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Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Coltia's Ranch

Coltia's Mamono
Orc: Grade C
Mamono Level: 235
Life: 126
Power: 196
Intelligence: 82
Defense: 102
Skill: 136
Speed: 70
Loyalty: B(20)
Tech: C
Special Trait: Hermaphrodite. Loses Loyalty gradually, but restores back to B when permitted to have sex with it's trainer.

	Pow 14

Fairy: Grade D
Mamono Level: 200
Life: 50
Power: 25
Intelligence: 90
Defense: 25
Skill: 90
Speed: 100
Loyalty: A(0)
Tech: C
Special Trait: Against Physical attacks, gains a Speed grade of A.

	Mag 14

Coltia's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Coltia's Schedule
Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono."

Available Expeditions
You must have three mamono in your Ranch before an expedition becomes available.

Coltia's Money: 3500G
Coltia's Rancher Rank: E
Time Passed: 1 month, 1 week (Pregnant for: 4 weeks)
Last edited:
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

Coltia feels the sun's warm rays shine on her face upon the dawn of the day she had been waiting for over the past few months ever since she was accepted to be a Rancher. After the calamity that was Monster Girl Island, peace was restored to the lands, and monsters and humans are living together in harmony... Except men have lost a majority of their rights, and only women can do such things as become a Rancher. As such, Coltia was informed that she could shop at certain places that... Honestly were very bizarre due to the human merchandise available. Mostly men that were jobless, and selling their bodies to monsters, or even lonely women on rare occasion. Although some men just did it because they wanted to... In any case, this was the world Coltia was born into. With monster genes in her blood, she was given the ability to communicate with monsters more easily than any normal human, and as such, they usually won't regard her as prey. This allows her to work together with monsters to make a living, and build friendships with them. And her very first friend was waiting for her at the Rancher lab, where newborn monsters were kept. Today was the day that her very own chosen monster would be waiting for her, old enough to raise and train, past her infantile state.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

Coltia can barely contain herself at the thought of finally getting her own monster girl to train with, after several years training and sitting through exams her dream is finally coming true! And on her birthday no less. "I wonder what kind of monster girl I'll be getting..." Coltia thinks to herself as she looks around her new ranch, getting a good look at the space she has to work with. Though it's not long before the new rancher gets antsy once more, and so sets off to the labs.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

Heading out to the lab, Coltia steps into the grand building belonging to the greatest Rancher in the city, . As always, she was on top of her game. At the head of the lab, in the very first room past the grand doorway, Venice was overseeing everything, over the development of every Rancher. she considered herself a failure if there was any information she went on without knowing for longer than a day. Venice was in front of a computer, crafted by Magi technology, who's violent past was now just ancient history, with her most favored monster behind her, Jade, her dragon. "Ah, Coltia," Venice greeted her. Even a nobody like Colt, she knew about her. "You're early. I remember you being excited." she said with a smile, standing up to greet her.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

Coltia looks around the lab with an excited expression on her face, gasping as she makes her way to Venice, her expression turning to one of adoration. The young rancher has been a big fan of Venice's for many years, maybe even her biggest fan, and to be in the same room as her is almost too much for Colt to bear. "Y-yes, I was- I mean, I am!" Coltia replies, the young girl finding it almost impossible to contain her excitement. "It's just that, I've been waiting ages to finally start up my own ranch. And now I've got that chance."
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

"It's perfectly natural to those of noble monster blood," Venice replied with a cool expression and soft smile. Though she tried her best to seem like those women at the shops who could charm their customers with their smile, something about Venice was always confident. So no matter how welcoming she tried to be, there was a huge wall between the two of them, and Venice's smile was encouraging Coltia to break that wall. "You seem like you have potential. However, while I see you perhaps battling against me one day, I also see you vanishing completely. Be careful that you don't forget your dreams." she warned her.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

"O-of course I won't!" Coltia says suddenly, determination in her voice. "I hope to be the best one day! M-maybe even better than you." The young rancher adds at the end, Colt's voice turning timid and her face flushing a light red at the suggestion that she could ever hope to be as good as Venice.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

MAF: Venice gives Coltia an amulet, and tells her, "This amulet is something that every Rancher carries. It not only indicates your rank, but also allows you to 'bond' with your mamono in an intimate way. Take it, won't you? And then we'll be off to pick up your first mamono partner."
SirOni: Coltia looks at the amulet for a moment, her eyes dazzling at the trinket handed to her by Venice before putting it around her neck. "Thank you very much!" The young rancher says loudly and excitedly as she bows. "Though... how can it help with bonding..?" She asks a moment later, a confused expression on Colt's face.
MAF: Venice giggles, "You'll find out, eventually," she promised, "Just press the button in the center, and all will be made clear." she said, before turning from her desk and heading to a door in the back. "Shall we go fetch your first partner?"
SirOni: "I would like that very much!" Coltia exclaims happily, quickly chasing behind Venice as she follows the older rancher deeper into the labs. "I wonder what kind of monster girl I'll be getting..." Colt idly thinks to herself.
MAF: Walking together with Venice, they stepped into the labs, and walked up to a certain cell. In front of a cell where an Orc was leering at the various male and female scientists walking about. "This is your monster. Not but a year old," she indicated towards the fully grown looking Orc. Eventually, the plump Orc's eyes settled on Coltia, as a rather obvious and rude tent formed in the Orc's clearly very, very stretchy panties. "To be honest... You won't need to use the amulet's power for this one, so you can save yourself the money of powering it up.... For obvious reasons."
SirOni: Coltia's attention is instantly drawn to the single orc kept in the cell, and for a moment she simply stares at the monster girl until she notices Colt. With the orcs attention now on Coltia she waves at her before pressing her face against the glass of the cell. "She's a cute thing isn't sh- Oh wow..." Distracted by the apparent bulge quickly forming in the orc's panties Coltia simply stares at it in wonderment. "I-I knew orcs were like this... but I've never seen one up close before. It's really impressive, isn't it?"
MAF: "If you're into that kind of thing, I suppose," Venice said off-handedly, before opening the cell for Coltia. And then Orc lunged out, and tackled Coltia, licking her face over and over with her piggy tongue.
SirOni: Coltia is taken by surprise as the orc tackles her to the ground, laughing as she starts licking the young ranchers face. "S-stop it! P-please, s-s-stop it, c'mon!" Colt cries out between laughter, and a moment later she baps the orc on the forehead, pushing the monster girl off her. "We've got business to take care of now, we can have fun later. Okay?" Dusting herself down and helping the orc up to her feet Colt turns to Venice once more. "Uh... does she have a name yet?"
MAF: "No, the honors are all your's," Venice announced to her, while the orc seemed only to half listen, as Coltia felt her erection pushing aginst her hips.
SirOni: "Oh cool, I wonder what I should na- eep!" A cry of surprise signals Coltia noticing the orc's advances, and while Colt throws her an exasperated look she doesn't seem to be overly fighting off the monster girl. "So... what should I call you then..." Turning to look at the orc Colt wonders for a moment, before a name comes to her. "I know, how about Priscilla? Do you like that?"
MAF: Priscilla only looked to Coltia for the duration of her statement of her new name, but her response was merely continued advances, one of Priscilla's hands attempting to peel off Coltia's panties. "Oi, not in my labs," Venice said sharply.
SirOni: "S-sorry!" Colt cries out suddenly, her face flushing with embarrassment from being scolded this soon. "C'mon Pris, not now. I've already said we can have some fun later on." Turning to Priscilla Coltia adopts a more stern tone of voice, her face expression taking on what she thinks to be a serious expression though fails at that quite spectacularly.
MAF: Venice give a motion to Jade, before the dragon steps over, and lifts Priscilla easily off of Coltia as the orc girl gives a squeal of shock. "Loyalty is something you'll definitely have to work on..." she said, before offering to help Coltia up, "Let's go to your Ranch, there are a few things I want to teach you yet, before I'll leave you for a week to finalize your training."
SirOni: "Sure, that sounds good to me," Coltia says eagerly as she's freed from Priscilla's amorous advances for now.
MAF: Venice nods, and after an intermission, they arrive at her Ranch. "Cozy little Ranch you have." she comments. "Seeing it in person and seeing it as data are two different things," she comments, before turning to her. "There are several things you can do at your Ranch. First thing that's most important, is feeding her. This also helps with bonding. Some monsters prefer certain foods, and others prefer high quality food, while some, like slimes, will eat just about anything. So wisely choosing the proper food for the week is important."
SirOni: "Thanks, but it's not that impressive really. Gonna have to work hard to improve it," Coltia replies, batting away the compliment. "Feeding? Guess that's going to cost a lot in the long run. What's on offer?"
MAF: "Indeed. Be sure to manage your money wisely. Even once you get in the big leagues, you have to be careful that you don't suddenly run out of money." she said, before giving Coltia the list.
Potato 10
Some monsters like it, but it's not very popular.
Milk 50
Intended for baby monsters, it tastes very good, but is not very filling.
Fish 100
Main source of food for most monsters.
Cup Jelly 150
High in nutrition, and taste. Great for busy monsters to keep them happy.
Meat 300
High quality, delicious meat. Monsters higher up in the food chain prefer this on frequent intervals.
Golden Apple 500
SirOni: "Wow, there's a lot on offer, isn't there." Coltia comments as she looks over the list before turning to Priscilla. "Guess you eat meat, huh? Fish seems pretty cheap, though I guess I could get you some meat for this week at least..."
MAF: (I forgot to include that Cup Jelly comes in a variety of flavors and the golden apple is meant for really grand eaters)
SirOni: (Ha, noted.)
MAF: Venice nodded, "Every week, a delivery man will stop by your house. Place your order with him, and he'll give you a week's worth of food," she stated, before moving on. "Now, this is where you should plan out your week. Five days are spent training, and the weekdays are spent resting. Through those five days, you can have your monster train in various ways. Training loyalty is a week long process though, so you can't reserve anything else during that week." she tells Coltia, before giving her the list of various training programs set up for Ranchers.
SirOni: "Training, huh? Well you did say I'd have to work on Priscilla's loyalty, so we could do that this week. What do you think of that?" Coltia asks Priscilla as she turns to face the orc, her arms folded across her chest, a playful smile on her face. "Though... what would that entail?" She turns back to face Venice.
MAF: "Loyalty training is one of the only things we don't have a program for. We have locations around the town that may help, but all in all, how you bond with your monster is entirely up to you." Venice stated. "When you enroll your mamono in a training program, all of the training is mostly left to us. But when attempting to train loyalty, it's important to focus entirely on that."
SirOni: "Huh, so it's up to me how I go about training Priscilla's loyalty?" Turning to look at Priscilla Coltia sticks her tongue out at the orc. "I think I have a few ideas how to get her in line then."
MAF: Seeing Coltia's tongue, Priscilla seemed to get strangely excited, and tacked her yet again, attacking Coltia's tongue with her own.
SirOni: "Whaaa-!" Coltia cries out for a second time as Priscilla tackles her to the ground, and for a moment the orc's tongue invades Colt's mouth before the young rancher can fight her off. "N-not while we've got company, sheesh." Pushing Priscilla off of her Coltia stands back up. "Here's hoping training Pris' loyalty will calm her down a bit..."
MAF: Venice nodded, "Raising your mamono isn't the only thing that's important. Expeditions are valuable, as you can find powerful, wild mamono to add to your Ranch, as well as valuable items that you can use to support your mamono during battle. One more thing though, is that making relationships with other Ranchers is important. Over time, many of our more experienced Ranchers have constructed their own specialized training courses. If you get on their good side, perhaps they'll let you use them."
SirOni: As Venice continues to explain about what a rancher can do and what is expected of one Coltia listens in silence, nodding every so often and taking a mental note of everything the older rancher says. "Expeditions, huh? They sound like fun, can't wait until we can go on our first one. And I'll be sure to keep in touch with any ranchers I meet, I'm going to have to fight and surpass them one day if I want to become the best."
MAF: "Exactly." Venice nodded. "With that, I'm off. While raising your mamono's loyalty, you may meet those other Ranchers as they're doing the same. As someone new, I'm sure they'll be willing to speak with you for various reasons."
SirOni: "Well then, I'll see you around some time. And thanks for all the help. Seeya!" Colt calls out to Venice and waves as the older rancher leaves the ranch, leaving Coltia and Priscilla to themselves. "Looks like this is it, eh? My very own ranch, my first mamono, and even Venice helped me out! Looks like this is turning out to be the best birthday ever."
MAF: Priscilla continued to cling to Coltia, snuggling her little nose against Colt's neck.
MAF: ( )
SirOni: Coltia puts an arm around Priscilla's shoulders and ruffles her hair with her other hand. "Such a mischievous orc, aren't you? I guess I did promise to play with you once Venice left, and I bet you're even more worked up than you were in the lab. Poor Priscilla, did no one play with you while you were waiting for me?" Colt lets out a chuckle as she teases Priscilla, sticking her tongue out at the orc once more.
SirOni: (She could cut me in half any day)
MAF: (You'd love to get double teamed by Chrome and Valdis, wouldn't you)
SirOni: (That I would. And any zombie girls they happened to throw at me)
MAF: The orc seemed seduced by Coltia's tone of voice, though she didn't really seem to completely understand. Attempting to push her down to the grass, Priscilla's excitement grew even more erect, stretching her rubbery panties as her hands gripped at the waist of Colt's skirt.
SirOni: Coltia lets out yet another cry of surprise as she's tackled to the ground for the third time today, though this time she doesn't make any effort to fight the orc off, instead she seems to be enjoying the attention. "You're certainly eager, aren't you?" The young rancher says coyly, a lewd smile forming on her face. "No wonder my mothers said to leave my first time to my first mamono. I bet they knew I'd get an orc." Sitting up Colt's lips meet Priscilla's, and for a moment she holds her monster girl with a long kiss, the young woman's eyes locking onto the orcs.
MAF: Priscilla's hand, without being stopped, slid Coltia's skirt and panties off of her legs. Once her pussy was bare, Priscilla pulled back, and quickly pushed her own panties down her waist, letting her length flop out, pointed at Coltia's entrance. Still not yet finished, Priscilla tucked her thumbs under Colt's shirt, and pulled it up to expose her wealthy breasts. And with her chest exposed, Priscilla leaned down, and began to hungrily suck on her breast while gripping her hips, and lining her up for penetration.
SirOni: Parting from the kiss Coltia lets out a chuckle at Priscilla's eagerness, assisting the orc by moving when it came to take off her dress-tunic and undershirt. With her large chest exposed Colt lets out a moan as the warmth of the suns rays caress her bare skin, and as her panties are removed the young rancher smiles lewdly once more. "Y-you certainly know what you want," The quiver in Colt's voice belies her confident act as Priscilla's lips lock around a nipple. "How about this..?" Colt asks as she feels the tip of Priscilla's quite large member rub against her womanhood, and pushing the orc back onto her backside Colt climbs onto her lap, their breasts squishing together as she kneels up and grabs Priscilla's member, its tip resting once more against Colt's opening.
SirOni: (Ha, I think you went a bit wrong with the description of Colt's outfit :p )
SirOni: ( :p )
MAF: Priscilla whined a bit when Coltia tried to change positions. She clearly was intent on being on top before Coltia pushed her over. Looking up at her, and then at the hand around her member, she looked a little upset, but was still trying to thrust into her all the same, not content to just sit and wait.
SirOni: "E-easy now, this is my f-first time," Coltia stammers out as Priscilla threatens to dominate her once more, her plump ass sticking out as the young woman hesitates for a moment, unsure if she can take such a large dick inside her.
MAF: Her hesitation was an opening for Priscilla, as her hands gripped Coltia's hips tightly, pulling her down and thrusting upwards at the same time, forcing the tip of her girth into Coltia's pussy, breaking her hymen in a swift motion.
SirOni: A cry, a mixture of both pleasure and pain, escapes Coltia and carries across the entire ranch as Priscilla spears into the young rancher, stretching the walls of her honeyhole out with her thick rod. "P-Pri-Priscilla..." Is all Colt can weakly stutter out as she holds herself against the orc, forcing herself to get used to the size of Priscilla's member before allowing the beast girl to take control once more. "F-fine... D-do what y-you want... B-but, I-I'll make you p-pay for this..." A lewd smile then appears on Colt's face once more as she turns around with Priscilla's member still inside her, the young ranchers back resting against the orcs breasts as she gets ready for Priscilla's continued ravaging.
MAF: Either accepting of the promised punishment, or simply enjoying Coltia's sex, Priscilla licked her tongue along the flesh of Coltia's neck, before trailing her hands to the underside of Coltia's thighs, and gripping them tight before lifting her up, spreading her wide open as she grunted, slowly pushing her cock the rest of the way in.
SirOni: Moaning softly as Priscilla runs her tongue against her neck Coltia soon lets out quick cries of pleasure as the rest of the orcs member is forced inside of her, a bulge forming as the base of Priscilla's dick kisses her honeyhole. " "H-ha, look at t-that... k-kinda looks like I'm p-pregnant." The young woman mutters out between moans, a hand caressing the bump.
MAF: Keeping herself inside for a moment, Priscilla made gentle, quick thrusts, only the slightest movements in and out, trying to loosen Coltia up until she could thrust in earnest, and pound into her body with her thickness.
SirOni: "C-carry on like that, a-and y-you'll stretch me right o-out..!" Putting an arm around Priscilla to better steady herself Coltia's hips begin to move on their own, her body taking it upon itself to do what Colt is afraid to admit she wants. As Coltia gradually loosens up her bucking slowly begins to quicken, forcing more of Priscilla's length inside her until it's hitting against her cervix once more. "P-Pris... d-does it feel good..?" Panting and her tongue lolling out Coltia turns her head to look at the orc, the mamono's dick finally having broken the rancher.
MAF: With the savegery her race represents, Priscilla answered by taking Coltia's mouth for her own, invading her mouth with her fat tongue, while using her arms to bring Coltia up and down, sliding her body along her long, fat, erect shaft, both of their flesh rippling as Coltia's ass and Priscilla's crotch collided together.
SirOni: Panting and moaning into the kiss as Priscilla continues to ride the young rancher up and down her length Coltia's tongue dances along Priscilla's own as her tongue invades the young woman's mouth, their lips locking tightly together. "Y-your c-cum... I-I-I wanna, f-feel it..." Priscilla mutters out into the kiss between moans, her hips now bucking wildly as she nears her own orgasm, her body unable to do anything else while being overpowered by Priscilla.
MAF: Thrusting faster and faster as Coltia seems to lend her body to her, Priscilla lets out a prolonged moan before Coltia could both hear, and feel Priscilla's length pumping her cum into Coltia's virgin womb, tainting her as of yet unviolated womb with her orcish spunk, covering every part of her inner walls with her seed, continuously pumping, and pumping, as Coltia could feel her body unable to handle all of Priscilla's semen, but unable to push it out either, resulting in her belly expanding in mock pregnancy.
SirOni: A cry of pleasure escapes Coltia as she parts from their kiss, the feeling of Priscilla's load filling her womb up to breaking point being too much for the young woman. Breathing rapidly, it's not long before Colt reaches her own orgasm, another cry of pleasure quickly follows the first as the young woman's body tenses up, her arm tightening around Priscilla's shoulders and for a moment everything seems to go blank for Coltia as she overloads from pleasure. As Colt's orgasm subsides her body slowly regains its senses and relaxes, the young woman's head rests against Priscilla's, her breathing laboured. "T-that... f-felt good..." She whispers out, a satisfied smile forming on her face. "Y-you... y-you really came a-a lot, didn't you..."
MAF: Priscilla keeps her length inside Coltia for a moment. She gently shifted herself around inside of Coltia, stirring her potent semen around inside of Colt's body. Her length, satisfied, slowly began to shrink, and go limp inside of Coltia. Pulling back a little, Priscilla's length flopped out of Coltia's pussy as a torrent of Priscilla's cum followed, staining the ground white with a large puddle of Orc semen. Satisfied, Priscilla leaned back, collapsing on the ground with Coltia on top of her, who still was leaking a glob of Priscilla's cum from her pussy every now and then.
SirOni: Coltia lets out a playful moan as Priscilla stirs the semen around in her womb, one of Colt's hands gently caressing her stomach. "Heh, i-it kinda looks like I'm p-pregnant," The young rancher jokingly says then kisses Priscilla on the cheek. As the orcs penis pops out out of Coltia she lets out a short gasp, the semen flowing out of her causing Colt to moan quietly until Priscilla suddenly lies backwards, the young woman letting out a yelp of surprise as she falls backwards onto Priscilla. "Don't think I'll let you rest just yet," A lewd smile forms on Coltia's lips once more as she turns around, her breasts squishing against Priscilla's own, Colt's energy slowly recovering.
MAF: Her eyes closed, Priscilla seemed to have fallen sound asleep as she made little snoring sounds.
SirOni: "Ha, the nerve," Colt says to herself, a devilish grin replacing her lewd smirk. "Time to see what Venice meant about this thing." With a look in her eyes that suggests that since having a taste of sex she wants to explore it some more Coltia takes hold of the amulet that had been hanging between her rather large bust. Examining it for a moment she spots the part that Venice had said to press, and does so.
MAF: As soon as she presses it, the amulet shocks Colt with a sudden burst of magic that coursed through her body and went straight to her loins. She could feel her clitoris engorging, throbbing with pleasure, until it grew to full length, looking just like her very own cock, one that could compare with Priscilla's even.
SirOni: Coltia lets out a cry of shock at the sudden burst of magical energy, the power coursing through her body causing a tingling sensation until it finally collected at her crotch. And for a moment she thought that was it. Though a moment later Coltia buckles over, her hands cupping her crotch as a weird sensation builds up between her legs. A look of shock comes over Colt's face as she feels something growing, pushing against her hands, and removing them she lets out a gasp as she watches her clit expand in size, taking on a phallic shape. Coltia does nothing but stare in shock as it looks as if her clitoris is quickly transforming into a dick, one to rival even Priscilla's impressive size. "W-w-w-wha-?" Is all Coltia can manage to stutter out as her dick finally stops growing, its thick length quivering in anticipation. Turning to look at Priscilla a lewd smile appears on her face once more. "Oh Pris~"
MAF: (Are you sure? It'll take a big chunk out of your money if she gets pregnant.)
SirOni: (Who said anything about vaginal sex :p )
MAF: (You dirty bastard)
MAF: Priscilla opened her eyes slightly as Coltia calls her name out, but her eyes went straight down to the erect length that wasn't her own, pointing directly up at her. Confused, Priscilla looked back up in surprise and confusion.
SirOni: "See something you like~" Coltia asks the orc girl in a playful tone, one hand taking hold of her own member and strokes it gently. "You got to explore my body with your obscene dick, now it's my turn. I did tell you that I'd punish you after all~"
MAF: Priscilla pursed her lips in a way that seemed to mean she was saying, "Challenge accepted," before she flipped over, and extended her ass out to Coltia, her vaginal lips sliding along her length until Colt's crotch and her ass met.
SirOni: "Heh, good girl. You're learning. And what a cute, plump ass you have~" Coltia lightly smacks Priscilla's ass once before gently sliding her dick between the orc's buttocks, slowly rubbing herself against Priscilla's soft ass, enjoying the new sensations that her dick is giving her.
MAF: "Oogie~" Priscilla said with a lewd voice, either of her own made up language or possibly the orc's. As Coltia slid her length along Priscilla's ass, her long cock began to get hard again in excitement, while her ass waved back and force teasingly.
SirOni: "Hee, I could do this all day, but of course I'm not that cruel~" Smacking Priscilla's behind once more Coltia slides her member down between the orc's buttocks, the tip of its head coming to rest against Priscilla's pucker. "I wonder, is this the same rush you got when you had your way with me? Dominating and filling me up with your seed..." Coltia licks her lips as she toys with Priscilla's backside, gently pushing the head of her penis against her entrance, teasing the plump orc girl with her own fat cock.
MAF: Priscilla tucked her arm under herself, and between her legs to grab at the cock pushing against her ass. Stroking it, Priscilla seemed to encourage it inside as she pleasured it with her hand, pulling on it with every stroke.
SirOni: Coltia lets out a moan as Priscilla's fingers wrap around her length, trying to coax her master into entering the orc. "Hee, even when you're on the receiving end you're pretty eager. Fine I'll give you what you want~" Pushing gently Coltia eases in the tip of her penis into Priscilla's ass, moaning as the tight entrance envelops the head of her member. With clenched teeth and moaning quite loudly Coltia begins to force the rest of her shaft deep into the orc girls behind, pushing it right up to the base.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

