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City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 4/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 24/30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 6/20 Lewd

Spirit (20, Combat x1.5) - 5+9 = 14, Fail. (Lose 6 Mana and 9 HP)

She struggles hard, even trying to burn the sticky fibres, but to no avail. After all, no fly ever escaped from a spider's web... and she herself is the fly here.

The spider hisses angrily, pulling back slightly, then lunges forward and bites her on the side before pulling back. She winces, but the wound is far from serious. What is serious is the numbness spreading out as the venom begins to work. The spider circles her, hissing to itself and eyeing her malevolently.

"What do you want?" she begs through gritted teeth.

It pauses, preening. "I need your eggs, human. Can't make more of my own, so must extract them from others. Won't hurt. Might even enjoy it. Already ate, not hungry. You'll be free to go."

Option 1: Cooperate with the spider (Naughty[Spirit], Encampment, Hidden)
Option 2: Try to escape the web and kill it (Spirit[Combat], Miniboss)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

breathing hard unable to break herself free. Her mind racing trying to decide what she should do. Does she left the spider thing take her egg's, if so she can never get pregnant...her mind mills on that, not sure if not being able to get pregnant is good thing or a bad thing. "would you be taking all of them?" she struggles slightly "If not then I guess I have no issues with it. Do you mind letting me free if I don't fight against it, this is extremely uncomfortable. That and being stuck here naked and spread eagle is really embarrassing, I give you my word that I wont resist your collection process if you let me down."

(Wont resist the spider taking the eggs, Naughty[Spirit])
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 4/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 18/30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 0/20 Lewd

Naughty (25, Spirit x1) - 15+4 = 19, fail. (Lose 6 spirit and 6 lewd.)

"Oh no, nonono... won't take them all... don't worry..." The monster giggles unpleasantly, and Alura reluctantly stops fighting, closing her eyes and bracing herself.

She flinches at the feel of the bristles against her legs, and then something rams inside her. She opens her eyes in shock, seeing that the monster has sent some kind of tube inside her, and she can feel every inch of its progress, squirming through her folds, then pressing against her cervix.

Then it pushes past, and she fights back a wail of pain. There's not a scrap of pleasure here, not even guilty, hidden pleasure - just agony as the tube squeezes into places nothing should go. Deeper and deeper, almost sending her into spasms as it presses past her womb and towards her ovaries.

"Hold still, damn you," the creature hisses.

Through the fog of pain, she can feel a horrible emptying sensation, and she knows that it's begun to steal her eggs away. Is it worth it? Is this sense of pain and humiliation really worth a free pass?

Option 1: Cooperate with the spider (Naughty[Spirit], Encampment, Hidden)
Option 2: Try to escape the web and kill it (Spirit[Combat], Miniboss)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Her body shocked at the sudden explosion of pain, her mind lighting on fire, he said there would be no pain the lying son of a bitch. Using her rage and anger to her advantage. He summons up all her remaining strength, she intended to cook this bastard alive for what he has done to her, and luckily for her he was vulnerable right now...although lucky might be the wrong phrase at this point.

Spirit[combat] cook the spider and afterward have a tasty BBQ spiders leg.
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 40/48
Combat: 9 - 0/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 10/30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 0/20 Lewd

Spirit (18, Combat x1.5) - 1+9 = 10, fail. (Lose 8 spirit and 12 HP. Owch. I kind of designed the Bloodspider Queen to be one of the toughest bits...)

Her plan backfires spectacularly. A particularly painful spasm hits her, and she loses control, fire blazing everywhere... except at the spider. And the web, although it smoulders, stays intact.

"Bitch!" the spider chitters angrily, and then leans forward and bites her on the thigh. She barely feels it through the pain of being drained, but she does feel the numbing sensation. It's beginning to wear her down, all the little injuries and indignities she's suffered... she almost wants to just close her eyes and give in.

Then her inner fire blazes. No, not yet. She's not going to let this freak of nature beat her.

Option 1: Cooperate with the spider (Naughty[Spirit], Encampment, Hidden)
Option 2: Try to escape the web and kill it (Spirit[Combat], Miniboss)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

The pain courses though her body giving her another reminder of why exactly she hates spiders. After it subsides again she thinks about giving in, but remembers the last time she did, it said it would not be painful and it was painful. So either way there is only one way out of this particular situation, burn the thing alive or die trying, or what ever else might happen to her if she loses consciousness with this thing on her.

"Die in a fire you lieing son of a BITCH!!!" she screams letting all of the power she can muster into fire in all directions not really caring who she hits just hitting something.
