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*COMPLETED* Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui was listening to Rythe, but still never once stopped her march towards her room. There would be no reply to any of it, at least until they were both, violent slam open and harder one shut, they were both inside.

“You don't get it Rythe! Even if Sienna isn't here right now, what do you think is going to happen when she comes back if Black finds out the Order of St Lisle is investigating him. The very FIRST thing he's going to do is go after her.
Damnit, he probably has her already! He probably knows what I've been doing, this is a test Rythe. He probably wants me to show up with my box of stuff and burn it all right in front of him. I... I could do it you know, I could do it and would probably save her... or enrage him and doom us both if I'm wrong...”

Kurui's voice was fluctuating between despair and frustrated rage now and a bit of scared realization how well she knew Black's demented though process, but a few small tears were streaking down her face.
“Why couldn't she just be around? Everything was going so perfectly... we had a chance... a real chance...
If... if I do this... it's over for her. I can't come back until Black is gone... I won't let you come back either. If he gets either one of use LUCKY if we end up dead instead of slaves in Redclaw dungeon somewhere like Rydale or back in those mines. But... Sienna... oh god Rythe, she has no idea what's going on... no chance at all if something bad happens and nobody to warn or protect her. It's not fair... IT'S NOT FUCKING FAIR!”

Kurui slammed the wall so hard at this it hurt her hand, but she didn't care, she didn't have feeling in her limbs anymore, shaking too hard with nerves and numbness to register it. She shrank onto her bed for a few minutes curled up with her back against the headboard and tried to let it pass. It would be awhile before she spoke again, but when she finally did her tone was more subdued... almost apologetic sounding for snapping at Rythe like that... underneath the fatigue and pain.

“I'm sorry, you're right Rythe... nothing I've been doing has been working... I can't give up this chance. This isn't just about her anyway, Dinn and Reius and Anise could be dead right now and if they're not, they still won't last long unless I do something. You and everyone else here too...
I asked Sienna once if she thought I was a bad person... and she told me I wasn't. If any of that is true, then I can't risk a “maybe” for something I know is a “certain”... even if that "maybe" is Sienna. The Order of St Lisle can't be heartless enough to ignore her, right? Maybe they'll get her out safe...”

Kurui swung herself off the back onto her feet, a little shakily, but steady enough.
“It sucks to give up all control over anything... but come on, we'll get out of here, just give a minute.”
Kurui started gathering up all her evidence, she also pulled out her Falenium crystal and the rest of her gold just in case, of which only a paltry 40 was left after her spending habits of the previous days. A small flicker of frustration passed through her face at having yet ANOTHER source of influence over anything be diminished. What was left might be enough for a night in an inn, if that, and not much more. The feeling gave her an idea though...

“Hold on, I want to make a stop along the way before we leave. There are a few people Black never touched, people that were probably too much a risk, even for him, that had a kind of “immunity”. Surely you were lucky to end up with Odetta, it kept your group safe as even he wouldn't make a noble disappear. I'm not talking about her though, who knows what irresponsible rash action she'd try if she knew any of this. There was someone else though...
Do you remember on Red Day when I had that unsigned note. That was from Lafton, his father his is Jarelin. Black probably wouldn't dare make anything bad happen to him and run the risk of another noble right here at the Academy holding him responsible. May he can be my lifeline here... if we bring him with us and he knows what's going on... he can come back and wait for Sienna and get her safe, he's not as rash as Odetta or anything. I owe him an explanation for why I was such a bitch to him the night we met anyway. He was the first one besides you to show me any scrap of niceness since this whole thing started. It was... romantic... and I threw it back in his face. The truth is the least I can give him. Lets go see if he's hanging around his father's room or something..."

Then hope he doesn't hate me or think I'm “damaged goods” once this is over..."

Kurui was still a mess, but a quick water gate later and one of her old uniform cloaks to wash her face and signs that she was crying and she looked OK. The awareness that she was abandoning Sienna by conscious choice hurt though... she tried to drown it out with a small mind potion. She had no need of it for it's purposes of restoring magic, but the calm it brought to one's mental state, almost like a kind of soft drunkeness, helped take the bite away. Finally, she was ready to go. She had no plans of telling Lafton the whole story until they were at the Order, but even before then his presence might help to make leaving the Academy easier if Black suspected something, after all, the monitors wouldn't try to keep HIM in.
“I'm not *using* him, he offered to help me with anything I ever needed, right? Besides... I'm putting a lot of trust in him to be telling all this... and I won't ask anything if he hates me once it's over... I still hope he doesn't though.
If Rythe had no objections, new plans were set, and Kurui started on her way out, although not without a quick pause before shutting her door for what might be the last time in a good while.
“I'm sorry Sienna... I'm so so sorry...”

Aside from her uniform and the waist satchel...

-Evidence Box x1
-Evidence Explanation Note x1
-Enchanted Pen (recording) x1
-Siffulum Crystal x1
-Mining Pick x1
-Goblin Blood Sample x1
-Falenim Crystal x1
-Trartz Crystal (Arc Lightning Charge x1) x1
-Gold x40
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Kurui! Hey, are you listening to me? At least say -something-!" The other girl followed after her in a hurry, looking left and right to see if there was anyone around that might potentially overhear their conversation. When she saw no one, and heard nothing from the Water Major in response to her inquiries, the look of confusion and impatience grew upon her face. It would remain until the door to Kurui's dorm slammed shut behind them, causing Rythe to cringe and grimace noticeably. At that point, her expression seemed to shrink down, like that of a child being yelled at by a parent. A long silence passed while she allowed the other girl to yell out her frustrations, and Rythe did well in holding back any tears she might have otherwise shed.

"It's... it's okay," she whimpered, raising a hand to wipe something out of the way of her eye. "We can't afford to think that he knows, because if he does, then I think we're all done anyway at one point or another. You've already been through worse than any of us, and it's just... it's really scary to think that you'd just let him keep on doing what he wants to you like that. I'm not blaming you, Kurui. I'm just saying, as someone seeing all of this from the outside, he's already done more than enough, and this needs to stop."

Rythe took a deep breath, slowly approached the other student, and sat down next to her. "Do you really think you're a bad person? Are you seriously asking yourself that right now? If you ask me, you're a better person than I could have ever been in this situation. I haven't known you for all that long, but I'll say that I definitely wouldn't have gone through all that you did just for someone else's sake... even if that someone is Sienna. I'm not saying that we're abandoning her, but what else do you want us to do? Like I said, if we keep looking, the day could be over before we find her. And regardless of whether the Order of Saint Lisle is heartless or not, there is just no way that every last organization in Elynsor will turn down this much evidence. If they do turn out to be a bunch of jerks, I'll even go to the Holy Royal Guard if I have to, I don't care. And there are a ton of other chapters of Elynsorian chivalry that should be able to do something about all of this."

"I get it. We don't have as much control over this situation as we'd want, obviously, what with Sienna absent. But we can't let that stop us, not while we're so close. I'm watching out for myself, too, and everyone else that Black might threaten." Upon hearing Kurui's mention of Lafton, the other girl's tone changed to that of a more curious one. "Oh, so that's who it was? Hmm... as much as a bad idea I think it'd be to involve more people, if Black is really adverse to attempting anything against the family members of important nobles like House Jarelin, then you might have something there. Did Black specifically mention as much? Ah... I'm probably just overthinking this. Let's just hope he doesn't take it the wrong way."

The effects of the blue-tinted mindpotion that Kurui quaffed kicked in just a few seconds afterwards, going down warmer in her stomach than she remembered, but soon spreading through her system with how quickly it absorbed. It left her mind with a steely focus, washing away any pesky, illogical thoughts that might have plagued her beforehand, something of a sedative in its own right. Still, it wasn't so strong as to make her drowsy, but better prepared her mind for concentration at a moment's notice, which is why it was so often used as an aid for spellcasting. It brought a sense of calmness and energy to an otherwise fatigued and troubled psyche.

After Kurui had gotten everything packed away and organized, Rythe followed her to the classroom where Mr. Jarelin taught, which was located in a different building, and was thus a further walk away from the dorms. All the better to not accidentally run into Black, one would think. The Lightning Major would keep looking around as they traveled. "But we're going straight to the Order after this, right? Well, I just hope he's there. I don't really think anyone would want to hang around with their father after school, unless they had some errands to do, or something. But at the very least, Mr. Jarelin could at least tell us about where Lafton might be. Can't be too far, either way."

Once they entered the proper building, a trip up two flights of stairs and another hallway down would take them to the desired classroom, which was empty--save for the instructor, Mr. Jarelin, sitting at his desk... and, strangely enough, Lafton, standing in front of it. The professor looked somewhat puzzled to see the two girls. "Is there anything I can help you two with?" asked the older man.

His son, similarly, was surprised to see Kurui of all people there, but didn't gawk for too long despite that. "Oh! Father, this is Kurui and Rythe, from my class. May I be excused for a moment?"

Jarelin shrugged and nodded. "Very well--you can go on ahead, actually. Don't forget to deliver the message I gave you."

