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Cold Blood

Re: Cold Blood

No no those are still in they're just obtained a couple levels in for your character because she's starting out as a dark, the other two are well into it and will have a harder time finding information or even just a place to rest securely. Sen will be able to move around pretty freely and use normal things like planes, taxis, hotels etc. in exchange for starting out slower. Also for the ranged kiss a mana drain wouldn't affect monsters so it had to be beneficial to the player.
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Re: Cold Blood

Yeah, well neither the kiss ability nor the wind blade ability fits my character, so I would rather have a character with abilities than one which for all intents and purposes has no abilities, weapons, or magic.
Re: Cold Blood

Well the way I tried to even it out is that hunters started out with everything they needed but that was it, mages had access to powerful magic but had to actively search for any new spells they didn't start with, darkborne gain new powers by just leveling but they have their own sets of flaws they have to take into account. Later in the game there are going to be really nasty things that will not be able to be beaten without a bag of tricks to dip into :/
Re: Cold Blood

That, however, assumes that a darkbourne starts with abilities that would allow them to win battles. Sen was created before you set a succubus profile. If I played Sen as she was, I would never use either the kiss ability or wind blades. They just don't fit her. As a result, she would have no way to attack the enemy and therefore would be unable to level up to gain useful abilities.

If you could make a succubus set up that has no ranged attacks whatsoever, that might work, but Sen will never use a ranged attack. Ever. She simply wasn't designed in that fashion. That's why I'm currently playing through some of 'aria of sorrow' looking for an enemy I would find interesting to turn into a darkborne.
Re: Cold Blood

Those aren't set in stone they're just templates for people to look at if they're having a hard time coming up with something. If you want sen to have no ranged skills that's perfectly fine succubi seem to have really painful nails. :)
Re: Cold Blood

You may want to change the part in the template from "Starting Powers" to "Example Powers". It currently looks like all darkbourne succubi start out with the kiss and wind blade abilities, lycans with power blast and feral cry, and vampires with fireball and transform.
Re: Cold Blood

Yeah that was something I didn't notice. The two that would probably work for Sen on the list I'm working on are

Soul Drain: Gives 5% of damage back to user for 5 turns. (% is upgradable as levels increase)

Maelstrom: User taps into the winds and can attack twice that turn (basically a fury swipes type ability, levels spent into it will increase the number of attacks)
Re: Cold Blood

That would work better with the character than wind blades or blow kiss.
Re: Cold Blood

Much interest shown, but a quick comment as well.

You may consider taking the random-growth factor out of leveling and add some kind of player-driven adjustments to customize. This way bad rolls don't make players feel shafted against good rolling players. And likewise, a player with amazing stats may grow bored plowing through encounters that are equal level, since the stats might say easy-win constantly.

Character sheet later.
Re: Cold Blood

Hmm that's a good point, maybe just make up a fixed table of stats for the 4 groups. And I planned on adding levels to the bosses if the player happened to outlevel them too much. Tried to start out with as simple a game I could come up with. I'll be posting lists of darkborne and magic soon just giving them a 6th over to make sure nothing is overly powerful.
Re: Cold Blood

Interest shown as well

Name: Marcie Morris

Description or pic:
Height: 5'11
Weight: 168 lbs

Background: Born in the flourishing town of Flanders into a branch family of the main house of a once powerful clan of vampire hunters Marcie Morris was one of two daughters of a well accomplished hunter yet due to their mothers influence she managed to persuade that to her husband that they should be free to choose their own path instead of becoming vampire slayers.

Her life was pretty ordinary out the bunch going to school having many friends due to her cheerful personality though she always seemed to be in her sister shadow due to her superior fashion sense and looks except in her father's eyes whom taught the young Marcie at her request a few vampire hunter techniques mostly because his elder daughter tended to try and keep away from her parents so she would be seen as being able to take care of herself while Marcie remained quite close to her parents.

