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Cold Steel (Max & Tycho's Adventure)

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Re: Cold Steel (Max & Tycho's Adventure)

The now comparitively faster Wurmple Tackles Nikki, dealing a bit of damage. The Wurmple that just closed the distance was unable to dodge the Crush Claw attack and was defeated by it, giving Nikki a decent amount of experience.
Re: Cold Steel (Max & Tycho's Adventure)

Glaring at the Wurmple one last time Nikki walked over to Max and let him know that he was to help her get the string off her or he would end up like the bug behind her.

Taking a good look at Nikki, Max tried to keep from laughing as he spoke to her "it's not my fault you get hit with that attack, but still lets get out of the grass and ill help you get cleaned up." With that he started to dig around is backpack for a comb and spray bottle he kept for such an occasion as they walked out of the grass.
Re: Cold Steel (Max & Tycho's Adventure)

Seeing Max and Nikki's battle finish he decided to follow them out of the tall grass for the moment.
"Good job on your first battle! I managed to win my first as well. What do you think? you want to head on to the next town or try our hand at another battle?"
Re: Cold Steel (Max & Tycho's Adventure)

As he worked at getting the string off of Nikki, Max said to Tycho "Thanks but I do have to feel sorry for the poochenya that picked a very one sided fight against your aron."

After a moment to think on the question, Max replied "although I think Nikki could take on most pokemon around here I would like to get some pokeballs so I can get more members on my team. It may be a good idea for you to do the same seeing as if we came across a pokemon with any fighting moves we would be in trouble"

Giving her self a quick look over after Max finished, Nikki jumped on to the top of his backpack as soon as he had it back on and by the looks of it fell asleep with the back of her head against his. With a roll of his eyes Max continued to walk to the next town.
Re: Cold Steel (Max & Tycho's Adventure)

"you're probably right. Poor guy didn't stand much of a chance against Nails. I suppose we should get to the next town and get us some pokeballs so we can round out our group some. A machop in a bad mood would be the end of our little team."
With that he turned to follow Max towards the next town avoiding as many tall grass spots as possible.
Re: Cold Steel (Max & Tycho's Adventure)

As they travelled through the tall grass, a wild Zigzagoon appears and Tackles Nails, doing minimal damage.
Re: Cold Steel (Max & Tycho's Adventure)

"You know Nikki, maybe I should have brought a book along for Tycho's fights. But then again I figured it would only be the two of us till we got more members." Max said to her as she stood on his backpack, her hands on his head, as they looked at Nails getting hit by the zigzagoon. After a moment Max figured Nails was in no danger so he walked over to Tycho and said. "Nikki and I will continue on till we get outside of the grass Tycho, then wait for the two of you. Hope Nails doesn't hurt the zigzagoon too badly." befor moving on.
Re: Cold Steel (Max & Tycho's Adventure)

Surprised by the zigzagoon attacking nails Tycho stopped for a second then realized the battle was on, and barked out a quick order.
"Nails, Tackle!"
"Aron!" Nails responded as he charged in.
Seeing Max and Nikki head off he knew he had to get this wrapped up soon if he wanted to keep up.
"I'll be along soon, It'll take more than this to stop Nails!"
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