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Claire's room

Re: Claire's room

((Thanks, RJ!))

Squeezing Caitlyn's hand, Claire leaned against the other woman as they paused outside her room. She didn't have a pocket to put a key in, so she'd left the room open -- not that she expected anyone to steal her gun, which was still sitting on the bedside table beyond the door.


"Mm?" she asked, wondering what Caitlyn meant by that. "No, I don't think so... she said to go have fun," Claire grinned.

She pushed open the door, flicking on the light and allowing Caitlyn to enter. A bit of nerves hit her as she closed the door behind her -- things had sped along a lot since they'd sat on the foot of her bed this afternoon. Squelching the thought, she allowed her wrap to fall to the floor as she came up beside the bed, then settled herself upon it. Claire wasn't the prettiest sight, the purple-brown bruises covering her body marring her otherwise pale skin. Exposed like this, however, the nipples of her full breasts hardened in excitement, her skin flushed, she was inviting enough! She crooked her finger at Caitlyn, wanting the other woman to join her, clothed or not.
Re: Claire's room

((Yes, thanks a lot!))

Caitlyn makes a noise that is half-laugh, half-sigh when Claire shuts the door to the room. Her heart pounds in her chest and nervous goosebumps rise all over her skin.


"Have fun. . ." she smiles. "Okay."

She gasps quietly as Claire's wrap drifts to the ground, struck by both the extent of the other woman's injuries and, honestly, more amazed by the beauty of her body. Nodding in acknowledgment to Claire's beckoning finger, she slips her pistol out of her waistband and sets it on the table next to Claire's.

She steps forward, pulling her top over her head and dropping it to the floor as she sits down on the bed. Her hands tenderly move to Claire's waist, gently holding her as she looks into her eyes and leans in for another kiss.
Re: Claire's room

Claire watched the other woman intently, her smile only growing at Caitlyn allowed her shirt to join the sheet already on the floor. Now she did look the woman up and down, nodding appreciatively at what she saw.

Returning the kiss, the redhead brought her hands over Caitlyn's as she groaned at the touch. It was nice, but she wasn't quite ready for any action between her legs... despite the wet that had gathered there, she was still sore and a little psyched out, worried. Instead, she guided the blonde's hands up to her breasts, before trailing her fingers up the woman's arms, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin.

When their lips broke contact, Claire heaved a long, trembling breath.


"You're a good kisser," she grinned up at Caitlyn, eyes heavy-lidded as she regarded the blonde.

"Do you mind if I...?" she brought her hands up to Caitlyn's glasses, hoping to remove them.
Re: Claire's room

Caitlyn's body tenses involuntarily when Claire's hands move up her bare arms, a deep warmth spreading through her at the gentle touches. She presses the palms of her hands against Claire's chest, feeling her breasts, her nipples and the steady rhythm of her heartbeat behind them. She lingers in the kiss, taking one more quick suck on Claire's lower lips as it breaks.


"Go ahead," Caitlyn whispered breathlessly. She lifted one hand to Claire's face, brushing her red tresses away from her eyes and then just gently stroking her cheek with the back of two fingers. She looked deeply into Claire's brown eyes while her other hand softly brushing along the undercurve of her breast. Caitlyn cups it, feeling the warmth in her hand.

She shifts a bit closer on the bed, leting her body touch against Claire's and shivering at that moment. "I've. . . I've never. . ." she begins.
Re: Claire's room

((Don't mind me if the images are suddenly different, I'm going to try out the whole 'different expressions for different posts' icon whoring for a bit, see if I like it!))

Removing Caitlyn's glasses, setting them carefully on the bedstand, Claire leaned up to kiss her again, one for each eye. No longer hidden beneath the eyeware, those blue-eyes were gorgeous!

The stuttered admission made Claire smile gently.


"Don't worry about it. We're just having fun, right?" That said, she attempted to maneuver the blonde around so that their positions were reversed. She felt more comfortable on top, anyhow.
Re: Claire's room

(( Someday I will find other pictures for Caitlyn! I really like the multiple expressions idea. ))

Caitlyn nodded, focusing on the closeness of their bodies and the pleasure of Claire's kisses. She didn't resist at all when Claire started to take charge, switching positions with another sigh of pleasure. She moved her hands around Claire's back, arching her own body towards the redhead and pressing their her chest against Claire's.