MAF: Tight, but still stretching, Priscilla's ass seemed like it was made for a wealthy cock like Coltia's to enter as it easily and painlessly enveloped around her meat. "Hard~ Thrust~" Priscilla said with broken vocabulary, her hand still squeezing and rubbing Coltia's girth while her hips bucked backwards to try and swallow more of her length inside.
SirOni: "W-wow~ T-this, this f-feels great~" Coltia cries out as she enters Priscilla's ass, the orc girl's hand still wrapped around the base of the young woman's member. "G-god, no wonder you took me l-like you did... I-I want to f-f-f-f-fuck you so much right n-now~" Gently thrusting in and out of Priscilla's ass Coltia is content to simply enjoy the sensation of the orc girl's insides pulling at her thick cock, as if it didn't want her to part from Priscilla.
MAF: "Hard~! Oogie!" Priscilla seemed to cheer her own, no sign of pain in the orc's face, only maddening pleasure as she grinned wide back at Coltia, thrusting her hips back onto Coltia to make her thrusts more powerful. And if she weren't careful, Priscilla would push back hard enough to knock Coltia back and take control of the situation.
SirOni: "Now, now. I'm the one in charge this time~" Smiling, Coltia taunts Priscilla, teasing the orc girl with long drawn out thrusts, forcing herself deep into Priscilla's ass then slowly pulling herself back out.
MAF: Licking her lips, Priscilla put both of her hands on the ground, before pushing her hips back, letting out a cry as Coltia found her feet leaving the ground slightly as Priscilla pushed her up, before pulling back down, drawing most of her cock out, and then shoving herself right back again, slamming her ass against Coltia's crotch, and torturing her cock with her tight anal ring.
SirOni: Coltia cries out as their roles are suddenly reversed yet again, surprised because she thougt that she had a handle on the situation. "P-Pris~!" Colt cries as she lands on her behind, Priscilla spearing herself on to Cotlia's dick. "T-this isn't gonna stop me f-from punishing you~" Unperturbed by Priscilla taking the lead once more Coltia nibbles on the orc girls neck, greedily licking her monster's neck as one hand takes hold of a breast while the other begins to pleasure Priscilla's member.
MAF: Letting out a loud moan of pleasure from Coltia's acts, Priscilla's hips now were thrusting with a different purpose, to pleasure her length on Coltia's hand while one breast was held and the other bounced with her thrusts and Coltia's own. "C-cum~!" Priscilla announced, tensing up as she did before filling Coltia up with her seed.
SirOni: Coltia lets out an excited squeal as Priscilla ejaculates, covering the orc girl with her own semen, though even as she finishes shooting out the last of her seed Coltia continues to stroke Priscilla off, a lewd smile on her face. "Don't think I'm letting you finish just yet~" Forcing the orc girl up onto her knees by knocking her back with her chest Coltia assumes dominance once more, powerfully thrusting into Priscilla, her hips roughly slapping against Priscilla's buttocks while the young woman continues to jerk her off and squeeze her breast.
MAF: "Oogie... Oogie! Oogie!" Priscilla repeated over and over as Coltia violently pounded her with her cock, now motionless in the afterglow of her orgasm, allowing Coltia to fuck the orc's ass with all the force she could muster.
SirOni: "F-finally given into m-me, have you~?" Coltia coo's out, her breathing coming fast and sharp as she nears her own orgasm. The young rancher continues to pound into the orc girl for several more minutes, the sounds of Coltia's moans and her hips slapping against Priscilla's plump ass carrying across the ranch, until finally, Colt reaches her own orgasm. Gripping tightly on to Priscilla's breast and dick Coltia pulls the orc close to her, the young woman's breasts squishing against the back of Priscilla as she shoots her thick seed into Priscilla's ass.
MAF: Priscilla's belly swells up like Coltia's did, making her look just as equally pregnant as Coltia did as Priscilla slumped against the ground. "Oogie..." she panted, both of her hands holding the massive amount of Coltia's semen inside of her. while trying to bear with the fact that Coltia was still inside her as well.
SirOni: As Priscilla falls to the floor so too does Coltia, collapsing on the orc girl and exhausted by her first, and very powerful ejaculation. For several minutes the young rancher lies there, content to bask in the glow of her shared orgasm and in the warmth of the suns rays. Which felt quite nice against her sweat and sex stained body. As she lay there Coltia made no effort to remove her member from Priscilla's ass, deciding to enjoy the sensation of the orc girl's tightness hugging her dick before the magicks of the amulet wear off, whilst wrapping her arms around Priscilla and holding her tight.
MAF: And eventually the magics did wear off. Her length slowly shrank back to it's original form, loosely letting all of the semen in Priscilla's ass spill out. Flattening out on the ground, her belly pressing against the grass, better help aid the cum inside her to leave, though it was clear, even after her belly was flat, that there was still a great deal of Coltia's seed inside her bowels.
SirOni: As her dick slowly reforms back into her clitoris Coltia sits back up into what is mostly a large puddle of hers and Priscilla's semen and gently caresses the orc girls leg. "T-that was pretty fun~" Coltia teases Priscilla once more, spanking the orc's ass once more. "I-I didn't realise I even had that in me..." Coltia then places a hand on her stomach. "Man, you really came loads, didn't you. I wonder if you've gotten me pregnant. That would be a great way to start my rancher career."
MAF: "A great way indeed," said a heavanly voice. "I see you've found a taste for the pleasures of the mixed gender as well." said the heavanly voice from the woman that was approaching. Rounded, and dressed lewdly, she was clearly a half-angel who had experienced many pregnancies, likely due to at least her companion, a werewolf at her side.

SirOni: Coltia turns around suddenly, startled by the sudden appearance of a new person though the young rancher doesn't make any effort to cover her cum stained sweaty body. "Oh, hi there!" Coltia says cheerily, a light flush appearing over her face, slightly embarrassed at being caught in such a state. "You, uh... You haven't been here long, right? And I'd offer you my hand, but well..."
MAF: She giggled, "I apologize, I have been here during the middle of your passion, and have been watching since. You seem to have a similar love as I, of the mixed gender."
SirOni: Coltia blushes more furiously as the woman explains that she's been watching for most of the time. "Um, yeah. I-I do... My mothers, they both have orc parents, a-and I have orc blood. So... so I guess it's natural for m-me to take a shining to o-orcs as well." The young woman stammers out, though she can't help but stare at the full figured woman, lust already slowly filling her mind once more. "I guess you're a rancher too? Venice said that I may be visited by others. I'm Coltia by the way."
MAF: "And I am Melpha, Rank B Rancher. I am the head of the B League, and I raise all monsters with the extra bits added on~ Werewolves, Anubi, and even Orcs like your's, if you ever wish to share the delight of them, my Ranch is open to you."
SirOni: "T-thank you for that offer, Melpha," Coltia bows to show her appreciation though her eyes never leave the older woman, something about her sets off something inside Colt though she chooses not to act on it, not wanting to make her new acquaintance think her as mad.
MAF: "Well, I'll be around," Melpha informs her, "If you don't mind, I do have a favor to ask, but come anytime you feel you need some money." she said, before departing
SirOni: "I'll be sure to call round when the time comes then. See you around!" Coltia calls out to Melpha as she leaves, making a mental note to visit Melpha to see what she meant by earning a bit of money. "Well, guess we should clean up now, huh?" Getting up Coltia offers a hand to Priscilla.
MAF: Together, Priscilla and Coltia spent quality time with each other. Coltia eventually learned that Priscilla saying, "Oogie!" didn't really mean anything, and was more often used just to make noise.
+20 loyalty
MAF: The next week, Venice arrived on the farm to greet the pair. "I see you two have gotten to know each other a little." she stated, "Are you prepared for the final step of your training?"
SirOni: (Aww, Coltia didn't get pregnant?)
SirOni: "Final step? I'd say we are. How 'bout you, Pris?" Not even waiting for a semblance of reply from Priscilla Coltia turns to Venice once more. "So what have we got to do now?"
SirOni: (Dayum, guess we've got to try again then!)
MAF: "There's a little fairy causing trouble in the town. She's pranking shop owners and other Ranchers, and your job is to simply make her stop. There's a bounty of 500G for her capture, but if you simply wanted to keep her, you could do that instead."
SirOni: "A fairy, eh? Sounds like it shouldn't be too much of a problem, even for me," Coltia beams, happy to finally be able to get the chance to show off both hers and Priscilla's skills. "And maybe we should try to capture her, another mamono could come in handy."
MAF: "I'll lead the way, but there's one more thing. If you want an extra edge, you can promise your mamono something if they fight extra hard. With the promise in mind, they'll listen to you much better, however, if you fail to deliver on your promise, count on much of the loyalty and trust you've built up to plummet."
SirOni: A sly expression comes over Coltia's face. "You hear that, Pris? What should I promise you..?" The young rancher pretends to think for a moment before turning to Priscilla once more. "I know, how about some personal time together later on? Would you like that?"
MAF: Priscilla doesn't seem too pleased with that. She gave Coltia a look that basically said, "You mean you won't let me if I don't?" and thought that she was threatening more than promising. But, after thinking for a moment, she rose an idea. "More meat!" she announced, desiring another week of meat.
SirOni: "Well I guess the reward for taking down this fairy would cover it, so sure. That can be arranged. Though you better make sure we win this, otherwise I'll be punishing you later on," Coltia sticks her tongue out at Priscilla before chuckling for a moment.
MAF: Priscilla made puffy cheeks at Coltia, before Venice nodded, "With that, she should fight well for this battle. Don't just rely on promises though, or else you'll find your resources quickly exhausted." she warned her, before departing for the town.
SirOni: "Oh I won't, I think I've worked out how to keep Priscilla sweet so that we'll work well together," With that Coltia quickly follows behind Venice as the group make their way to the town.
MAF: Together, they went with Venice to the town. There, they immediately heard the cry of a distressed woman, "Get out, you naughty little thing!" she cried, swinging a boom around, before a hysterical little fairy flew out of the window, before bringing herself to a hault as Priscilla stood in her way. "Uh-oh! I'm in trouble! Hee-hee!" she giggled, before the two faced off, ready to combat!
Priscilla: 144 / 144
Guts: 0
Fairy: 75 / 75
Guts: 0


Thwack 40%
Pow 16

Encouragement: (Giving encouragement does not mean she cannot use a skill unless otherwise noted)

Go all out! (Increase tohit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
MAF: (If you have any questions, ask me, I'll try to put up a full explanation in the subforum sometime)
SirOni: "Right, Pris. This is your chance to show us what you're capable of! Show that fairy who's the boss!" Coltia calls out as the fairy almost flies straight into Priscilla. [4th option]
MAF: "Be careful when talking with your mamono. If her loyalty is low, all you will be is a distraction." Venice warns, but Priscilla seems encouraged anyway, becoming Composed. (Positive morale comes in different flavors, but all generally function the same.)
The Fairy points behind Priscilla, "Hey, look over there!" And Priscilla fell for it as a bolt of magic strikes her from behind!
Priscilla suffers 26 damage!
Priscilla swings her hammer at the Fairy!
The Fairy suffers 50 damage!
Priscilla: 118 / 144
Guts: 0
Fairy: 25 / 75
Guts: 7


Thwack 57%
Pow 16

Encouragement: (Giving encouragement does not mean she cannot use a skill unless otherwise noted)

Go all out! (Increase tohit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
SirOni: (Priscilla's guts didn't go up?)
MAF: (When given a command, they use it once they build up enough guts. Since she only has Thwack, it defaults to that.)
SirOni: (Ah, fair enough.)
SirOni: "Don't let her sucker punch you like that! You're better than that! Take her down!" Colt shouts out, getting caught in the heat of the battle. [option 1]
MAF: "Oogie!" Priscilla acknoledges Coltia, going all out!
"Look out below! Hee-hee~!" The Fairy giggles as she summons a bucket of milk and slams it over Priscilla's head!
Priscilla takes 25 damage and her guts is lowered by 5!
The Fairy flies up and flicks Priscilla's nose with a bolt of magic!
Priscilla takes 27 damage and her guts is lowered by 5!
The Fairy swirls round and round around Priscilla's head!
But Priscilla dodges before the Fairy can land a strike!
Priscilla attempts to bonk the Fairy over the head, but the Fairy swiftly flies away!
Priscilla: 66 / 144
Guts: 0
Fairy: 25 / 75
Guts: 6


Thwack 57%
Pow 16

Encouragement: (Giving encouragement does not mean she cannot use a skill unless otherwise noted)

Go all out! (Increase tohit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
SirOni: "C'mon Pris, you can do it. Don't let that fairy get the better of you!" Coltia winces at the pummelling that Priscilla is taking from the diminutive mamono, and decides to encourage the orc girl a little more though at the same time she thinks that the fairy may actually be a useful addition to the team. [Option 4]
MAF: Priscilla frowns, getting Angry!
"Oogie-boogie, miss piggy!" the Fairy giggles, Composed!
The Fairy fires a playful bolt of magic!
Priscilla steps to the side!
"Wee~" The Fairy giggles, swirling round and round Priscilla!
But Priscilla isn't taken by her fast movement!
Priscilla swings her hammer!
The Fairy's Composure allows her to swiftly evade ahead of time!
"Oogie..." Priscilla is Discouraged!
Priscilla: 66 / 144
Guts: 0
Fairy: 25 / 75
Guts: 4


Thwack 57%
Pow 16

Encouragement: (Giving encouragement does not mean she cannot use a skill unless otherwise noted)

Go all out! (Increase tohit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Forsake using a skill, increase defense and dodge)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)
SirOni: "Okay, this fairy's starting to piss me off, deal with her quick so I can punish her back at the ranch!" Furious now by the shameful display due to the fairy Coltia orders Priscilla to deal with the fairy as fast as she can. [option 1]
MAF: "Oogie..." Priscilla shakes her head, Discouraged.
"What's wrong, miss piggy? Hee-hee~!" the Fairy giggled, offering the piggy a present!
Priscilla wasn't fooled by her trick.
Priscilla swings with her hammer, but she isn't confident in her attack!
The Fairy takes 30 damage!
MAF: "Wawawa...!" The Fairy cries out, before plummeting to the ground.
SirOni: "Yes! You did it!" Running up to Priscilla Coltia throws her arms around the orc girl and gives her a quick kiss. "I knew you could do it." Releasing Priscilla from the embrace Colt ruffles the orc's hair before looking down at the fairy. "Now you, you've caused everyone a lot of trouble. What should we do with you..."
MAF: "Congratulations. It seemed as if the fairy was making a comeback for a moment. When your mamono is distressed like that, you have to get their spirits back up. Telling her to go allout like that when she wasn't confident in herself... It's a miracle she landed her attack in that state." Venice lectured Coltia.
SirOni: "I didn't command her properly?" Turning to look at Priscilla Coltia looks somewhat disheartened. "I'm sorry, I'll do better next time, I promise."
MAF: Priscilla hung her head, a bit sad over how the fairy seemed to run circles around her, while the fairy began to slowly try to crawl away. "Wawa... Spinning..." she groaned, falling back down as she seemed disoriented.
SirOni: "Don't look like that, it's my fault why you didn't do as well as you did. I should've commanded you better. I'll be sure to make it up to you later on, and don't forget, you'll be getting meat this week as well. So cheer up," Coltia smiles reassuringly at Priscilla, trying to pick up the orc girl's mood though out of the corner of her eye Colt notices the fairy trying to sneak off. "Oh no you don't," She says sternly, and bending over Coltia makes to grab the fairy by her wings.
MAF: Priscilla smiled and nodded at the promise of food, while the fairy let a cry out, "W-wah! P-put me doooown!" she cried, flailing her arms as her wings tried to flap.
MAF: (Random fact of the day: Fairies are usually one foot tall)
MAF: (Because I said so.)
SirOni: (Hahaha, that's fine by me.)
SirOni: "No way, I'm not going to let you fly off just to let you cause trouble elsewhere, I'm putting a stop to this right now," Coltia holds on tighter to the fairies wings, just in case she manages to slip away. "You're coming back with Priscilla and myself to be punished. You've got to learn pranking people isn't something you should go around doing."
MAF: "Noooo! I wanna be freeee!" she cries out. "I won't prank here anymore, I swear! I'll go somewhere else!"
SirOni: "Nope, I'm putting my foot down. We beat you fair and square, so you're mine now," Coltia puts her foot down on the issue, and is very much willing to drag her kicking and screaming if it comes down to it. "Why don't you tell the fairy how nice it is living on our ranch, Pris."
MAF: Priscilla stepped forward, and gave the fairy a big lick. "Ewww!" she cries, "I'm not tasty!"
SirOni: "Ha, that's how Priscilla shows affection," Coltia lets out a small laugh at the fairies reaction. "See, Priscilla's forgiven you already. So c'mon, we're going back to the ranch now. Oh, before we do, do you have a name or will I be naming you as well?"
MAF: "I was born after a little girl's spirit passed away in the forest. No one named me," she replied.
MAF: ( Your Fairy! )
SirOni: "Well that's not right," Coltia releases her grip on the fairies wings and takes a hold of her hand, more to reassure the tiny mamono that she's not in any danger going with Colt and Priscilla. "I know... how about Chrysanthemum? Or Chris for short? You look like a pretty flower after all."
SirOni: (Delicious.)
MAF: "Chrysanthulmom... Chresanthal...thalmo... Wah! That name is way too long!" she said, her head spinning again.
SirOni: "Well then, Chris it is," Coltia replies, chuckling at the fairies confusion. "Looks like we're all done here, Chris won't be terrorising the town from now on." Coltia says as she turns to face Venice.
MAF: "You've done well, Coltia," Venice compliments her, before turning, ready to leave. "Fairies are easily satisfied, even though they seem like children. Like Priscilla, she will be an excellent start for you." she informed her. "Train up a lot over the next few months, Coltia. At the end of every month is a tournament for every rank. I look forward to seeing your performance in the E division."
MAF: (Must be like, 5 AM for you)
SirOni: (Almost)
MAF: (Well, congrats on your first battal)
MAF: l
Fairy: Grade D
Life: 75
Power: 25
Intelligence: 100
Defense: 75
Skill: 75
Speed: 100
Loyalty: A
Tech: C

