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Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

A -1 for every meter away? Ouch. Here I thought finding a gun might've been a useful object.

Edit: Faulty calculations, gun rolls are 2d50 not 1d50. Check 2 posts down for proper stats.
Monster has a 35... 1 minimum roll. Gun Recoil is 6. Best roll is 50. So... 36 vs. 44. If the monster is more than 8 meters away, I have 0% hit rate.

ASSUMING the enemy rolls a 1...
At 5 meters away, Tab has a 6% chance to hit. And even at point blank, 0 meters. She's only got a 16% chance to hit. (Military training doesn't apply, as there's no range modifier. So even a 4 point military has this chance to hit.)

If the enemy rolls anything above a 10, then no one in the game can shoot it right now. (80% chance.)

*tosses paperweight in the trash*

Melee it is!
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Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

No, best roll is 100 It's 2d50, not 1d50.

Did I screw up the calcs last time?
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

*checks* I thought I read 1d50... ah. That's what the two numbers were. *retallies*

Yeah. Pretty much guns are still worthless. I'm sticking to melee.

2d50 means 2 to 100 rolls. Average should be around 50 points. At any noteworthy distance (-25 in this case, something an average person can move in 1 round), plus recoil (another -6), Tab's chance to hit, if the enemy rolled a 1... Is about (100 - 36 = 64 vs. 36, or an 28 point gap to-hit)...

So around a 15% chance to hit if the enemy rolls a 1. ... On a roll of 10... Around 7%...

Closing the gap 'helps', but melee is still superior in almost all cases from the current setup, as a +48 vs. +35 defend means Tab has a 13 point advantage on an even-roll. If the enemy rolls anything below a 15, Tab auto-hits.
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Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Alright, though at the range the monster is at now, 5m, you'd be sure to get a few hits. I'll be fair, you got some really crappy roles that turn, no one has misses all shots yet.

If you want a good example of gun combat, check out SomCr's or Hero's stories. Phoenix's practice story had some too, but it isn't posted.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Nah, I just re-tallied with the 2d50 math. I'll stick to melee, thanks. I worked it out in my previous edit, and as you can see, my odds of hitting weren't there. And by the time an enemy is close enough for melee, there's no point in sticking to guns anymore.

Sorry for the confusion on the 1d50 vs 2d50 issue. That was me missing it.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Alright. If you want I can drop a combat manuel for you sometime soon, giving you a +1 to mill score, that reduces the range penalty by 50%.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

I don't think that'd really help my situation. If you feel your system works, stick to it. :p

I'm meleeing now though.

Edit: Passingly glanced at one of those threads, not going to bother reading 4 pages, but I see a few successful rolls against an enemy with a +20 base dodge.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Heh, well you do have those darts. I'm going to review the gun system anyway later, there have been a few other suggestions that would really add to it. Is there anything in particular you'd do to change it, specifically?

The part I was drawing attention to was the recent battle on hero's, the enemy dodge is 33 and waves and waves of enemies are getting mowed down. Though, I'll admit, the game would be fun if guns worked all the time, somebody has to lose ;)
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Eh, short answer. Your gun system is a bit wide on the variables, and it makes it rough to compare it with standard d20 rolls.

Biggest flaw I see is that military is the only score that affects guns, meaning if you can't hit well at close range (either bad luck or high enemy dodge), then guns are a waste of time entirely, while if the enemy dodge is low enough, it makes guns almost unstoppable with your x6 rolls technique for resolving hits and damage.

A 10 point roll gap can make the difference between 5% chance to hit in some cases, or 20% chance to hit in other cases.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Hmmm, my first forumla had some stats mixed in, though I cut it out because it was getting overly long, and some people were worried about that. I might go back and revisit it soon.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Question: Is there a penalty for getting pregnant?
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Depends on what gets you pregnant. Most can be handled RP wise, but

getting pregnant by a very humanoid monster (such as an infected human) is technically benificial. Its just a d28, and if it hits 28, you're pregnant, but with a normal 9 months. It'll be handled post game RP. Plus, you're immune from pregnancy for the rest of the game, atleast in that hole.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Damage (mop, d10, bash)

(4+20)/2 = 12

Why does a bashing weapon deal (D10+str)/2?

Shouldn't it either be d5+str/2 or d10+str/2? I mean, otherwise you get to deal fractional damage half the time.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yeah, I know. I probably didn't understand the rules when I borrowed them from elsewhere. There's alot of fractions in CG. I just round up allways.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

In dark gate, and as how you wrote it in the rules, it currently says only the strength is divided, not the roll itself.
Melee Damage Types

Bashing: roll+Str/2
Slashing: roll+Str/3
Piercing: roll+Str/4
You may want to change it if you are calculating it as
Melee Damage Types

Bashing: (roll+Str)/2
Slashing: (roll+Str)/3
Piercing: (roll+Str)/4
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yeah, I borrowed that right from DG. I don't know why I got off track, maybe because everything else has ()s. Thanks for pointing that out, I should have been doing that from the start.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

So, I've noticed SomCr's story is pretty popular. Out of curiousity, what do people find the most interesting about it, so that I can attempt to spice up the other one's with it.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Actually, both the ones with over a hundred posts have around 600 views. That just means about 6 people check them each time a new post is added.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yeah, but I figured part of that was Hero's has the massive back log of posts.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion


I did it like I promised you I would!