Yet all that would change on one day when Marcie's sister brought home her new boyfriend he always looked like a sinister person at school and while her and father were out getting groceries what they returned home too was more than a hell they expected. Her Mother had nearly been sucked dry while her sister was next to so called love both their faces were covered in blood as they licked each other to sickly clean one another.

Father attempted to claim his weapons before they could notice him but two shadowy figures grabbed him before he could reach them it appeared they weren't alone in this grave sin then her sister and boyfriend walked toward the new arrivals the man said a few cruel and dark words before cleaningly cutting off her fathers head his thirst for blood seemingly satisfied for the day and he walked toward Marcie whom was already frozen in terror but he didn't take the fatal bite instead whispering in her ear. "If you have the Courage little hunter come to my land and take your revenge that way my claim over shall be all the more sweeter." With those words he pulled Marcie's sister over and departed with his compatriots.

A few moments later Marcie was filled with bitter and deep resentment for being nothing more than a sheep to the slaughterhouse she witnessed after giving her parents a burial with the help of the local quire she took her father's faithful whip and set out for Transylvania by train to get her revenge and maybe to put an end to the terror currently plaguing this land as her ancestors had done.

Country of origin or you wish to begin in: Was born in Belgium is currently on route to Transylvania

Class: Whipping Vampire Hunter

Faction: Freelance minor Church associated.

Is largely unfamiliar with her fetishes but surprisingly she's easily taken in by a savvy bard or even a good looking figure if their forceful enough. (In short pretty words and looks are an easy turn on for her. Even if it's those she's sworn to slay. Though despite this she still considers herself a devote Slayer She has no sexual preference but is very open minded to it.)

Looking forward to it when you managed to get everything sorted out i'll just edit if when you put stats in or not.
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Re: Cold Blood

Magic and Darkborne lists added, suggestions welcome, going to ask aika or nunu (crosses fingers)

And now we're official, I'll be setting up for everyone this afternoon, BEWARE
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Re: Cold Blood

Name: Scarlet Graves

Description or pic: Scarlet can use minor illusions to mask her appearance, but her actual self is a fairly busty, slender pinkish-blonde. She's toned, but far from muscular, has excellent endurance, but only as long as she doesn't push herself too hard.

Background: Born into the long line of those who are magically endowed, the short time span from the last defeat of Dracula to his re-emergance left her and her lineage vastly unprepared for the return of the darkness. Her family line had never been a strong direct force in the banishing of evil, but their support was often deemed crucial in larger battles, and for the heros that eventually did banish the creatures of the night.

Through countless centuries though, her people had become secretive and avoid the church in times shortly after the defeat of Dracula or other great evils, as history proved that the very same heros one day would be cast aside, or worse, burned as witches the next. Scarlet grew up around many cultures, using subtle magics to change her appearance to better suit the population she was a part of, but only barely scratching the surface of her deeper magical talents.

When her family was once again called to face the forces of evil, only Scarlet answered the call. Her elders refusing to join, fearing it was a trap by the church, and her peers mostly inept in all forms of combat magic. Knowing she would go it alone, Scarlet prepared her things, collected a few traditional weapons of her kin, and prepared to set off.

Country of origin or you wish to begin in: Scarlet was born in the US, her family having fled there during the last big war for safety, their bloodline too valuable to risk extinction of their clan.

Begin in: Anywhere is fine. Though Scarlet, as a woman of the world. She is likely to be anyplace her parents would disapprove of, and causing trouble, before she gets the call and heads to meet the challenge.

Class: Mage!

Faction: Freelance

(feel free to include any fetishes you'd really like included or avoided entirely)
Fetishes: Many! (mwahaha)
Extremely messy (cum, slime, mud, etc.), humiliation/embarrassment (publicly especially or risk of public exposure), hyper/big penetrations/stretching/distention (wide variety), inflation (usually through cum filling or magical curses, including lactation-inducing causing breast swelling), lactation (much milk is fun), abuse/rough (especially during action and fighting, as opposed to being tied down and abused).
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Re: Cold Blood

((Not my best work but... eh, I've been making too many characters recently anyway.))