"I won't," reassured the brown-haired boy before slipping out of the class, bag slung over one shoulder, and meeting the girls out in the hallway. "Hey. Didn't expect to see you here. So what's... going on?" He looked from Kurui to Rythe and then back.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui sat for a moment just taking in the effects of the mind potion. Even given the strength of it's effects and the speed at which it worked, it wasn't a memory-wipe and some degree of willpower was still necessary for her to hold herself together. The potion did make the task considerably easier though, the same as a few hours of sleep might have done. Kurui knew it was dangerous to use such a potion this way, as a substitute for sleep or mental well-being, as it's effects would quickly become less and less potent the more it was used in a short period time of time... and once it wore off, any stresses not taken care of would come back even worse... after all, the body was capable of only so much even with aid, and numbing a pain without taking care of it's cause wasn't the same as healing it.
“These things cost so much I rarely ever use them anyway. This one will be fine... as long as I don't make a habit of this. I just have to make it through today, thats all.”
Her calm returning, Kurui was able to focus on the task at hand and turn her attention back to answering Rythe's questions.

“Black never said as much explicitly, no...” Kurui answered to Rythe's question about Lafton and other nobles “...but reading between the lines here, it makes sense, right? Even with the influence he has, people aren't all stupid and some of them can actually do something to him, if there was reason for enough of them to start asking questions they would quickly see that something was wrong. No, he kept anyone who was a risk like that safe. That or all the nobles just got really lucky with group selection, but even I'm not superstitious and mentally frayed enough to believe THAT.
Anyway, yes, we'll go to the Order right after this, if Lafton isn't there or doesn't come up with us, I won't waste anymore of our time, I promise. If we find him though, and he comes with us, and doesn't totally hate me afterwards... maybe some of his luck or immunity to Black will rub off on us. Not just that, I owe him an answer too... in reality I probably owe it to EVERYONE in the class to tell them before something else bad happens, but some of them would react too badly and ruin everything. Thankfully Lafton doesn't seem that type, I hope... not that I plan on telling him everything until we're there and things with the Order have been set into motion, just in case. Anyway, I still think its more likely he'd be here than home, there's always stuff going around here.”

It was a quick walk to Jarelin's room, not far out of the way. Kurui's ever-fickle luck seemed to be erring towards the good side again, as Kurui could see Lafton there as soon as she entered. Before she could say anything, she gave a small bow towards Jarelin, it was more of her habitual etiquette that had been driven into her head as a child.
“Black could have his way with me until I forget who I am even am, but I'd still probably remember stuff like THIS.” Kurui thought to herself with a grim bit of sarcasm.
Before she was even finished, Lafton recognized her and spared her the trouble of explaining herself to earn a moment of his time.
“Thank you.” she said quickly in Jarelin's direction before dismissing herself with another small head bow.
Kurui lead Lafton a short ways away from the room before answering his question of what was going on. Even veiled as she planned to keep her answer, it was better to not have an audience.
“Do you remember Red Day, when you gave me that letter? I'm shamed at how badly I acted, it meant a lot more to me than I acted like it did and I owe you an answer for why I acted that way. I was under a lot of stress because I had gotten myself into some trouble, today I'm going to end it, but I'd like you to come along with me. I know it sounds really strange, and I promise I'm not expecting you to fix everything for me or abusing your offer to help me with anything I needed it with... but it's just... it will be a lot easier to explain everything if you come with me and see for yourself.”
She paused for a moment waiting for an answer or some kind of reaction she could gauge. Her request had been a strange one, but even if he refused to help, the request seemed innocuous enough that it wouldn't get in her any deeper trouble... hopefully.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The plain-looking lecturer looked all too pleased to see Kurui's display of respect, however ingrained it was into her body. Rythe blinked a few times at the other girl's motion before following suit. It wasn't terribly frequent for students to do so towards professors in the Academy classroom settings, even if they were nobles. Even so, Jarelin certainly wasn't one to object to the gesture, almost looking to have expected it as he exhibited a slight smile and making a motion with his hand as if to dismiss them.

Lafton only looked increasingly puzzled as Kurui led him down the hallway, but seemed to understand the situation well enough to stay quiet until she talked first. After the three began to make quite a bit of distance, he made his response naturally, matching her sentences when appropriate in the small gaps she provided. "Oh, uh... you mean yesterday? Of course I remember!" he exclaimed, looking more excited that she had even brought it up in the first place. "And hey, don't even worry about it. I was just glad you even chose to be that open with me to begin with, really."

Towards the end of the Water Major's explanation, he nodded firmly. "Even if you did ask me to fix everything for you, I'd do it without hesitation. I mean..." Blushing, he bowed his head slightly. Rythe's eyes wandered in the other direction and rolled slightly, but Lafton hardly noticed this, as his own gaze was fixed on Kurui intently. "Whatever it is you're going through right now, I'll do my best to help. I said it before, and I intend to keep my word, so... show me whatever it is you need help with. I'm sure we could figure something out!" He grew a bit loud towards the end, to which the Lightning Major looked less than pleased.

"Could you be a little quieter about this, please? It's not something we want... well, just about anyone to know, so do keep that in mind."

"Oh... ah, sorry, eh-heh." Scratching the back of his head, he lowered his voice appropriately. "So, is it off campus?"

They made it outside before too long, and the afternoon sun was still at a nicely visible point in the sky. While there was still more than enough time by which to make it to the Order in a timely manner, they surely wouldn't stay open if the three were to allow themselves to get bogged down with too many more distractions. It would be up to Kurui then, if she wanted to casually walk past the monitors keeping watch over the primary gate, or attempt an alternative route out of the Royal Magic Academy's grounds.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Lafton's enthusiastic tone, if nothing else, was at least erasing Kurui's fears that he wouldn't want to come along in the first place. In a different way though, it worried her a little, even calm from the fresh effects of the mindpotion, in the back of her brain stirred the thought that this enthusiasm would make everything hurt even worse if he took it as a betrayal later.
“We'll see if you still want to help me when this is over... or even be anywhere near me...”
The thought reminded her of how she couldn't even look at herself in the mirror not too long ago. It was distracting enough she almost missed how loud the conversation had become, but luckily Rythe was listening to shush it down.

“Yeah... we're going off campus. I can't really get any help here. I know it still doesn't make sense, but it will. Believe me, I hate the wait too, so I'd like to finish this as quickly as possible.”
Kurui kept a straight path towards the front gate.
“Had Sienna been with me, that would've looked too strange to the monitors if Black told them to be on lookout. If she were here I'd have her get us over the gate somewhere else with her wind magic... but she's not. The only thing suspicious I have now is this box, which they'll hopefully think is nothing. With any luck that means the monitors wont stop us... and even if they do, Lafton may be just as much of a help as a wind-magic sneak-out would have been, they won't stop him knowing who his father is...”

The monitors hadn't stopped her and Rythe before, she didn't know what she was so nervous about. Still, her hand drifted to her waist satchel and she ran her fingertips over the Trartz crystal Black gave her.
“If Lafton can't talk them into letting us leave... I still have this. Monitors may be graduates with more experience, but it's late, if there's only one I should be able to hit them before they know what happened and take care of the situation with relatively little trouble or risk of getting caught...”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Uh, alright. Fine with me," replied the Fire Major, shrugging his shoulders and laying off the questions from there. Rythe did a fairly good job of matching Kurui's level of poise as they headed straight for the front gate in a bold plan to get to the Order in as little time as possible. Lafton's apparent ability to keep himself from looking too confused, despite the plethora of internal inquiries floating about his mind, also lent itself well to their overall image--that of three students on their way out to the city.

Only one monitor stood by the gate today, a stern-faced young man with dark blue hair that Kurui didn't recognize. The mage's tight body language was less than friendly, in comparison to most there, and his eyes followed the three as they walked out. Still, he made no attempts to stop them, and even gave a nod to Lafton after the group passed, a motion that the Fire Major returned without a second thought.

While momentary tension could be felt on Rythe's part, and likely Kurui's, no incident took place at the gates, and with that they were free to continue on towards their destination. Of Elynsor's 'inner circle', where the capital's upper-class took up residence, the guildhouses of knightly orders were largely aligned along a single strip that acted as a border of sorts, conveniently placed to ensure the safety of its most influential citizens. This was informally known as the 'military district', and any artisans working nearby catered their wares to the swordswoman, the archer, the warmage; anyone who would take up arms as part of Elynsor's military. As per common knowledge for those living within the inner circle, many of the chapters within were specifically held to certain duties. The Order of Saint Croix's primary objective was to protect the Holy Relics, while some others, like the Order of Saint Thrail, devoted their resources towards hunt down those who would illegally practice Voidic rituals within the city limits.

The Order of Saint Lisle was somewhat different in this regard, as they had no primary mission other than for its members to refine their own combat skills, particularly in those involving the use of the sword. Amongst Elynsor's official knightly groups, they were perhaps the closest to mercenaries, taking a variety of odd jobs for the Kingdom's residents. Within the past year or so, the most arrests (or executions) of Redclaw Syndicate members found working within Elynsor's political stages were credited to knights of the Order of Saint Lisle. Because of this, they acquired a relatively recent reputation as a squadron of swordsmen devoted to rooting out corruption in the Kingdom.