Mag 9
SirOni: Coltia blushes at the compliment from Venice. "T-thank you!" Bowing, Coltia bids Venice good bye as she, Priscilla and Chris make their way to her ranch.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

MAF: Back at the Ranch, Coltia and Priscilla, have the rest of the week to look forward to. The delivery man arrives, and asks, "What's your order?" while Priscilla looks at Coltia expectantly.
SirOni: "Hrm... I've got two of you to feed now..." Coltia turns to Chris. "Say, what do fairies like to eat?
MAF: Chris struggles in Colt's hand again, "Muu-!" she gets angry at her restriction, "I want milk!"
SirOni: "Milk, huh?" A sly grin spreads across Colt's face as she looks at the petite mamono, before turning to the delivery man. "Fine. Milk it is. And meat of course, Priscilla's earned it."
MAF: Priscilla made a leap for joy, while Chris made a pouting face. The man left after confirming her order, and taking her money.
Coltia's Money: 4450G
MAF: "Yay! Milk!" Chris cheered, drinking the milk provided through a fine straw, while Coltia ate her first bone of meat with eager hunger.
SirOni: Coltia lets out a small laugh at her mamon's reactions to receiving the meals, and then turns her attention to Chris. "Glad you like that because you're going to need all the energy you can get for your punishment~"
MAF: "Fly awaaay!" Chris announced, attempting to fly away just as she announced.
SirOni: "Oh no you don't," Reaching out to grab Chris' arm Coltia pulls the fairy close to her. "We've got to do something about your loyalty." Coltia says sternly as attempts to drag the fairy into her home, calling Priscilla to follow them.
MAF: "Nooooo-!" she cries out as Priscilla follows her into the house.
SirOni: "I told you already, you're with us now whether you like it or not," Coltia pulls Chris through the house until they get to the bedroom, pushing the fairy onto the bed and instructing Priscilla to make sure she doesn't attempt to leave Colt locks the bedroom door. "Don't worry, we're not bad people. I think you'll like it here." A warm smile forms on Coltia's face as she makes her way over to the bed and sits down, Chris between her and Priscilla.
MAF: "You're going to do bad things to me, like try to stretch me! Just because us fairies are stretchy that doesn't mean it's okay! It really hurts!" she insists.
SirOni: Coltia runs her hands through the fairies hair. "Stretch you? Well, maybe Pris would, but she's not going to be punishing you today so you don't have to worry about that," Grabbing a handful of her hair Coltia gently pulls Chris' head back, and leaning forward she locks her lips with the tiny girl's own.
MAF: Chris began to flail as Coltia's large lips were more than enough to swallow the girl's head, crying and weakly beating her arms against Coltia's cheeks as she was 'kissed'
SirOni: Coltia kisses the fairy for several minutes before pulling away, a sly look on her face. "You fairies sure are energetic, aren't you?" Lifting up the collar of her undershirt Colt undoes the buttons on her tunic's shoulder straps. "I wonder, how best should we put that energy to good use..." A hand is placed on the small girls leg, caressing her inner thigh for a moment before slowly sliding the boot off that leg.
MAF: The fairy let out a cry before her wings fluttered, but only just enough to try and escape from Coltia's perversive fingers. "Wah!? What are you doing? I only like men you know!"
SirOni: "Men, eh? And I thought you said you didn't want to be stretched out~" Leaning her head close to Chris' the young rancher gently nibbles and kisses the fairies neck as she finishes stripping her of the first boot before moving onto the second one. "I wonder, does this come off~?" With the second boot removed Coltia plays with the hem of Chris' flower-dress.
MAF: The fairy wiggled her tiny toes as her boots came off. "Muu-!" she suddenly gets angry and throws her own dress off, "Fairy attaaaaack!" she shouts, before taking flight, and burying herself against Coltia's crotch, rubbing all over her covered slit with her hands.
SirOni: Coltia, taken by surprise at Chris' sudden eagerness fails to react in time and finds herself momentarily overpowered by the diminutive mamono. "H-hey! N-not so fast!" Colt cries out as the fairy begins to tease her pussy, and reaching down grabs at one of Chris' hands, pulling her up once more. "Keep acting like that and I may have to go back on my word~" Handing Chris to Priscilla to keep hold of for a moment Coltia removes her dress-tunic, then removes her undershirt. Sitting on the edge of the bed once more in just her panties and amulet Coltia takes Chris back from Priscilla and pulls her tiny naked body against her own. "Now, what should I do to you first~?"
MAF: Chris is returned to Coltia, looking miserable and covered in saliva as the little fairy simply glares up at Coltia.
SirOni: "Now what's with that look~" Coltia says teasingly, before she suddenly forces the small girl to lie down on her lap, the fairy facing Priscilla. "Don't worry Pris, I haven't forgotten about you. You can put Chris' mouth to good use for a bit, but try to not suffocate her~" Holding the small mamono down with one hand Coltia begins to spank Chris, lightly at first though she her slaps quickly get firmer.
MAF: "Ow!!!" Chris cries out, "Hey! Don't spank me! Stooop! It stings!" she shouts, while Priscilla immediately took Coltia up on her offer, her length having already gotten hard at the sight of the two naked forms. As she approached Chris, the little fairy went pale as the erection faced her. "That thing is bigger than my old house! I'll die!"
SirOni: "It's supposed to sting, silly~" Chuckling, Coltia stops spanking Chris and instead begins to grope her ass, purposely squeezing the small girls buttocks firmly. "And don't worry, Pris won't put too much in your mouth, you're just going to get her ready for her second prize for doing good today~"
MAF: Priscilla pushes her penis against Chris, while the fairy herself only managed to catch the tip in her mouth before screaming and fluttering her wings desperately, panicking desperately.
SirOni: Coltia watches for a moment as Priscilla's member is teased against Chris' mouth, then the tip forced into it before the fairy begins resisting. "Okay, okay Pris. I guess you can stop," Relieving Chris from Priscilla's monstrous dick Coltia picks the fairy up, and lies her back down on the bed. Turning around Coltia smiles at Chris as she kneels over the fairy, lowering herself closer to the tiny mamono. "I guess Pris' pretty penis was too much for my tiny girl, huh?"
MAF: Chris flails as she's lain on the bed, clearly too energetic to even stay still. "No more! No more already!" she pleaded, looking dizzy.
SirOni: "No more~?" The young woman repeats, a lewd smile forming on her face as she holds down the fairies arms. "I don't think you're in a position to demand anything~" Lowering her head down and sticking her ass out Coltia begins to kiss and lick down Chris' body, starting from the diminutive mamono's forehead, Colt's tongue invading her mouth for several moments before continuing down Chris' body. Stopping briefly at the fairies flat chest Colt teases the small girls nipples, gently flicking and suckling them, enjoying the sounds coming from Chris as she is being teased. Once finished Colt moves down the fairies body once more, not stopping until she comes to between Chris' legs. "I wonder if fairies taste differently to orcs~" Muttering quietly to herself Coltia runs her tongue against Chris' slit, slowly lapping at the small girl.
MAF: The fairy lets out moans and muffled cries as Coltia's tongue couldn't even entirely fit in her mouth, much like Priscilla's cock. Though she was held down, and couldn't really do anything. As her tongue went lower, Coltia tasted much of Pris' leftover saliva, and the meat she ate, although behind all that was a surprisingly good, sugary taste. The fairy was sweet! But as Coltia did this, Priscilla was clearly getting excited beyond belief. Unable to help herself, Coltia found her getting up on the bed, and gripping Coltia's hips.
SirOni: "Mmmmm, tasty~" Coltia mutters out, her tongue continuing to greedily lick at the small girl's slit, eager to taste more of Chris' sweet juices. "Ooh, I wondered when you were going to take the invitation~" The young rancher says playfully to Priscilla as she turns her head around to face the orc girl grabbing onto her. Turning her attention back to Chris Coltia shakes her ass seductively at Priscilla while her tongue invades the fairies honeyhole, eager to drink more of her sweet taste.
MAF: Gripping Coltia's panties, even more excited now that she was offering, she slid them down, and out of the way, before she leaned forward, and pressed her weight against Coltia, her stiff, fat length wobbling as it searched for her entrance, until Coltia felt the tip touch against her pussy, and then immediately after she felt Priscilla impale her cock into Coltia's pussy, "Oogie!" Priscilla announced with sexual ferver, shivering in delight as she was embraced by Coltia's pussy for a second time.
MAF: "Hauuu..." the fairy whined, "I said I'm not tasty...!" she complained.
SirOni: A low gasp escapes the young rancher as Priscilla enters her for a second time, her fat cock, while having stretched Colt out slightly last time still feels like it's threatening to split her in half as it enters her. "T-that... that feels g-goos, Pris~" Coltia coo's out, her hips instinctively pushing against Priscilla to force her length deeper inside her.
SirOni: "But you are oh so tasty~" Coltia replies to Chris, a fingertip lightly teasing the fairies backside as the young woman's tongue continues to invade the small girl's pussy.
MAF: Priscilla continued to repeat her favorite, meaningless word as she plowed herself into Coltia, stretching her pussy while both of their round butts rippled from the impact of the orc slamming herself in. From the way Priscilla moved so eagerly and excitedly, it was clear she was eager to seed Coltia a second time, and try to get her pregnant. The fairy herself was taken by the pleasure too, crying out and moaning as Coltia's big tongue poked at and prodded her tiny little pussy.
SirOni: Letting out a quick cry of pleasure with each of Priscilla's thrusts Coltia continues to use her tongue on the small girl, pushing it as deep as she can to get at the fairies heavenly taste.
MAF: Priscilla's thrusts seemed to prolong when she hilts, keeping herself fully inside Coltia for a moment, before drawing out and thrusting back in as if to push to her deepest parts to coat with her seed. Her breasts pressed against Coltia's back, the large orbs squishing flat as the Orc leaned forward even more, with her ass sticking high in the air, rocking her hips back and forth in an erotic display, the fluids from her own pussy leaking down her shaft and making Coltia even more filthy than she was before.
SirOni: Coltia's entire body quivers with each thrust from Priscilla, the feeling of the dick being forced deeper and deeper into her body beginning to get too much for the young woman. "Y-yes... T-that's it, i-i-in there..!~" Coltia cries out as she feels the tip of Priscilla's thick cock rubbing against her cervix before spearing into her womb, and for a moment Colt allows herself to completely forget about Chris as her body is taken over by an immense feeling of pleasure. Though as it begins to subside Colt goes back to fucking the fairy with her tongue, determined to make her feel as good as Priscilla is making her.
MAF: Holding Coltia tight, Priscilla quickens her thrusts until they were bouncing off of each other, the lewd slapping of their flesh together echoing through the room as Priscilla pounded into Coltia. Panting heavily, Priscilla put all of her concentration into fucking Coltia, while the fairy herself suddenly tensed as she squirted a sweet tasting nectar into Coltia's mouth, apparently having experienced orgasm.
SirOni: Coltia greedily swallows up Chris' heavenly taste as the fairy reaches her own orgasm and squirts into the young woman's mouth. With her arms wrapped around Chris' waist and her face pressed between her legs Coltia allows herself to get lost in the pleasure coursing through her body as Priscilla continues to ravage her, wildly bucking her hips as the two women's bodies slap against each other, Colt's own orgasm quickly building up. "T-that's it... Pris... C-cum lots in-inside me..."
MAF: "Oogieee!" Priscilla cries out in pleasure, squealing loudly as her hips thrust as fast as she could possibly manage, before she buried herself into Coltia's pussy all the way to the hilt, her hips shaking, stimulating her cock as it shook around inside of Colt as she provided a torrent of her cum to greet Coltia's womb, filling her with her potent seed, and just like before, making her belly swell with the sheer mass of how much Coltia was being filled, during the middle of which, some of her cum found a way out, and was ejected from Coltia's pussy in a stream of white, gooey cum which stained Priscilla's inner thigh. The inside of Colt's body felt hot, as if Priscilla's cum was burning her up inside with the fact that she was now carrying another load of her fertilization.
SirOni: Coltia cries out in pleasure as Priscilla's dick fully enters her, stretching her stomach out even before depositing her load. As soon as the orc girl's thick seed enters her womb and stretches her own even further Coltia lets out another cry of pleasure, her body tensing up as she reaches her own orgasm. Sandwiched between Chris and Priscilla Colt lies there, panting and moaning as her body slowly recovers from her orgasm, a trickle of saliva running down her chin and on to Chris' nether regions.
MAF: "Hauuu..." the fairy whined, panting along with everyone else while Priscilla's slight motions while still over Coltia's body caused her dick to stir her cum around inside of her.
SirOni: "H-hee, you really c-came lots, didn't you?" Coltia pants out, her eyes looking up at Priscilla as she remains lying down on Chris. "We really keep g-getting caught up in the e-emotion, huh? W-we keep going like this, and I'll get p-pregnant for sure." Coltia gently caresses her stretched stomach as she speaks, a part of her wanting to experience giving birth to an orc baby. "Though of course," The young rancher begins, a lewd smile forming on her lips as she looks to the fairy. "You'd have plenty of m-milk to drink then, Chris."
MAF: "Hauu..." she whines again, her lower half a mess in yellow fluids that Coltia would taste to find it to be her nectar. "Oogie~" Priscilla giggles at the mention of Coltia getting pregnant, as if that was her intention
SirOni: Worried that Chris may have just peed herself Colt is relieved to find it's actually her nectar, and with a smile she hungrily laps it up, the young rancher's body almost completely recovered from her orgasm and ready for more.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

MAF: Priscilla slowly pulled her dick out from within Coltia, covering the bed in all the sticky cum that oozed out of her as a result. Once she had done that, she fell over in a happy heap, pleased and satisfied, while Chris let out another cry, one of her feet pushing against Coltia's face. "S-stop it already!" she insisted.

SirOni: A low gasp of pleasure escapes Colt's lips as Priscilla slides out of her, a lewd smile forming on her face as she feels the orc girl's semen run out of her and down her legs, pooling onto her bed. "Stop it?" Colt repeats as she sits up and clasps her amulet, the smile still on her face. "Pris has been satisfied, and I've played with you, now it's your turn to satisfy me." Coltia presses the button on the amulet, ready for what's about to happen.

MAF: Colt would realize something was different about the amulet. As she pressed the button... It only let out a small shock, before dying out. It seemed to be out of power. And Chris took the silence as an opportunity to crawl into the pillowcase to hide.

SirOni: "Huh... now this is unexpected," Colt mutters to herself as the amulet fizzles out, apparently having been broken at some point. "Guess I'm going to have to see Venice about thi- hey, where'd you?" Coltia calls out suddenly as Chris goes into hiding, though a moment later she notices a misshapen lump inside her pillow. Reaching out Coltia grabs the pillow and stocks an arm inside. Grabbing onto the fairy the rancher pulls her out. "It's a shame this thing's stopped working, otherwise you could've had all the semen you'd want."

MAF: The little fairy makes angry cat noises as she's grabbed and held again. "I don't wanna! I nearly was choked to death already!"

SirOni: "Hee, I'm not as rough as Pris," Sitting the fairy on her lap Coltia begins to run her hands through the small girl's hair. "I'd have let you take care of it yourself. Though you do have a pretty cute ass~"

MAF: "I only like men!" she shouted, her wings fluttering to try and take flight again.

SirOni: "You say that, but it looked and sounded like you were enjoying yourself earlier~" Coltia teases, placing a hand around the fairies waist to stop her from escaping.

MAF: "Stop holding me dooown!" she cried, looking more and more frustrated.

SirOni: "If I don't you'll just fly away. We really need to work on your loyalty if you're going to insist on running away~" Coltia pets Chris with her free hand, keeping her other on the small mamono's waist.

MAF: "I wanna flyyyy! You're a mean, evil person!" the fairy cries, squirming and screaming.

SirOni: "Mean and evil?" Coltia repeats, pouting. "And if I release you what would you do?"

MAF: "Just let me gooo!" she screams, biting Coltia's hand.

SirOni: "Ouch!" Crying out in surprise Coltia pulls her hand back as Chris bites her.

MAF: Chris flies up into the air once Coltia let get, before swarming around the room with rapid speed. Some small things were knocked over, and she continued to fly around like an angry bee. "I'm so mad!" she shouted angrily.

SirOni: Clutching her hand Coltia looks up and watches the fairy zoom around the room. "Oh, you're mad, eh?" The young woman calls out, her eyes never leaving Chris. "What are you going to do then? I'm right here, why not take your anger out on me?" Colt calls out to Chris, goading the small girl.

MAF: Flying up to the ceiling, the fairy glared down at Coltia, before flying down to the corner of the bed, taking the covers, and swinging them up and over Coltia, covering her in a sudden attack of bed sheets. Then she flew over to the pillow and began to beat Coltia with it under the covers.

SirOni: Coltia watches Chris with a bemused expression as the fairy flies up to the ceiling, though she is taken by surprise by her sudden dive bomb at the bed. With no time to react Coltia finds herself covered by the bed sheets and is beaten with a pillow. It takes her several minutes though Coltia manages to free herself from her prison of sheets, a smile on her face. "Oh, it's a pillow fight you want, is it?" Diving onto the bed and grabbing one of the others Colt proceeds to swing at the small girl, not hard enough to knock her flying but enough to show that she's willing to play.

MAF: Chris lost her grip on the pillow, spinning round and round before regaining herself, and making another dive bomb at Coltia, tickling her all over with her fingers and vibrating wings.

SirOni: Coltia falls backwards onto the bed as Chris tackles her, cries of laughter escaping the young woman as the fairy begins to tickle her all over.

MAF: Tickling her for a few moments longer, Chris suddenly stops, and flies into the air again, soaring overhead and pointing a finger down at her, "That's your punishment!" she said, taking and tossing a pillow at her face. "Don't ever do those things to me again!"

SirOni: Coltia remains lying on the bed as Chris flies back up, her face flushed red. "Hee, I can't promise I won't 'play' with you again, but I'll make sure it's just us next time~" Colt calls up to the fairy, catching the pillow as it flies at her.

MAF: "Never again!" she shouted, levitating the second pillow with her magic and bapping Coltia on the back of the head with it.

SirOni: "Careful now," Colt begins as she reachies out for the second pillow, a sly grin on her face. "I'm your master, you shouldn't be giving me orders."

MAF: "You're just a human with stinky blood in you! You are not my master!" she declared.

SirOni: "Well if I'm not your master then I guess I don't have to give you milk," Coltia says casually, her head turned away from Chris though she keeps the fairy in the corner of her eye.

MAF: "I'll just find my own! I don't need a master, and I don't want one!" she said, flying out of the room, slipping under the door if she had to.

SirOni: "Oh no you don't!" Jumping over Priscilla's body and lunging at the door Coltia quickly unlocks it and gives chase after the fairy, making a grab for her legs.

MAF: The fairy dodges and flies out of the way, "I'm not gonna be a slave! I'd rather die!"

SirOni: "C'mere! You're not going to be a slave!" Coltia calls out, starting to get annoyed at the fairies actions. "Don't you want to show people how powerful you can become?"

MAF: The fairy blew at Coltia with a rude noise using her tongue, getting some spit on the Rancher, "I don't wanna be held down and messed with! I wanna fly, and be free!"

SirOni: "Dammit, I'm not trying to hold you down," Coltia growls out, getting steadily more angry. "I'm just trying to stop you from running away. I try to show you some kindness, and try to bond with you. And this is the thanks I get?" Coltia comes to a stop, fed up of chasing the fairy around the house and her ungrateful attitude.

MAF: "Your thanks are stupid and contain spanking and choking me and licking all of my honey! Poo on you!" she stuck her tongue out at Coltia, and continued to fly around the house.

