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Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Instead of updates, I wrote a oneshot today. I guess I should sort of apoligze for that, but it is Clover Grove related. You can find it in the blank page if you care to read.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Bah, sorry for the lack of updates guys. First college mid-term week, then a nasty cold, and now the site is so slow I can't really work reasonably. I'll check back every time I have free time and the first time it's moving at a reasonable speed I'll get at least some updates in.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Hey it's ok, isn't your fault. College is rough, but yeah, the sites become slow as hell. 0_e
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yes take your time RL is first
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Just so you know, I'm switching to two day update format. A recent problem with the popularity upswing was finding time to do EVERYONE's at once, my prefered method. However, I think overall I can go faster if I split everyone in half and do some one day and some the other day. In other words, if I didn't update you today, I'll get you tomorrow.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Just an FYI, I'll add it to the rules later. If you shoot at a monster grappling someone (or a similar situation), if you miss the monster, I'll run the same to hit chance calculation on the other entity (using its stats) for the chance to miss and hit them. Same goes for shooting at something in front of another object/person, but with the added range factored in, etc.

Came up for the first time in lurker's story today, but he fortunately hit the monster.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Another important note: I know I'm lagging a bit here, but the graduation festivities are sucking up a lot of time, plus have a small trip planned next week. I'll get everyone else in tommorrow if I can, but am, for once, at a loss for planning my scheduel.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

I'm going to go through the list and give some xp boosts in the next few days based on achivements, etc etc. I don't think many will level up, but maybe one or two people will.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

As some of you may know, I've been having minor computer troubles. I've backed up all CG related materials though to my external, so no chance of losing any data from here.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Sorry guys, just when I planned to start updating faster some issues sprung up that really don't put me in the mood to write, to put it mildly. I'll try and resume later this week, but IDK.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Just relax. Take your time. The last thing you need when troubled is a bunch of people asking

"When's the next post" to a porn game XD
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Just relax. Take your time. The last thing you need when troubled is a bunch of people asking

"When's the next post" to a porn game XD

Heh, well I recently told off a few people on MSN who do that. None of you guys have ever been demanding, and I appreciate that, but some people outside the game are, and sometimes it does get on my nerves :rolleyes: