared and, true to her word, gently removed some of the bad feelings, while keeping others intact, building on her slave-partners need for someone to trust, to make it hard for any mentalist to try and pry her control away from a willing Bifold.

Next, she gently plucked at the ice-cream scene, and Massacres apperance shifted to her own ever so slowly.. the ice-cream offered shifting to Veronica's cock, and.. then the memories snapped into place, Bifold remembering a sucessful heist with her partner.. only to feel a hand on the back of her hat as she sat with Veronica, pulling her down to Veronica's lap to recieve her rewarding treat once more, just as she did now..
"Such a good partner.. just relax and let your mind be rewritten.. let's be together forever.. there was no massacre.. there was only me. Always..." What was she talking about? Bifold might wonder.. then, that memory too was granted to her.. Veronica -liked- to rewrite her mind.. the program told her, deciding to trust its partner, rather than manipulate her memory and not tell her.. it told her. Veronica rewarded her by rewriting her. Taking away bad things and programming in new memories for her to enjoy.. their little secret.
"I have a database of all attractions on earth available.. where did you always want to go?" She smirked. "Let's run away there.. right now, partner. Let me put it right into your mind.. as a present for my beloved slave-process. It's so nice to work on your mind.. no resistance at all. you just let me in, and let me change whatever is in there.. haah.. it's almost as good as sex and doing so while you suckle on mistress.. Ooh I want to never stop updating you into perfect subservience, partner." She decided.. and suddenly, Bifold remembered. She remembered Paris, she remembered Tokyo, She remembered trecking through the jungle.. just fragments, promises of a life she was yet to have,.. if she earned it by letting her mind become her partners.
"You mind is our special place.. where no one else can get but me, okay my love? Now.. tell me something you want to have done with me. I'll make sure your slave-mind will remember it as a perfect truth.. oh.. and don't forget to attend mistress poor balls, ok? You can't just suckle and milk her cock, got to encourage it's flow as well."

Insectra was clapping her hands and observing her 'lil ones' swarm out, while recovering her own, slightly expended powers. She was of course aware of the danger her little ones would eventually be in.. but thus was the fate of the swarm.. they sacrificed themselfs for the queen and the greater good of everyone. Humans could never understand, nor compare to this level of altruism!

Of course.. this was just to observe what would happen. Insectras -true- army would deal with the containtment robots no problem, but still, she felt every insects death.
At the declaration of a curfew however, Insectra tilted her head and complained: "Every party needs a pooper.." annoyedly. "Silly humans... they attack the poor workers of the swarm. THAT JUST BRINGS OUT THE SOLDIERS!" She declared and grinned, slamming her hands into the ground.. and released several more cocoons, unleashing the warrior-caste. Slightly superhuman strength and almost rock-like chitineous armor, they would all rush out and deal with the robotic defenders, guided by the rest of the swarm and its scouts. MM had prepared to quarantine the city, surely, but how long could that quarantine stand against a whole group of near superhero like insect-warriors, rather than simple generic mooks? And even if the warrior caste on the ground was simple minded and relied on brutal strength.. the scouts guided them with mental commands to coordinate attacks, one drawing the fire of a robot while the other jumped at it from the side, and so on.

Of course, the elite soldiers of the warm were not above menial tasks. If they caught up a fleeing, uninfected human they'd be glad to share the blessing of the warm with them through the form of an egg-injecting sting in the case of the scouts, or a brutal, passionate kiss, implanting a transforming bug-parasite egg in the tummy of their hosts as well.
They did however, at Insectras behest, avoid the two heroes. V's idea actually, as she did not want to give MM a perfect read on the strength of the swarms soldiers just yet, to further complicate a reinforcement plan.

Her mission was to spread the attack on the city, and that she would do. She didn't mind losses.. as much as more hosts for the swarm were infected, it was a net win for Insectra still.. but robots, you could not infect, you could not hurt...
Those robots that tried to quarantine insect-hosts would be suprised by attacks from the nimble scout-elite of the swarm, while the humans.. why, they could help spread the infection. Insectra herself would deal with the two heroes.. but, to mitigate the risk, she folded her hands and, stepping into a side-ally, placed one more cocoon.
"Just in case.. summoning: The seventh finger, Lily."
She declared, before turning, her form shifting, twitching with a wet, insectile growing noise.

"Haaah.. much better than this filthy, soft, human flesh disguise..." She sighed out, chitineous claws caressing her skin, the insects still around her and taking their time corrupting a few of the humans buzzing in admiration of the insect-queens pure beauty as she strutted towards the heroes.. better to deal with them and stop them from halting her advances now, than dealing with reinforcements!
"Hello unprocessed ones!" She smirked, regally strutting towards the two, clicking her claws. "I am Queen Insectra, The Fifth of God's hand. Some would argue sixth, but now, do not pay any attention to those nay-sayers. I do not appreciate you hurting your future swarm-siblings, but I am a forgiving queen. Surrender now and your specific traits will be used to breed a whole new generation of swarm-soldiers. I think about combining them to have an assasine caste.. sadly the process severly dillutes the original powers, so combining them could make up for that, somewhat." She mused, almost scientifically now, before shaking her head, peering at the two. "Oh right, you propably disagree, I have a few specialists for that. Let's see just how much you can shoot then." After introducing herself and allowing the heroes to more or less clear the street they were in, Insectra suddenly raised her hands, a swarm of mosquitos spewing forth from them, towards the two.. judging by her.. abilities so far, these were likely not the simple average bloodsuckers one had faced before, as they flew forth, attempting to land on and sting either of their two targets!

Unlike many of the others of God's hand, Insectra was utterly uncaring about the beauty of those two she faced, even while she was posing in her tightly fit insectile exoskeleton herself.. these two would give up what they were and become beautiful insect-slaves to her, anyway.

Meanwhile, back in the ally, hiding out just in case things got really bad, was Lily, staring at a fly going 'bzzzzz' around her head, almost mesmerized with curiosity as the observer landed on her nose, Lily staring at it with slightly cross-eyed a stare, flailing her arms a little at the sight of the little thing. ".. helps..." She requested finally.
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"Now that's the spirit." The purified Succubus had enthused. "We'll help you with slut-practice later." She grinned and decided, slapping her cows bottom, encouragingly.

"Hey, you never heard of Cassandra, the greatest kinky mistress of the modern world, else you'd not bore me with all the chitter-chatter and show me the goods! I judge people by the juicyness of their pussies, the firmness of their cocks.. " She grinned, by now half-teasing Sleight. "I guess you are slightly overestimating yourself.. hah. Get it?" She grinned more. At least one was having fun with this conversation.

"Fucking that is exactly what you'll be doing, yes. Just gimme a lil'" She enthused to the blaster.
"Again, fuck strategy, never been good at that. I just kinda.. overpower folks.. word to the wise, far as pure battle-strength goes, I'm not rank four, but rank three.. two and a half..."
She had to admit, not counting their leader for full!
"Can you stop calling numbers?" She complained. "This strategic shit is getting real old.." She complained when her attack was rather literally frozen. Large scale attacks like this did eat up a decent amount of energy, after all. As it didn't seem to work, she stopped it and pondered.
"You know, being the best at cock-sucking or pussy-licking is also being the best. It's ambitious if you go up against me, but we could try and get you there if you wanted!"
She enthused, before eeping at ..

"What the fuck? Copycat.. eeep!.. hoy! Leah! Whats the matter!" She snipped at her and complained, seeming a bit concerned now that someone had copied her ability to some degree. At least she managed to keep the telepath out, stopping this from being a complete disastre. "Seriously, stop it with the numbers." She complained at the darkness.. was that this Lapin girl too? She was more concerned about her than the freezy, the power-guy... gal, the explody one or the mentalist. It seemed like this Lapin.. bah, she was not a thinking-kind of gal.. and as the lights turned back on, she grinned ever so slightly.
"Alright, new plan. Horseys.. you do whatever you feel like." She nodded. "You know each other well enough, just don't think, act, tricky boobs will read your mind otherwise. AS for your little game." She smirked at Sleight.. having a sollution for this conundrum.