SirOni: "Then what do you want to do?" Coltia sighs, trying to get through to the fairy is proving more difficult than she had first thought. She guesses that being the ones to rough her up doesn't help matters either.

MAF: "I wanna fly, and play!" she said defiantly. "I wanna smell flowers and dance in the rain! This house is stupid! I wanna drink milk and have fun! Stuuuupid!"

SirOni: "Well then, you can do that here," Colt replies, crossing her arms over her chest as the two of them finally make some progress. "You don't HAVE to live in the house, we can help make you a home somewhere on the ranch. But you have to follow my orders. I don't want to lord it over you, but you've got to understand that you're my mamono and as such we need to work together. I won't be forcing you to do anything you don't want to do, I just thought it would be nice to spend some time together. And yes, I will admit I may have gone too far last time. But you did taste really sweet~"

MAF: "I don't wanna do what you say! Bleeeeh~!" she sticks her tongue out again, "You're no fun at all, all you do is spank me and squeeze me in your hand, and that's not fun!"

SirOni: "And I apologised for that," Coltia frowns, resting a hand against her head for a moment. "And I won't be giving you many orders. It'll mosty be the occasional training sessions until you start trusting me."

MAF: The fairy frowned at Coltia before flying away, "I'm hungry! Where's the milk man!" she declared.

SirOni: Coltia sighs. "Check the fridge, or wherever the delivery man left what was dropped off. I'm going to get Priscilla." With that Colt heads back upstairs to wake Priscilla if she hasn't woken up already.

MAF: Priscilla was still on the bed, with the big ol' puddle of cum next to her that exited Coltia's body previously.

SirOni: A smile forms on Colt's face as she shakes her head at Priscilla before moving over to wake her up. "C'mon sleepy head, time to get up," Colt purrs, kissing Priscilla while taking the orc girls dick in her hand and begins to slowly jerk her off.

MAF: Priscilla bolts up when she was stimulated, and glomps Coltia immediately, thinking she was going to have sex again.

SirOni: "Hee, not so fast. We've got to make time for training after all," Colt says teasingly to Priscilla as she releases her dick when the orc girl hugs her. Pulling herself free from Priscilla Coltia gives her another kiss. "That fairy sure is a pain in the ass, huh? It's going to take some work to get her to trust us."

MAF: Priscilla giggles as she begins to stroke herself at the thought of getting the fairy in on things, her one-track mind treading on rather sturdy tracks.

SirOni: "C'mon, cut that out for now," Coltia calls out as she begins to tidy her room back up, gathering up the dirty sheets and putting them in one pile while she replaces them with cleaner ones. "We can have some more fun later on if you want." With her bed tidy once more Coltia dresses herself again and hands Priscilla the scraps of clothing that she called clothes.

MAF: Priscilla quickly puts the scraps on, and pumps her arms as she's ready to follow! Although when Coltia turns around, Priscilla compulsively hugs close to her, sniffing her and poking her from behind with her excitement.

SirOni: "C-c'mon, Pris..." Coltia mutters as she's pulled into the orc's embrace, not meaning to get turned on but ends up doing so.

MAF: Priscilla respects Coltia's wishes, although she was handsy the rest of the way...

SirOni: Content with Priscilla not trying to have sex with her again Coltia allows the orc girl to grope her as the two of them make their way back downstairs, the young woman wondering where the fairy has gotten off to.

MAF: "Weee~" she heard the fairy, having somehow gotten outside. Barely fluttering her wings, the swift breeze carried her along as she giggled and laughed, flying through the air. "Waaah~!" she giggled again.

SirOni: "Well, at least she seems to have calmed down for now," Colt comments as she watches Chris' aerial display before putting away the dirty bed clothes. "You hungry?" She asks, turning to face Priscilla.

MAF: Priscilla nods with excitement, "Oogie!"

SirOni: "Hee, I knew you'd like that," Coltia searches around for a moment for the meat that had been delivered earlier, and once finding it she takes a piece out. Smiling, Colt takes a bite out and holds it between her lips, as if offering it to Priscilla.

MAF: Priscilla attacks her for the meat, eating the meat right out of her mouth, and then holding the meat stick to Coltia's mouth once more, to encourage this way of eating.

SirOni: Smiling, Coltia did as Priscilla wanted. Taking another bite of the meat Colt holds it between her lips, and with the young ranchers hands now free she grabs onto the orc girl's buttocks, pulling Priscilla against her.

MAF: Priscilla giggled at the motion, before gladly eating away at the tasty meat.

SirOni: Coltia continues to feed Priscilla in this manner until all the meat has been torn off the bone and both girls' mouthes are covered in meat grease and saliva. "Mmmm, that was quite tasty~" Coltia says coyly, kissing the orc girl once more before licking her lips. "Well then, what should we do now?"

MAF: Priscilla began to undress once Coltia asked her question.

SirOni: "My, you've sure got a one track mind," Coltia says, giving Priscilla's ass a firm squeeze. "But I'm afraid it'll have to wait until later. Chris seems content with flying around for now, how about we take a trip to Venice? I want to see what's wrong with this amulet. I tried using it earlier but for some reason it wouldn't work."

MAF: Priscilla seemed disappointed, but nodded anyway. They proceeded to Venice's Ranch, which looked nothing like a Ranch, and more like a giant castle. Approaching the gate, Coltia stated her business with Venice and her rank to the guards at the gate, before Venice appeared on a screen to the left of the gate. "Is there something you need?" Venice said quickly. There were several people around her, including Jade, one was a well rounded female with long, curly blond hair, another with blond, straight hair and fox ears, and another with a clear crystal body. They each seemed like very important, and very powerful people.

SirOni: Coltia's eyes grow wide at the sight of Venice's 'ranch', it's grandness putting her own quaint ranch to shame. "Uh... hi, Venice," Colt begins, a nervous quiver in her voice. "My, uh... My amulet seems to not be working. I wondered if you knew how to fix it."

MAF: "You can recharge it in the city for 500G each time. I'd truly only reccomend you use it when you wish to have a baby with your mamono." she said, before the crystal girl leaned over, waving her hand, "Hi there~" she said, while the well rounded woman giggled, and the fox girl sighed.

SirOni: "500G? ...wow, that sure is a lot of money... Maybe we shouldn't have wasted its charge, huh?" Colt says as she turns to Priscilla. "Though it was certainly fun." Coltia turns back to the screen as one of the women greets her. "Hello!" Coltia greets the women cheerily, waving to them.

MAF: "Come meet me in the town sometime!" the crystal girl insisted. "Springs, theme park, or just the normal park~ Look for me, okay?" she said, before Venice interjected, "Do not use my intercom to advertise to potential victims," she stated. "Is that all you wanted, Coltia?"

SirOni: "That sounds like fun, sure!" Coltia says happily, eager to make new friends despite Venice's use of the word 'victim'. "And yeah, that's all I need for now. Thanks for the help, sorry I couldn't stay for longer. I'll be sure to next time!" Coltia waves goodbye to Venice and the girls.

MAF: "Good day, Coltia," Venice said, while the other three seemed to lack Venice's formality as they waved back as well.

SirOni: As the two of them get back to the ranch Coltia thinks about what the crystal girl had said before. "Hmm... I'm going to take a trip into town, see if I can get this recharged and look around. You stay here, I'll be back later and then we can have some fun, like you want. And be nice to Chris."

MAF: Priscilla nodded, and proceeded to chase after Chris with a growing erection as the fairy flied through the air.

SirOni: "Dammit all..." Coltia mutters to herself as she watches Priscilla chasing after Chris. "Priscilla, leave Christ alone!"

MAF:: Chris seemed safe, though Priscilla still seemed interested in her. She was high in the air, out of Priscilla's reach.

SirOni: Coltia frowns at Priscilla's display, though is content knowing that Chris will most likely stay out of her reach until the young rancher comes back. Sighing, Coltia turns back round and heads to town, wondering what the crystal lady has in store for her.

MAF: When Coltia makes her way to the town, she comes across two girls talking with each other. "Working for Melpha is profitable, but are you sure you want to get pregnant?" one asks the other girl. "I like it... Even if I do get pregnant. She should be at the springs right now." she stated while the other girl shook her head. "I'm going to just ask Claire what she needs help with. At least those kinds of pregnancies just involve pushing out all of the slime."

SirOni: Coltia stands there for a moment, listening in on the two girls' conversation before they walk away. "Working for Melpha..? And she's at the springs? Guess I could see what that's about." With her destination set Coltia sets about looking for directions to the springs. Once found she'll make her way there.

MAF: Making her way to the hotsprings, Coltia got dressed in her birthday suit, as bare as when she was born, and entered the hot springs. There, she saw the familiar face of Melpha, the blond curly haired woman, relaxing in the springs, while the familiar girl from before was here as well, although she was right next to Melpha with a werewolf behind her, getting fucked by it right in public. Eyes were drawn, but no one did anything, while Melpha herself was the most interested, watching the werewolf's length slide in and out of the girl with interest.

SirOni: Stripping naked Coltia makes her way into the hotsprings, the warm water feeling relaxing on her bare flesh. Wading in it for a moment Colt suddenly stops in surprise as she sees one of the girls from earlier quite openly having sex with Melpha's werewolf. For several minutes Colt watches their lewd act, her eyes drawn to the werewolf's dick as it thrusts in and out of the woman, unable to shake her gaze from the two of them. It is only when she finds herself lightly pleasuring herself does Colt stop, and pulling her eyes away from the two women she makes her way over to Melpha. "Uh, hey there, Melpha. Remember me?" Colt greets the older woman, her face flushed red as she makes no effort to cover up her indecency.

MAF: Melpha turned to Coltia, but didn't share words. Instead, she stood, and took Coltia by her shoulder, and led her over to behind the fucking pair, and told her to lean over. Their thighs just below their asses were above water, and Melpha used that to get Coltia to lean forward to get the best possible view of the penetration, even lifting the werewolf's tail out of the way to show Coltia the girl as she was getting so passionately fucked. "Ruin likes to dominate. And this likes to be dominated. She bonds so well with her," Melpha stated with a giggle. "Don't you agree, Coltia?"

SirOni: Coltia blushes as she Melpha takes hold of her and directs her to the two women having passionate sex, her face turning an even deeper shade of crimson as she's forced to watch the werewolf's cock thrust into the other woman. "D-dominated..?" The younger woman stutters out, turning to look at Melpha for a moment. "I-I've got my hands full with Priscilla... I-I don't think I c-could take something like a werewolf as well..."

MAF: Melpha giggles, "Well, who is this Priscilla, hmm? Is she that delicious plump girl I saw?"

SirOni: "Y-yes, she's my orc girl. You, uh... you caught us when we were in the middle of s-something..." Colt stammers out, her eyes unable to leave the sight of the werewolf's dick penetrating the woman.

MAF: Melpha giggles again, "Do you like Ruin's cock?" she inquired, almost right when the girl from the town cried out as the werewolf made a daring thrust into her, and held herself deep as Coltia could literally watch the base of her red cock that emerged from over her pussy swell, and lock herself inside of the girl's pussy. "Oh my~ She's cumming~" Melpha said, as Coltia could hear the werewolf squirting inside of the woman it was making it's whore.

SirOni: "I-it's quite different to Priscilla's," Coltia comments, her voice a whisper as she watches Ruin's knot swell up inside the other woman. "B-but... I don't like the idea of being d-d-dominated like that..."

MAF: "Is it wrong?" Melpha inquired, worried.

SirOni: "N-no... I-it's just that, I don't think I could t-take that and Priscilla..." Coltia finally pulls herself away from the lewd display, standing back up, her back to the couple and facing Melpha, everything on display once more.

MAF: Melpha looked a little sad. "Are you... Not interested in my Ruin?"

SirOni: "I-it's not that..." Coltia turns her head away from Melpha, though her eyes still rest on the older woman. "I-I came here for a-another reason..."

MAF: "Oh?" she inquired, though didn't seem pleased that she wanted to change the subject.

SirOni: "W-well... I did come here to charge my a-amulet first... But then I heard you'd be here..." Biting her lower lip Coltia flushes red once more. "A-and Venice did say that it would be b-best if I bonded with other ranchers..."

MAF: "That can be done easily, but it would seem as if our interests don't align... I'm sorry," Melpha said with a sad expression.

SirOni: Coltia looks a little dishearted though she understands. "Well... o-okay..." The young rancher says pitifully, her head slightly hanging low. "Um... I do have a question though... I'm l-looking for someone. A crystal-like girl said she wanted to m-meet me, when I went to Venices. H-have you seen her around?"

MAF: "She should be in the theme park, it is one of her favorite locations."

SirOni: "Theme park? Okay, I guess I'll check there. Well, see you around, Melpha. A-and if you change your mind, y-you know where I live." Bidding the three women goodbye Coltia leaves the hotsprings a little more disheartened than she arrived, though once drying and getting dressed she sets off to the theme park.

MAF: Making her way to the theme park, Coltia found it to be quite the scene of joyous rides and happy folk looking for a good time. Amidst all of the travelers was the crystal woman she saw before. She was buying candy from a local vendor

SirOni: Coltia looks in wonderment at the rides, a childlike giddiness building up inside her, though as the young rancher spots the crystal woman her attention is focused on her. "Hey there~!" Colt calls out cheerily as she jogs towards the woman, waving at her.

MAF: The woman looks to Coltia with a smile, and buys another swirl of cotton candy, handing it to her, "Hello again, Coltia. I am Crystal Claire. It's so wonderful to meet a new face."

SirOni: "T-thank you!" Coltia says happily as she receives the cotton candy, taking a bite out of it straight away. "Mmm, tastes nice. And it's a pleasure to see you again, Claire. I wasn't sure I'd find you here after coming here so soon after visiting Venice."

MAF: "We just had a short meeting to discuss the upcoming S Class tryouts. Melpha is only B class, but she organizes it for us."

SirOni: "S Class, huh? Maybe I'll get up to those battles some day," Coltia says between mouthfuls of cotton candy.

MAF: "Perhaps~" Claire responded, licking her cotton candy as well.

SirOni: "So... what do you want to do?" Colt asks as she finishes her cotton candy, a piece stuck to the side of her mouth going unnoticed by the young rancher.

MAF: She thinks for a moment before leaning forward and collecting the candy on her mouth with her tongue. "Let's have sex," she said flatly.

SirOni: A hand comes up to touch the area that Claire had licked the cotton candy off as Colt blushes at her forwardness. "Um...uh.. R-right here?" Coltia stammers out, her mind going blank at the sudden proposal. While she had assumed it would eventually come down to this she hadn't guessed Claire would've come out with it so suddenly.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

(Nothing to see here, just a whole lot of derp.)

MAF: "I'm asking you dearly, won't you have sex with me, right now?" she asked, looking at Coltia directly.

SirOni: The young rancher's face flushes a deep red at Claire's request, her eyes unable to lock onto the mamono rancher in front of her. "I-I-I... you'd really want to take me as y-your l-lover?"

MAF: "Is there something wrong with that?" Claire asked.

SirOni: "N-no, of course not!" Colt replies, perhaps a bit louder than she intended on doing. "I-it's just so unexpected is all. I-if you wish it I'd be h-honoured to be y-your l-lover today."

MAF: "I see, thank you~ You don't have to have sex with me now, I just wanted to confirm something. Although if you really want to, we still can. It might be embarressing though."

SirOni: "'C-confirm something?' Is she teasing me..?" Coltia thinks to herself, pouting for a moment. "E-embarrassing? I-I'd not find it embarrassing for such a p-powerful rancher to c-consider having s-sex with me."

MAF: "You're so silly, you know~ Come this way~" Claire said, taking Coltia's arm, and leading her through the park.

SirOni: "O-okay..." Muttering her compliance to Claires offer Coltia quietly walks with the older rancher, wondering where she is being lead to.

MAF: Claire takes Coltia to a quiet little area out of sight, behind a building with various trees and growing grass about. With an arm around her shoulder, Claire led Coltia to this quiet place, and stops in a more secluded area. "I heard from Melpha... I thought you were not so open to intimacy."

SirOni: "M-Melpha..?" Coltia stammers once the two of them stop, her face growing hot once more. How had she managed to speak to Claire so soon? "W-well... I-I want to form r-relationships with all the ranchers... b-bond and get close to you all... So..."

MAF: "Melpha's mamono were... Too much?" she asked slowly.

SirOni: "T-the werewolf... She seemed pretty i-intimidating..." Colt turns away from Claire as she explains, embarrassed by what she is saying. "While Pris is r-rough... S-she doesn't try to f-force me into it..."

MAF: "I won't try to understand, but I wish the best for you. I limit myself to hearing the aquatic voices, you see."

SirOni: "Aquatic... voices?" A confused look comes over Colt's face at Claire's words. "You mean you use water-based mamono?"

MAF: "Mmm~" Claire nodded with a smile.

SirOni: "S-so, what are they like? I may end up taking in some for myself eventually. I intend on being the best, so I'd need some after all, right?" Now with th conversation turning towards monster raising Colt becomes more confident and comfortable around Claire.

MAF: "They are quite dependable. There are few attacks which can truly destroy our kind. Magic is usually a problem though. I generally prevail over physical opponents, obviously~"

SirOni: "Sounds like they'd certainly be handy to have around," Coltia comments, a smile forming on her face. The young rancher is certainly enjoying spending time with Claire, just talking like this. "Though... how demanding can they be when it comes to... sex..?" Coltia says meekly once more, embarrassed by asking the question though knowing that she needs to know how to handle them.

MAF: "Quite~" Claire answered with a giggle. "I often have to hire men to tend to them."

SirOni: "Sounds like I'm g-going to have my hands full then," Colt's face flushes once more at the prospect of having to tend to the needs of more rowdy mamono.

MAF: Claire giggled, "We all must find out lot in life~ What's your's, hmm?"

SirOni: "Mine..?" Colt goes silent for a moment, searching for an answer. "Um... I'm not really sure to be honest. I just want to try my best at being a great rancher while making friends and relationships along the way."

MAF: "Oh~? You seem to have other interests as well, as I can taste semen on your leg."

SirOni: "T-taste!?" Colt's eyes grow wide with shock. "W-when did you get the chance..? A-and... that would be Priscilla's... my overbearing orc partner. She's a good girl though, and I enjoy spending the time with her."

MAF: Claire giggled as she held up her hand that had touched Coltia's leg. "I'm a slime myself, you know?"

SirOni: "A... slime? So mamono can be ranchers as well?" Colt looks upon Claire with slight confusion mixed with curiosity.

MAF: She nodded, "Clearly~"

SirOni: "So... how many of you are there? Mamono ranchers, that is. Um... sorry if that came out wrong." Colt adds at the end, thinking that she could have ended up insulting Claire by accident.

MAF: "Well, there are plenty. Is it so strange?"

SirOni: "Um, well... Thinking about it, not really. I just didn't expect to see any take up this line of work is all. It's quite impressive actually." Colt smiles playfully at the end.

MAF: "Mmm~ Well, I've run out of thigns to say," she stated, letting Coltia fill in that gap.

SirOni: "Oh..." Colt replies, sounding crestfallen at what sounds like Claire getting bored. "Do you... Would you like me to leave then..?"

MAF: "I wouldn't request that you leave, why would you say such a thing?"

SirOni: "Um well... it s-sounded like you were done here..." Colt mutters out quietly, embarrassed by seemingly reading Claire wrongly.

MAF: "I'm trying to know what you want, but you only seem to want to be given direction. Is that right?"

SirOni: "Well, it's n-not like I can't decide what I want... I do know what I want... it's just that, I'm still in awe that you'd w-willingly spend some time with me, a lowly E ranked rancher."

MAF: "You came to me and wonder why I spend time with you? Ha-ha! Should I be so unwelcoming?"

SirOni: "Um... T-that's not exactly what I meant.. I was, um.." Colt grows flustered as she trips up over her own words, unable to find the right words to explain what she means. "I guess it doesn't matter..." She says finally after several minutes of confused stammering. "What matters right now is that w-we're here, e-enjoying ourselves."

MAF: "Yes, I agree~ But are we really enjoying our selves? I'm here merely wondering why you're acting to silly, and it seems you're waiting for me to do something~ I wonder what you want me to do~"

SirOni: "I, uh... well..." Colt fidgets for a moment, conflicted by her desire for Claire and her position to the older rancher. Though Claire seems to want it as well, so it can't be wrong, right? With that train of thought Colt turns to look at Claire, and with a determined expression on her face the young rancher moves closer to the woman, intending to kiss her.

MAF: Claire moves forward slightly to meet Coltia's kiss, giggling as she does so, as a hand trails down to rub at Coltia's panty covered genitals.

SirOni: Colt lets out a gasp in their kiss as she feels Claire's fingers tease her slit. The young rancher's own hands move to Claire's chest, gently taking hold of her breasts as Colt's tongue invades Claire's mouth.