". . .," Caitlyn opens her mouth, as though she's trying to speak but no sound comes out. She smiles helplessly, taking another breath and kissing Claire again.
Re: Claire's room

Grinning, laughing a little, Claire gave one more focused, passionate kiss before a hand slid between the two of them, brushing up against and cupping one of the blonde's breasts, thumb tweaking at her hardened nipple.


"Relax," Claire told her partner, kissing her lips, her chin, her throat. She pushed herself back as she kissed her way down to Caitlyn's breasts, lavishing attention there with her lips and tongue. Not wanting the other woman to feel awkward, or stiff, Claire gave her own little noises of pleasure and delight: she was putting on a little bit of theatrics, though moaning and pressing herself against the luscious skin of the blonde was making her downright horny.

"Tell me what you want," she advised, her voice a hot murmur as her hand slid down, over the cloth of Caitlyn's skirt, and back up to the safer ground of her naked torso. Claire was willing not to rush, if only because she didn't want the blonde to get too nervous to continue!
Re: Claire's room

Caitlyn doesn't need to act as she purrs in delight, stroking her fingers through Claire's hair while she kisses her breasts. Her nervousness and hesitation seemed to evaporate as her pleasure builds. She rocks gently against Claire's body, squirming to press against her hand as it moves lower.

The gentle touch of her lover, Her lover, she thinks, arousing her to a height of desire that she's never felt before. She moves her hands down over Claire's shoulders, going back to Claire's perfectly soft breasts and firm nipples, squeezing a little more firmly and even lightly pinching at the nipples.


"Mmmh. . . yes," she groans. She gazes at the redheaded woman with eyes filled with desire. "Take off my skirt. Let me be naked with you, Claire. Please."
Re: Claire's room

Laughing again, though that noise was cut short by a gasp and an outright moan of pleasure as Caitlyn began playing with her breasts, the redhead took a moment to help the other woman out of her skirt, obliging her enthusiastically.


"Good?" she asked, grinning for a moment and kneeling over the blonde, giving her one more round of kisses. Pressing herself over the other woman, squeezing her close, she slipped her hand between Caitlyn's legs again, nimble fingers seeking the damp she knew she'd find between the other woman's labia and, finding it, spreading it up across her clit as her fingers played there. "Tell me if it's too much," she murmured again, entranced by the noises that the blonde was making, intent on leaving her so distracted that she didn't have time to think about tweaking Claire's nipples, even if the redhead was enjoying that!
Re: Claire's room


Caitlyn gasps, feeling Claire's fingers between her legs. Her hips buck against Claire's hand excitedly and she nods, "V-very good. . ." Her hands pause for just a moment when Claire touches her clit and she shudders, but soon resume their fondling play. She lifts herself off the bed, rising to kiss Claire hotly, surprised by herself but too lost in the moment to really think about it long.
Re: Claire's room

((XD Posting from work makes me a leetle nervous, using pictures, so if you see me using the generic one, that's probably why. X3 I have a few lurkers who like to show up and peer over the desk, so this makes posting tricky! Congrats on finding a way to make new icons, though! :D))


"For not having done this before," Claire praised between lip-locks, "you seem to know what you're doing -- mm!" chest jutting forward, she gasped at the tweaking her nipples were getting.

Still, she was determined not to get distracted, so her fingers went to work once more in luxurious, slow circles around that slicked up nubbin... mostly teasing save for the few moments where she tried to surprise Caitlyn with furiously speedy little strokes. Deciding that it wouldn't be too bad to grind, the redhead straddled herself over the other woman's thigh, purring satisfaction as her wettened folds pressed back against Caitlyn's smooth leg.
Re: Claire's room

((No problem. Don't get yourself in trouble over this :p And it's not a great icon, but it was easy to do with the DMB thing. I'm not giving up on looking though.))


"T-thanks. . ." Caitlyn stutters, feeling flattered and maybe a little embarassed. Claire probably wouldn't believe, or understand, the amount of time that Caitlyn had spent fantasizing about this exact moment.

Her body was on fire, every quick motion of Claire's fingers causing her to writhe in quivers of ecstasy. She moans rapturously when she feels the heat of Claire's body pressing down against her thigh. Aroused and made bold by their contact, Caitlyn cups Claire's breast and brings her mouth up to kiss her nipple, running her tongue slowly around the redhead's areola.
Re: Claire's room

Torn between riding Caitlyn's thigh and leaning up to receive more of that delicious attention, the redhead settled on letting the grinding wait. Now that Caitlyn had pushed herself up ((I'm assuming they're both sitting upright by this point, though correct me if I'm wrong!)) to sitting, Claire's other hand was free to wrap up and through the tightly bound hair at the back of the other woman's head. She found her hips rocking despite her attempts to focus, but by now she didn't mind all that much!