It wasn't long before the trio made it into this military district, or at least what appeared to be it, from the various fenced areas with well-guarded checkpoints to the numerous soldiers in uniform, mounted knights in full armor, and so on. It was almost as if they were preparing for a war against the city's own outer limits, to help keep Elynsor's inner circle intact. They reached a wide, smooth street, somewhat curved in form, with multiple steel-fenced guildhouses lining it, each with their own crests and distinctive identifiers, from the clothing that the guardsmen wore to the way that their buildings were decorated. Most buildings had at least two soldiers standing watch at all times.

Towards end of the strip was a somewhat less extravagant guildhouse, but a grand one nonetheless. It had less of an 'ornamental' feel, free from extravagant embellishments, and more of one befitting that of a house for seasoned veterans, the simple wood and stone from which it was built having seen many seasons. The crest was composed of an griffin with a sword in one talon, and several lisleflowers in the other. "The Order of Saint Lisle" was boldly displayed upon it. Unlike the other orders, there were no sentries keeping guard over this guildhouse. Not outside, anyway.

"So, looks like this is the place," remarked Rythe.

Finally, Lafton broke the silence he had managed to maintain for the majority of the trip. "The Order of Saint Lisle... what are we doing here?" Blinking, he turned to Kurui. "Did you get involved with some Syndicate thugs, or something? I didn't think you were in THAT much trouble... I mean, not that I won't help! I'd be glad to. Just that, I've never actually been in here myself, to be honest."

"Not sure if right now's the time for stories," interrupted Rythe, looking to Kurui as if checking to see whether or not the Water Major cared to explain at this point. "Since we don't have a lot of that left to begin with, and I wanna make sure that we catch them in good time. But um, I'll leave that up to you, Kurui."

She then took another look at the aged building before them. "Kinda lax on security--that, or it goes to show that they're actually doing their job, unlike the rest of the places around here. Well, should we see if anyone's home?"
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui was grateful that Lafton was able to look outwardly calm without too much effort, because she herself was struggling to keep up the facade. Even she left the gate with the others, the monitor's gaze upon her taunted the paranoid parts of her mind. Every small detail and slight movement she took in, as if expecting to be attacked. Even the small nods he and Lafton exchanged were something her mind took note of and wanted to jump at.
“No... that didn't mean anything. There's no way Lafton would be in on this. Besides, even if he was, this wouldn't be the way to go about it. He would have stopped me way earlier if he were... grabbed my box and torched the whole thing before I could react. No need to get jumpy.”
Logic didn't help as much as it should have, even once they were out the gates she kept mental track of where Lafton was the whole time, despite feeling horrible at her paranoia after everything she'd already been hiding from him while he had been so open so far.

Kurui had the temptation to rush ahead, or at least move at a brisk pace... perhaps to help work off her own nervous energy. However for the most part she ended up keeping behind Rythe and following her lead. While Kurui had a rough idea of the layout of the city, she didn't know the particulars very well and knew if she ran ahead she might make a wrong turn and kill even more time. Rythe had grown up here, but Kurui herself only knew quick routes a few of the most frequented places in the city and in her time at the Academy had mostly preferred to stay close by.
It would be a bad time to try navigating anyway, as Kurui took more an more to keeping her eyes straight ahead or the ground at they reached the “military district”. Amongst all the pomp and splendor of the guild halls, and even a few kiosks selling wares that looked fit for a hero, Kurui couldn't help but feel like a coward who didn't belong. Mentally she tried to shut it all out and keep her awareness to the small “bubble” of the immediate few feet around her. She didn't say anything or even give too much in the way of visual cues as to what she was feeling, but the short trip over felt like forever. Eventually though, it would come to an end and their goal would be in sight. Apparently, Lafton too would realize what it had been all along, and realize the weight of the situation.

“Syndic-?!” Kurui gave a little jump when Lafton spoke. His guess was uncannily accurate for a first try, especially to Kurui who would have never thought the Syndicate even a serious thing a few days ago.
Ok... Ok... relax. He probably grew up here too... probably saw all the public executions and stuff. Just because it rarely happened in Veltria doesn't mean everyone else here thinks the world is as safe and innocent as you stupidly did, Kurui. Besides, we're here now. Even if he knew what was going on, had been sent by Black to spy on us, it's too late to stop us now. Me an Rythe outnumber him... besides... he wouldn't be offering to help me if he didn't care about me, right? It's more likely he's being honest than that he's a REALLY good liar, right?”
Rythe cut Lafton off before Kurui found herself able to answer. It would have saved her trouble of saying anything if she wished it, but for whatever reason she decided to say something anyway, if only to lessen the blow of what was to come.

“Hold on Rythe, this will only take a second.”

Kurui took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as preparation before she spoke.
“Lafton... Black IS Redclaw Syndicate.” she took another pause as if to let it sink in. “I know it sounds crazy, but I have proof and that proof is why I wanted you to come and see for yourself. Stop and think about it though... think about who all went missing. None of them were from noble families or anyone important... this was all planned. Why do you think the Royal Constables did such a quick job of investigating? Why do you think we allowed into a mine with crystals worth a ton and allowed to just take whatever we wanted? Why do you think our escorts never showed back to explain to explain to anyone what happened? Everything, all of it, was set up from the start... the others are still there, being forced to mine those crystals for the Syndicate by those same soldiers who were supposed to protect us. I'm in trouble, you're in trouble, everyone in the class is in trouble if this doesn't end today.”
Kurui paused again to let everything sink in, then started speaking again in deathly serious tone.
“You can hate me however much you want now, and probably even more when you find out how I managed to be the only one to make it back OK... but don't you DARE go back and tell anyone before I'm finished here today. Whatever you think of me, there's a reason I was the only one to escape. Black knows this... and if he finds out I said anything... if anyone else at the academy starts talking... he's going to go after everyone he thinks helped me or is close to me... and who knows what will happen to the ones he already has. Whatever you think of ME, they deserve better than that.”
Her voice dropped down after another short pause, because more of a plea than a command.
“I'm sorry... I'm sorry I hid this from you. I'm sorry I'm still doing it... but in a few minutes you'll know everything, I promise. Please... stay with me until then. Just please give me that...”
She desperately hoped the Fire Major would cooperate, because if he didn't she was going to have to take care of that problem here and now, for Sienna's sake and everyone else. The trartz crystal flared back into memory for a brief instant. She kept part of her attention on Lafton as she turned back to Rythe.
“There has to be someone there. I can't take much more of this anymore... lets go put an end to it.”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Lafton looked utterly confused at the girl's initial confession. Of course he wasn't about to believe such an outrageous claim, at least, not in a matter of seconds. The confusion upon his face was plain to read, as he tried to make sense of Kurui's assertion that their very own instructor, Mr. Black, was associated with the Syndicate bogeymen heard through quick-spreading rumors and reports. If the Fire Major himself was in on this, in any form, then he did quite a job at hiding it.

Still, that didn't take away from his temporary denial of the situation. "W... What? That's... there's no way. Are you sure?" He couldn't help but frown when the Water Major began to elaborate on the various strange occurrences and clues that all seemed to support her point in a frighteningly accurate manner. "But he's a famous inventor and scholar! If it were found that he had real ties to the Redclaws, he'd be hunted down by this exact Order and have been arrested already! Wouldn't he? Why would he do this..." His eyes wandered from Kurui to Rythe in his mental search for an answer to the additional questions that inevitably rose, and the brunette gave him a slow, but solemn nod, indicating that this was no mere joke by far. "I don't understand... why, in the Academy of all places? I thought we were free from that, that we'd never have to worry about things that only the military usually dealt with. D-Damnit...!"

Raising a hand to the side of his head, as if nursing a migraine, he looked over to the guildhouse. It became evident that Lafton was very much from the same 'world' that Kurui and perhaps Rythe were from. In the 'inner circle' of Elynsor, corruption and crime were certainly heard of, but not encountered--not directly, anyway. Someone as sheltered as him would never think that a high-rank Syndicate member would live next door, so to speak, let alone be teaching their class. Still, Lafton was not so naive as to miss the implications of Black's position over them, or the true reasons why he didn't see Dinn, Anisse, or several of the other faces he was familiar with. They were gone. Dead, or worse, he thought to himself, and the growing distress associated with such thoughts remained plain to see upon the Fire Major's expression. He had good reason to be; if anything was really known about the Syndicate by the common public, it was that they were very active in the slave trade. In retrospect, death would probably be merciful for those who were sold off to the organization. It was sobering, and not in a particularly comfortable way. "Okay. Let's just... hmm. Uh... hff, by Erion, you two aren't kidding, are you? What did I get myself into..."

After pacing back and forth a little, he turned back to Kurui with a serious look. "Alright, listen. First off, don't be sorry. Why would any of this be your fault? Kurui, I couldn't hate you for this. If anything, I just wish you'd have told me sooner. How long has this even been going on? Days... weeks? Months? You know what, it doesn't matter. If everything you said is true, then I'd be an idiot to not go inside with you now. I don't know how much I can do... if anything, but I'd be pretty sad if I couldn't at least do as much as whatever you two have accomplished thus far. Kurui, for what it's worth, you are... a lot stronger than I ever thought you to be." He attempted to place a comforting hand on her shoulder, but gauged her expression before following through. If nothing else, he did prove to be supportive despite the initial shock of it all.

