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Club Grounds

Re: Club Grounds

After some time, it seemed that Aya might be mostly into some of the mythology, science-fiction and history type of books, to which she made a mental note to check a few out.

She drew a bit more silent as the other people began coming into the room, noting that none of them seemed exactly in charge or knew what they were doing either. AH well, she thought. At least I'm with someone I know!

Without intending to, she shifted places so she was sitting directly next to Ian, trying to figure out what they were going to be doing.

Siphon had to suppress a huge grin at Suzy's words. So she was a rifle user herself? So the two of them had a firearm in common as well. He picked up where she trailed off though.

"And getting lost in the moment of knowing it's your skill with aiming vs. the target. It is something of a thrill that can't really be described, only felt. That about finish it up?"
Re: Club Grounds

"Huh? Oh, yeah, perfectly. Sorry, I have a habit of doing that sometimes..." Suzy jolts back into reality, looking surprised "What's your favourite rifle then? I'm only trained with an R770, but my favourite rifle has to be either the Intervention or the proper R700."
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Re: Club Grounds

This part was tricky. Luckily he'd done some research and testing on the side with weaponry otherwise this would have been very tough to answer.

"Actually, I've had my eye on the 30.06 or the C-16 for a while now. I'm actually more into revolvers like the 44 Blackhawk that Rifles, but every now and then I'll take a look at them too."
Re: Club Grounds

Looking up from his book Art notices that the sun is setting. Closing his book Art literally vaults from his chair, gaining some bemused glances from some of the other students. Pocketing his book Art stretches and yawns.

"Well, time to go slay a homunculus," Art says with a smile as his stomach lets out a loud roar. "See you all later." Art calls out as he walks out the door, waving once with his right arm as he leaves.
Re: Club Grounds

Trixie waves to Art as he goes, shortly following with various outfits stuffed into her school bag, just waiting for the chance to show them off some more.
Re: Club Grounds

"Actually, I've had my eye on the 30.06 or the C-16 for a while now. I'm actually more into revolvers like the 44 Blackhawk that Rifles, but every now and then I'll take a look at them too."

Suzy is smiling quite broadly by this point, glad to have someone else who seems to share an interest with her.

"I'm not fond of revolvers, if we're talking handguns, I prefer semi-automatic pistols, my favourites being match-grade. My favourite is the Mk.23 Mod 0, made by H&K, KAC, and Insight Technology. A nice balance of handling, capacity, performance and durability, along with the power of a .45 ACP round. Back on rifles, I quite like the 30.06, not so much the C-16."
Re: Club Grounds

((I'm a little surprised that I don't actually know what gun's Siphons refering too. Surprisingly again, Google didn't help either. I found mention of the 30.06 cartridge, which I presume a certain rifle is often referred to by. C-16 equally gives me nothing. It's strange that I can't find any info on it. Care to help me out?))

The pair had lost Ellisia a while ago now, though she continued to listen to see how much she was able to make sense of. The cryptic names of numbers and un-worded letters didn't give her even small clues on what these weapons might be like.


Grace meanwhile had gone back to her craft for a little longer, wanting to be sure to finish up on the part she was working on before leaving. This was a lot easier than some of the dresses she'd made before, but that didn't mean the simple long sections went any faster. She wondered whether she'd be done by now if she'd used a sewing machine. The answer was, of course not, since she didn't know how to use one. Regardless, that'd be cheating.

"Gotta do it right. No buses, no sewing machines..." She mutters to herself in the emptying room.

After a while longer she packed up her kit and sprang up holding half of a finely made costume in the air before her. She looked it over once more, smiled, and with that strode out of the room and headed for the dorms.
Re: Club Grounds

((The Colt Sauer 30.06 is a bolt action rifle, which was produced between 1973 and 1985, and most appear to have been chambered for the .30-06 Springfield round. It's a very pretty rifle :)
I don't have much on the C-16, but I believe this is the one we are talking about:
Model: Kel tec C16 Rifle

This rifle fires 5.56mm or .223 Rem rounds.
Re: Club Grounds

((First pic is right hero, but the C-16 I was referring to is a Canadian Made Sniper Rifle. C-16 Timberwolf. Try looking that one up.))
Re: Club Grounds

Given what Aya had told him, Ian had already been making a mental checklist of books for her to look into, given her interests. Of course, that would had to wait, given that the meeting finally got underway.