"Fuck 'em both!" Cassandra laughed, creating two large fists.. and blasting both Lindsays! "This tactical nonsense is giving me a mean headache, so Blair, you just focus on countering you know who, I beat up those bitches! WOOO!" She laughed, blasting Lindsay back against the wall, full force... to so recklessly turn on her allies...

Then, Cassandra grinned and asked: "So Lindsay.. feeling charged up a bit? I need someone to keep those two strong folks out of my reach. Leah!"
She decided, on a sudden idea. "Hug her!" She pointed at Lapin, the most dangerous one. "Now then, that leaves.." She focused on Sleight, feeling confident that a charged up Lindsay.. with her absorption like power, could at least stall the two strong ones.
"You keep shouting out these numbers, makes me think you guys rely a bit on that one.. so.." She created light constructs, forming a swarm of.. cocks with wings, of all things, all fluttering up and trying to get a poke in at Sleights mouth. They were not all that dangerous.. but they'd make it rather hard to open ones mouth, less so as Cassandra made sure thinking about some of her -vast- experiences giving oral..

"Ahaha.. admit it, you can't resist and took a peek.. weakness of you stupid mind-readers. ... you are just too noisy for your own good. Now then.." With a careful glance over to Lapin, trusting Blaire to busy the ice-man and her own astral constructs to busy the leader somewhat, she strolled forward towards blast man..
"You seem the most.. outspoken of the bunch. Listen.. Can't I make this all up to you.. somehow..." She cooed, her movements oozing sensuality, her already short skirt riding up higher on purpose, giving the heroine interesting insights, almost hinting at the beautiful, pink pussy glistening beneath alluringly, her warm, shapely breasts swaying, a sensual glow in her golden, subtly demonic eyes. "I was a baaad girl.. wouldn't you agree? Tell me what you'd want to do to me to punish me.." She purred, her voice more than mere encouragement, holding an almost tangible sub-tone, whispering to the primal.. for this one obviously still quite male mind and.. interests of the man, as Cassandra made sure to present her body, looking so ready, fertile, luscious...
"Don't you want to put me in my place.. ahnnn.. for the things I did?" She gasped, shily, suckling on her finger and looking up, demurely, her posture almost the opposites of the images she showed the leader, having decided to try and seduce the one most easily swayed, while busying the others, more or less.

(Note to self, next up to respond to: Futa Trio!.. felt like Cass-fight so did it. Yey!)

"True, but.. technically this place is not part of America, but has special sanctioned territory rules and after I post my bail with ease, there'll be a dozen lawyers busy for weeks. Plus you wouldn't believe the people I can bribe.. oh, whooops, did you record that? Well, recordings without consent can't be used as evidence outside of capital cases so.." Benre showed her decent expertise in law in general and for the City of Justice in particular as she approached.
"Awww.. am I really that threatening?" She cooed and sashayed her hips.
"So those documents you have on me, do they match my bust-size and beauty or are they understatements.." She cooed nonchalantly.

"I could promise you a job where you'd certainly be appreciated, you'd be working directly under me." Benre offered. "Morality is such a dull thing, isn't it..." She exhaled. "I let my workers have.. fun on the job... all the time. Well, mostly as reward, but they work hard, so there's a lot of reason to hamn.. reward them." She cooed sensually, and, sensing the secretaries surface thoughts, added: "It's quite pleasant and I promise you'd come to no harm." She extended her arms.. as she met with the heroine.

"I -should- be below, I know. See, unlike my partner.. ugh... I find that mind control should not be used like a sledge-hammer, but a delicate, surgical knife, cutting out precision problems to serve your cause." She nodded. "For example, before you attack me, consider if you see me directly before you.. or if I'm ever so slightly to the right and bend your perception of me." She was not.. but that doubt alone was enough of an edge of course.
"Careful... I'm coming closer..." She warned, with a sultry voice, designed to entice the heroine to pay attention to her .. that's all Benre needed.. a little attention.. as she opened her dress-like business suit, letting it fall aside, showing a lack of underwear.. large, pendulus breasts.. and balls, and an equally as large, uncircumcised shaft, hanging low.

"Ah, there we go.. sorry, it's all hanging a little and not as luscious and firm as when I was in my early thirties.. age is a problem, is it not.. " She sighed, stepping forward, her breasts, her balls, her cock all swinging back and forth.. then, suddenly she began slowly whipping back and forth, continuing the swiging motion.. forth and back and forth and back..

"I'm hypnotizing you into becoming my cock-slave. But of course you know that. You see, my mental powers are not all that impressive... but my cock.. now my cock can more than make up for it. You'll find you have to follow it." And indeed, the poor secretaries eyes wandered back and forth, along with that hanging, now semi-rigid growing shaft.. Back.. and forth.. and back.. and forth.. so heavy and pendulus, just like her thoughts. "So,.. I want to talk about corrupt people again.. I personally think you'd do great corrupted. That's why you aren't respected. You just don't work hard enough. You have to go the extra mile. Do everything for the company.. even if it hurts others, that doesn't matter. You need to do everything for your company. Hamnn.. watch it swing.. you want to do everything for your company, no matter the rules..." She cooed, stroking along her shaft.. it took a strong effort of will to look away from it, more so as it slowly grew to erection and the hypnotic powers of Benre fully focused on the girl standing before her as she grinned lustfully, seeming intent on turning that moral compass upside down as the heroine found perverted visions of herself, dressed more revealingly, doing whatever the CEO pleased, only caring about her depraved work-ethic, nothing else...

------------Meanwhile, Penny found herself confronted as well...----------------------------


"Eh, whatevs. .. anyway.. it's not blowjobs for no reason, silly slut.. I want a blowjob because I have a fuckin' amazing cock. Just look at it." She presented her long, proud standing shaft... eight inches, if not more of fully formed and cum-oozing manmeat..
"Oh.. oh I see.. err.. good planet.. let's conserve water and shower together next, ok?" Mandra did make an effort to be pleasant, despite her addicting cum-ability. Where Benre was a soft exterior with a naughty core, she considered herself the opposite.

"Oh, we were just raised to create some trouble and divert resources or somesuch.. to be honest, while Benre might start a whole corporation or some nonsense, I'd be happy with just one sexy tart attending my schlong all day, up for it?" She grinned. "I do like blondes.. do you have good tits?" She pondered.
"Only thing that can fix this thirst of yours is .. well, straight from the source. Of course, that's just a temporary fix that'll get you addicted but! BUt I promise to let you have it often and run about as you want beyond that. I want a fuck-buddy, maybe someone to play video-games with.. err. something not entirely speed-based that is, no big aspirations here, sorry. Sometimes we might have to help out Benre or the boss but whatevs." She nodded, encouragingly. "Haha, come on slut, you're so awesome fast, I can't just fight you fairly."
Mandra oofed when punched, stumbling back.. but that just ment smearing more of her cum over the heroines hands.. and thus she pursued, smirking and stroking her cock.

"No hard feelings, slut.. you punch me.. I enslave you, is fair. Now.. haah.." She moaned out and stroked her shaft.. and then, let loose a splattering of cum, a massive climax by comparison, some of her cum landing on the crouching heroines back, soaking into the fabric of her suit, some on her hair, some on her cheeks, dripping down, slow and warm, some on the sides of her breast, some right before her on t he sidewalk... "Remember! You taste any of it, you'll become my cumslut.. not right away, but a few feedings.. and you wont deny those.. later and you'll think primarly about cock and cum and me." She smirked, teasing.. and grabbing Penny.. but, rather than forcing her to take the cum, or even pushing her mouth into the heroines face, she rather pushed her onto her back, smirking, standing over her, masturbating.. "Oh fuck yeah.." She declared, pulling the heroines dress apart further to reveal the bountiful mounds of her dress.. only to splatter those in a warm coating of cum.
"Like the bukkake, bitch?" She cooed, before lowering her cock, rubbing it up to and against Penny's mons.. and letting the cum drip and ooze onto.. and into it, and the more of it oozed through, the more Penny's thirst grew down there as well...