Rythe wasn't one for wasting anymore time on revelations, though, and as such she cleared her throat and motioned towards the door to the guild hall. Taking the lead if no one else did, she walked up to it and gave a few knocks. The wait felt like forever to them. If no one was here, they would have little time to find another chapter, if any, that would be available to help with the problem before dusk fell, and Kurui being absent for her 'morning session' would undoubtedly set Black into motion--the lewd professor was many things, but he was not one to be fooled for long.

Still, fortune was with Kurui tonight, as the door swung open to reveal a towering figure. This man, of grey hair and a generous beard, was a veteran of many battles if Kurui had ever seen one, but the sleeve of his left arm appeared empty, as did the stare of his right eye--it appeared to be made from glass. A gauntlet-covered right hand rested lightly upon the hilt of a straight, broad sword kept at his side. His voice was deep and rumbly to match his appearance, though he looked upon the new visitors with an understandable degree of skepticism. "Rrmpf... students? From the Royal Magic Academy?" His working eye scanned their uniforms. "And what would bring you here?"

Rythe couldn't help but stutter, having felt the knight's intimidating aura along with his odd appearance, but managed to get the words out. "W-We have um... e-evidence... of a high-ranking Syndicate member in the Academy, and were hoping you could help. Please..."

The older warrior sighed and turned his head to he side, nodding to himself several times for whatever reason, and opened the door all the way before making a motion with his chin for them to follow him. As he walked, he did so with a noticeable limp, and it was difficult to imagine this man, however strong he might have been at one point, putting up any kind of a meaningful fight against the undoubtedly more clever, and youthful, mage that was Black.

He led them into the old guildhouse, the interior of which was rather rustic, but done in simple, yet appropriate tastes for those of the warrior's profession. Countless swords lined the upper ends of the halls, some of the more exotic nature, though most bearing Elynsor's straight-bladed customary weapon of choice. If anyone did like swords, this was no doubt the place for them to be. Unlike the buildings of the Royal Magic Academy, which had various facilities and plenty of different hallways leading to separate private rooms and the like, the arrangement of Saint Lisle's guildhouse was much simpler. Everything was located in the main hall, for the most part; several tables and a bar were all kept in the same large area. An exit to the east side of the building, leading to an outdoor courtyard, could also be seen, where several training rings, wooden dummies, and materials were lined up. Other than the one leading to the primary entrance, there was only one visible hallway that appeared to lead elsewhere, though the door to that room was closed.

Portraits of different people--likely swordmasters of old--were located in the main meeting hall. Three were prominently displayed above the fireplace mantle, each of very capable looking sword-wielders. Two of the warriors portrayed were men; one was possessed of red hair, forest-green armor, and sharp, almost feminine features, while the other was a blonde, stone-jawed individual in bulky, dark-blue plate. The third was a stunning blonde with green eyes and a serene smile, clad in red armor. The one-eyed veteran who had led them in had his own portrait just to the left to theirs as well, though outside of the mantle. He was much younger in this picture, perhaps in his mid-30's at the time it was painted. In it, he still possessed both arms and eyes, and a stern look of authority about his expression. It had faded only slightly by now.

"Welcome to the Order of Saint Lisle. As you can see... we're rather short on personnel, at the moment." He motioned with his arm about the empty guild hall. The only other people around were two swordsmen on cots that had clearly seen better days, due to the numerous injuries upon their bodies, and a woman with short brown hair attending to their wounds. "Damned Syndicate cases have been running us dry--if only by virtue of numbers. Can't say I've seen many mages coming by, asking for our help, though. So please, take a seat. Curious to hear your story."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Lafton's reaction was not exactly what Kurui was expecting... she wasn't exactly sure WHAT she had been expecting, the things she had told him had become little more than facts of life to her now... it was strange to see the reaction of someone who hadn't become as “used to it” as she and Rythe had. If nothing else though, she could at least understand the reaction, having been exactly the same as him only a few days ago. For awhile she said nothing and just watched, leaving the fire major to piece things together for himself rather than take the time to answer his questions herself. It was a greedy indulgence, but she took some selfish comfort in seeing that she wasn't the only only to have been completely blind-sided by all of this... that she wasn't the only one to have been so naive. She didn't even realize all she she had been doing... but there was some good to come out of it. Lafton's reaction seemed too genuine to be fake and she lowered her guard just a little and let go of some of her worst thoughts about him, thoughts she would regret ever having when only a moment later he turned his attention to comforting her in spite of this shock.
“I... I don't know how long. I've only known... for a few days.” Kurui wouldn't make any obvious physical reactions as she answered, but if Lafton were to feel her shoulder, he would find she was shaking slightly.
“I'm not strong... I'm not strong at all... I'm only here because I'm... a coward.... because I got scared.”
Of this she explained nothing, the fire major would have his explanation soon enough anyway. Instead she made a move to wipe the beginnings of tears away and did her best to focus on the immediate task in front of her. She had come too far to have a breakdown now only a few feet from their goal and throw it all away.

The time between when Rythe knocked on the door and when an answer came felt like forever to Kurui. It was likely little more than a few moments, but anticipation had a way of warping perception. An answer would finally come before anyone suggested they give up and try elsewhere, but the payoff would be almost as unnerving as the anticipation.
When the door opened Kurui was met by a swordsman of massive stature. This alone had an intimidating enough effect, but added to it was a vibe she got from him that said he wasn't very impressed with her and her group... as if they were just there to waste his time. The combination was enough to make Kurui draw back into a reluctant silence under the “weight” and look away. Luckily though, Rythe was able to stay less affected and get out a quick explanation that softened his apparent disposition to them.
Nice save there Rythe, you're always doing this, I'm so glad you decided to come along with me.”
Even under the intimidation she felt, she was quick to accept the invite inside and quickly followed the others.

The inside of the guild house was quite unlike anything Kurui imagined it to be. For such a prestigious order, she had expected something closer to the manor back in Veltria or the posh interior of the RMA. Instead this was closer to a cheap inn or one of the town pubs... except for the abundance of blades on the walls and other combat implements all around. All of it made her slightly uneasy. The group's host already looked to Kurui like someone who could snap one of her limbs in two with a single hand, even with his age. In addition, being in a den of weapons, some of which probably weighed as much as her, only served to fill her with a fearful, almost child-like, awareness of what real violence was... everything here was meant to hurt and kill. This was a life many willingly chose for themselves... such things were necessary for Kurui to have the life she currently had, and she knew as much, but she felt like an outsider in a strange world. Something different would eventually catch her eye though.
Above the mantle of the Hall's fireplace hung multiple portraits of strong looking warriors. Kurui summised they were the Order's members. She didn't recognize most of them... but was almost certain the one of the woman was Emilia at least, even before she had left for the RMA she had heard stories about the amazing self-taught swordswoman. Off to the side, another stood out too. It took Kurui's brain a moment to register, but after a few seconds she was certain it was of the man acting as her group's host right now.

“It looks so different than he does now though...”

Kurui took another look at the real version the man, and with a sudden jolt or realization became aware of many things she must have noticed before but had somehow been drown out by more pressing concerns. This towering pillar of a warrior was completely missing an arm... maybe an eye too, and he walked with a limp. His past glories were long behind him, and life had taken a heavy toll on him. Aside from him though, she also caught him saying how the hall was empty and became aware that only other souls there were two wounded and a nurse. Those who were gone would likely end up meeting similar fates sooner or later... Kurui felt more alien than ever in this world now, suddenly the things she went through seemed minor by comparison. She wasn't so sure of any of her plans now.
“I still have both my arms... both my eyes... I've never even been in a real fight. I've got years ahead of me of a good life left. What is he going to think of anything that happened to me? That I'm weak and pathetic and should just get over it and be grateful?
No... this is still going to hurt me for the rest of my life. It's going to hurt bad forever. I'm never going to be the same.
He's not going to even begin to understand.
Damnit, that doesn't make it not true though! I didn't do anything to deserve this.
No... I was a coward, I abandoned everyone.
No, I'm not a fighter. This was never the life I wanted, that doesn't make it right for these things to happen to me! Maybe I was a coward, maybe he will hate me and everything about me, but him and his Order have to at least help the others, right?
Whats an old cripple going to do against Black. There's probably nobody else here. This is a waste of time.
Waiting isn't doing me any good! I know that! I promised answers to Lafton and Rythe anyway. Don't think about what's going to happen Kurui, just do it now before you lose the nerve.
Don't- Yes, do it now!”

Kurui moved with almost robotic motions, feeling nothing but numbness as she did. She moved over to a table and set her evidence box down, then from her satchel she took out the recording pen and made the motions to start it playing. Finally, she took out the explanation note to go with all of it and set in on top.
“This pen is enchanted, in 15 minutes this pen will play a recording. While you're waiting... please... take the page there and read it to the others... or let them read along with you.”
This was her only instruction before she moved a few seats away and buried her face in her arms, waiting for this to be over. What was done was done, everything would come out now (save for the small edits she made about Black's mention of other Redclaw instructors and her favorable painting of Octavian.) and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Maybe it was a stupid choice, but at least it was something... and that was better than the past 3 days all this had been allowed to go on as a secret.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Hoh... brought evidence, did you? How thorough," complimented the older man. "It saves a tremendous amount of time otherwise wasted on investigating. If you couldn't already tell, that is not quite our specialty. But if there is money to be made, battles to be had, then we will be hard-pressed to turn them down. I am Brennir."

