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Clara (GoldGolum)

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Nov 12, 2008
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Clara wakes with a buzzing in her head. Looking around, she is confused to be in a small cell. The cell is spartaqn, with only a toilet, cot, and a cabinet with a sink built in. She can't remember much, but she does remember not being dressed in a pair of cream boyshorts and a black sportsbra. She notices a note tied to her wrist. She examines it and sees that it reads:

"Welcome. You are now my guinea pig. I have been looking for a proper host for my devious experiments. If you can, try to make it to the top. Welcome to My Pit.

-Dr. D"

Casting the note aside, she looks around, pondering what to do. She notices that the cell door to her north is slightly ajar.

Clara DEF: 4
Clara CONST: 3

Search the area
Travel N
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Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

( Hey Gatorbait, I think you mixed up the DEF and CONST.)

Clara stirred, then found her eyes opening up to an strange and unfamiliar surrounding. The girl began to sit up as she rubbed her eyes, letting a small yawn out as she looked around. She seemed to be in a dirty cell wearing revealing clothing. The girls face blushed upon seeing that she had nothing but cream boy shorts and a black sports bra that covered her c cup breasts. The girl stood up, shaking a bit from fear. She then noticed a note tied to her wrist and quickly read it, then tossed it aside.

The girl was afraid and confused but according to the note, she was in a pit and was being challenged to get out. Shaking a bit, Clara went north, leaving her cell.
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

(fixed, sorry!)

Clara walks out of her cell and into a dark hallway. As she peers through the darkness, she realizes that she can't seem for than a few feet in any direction. There is a door to her north and the hallway disappears to her East. Looking around, she is hit in the back by something. Spinning and falling forward, she recovers and sees a small blob of green-translucent slime sitting a mere couple of feet from her.

Clara DEF: 3
Clara CONST: 3
Slime HP: 1

Flee N/S/E (83%)
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara almost let a scream out after she fell onto the ground. Instead of screaming she simply let out a gasp upon seeing a green slime type thing only feet away from her. The girl didn't want to stick around for any reason, she wanted to get away from the thing quickly. With her heart pounding from shock Clara then began to try and flee down the hallway, to the east.
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara is able to easily outrun the slime. After a moment or two of running, she comes across an intersection of two hallways. One runs north to south, while the other continues to the east. There are a large number of bags piled along the walls, many have already been ripped open.

(Flee successful)

Clara DEF: 3
Clara CONST: 3

Search the Area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara was catching her breath now that she had gotten away from the slime and had made it to an intersection of two hallways. Having caught her breath, the girl looked around, taking notice to how messy the entire place was. She didn't think to search the open trash bags, she only thought of which direction she should go. After a moment of thought, Clara decided to head north.
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara heads northward though the hallway. She lets her mind wander as to how she got in this mess. gazing at the trash bags piled on the walls brings her back to reality. Looking around, she sees that the hallway continues to her North.

Clara DEF: 4
Clara CONST: 3

Search the Area
Travel N/S
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

As Clara continued her walk the hallway thoughts regarding how she even got in this mess floated around her mind. She knew she had never asked for anything like this ever, the only logical answer was kidnapping, she had been kidnapped. The person who left her the note, Dr.D, must be responsible for this. The girl's thoughts were interrupted by an observation. Clara suddenly couldn't help but notice all of the trash bags. There were so many of them, why were they all here? What on earth was in them? The area didn't smell rotten so she doubted it was anything bad was in them. Clara thought about it for a moment, then gave into temptation and decided to search the trash bags.
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara cautiously approaches the closest bag. She drops down to her knees and opens it up and only finds shredded paper. Disappointed, she crawls over to a few more bags, hoping to find something better. After searching a couple more bags, she is saddened not to have found anything but a lot of paper, some torn cloth, and other dry rubbish. There are many more bags, but she takes a break leaning back on her heels, wondering if she should continue to search or move on.

(Search failed)

Clara DEF: 4
Clara CONST: 3

Search Again
Travel N/S
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara was disappointed to find nothing but paper and cloth and other rubbish that was of no use to her. The girl leaned against one of the walls near an unopened bag, taking a break from her fruitless search. After thinking about it for a moment as she relaxed Clara decided to search some more of the bags. If she didn't find anything this time then she would move on. As much as she did want to move on, she felt she might find something useful amount all of the paper and other rubbish. She could be wrong, but she felt that her searching would pay off.
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara crawls over to another pile of bags and begins to tear into them cautiously. This time she finds a raggedy gray hoodie. It is full of holes, but she figures that it is a better cover than just a bra and slips it on. To her surprise, it doesn't smell half bad for being in the trash.

Clara DEF: 4
Clara CONST: 3 +1

Search Again
Travel N/S
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara quickly slipped the gray hoodie on. It was ragged and full of holes, but at the same time it didn't smell bad and made the girl feel less exposed. Satisfied that she managed to find something of use Clara decided to move and and to head north. The girl began to move north, keeping an eye out for anything of use or interest.
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara walks northward for only a couple of moments before coming to the end of the hallway. There is a door to her north and another hallway that runs to both the east and west. There are more trash bags littering the ground.

Clara DEF: 4
Clara CONST: 3 +1

Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Once the girl finished going up the hallway and reached another intersecion she thought of what to do next. She could go into the room that was blocked off by the door or she could head east or west. After a few moments of thinking the girl decided not to go open the door and just to head down the west hallway.
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara turns west and quickly runs into the end of the hallway. There is a door to her north. Sighing aloud, she looks around, hoping to find a clue lying in front of her. All she finds is a small blob of green slime. As soon as it catches her eye, it flings itself at her, catching her off guard and knocking her to the ground.

(Crit Hit)

Clara DEF: 2
Clara CONST: 3 +1
Slime HP: 1

Can't flee, grounded
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara let a gasp out when she was suddenly attacked by some green blob of slime. When the slime hit her and she hit the ground with the slime thing all over her Clara quickly began to panic, and started to struggle. She began slapping the slime that had clung to her, " G-get off! Get off! " the girl cried, hitting the thing she so badly wanting off of her.
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara is able to knock the slime off of her, though she is very disturbed that jello like substance would attack her. The slime hits the ground, splattering. Looking around, she ponders what to do now.


Clara DEF: 2
Clara CONST: 3 +1
Slime HP: 0

Rest (38% chance enemy encounter per DEF recovered)
Travel N/E
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

After smacking the slime off Clara laid on the left side of her body. She pulled up her legs so that they were right across from her waist. The girl crossed her arms and placed them on her chest as her head rest on the ground, her eyes shut. Clara had curled up into a ball and seemed to be resting. Her body shook and her heart pounded, she must of been wanting to recover a bit before moving on...
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

The shocked girl curled into aball, hoping to let the trauma drain from her body. She quickly finds herself falling into a light sleep. After only a few moments of rest, she stands back up, feeling still scared, but at least a little bit more rested.

Clara DEF: 4
Clara CONST: 3 +1

Travel N/E
Re: Clara (GoldGolum)

Clara opened her eyes after a light sleep, feeling better. Slowly getting up and looking around the girl noticed that the hallway ended but there was a door right in front of her. Seeing that there was nowhere else to go, aside from the way she came, Clara decided to go through the north door.
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