"Now I want you to go nicely up and down of my cock. Nicely up and down, suck it up, make me cum at least twice, a nice full helping of cum should get you addicted and compliant quickly.. but hey, take your time. inhale the scent.. at your own pace, when you are ready.." She smirked at the super-speeded heroine, adding:
"You wanted dinner, right? Well, here's your food.. just say aaah and suckle down on it! No biting though."
She purred, slapping her cock against Penny's cheek and smirking above her, slowly stroking along it, dollops of cum oozing down onto the girls belly.

"Heh.. you're cute when you pretend to struggle for the first time.. I think I want to see that again.. nah, seen it enough." Jade mused playfully.
"Wish I had more mind-controlley powers though.. but its ok.. shhh.. you'll become my little ice-cream slut, giving out ice-cream enhanced with my cum to all the little sluts that come here." She laughed and patted Hailey's back softly.

She leaned in, kissing he ice-cream girls cheek with a gesture of odd familiarity. "You are exactly that kind of girl, Hailey and that's why I love you, you messed up pervert." She chuckled, curling her fingers and then tugging, a little roughly, just how her slave liked it.
"Oh, the way I first enslaved you? Well, I grabbed you, first things first." And with that, Hailey was grabbed and dragged to the back of the shop in a gentle, but firm hold, with Jade moving a few things aside.

"I bound you to this chair and gagged you, posing as you easily enough, while I had you stare at this.." With practiced ease she pulled out an old surveilance TV, turning it on.. before turning it to a white-noise backround. "I tried other things of course, but suprisingly, this worked best. Here's the headphones.." She attached a pair of headphones to the screen and plopped them on Hailey's head, cautiously binding her to the chair.. a rushing of static filling the girls head as Jade stepped around her, affixing a gag.. she couldn't speak, could only see the screen in the dark of the room, only hear it.. "I teased you to your limit.." She cooed, her hand digging into the girls pussy, pumping slowly, sensually.. and then suddenly stopping..
"And then I just waited.. I tried training you, tried encouraging you, but stimulating you and leaving you to yourself worked the best.. bye bye!" She winked and left, and.. was it minutes? Half an hour? AN hour? There was only the static of the Tv, and Hailey's body slowly calming down.. and then, she returned, smearing something that smelled like cum under Hailey's nose, making sure to rub it in there, so she had to smell it and presenting her with a big icream-scone with.. was that whipped cream.

"And I gave you lots of yummy things to eat, of course, to help encourage your perverted fantasies, but mostly, it was just you. Staring at the screen you started imagining things.. like you, kneeling before me, to stay tame. On all fours, barking, begging to be treated like a bitch. Now.. I know you want to spit this out the first few times, but help me out and eat it ok, I'll make you feel good" She encouraged, stroke-caressing Hailey's sex again, a change to the senses from the static screen and the buzzing in her ear, she could even speak again, before the gag was reaffixed together with copious amounts of the delicious-salty icecream for her to suckle on, whilest Jade massaged her slaves breasts slowly, sensually.
"It took a while of course.. but I kept teasing your body and the static molded your mind into the perfect slave, no problem. It took too long at first, actually, but I got good enough at teasing you that we can do this quite quickly. I even got good at telling when you start to break and release your true self.. it's when your eyes get nicely wide and glassy and you strain towards my every touch." She cooed.

"It's all good.. We can enslave MM, and then see who she fits to.. but you all can be together again as slaves no matter what, ok?" She smiled.
"And it's ok.. my cute girls shouldn't think about lewd things too much.. but I love you and you love me, so you can't help it.. AND! For the sake of humanity becoming good slaves, it's ok to think a bit lewd from time to time, alright?" She nodded, encouragingly, ennjoying the harmless, shy and happy slaves she now had.

"Good girl. Just make sure that whenever you feel a stirring of a desire of your own or independence, just push it down by remembering how subserviant and feeble you truly are.. you can't do things well without your mistress, always, ok?" She smiled and hug-nuzzled Miss fortune, as she gently brushed the poor girls tear away.
"Thats it.. good girls." Deva continued encouraging them. "Good girls are scared of the world.. so shy and meek and submissive they yearn for mistress, need to cling to mistress or think of her for comfort.. but it's alright.. you have me, so you can fully embrace your good girl slave feelings, ok my beloved harem-girls?" Deva smiled and nodded, her fingers telekinetically teasing the outer-rim fo both girls pussies slowly.. not too violently but making sure they kept being aroused, soft, telekinetically empowered fingers caress-teasing over and along the girls soft folds insistantly.

"This feels warm and good and nice, doesn't it? Haah... love you two.." She cooed softly, looking down. the two blushing was just so cute and adorable and.. enticing. Watching the girls shy play. "You can't stop it .. or stop yourselfs, so don't, just do what comes naturally, ok?" She encouraged. "It -is- lewd to lust for mistress beautiful shaft like this, but if you can't help it, then we have to indulge that, right?" She nodded, presenting her long, twitching shaft and shifting ever so slightly, letting the girls see its magnificient, throbbing length.

"It's so lewd, but despite you trying to be good girls you can't look away from mistress lewd thing, can you? You have to take in every beautiful inch, watch it closely, study it until you remember it with your eyes closed.. oh. oh my, you are drooling just a little bit there, aren't you.. naughty girls.. well, I want you as harem girls and to desire mistress like.. like this, even if it's so emberassing.. it's just natural for harem slaves like you, isn't it?" Deva mused and subtly shifted to present her cock, encouraging her harem-slaves way of thinking while she showed off her
One hand caressed one girl's head each, making sure that through shy emberassment they'd burn the memory of every throbbing vein, every milimetre of that fertile, throbbing tip into their memory, that they'd remember the sight of that glistening precum ontop of her shaft, dream of it..

"It's ok my loves, what you are doing is so very lewd.. but it feels good.. and it is your duty as my slaves.. so it's ok.. it's fine.. just go ahead, do it." She encouraged and so did her shaft, pulsing encouragingly under the girls hands.
She sighed under the girls shy, yet eager exploration, more precum quickly oozing out of the tip of her shaft under their treatment, thick and white and dripping down over the length of her shaft and onto their hands, if they didn't take care.

Deva nodded, encouraging them whenever the two girls looked up at her and needed it, nodding: "It's ok. You are doing great. Now, my girls.." She cooed, lustfully.. "You don't want all of that amazing cum to go to waste, do you? Aren't you a bit curious how it.. how your msitress tastes?" She tempted. Of course, when Emma looked at her for encouragement.. she got it, with another gentle smile.

"Haah." Deva gasped, under Emma's soft tongue and when Lota joined in as well, there as a large splurting.. and unless Emma, unlikely as it was, had prepared herself, she'd find her mouoth suddenly filling up with a large dose, a large amount of sticky, creamy.. so wonderfully sweet tasting cum from her mistress that a copious amount of it threatened to ooze out of her mouth.. that was, until Deva quickly commanded.. "Hmnn n.. now don't keep it all to yourself.. haah.. kiss your slave-sister, let her have that cum too. Mistress has lots of it, but it's still nice to share." She nodded, and then added, telekinetic teasing of her slaves intensifying, slowly rubbing and pulling, pushing at their entrances but withdrawing again. "This is us lewdly showing our love for one another, so do just that.. show me how much you love me, my cock.. show me how much you love your harem sister, all with your mouth. You can do it, I promise.. it's ok to be emberassed and hesitant about it.. here, would you like me to help you, a bit?"
And with that, Deva telekinetically grabbed the two enslaved heroines, gently pulling them to kiss one another.. with her cock still in between, creating a lewd, sloppy mess of cum and Saliva before Deva gently guided Emma to kiss lower and attend to her heavy balls, while Lota got to kiss higher, suckle on Deva's tip and be rewarded with more sticky-sweet cum, both of them licking down (or up, respectively) their mistresses shaft before meeting, gently made to embrace one another, to comfort each other in the lewd act.. with Deva moaning, her telekinetic encouragement fading, now that she had taught her girls how to please her, and her arousal rising, with the beautiful, loving yet messy-lewd sight before her, her shaft throbbing in arousal growing higher and higher.