MAF: Coltia's hand that felt Claire's breast felt as if she were touching a marble figurine. Smooth, but incredibly firm, Claire's breast didn't shift or move no matter what she did.

SirOni: "W-wow, you have an i-interesting body~" Coltia coos as she breaks away from the kiss, her forehead resting against Claire's as she teases the older rancher's seemingly immoveable chest.

MAF: Claire giggled, pumping an arm, "I won a durability contest against Jade, you know~!"

SirOni: "Hee, I bet she wasn't happy about that," Chuckling, Colt brings her hands to rest on Claire's shoulders whilst sticking her ass out, slowly moving it up and down against the slime girl's fingers. "Jade did seem pretty proud when I saw her."

MAF: "And with every right, Jade is one of the most powerful mamono." Claire responded, her hand losing it's shape, forming into a tentacle as Coltia would feel herself pierced by Claire's body.

SirOni: "W-well, I guess I'll have to beat her too one da- Aaaaaah!" Cut off midsentence by Claire's sudden penetration Coltia cries out in pleasure as the slime-tentacle spears into her without warning. "Y-you could've said something~" Coltia mutters between moans as she relaxes her body, the young rancher's hips gently bucking with Claire's thrusts.

MAF: Claire giggles, before taking a knee, and bending Coltia over it, licking her lips as she pumped her 'arm' in and out of Coltia. "I'm collecting so much semen from inside you. You've been so naughty lately~" she giggled.

SirOni: Colt cries out in surprise as she's suddenly turned around, Claire continuing her attack between the young rancher's legs. "I-it's almost all Pris and I h-have been doing for the past t-two weeks... Been s-spending time bonding..." Colt says between moans, her hips bucking wildly now as her juices begin to flow freely.

MAF: "Oh~?" Claire cooed as she squirmed the tip of her tentacle around inside. "You sound like Melpha when she was but your age~"

SirOni: "I-I do?" A smile forms on the young rancher's face. To be compared to such a talented rancher set Colt's heart ablaze. "I-I hope I can live up t-to her legacy~!" As the tentacle squirms around deep inside Colt she lets out a loud cry, her body tensing up slightly as she nears her orgasm.

MAF: "But unlike you, when she met Ruin, she was so happy to be dominated by her. I helped her give birth to many pups from the countless amounts of mating they did, until Melpha became infertile," Claire continued as if she didn't care that Colt was about to cum.

SirOni: "S-sounds like Priscilla and myself..." Coltia holds tightly to Claire's legs, her moaning growing faster. "N-no matter how many t-times we end up having s-sex, I always e-end up letting her c-cum in me. I-I've not gotten p-pregnant though, b-but I love the f-feeling of her filling m-me up, so I d-don't ever want her to n-not c-cum in me~" It isn't long after that Colt finally reaches her orgasm, Claire would feel the walls of Colt's pussy tightening around her tentacle-arm as the young rancher cries out, her eyes rolling up and her tongue lolling out as her entire body tenses up.

MAF: Claire pulls her tentacle out and licks the tip as a glob of cum was visable on it. "Choice is irrelevant so long as desire remains, you know. I wouldn't be angry about being forced to eat cotton candy~" she giggled, before sitting Coltia down.

SirOni: Colt rests against Claire as she is sat down, her body weak from her orgasm. "Mmm, cotton candy. Could go for some of that right now~" Colt mutters quietly as she recovers, a hand placed on Claire's leg. "A-and it's not like I'd stop P-Pris from cumming in me... I do desire it a lot..." The young girl's face flushes at her comment. "B-but, you said something about Melpha being infertile..? How did that happen?"

MAF: "Melpha's been alive for a long time, you know." Claire said, "And I was directing my meaning towards Melpha and her own mamono whom you rejected."

SirOni: Coltia blushes at her mistake. "Oh... well... it's not like I wouldn't have had sex with her werewolf... it was just so sudden... And watching it dominate that woman, it looked pretty frightening."

MAF: Claire clicked her tongue, "You have room for it."

SirOni: "M-maybe..." Is all Coltia replies with, her head hanging low. "I... I should apologise to Melpha, right?"

MAF: "No," Claire replied simply, letting the blunt statement hang until Coltia replied.

SirOni: "N-no..?" Coltia repeats, looking up at Claire, confused as to why she'd say that.

MAF: "Don't apologize for something you don't mean to correct! If you apologize, the first thing anyone would expect you to do is right your wrong!"

SirOni: "Oh well, that does make sense..." Coltia comments, her head resting against Claire's shoulder. "Though... it's not like I won't have sex with her werewolf eventually..."

MAF: "Don't go back and forth with what you say!" Claire scolded Coltia.

SirOni: "I n-never said I wouldn't," Colt replies, flinching at the scolding she is receiving. "I-I'm just not comfortable with it at the moment... M-maybe it just needs to happen naturally... Capture one of my own first..."

MAF: "And if you end up captured instead?"

SirOni: "T-that won't happen! Pris would make sure of it."

MAF: "Are you a talented fortune teller?"

SirOni: "N-no... but it's not like I'm going to rush out to find one this instant. I know I have to make Priscilla more powerful before capturing a strong mamono. And I have to become a better rancher first..."

MAF: "You'll never be able to apologize at this rate," Claire sighed.

SirOni: "I thought you said I shouldn't apologise?" Colt asks playfully as she sits up and gently pokes Claire's cheek. Bringing her knees up Coltia slumps forward, her arms wrapping around her legs. "I guess it doesn't matter at the moment... I seemed to have disappointed Melpha then, so perhaps I should leave it for a while before going to see her again. Perhaps that's all that is needed? In the meantime Pris and I can get stronger together."

MAF: "Time, or simply sorting out what you want, that's important." she stated.

SirOni: "What I want? I want to become better. Pris and I had our first battle the other day, and I did pretty badly at directing her... I need to get better for both our sakes."

MAF: "I mean about the darn werewolves!" Claire laughed.

SirOni: "You should really make yourself more clear then," Colt replies, sticking her tongue out at Claire as she sits back once more. "I think I'll give them some time. Doesn't sound like a mamono that will be easy to bond with. At least not as easy as Priscilla anyway. And I've already got my hands full with Chris."

MAF: Claire sighed, "Fine, fine... Suit yourself. I tried to help, you know."

SirOni: "And I appreciate your help, I really do," Colt replies, trying to make sure that Claire knows she's not ungrateful. "It's helped me realise this. Can't do too much at once, you know? Things will come crashing down around me if I'm not careful. Sorry if it seems like I'm wasting your time."
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

MAF: "On the other hand, sometimes you must act boldly! I managed to stop a war, hundreds of years ago, by going straight into a demon's palace, you know~"

SirOni: "Wow, really? Though I'm just a starting out my rancher career..." Colt falls silent, thinking about what Claire had said. "But I guess you're right. Can't spend all my time taking it slowly. I... I think I'll pay Melpha a visit tomorrow, before I get to work properly training my mamono."

MAF: "Things like this are like flying for a bird, you know? What you want is way up in the sky, but to get there... Learning how to fly is very hard, and requires you to be bold, and give it all you got. Once you do learn how to fly... You can come to them parks like this every day and take it easy! I have so much money I don't know what to do with it!"

SirOni: "Yeah... you're right. I have to jump into this, I can't keep taking baby steps. That's how it took me this long to become a full fledged rancher. And if I want to become the best then I can't afford to keep taking it slow."

MAF: "Do your best~" Claire giggled

SirOni: "I-I will!" Getting to her feet, Colt seems to suddenly be full of energy with a determined look on her face. "Claire..." The young rancher says as she turns to face her new friend. "I want to thank you for helping me realise that I can do this. At first I wasn't sure if I could, I just wanted to start a ranch. But now I know someone believes in me, it doesn't seem so daunting, you know?"

MAF: "If you do go back to Melpha to apologize... Don't get pregnant~" Claire giggled as she stood up as well.

SirOni: "I-I'll try not to," Colt stammers out, face turning red from embarrassment. "W-well, I think I'm going to head back to my ranch now. Got to make sure Priscilla hasn't done anything to Chris while I've been away. It's been really nice to spend some time with you. I hope we can see each other again soon~"

MAF: "Bye bye~" Claire waved to her. And upon returning to her ranch, she heard clapping, and Chris chirping, "Bounce! And-bounce! And-bouncy!" she giggled as Coltia saw Priscilla clapping her hands, and Chris bouncing on Priscilla's hardened dick like a diving board.

SirOni: "It's certainly nice to see you two getting along now," Colt calls out to her two mamono, a smile on her face. "Sorry I was gone for so long."

MAF: "Oogie!" Priscilla exclaims, slamming into Colt and trying to put her dick to use.

SirOni: Coltia braces herself for the tackle she knows that is coming, allowing Priscilla to push her to the ground. "H-hey now, c'mon. Let me get up," Pushing Priscilla off of her Colt rises to her feet once more before helping the orc girl up and taking her hand. "You two best friends now?" She asks the two of them as she walks towards the house, pulling Pris with her and expecting Chris to follow.

MAF: "Piggy is fun to play with!" Chris exclaimed, while Priscilla followed with her typical, "Oogie!"

SirOni: "Hee~ See, I told you you'd like it here if you just gave it some time," Leading the two into the house Colt makes her way back upstairs, back to her bedroom. "I'm just glad you two are finally getting on so well after the fiasco that was earlier. I'd like to apologise for that again. It was wrong of me to force you to do that."

MAF: Chris simply made a lewd sound with her tongue at Coltia.

SirOni: "Still not talking to me?" Colt asks the fairy, pouting. "Well that's understandable. If you want you can just watch Pris and I." Turning to face Priscilla, Colt takes one of the orc girls hands and places it on her own buttocks, under her skirt. Leaning close to her Coltia kisses Priscilla deeply, the young ranchers tongue quickly making its way into the orc's mouth. She kisses Priscilla for several minutes before parting, a lewd smile on her face. "I had some fun earlier, though I was left unsatisfied. Do you want to remedy that for me~?"

MAF: "Wah!?" Chris exclaimed, before fluttering back. "You're always bending over for that piggy!" Chris said to her as Priscilla tried to get Coltia to lay on her back on the bed, her rock hard length eager to pump her with even more seed.

SirOni: With an eager look on her face Colt quickly removes her clothes, revealing her naked body once more to Priscilla. "Well I've got to keep her happy, you know?" Colt replies to Chris. "She's a very energetic girl. And I do so like her company. Why do you ask? Do you want to spend some time with your new friend~?"

MAF: Once she was nude, Priscilla buried herself on top of Coltia energetically, her large breasts squishing against Coltia's own, before her large length easily slid into her, easily stretching her after having already made Coltia fit her inside before. Chris meanwhile shook her head, "N-no thanks! I don't wanna play with that stupid, fat thing!"

SirOni: Coltia lets out a satisfied moan as Priscilla eagerly mounts her, the walls of her pussy gripping tightly around the orc's thick length. "O-oh god, t-that hits the spot~" The young rancher moans out, her arms wrapping around Priscilla's body. "T-that's not w-what it looked like e-earlier~" Colt calls out teasingly. "B-but that's fine w-with me... I-it's your choice. F-feel free to w-watch as much a-as you want~"

MAF: "Eh....!?" Chris exclaimed, before she did end up, nervously, watching from the side, the view of Priscilla's large did pistoning in and out of Coltia, and how stretched she was to fit the entire fat length inside, to the point where it looked so painful, and yet Coltia was moaning as if it felt unbearably good. "S-so scary..." Chris wavered at the thing going in and out of Coltia, which could easily squish her.

SirOni: "E-enjoying the view~?" Coltia calls out to Chris between moans, her breathing coming sharp and rapid as the orc's dick continues to spear into her, the tip burying itself into the young rancher's womb. "P-Pris... lets g-give Chris a-a better view~" Pushing the orc girl off her and onto the bed next to her Colt smiles lewdly at Chris before before climbing onto Pris' lap. Placing one arm around the orc girls shoulder Colt takes hold of Priscilla's dick with her other hand, and teasing the tip against her sex for a moment she slides down onto it, taking its full length deep into her. "S-see, Chris. Y-you can see e-everything better like t-this~"

MAF: Chris went red as her eyes locked right onto the sight of Coltia willingly impaling herself on Priscilla's fat dick, while Priscilla herself gripping Coltia by the hips, and aided her up and down, plunging Coltia up and down along her dick with loud and lewd noises of squishing and slapping of hips filling the room. Bucking her hips upwards, Priscilla's grip got tighter. "O-oogie~!" she exclaimed, letting her know in her own way that Priscilla was about to try and impregnate Coltia again.

SirOni: "Y-you better n-not be getting tired a-already~! T-this w-won't be enough, y-you know~" Colt's hand teases the base of Priscilla's dick as the orc girl thrusts into her. With each thrust Colt lets out a high pitched moan, her chest bouncing up and down and her body flushed red from the intense pleasure. "Y-you like w-what you see~?" The young rancher teases the fairy once more.

MAF: Priscilla bounced herself faster, and faster, before slamming Coltia down and releasing another torrent of her seed, Chris could definitely hear, and see Pris' cock pumping a load inside Coltia. When the excess cum splurted out from Colt's pussy, Chris fluttered with a cry to get out of the way as the floor was soon getting dripped upon by the seed leaving Coltia's filled womb.

SirOni: Coltia's body tenses up for a moment as Priscilla releases her seed inside her, coating her womb with her white mess and stretching her out even more. The young rancher hangs off her partner's shoulder, her body having grown weak from the torrent of cum pumped into her, though she hasn't reached her own orgasm yet. "S-so cute~" Colt coo's at Chris' reaction. Running a finger between her legs Colt gathers up some of Priscilla's semen before licking it off. "Mmmm, to tasty~ How about a try, Chris? C'mon, a little taste won't hurt~" Wiping a small amount of semen onto her finger once more Coltia offers it to the fairy.

MAF: Chris flushed red, before slowly fluttering closer, cautious, and ready to flutter backwards if Coltia did anything, before she tasted it with her tongue, and immediately drew back once she did, offering no signs of either disgust or pleasure from the act as she spun around, fluttering towards the wall.

SirOni: "Mmm, so h-how was it? To your l-liking I hope?" Colt smiles cutely at the fairy, her hand slowly working on the base of Priscilla's dick.

MAF: Chris shook her head, "It's nothing like a guy's semen! Yuck! It's like watered down gravy!" she gagged.

SirOni: "Hee, sounds like you're not being totally honest with yourself~" Coltia continues to tease the fairy. "C'mon Pris, I'm not finished yet~" Sliding Priscilla's thick cock out of herself and moaning for a moment as the cum rushes out of her Colt pushes the orc girl down onto her back. Lying down on top of Pris the young rancher shakes her ass playfully before taking the monstrous dick in her hands. "Feel free to give me a hand if you want, Chris~" Is all Colt says as her tongue begins to tease the tip of Pris' dick.

MAF: Chris blinked, before drawing back a little. "Um... There's nothing I can really do..." she said slowly as Priscilla laid back with satisfaction.

SirOni: "Oth courth there ith~" Colt says, her tongue gliding over the head of Pris' dick. "You've got a tongue, don't you?" Pulling away from the cock for a moment the young rancher points it towards Chris. "And you," She says playfully, Colt's head turning to look at Priscilla, a hand moving between her legs, a tip of the ranchers fingers rubbing between her pussy and pucker. "These aren't going to pleasure themselves~"

MAF: Chris put an arm behind her head as she nervously laughed, "Well, w-what I mean to say is... Is, um... I prefer... Small penises?" she said with worry.

SirOni: "Well then, guess that means there's more for me~ But feel free to join in whenever you're ready~" Turning her attention back to Priscilla's throbbing erection the young rancher's tongue begins to tease the tip once more, her hands working the length of the dick.

MAF: Priscilla spreads her legs apart, slouching on the bed as she grins down at Coltia, letting out a happy moan at how she was pleasing her dick. "Oogie~" she cheered.

SirOni: "Mmmm~ I could really get addicted to this dick~" Opening her mouth wide Coltia takes the head of the impressive rod into her mouth and clothes her lips around it. Still slowly pumping her hands up its length Coltia's tongue begins to swirl around the tip, her hips moving closer to the orc's mouth.

MAF: Priscilla eagerly grabbed Coltia's butt, and brought it to her face, extending her fat tongue, and licking it along Coltia's filthy, cum dripping pussy without care that she was tasting her own seed.

SirOni: Coltia moans as Priscilla begins teasing her pussy, her mouth slowly enveloping more of the orc girl's dick until she has taken as much as she can without deep throating her. The young rancher slowly grinds her hips as Pris' tongue invades her flower, Colt's head bobbing up and down the orcs dick.

MAF: Priscilla makes her usual vocal noises, trying to utter her favorite word while she licked and buried her face into Coltia's ass, cleaning up her juices and replacing them with her own bountiful saliva.

SirOni: Gurgled moans continue to escape Coltia as she feels Priscilla's tongue invade her ass, the orc girl greedily licking at her pucker as the young rancher's head quickly bobs up and down, slowly forcing the rest of Pris' length into her mouth until finally, she's deepthroating the monstrous cock.

MAF: Priscilla squirms her hips, trying not to hurt Coltia while at the same time wanting to pound into her, conveying her suffering as she made Coltia's body from the waist down drenched in her slimy saliva. Getting further frustrated, Coltia felt Priscilla's cock throb inside her mouth, a splurt of pre-cum entering her stomach.

SirOni: Coltia smiles as best she can as Priscilla begins to show her frustrations, the orc girl quickly becoming impatient. As she tastes the pre-cum Colt slowly pulls herself away from the dick, her hands enveloping around the base, gently stroking Priscilla's orc dick. "My, you're really impatient~" Coltia coo's as she wiggles her butt. "And here I wanted to get a good taste of your thick semen. Oh well, I guess it can't be helped~" Pulling away from the orc girl Coltia lies her chest on the bed and sticks her ass up in the air before wiggling it once more. "You really want this, don't you~" Sliding a hand between her legs Coltia spreads herself for Priscilla.

MAF: Priscilla gives out an eager "Oogie!" under a quick motion as she lifts up from the bed as if it were a dire emergency. Coltia felt Priscilla's hands grip her waist deperately, the orc panting and heaving with such excitement that she was drooling as she lined herself up with little effort, poking and proding where she may, before her tip found it's target, and Coltia felt Priscilla fill her right up, buried all the way inside with the aid of all the saliva from Priscilla. Once inside, Priscilla's panting sped up violently to match every single quick thrust, pounding into Coltia's pussy, and even lifting her feet off from the floor to give herself a better vantage point to fuck Coltia with reckless ferver.

SirOni: "Y-yeah, that's it. Come to momma~" Coltia lewdly pants out, her hips already bucking slightly before the orc girl even got to penetrating her. Though as she feels that thick orc cock thrust into her once more Colt cries out, her entire body shivering as she feels the penis pierce into her womb. Moaning in unison with Priscilla Coltia grips tightly onto the bedsheets, her hips bucking wildly.

MAF: Priscilla stiffins up suddenly during her relentless assault, hunching over forward, letting Coltia's feet touch the ground once more before Coltia felt the familiar sensation of Coltia's seed entering her, and filling her womb. Once she felt the both warm and filthy sensation of her orcish cum filling her, then she felt her a bit more ready to handle it as it began to overflow from her stretched pussy lips and dirty the bed and floor while expanding her belly as well. "Oogie..." Priscilla moaned in thankful release, panting as she held Coltia in place, impaled on her cock, until she was finished ejaculating inside of her, and then falling forward, laying on top of Coltia with her cock still buried inside of her.

SirOni: Coltia's eyes go wide as she feels the orc semen enter her womb once more, staining the rancher with the orc girl's scent, marking Colt as her lover and property once more. As she is filled up Coltia reaches her own orgasm, tensing up once more the young rancher's cry fills the room even with her face buried in the bedsheets. With Priscilla falling on top of her Coltia is content to lie like that, allowing both the orc girl and herself time to recover from their intense orgasms.

MAF: Priscilla's length slowly shrank until it limply fell out of her pussy, Coltia's own genitals throbbing as they slowly tried to shut and close the gaping hole Priscilla made in her, and pushing out various sizes of globs of cum in the process.

SirOni: "You... you really know h-how to satisfy m-me..." Colt mutters out quietly between deep breaths as she feels Priscilla's dick slipping out of her, her own pussy seemingly desperately trying to keep the orc girl's thick load inside her.

MAF: Priscilla climbed back onto the bed, and walked on her knees until she was in front of Colt, before taking her limp length in her hands, showing it off in all it's pussy and cum juice covered glory. "Oogie," Priscilla said simply, grinning, as she touched the tip against Coltia's mouth.