Taking the pen and notes, he moved over to where the two injured swordsmen lay, along with the nurse, and began to converse with them over the other clues they were given. This seemed to take a longer amount of time than was easily bearable for the Water Major, or at least felt that way, if nothing else, considering that the recording had not yet played.

Partway through their muffled discussion, a door could be heard opening behind the group, followed by a set of footsteps coming down the main entry hall. Kurui spotted a man in battle-worn armor making his way into the main room. He was about as tall and old as Lafton, yet considerably more built despite his relatively youthful appearance, with unkempt, short black hair, somewhat tanned skin and dark brown eyes. An oddly-shaped blade, with a sheath to match, hung at his side, and two short sticks were crossed at his back. While he looked like he had been through quite a journey, given the grime upon his face and clothes, he didn't walk with any visible handicaps or injuries, giving at least some hope that the Order might provide the group of mages with a competent warrior, if he was free at all. However, he looked less than thrilled to see the three Academy students sitting there, for whatever reason, and walked past them without much in the way of greeting or even friendly acknowledgement.

"Hello..." said Rythe, attempting to break the awkward air of silence between the mages and the newcomer.

"Hmm," uttered the swordsman in response. "Mages?"

"That they are," interrupted Brennir, the one armed man, who turned from his small meeting in the corner with the others to give the new arrival a nod. "Welcome back, Raden. Returned a tad early, I see--everything must've gone better than expected."

"More or less," said Raden. "Wasn't pretty. But it's done."

"Just as well. I trust you are free, then. We've been given a new case, and I would like for you to hear this... recording, of sorts. It is just about to start," he proclaimed.

"Fine by me," replied the younger one with a shrug. He then made his way to where Brennir and the others were huddled, crouching to listen. The pen began to play not long afterwards, and Kurui could hear the familiar discussion begin. The members of the Order of Saint Lisle listened to the conversation in serious silence, exchanging meaningful looks every once in a while.

Inevitably, the end of the conversation with Black concluded. With it came those words, that echoed in Kurui's mind, triggering a memory most haunting.

"Now let's get this off of you, shall we...?"

Rythe's eyes widened, and she grimaced, her face taking on an image of absolute dismay. "Lafton. We should go for now," she said out loud, in a deathly serious tone, taking him by the arm.

"What? I don't understand--why? What's going on?" the Fire Major shot back in protest, his brow furrowing. "The recording isn't even done yet! What's happening?"

Kurui's own voice then could be heard, but it wasn't her own. It was from the pen. "I... still don't think this is teaching me anything... I somehow doubt this is how YOU ever learned. Maybe... maybe I'll eventually get used to it... but for right now it hurts bad. You're... lucky I'm not repulsed with you or else the feeling might crush me... but I don't enjoy this either!"

"Let's go. NOW," growled Rythe in a quivering voice, deathly serious as she forcibly tugged Lafton towards the exit with tears welling up at the corner of her eyes. "Please Lafton. Please. Just do it."

Lafton looked as if he wanted to say something in response, but seeing the drastic change in the Lightning Major's expression, finally nodded and allowed her to drag him out. "O-Okay..."

With that, the two of them left the room in a hurry, allowing the black-haired mage to be spared the embarrassment in front of the one who had confessed his love to her not too long ago.

From there, Kurui was free to follow them out of the building or remain there, with her head in her hands. Regardless of what she chose, the swordsmen continued to listen to the humiliating recording, at least for the beginning parts of the tense sexual situation. When most of Black's and Kurui's voices turned to nothing but moans and grunts, Brennir shook his head and growled. "Rrrmph. I've heard enough. How do you turn this damn thing off? With this, we have all the evidence we need. But I will need a moment," said the seasoned veteran, handing the pen to Kurui.

Slowly getting to his feet, he limped over to the western hall, opening the only door, save for the entrance itself, which remained mysteriously shut from earlier. A quick peek would tell Kurui that it lead to what appeared to be an office, or library of sorts. Shutting the door behind him, the man began to search, as the noises of shuffling paper and dropping books could be heard from the sounds of it.

In the interim, the wounded soldiers lay breathing heavily, while Raden took a seat nearby in solemn silence. "......."

The nurse, a shorter, kind-looking woman of slightly portly build, approached Kurui with a comforting voice. "Are you hurt? If you need healing, or support of any kind..." As it was difficult for her to even imagine being in the Water Major's position, she could offer little, but made the attempt to nonetheless.

Brennir took quite a while with his search, long enough for Rythe and Lafton to return before too long. The two Academy students took their seats beside Kurui, concerned looks on their faces. Unless the girl bothered to start any conversation, the next several minutes would be spent in further silence.

It was broken when the one-eyed warrior exited the office, limping back to where Kurui and the others waited. "Well, I must commend your strength and bravery up to this point, even for a mage. It is most troubling indeed to discover that such an esteemed man would be associated with the Syndicate so closely," said Brennir, bowing his head. "Unfortunately... I was not able to find a proper bounty on the man, at least not one that the Kingdom has properly filed, and thus there is no guarantee of reward on our part. It may take another two days before we can act, to gain payment from the King's secretaries. Given your situation, I would make an exception, but we are stretched thin as is, especially for such a potentially dangerous mission. The warriors we would normally assign to this task are all currently on assignments of their own. And while I would take up your cause myself, I can't guarantee that I could keep the man from fleeing, as it was, knowing what kind of coward he must be to torment young girls such as yourself. If you could wait for just a little longer, we should be able to assist."

"No... NO!" yelled Rythe, much to the shock of those around her. "We can't wait any longer. Kurui's been... I-I mean... we just CAN'T! People will suffer as soon as tomorrow. Please. Please do something," she pleaded.

"I know your Order has its... rules, or whatever, but we need to be able to do something about this by tomorrow morning, or we'll lose that chance to get him to begin with. I have... a little money," she said, producing 30 gold from her bag. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. Unfortunately, the very minimum payment for most jobs like these lay in the hundreds--far beyond what Kurui and Rythe could afford at this time.

"I'll pay," said Lafton firmly. "As much as you need." Pulling a bag of coins from his uniform, he set it down on the table.

The older warrior blinked at this, somewhat surprised to see such a degree of conviction upon the otherwise polite mage's expression. "Oh? That is well and good. Hrmm... still, the issue of availability is a harsh one here. Perhaps Emilia herself could return within a week's time, as she has the speed and experience to deal with such a fool. But it is difficult to put an exact date on these things."

Raden sighed. "I'll do it." Glancing sideways without turning his head, he looked over to Kurui, keeping a straight face, then back to Brennir.

"Hohh... well, you have been working a lot recently, and as much faith as I have in your abilities, you haven't had much experience in dealing with mages, especially ones of this Black's caliber. Ugh, damn casters," he muttered under his breath, before looking to the trio from the Academy.

"Not you, of course. I suppose you could say I hold an old grudge against mages, as opponents anyway--given their unwillingness to engage me directly like a real man should. It's thanks to a spell that I am one arm less. Old wounds and such."

"If I were afraid of mages or their cowardly tactics, I wouldn't have offered," said the messy-haired young man flatly. "Nor would I deserve to be in this Order, in my view."

"Hoho... well said," replied Brennir. "Truly, 'tis good to be young." He turned to Kurui and the other two mages. "I trust that is fine with you, then?"
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui kept her head down and said nothing the entire time the others were reading and going over her evidence. It wasn't until the recording started playing that she made any noticeable movement, and even then it was just her clenching her hands into tight fists. Neither did she make any sound this entire time. She could feel the hot touch of tears on her face, but she wasn't really crying too heavily, perhaps she spent too much time doing that already... or perhaps she simply no longer had the energy. She had stayed strong enough to get all this started, but now everything was catching up faster than she could handle it... now all she felt inside was completely dead. Part of her wondered what was even keeping her heart beating and almost wished it just stop.
The only thing she really knew for sure anymore was that if she looked up now her eyes would have a haunted look that would probably burn itself into the other's memory forever... she knew this much because seen that look before back home in Veltria and right now it was the closest example she had to how she was feeling. Even years after the death of his son, Lord Vernan would sometimes wander the manor at night muttering his name with the same empty eyes Kurui was sure she had right now. Back then she could never understand why it had made her so uneasy, and her parents only scolded her for asking, but now she knew... knew exactly how it felt to regret and resent everything...
If Kurui was aware of Rythe and Lafton leaving, she made no indication of it. She would have almost appeared dead, but when addressed directly by the old guild member who was still there to turn off the recording she DID move. Without looking up she reached for the pen, fumbled with it for a few moments as if she couldn't even work her fingers anymore, then finally accomplishing her goal limply slammed it down on the table as if it had caused her untold amounts of frustration. She acted much the same a few moments later when the Guild's nurse asked her if she wanted help, slowly shaking her head no but doing little else. The idea of healing seemed almost a cruel joke to her, nothing would heal her right now... she'd have snapped if she had the energy to even get angry anymore, even though some part of her knew the nurse's intentions wern't malicious.