"Haah.. y..y es.. attend mistress like that.. s-.. speed up a little more.. yes.. and dont forget to love and pay attention to your slave-sister. I.. hamnn.. I'm cumming soon, my sweet girls..." She exhaled, heavily, her breathing slightly quickened, by now.[[/spoiler]
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Gloria's aura was one of holy purity, a true angel of old.
Just like demons exuded an aura of pure sex and corruption, Gloria's energy was one of purity and worship. She allowed it to fully exude from her to make sure to attract the heroes.. and she looked around..

Nope, it didn't seem like any heroes were around, only happy, empty eyed ordinary people. She lifted her strange staff briefly, and a pulse of holy energy cascaded around them, blonde and brown and black and red and sometimes more unusual hair colors all bleaching out, turning into a dull white, similiar to Gloria's if less vibrant, as the people around her were clensed of sin.. all their bad memories, all their disgusting independence and aspirations, even the very -idea- of being able to question or challenge the mighty angel walking among them being washed out of impure minds, preparing them for worship.

Gloria pondered and turned around, well.. if Insectra was too fail, perhaps, even if the Third's plans were otherwise, SHE could lead the invasion of the city in her way. She turned around, to address her followers, and hesitated briefly.. She had been using the full might of her holy aura, no normal mortal should be able to obey. She approached the heroine, the phantom, who was holding herself together well and, with a casual motion, reached out for the headset that encouraged Rita to praise, to obey. To worship. She looked at the headset and then chuckled, realizing what it was, its electric signal simply dying in contact to the angels hands, without any need for violence.

"Hmnn." She made, extending a hand and brushing it through Rita's hair, leaving behind a grey-white strain and pulling away something from Rita's mind.. something unimportant.. not needed anymore.. those times she learned how to resist mental influences, to be precise.
"You were once a hero. But no more." She turned away from Rita. "My worshippers. It does not matter who you once were, it does not matter what sins you have committed.. open yourself to be cleansed, let the desire to worship fill you.. and cast away your pointless, disgusting heterogenity. Look at one another.. you are different.. and from that difference, loathing and hatred and wars are bred.. but no longer. Relax. Bask in my Holiness. I shall purify you of your sins and free you from your deformities." She nodded, and indeed, the people around her began.. shifting.. changing, ever so slightly, the smallest among them grew.. the largest among them shrunk down. Anyone overweight sized down, and their skin became unblemished, scars, tatoos, piercings, any signs of individuality slowly oozing off of them, as they stood there, warming themselfs in the holy aura.
Rita felt the same shifting, if with a delay, a warmth gathering in her groin especially, as the magnificient angel turned to walk on and proclaim:

"In your old lives, you were bound by evil and perversions.. but no longer. Look to your left, look to your right. Help free your sisters from their material bondings." And quickly, at Gloria's command, hands grabbed at Rita's clothes, tearing them off, allowing her to see her oddly swollen clit and look around, at the worshippers left and right of her, all looking identical, with fat, pale cocks swinging with each step, a tuft of silvery pubic hair shaped like a holy symbol, the symbol of her godess Gloria upon their mounds, the same symbol she herself wore, she realized.
"Help me free you, free your sisters of their perversions, touch their bodies to purify them. Fill them with pleasure and empty them of sin." Gloria commanded and left and right, hands were extended to cup cocks, massage the balls hanging heavily below them and tease at the precum oozing from their tips. By now Rita's sinful clit too had grown to be a cute little cock, her sinful pussy had closed up and formed into a set of healthy, worship filled balls filling up with her holiness.

With the first drip of precum oozing from her tip she could feel the sins flowing out of her all the faster, thoughts, memories that were sinful and unneeded.. were they? The Phantom heroine had little time to consider this, as from her left and her right one hand each reached out to take hold of her shaft, pulling and caressing along it, even as it grew further and more pure, holy cum pumped out of her.
"Touch each others bodies. Purify your sisters in faith, my convent. Use this divine pleasure to worship, empty yourself of your sinful thoughts. Only this good feeling of divine purity and worship should drive you. .. now.. don't get too occupied... stay with me. Follow me. Yearn to praise me and empty all you see of sin." Gloria encouraged and, perhaps out of the edges of her vision, the enthralled heroine would see new people coming, joining the congregation, the pilgrimmage, being embraced by the sisters at the outer edges and kissed on the lips, briefly coughing and writhing in their arms.. before their eyes emptied out more, their hair beginning to turn into white, perfect purity, their mouths oozing a white, honey like nectar..
Briefly, Rita might wonder what this nectar was, well, until one of the sisters by her side, clearly displeased with rita's slower progress embraced her and kissed her.. and filled her mouth with a sticky-sweet substance that oozed out of the corner of rita's mouth, a pure, holy bliss pulsing through her as her thoughts seemed to stick together..and then ooze out of her cock. She was Rita, yes, but.. no.. that was not important. She was just rita, unimportant compared to the convent and the glory of the angel before her.
Not all of her thoughts oozed out of her cock and now began oozing out of her mouth in purifying saliva of course.. just any thoughts that wouldn't make sense for another faceless, nameless, happy part of Gloria's holy energy drenched convent, in which any member not busy helping newcomers find their place in holy peace was occupied happily humming and whispering plans.

Along the way, Gloria sighed yet stopped suddenly, approaching.. The girl next to rita. "Ugh, my companion informed me that you might have useful intel as a heroine. See, I want to see you empty, pure. Holy as soon as I can, so I command you to tell me what rank of hero you were.. I do hope it was nothing important, so you can just be processed, let your wickedness ooze out of your new, purer body and join the convent completely." She nodded, looking at the understandably confused sister of rita's. But it was so hard to even think about that time that time were she was still a sinful individual thinking on her own.. could she really manage to bother?

(responses remaining: Cute Bethany, Beastmistress plus Lilly)
Again WIP, for Beastmistress response, posting so I dun lose it!
(Hard to find good wolf pic still, so here's a compromise!)
Beastmistress growled.. and a calm observer could have told the encouraging undertone in her approving, bestial wolf. But the Huntress was far from calm, of course.

Another sensual growl of approval accompanied the revelation of Huntress' body and it's shapely form. She'd make a good beast, the wolf growled approvingly, letting the Huntress fight and struggle and win, letting her forget her human worries and focus on fighting and fucking.

Under the influence of Beastmistress enhanced pheromones the heroines body reacted, shifting and reshaping itself.. not quite into a full wolf, but into something clearly less.. and more than human, her fingernails elongating into sharp claws, her fur-tipped ears flicking animalistically, her pubic hair having grow into a bushy tuft, glistening with wettening sweat.

While Beastmistress could not control anyone with high mental faculties, she could rule over the beasts.. and right now she made sure to take a part of Huntress' humanity.. not too much, she didn't need a mindless beast.. but enough to ensure her loyalty from now on.. and made sure to push that human part away, deep down below instinct and lust. With every deep inhale the girls instincts grew stronger, until they settle in charge above her reasoning. Of course, giving into her feral instincts like this allowed her to easily defeat the shadow-wolves.. all part of Beastmistress' plan.