SirOni: "Still not finished yet?" Coltia asks playfully as she lifts herself up onto her arms, her head level with the orc girl's dick. "You really want me to become your slave, don't you~?" Leaning forward Coltia kisses the tip of Priscilla's cock, her tongue gently flicking across the tip before turning to Chris. "Hey you~ I bet you're bored of just sitting there. Why not get another taste of Pris' semen? There's plenty between my legs~" Whether Chris decides to take Coltia up on her offer or not the young rancher turns her attention back to the orc girl, and locking her eyes with Priscilla's Colt takes the orc's dick in her mouth once more.

MAF: Priscilla collected a glob of the semen on her dick, and stuck it into Coltia's mouth, as if encouraging her to eat the semen she was presenting to her, "Oogie!" Priscilla said, as if doing Coltia a favor, before letting her slip her mouth around her cock, collecting all of the semen on the cock that she took in, tasting Priscilla's own bitter cum as well as the taste of her own pussy. Meanwhile, Chris fluttered about, before shaking her head quickly, and flying away slightly before Priscilla grabbed her by a leg, and pulled the girl in with a squeak. "Nonnononononono!" Chris cried before Priscilla pressed Chris' face up against the side of her limp cock, smothering her in the taste of cum. "Mmmph!" she mumbled and spat while being smothered by both Priscilla's cum and her cock, until Coltia saw her with little other choice than to swallow what was forced onto her lest she suffocate, which left the fairy looking faint and limp. "Uuuu-" she whined, as Priscilla collected more cum on her finger, before bringing it to Chris' mouth. "N-no... No more..." she whined in Priscilla's grip, before she was force fed even more cum.

SirOni: "Aww, isn't that cute~" Coltia chuckles as she watches both Priscilla and Chris 'play around'. Sitting up and crossing her legs Colt watches her two mamono fool around, laughing at their display. "C'mon now Pris, I think you're being too rough with Chris now. why not give her to me. You want that, right, Chris? We can take it at your own pace then~"

MAF: Pris handed over Chris as she was asked, the little fairy about to flop on the bed if she was not taken by Coltia.

SirOni: "Aww, you alright?" Colt asks the fairy as she takes her from Priscilla, cradling the tiny girl in her arms. "Was Pris too rough with you?"

MAF: "Don't force me anymore..." the fairy complained, crying slightly.

SirOni: "You'll probably want to stay away from Pris when we play around then," Coltia explains, patting the fairy on the head. "I won't force you to do anything, but she... well, you saw what just happened."

MAF: Chris attempts to push herself up, putting her hands on Coltia's arm.

SirOni: Coltia helps Chris up, gently supporting the small fairy. "So, what are you going to do now? It looks like Pris isn't finished with me, and it would be nice to have you join in~ But I'd understand if you don't want to."

MAF: "I wanna go swim and clean my mouth out..." Chris whined.

SirOni: "Well then, you can go do that if you want. And I'll make sure to get a penis that you'll enjoy sometime soon~"

MAF: "Waaaaaah!" Chris cried as she took flight, and ran away as fast as she could.

SirOni: "Looks like we've still got some work to do with her before she fully trusts us, huh?" Sighing, Coltia watches Chris fly out of the bedroom before turning back to Pris. "I guess you're not satisfied yet, eh?"

MAF: Priscilla cocked her head to the side, curious at Coltia's question. "Oogie?" she seemed to ask, before looking down at her limp cock. Most of it was cleaned from Coltia's quick efforts, but Priscilla seemed to shrug as she slipped her panties back on.

SirOni: "Hee, is that all you can say~?" Coltia playfully teases Priscilla, and placing her hands around the orc girls waist Colt pulls her close for a quick kiss before falling back onto the bed, pulling the orc on top of her. "I guess it's getting pretty late, huh? Want to spend the night here?"

MAF: Priscilla looks down at Coltia a moment, before the orc gave her a smile, going silent a moment, before announcing, "Yes!" and snuggling up to Coltia.

SirOni: "Hee, we're really going to have to work on your vocabulary," Coltia continues to tease, pulling Priscilla into a tight embrace, content to fall asleep in the orc girl's arms.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

MAF: Coltia wakes up in the morning feeling special. With Pris laying next to her in the quite filthy bed, and a bright light outside from Chris' wings fluttering about, the girl never seeming to have slept. Priscilla snored loudly, and Chris' giggles could be heard even from outside. Noisy, Coltia was left with no other choice but to wake up. Although she did feel slightly bloated in the belly area, as if she ate too much. Her belly didn't look any different, however.

SirOni: Coltia stretches and yawns as she sits up in the bed, feeling just as tired as she did before going to sleep. Rubbing her eyes briefly Colt looks over to the still sleeping form of Priscilla before looking back at the cum stained sheets, a slight blush rising to the young woman's cheeks as she replays last nights activities. "Hrm... that's odd..." Colt mutters to herself as she notices her stomach feeling full, a hand coming to rest on the rancher's belly. Dismissing it as nothing to be concerned with Colt gets up and goes about her morning routine, content with leaving Priscilla to sleep in.

MAF: The farm was fairly run down, and cleaning it up would take a lot of time. With that said, she went about her morning routine as per usual, while the feeling in her belly persisted. For breakfast, she ate more than usual, feeling quite hungry, and as Priscilla came out, hungry herself, Chris soon followed. They were both hungry as well, as evident by Chris going, "Feed me!" and crying angrily.

SirOni: "My, you're certainly grumpy this morning," Colt teases the fairy before getting and handing her some milk before handing Priscilla a chunk of meat. "I've uh, I've got to pop out today," Coltia explains once the two mamono have started on their meals. "Got an errand to run and someone to visit, though I'll be back by the end of the day."

SirOni: Coltia places an order of milk and fish for the week.

MAF: Coltia is charged 150G for the week's worth of food, and the two eat happily! Although in Chris' case, she drinks happily. "Okay!" Chris replied to Coltia saying she's going out.

SirOni: Once Chris and Priscilla have finished their meals Coltia bids them goodbye for the day, quickly kissing the orc girl before heading out to Melpha's farm.

MAF: Arriving at Melpha's farm, there was only a few of her mamono outside. A Dark Elf was firing her bow onto a set of targets, and an Anubis was quietly sitting cross legged in an open field with her eyes closed. All around Coltia, Melpha's Ranch looked like an expensive land owned by a rich governer. Beautiful gardens and decorative bushes detailed to look like individual mamono with similar 'lewd' properties attached, Coltia heard sounds from a particular exhibit, a building that looked much like her own, only instead of old wood, Melphas was made out of fine red brick. From within, the sounds she heard were clear. Moaning, and the squishing sounds of sex.

SirOni: As Coltia makes her way to Melpha's ranch the young woman's eyes open wide in surprise, impressed by the place, and for a moment she forgets why she had come to here, though the sounds of passionate sex coming from Melpha's home quickly brings Colt back to reality and with it the reason why she came here. "Um, Melpha..?" Coltia calls out nervously as she knocks the door, opening it slightly.

MAF: When Coltia opens one of the large doors a crack, she sees a large shape holding Melpha by her legs, suspended in the air, while a very recognizable shape is plowing into her body. The distortion of her belly from the massive insertion quite visible in the candlelit building made for the mamono's quarters. "Coltia...!" Melpha moaned out as her partner didn't let go, as Coltia would discover to be a large minotauruss given an unatural penis. "In a moment...!" she said quickly, moaning extremely loudly as the minotauress thrusted deep inside of her, unclear whether she was in pain or pleasure.

SirOni: A deep flush rises on Coltia's cheeks as she watches Melpha being fucked roughly. "O-okay..." Coltia mutters out quietly, unable to take her eyes off the minotauress' thick cock as it penetrates the older rancher as she steps into the room, closing the door behind her and resting her back against it.

MAF: Even Melpha's amazon-like body appeared to be suffering from the massive length of the minotauress. Her legs, gripped, were spread wide apart in a lewd display, as if to welcome the giant dick into her. Despite this, Melpha looked to be in her element. She leaned back into the minotauress, allowing her to fuck her pussy as she pleased. Her large breasts bounced in an erotic display as the minotauress both bucked her hips upwards, and brought Melpha's body up and down with the control she had over Melpha's legs, using her like a whore to satisfy her built up desire.

SirOni: Coltia, unable to hold herself back from watching such an open and graphic display, slowly slides a hand between her legs, a finger running against her covered slit, teasing her clitoris as she brings her finger up.

MAF: Melpha's moans grew louder as the massive beast sped up. "Ah~ are you going to cum? Fill me up~" Melpha moaned to her giant partner, who began to fuck Melpha quite hard, at a pace that looked quite painful to Melpha, although that worry was cast aside as Melpha's tongue flopped out of her mouth in gleeful pleasure. "Can't hold back...!" the minotauress growled, before pulling Melpha down hard, extending her belly outwards as Coltia would watch Melpha expand from all of the cum now filling her womb. Her belly grew beyond any normal pregnancy size, looking ready to explode before a torrent of cum erupted from the mouth of her pussy, the lewd noises of all the thick cum splattering to the floor filling Coltia's ears, before the minotauress pulled Melpha off from her dick, and pinned her down on her back, soaking her in the cum that covered the floor as all of the cum inside of her poured out violently. Above her, the minotauress stroked herself, before pumping out a few more great loads, drowning Melpha in her seed. Satisfied, the length the minotaur had slowly shrank until it became limp. Falling back on her ass, the minotauress caught her breath, while Melpha lay on the ground, gathering a thick glob of her semen, and bringing it to her mouth.

SirOni: Coltia dropped to floor, her legs spread wide as she continues to watch the minotauress violate Melpha with its impressive dick, unable to pull her gaze from it. Panties pulled to one side, Coltia's two fingers rapidly plunge knuckle deep into her womanhood as Melpha is brought to orgasm, the older rancher's stomach stretching to an impossible size before a torrent of semen bursts forth, flooding the floor. Coltia's eyes move to Melpha and the cum the older woman tastes as she slows her fingering down, though not fully stopping, seemingly lost in the haze her lust had brought on though unable to bring herself to orgasm quite yet.

MAF: "I'm in quite a mess," Melpha panted with a joking tone, before pushing herself up seemingly with ease, as if the experience did nothing to phase her. Walking over to a bucket, and poured it over herself, cleaning all of the cum off of herself, mind a bit that stubbernly remained on her legs. "I apologize, Coltia. I'm quite a poor host, aren't I?" she asked with concern.

SirOni: "O-of course you're n-not," Coltia pants out, her breathing heavy as the young woman continues to pleasure herself, her eyes glued to Melpha's naked form. Though Coltia quickly realises that she is pleasuring herself quite lewdly in front of her host, and with a sudden panicked squeal she stops, clumsily pulling her panties back up before climbing to her feet. "I-I-I'm so sorry!" Colt stammers out.

MAF: Melpha giggles, and steps towards Coltia, stopping her motions. "There's no need to apologize, in fact..." she begins, before stepping over Coltia, her crotch less than a foot away from her face. "Would you care..." she put two fingers along her pussy lips, and opened them, a bit of the minotauress' semen spilling out. "... To clean me?"

SirOni: Coltia's eyes grow wide once more as Melpha's pussy is inches from her face, glistening with minotauress cum and the older woman's own juices. "Y-you want me to..?" The young rancher looks shocked for a moment before a look of joy replaces it. "I-I'd be honoured to!" Leaning forward Colt rests her hands against Melpha's legs, holding on tightly as the young woman glides her tongue against Melpha's folds, gingerly lapping at the cum before slowly sliding her tongue into the older woman.

MAF: "So eager~" Melpha moaned and giggled. She placed both of her hands gently on Coltia's head, spreading her legs apart, and inching closer to her so that she was standing right over Coltia in a lewd display, feeding the cum inside of her to Coltia. "You're far more along the path of this passion than I was when I was your age. Your zeal makes me feel amazed."

SirOni: "P-Priscilla's been a b-big help..." Coltia explains, pulling herself away from the older rancher for a moment before leaning close once more. The young woman's mouth envelops Melpha's sex, her tongue eagerly teasing out the cum deep inside the older woman.

MAF: "My-my, you're so hungry~" Melpha giggled, smothering Coltia with her crotch and ass. The wide woman's hips looking so fit to fit anything inside of her that if she so desired, she could swallow Coltia whole inside her body. And in that vast amount of space, Coltia tasted a constant flow of the mamono's seed entering her mouth, an occasional gush spilling out and running down her cheeks.

SirOni: Moaning in agreement, Coltia continues to lap up all the semen inside Melpha, forcing her tongue as deep as it can go in the older woman, eager to taste more of the delicious mamono cum as well as to please Melpha. As she continues Colt's hands slide up the older rancher's legs, her hands gripping onto Melpha's curvacious ass.

MAF: "Ah~ You're making me embarressed! Do you find my large butt attractive?" Melpha giggles, smoothing her hands along Coltia's head. As Coltia tasted the last of what Melpha's pussy had to offer, her belly felt a different kind of full now. "You really drank it all. I could hire you as my personal cleaner~" she said jokingly.

SirOni: "U-uh... y-yes... I-I do..." Coltia mutters out meekly as the young woman finally pulls herself away from Melpha's womanhood, though she still clutches onto her ass.

MAF: Melpha stood tall and proud over Coltia, smiling down on her like her own guardian angel. "Have you come here to have fun with me? As I recall, you weren't quite taken with this passion, but... Your presence now confuses me. You should be more direct, you know."

SirOni: "Um... about that..." Nervousness in Coltia's voice once more as Melpha brings up their most recent time together, her head coming to rest against the older woman's leg. "I-I'd like to apologise for how I acted... I-it's not that I don't like this... i-it's... well, your werewolf... she seemed pretty violent... it k-kind of put me off her.... but then I got to thinking... I'd want to get a werewolf eventually... s-so why not f-find out what they're like... from someone t-that already has one..?"

MAF: Melpha giggled. "They're rough, but I don't think Ruin is violent. She's never wounded any she's mated with."
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

SirOni: "W-well, that's a relief then..." Coltia blushes even deeper. She knows how rough Priscilla can get, but if this Ruin is even more rough... The very thought sends a rush of pleasure through the young rancher's body.

MAF: Melpha sighed a little, getting on her knees instead of towering over Coltia, and spreading her legs out so she could be directly touching with Coltia. "If you came here to apologize to me, as I expect from your hesitance, then I accept it. I am a radical of my belief, Coltia. And to follow me is to embrace the passion with open arms. Do not feel obligated to do anything your heart does not truly desire. I enjoy this as I do because I desire it. If you do not, then I will still not shun you. So long as you do what makes your heart throb with happiness, I will support you."

SirOni: "O-of course I want to do it!" Coltia stammers out, shock in her voice. "P-Priscilla showed me how much f-fun it is... T-that woman in the hotsprings, and even y-you earlier... Both of you looked l-like you were enjoying it so m-much. A-and while I may be s-scared, it's something I want to do..."

MAF: "Scared? My dear, you should not be scared. But if it's what you desire... Then perhaps Ruin is not the best to start with." she announced, before leaning back, and letting out an announced name. "Wenji, won't you come out?" she seemed to request to no one in particular, before Coltia suddenly witnessed a woman wearing a headband and face mask drop from the cieling, dressed completely in a skin tight and completely black outfit like it was a second skin. "As you wish, sensei." she replied loyallty to Melpha, giving Coltia no glance.

SirOni: Coltia looks around to see who Melpha was calling out to, confused by the fact that she couldn't see anyone in the room other than the two of them. Though as a woman drops from the ceiling the young rancher lets out a cry of surprise, her chest rapidly rising and falling from the sudden shock of the oddly garbed woman's entrance.

MAF: "Wenji, could you grant me a favor?" Melpha inquires, and Wenji stares coldly back to Melpha, "State your desire." she replied. And Melpha nodded. "I want you to teach our beloved guest my passion, as gently as you can." she stated with cool composure. The kunoichi slowly nodded. "Five hundred." Wenji replied. Melpha looked surprised. "Oh? Such a good price for your skills. Do you like her, Wenji?" Melpha inquired, but Wenji merely closed her eyes, refusing to say a word.

SirOni: Coltia simply blinks at the exchange between the two women, wondering just what kind of mamono this 'Wenji' is, she seems completely exotic to the young rancher.

MAF: Melpha stands, and hands Wenji what she desired, a flat 500 coins, which were amazingly tiny, each coin no wider than Coltia's pinky nail. Once she was handed the money, Wenji tucked it behind her, before approaching Coltia. "I will teach you. Stand." Wenji commanded the young rancher.

SirOni: "Uh... okay..." Is all Coltia can mutter out as Wenji commands her, and after some hesitation the young rancher gingerly climbs to her feet.

MAF: "You are weak," Wenji states immediately. "Pleasure is derived from passion. You hesitate, and stutter in your steps. If you are able to pleasure me, then your training will be complete. To that end, you will make yourself seem powerful, so that when you show your weakness to your partner, they will derive the most pleasure from thriving in that weakness. If you are weak and merely offer yourself, then you will be nothing more than an object, a means to an end. You must make yourself the end which I myself will desire to seek, and make me worship your body as I thrust into you. Do you understand the confidence you must develop?"

SirOni: Coltia is taken aback by Wenji's words, though understands where she is coming from. Up until now the young rancher had bent over whenever Priscilla had asked for it, a tool used to satisfy the orc girl's almost unsatiable lust. "Y-yes, I do," Colt replies, a look of determination on her face.

MAF: "You must be strong, and then weak. To please and satisfy our true lust, you must be a prize, not a gift. Gifts are used and then forgotten, prizes are cherished forever as accomplishments. But as well, make it known, that should the one claiming you show weakness, you will claim them instead. From the recon I did of you at your Ranch-" Melpha cut in, "I knew it~" before Wenji continued right over her. "You performed with promise but not skill with your orc companion. Truly dominating your partner will breed frustration however, the opposite of pleasure, this is why having that window of weakness is so very important. Letting them slip in while the rest of you seems too strong to bypass breeds the sense of victory that our kind desires, of mixed gender or not. Draw power from your amulet, no, don't touch the button you fool, just concentrate on it, and attempt to arouse me. I will not reveal my 'tool' until you successfully arouse me."

SirOni: Coltia, whilst not fully sure that she is capable of doing what Wenji is asking of her, nods to show that she understands. Priscilla, as much as Coltia loves her, is quite easy to please. This Wenji however... The young rancher's expression steadily softens, determined to win Wenji over no matter how long it takes. "So, you're a mixed gender as well, huh?" Coltia asks as she begins to circle Wenji, eyeing up the mamono's form.

MAF: Wenji stands in place, unmoving as Coltia circles her, staring straight ahead. "I have mastered the magics required." she replied simply. Coltia would note that Wenji looked to have very compact muscles for quick movements, and for strong use of power. "This situation is assuming I am not hostile. I will not attack. Should one be attacking you, you must subdue her before anything else. Once they are no longer a threat, then this method will surely get them on your side." she assured Coltia, watching herself be circled. "Bold eye movements, predatory circling, very good. Now what do you do?"

SirOni: Coltia comes to a stop behind Wenji, the tips of her fingers running down the kunoichi's back before coming to a stop on the mamono's buttocks, her hand cupping Wenji's ass. Smiling, Colt gives Wenji's buttocks a firm squeeze before sliding it over her hip, placing her other hand on the kunoichi's hip and pulling herself close, Colt's breasts squishing against Wenji's back.

MAF: "You're mistaken if you think any will accept that you might be stronger than them, especially me," Wenji announced as Coltia gripped her ass, and placed her hands on Wenji's hips. Gripping Coltia's hands, Wenji took them off to show defiance.

SirOni: "Oh?" Coltia responds, her lips almost touching the kunoichi's neck. "A-and here I thought you secretly wanted this." Still a hint of nervousness in the young rancher's voice, but she is determined to win Wenji over. "Now be a d-dear and do as I say." Pulling her hands free of Wenji Colt slides them up the mamono's stomach, bringing them up to and cupping her breasts.

MAF: "Do as you say? I refuse." Wenji replied flatly. "Even if you're persistant, I won't bend to your weakness." she said as Coltia gripped her breasts, and continued to struggle lightly, as if she really were defeated and such was her remaining strength.
14:45 - Commander $exy: "Firm, strong. You must convince me you are powerful first. Just focus on that. I will not fight back, so rid yourself of this annoying weakness. Harden your resolve!" Wenji said firmly, and with a passion of her own.

SirOni: "Then f-fight back," Coltia replies, taking the kunoichi's nipples between her fingers the young rancher gives a playful squeeze. "Or are you actually enjoying this..?"

MAF: The ninja tensed a bit as her nipples were pinched. "Idiot, do not listen to my foolish client." she said clearly, with minor hesitation, her will clearly strong. "If I were to fight back, I would have you at my knees in an instant!"

Meanwhile, Melpha clapped, "Ara~ I pinched her nipples too! We have so much in common~" she giggled.