Some time a few moments later, Kurui would get to see where her plunge off the deep end, by even coming here in the first place, would lead. There would be good news in that, for the moment at least, none in the guild found her a collaborator with Black... or at least none of them announced any intentions to haul her off to some royal dungeon somewhere. This was good because she had no energy or willpower to fight them off or even convincingly make a case a case for herself if they had. However there was also bad news in that they seemed less than eager to help when there was no bounty in it for her. Rythe cut in to protest but this only made Kurui hurt more.
“It's pointless, of course they're not going to risk themselves over my problem. Even if they were going to, Fate wouldn't let me have it that easy. Fate is just determined to yank me around by the neck until I stop struggling... Fate is fucking sadist and steals everything just because it ca-”
Kurui would be cut off from her thoughts by something that would finally make her un-bury her face from her arms and look up.
Kurui still had some tear streaks on her face, by her eyes now wide with incredulousness had some spark of life to them... although she had to look over the table and bag of money again before she was sure she had heard right.
“He... doesn't hate me? How... Surely Rythe told him what happened, right? She had to. Even if she didn't it's not hard to figure out. He was reading the note with the others... and besides anyone can figure it out from the first 5 seconds of that recording... but how? After everything that happened to me... how am I not just a used whore to him... how...?”
There was no point in thinking about it too hard, instead she found herself getting up and practically throwing herself at him, wrapping her arms around tight before she ruined the good feeling for herself. It was the same feeling she had with Sienna only a few days ago, being able to let down her guard completely and not have her heart stomped on. Feeling even the warmth and heartbeat of another living soul who cared about her was immensely soothing. Rythe had already proven as much of course, but that was different. Kurui was less sure she could just let everything go and be this... “weak” around her. It would have been an unfair responsibility to throw on someone like the lightning major who had already been hurt by this whole thing and probably wanted much the same for herself right now.
“You... you really don't hate me? Right...? Thank you. Thank so much, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just... didn't know how. I don't know how you don't hate me, but thank you so much. I really mean that, and I'm not hiding anything else I promise!”
Part of Kurui knew it was strange to show so much emotion to someone she had barely known more than a day or two, but it was doing her too much good to let go of just yet. Perhaps it was selfish on her part, as she never would have shown so much emotion to anyone else after such a small bit of familiarity and might even regret later, but she needed this to feel OK about herself right NOW. Where as before she had barely been able to look anyone in the face or move, she was now able to move and felt like her body was more than the empty shell it felt like only moments ago... now she was able to speak when addressed, and even capable of thinking with some degree of her usual clarity... although she clung to her new source of comfort as she did.

“You want to fight Black?” She asked turning to the one who had overheard as named “Raden”. “Alone, all by yourself? … No, that's not OK with me.” Kurui found it difficult to be telling someone someone who was probably a way better fighter than her what to do, but went on anyway. “You're just going to get yourself killed. It doesn't matter how strong you are if he shocks you. If there's nobody else there to stop it... he told me he can use his magic to overload someone's nerves... overwrite their body's own signals and make them into his puppet. He's done it to me... made me feel things that wern't really there, there's nothing you can do to resist it... I can wait a day or two more, I'll survi... no... no I can't. Rythe is right...”
Perhaps the warrior standing before her would only see a weak little girl making these arguments, but Kurui hoped he was smarter than that.
"At least bring someone with you. Anyone. Or.... let me come. I can at least catch him off guard maybe, cripple him before the fight begins. If you go alone and lose... everyone back at the mine is probably going to die... Sienna is going to die... if I'm unlucky Black will track me and Rythe down and we'll die too... my luck hasn't been the best lately if you couldn't tell...” she trailed off bitterly, but with a seriousness to her voice.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

After returning from outside the building, along with Rythe, Lafton took a seat beside Kurui, soon noticing her utterly distressed emotional state. He could only look upon her with obvious worry as she allowed the tears to flow with her head in her hands. Furrowing his brow, he lifted a hand as if to touch her, but for whatever reason, couldn't bring himself to. It was the same way with Rythe, though her presence could at least by felt from the Water Major's other side at the table. The nurse had shuffled away before long, realizing that her attempts to comfort the girl were less than effective.

However, when Kurui saved Lafton the trouble by bridging the gap in a sudden embrace, he exhaled sharply in surprise, slowly wrapping his arms around her in return. Though his face took on a noticeable blush on its own, he didn't focus on the closeness and relative proximity of their bodies in the slightest. It was more than enough for him to feel this trusted, especially by a girl he had been longing for over quite some time. Before this, their social interactions were limited to only brief and casual exchanges--and now, whether he meant to be or not, he had to be an anchor of sorts for her emotional release. For the most part, Lafton served the purpose well, holding Kurui gently as she sobbed. If nothing else, he was a warm body, as well as a chest to cry into, and that might have been enough for her at the time.

After allowing a stretch of relative silence to pass, he shook his head. "N-No... why would I? If only I'd have known earlier, then I wouldn't have asked anything more. I'm just glad I could do something for you to begin with. And... uh, I'll still be here for you, if you let me." It was said that loyalty was typical of many Fire Majors--after all, it held true for Adele and perhaps Ciley. Lafton had at least attempted to fit that part today.

By the time she parted from him, Kurui would look up to see a meager attempt at a smile, coupled with a very obvious blush from the fledgling mage. It was clear that he wasn't terribly experienced in the matter given his reaction--that or he was just that smitten with her. Luckily, the swordsmen standing about the room, as well as Rythe, were wise enough to not interrupt the brief moment that was shared.

Still, it apparently wouldn't keep Kurui from addressing her other concerns, to which Raden turned and looked at her with an unnerving, flat stare. His almost hostile leer had such pressure to it, she could almost swear that he would do something, but Lafton tucked her over to his side--even if it was fairly evident that the warrior could handle him with ease, especially at this range.

"Hmpf. Ignorant Elynsorian. Do you know nothing about my people? When Greybournian conquistadors came to our island with their damned crossbows, magic, and formations, all we Taleans of the eastern islands had were knives and sticks. Killed so many of us, they did... and we came to them with peace in mind." The swordsman frowned.

"But that was their mistake. Every Talean man is a warrior by blood. My grandfather, and his father before him, lived that day because they went into battle prepared to die. And we of the Talean islands, practitioners of the Kalanui System, killed the Greybournians that attacked us, down to the last man. Overcoming their bows, their magic, their armor... With only our knives, our sticks, and the indomitable spirit we possess. This 'Black' you speak of... regardless of whatever powers he might possess, if I need to bite him to kill him, then so be it." He scoffed. While it might have seemed arrogant, resolute were the young man's words. This might have seemed like a mission for money at most, and other mercenaries may have turned it down upon learning that their opponent was to be a very accomplished and skilled master mage like Black. But for whatever reason, it didn't faze Raden.

"...That being said, I am not opposed to you accompanying me, if only to prevent his escape," he added, looking to the side and huffing.

"If she's going with you, then I'm coming too," asserted Lafton.

"I'll go," Rythe chimed in. "If he gets away, then we're all done for anyway."

"It's settled then," interrupted Brennir. "The specifics with regards to time and location can be discussed between you and Raden. Will you be going tonight?"

"I think most of the lecturers have already headed home by this hour..." said Rythe. "We can probably catch him in the morning. But there's no way I--or Kurui--are going back to the campus. If he already knows, then we're both in danger as it stands..."

"Rrrm. Unfortunately we've not much in the way of particularly comfortable lodging here, what with the injured and all," pondered Brennir aloud.

"No, it's fine. I wasn't about to make such an unreasonable request of you. We can find an inn or something," replied the Lightning Major, waving off the old warrior's concern.

"You can stay at my place," blurted out Lafton, before clearing his throat. "Ahem... I mean, we have guest rooms and all, is what I meant."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui felt herself shrink back under the pressure of Raden's stare. She didn't expect the swordsman to seriously attack her right there in the guild hall or anything like that, but she did fear that her warnings being taken as offense the way they were might make the Order take back their offer to help her. More than that though, his gaze and the following start of a rant afterwards made her feel pathetic. To these warriors who had no fear of danger or even dying, she felt like she was just a scared little child... one who probably had no right to say anything let alone be in presence of the hall and the guild's members. It was all enough that she made no real attempts to stop Lafton from inching her back behind him. Much like when she had been a child and taught not to make herself a burden around nobles and other “important people” visiting the Manor at Veltria, Kurui suddenly didn't even want to be seen now... at least until Raden's rantings took a more assuring tone.

Kurui couldn't even begin to understand the mindset behind Raden's confidence and convictions, when he finally finished Kurui gave a sigh of relief that he still seemed plenty willing to help her. She wasn't sure if the swordsman confidence was justified and should be reassuring to her, or whether it was empty arrogant boasting that should make her worried; but either way she couldn't afford to turn down help considering she had done nothing to Black herself. Rythe and Lafton wanting to help wasn't quite as soothing news though. Kurui hated the thought of anything happening to them if this all went badly, but Rythe had been right earlier -if this didn't work they were all done for anyway. She held her protests and instead tried to focus on the immediate next steps that had to be taken.