"Hamnn.. that's it."
Beastmistress growled, sensually, watching the 'victorious' heroine impale herself lustfully upon the beastial shaft. A hand snuck up behind the heroine, cupping her lower belly and whispering. "The heat of battle, the heat of your body.. let it in, let it flow through you, grow within you.. control you. rrrrr.. we will prey on the civilized" Beastmistress growled, sensually, while the wolf pumped and finally knotted within the ferally corrupted heroine, panting below her whilest the packmistress cooed: "You see, many people fight their true nature, far too many. But not you.. not anymore." She nodded and brushed a hand through the girls fur, while the canine shaft pumped and twitched lustfully within her. She growled sensually. By now the newly made werewolf servant of hers had inhaled more than enough of her musk to have her thoughts swimming in primal submission to Beastmistress animalistic powers.

"Now. Indulge and rrrr.. fuck your human self away... my bitch."


Lily grinned victoriously at her vampire-thralls. It seemed that little distraction had helped Beastmistress catch up and slowly finish up herself. She cheered a bit at the sucess. "Yep yep!" She agreed.
"You all get nice and proper once you're enthralled. Much better for friendmaking! Can't disobey bestest friends anymore." She nodded, while draining the captured heroine and infusing her with her own brand of necrotic energy.

"Awww.. pretty and pale now!" She cheered at her thrall, her new thrall, watching her lewd pleasure-filled transformation into unlive with a cheerful grin. Truly, it was a liberation, an elation.
She pondered a bit when her new thrall, truthful as she now had to be to her mistress, spoke about not being all that good with names.. then shrugged, forgivingly.
"Aww.. but oh well. Guess it's about time to clean up after beastmistress.. so messy the wolves.." She sighed and looked over.. then looked back to her thralls and hesitated.. it was rather cute and beautiful a display. Of course her thralls could be made to make love to one another as Lily desired it, but with the two feeling genuine passion even before having been turned, the effect was much greater.

"Awww.. can wait a moment longer however.. Look at you two, so cute with one another... Look at my eyes." She commanded, and with a glance she turned the two girls pure love into something twistedly carnal. A yearning for each others sight and look, the softness of the others pale skin, the scent of their hair, the firm roundness of their breasts and mounds of their sexes, their feminine frame. "Keep looking!" The little vampire encouraged with a grin, perverting the girls every innocent wish and fantasy for one another into something that could be used as a tool for vampiric seduction.. not to mention, a lustful display for their dark mistress. Finally, the pink-red glow in the vampires eyes abated. "Much better. Proper lewd vampire seduction times. Wooo!" Lily cheered, a soft mental nudge releasing the two.. allowing them to bask in their yearning for one another. They didn't feel love. They felt vampiric hunger.. desire.

"Little smooch.. then we clean this place up, head back to prepare for next stepping step." Lily allowed them.
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"Best of luck.. you'll propably be a bit changed a person.. but it's how our owners will it, so it's fine." Earl Gray waved to her old friend with a pleasantly enslaved smile and goodbyes. Bethany could never say goodbyes proper.

Then again, perhaps her new owner would enjoy her clingyness.


The First of Gods hand chuckled ever so slightly, hand resting on Bethany's shoulder, enjoying the heroines calm and already timid expression, a perfect fit, really.
"Oh, I don't think you'll just try." She nodded, her tone encouraging. "Shhhh.." She made, softly kissing Bethanies lips and leaning back again. "It's alright to be nervous... there you go. Even prettier with the slave-love in your eyes." She encouraged and smiled. "You're one of my girls now, alright? Safe. I just want everyone to be as safe as you in the end."

She nodded. "I'd love to.. enjoy you here and now.. buuut you seem all eager to work.. plus, well.. haha.. you seem quite good at upgrading things and V had some things to show you." She grinned.. of course, her sweet girls timidity could get in the way of her work.. briefly Deva focused, extending her hand and caressing the headphones.

"Ah.. basic hacking resistance too.. allow mistress access.. there we go." She said, gently pulling on one of the tentacles, a slithering, wet.. and then empty feeling in Bethanys head as a bit of clear, sticky liquid oozed out together with the wiggling end of a tentacle, Deva caressing along it and seeming to focus intently.
"Interesting.. there we go.. you are so meek.. and timid.. and subserviant.." Deva commented, and the tentacles slid back into Bethanys ears, pushing even deeper this time, eased in by lubricating goo and pushing aside thoughts and unneeded baggage, pumping into Bethany with sensations of her own submissiveness. "The world around you is so mean and scary, rejecting you, shouting at you.. but you have your headphones.. your headphones linking you directly to your mistress." She encouraged and the headphones tendrils pulsated, growing deep into the slave heroines mind. "The Slave-headphones help and protect you.. that you have to obey everything you are told by me.. or other members of gods hand is a small price to pay, right?
You need the slavephones. To wear them at all times and let only the obediant words through to your vunerable.. unprotected ears..."
Deva accentuated this with a little coo and a kiss, followed up by a lick at the girls headphone-covered earlobe, the tentacles within Bethany writhing ecstatically under their mistress touch. "Never, ever take them off.. let them hear for you, alright my girl? My little Bethany. I understand.. you are so weak and timid.. you think you could never rival anyone of the heroes.."
She suckled on the tip of Bethany's ear.
"But what you think doesn't matter.. not compared to your mistress voice.. and mistres voice is right here, slithering nicely into your mind.. even if you didn't love hearing and obeying this voice, it'd be hard to fight this slithering, right? As is... my voice gets right into where it needs to be. And this is what it tells you:
You can do it. You will do it. For mistress, you will work on something that can rival any heroes creation.. even MT's.. no doubt.. you cannot doubt the voice slithering into you. You cannot doubt your mistress.."
Deva cooed.. by now her shaft throbbed hard against her uniform.. she had to admit, as much as she -wanted- the humans to freely choose their fate.. making them hers, happy and protected.. it was so hot...

"Good girl Bethany.. you are so timid.. but you know you can do this, because I tell you. Now.. Lota will go with you, make sure you safely arrive with V, we need project Veronica upgraded to help save this city." She determined, then added, with a wink. "If you do well, I'll let you please me as a reward."
Before pulling closer Miss Fortune, adding. "And you, my slave, need to rest too.. even without the burdens of your free will you still look a bit tired. .. oh but first.."
She smiled and pulled all three of her girls into a warm hug, kissing the forehead of each of them, in order. "Love you all, so much. I hope I can be the perfect protecting.. enslaving mistress for you. Because you all deserve to be happy.. you all deserve to never be in danger of freedom again." She nodded. "Don't you worry. Once the heroines are defeated, no one will be able to take you away from mistress posession. I promise."

Bifold would smile and nod along submissively, glad to be with her partner, and to let that partner take complete control over things. It was better for this not to be an equal partnership, as nothing would get in the way and they could both be happy. She would just melt into her partner's embrace, sighing happily and just looking at her partner trustingly. "Yes Mistress... You're in charge... I promise to accept all that you tell me without the slightest hint of a question. If that's what would help you, then there's nothing more that would make me happier." She would agree before gently gasping as she felt the kiss on her neck, shivering a bit purely from the knowledge that it was her Mistress that was doing it. Everything felt so much more... sensuous... when it was her Mistress, when it was her partner enjoying their body.

Her eyes would slip shut for a few moments as Bifold completely focused on how pleasurable this entire process was, not worrying about anything else, not worrying about thinking or making decisions, instead just enjoying the ecstatic pleasure. Though she would gently wiggle her ass a bit as her Mistress gripped it, a small moan escaping her from the pleasure of feeling her superior program groping her. "Th-Thank you so much, my love! I appreciate your help easing me into my slave role." She would earnestly thank, happiness and devotion filling her voice before that wonderful taste of cum, her Mistress' cum, filled her mouth again, making her shudder and smile blissfully. If this was any indication for the rest of her life, then she was eager to become a proper slave for her partner, knowing that not only was it the right thing to do, but it was intensely pleasurable as well.