"Damned fool..." Wenji cursed, showing a bit more emotion than she had been since she showed up.

SirOni: Coltia smiles at Wenji's reaction, a small giggle escaping her as Melpha compares the two of them. "So, you like this, huh?" The young rancher squeezes the kunoichi's nipples even harder this time, pulling on them.

MAF: "Kuh! You're starting to aggrevate me, as if I would appriciate a weak, low-class worm like you claiming right were she does not deserve it!" she growled back at Coltia, while on the contrary, her nipples were hardening. But the ninja still showed surpring willpower, and still was not yet aroused. "Through sheer barbaric force alone, I will not accept you."

SirOni: "I guess this type of play wouldn't work on such a high class mamono, huh?" Coltia loosens her grip on Wenji's nipples, the young rancher's hands coming to gently rest on Wenji's breasts, playfully massaging them. She does this for a few minutes before finally releasing Wenji from her grip, and taking Melpha's advice Coltia turns the mamono around, pushing her against the wall as she leans in close, the two girls bodies squishing against each other as Coltia's hands come to rest on the side of Wenji's face, their lips locking together as they kiss.

MAF: Pinned against the wall, Coltia's thigh bumps against Wanji's own, and finds her to be quite wet despite her words. Once her mask was off, and Coltia pressed her lips against Wanji's, the ninja let out a moan of a mixture of anger and pleasure. Growling during the kiss she was obviously enjoying, Coltia felt Wanji's hands make an odd motion, before she felt Wanji's erection appear. "You asked for this...!" she growled with a furious blush and angry expression, before going for Coltia's legs, wanting to lift her up so that Wanji may shaft her properly. Melpha in the background gave a thumbs up, as if Coltia accomplished something.

SirOni: Coltia smiles as Wenji finally reveals her manhood, though she clamps her legs shut, not yet ready to give up that prize. "My~ I thought you wasn't going to lose to me?" The young rancher whispers coyly, leaning in close to Wenji's ear. A hand slides between the two women, grasping onto the erect phallus before Colt drops to her knees, her tongue lapping at the tip for a moment. "Mmm, impressive." She coo's, her hand slowly pumping Wenji's length. "Though it's nothing compared to Pris' own dick~"

MAF: "Silence your mouth!" Wanji said with scorn to Coltia, a hand gripping the back of Coltia's head, and attempting to shove her down on her dick to do just that. Meanwhile, Melpha was looking a little worried.

SirOni: "Did I hit a sore spot?" The rancher asks, fighting back against Wenji's forceful pushing. "Sorry, but it's true. But yours is pretty cute too~" Still slowly stroking Wenji's dick Colt leans forward and kisses the head, her tongue playfully lapping at the tip though a moment later Coltia frowns as she looks up at Wenji, clearly having hurt the mamono's feelings. Letting go of Wenji's dick Colt stands up, stepping backwards. With a little distance between the two women Coltia undoes the buttons of her dress, letting the red outfit fall to the floor. Once removed Coltia then slowly pulls off her white undershirt, revealing her almost naked curvy form, and blue and white striped panties.

MAF: Wenji makes another gesture with her hands, and her erection disappears. Melpha lets out a sigh of sadness as Wenji does that. "Is this your method of bringing me pleasure? I told you what too much pressure on your partner leads to, they will become frustrated, and indeed you did well to get me aroused, but you let that go to your foolish head. If this really were a situation where you were trying to earn a mamono's loyalty, you would have failed."

"When they become so aroused that they strike at you, that is the ideal time to display the moment of weakness. I gave you that moment, and yet you hardened up. You were only trying to dominate me."

SirOni: Coltia's hands come up to her chest, one overlapping the other as her head hangs low, a sad expression on her face. "I-I'm sorry... I... I just go carried away..."

MAF: Melpha's head nearly just as low, while Wanji simply shook her head at Coltia. "You must become carried away, that is the flow you must establish. And then, at that crucial moment, you must lose all of that control and give it all to your partner. But I already told you this before. I would be mad to think it would sink in now." Wanji said harshly, before turning and jumping away. Melpha approached Coltia while making a gesture that said Wanji was not far. "Coltia... I thought I could help you by telling you all of Wanji's sensitive points, but I messed up, didn't I?"

"At all times, you must be responsive to your partner... If they are defensive, you must be offensive, and if they are offensive, you must recieve them. I have used this way to charm all of my beloved into my Ranch... But..."

"If your partner attacks you for sex, and you attack them back, it will breed conflict, and make you two enemies..."

SirOni: "N-no... you did well... it's just, I guess it's because Priscilla is the only one I've bonded with..." Bending over Coltia picks up her clothes and begins to get dressed before turning to face Melpha. "I keep thinking the same tactics will work with other mamono. I guess it's why Chris isn't very receptive to me as well. But, I will show them both; Chris and Wenji will see I'm a good enough rancher."

MAF: "When you become as skilled as I am," Melpha begins, before stepping back, and pulling on a certain Wenji's tail that was hanging from above that Coltia barely noticed before the ninja fell down with a gasp and straight into Melpha's arms, one hand stroking her reformed length and the other fingering herself. "You can read the mood with ease~" she tried to say to Coltia inspirationally while Wanji simply frowned up at her in shock. "Coltia needs to be punished for her failure, Wanji." Melpha said. "Five thousand," Wanji stated harshly. "Five thousand," Melpha agreed, much to Wanji's baffled expression. Gritting her teeth, Wanji broke out of Melpha's grip, before proceeding towards Coltia harshly, gripping her by her shoulders, and forcing her back on her knees. "I will make you gag on this 'little cock'!" Wanji said to Coltia, as Coltia could clearly tell she was right about hurting Wanji's feelings.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

SirOni: Colt's eyes widen in surprise and stops mid-dressing herself as Melpha drags Wenji down from the ceiling, the kunoichi busy playing with herself. The young rancher lets out a cry of shock as she's tackled by Wenji, the undershirt that Coltia had only just managed to slip over her head flying off with ease as she's brought down to her knees. The young rancher resists the mamono for a moment, clearly not wanting to be suddenly attacked, but as she realises she's hurt Wenji's feelings Colt eases up, allowing Wenji to do as she pleases.

MAF: Melpha makes a motion with her hand, and with great agitation, Wanji stops for a moment. Stepping over to Coltia, Melpha moves in behind her, and gracefully gets on her knees, before helping the rest of Coltia's clothes off. "I'll be right here, Coltia. Right here, okay?" she asked the girl, wrapping her arms around Coltia's waist in an embrace.

SirOni: "T-thanks," Colt mutters to Melpha, her hands coming to rest on the older woman's arms.

MAF: Melpha holds Coltia closely, her large breasts squishing against Coltia's back, before Wanji got permission, and she eagerly, and angrily grabbed at Coltia's head, forcing her mouth open, and shoving her length all the way through her mouth, down past the back of her throat, where she had to angle Coltia's head backwards to shove it all the way in. "Five hundred gold, I've let Melpha's way of thinking dilute my mind. I had hope that you would be pleasing, but you're just like every other useless worm of a Rancher that appears! You should have been born a man, because you are just as patheticly foolish as one!" she shouted at Coltia was thrusting her cock up and down, in and out of Coltia's mouth, giving her only moments between thrusts to catch her breath.

SirOni: Coltia almost gags as Wenji forces her length down the rancher's throat, though she pushes past it, taking the kunoichi's punishment. Though at the mamono's comments Colt frowns. This is another chance, the young rancher thinks to herself, and bringing her hands up she rests one on Wenji's buttocks, firmly grasping the kunoichi's flesh as the other hand moves to between her legs, a finger teasing Wenji's slit as Colt hungrily sucks on her dick.

MAF: Melpha hugs Coltia tight, "You're doing very well," she whispers to her, "Do not stop her, but give her pleasure. Let her know you still have strength, and that to dominate that strength is her goal." she whispered, directing Coltia's eyes to Wenji's expression. Shut eyes, open mouth, and her tongue hanging out, she was clearly enjoying herself. "Idiot! Doing the right things now when it's too late, you are... Nnngh!" she groaned, her hips squirming and stirring her cock around in Coltia's throat, "You are such a useless buffoon!" she continued to criticize Coltia, her moaning getting louder as Melpha began to finger Coltia's pussy.

SirOni: Coltia moans as she deepthroats Wenji, her tongue gliding the length of the mamono's length as the rancher pushes two fingers past Wenji's folds, her fingers caressing her walls.

MAF: "I'm cumming...!" Wenji moans, before gripping Coltia tight in her hand as a sudden torrent of warm liquid pours straight into her stomach. After a few pumps, Wenji pulls her cock out, leaving Coltia gasping for air, before Melpha flipped Coltia over, and placed a kiss on her lips. "Mmm, I can taste Wenji's scent~" she moaned, before Wenji, apparently not finished, spread Coltia's asshole. "Ah~ Do you think my tiny little dick will fit in here?" Wenji asked, giggling menacingly with a grin on her face.

SirOni: "Ahhh, so sweet~" Coltia coo's as she's separated from Wenji's dick, before squealing in delight as Melpha flips her around and kisses her. "Mmm, I do hope so~" Sticking her ass out to give Wenji a better view Colt helps the kunoichi, sliding a hand over her own ass, stretching her pucker open as wide as she can for Wenji as the younger rancher wraps her other arm around Melpha's shoulders, squishing her bust against the older woman's.

MAF: Wenji presses the tip of her dick against Coltia's pucker, before letting it rest there for a moment. Hunching herself forward, gripping Coltia's hips, Wenji lets out a growl as Coltia feels Wenji's cock suddenly slip all the way into her ass, stretching her anal ring as Wenji takes Coltia by her as of yet unviolated asshole. "If you beg for me to fuck you as hard as I can, I might let you off, you... You worm!" Wenji moaned, getting carried away herself as her waist bounced off of Coltia's ass, already thrusting pretty eagerly while Melpha continued to kiss and hold Coltia passionately

SirOni: Coltia cries out in pleasure as Wenji forces her length deep inside the young rancher's ass, Colt pushing backwards to make sure she completely takes in Wenji's dick. "P-please, f-fuck my unworthy ass." Coltia cries out, her head turned to catch a glimpse of the kunoichi, her face pushed against Melpha's as her other arm wraps around the older rancher's neck. "I-I need to be p-punished by your m-magnificent cock for f-failing you~!"

MAF: "Y-you're loving this too much!" Wenji said in a slightly scolding manner, although when Coltia looked back, Wenji was in exstacy. "What kind of... What kind of pig... Enjoys it in the ass!? Are you pleased to know I'm going to be cumming into this asshole of your's? I'm already... So close!" Wenji moaned, her hips now colliding against Coltia's ass cheeks with fervent speed and desire. "There is nothing I can say to degrade you, you must truly be low," Wenji commented. "Be honored... To recieve my cum!" she cried out, thrusting fast, pounding her decently sized dick into Coltia's ass, before burying it deep with Coltia feeling her warm semen spreading through her intestines, filling up her ass as splurts of the ninja's semen erupted from Coltia's tight asshole.

SirOni: "I... I-I'm the lowest~!" Coltia cries out between moans, her cries of ecstasy almost drowning out the sound of Wenji's hips slapping against her plump ass. "P-please, stretch me out w-with all o-of your c-cum~!" Coltia's cries fill the entire building as Wenji thrusts deep into the younger rancher's ass one final time, pumping her warm sticky cum deep inside the rancher. Clinging desperately onto Melpha Coltia's eyes roll up, her tonuge lolling out and saliva running down her chin as she reaches her orgasm, the young rancher's back arching, thrusting her ass out even further as Colt's body tenses up completely.

MAF: Panting, and holding onto Coltia by her waist, Wenji growled a little, but there was no doubting the satisfied look on her face and in her tone. "You're still... Never going to be as good as Melpha... No matter how good of a whore you become." Wenji told her as Melpha only hugged and kissed Coltia in one final, deep kiss. "You made up very well~ Did you enjoy that, Coltia? Despite my best wishes, this really happened to you so roughly, but you handled it wonderfully~" she cooed, sounding proud of Coltia.

SirOni: Coltia hangs loosely off Melpha as she slowly recovers from her orgasm, enjoying the sensation of Wenji's cum swirling around in her insides though melts into the kiss as the older rancher scoops her up and kisses her deeply, their tongues entwining, the younger rancher greedily lapping up Melpha's saliva. "I-I enjoyed that very much~" Colt finally replies, wiggling her ass at Wenji. "A-and you may say that now, W-Wenji... but j-just you wait~"

MAF: Wenji lets out a moan, before gripping Coltia's hips, and pulling her cock out, a squirt of her semen spilling from coltia's ass before even more oozed out of her anal ring in a lewd display. "I'll give you your payment in a moment, Wenji." Melpha said, before Wenji suddenly fled from the scene. "I don't want it," she stated, vanishing into the darkness, leaving Melpha with a neutral expression after having broken from the kiss, and a hum of curiosity.

SirOni: Coltia is content to lie in Melpha's arms for several minutes, savouring the sensation of Wenji's semen slowly oozing out of her ass though watches the kunoichi flee before turning back to the older rancher. "D-did she really enjoy it that much..?" Colt asks quietly, her arms still draped around Melpha.

MAF: Melpha giggled, petting Coltia's head, "You caught on to that? Indeed, she did seem to enjoy thrusting into your cute butt~" Melpha said, groping both of Coltia's ass cheeks in her hands. "Wenji is quite a tsundere, however. She tends to become more and more cold the happier she is to be around you."

SirOni: A sight squeak escapes Coltia as Melpha gropes her buttocks, though she smiles as Melpha confirms that Wenji had enjoyed it. "I-I'm glad then, that she could e-enjoy it as much as me."

MAF: "If you pay close attention sometimes, you can learn to detect when she's stalking nearby." Melpha stated. "Perhaps if you entice her, she shall come out to pay her respects~?"

SirOni: "I'd like that very much~!" A large smile stretches across the young ranchers face, and finally kneeling up Colt stretches, before turning around and collapsing on Melpha once more, her back resting against the older rancher's large chest as Coltia's legs drape over Melpha's. The young rancher sits there for several minutes, quiet, before she remembers something. "Oh! This morning, I woke up and my stomach felt pretty heavy, like I'd eaten a large meal. Do you think I should worry?" A hint of nervousness is in Colt's voice.

MAF: "You are likely pregnant~" Melpha giggles in response, not even grunting as Coltia lands on her larger form.

SirOni: "Pregnant?" Colt looks confused for a moment before a large smile stretches across her face once more. "Wow, I'm going to give birth to Priscilla's baby? How long will that take?"

MAF: "About... Six months, if I recall?" Melpha states.

SirOni: "Six months?" Colt repeats, a disappointed look forming on her face. "Aww, looks like it's going to be a while before I can carry more of her babies."

MAF: As Coltia said that, Melpha sighs sadly. "Be glad..." she told her, clearly not in as high spirits as always.

SirOni: A confused expression appears on the young rancher's face for a moment, wondering why Melpha suddenly sounded sad though her conversation with Claire quickly surfaces, particularly their discussion about Melpha. "Oh... I'm sorry. I... I should've been more considerate of you."

MAF: "You were told of my condition, it seems." Melpha said, seeming to force a smile. "Yes, I can no longer bear children..."

SirOni: "Y-yeah... Claire, she told me. Sorry for intruding on your privacy," Turning back round Coltia suddenly takes the older woman in her arms, pulling Melpha into a tight embrace. "I-it must be so hard on you..."

MAF: "Do not fret over me. I've managed to bear many children before I lost my ability." Melpha said reassuringly, petting a hand along Coltia's back.

SirOni: "W-well... if y-you... if you need someone... and I'm not pregnant at the time... I'd be more than happy to birth any mamono for you..." Parting from Melpha but still holding the older woman at an arms length Coltia flushes a deep red, stuttering in embarassment at the proposal she had offered Melpha.

MAF: "I'd be happy to help you financially for your efforts~" Melpha stated with a smile.

SirOni: "It's a deal then~!" A smile forms on the younger rancher's face once more as she pulls Melpha into another quick embrace, hugging her tightly before letting her go.

MAF: Melpha suddenly blinks, "Oh! I've taken so much time, and yet a tournament is approaching on the morrow! The audience wishes to see Ruin in action yet again~ I apologize, but I must prepare her." she stated politely.

SirOni: "Sure, it's my fault anyway why your time was taken up," Climbing to her feet Coltia smiles softly before bending over to pick up her clothes. "But I really enjoyed today. I'm glad I came to pay you a visit. Though I do really need to clean myself up now." Laughing, Coltia finishes pulling her clothes on, the seat of her panties quickly becoming moist from the last of the cum leaking out of her backside. "I'll be sure to pay you a visit sometime soon. Thanks for the fun day, and good luck with the tournament, I'll be rooting for you~!" With their goodbyes over with Coltia gives Melpha one final kiss and hug before waving, the young rancher making her way back to her ranch.

MAF: "You may use my cleaning facilities before you leave!" Melpha said goodbye with that offer before waving goodbye to Coltia.

SirOni: "Thanks, but I'll be fine until I get home. I dread to think what Priscilla and Chris has been getting up to," That thought keeps Coltia entertained all the way home.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

MAF: As Coltia arrives home, she finds Priscilla eating her fish together with Chris, who was drinking milk, in the messy unkept lawn of her Ranch. As Priscilla finishes her fish, she tosses it away, the bones hitting Chris on the head. "Oi!" the fairy shouts angrily. "Watch it, pig face!" she yelled. Priscilla looked over to Chris, before grinning, and patting the fairy on the head. "Me sorry." she replied.

SirOni: Coltia frowns for a moment, disappointed at the relatively normal scene before her though she mentally shrugs and waves to the two mamono. "I'm home~! Did you both miss me?" The young rancher calls out to the two girls.

MAF: "Yes!" Priscilla announced, rushing at Coltia like a hungry piggy, although with lewd intentions. Chris merely drank from her milk again. "... Not as much as she does," she sighed.

SirOni: Ready for Pris, Colt holds her ground as the orc girl tackles her, catching Priscilla in her arms and hugs her tightly. "I hope you two didn't get into any mischief today."

MAF: "No trouble, oogie!" Priscilla replied, grinding her hips on Coltia subconsciously.

SirOni: "That's good to know," Releasing Priscilla Colt pets her on the head briefly. "I've had a fun day today, but now I need to have a bath. You're both welcome to join me, though it may be a tight fit. And no funny business, okay~?" Colt adds, playfully teasing Priscilla.

MAF: "Bath with fairy," Priscilla tells Coltia, stating an event rather than making a request. The Fairy made no response.

SirOni: "Oh? You two have already had a bath?" A sly looks appears on Colt's face before quickly vanishing. "Well then, I guess I'll be all on my lonesome this time." Waving once more to the two mamono Colt turns towards the house.

MAF: Inside of her house next to the barn that was meant for any mamono she'd find, Coltia again saw how run down it was, especially after having been inside Melpha's luxurious estate, and having seen Venice's entire castle.

SirOni: Coltia sighs, disappointed in her lack of actual progress as a rancher, having so far spent the majority of her time quite literally screwing around with Priscilla. "I guess from tomorrow I'm really going to have to work hard..." Muttering to herself Colt makes her way to her tiny bathroom to clean up from the day's activities.

MAF: She cleans herself in an exciting bathroom scene that all viewers masturbate to, before getting out of the tub, squeaky clean, and with the whole week ahead of her!

SirOni: Colt stretches as she steps out into the morning sun, excited about the brand new day ahead of her, and with it the training it'll bring for Priscilla. "Hey Pris, get your butt in gear. I think it's about time you got some training in, we've been putting it off for too long."

MAF: "Yes! Get stronger time!" Priscilla acknoledges as she holds her hammer high. Chris is seen lightly floating through the air in the distance.

SirOni: Colt eyes the orc girl up and down, a hand resting on the young woman's chin as she thinks about what Priscilla could stand to train in. "Hrm... you could do with some intelligence training... but perhaps we should focus on getting you in some tournaments first... Yeah, that sounds like the best idea. How about on monday, wednesday and friday you train your power, tuesday you train your life and thursday you train your speed. That sound good to you?"

MAF: "Oogie!" Priscilla replies simply. She was okay with whatever Colt wanted so long as it meant she got to rub her dick on her.

SirOni: Coltia smiles as Priscilla shows willingness for the training. "Tell you what, you do well and I'll be your willing slave for the whole weekend~ Does that sound like fun? But if you end up disappointing me... Well, lets just say I'll be the one who's having fun~" A sly look appears on Colt's face as she draws close to Priscilla, kissing the orc girl once before pulling away and laughing.

MAF: "Ooogie!" Priscilla exclaimed, looking serious.

SirOni: The weeks training: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Power Tuesday - Life Thursday – Speed.