Claire tightened the fist she'd made in Caitlyn's hair, groaning in mounting pleasure as the blonde tongued at her taut nipple.


"Please," she hissed, her head leaning forward until it was resting carefully atop Caitlyn's crown. "Good!" At this point she was feeling a little beyond word-filled banter!

Beyond that, she didn't want to let up on the blonde... fingers dipping to gather more moisture, she avoiding sliding them deeper into the woman. Claire was hesitant, remembering that Caitlyn had mentioned she'd been attacked (even if she didn't know the extent of that attack!) so she wasn't planning on penetrating the other woman unless Caitlyn asked specifically for it.
Re: Claire's room

(( Both sitting up is how I was picturing it ))

Caitlyn closes her eyes, whimpering in satisfaction at the sensation of her Claire's fingers in her hair. She can feel each movement of the redhead's body against her own and does her best, when she can concentrate, to match her rocking motions with her own.

Mostly though, she's far to distracted by the spreading echoes of bliss that throb from her clit each time Claire's fingers touch her. Every heartbeat seems to make her whole body pulse wih pleasure and her breath comes in rapid gasps. She sucks on Claire's nipples, sensing her lover's pleasure in each barely coherent whisper or cry.


"C-Claire. . .I'm. . .I'm gonna. . ." she moans, feeling herself nearing her peak.
Re: Claire's room

Encouraged by the way that Caitlyn shuddered under her body, Claire grinned fiercely, fingers still a-twiddling. As much as her own cunt had begun to throb in a way that precluded pain still fresh from earlier today, she was more interested in feeling the blonde come. Panting, eyes closed in concentration, Claire murmured encouragement. Tingles of pleasure left her body pulsing pleasantly... she felt herself focusing intently on Caitlyn's building climax and upon her reactions. This was fun!
Re: Claire's room

Caitlyn's body shakes, her legs seeming confused as to whether they want to slam shut around Claire's hand or fly open to give her better access. Rocking her hips forward to meet every tiny motion, while at the same time somewhat inadvertantly stimulating Claire with the faster grinding of her leg, she feels every muscle in her body tense wonderfully, pleasure spiking throughout her entire form. Her head drops back, mouth open and she squeezes hard on the other woman's breasts, crying out Claire's name as she cums.
Re: Claire's room

'That's how it's done,' Claire thought to herself, a little smug but definitely enjoying the feeling of Caitlyn's climax. She'd opened her eyes to watch as the woman brought her head back to cry out, fist tightening in her hair again because she liked the reaction the blonde gave.

Her eyes inadvertently fell shut as the other woman's hands tightened on her, hissing in mixed pleasure and pain. It was almost too much... but it passed soon enough.

She loosed her grip on Caitlyn as the other woman began to relax, slipping off of her thigh (leaving a wet spot!) and settling in beside her on the bed.


"You're fun," she admitted, though refrained from saying anything else. She didn't know if Caitlyn preferred quiet after orgasm or to talk, so she erred on the safer side for now.
Re: Claire's room

Caitlyn lays back on the bed, catching her breath, with her eyes still shut. Hearing Claire's voice, she smiles and blinks them open.


"Mmmm. . . so are you." Caitlyn turns onto her side, laying one arm across Claire's body and holding her. She moves closer and kisses Claire happily, slipping her tongue into the other woman's mouth and using it to dexterously stoke Claire's. Her whole body is still buzzing with the aftershocks of her orgasm and pressing against Claire's body just feels right.
Re: Claire's room

The redhead chuckled, noise muffled against Caitlyn's mouth as she idly played with the blonde's questing tongue. She should have guessed that the other woman would be a cuddler... it just seemed to fit.

That in mind, she brought an arm up so that Caitlyn could rest her head on Claire's bicep, her fingers coming back around to stroke the hair that had escaped Caitlyn's bun.


"So, what now?" she asked when their lips had parted again, unable to be distracted from the situation at hand for too long. The edge of her fear and hopelessness was dulled by the fact that Caitlyn seemed happy to shower her with pleasant moments like this, but it still pressed against her... or maybe that was just the bruises that complained when she shifted her weight and put pressure on them.