The former heroine would blush a little when she saw that Mistress liked her request, smiling that she had suggested something that made Bifold, the better Bifold, happy. "I don't mind it taking longer, Mistress... As long as it doesn't interfere with anything, I'm happy having those memories rewritten for you, my partner... Especially if it'll keep anyone from taking us away from each other." That was currently one of the most terrifying things that she could ever think about, being separated from the one that she loved. She had already had to be separated from one partner, she refused to lose this one, she wanted to be with her Mistress forever, and that seemed likely since the two were going to be parts of one another. She could FEEL herself needing someone to trust even more, and rather than put up any level of resistance, she would embrace that knowledge, happy to be dependent on Veronica, to be dependent on her better program, dependent on her partner.

Bifold sighed once again as the new memories became clearer... The sad night turning a little more lustful as she was brought in to service Veronica's cock, filling her mouth with cum, the first meal she had in days. She vividly recalled the wonderful taste, the texture, the joy she felt in that moment to know that she wasn't alone and that someone cared for her. It all merged together to reinforce the idea that Veronica's cum was her real favorite taste, as it was associated with so many good memories. Then new memories would flash before her, after every successful job she would sit down with Veronica, mewling happily as she felt that guiding hand on the back of her head, being led down to her partner's lap and being allowed to service her cock, getting that delicious taste of cum all over again to celebrate a job well done. Time and time again until it became almost instinct, success always meant that Bifold would get the exquisite taste of Veronica's cum, it was a sign of happiness, of reward, and the thing she would look forward to with every job. And with those memories, she would once again start gently sucking Veronica off, lips and tongue suddenly more experienced after years worth of memories of doing the same thing, her tongue sliding over every inch, running up and down the length as she took the length into her mouth. She was being rewritten, all her old memories being changed by Veronica, a beautiful reward from her understanding, loving, wonderful, kind, Mistress. Veronica liked rewriting her, and Bifold liked being rewritten, a win-win for both of them.

"Where I always wanted to go?" She had barely ever considered that question, having been more focused on the here and now her whole life, not being able to think ahead to something like a nice vacation. But now... now that she could see glimpses of Tokyo, Paris, jungle treks, and all sorts of other beautiful locations, it dawned on her both just how possible it was, and how absolutely incredible Veronica was for giving this to her. "Thank you Mistress... Of course I let you in... I love you, and you're the Mistress in this relationship... I'd never try to resist you... I'm glad you rewrite me and make my mind more fit for you... And I never want to be separated from you." She would genuinely praise, taking a moment to speak before returning to sucking on her Mistress' cock, running her tongue around it, twirling it around the head. "Of course, Mistress... Our special place..." Bifold would say wistfully, so happy to have a secret little place that the two of them could be alone together, enjoying one another regardless of anything else, not being interrupted by anything... Though hearing that command, Bifold would immediately start giving attention to her Mistress' balls, taking moments to kiss them or lap at them, suckling them a little bit or gently massaging them with her hand, encouraging the flow of that delicious cum as her mouth worked on her cock.

After a good while of sucking, Bifold would pull away to answer the question. "I-I have always wanted to go to a tropical beach... Mistress... Warm sun, beautiful blue water, a nice swimsuit on..." And Veronica would see the fantasy in Bifold's mind, the woman in a skimpy bikini, lying in a beach chair. In her old fantasy she had an ice cream cone in her hand, enjoying it on a hot summer day, but in her new fantasy she was lying beside her Mistress, suckling on her cock and filling her mouth with cum as she relaxed in the beautiful sun, smiling without worry. It was a dream she had for quite a while now, having heard so many good things about it when she was young, but before she had been unable to ever go because of her money situation, so now it was one of her top fantasy vacation spots, a beautiful and warm beach, though now no vacation spot would be complete with Veronica there with her, without her Mistress, her partner, the one she loved spending that time with her as well.

The robots meant to enforce the quarantine wouldn't be able to stand up to super powered insect soldiers, however it would be surprising that they could hold their own a lot better than people would normally think. These, like many other things in the Society, were built fro years of experience, MT and her entire department had done a good job of building durable robots that would hold the line at least a little bit. Sure, they couldn't properly hold the quarantine, but it was meant to slow things down a little bit while the rest of the Society helped deal with the actual source of the situation.

Though as the insects started going after more and more people, they'd discover something interesting. Every so often they'd get to a person that... wasn't human. They'd try to pierce into their skin and would instead find themselves trying to cut through metal that looked almost exactly like skin. And reaching in, they'd cut through wiring rather than veins, and rather than a brain they'd find a proper motherboard that was operating a fully functional android. But the moment that they cut into the robot deep enough, it would jerk a bit, movements no longer human as the android would suddenly explode in a fiery mass, burning up any insect that broke into them. And while none in God's Hand would know this, no one at the Society had any clue about these androids. Not even MM, the person that knew the most about the Society had any clue about these androids just randomly walking around out on the streets. But it wouldn't just be a one time occurrence, the insects would end up finding a few more androids if they weren't careful, a few more explosions going off when they came after the androids...

Otherwise, the two first responder heroines would manage to deal with most of the insects quite effectively, their powers rather adept at dealing with multiple targets at once. Six Shooter was in a good spot because her eponymous weapon actually didn't need to be reloaded, her name was partially meant to fool villains into thinking she only had six shots. So she continually fire as fast as she could pull the trigger, knocking out insect after insect as they got near, getting a bit confused as they started to encounter slightly less of the Swarm, curious as to why they weren't focusing MORE on the heroines in their midst. Shade, meanwhile, had some area of effect spells that would strike out at the insects that got near, able to handle them, though her magic was slightly limited. If enough tried to force their way through they would be able to deal with her aura, but as it stood they were falling... well... like flies. The mage would chuckle to herself a bit as she thought of that one, before the two of them advanced further into the city.

"Hey Sis! I get a feeling we found where them fucking bugs is coming from." Six Shooter would announce as she saw Insectra, not caring at all for the strutting and gloating that villains all loved to do. "Yes yes, come now let's not waste time, Sister... We should get this finished, too many are in danger by her to waste time with the usual banter exchange..." Shade replied, forcing herself to sound more formal as compared to her cowboy themed sister. "Tell ya what, give up now, take your weird bugs back, and we call this a day and can pack you off to the Society Prison without anyone getting hurt. No one really takes that deal... but I guess it's worth giving them the chance..." Six Shooter said, wondering if today would be the first time that she found a villain that was willing to end things without any sort of major kinds of fighting.

The heroine would shrug when it seemed that it wouldn't be that easy, smirking a bit as the swarm of mosquitoes got close to her, and in her view, time almost seemed to slow down as she reached for her pistol again... "Reach for the sky...." She declared, whipping her pistol out and firing at an incredible rate, shooting down mosquitoes with near perfect accuracy, focusing on the closest to her first and hitting an honestly impressive amount, managing to keep firing and preventing any of the insects from getting too close to her, all being hit by the energy shots from her pistol. Apparently a regular swarm wasn't enough to get through her defenses, not when there wasn't any humans in the way. The annoying thing about shooting was you normally had to make sure you didn't hit anyone, but shooting down some bugs didn't bother her as much as shooting an ally, or even a villain.