“Stay at your place tonight?”
She turned to Lafton for a moment ignoring Raden and the planning to catch Black. This was an issue that had to be worked out first, or might even affect the later.
Lafton... how are you going to explain that to your father? If it were just me we could make... excuses, but if it's me and Rythe there's going to be questions we can't explain away so easily, and I'm not leaving Rythe alone. So.... are you going to tell him everything?” For a short few seconds Kurui was worried about the senior Jarelin finding out anything, as he might be on Black's side... however if that was true, she realized, it wouldn't matter because he would suspect something in that case anyway and tell Black she had been hiding out there. Besides, she believed Lafton wasn't in with Black, so the chances of his father being so were low. Instead perhaps it might be better to see if... maybe perhaps... he could be of help.
“Lafton... if we told him the part about just the mine and not... what happened to me... do you think he would freak out... or would he maybe help us?”
She turned back to Raden, her focus now on the plan.
Hear me out for a second. I know where Black's manor is, but I've never been there. For all we know there could be hidden dangers, servants or other company he may keep to help him fight or escape. There could be routes of escape we don't know and stuff. We could try to get him on the way to the RMA but we don't know when he shows up and a brawl in the street might bring the Royal Constables or others and let him escape in the confusion....
At the RMA we know exactly where Black is going to be and what kind of environment we're in. The problem is getting an armed swordsman into the RMA past the monitors. However it wouldn't be the first time someone besides a student has visited for business. If we had someone who was willing to sign off on it, tell the monitors it was to be expected that day... do you see what I'm getting at?”

The plan was crazy and came to her an instant that left it not fully thought-out, but sometimes crazy worked. Deep in her gut, Kurui felt this would be easiest to pull off at the RMA itself. But she didn't have the power to overcome the problems with that setting on her own. She stopped speaking and gave the others a chance to weigh in, while watching their reactions, Lafton's particularly, especially carefully.
"OK Lafton, you know your father better than I do. But give me a judgement here. If I can't be sure he'll handle this well, then I'm not risking everything. This is exactly why I haven't told anyone else yet. If you don't have confidence in where this going then I can think of something else. We've still got all evening left..."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Lafton paused. "Oh... uh, well, I could just..." His moment of hesitation following Kurui's first question towards him showed that his reply was made more out of haste, as opposed to one that was particularly well-thought out beforehand. "...Yeah. I've got no choice, and I'm sure he won't be happy to hear it, but you know what, none of that is really as important right now. There's just no way I'm letting you OR Rythe go back to the dorms, not tonight. As for what kind of help he'd provide, I mean I personally can't guarantee anything, but... I'm sure that if he knew of our entire class being in danger, he wouldn't just outright refuse. He couldn't," said the Fire Major firmly, as if trying to convince himself more than the others around him.

Raden looked back to Kurui again after noticing that she was actually talking to him again, and raised a brow, somewhat surprised that she had bothered to in the first place. Still, he heard her out as requested, his expression unmoving until she finished completely. "I will fight him no matter what path you choose by which to engage him. He is a mage, is he not? Then I would hardly be surprised if he had many cowardly tricks waiting to be used. But if it could be helped, then yes, I would prefer less means by which he could run. Both his own home and the streets of Elynsor are most definitely poor places to confront him. Indoor areas like classrooms, provided they have one entrance... now those are perfect."

"The monitors..." repeated Lafton to himself. "You mean, have my father... sign off for Raden entering the Academy?" His brow furrowed as he appeared to ponder the possibility, and finally, he nodded in conclusion. "Yes, he could."

"I don't even mind sneaking in, if I have to," muttered the tan-skinned swordsman. "I've seen the walls before; it's nothing I can't scale."

"Yes, but the last thing you'll want to deal with are several monitors thinking you're on campus to kill someone," interrupted Rythe, her mouth crooking to one side. "Not that it's completely far from the truth, but we kind of need you in top shape for this--that's why we came here in the first place. The Academy monitors are all graduates of the RMA itself. While I'm sure you could handle, I don't know, one or two, it's not exactly something you want to deal with considering each is definitely stronger than one of us in terms of spellcasting."

"I guess you've a point," Raden grumbled. "Well, do what you have to do."

"Right. No, I'll definitely request as much of my father tonight. This has to end... I don't see any other way." Lafton took a deep breath. His father was the stern type, no doubt, but clearly not as bad as Black in many ways. All there was left to do was simply ask, and present the case in the most convincing way possible. Looking back to Kurui, he asked, "Is there anything I should tell him specifically?"
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui turned her stare towards the ceiling and let out a long slow exhale. Lafton had not done the best job in convincing her that her first plan was reliable. There were alternatives, of course. She could sneak Raden in under a cover of mist like she herself had used for sneaking around the Academy before, or she could simply decide to make her move against Black elsewhere... those plans had flaws too though. This was something that needed to be considered weighed heavily.
Her head hurt.
It was hard to think anymore. She should have acted sooner, on the first day, when the weight of everything that had happened wasn't weighing on her so heavily. The more she tried to think, the more her brain just wanted to shut down. To change plans now meant finding somewhere else to stay for the night... working out a whole new way to attack Black... too many details, too much thinking. She felt dizzy and realized only now that she hadn't eaten all day on top of everything else.
“Ok... ok... we'll do the first plan. It should be the best on it's own, even if it's not, I can't run myself any more ragged than this with tomorrow so close...”
She wanted to believe she was being impartial about this, but in the back of her mind she knew she was scared, and would feel a lot safer at Lafton's, tucked away in the nice safe part of the city and with other people nearby, than she would in some cheap inn worrying that Black already knew what she was doing and planning to send someone to slit her throat in the night.

“Ok Lafton, well do this your way. We'll tell him exactly what I told you outside the door here. That makes sense, right? Because it's the best I can do, I'm leaving my evidence here with the Order in case something happens to us.
Unless.... Rythe do you have that page of notes soaked in the Voidic blood from those mine creatures with you? It's not much but it's something. Just by looking at it you can tell it's not human or animal.
Yes, we show him that, explain what I explained to you on the way over here, then say we couldn't trust anyone at the academy without risking Black finding out or risking that anyone we told would just tell the Royal Constables who were completely useless this whole time. Maybe he'll think we're crazy, but if he doesn't then this could be our best chance. Lafton... you have to promise me he won't tell Black though... if he tells Black this is all for nothing, he'll shut down what's going on at the mine and probably “dispose” of all the evidence... then he'll come after all of us.”
Kurui's hand subconsciously moved to her waist satchel and the trartz crystal inside, the idea of using it in this case though, either do to her fatigue or the absurdity of it all, seemed unthinkable. “Just promise me you know he's not going to tell Black. I NEED to know that much.”
Kurui was so desperate to believe this that even the slightest confirmation would convince her. She decided that if she was wrong the problem was best dealt with when it came. For now she turned her attention back to Order members.
“Raden, we'll get you a way into the Academy, stop back here on the way there tomorrow morning, and bring you with us. If Black isn't on to me already he'll be waiting for me the same as the last few mornings. I'm going to go, follow behind me but don't be seen. When you hear anything... or if enough time goes by where you hear nothing, thats when you attack.” Kurui knew it seemed a cowardly tactic to sneak attack Black like this, and that Raden might not even approve, but she had the best chance of doing this and it might be the only way ANY of them had a chance against such a power magic user. She tried to re-frame the set up with a final few words, complete with harsh glare and tone to make her sound tougher than she was- “After all he's done to me, I get to be the first one to let him know it's time HE starts being afraid.” -as if this wasn't up for debate.

She now turned her attention back to the older warrior named Brennir.
“Even if we beat Black tomorrow, it doesn't help the others who were left back behind in the mines. Please, whatever you can try to do to help them, do it. I don't know how long Black planned on leaving them alive, but... we can't leave them for dead. I think Black has an informant in the Constables, but otherwise ask another guild, ask the Royal Guard, ask whoever it takes! ...the place isn't heavily guarded, only a few soldiers, most of them recruits, from the unit that was supposed to be guarding us. They may only be barely enough to deal with the students they took prisoner, even just a couple of good warriors down there might be enough to save them. They had some kind of voidic goblins down there too, that's where I got the blood on my notes, but they were... unruly. They've probably killed what was left of them already. Please... I told them I would think of something but this is all I could do!”
Kurui looked on the verge of tears again but composed herself with a quick wipe of her arm. Whether she got an answer or not, she wouldn't push the issue anymore. She was already getting more help than she deserved for the amount of risk she was putting one the Order's members in. Instead she turned towards the door to leave.
“I should just be grateful if we're all still alive tomorrow...”