Name: Alicia Rozenburg

Description or pic:

Background: Born to a family of vampire hunters, Alicia Rozenburg is but one of the many that challenged Dracula...and ultimately lost. Unlike the others who failed in their quest however, she did not die. Nay...instead, she was 'transformed', to something...else.
After becoming something 'inhumane', the girl began to find herself in possession of certain...powers. Dark magic no longer affected her, bats flocked to her presence to serve her every whim...she could even move things through sheer force of will with her mind. A vast improvement from her former self, one might say.
That is, if not for certain drawbacks to her new...curse. That which was holy had now become poison to her, and an aversion to the sun had begun to overtake her. Her eyes were now red akin to that of a demon's, and her hair had been bleached white similar to her skin. Clear indications of vampirism...if not for the fact she was dying. Vampires did not die, yet her body was beginning to waste away from some unknown illness that had accompanied whatever curse had been bestowed upon her, a sign showing that she was 'not' a vampire, at least by the traditional definition.
So what was she exactly? The girl neither knew nor cared, her purpose being only to cure herself of her illness, and to become human once again. And what better place to start, then by seeking out the one that had cursed her to begin with? Thus why, Alicia is wandering from town to town today, monster slaying scythe with accompanying silver knives in hand, to seek out the whereabouts of Dracula...

Country of origin or you wish to begin in: On route to Trannsylvania, in search of Dracula.

Class: Darkborne/"Special"/High Int

Powers: (As discussed in Profile Chat)
Telekinesis: As a result of her deteriorating body, Alicia is no longer able to use her weapons as efficiently as she did before. Thus, she instead with her telekinesis, to "replicate" her usage of the weapons, moving them with her mind rather than physical strength. ((Meaning, telekinetically propelled throwing knives would basically have about the same force as if she threw them herself... except for the fact that she can throw much more and once than with only her hands.))
Telekinetic blast: When all else fails, she is able to concentrate her psychic energy into a close range projectile of sorts, and send her opponent reeling or flying away from her in pain.
Resistance(Dark): As part of her curse, she is much more resistant to dark magic, but suffers heavily from holy or divine magic (to the extent that she becomes exceedingly uncomfortable if she is so much as confronted with a blessed cross or other holy object).
Command(Bats): Another power granted to her by the curse, she is able to control bats to carry out tasks for her...which includes tearing out of the face of whatever monster she's facing.

Faction: Freelance

Fetishes: All except yaoi, guro, and scat. Those...can stay out.
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Re: Cold Blood

So, although we have a massive amount of darkborne, it seems that Sen is the only one weak enough to use public transportation. Interesting.
Re: Cold Blood

I believe Tent showed that can be a good thing in some cases. Angry mobs take a toll on the ol' HP.
Re: Cold Blood

So, although we have a massive amount of darkborne, it seems that Sen is the only one weak enough to use public transportation. Interesting.

You think Alicia 'wants' to hike it to her destination on foot? If not for the fact her face screams: "ZOMG MONSTER", I think she'd prefer that as well.

((Memo to self, jack a vehicle as soon as possible.))
Re: Cold Blood

And the giant scythe, and the bats hanging on her. I don't think that'd sit well with customs. :D
Re: Cold Blood

Also, archer, does Sen have

Soul Drain: Gives 5% of damage back to user for 5 turns. (% is upgradable as levels increase)

Maelstrom: User taps into the winds and can attack twice that turn (basically a fury swipes type ability, levels spent into it will increase the number of attacks)

or the soul drain and frenzy described in the first post?
Re: Cold Blood

Hey hey, the scythe is a heirloom! Belmonts get a whip, Rozenburgs get a large freaking scythe. :p

The bats on the other hand...yeah.