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City of Lorexia, Centaurine Plutocracy


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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The rather dapper looking Bay Centaur peered down at Servante. "Hrm. Yes. You see, the city streets spiral young man, rather like a snail shell. They also have an enchantment put on them that takes you exactly where you want to go! That way no one is ever truly lost." The Bay snorted and continued, "You must not really want to find the exit then, what is it you're really looking for?"
Re: City of Lorexia, Centaurine Plutocracy

Servante squints an eye at the centaur. "Uh... excuse me?" The young selkie looks baffled at the centaurs comment, unsure whether he's speaking the truth or just trying to mess with the head of an 'outsider'. "Um... I do think I'm tryin to find the exit. I havve matters of extreme importance to deal wwith back home, and I can't find the blasted exit." The selkie leaves the matter of his companions out of the conversation, he doesn't need someone telling them where he's headed should they manage to bump into this centaur.
Re: City of Lorexia, Centaurine Plutocracy

The Centaur chuckles and points off to his left. "If you can navigate in a straight line, that way lies the exit."

(((Servante can try his best to find the exit, but he'll still wind up one block from and in sight of the Inn. With a palamino dapper old Centaur in the same place. This city is like The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus on acid)))
Re: City of Lorexia, Centaurine Plutocracy

Servante manages to grumble out a thanks to the centaur before attempting to travel in the direction he pointed, though it quickly becomes clear to the selkie that after passing the horse for the seventh time he isn't going to be going anywhere fast. Giving up on making his way to the exit for now Servante instead decides to walk in a random direction to give himself time to think though before he knows it he has walked back in front of the inn. The selkie stares at the door for several moments, a sour expression forming before turning around and walking away from it again. "Nope, not goin back there." Servante mumbles quietly as he puts his hands into his pockets.
Re: City of Lorexia, Centaurine Plutocracy

When he turned away he found that he still stared at the Inn door only it was subtly changed somehow. It seemed inviting. Like Home. Like this was a place he belonged. The feeling from the door was... comforting.

The feeling was broken by a rather ratty looking centaur who looked like he hadn't been groomed in months. He clattered by, his purple hooves and green coat stirring up dust and debris. If Servante turns away from the oddly colored centaur he'll see the cityscape has changed again. It's dark and dirty looking, as if someone had painted coal dust over top of everything. This was the direction he had come from, but it was not the city he had left.
Re: City of Lorexia, Centaurine Plutocracy

Turning around Servante nearly jumps out of his skin at the sight of the dishevelled centaur, a high pitched scream escaping the young selkie as he backs up against the door. "Holy shit, wwhat the frig's happened to this place?" Servante sputters out, his breathing rapid from the sudden shock.
Re: City of Lorexia, Centaurine Plutocracy

The green Centaur... well there's no other word for it, it melted into a puddle of acid green goop on the ground. The goo spoke, "Oh lord! You're not from around here, are you? I'd forgotten what it's like!" The cityscape also melted into a flat grassy plain, "Tell me what you've been seeing!" the puddle asked eagerly.
Re: City of Lorexia, Centaurine Plutocracy

Servante's eyes go wide as the centaur melts into a puddle of goop, and for a moment no sound escaped the boy as everything quickly becomes too much for him. "W-wwhat's happenin? You're all meltin is wwhat's happenin." The selkie says suddenly in hysterics, still rooting to the spot. "WWhat the hell is goin in wwith this damnable city!?"
Re: City of Lorexia, Centaurine Plutocracy

The puddle seems... surprised for a moment before a door opens up out of nowhere. "You'll be safe in here, boy. They can get you a token."

(((And now we wait. The others still need to post and then we can all move right along)))