Pretty basic stuff, especially for those that had been members in previous years, but it was still nice to relax. A general overview of the club and it's function here at the school, an introduction of the standing officers and explanation of their duties, and a few questions and answers for the new members until they dispersed for the evening.

"Walk ya back ta the dorm, lovely?" Ian offered his hand to Aya, letting it seem casual but his smile was tipped up just the slightest bit more. "Hear there might be boogey-men on the prowl tonight."
Re: Club Grounds

She took his hand with a smile and replied, "boogey men huh? Then it'll be good to have company on the way back."

The smile on her face suggested she wouldn't have turned down his offer anyway.
Re: Club Grounds

"I'll think I'll be heading back now. I'd stay longer, but I've actually got an assignment to work on which I should probably start on. Nice meeting you. I'll see you around." Ellisia says slinging her sword across her back, and preping to leave.
Re: Club Grounds

Siphon nodded.

"Same here I think. Later tonight if either of you are interested I'll be out in the woods training a little, your welcome to join me out there. Only the two of you will be able to find me, and Elissia you already know how to track me."
Re: Club Grounds

Suzy scratches the back of her head, one eye closed, before dropping them to her sides, and saying "Yeah, ok, what time will you be out there tonight? I might bring my stuff along. Nice meeting you too Ellisia, you too Siphon."

She decides not to question why only the two girls would be able to find him.
Re: Club Grounds

"Sure. I might just. If that assignment permits of course." She says with a wave. 'He has a funny way with words doesn't he.' She thinks to herself as she leaves.
Re: Club Grounds

"About nine or so. So only about four hours from now."
Re: Club Grounds

"Aye. Can't be too careful these days." He grins a little more, gently wrapping his hand around hers and bidding the other club members a good evening before they leave. "So, what do ya think of the club so far?"
Re: Club Grounds

"Seems interesting definitely, and it'll give me a chance to broaden my horizons in the process. I take it you've done this one before?"
Re: Club Grounds

"Yeah, my third year doin' it. It's peaceful. Gives ya a chance ta clear yer mind and relax. Can't space out too much, but it's kinda...meditative. Plus, it's good fer conversation. Nothing like sitting back with y'mates, enjoying a warm cup and gripin' about the day." He laughs. "Folks tend ta make fun of fellas that join up, but Ah think this can be just as important as bein' good at sports and such. Nothin' wrong with a bit of cult'cha in ya life."
Re: Club Grounds

"I knew it. You just can't help it can you?" Ellisia asks rhetorically in a slightly exasperated tone. She stops to listen for anyone approaching the club again before speaking, "So to tie this up, Siphon interrupted her, you fled, and when you turned back they were both gone?"

"Vanished. They were just gearing up for what looked like some heavy fighting when both disappeared from the scene. I didn't sense either leaving to anywhere else." Harrel replies sitting on the rest bench to the side of the room.

Ellisia sighs, "I'll keep an eye out then. I saw them this morning but couldn't notice it myself. An unknown power requires caution." Ellisia mentally groans at her next sentence, "You should try to stay near to crowds to avoid allowing her to target you alone. Hopefully she intends on concealing her identity, but that may of course include removing liabilities."

Harrels face momentarily pauses just before speaking, noticing Ellisia's possible double meaning, "Very well. I'll continue with my original task, and watch for this new one as well. But talk about a first day of school..."

"It's a unique place isn't it. Just try not to upset any more students, demon or otherwise, ok?"
She says flatly, arms crossed.

"Yeah, will do." He says looking off towards the wall, and tracing his view along towards the door, "Someone's coming by the way, so I suppose I'll get back to work then." He stands up to leave, stopping once more before he does, "Anything you'd recommend from the cafeteria?" He says smiling.

Ellisia raises an eye at how easily he slips back into his informal leisurely manner, "Food? Ehm, well the little fried grid shaped potato things are nice, as are the orange beans. Goes well together. It's all ok stuff really." She says uncertainly making a vague grid shape with her hands.

"Alright then. You're so cute when not talking military." He says stepping past her, Ellisia smacking him on the back of the head as he passes.
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