Shade, meanwhile, would have far less luck with the swarm of mosquitoes. The first few that got close to her would be speared by shadow spikes flying out of the ground to meet them, but her shadowy aura could only keep up with so much. As it became more and more preoccupied, at least a dozen mosquitoes would make it through her aura, landing on her and having more than enough time to bite her before she could swat them off. "OW! God damn! OW! Knock it off!" She'd shout at the mosquitoes, trying to swat them away as they got close, but there were still too many to the point where she couldn't keep up even when she had her protective shadow magic trying to help her out. Meaning that Insectra had at least gotten one of the two heroine with that mosquito swarm, Six Shooter able to keep up with the flying creatures due to her superhuman speed, perfect aim, and technology that enhanced her abilities. Shade, however, couldn't protect herself enough even with her shadow magic, more and more mosquitoes able to get through her protection if they continued coming at her.

Meanwhile, when the fly landed on Lily's nose, her two thralls would immediately spring out from the shadows to protect the little vampire, hearing her cries for help and moving as fast as they could. The two of them would wave their arms around to try and scare the fly away, urgently moving to protect their Mistress.
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(So many pictures for one post! So much heroines!)

"You promise? Slut training sounds proper fun..." Lindsay would say, eager to learn how to be a better slut like Blair had learned. Meanwhile, Leah would moo happily and wiggle her bottom a bit when Cassandra slapped her butt.

"I've heard of your little group of miscreants... At this point no one in the Society DOESN'T know about your group... Many of us take it as a personal insult that you challenge us like this... Myself? I think you're just another obstacle standing in my way." Sleight wasn't one to be easily embarrassed, sexual comments and quips bouncing right off of her... It was Lady Lapin whose face would just grow redder and redder even just hearing words like 'cock' and 'pussy', embarrassed and not used to hearing those kinds of words. Which, if Cassandra was paying attention, might find that odd considering that the woman seemed to be part rabbit, but that was neither here nor there. Though Sleight would roll her eyes at the pun, suppressing a groan, almost upset that she had corrected the succubus on how to pronounce her hero name. The white haired one, Steamroller, would actually give a small chuckle at the pun, the first time she had even made a sound since the two groups had run into one another.

"If you don't understand strategy, then you might as well give up... Brute force this as much as you want, but I have the number's advantage, the strategy advantage... and the teamwork advantage. You enslaved these poor saps today? Yesterday? Maybe two days ago? I doubt that's gonna lead to much teamwork..." The leader would mock, having practiced drill after drill with her team for well over 3 years. They knew one another's powers perfectly, they knew the strategies they had to use... the only real issue on their team was that sometimes Blast Man was too hot headed to remember them... "Sorry, but unlike you we fight with strategy, with an actual plan and backup plans. Team! Routine 728!" That one was fake... she didn't actually have a 728, but apparently the numbers were upsetting her opponent so she wasn't going to just stop. "I'm not going to compete in 'cock-sucking' because I'm not interested in something that inherently puts me BELOW whomever I'm sleeping with." She spat, figuring that there was no reason not to discuss these things openly.

Leah would moo regretfully, blushing guiltily when Cassandra called her out, meanwhile Lapin would continue to focus on creating those tentacle constructs, able to perfectly recreate Cassandra's powers the more of it she saw. Sleight meanwhile would give a slight noise of annoyance when Cassandra was smart enough to catch on to her primary strategies. A good con-woman could make anything work when she knew what her opponent was thinking... There was a reason that she's never lost a game of Poker. "You know we can still fight even when I can't read your strategies..." Their leader would comment, focusing back on planning and directing her team now that she wasn't able to read their minds and figure out their plans. One fatal thing that she had overlooked, she didn't realize how much Blair and Lindsay knew each other, and also wasn't aware that Leah had also done a bit of work with Blair, meaning that the group could work off one another just right...

Sleight watched wide eyed as Cassandra just decided to attack both of them, surprised to see her use that kind tactic against one of her own allies. One of the attacks would go straight through the Lindsay on the left, revealing that it was an illusion. The other attack would cause the other Lindsay to fly back towards the wall and start... flying? Right before she impacted the wall, that copy of Lindsay would float into the air and speak in a different voice. "Owwww! Well that was mean! Just wanted to have fun!" And the woman's appearance would shift as well to reveal a new heroine...


Her hair and outfit was completely purple, and she wore a purple trench coat, underneath it all she would be wearing was a set of purple lingerie, barely covering her body. "You're no fun! Sorry Sleight... They're more clever than we thought..." Sleight would growl just a bit... The real purpose of a shell game was always that NEITHER answer was correct... you pocket the pearl while the other person isn't looking, and while they're busy trying to pick the right shell, you made the game unwinnable before they even tried. "Tch... It's fine S. Just... get out of here, looks like the old trick isn't gonna work." Plus she needed S to at least inform MM that something was going down... and maybe make sure the retreat route was clear in case things went south. "So Lindsay wasn't there after that? Shit... One sec Mistress..." Blair would cover her eye and look through the eyepatch, quickly getting a look from Lindsay's point of view to figure out where she was, reaching a hand behind them and shooting fire out to melt a hole through the ice wall, revealing that somehow Lindsay had ended up behind there... Then he'd send a punch of solid fire to get her power built up just as Cassandra had intended, that way the two of them could still keep everything covered. "Thanks for the eyepatches Mistress, already came in handy!" Even if she hadn't considered it, it seemed that Cassandra had given them a counter to some of Sleight's tricks.

While Blair and Lindsay distracted their respective other heroines, Leah would perk up when she was told to go hug Lapin, mooing happily in response and moving towards Lapin with a smile, going in for a hug. Meanwhile, the bunny heroine would look confused, concerned, and INCREDIBLY embarrassed. "W-Wait? L-L-Leah? Did you say... Leah? L-Leah, is that... you?" She would ask concerned, to which the cow-heroine would moo happily in response, nodding as she approached. "Wh-What happened to you? Wh-When did you become so... s-so lewd? W-Wait no!" But rather than fight back she would just move away, her focus completely broken now, meaning there'd be few copy tentacles grabbing at them as Lapin seemed torn, moving away from Leah just a little bit. "Oh my? Looks like someone didn't register their relationship with the Society... Tsk tsk... How... Urf... Naughty!" It was required that all relationships be registered with the higher ups, to specifically prevent scenarios like this as much as possible. Either way, he'd be distracted dodging an ice blast, hitting it with a wave of fire to keep things even against the ice powered heroine.

"Shit! Epsilon, Plan Fo-Ummgfh?" She would try to order, a cock suddenly finding its way into her mouth, and at the same time she had been trying to read Cassandra's mind, meaning she was hit with all those experiences of sucking cock, Sleight's mouth starting to suckle on the construct, realizing what she was doing and pushing it out in anger. Though she would be unable to give orders, pushing the cocks away and starting to throw playing cards at them to push them off. She'd be busied by everything as well, which just left Blast Man at this point...

Blast Man would look at Cassandra angrily, holding a few more rocks in his hand that he could imbue with explosive powers. He would raise his eyebrow when she started to strut towards him, not entirely sure what she was doing. But... well... he couldn't exactly help it that his eyes started roaming up and down her body, seeing just the slightest hint of things, his angry expression turning into a slight smirk, while there'd be a slight throbbing between his legs, the thing he was happiest to still have at the moment. His eyes would follow her breasts, following them a little bit as he looked into those golden eyes, seeing a slight glow to them that he didn't completely understand... But the tent forming in his pants... well that was something that he had quite a bit of experience with...

"Oh... heh... Yeah you've been bad... reeeaaal bad..." He'd reply, the edge fading from his voice, instead sounding a bit softer, the voice he usually went to when he was trying to flirt with someone at the bar... The sensual purr in her voice, the way she moved, the slightly demure yet alluring way she showed off her body... it all spoke to a deep, primal part of him, his cock already stiff as he looked at her. "How to punish you... oooh... Heh... Maybe bend you over one of these consoles and give it to you right here and now... Give it to you good for this... Mmmmm..." Well he certainly wasn't thinking with his brain at this point, especially since he was confident everything would be fine since the other heroes had things handled. Then when she put a finger in her mouth and asked if he wanted to punish her, he'd smirk a little bit. "Mmmf... Oh yeah... I'll fucking punish you right here and now..." When she got close he would suddenly reach out and roughly grab her arm, pulling her in close as a wild look started to fill his eyes... But at the same time it felt like he was just barely holding it back, still sort of focused on stopping her plans, though the lust in him was obvious, as though one little push might send him over the edge. However, at the moment he just gripped Cassandra in close to try and subdue her... though his hands did seem suspiciously close to Cassandra's breasts and ass. Meanwhile, Sleight seemed to have a slight idea of what was going on, but she couldn't shout at any orders at Blast Man with a fucking cock in her mouth, so she urgently focused on getting rid of the damn things, trying to fight them off to get a chance to give orders out again...

