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Club Grounds


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The club halls were more a pavillion full of tents displaying the various clubs the school had on offer. Situated just short of the A Building it was fairly easy to find, though the clubs themselves often use empty classrooms to meet up in.
Re: Club Grounds

Anyone found wandering around the club stands would notice Art there wearing an Edward Elric costume complete with automail arm. He's walking around with some leaflets, every-so-often he hands one to a student who passes him.
Re: Club Grounds

Kyle walks into the club pavillion area, with the clip from his zip lining gear still visible on his belt.

((Just trying to get things moving somewhat...))
Re: Club Grounds

Art spots Kyle and quickly walks up to him.

"Hey dude, fancy joining the Cosplay club? Since the last leader graduated I've taken up her place as the head of the club, and I've got some very tasty costumes for the ladies." Art nudges Kyle with his elbow and winks.
Re: Club Grounds

Grace and Ellisia arrive at the club pavilions and head straight to the Martial Arts Club area. Ellisia heads in and talks a little with one of the other students helping with sign ups. "Hmm, no new signers yet? How about it Grace, want to be at the top of the list for this year?"

"Ah no thanks. I still don't think martial arts is quite my thing."

"And I thought you liked kicking people? Well, I'll see you around. I'll just be helping out here for a while."

With that Ellisia stands out front of the martial arts club inviting passers by to join, and Grace heads off into the crowd to check out the other clubs. Soon enough she spots someone standing out. "Hey, snazzy metal arm...thing. Where'd you get that?"
Re: Club Grounds

Trixie looks around the club area, examining the various groups, trying to get what each of them were about.
Re: Club Grounds

"Oh this? Built it myself." Art says proudly, though unless Grace could detect magical aura's she'd not know that he was lying.

"And see this button here? Watch this." Art presses the 'button' and a blade sticks out just above the top of his hand. "Don't worry it's not sharp." Pressing the button again the blade retracts back into the arm.
Re: Club Grounds

((Only if its especially strong, an aura from a Vasser family spell, or if she's making an active effort to spot said aura. So nope.))

"Seriously? That's awesome. It's really well m..." Grace says leaning in a little to take a slightly closer look, recoiling just a little as the blade shoots out, "Eep! It suddenly got even more awesome. Oh of course, I see who your meant to be now."
Re: Club Grounds

((Especially strong? Then she wont detect it unless she's trying to detect it because Art is pouring a tiny amount of Anima into the Mythril))

"So, you interested in joining the Cosplay Club?" Art says as he sidles up to her and puts his non-mettalic arm over her shoulder. If Grace was paying attention she'd notice that as the light reflected off the metal it shined multiple colours before returning back to a dull grey-blue. "We've got dozens of costumes in stock, plus we're partnered up with the Dress Making Club so they often help us design some of the costumes we need."
Re: Club Grounds

"Ehm, I dunno. I haven't gave the clubs much thought really. Think I'll avoid the dressmaking club though, had enough of that back home." Even as she says that though, looking into the cosplay club and thinking about the time spent sewing fancy hems with mother made her wonder. 'I could make anything here...'
Re: Club Grounds

"Well, if you decide come give the Cosplay Club a go we're open all year round for sign ups. Ooh, I'll have to catch you later," Art says as his eyes wander over to Trixie.

"Hey Jungle Girl," Art calls out to Trixie as he walks up to her. "Found any clubs you like?" The other club leaders all look at him, slightly frowning, as if thinking he better not try to steal a potential club member away from them.
Re: Club Grounds

Kyo, having grabbed his schedule and new uniform, decided to pay the club room a visit. He wasn't keen on joining any, but his doctor had told him it might be a good idea.

"Anti-social my ass," Kyo mutters to himself before he enters, remembering that visit, "HE didn't have to go through what I did..."

Opening the door noiselessly and slipping inside, Kyo surveys the area. "Okay, let's see... hmm... maybe Kendo... I'd just wind up crippling everyone in Martial Arts... definitely not Sewing, Hopscotch, or Jump Rope..."
As Kyo looks around, he hears Art call out to Trixie, and chuckles at the mention of 'Jungle Girl'.
Re: Club Grounds

The familier voice made Trixie turn in understanding for once. "Oh, hi Art!" she said. "Just looking at what I may be interested in was all."
Re: Club Grounds

((I believe Kendo and like sports have all been included under the martial arts club. And while I don't suppose Kyo would realise it, he needn't worry about the competition being up to scratch. We have in the school both a prodigy sword fighter, and an elite knight with several millennia of past sword masters skills at their disposal.

Also, something else, we need a list of available clubs here.))

After circling round the clubs twice Grace has been approached by just about every club leader and recruiter around, and gave them all the same vague uncertain answers. She finds herself looking at the cosplay club again. "Well, I don't know about the outfits, but at least the people seem fun, and it's not like there's any hard work to do..." Grace quietly mutters to herself. "Nyeh screw it, I'm joining!" She says grabbing up the clipboard and signing her name. Though she accidentally uses her gold ink pen, pulling a small oops face looking back at the pen.

Ellisia back at the martial arts club has had a few signers (just npcs I mean) and is now standing at the front making casual smooth movements with a wooden boken.
Re: Club Grounds

((I know the school itself houses plenty of people that are on par or better than Kyo, it's the fact that the harder someone pushes Kyo, the harder he pushes back unconsciously. Sure, there might be a few PCs in the club that could take it, but most I see being NPC students that would get seriously hurt :p))

Finally making a choice to join the Track team, Kyo is almost out the door when he remembers something. "Oh yeah! That's right, I should check my schedule and let Trixie know when I'm free."
Re: Club Grounds

((Lol there's a club list already, but if there's any clubs that people want specifically then I'll add it to the list.))

"Well the Cosplay club may be a good place to start," Art says though as Grace grabs the clipboard he lets out a small sound of surprise. Now on the list it had three names that stood out amongst the rest; Art, Leo and Grace.

"Glad to have you aboard," Art says to Grace with a smile before turning back to Trixie.

"I think we may have a few costumes for you already," A grin spreads across Art's face.
Re: Club Grounds

She looks confusedly at him. "Cosplay? What's that?"
Re: Club Grounds

"You've got to be freakin' kidding me...." Art thinks to himself, his mouth hanging open slightly.

"Uh, you see what I'm wearing? It's different to what people normally wear, right?" Art rummages around in his pockets, trying to find something. After a minute or two he pulls out a piece of paper. "See this? It's a character from an anime and I'm wearing his outfit. Basically it's peole dressing up as their favourite character for fun."
Re: Club Grounds

"Oooooh," she said, still looking a tad confused, but not wishing to interupt as she looked at the picture, then back at him. "I can see the resemblence nows, hmm..."
Re: Club Grounds

"So, you interested in joining?" Art asks her again. "And I enjoyed last night, we'll definitely have to do that again sometime."