MAF: Coltia makes reservations at the IRA(International Rancher Academy), and schedules Priscilla for the week.
Monday: Priscilla slams her shoulder into the row of dominoes, and collapses them all! +4 Power
Tuesday: Priscilla chased the cockatrice for as long as she could, but eventually tired out. +3 Life
Wednesday: Priscilla used her hammer this time, and hit the first domino do hard that it exploded to bits, knocking the others all down as well! Priscilla performed greatly! +8 Power!
Thursday: Priscilla managed to dodge all of the arrow-fast fairies with minor scratches. +2 Speed
Friday: Priscilla ran at the dominoes to attack, but ended up tripping and slamming into them, face-first. Priscilla failed to complete her training.

Total Results:
+5 Mamono Level
+12 Power
+3 Life
+2 Speed

SirOni: Coltia had spent the week watching Priscilla perform, the orc girl performing better than Colt had expected of her in her very first week of training. "Congrats, Pris!" Colt beams, an arm placed around Priscilla's shoulders at the end of training on Friday. "You may have failed todays, but you really exceeded my expectations this week. Keep this up and we'll be winning tournaments in no time!"

MAF: "Oogie!" Priscilla cheered!
MAF: Week 4: The delivery man arrives. "Same order as last week, ma'am?"

SirOni: "Hrm... no, I think I can afford to give Priscilla some meat this week for such a good week of training," Colt replies to the deliveryman, now arm in arm with Priscilla. "Chris, do you want milk or cup jelly?"

MAF: "Milk!" Chris replied instantly as Priscilla began to drool.

SirOni: "Milk it is then," Giving the man the order Colt hands over the money.

MAF: Coltia pays the delivery of food for 350G.
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

SirOni: "Hrm... after this week I think we'll have to go back to fish for a while. Only until we've won some tournaments of course. We'll have another mouth to feed soon enough," Colt pats her stomach and chuckles, before turning her attention to Priscilla once more. "Well, it looks like I have a promise to keep, huh?" A devilish smile forms on the young rancher's lips.

MAF: "Sex!" Priscilla replied, taking Coltia by her hips, and pressing against her, her erection starting to grow from her panties.

SirOni: "C-c'mon now, Pris," Colt playfully scolds the orc girl, pushing her back. "Lets take it to the bedroom not out here, yeah?" Without waiting for Priscilla's reply Coltia takes her by the hand, pulling the orc through the house and to the bedroom. Turning to face Priscilla the young woman smiles softly as she strips down, her clothes falling into a pile around her feet. "Seeing as you did so good, and seeing that I did promise, you can do whatever you want to me~" Colt stands there, waiting for Priscilla to make her advance.

MAF: Priscilla eagerly followed, no need to be pulled as she follows Coltia into the house, and watches her strip, quickly coming to full length instantly. Stepping forward, she pushes herself onto Coltia, before sliding down, and putting her nostrils to Coltia's crotch, sniffing at her pussy, occasionally sticking her hungry tongue along her slit.

SirOni: Coltia lets out a gasp as Priscilla's tongue teases her already moist womanhood, having not spent any intimate time with the orc girl over the past week Colt is finding even this almost too much. "Y-you sure h-have missed this, huh?" The young woman mutters out, seemingly directed at Priscilla though it could have easily been meant for herself. Coltia's hands rest on the orc girl's head, her legs quickly parting for Pris.

MAF: Priscilla gave her confirmation as she continued to taste Colt's pussy. Her tongue wormed into her hole, squirming around to collect her juices, before Priscilla pushed Colt down onto the bed, and crawled on top of her. She slid her dick between Colt's breasts, and touched the tip of her cock against Colt's mouth, squeezing Colt's breasts together before she began to thrust, pushing her cock back and forth between her breasts.

SirOni: The pleasure seems almost too much for Colt as Priscilla's tongue invades the woman's flower, greedily lapping up her juices, Coltia's legs threatening to give out as Pris continues her attack. Though as Priscilla pushes her onto the bed Colt lets out a sigh of relief, glad to not be standing. The young rancher smiles and looks up as the orc girl mounts her chest, the thick orc dick nestling between Colt's breasts, playfully licking the tip as each thrust brought it to her mouth.

MAF: "Stroke, suck!" Priscilla asks of Coltia as she makes the girl's breasts bounce when her crotch smacks against her globes, her cock throbbing with excitement.

SirOni: "If that is your wish~" Raising her hands to her breasts Colt squeezes them together, enveloping Priscilla's monstrous cock with her own large chest. Tilting her head forward Coltia parts her lips, wrapping them around the head of Priscilla's dick as her tongue glides across it.

MAF: Priscilla strokes her own dick with her right hand as Coltia takes over her breasts, and places her left hand on Colt's head, pushing her mouth down a little, filling her entire mouth with only the head and a few inches of Priscilla's fat cock. Amidst Priscilla's strokes, a bit of pre-cum leaked into her mouth, the salty, thick taste of the orc's cum filling her senses.

SirOni: As Coltia tastes Priscilla's pre-cum the young woman begins to eagerly suckle on the orc girl's dick, desperate to taste even more of her delicious semen.

MAF: Priscilla moans, thrusting with greater ferver, slight traces of her pre-cum continuing to leak into Coltia's mouth, before Pris drew her dick from Colt's mouth, and crawled off of her, before flopping down on the bed to her side, and grabbing her leg. Turning Coltia so that her back was to Priscilla, the orc bent Colt's leg up, exposing her wet pussy as she lined up her cock.

SirOni: As the dick was drawn from her mouth Colt let out a moan of disappointment, and licking off the few droplets of cum off her lips she let out a cry of surpise as Priscilla pushed her onto her side, lifting one of the rancher's legs up and teasing the head of the orc girl's penis against Coltia's womanhood.

MAF: "Baby... Gentle..." Priscilla notes, rubbing her hand along Coltia's belly, before gingerly easing her massive cock inside Coltia's pussy, stretching her lips and insides apart until she touched against Coltia's cervix, as if to gauge how much room she could use.

SirOni: Coltia practically reaches her orgasm as Priscilla pierces into her, the tip of her member pushing against her cervix, testing to see how much she could actually thrust into the young rancher. "T-t-that's... n-not the... not the o-only hole, i-if you're worried a-about the baby~!"

MAF: Priscilla blinks. "Oogie... Baby weak, Priscilla strong... Hurt," she tried to explain to Coltia.

SirOni: "I-I don't think t-the baby will be i-in trouble i-if you used m-my a-ass~" Coltia wraps her leg over Priscilla's hip, a hand coming to rest on the orc girl.

MAF: Priscilla let out a snort, grinning at Coltia, "Does it want the meat in stinky hole?" Priscilla seemed to be amused.

SirOni: "I-I want only w-what you want t-this weekend~" Coltia pants out, her hips already beginning to gently rock on their own, the young rancher's body craving the pleasure that only Priscilla's dick can bring her.

MAF: "Want it to beg," Priscilla replies, before taking Coltia's face in her other hand, and directing it at her own before smothering Coltia's mouth with her own lips, sliding her fat tongue into Coltia's mouth, and licking wherever it pleased.

SirOni: Coltia melts into the kiss, allowing Priscilla's mouth to overpower her own, her tongue dancing against the orc girls, lapping up Pris' saliva. "P-please, f-fuck my ass... i-it craves to be s-stretched out by y-your monstrous d-dick. I-I live o-only for your p-pleasure~!" Finally pulling herself away from the kiss Coltia does as she's told and begs Priscilla, stretching her hole open as best as she can.

MAF: Priscilla chuckled lewdly, with predatory grace. And as Coltia offered her ass, she felt the tip of Priscilla's cock redirect itself, pulling out of her pussy, and easily sliding into her ass instead with the aid of the lubrication. "So different~!" Pris notes as she fills Coltia's ass with her dick.

SirOni: The rancher's back arches as Priscilla spears into her ass, a satisfied moan escaping her lips as the thick cock stretches out her pucker, the young woman's hole threatening to swallow up the dick. "S-so much bigger~! S-so much b-better~!" Colt cries out, a shudder running down her spine.

MAF: A dagger suddenly flies from seeminly nowhere, landing in the bed right in front of Coltia's face the moment she announced those words. Pris stopped in the process as well, stunned by the sudden dagger.

SirOni: Coltia's eyes grow wide in shock at the sudden dagger cutting into her bed, the young rancher scans the room, knowing full well who made that attack and fully intends on taking advantage of the situation. "Oh Wenji, I know you're here~" She calls out, lust mixed in with her playful tone. "Why don't you come out and prove me wrong~"

MAF: Wenji's form suddenly appears from the wall as if she had stepped forth from it like a ghost. But the swirls of brown dust coming off of her reveal that it was actually a disguise to make her blend with the wall. "I can make it any size I wish! I was merely showing you mercy last time, but I can destroy you with any size I desire!" she boasted.

SirOni: "Oh?" Coltia's eyebrows rise at Wenji's comment, a grin forming on her face. "W-well if that's the case, you n-needn't had held back l-last time. You said y-you've watched me b-before, so you should h-have known I could take it." With sudden dominance and Priscilla still deep in her ass Colt pushes her onto her back, rolling onto the orc girl as she's forced to lie down the young woman spreads her legs, and as best she can she stretches her ass out even more. "I-if you want t-to p-prove it to me, w-why not rape my ass with Pris, w-with the biggest d-dick you can make~"

MAF: Wenji's eyes narrowed, before she formed a hand sign, and concentrated. From her lower garments, Wenji began to form an immense length that continued to grow, and grow, until it far exceeded Coltia's own height. The mere sight of it made Priscilla's jaw drop, and the weight was clearly too much for Wenji as she ended up on her knees with the massive thing attached to her. "T-there...! This monstrous thing is my limit!!!" Wenji announced with clear strain. Fitting that thing inside of Coltia would be like fitting a person inside of her. Wenji clearly went overboard under the anger from before.

SirOni: Coltia's eyes grow wide in shock as Wenjis' dick grows and grows and grows until it's much larger than the rancher, weighing the kunoichi down. "Woah, that's pretty impressive," Colt gasps, leaning forward to look down at Wenji. "Maybe you were right... that would destroy me for sure."

MAF: Wenji's massive cock vanished back into her pants just as fast as it appeared, before Wenji collapsed on the floor, exhausted. "Now... Now you know... You.. You fool..." she wheezed.

SirOni: "S-sorry, Pris, but..." Apologising to Priscilla, Colt climbs off the orc girl, gasping in pleasure as the thick cock pops out of her ass. "Are you really alright?" Coltia rushes to Wenji's side, offering the kunoichi her shoulder to help her up.

MAF: Wenji pushes Coltia away as she tries to help her up, sitting against the wall as she rises to a sitting position. "I do not need your pitiful care...!" she grunts, before shakily standing up, "Now... The next time you downtalk my power, that very thing shall crush you!" she announced.

SirOni: "You don't have to keep up this hard act, you know..." Colt climbs back to her feet, sitting on the edge of the bed.

MAF: "I have my honor!" Wenji replied softly, before trying to walk, but falling on her knees. "Damn... I need energy..."

SirOni: "Honour means nothing if you're forced into a state like this though, huh?" A warm smile forms on Colt's face as she offers a hand to Wenji, once more offering to thelp the mamono to her feet. "And if you need time to recover you can stay here for the night. Sure, it may be a bit cramped, but it's cozy enough."

MAF: Wenji glances at Coltia, before touching her hand to Coltia's exposed crotch. Coltia would feel Wenji's fingers suddenly enter, and stab against a sensitive point in her vagina in a non-lethal manner. The gesture caused Coltia to fall against Wenji, who suddenly had the strength to support her. "No, this energy will be enough," Wenji suddenly announced, before backing off, and making a sudden jump, vanishing instantly.

SirOni: A moan escapes the young rancher as Wenji's fingers probed her warm opening, and falling forward she is surprised by the kunoichi's sudden strength before letting out a cry of surprise as Wenji suddenly disappears. "I guess she's going to be a hard nut to crack, eh?" Getting back to her feet Coltia turns back to Priscilla. "Sorry about that, I guess that kind of interrupted your reward."
Re: Coltia's Ranch (SirOni)

MAF: "Me want friends with wall monster," Priscilla replied, her meaning towards Wenji as she grinned with a silly expression.

SirOni: "Hee, maybe one day," Climbing on the bed Colt pats Priscilla on the head before cuddling up with her. "I guess it's going to take some time for Wenji to warm up to us. And then I don't know how she and Melpha will take it when I suggest Wenji joining us."

MAF: Priscilla actually seemed to try and think for a moment, and the result was, ".... Oogie." A truly brilliant conclusion to the dilemma of wanting Wenji on the team.

SirOni: Coltia lets out a small laugh at Priscilla's response, kissing the orc girl on the cheek before taking hold of Pris' member, gripping it tightly as the young woman slowly slides her hand up its length. "I guess it's getting a bit late, but I can still finish you off if you want~"

MAF: Coltia found Priscilla's length coming back to life before the orc stood directly in front of Coltia, and looked down at her with a grin to watch her make good on her promise.

SirOni: "Oh my, so this isn't going to be enough, is it~?" A lewd smile appears on Coltia's face as Priscilla stands before her, the orc girl's dick standing at full length. "Does Priscilla want to continue from earlier~?" Lifting her legs up Colt bares her ass to Pris, stretching her hole open, ready and eager for the thick orc cock.

MAF: "Butt is fine too!" Priscilla announces, before grabbing Colt from behind her knees, and holding her legs apart before inserting herself in, going in about half way before Coltia's body could take no more. "Can't go further..." Priscilla complained, as Coltia herself would feel something dangerous would happen if Priscilla tried to go further.

SirOni: "T-this is f-fine~" Coltia cries out, the slight pain of Priscilla forcing her way into the young rancher's ass sends hot waves of pleasure throughout her young body. Stretching her arms upwards Colt coils her fingers around the penis that hadn't been able to fit inside her ass, Colt's hips already beginning to buck, desperately trying to feel the thick cock thrust in and out of her.

MAF: Hearing Coltia's words, Priscilla looked down to the point of penetration, before focusing solely on that, getting a feel for how much room she had before she began to thrust in earnest, pulling in and out, stretching Coltia's ass with her massive cock. Priscilla had a pained expression on her face as well, apparently holding back a lot of lust as she tried not to break Coltia with her dick. Even though she was trying, every odd thrust into her ass was a bit forceful, with a sudden thrust from Priscilla pushing hard into her asshole.

SirOni: Coltia's eyes roll up as Priscilla begins to assault her ass, stretching the young woman's hole a little bit more with each thrust, her fingers gripping onto the orc girl's dick. "T-that's it, P-Pris! F-faster~!" Is all Colt can manage to cry out between moans, a slight squeal escaping the rancher with each forced thrust.

MAF: Priscilla followed by what Coltia told her, grunting as she did indeed begin to thrust faster. Getting a bit reckless, Priscilla began to slam slightly harder and harder against Coltia's limit as the girl herself felt her insides taking the impact. The whole inside of her body felt as if it was being crushed by the massive intruder plowing into her anal ring.

SirOni: Lost in the intense pleasure of Priscilla's cock pounding deep inside her, threatening to churn up her insides Colt finally loses it, her mind going blank as she is rapidly assaulted by the monstrous dick. The young rancher's hips spasm almost uncontrollably as her eyes roll up completely, Colt's face flushed a deep crimsom as her tongue lolls out, saliva freely running down her face.

MAF: Thrusting as deep as she could in one final thrust as Priscilla's own tongue flops out, she pulls her length out of Coltia's ass, before stroking her dick in one hand rapidly not a moment before Coltia soon found herself being drenched with Priscilla's seed, overflowing from her cock and leaving the Rancher in a right filthy mess of her spunk.

SirOni: As the piggy dick is pulled free from her ass Colt's entire body convulses before tensing up, the rancher's legs tightening around Priscilla's hips as she reaches her mind blowing orgasm, pulling the orc girl even closer to her, squirting her juices all over Pris' stomach as Priscilla covers Coltia head to toe in cum.

MAF: "Oogie..." Priscilla let out a happy moan, before collapsing forward in a satisfied motion, not caring that she fell into her own semen as she flopped onto Coltia, satisfied.

SirOni: It's several more minutes before Coltia recovers from her orgasm, though as she slowly returns to reality she feels the warmth of the orc girl lying on top of her, and smiling weakly Colt wraps her arms around Priscilla, content to just lie there, covered in their filth.

MAF: And should Coltia be content to lay there all night, so would Priscilla, happily falling asleep as a storm brews outside, and Chris is audibly heard going, "Whoooooah! Wowowowowowowoah!" as the wind pushes her around.

SirOni: As Priscilla dozes off Colt slides the orc girl off her, the sounds of Chris' panicked cries keeping the rancher awake. Gently getting up off the bed Colt walks to the window and opens it, quietly calling out to the fairy to fly through it. If and when Chris flies into the room Colt closes the window behind the diminutive girl, offering her to join Colt and Pris on the bed. Unbothered about being drenched head to toe in orc semen Colt climbs back on the bed and snuggles down with Priscilla, a leg draped over the hips of the little piggy as Coltia pulls her into a tight embrace once more before quickly falling asleep.

MAF: "I can't fight the wiiiind!" Chris announces as she does a loop through the air with the wind pushing her along. Flapping her wings only seems her make her path more unpredictable. Although it seems Chris isn't too worried, as she's heard to be giggling occasionally.
"Chipapa... My head is going Chipapa!" she's heard as Coltia closes the window.


MAF: The next morning, Coltia awoke with a filthy sensation covering her, with Priscilla laying next to her, once again as sound asleep as the other nights when the sun rose.

SirOni: Colt lies in bed for quite some time, allowing herself to slowly wake up, the rays of the morning sun warming her naked body. "Oh... Guess we're going to have to bathe first, huh?" Colt mutters to the sleeping orc girl as she realises the two of them are covered in cum from the night before. "C'mon sleepy head, rise and shine~ We've got a busy few weeks ahead of us, but first we've got to get cleaned up."

MAF: "Ooogieee!" Pris groans as she stretches on the shabby bed. Meanwhile, Chris is heard below, getting into the food supplies and drinking her milk.

SirOni: "C'mon, lets get going~" Climbing off the bed Colt takes Priscilla's hands in her own and pulls her out of the room with her, leading the orc girl to the bathroom. "And don't forget you calling me 'it' last night. I'm going to have to punish you for that at some point~" Playfully spanking Pris, Colt drags her into the bathroom, intending to quickly clean themselves up.

MAF: "Eh? Did wrong?" Priscilla asked Coltia, confused as she was led to the bathroom, and got into the cramped wooden bucket made as a makeshift tub.

SirOni: "Hee~ No, not really. But you need to remember it's 'Colt,' 'Coltia' or female-specific pronoun, okay?" Climbing into the tight-fitting tub with Priscilla Colt begins to wash herself down, leaning her back against the orc girl's chest.

MAF: "Fema... Spefici... OOGIE!" Priscilla suddenly gave a start, thrashing in the tub as she couldn't wrap her head around pronouncing what Coltia had said.

SirOni: "C'mon, settle down now," Laughing at Priscilla's reaction Colt fidgets in the tub, awkwardly turning around and hugging the orc girl, their breasts squishing together. "It means use she or her," Quickly kissing Priscilla Colt sits back, her legs wrapping tightly around the piggy's waist. "Now c'mon, lets quickly get cleaned up and then we can continue your training. I want to enter you in a tournament in a few weeks time."

MAF: "Hershe! Hershe!" Priscilla answers in response, looking frustrated and angry. "HERSHIE!!! OOGIE! OOGIE SHE-HER!" she exclaimed, her words now beginning to sound like an alien dialect.

SirOni: Coltia sighs then laughs at Priscilla before continuing to wash herself down. Once clean Colt offers to help the orc girl, and regardless of whether she wants it or not the young woman jumps Pris, cleaning and tickling her.

MAF: Priscilla laughs and squirms in response, pushing at Coltia, the force of which slammed her against the side of the bucket, causing it to crack and split, soapy water going everywhere as the wooden bucket falls apart.

SirOni: Hearing the tub crack Colt flails about, grabbing onto Pris' arm just as the wood splinters and breaks apart, sending both women tumbling out, Coltia landing on her back and Priscilla landing on top of her. "Oooh, there goes our bath..." Sitting up Colt shakes her head and frowns at the mess that has been made. "Well I guess we're clean enough now. Help me tidy this up and then we can go grab something to eat." Helping Priscilla up Colt goes about tidying up the bits of broken wood, mopping up the water with whatever is available.

MAF: Using the poor tools available made the task a miserable one, and they couldn't fully remove all of the water that had soaked into the old wood either. The house was in desperate need of a remodel. Priscilla's clumsy housemaid skills didn't help either, forced to use a broken mop to clean because she snapped the other in half.