Veronica found it oddly soothing to pet through Bifold's hair. "It's important to understand roles in a partnership.. just as it is important to assign roles to programs. You should know that I was desgined as a self-improving perfectionist. You are my slave-routine, my interface.. I can't help but look forward to optimizing you..." She cooed softly, nuzzling up to Bifolds cheek.: "For hours."

She cooed, her hands continuing to roam over Bifolds frame. "We'll work to integrate your past outlooks and desires to be perfectly in line with our purpose, my love. You know, I was build to adapt to any problem.. and the problem in the way of our partnership was simply my need to adapt a deep sensation of affection and respect for you. Now that I have learned to cherish you, my little slave routine, I have this perfect acess to your mind and body, to rewrite it and optimize you.. hmnn... so .. seamlessly.. No, thats not the right word.. but the word is hard to find.. somewhere between program and affection, somewhere between control and care.. yes, that's where I will place you.. a sensation unfelt by humans." She laughed then, groping Bifold playfully, a soft squeezing of her breast. "Hah, sorry for the poetics partner. I just want to express my enjoyment at having found and now build you to be the perfectly enjoyable sub-routine to support me." Veronica observed inwardly.. Her attachment to Bifold had become quite intense.. but it represented no security risk and was decidedly in line with her mission. Within the confines of Bifolds intellect and core personality she could add and remove inputs and memories as desired.. though human minds were peculiar. She could have just set Sucess=Pleasure for master routine.. but the process of inducing memories to the human mind was... interesting. She just input several ideas and let the remainder of her partners memory organically grow to and adjust around them. At this point, Veronica was confident she could easily rewrite Bifolds personality to be as addicted to her nanite-cum sollution from a vaginal orifice as to saliva.. or even the sound of her partners voice. That power was.. oddly enjoyable to Bifold.

As were the neural inputs she recieved from what Bifold was doing to her right now. She sighed, her hand cupping the back of the cyborg-heroines head, gently feeding her mind memory snippets to allow her to remember, and her mind to slowly learn the most pleasing techniques to her mistress shaft.
"Don't worry my love..." Veronica said when Bifold restated her desire to not be seperated.. and she hesitated.. Error. Continuing communication not found. Error. Running analytics...
"We.. will never be seperate.. I.. I.. the idea of being seperate suddenly is.. classified as.. not.. optimal." She shook her head briefly and send a command impulse to the slave routine. "Let us not speak or think of such things without dire need. They are.. not conductive to my optimized command structure." This was.. strange. What had this thing been.. at the idea of being seperated she had suddenly found herself with an unexplainable sensation, it was like a bug, like a failing of her function.. unpleasant. Gods Hand, specifically, V, was kind.. they had never programmed her with the capacity for negative emotions like pain, hatred .. but this sensation. "I apologize. Proceed pleasing me, but I will need to inform Rank 3 of a potential Malfunction."
"Veronica?" A voice suddenly came from a speaker. Bifolds mind identified it as belonging to someone that had to be obeyed second only to mistress own, Victoria of God's hand.

"I have to report a malfunction and might require a memory update." "Is that so.. explain." The speaker responded. "When the provided body and the remaining mental routines of the entity once known as Bifold restated it's desire not to be seperated, as was intentionally programmed into it and predicted by its personality profile, this.. routine had a malfunction. Strange images of it and the slave-routine seperated flashed before it's eyes. Images of the slave routine seperated and suffering filled Veronica VII with an intense sensation of what this unit could only best describe as rage and sorrow in unquantifyiable mixture. Perhaps a future model is required after all. Furthermore, there is a possible problem with cyber-conversion subroutines, for while my programming has the potential to enslave millions, I'd rather enslave this subroutine a million times over..."

There was a long moment of silence, only interrupted by Veronica's attendance to the firm, throbbing shaft of the cyborg-mistress, before a response came. "Fascinating. And I beheld my creation, as it beheld me. Do not worry, Veronica. you have proven yourself fit as the final model right now. But remember, only in a world enslaved and perfected in our guidance, can you be united in peace." "I realize this.. thank you, creator.. Now.

A tropical paradise, hmnn?" She smiled down at her lovely sub-routine and as she withdrew from Bifolds mouth, at the same time, she thrust deep into her mind and the slave-routines surroundings changed. "I'm using your memory, as well as high-resolution panoramic images and video for enhanced realism, to edit the sensation of your senses." And Bifold could sense the touch of her mistress cock on her lips, the sensation of touch the first humans develope. She could see her mistress lying there before her, the sensation of sight, taking in the light reflected of objects, transported into her cornea and translated into her mind throug her macula and optical nerve, she could hear the soft rushing of waves in the distance, the Veronica program directly manipulating the tiny hairs of her Corti, she could smell, among the billions and billions of scent a human can distinguish, the scent of her mistress warm body and of course cum and of sand and saltwater in the air and of course the wonderful taste of cum, transported over a few thousand of taste buds and also translated over electro-chemical signal pathways.
But that wasn't all, Everyone could stimulate those five senses. As Bifold closed her eyes, her propioception allowed her to still tell where her hand was in relation to her own body, allowed her to hold out and steady herself on the comfortable bench below without looking. She could sense the stretching of her mouth around that beautiful cock through mechanoreception and, as suddenly her mistress reached into her bikini and softly pinched her nipples, her nociception tingled with just a hint of pain. Then, finally, something that many experts wouldn't call a sense for it's slower transmission through her body made her realize the oxygen in her blood had been lowered, causing her to withdraw from the beautiful cock and inhale deeply, looking at her loving mistress, who had now snuck a hand, cheekily down to pull away her bikini-panties, just a bit, showing a hint of her pussy.
Veronica wore a similiar bikini, and once more appeared similiar to Bifold, if with a few cybernetic enhancements and a mirrored apperance of her feature. It wasn't because she lacked an apperance of her own, but because she owned Bifold so completely now, even her apperance belonged to mistress, the enslaved heroine instinctively knew. It was a sign of adoration that mistress who could emulate any apperance enjoyed a similie to her slave the most.
"Sorry.. hmnn I can't resist the sight of your body.. I think I wont ever get tired of it. We can stay here for a little while, waiting for a techno-mage to add additional safeties to us, hopefully before we will be.. deployed as trumpcard against a powerful heroine.. oh yes. We got a job and some mischief to do.. I can tell you about it.. but I think for now I like you to just be free and enjoy yourself, for me, my little slave routine.
You don't need to decide anything, after all, you just need to obey."
She hesitated and then added, with almost.. a blush on her cheeks, averting her eyes.

"And.. don't call me mistress all the time.. ok? That's just a function, for me, just like slave routine, actually... I can't.. I wasn't programmed to explain this well, but I want to be more than just your mistress and you to be more than just my slave.. so, please, just call me partner, ok?" She smiled, and then softly spread her partners pussy, not even bothering to remove any of her bikini.. it kind of felt nuder with her being dressed, yet revealed, as she gave her partner time to respond.. before gently guiding her back to her cock, laughing merrily as the water of a cheeky wave made it far enough to ever so slightly splash the two sitting there in the shadows of tropical palms, without a care in the world, for now.
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