Kurui moved slowly, waiting for Rythe and Lafton to follow, but about about halfway to the door she stopped.
She muttered a quick spell for little more than a mist spell before addressing Raden one last time.
“If you want to flatout kill Black, I have no objections.” even though it was true, Kurui noted how cold it sounded “If you don't though, at least go for one of his hands if you get the chance.” This is where her spell would serve as a visual aid, as even the slightest movements of her fingers produced noticeable changes in the mist patterns. “Most mages focus all their magic through their hands. The fingertips are sensitive with lots of nerves and feeling for precise control of the energy in a spell. For the magic taught at the RMA, we need our hands for practically everything, both to form a spell and to aim it.” she wasn't sure if an experience warrior like Raden already knew all this, but if he didn't then the information may be invaluable. “Cut them off if you get the chance. Or even just smash a bone or sever the right nerve in the palm or along the arm and it will be almost as good as if he couldn't chant at all.
At the Academy they have classes that teach us some battle basics in case we join Elynsor's military, these are things they told us to never let happen to ourselves... injuries that leave us practically helpless until they're healed...”

Kurui felt a certain morbidness at telling someone the best way to hurt and possibly kill a mage. Perhaps it was because she was a mage herself... or perhaps it was simply because the knowledge was something she thought she'd never need to even remember or use in life... but it would be worth it if this final bit of knowledge saved anyone's life tomorrow. This bit of dangerous wisdom passed on, she felt she had no more advice to give and was content to leave with Rythe and Lafton now.

Aside from her uniform and the waist satchel...

-Falenium Crystal x1 (Yes, I had her keep this with her)
-Trartz Crystal (Arc Lightning Charge x1) x1
-Gold x40
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Lafton didn't miss the strain in Kurui's visage as the girl momentarily retreated into her world of thought, one that had become so difficult to stay in at this point due to the amount of time she spent there as of late--not out of choice, but out of necessity. Simply letting go and allowing fate have its way with her was most likely what her lecherous tutor wanted. But she wasn't completely alone in this attempt to defy the role Black sought to impose upon her, as made evident by those gathered about.

The Fire Major looked somewhat distracted, having staring off into space himself for just a moment when Kurui finally spoke. "Yeah... I got it," he replied shortly after the dark-haired girl's quick explanation. "Oh, sorry about that, I was actually just thinking about how exactly to explain it all, but it looks like you've beat me to it already. Okay, I can do that." With his thoughtful look returning to normal relatively quickly, Lafton gave Kurui a reassuring nod.

Rythe perked up when Kurui addressed her as well. "The notes? We have them right here."

At the Water Major's request for a promise, Lafton nodded right away. "I promise. My father is a pretty strict man, and while I don't think he'd be happy to hear about any of this, he definitely has no reason to tell Black. I mean, they don't even work in the same building to begin with. Not to mention, if we end up carrying out the arrest--or whatever it is--in the morning anyway, then there should be no chance for him to cancel any of the programs he has going on."

Raden seemed a bit antsy, no doubt eager to get the mission going, but it looked like he would have to wait another night. It was difficult to tell whether he was actually being grumpy or simply wore a scowl most of the time, but he made his reply with considerably less bite than before, when he took the questioning of his capabilities personally. "I'll be here. Hmpf... it wouldn't be the first journey I've been on that needed me to infiltrate an area. Whether you want me to go in through the front gate or the back wall, it works either way, but I have no complaints if you want to take the smartest route."

Brennir made sure to hear her out, appearing only slightly more receptive than the younger Raden. "Hurm... I've no guarantees, but..." he started, only to see that she had more to say. The level of interest in his tone and face changed noticeably as the Academy student went on, however, especially once the goblins were mentioned. "Very well, I shall see to it that the issue is investigated in some form or another, especially seeing that this is related to the current case."

"I'll do it," said the tan-skinned swordsman. "After I help dispose of this 'Black', that is. If those Syndicate members guarding the mine are but mere recruits from the perspective of a student mage, then it shouldn't be too much of a hassle for me to clean up this incident entirely."

"If you wish to leave the evidence here, then I will keep it in the records room," announced the one-armed veteran, who would retrieve the necessary pieces, stopping only if Kurui had any objections. "I suppose we will be seeing you in the morning, then."

Upon seeing the Water Major's demonstration, Raden smirked for once. "I see. I've always been told to aim for the hands; my native style teaches that regardless. But now I see why. I never thought that a mage would be one to tell me this, though, so I'll be sure to remember it either way. As for killing him... well, the bounty is generally worth more on anyone brought back alive. But I have no qualms about doing so, should it come to that. Nor have I ever."

After bidding their farewells for the time being, the two swordsmen had turned to each other to have a brief discussion about the case amongst themselves, allowing the trio to leave on their own accord.


With that, they left the guildhouse and the military district, heading straight for the residential areas in Elynsor's inner circle, where many of the nobles lived. Several avenues here might have looked remotely familiar to Kurui, if only because she had been dropped off near the center of the neighborhood upon returning to the city with Black. Still, it was a large area nonetheless. Each home had its own gate and property, and there was quite a bit of land between each one; well-maintained grounds could be seen even from where she stood.

"Give me a moment," said Lafton. "I have to deliver this to one of my father's colleagues." He led the two down an unfamiliar-looking road, past the gates of a few smaller properties, before stopping at the entrance to a relatively modest estate. "Be right back," said the youth, jogging off to fulfill his errand and leaving the two girls waiting near the steel gates leading towards it. He didn't keep them waiting long, as he was back in no more than a few minutes. "Alright, we can go now."

Rythe's stomach growled, and she slipped an arm over her midsection. "I don't mean to be very intrusive, or anything, but we haven't eaten yet... not for a while, anyway."

Lafton blinked a few times, clearly having forgotten himself. "Oh, uh, that's not a problem! My family's servants can prepare something for you two when we get there. Just you wait," he replied, resuming the way towards his place. It was evening now, about suppertime for most who could afford to have it in Elynsor, and it had gotten somewhat chilly outside. Lafton removed his jacket and threw it over Kurui's shoulders.

"Where's mine?" joked Rythe with a feigned look of dissatisfaction.

"Well, I... er..."

"Oh, I'm just giving you crap. I wouldn't have let you do it anyway," said the brunette with a chuckle.

When they arrived at the House Jarelin, Kurui saw it marked by a large manor, not terribly unlike that of Lord Vernan's in Veltria--except that was one in practically an entire region, and this was but one amongst many in the capital. A smooth, ornately patterned cobblestone road surrounded by a broad lawn led up to the house itself, which was, from the size of it, no less than two or three stories, with numerous arched windows along its front and sides.

"Come on in," said Lafton, who unlocked one side of the large, double-doored entrance with his own set of keys, and swung it open. Inside was a lavishly decorated place, with long, crimson rugs arranged in an orderly fashion along several paths. Immediately in front of the trio, stairs lead upwards before splitting into two directions, to which rooms and private quarters were typically kept--this Kurui knew.

"Geez," was all that Rythe could say. "Talk about old money."

"It... it's just an old house!" exclaimed Lafton somewhat defensively. "My family's lived in Elynsor for a long time. Anyway, looks like my father hasn't returned yet. I'll have the servants prepare some sort of meal for you. I'm sure my father won't mind if I tell him you haven't eaten all day because of everything that happened. Make yourselves at home."

In came three women in servants' uniforms; these outfits were comprised of somewhat plain black dresses along with white bonnets and aprons. Not the most flattering look, but it was practical. "Greetings, Master Lafton. Are these your guests?" asked the first.

"Yes," said Lafton, speaking to the maids with far more confidence in his tone than when he did the same to his father. "Could you take them to the dining room and prepare something for them to eat? I'll join you in a few."

They did just that, motioning for Kurui and Rythe to follow them into a large dining room with a long table. The two were given time to sit and relax a little while the food was being made. They didn't have to wait too long, however, before several dishes were set out for them. Thin leek soup, followed by a salad of green beans, onions and beets, river pike poached in almond milk, mounds of mashed turnips, and a thick venison barley stew. There was also a plate of small cream tarts for their sweet tooth.

"Oh, wow... this is amazing," said Rythe before starting her meal, much to the servants' urging. "I could get used to this. But in all seriousness, it'll all be over soon. I want it to be as much as you do. And we can get on with our lives again..." she trailed off, a hint of melancholy in her expression that grew until she finally managed to stifle it and any tears that might have come as a result.

It was another fifteen minutes or so before Lafton came to join them. "Hope everything's alright. My father should be home soon, so I'll take care of things from there."

The sound of keys being turned and the front door creaking open could then be heard, and the Fire Major stood up. "Must be him. I'll be just a second or two."
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui walked along silently for awhile after her and the others had left the guild house. It wasn't that she felt bad about any of the choices she made. The opposite really, she knew something HAD to be done and that she couldn't do it alone. Perhaps she could have made another choice of where to go for help, as the Order of St Lisle wasn't exactly what she was expecting... but it was too late now, she left all her evidence with them. There was a good side to that though, in that if something happened to her tomorrow, at least SOMEONE had a record of what happened... the truth about Black wouldn't die with her if something went badly tomorrow. Besides, her choice couldn't have been that horrible considering they had actually believed her instead of throwing her chains or a dungeon somewhere as a collaborator of Black.
Still... even if Kurui tried to look at the positives, it didn't make her feel as good as it should have. Tonight's trip hadn't fixed everything yet, it wasn't over yet. Kurui wanted it to be over so badly though. Even if the hard part of tonight was done, even just waiting for tomorrow was hard... everything was hard now... she wanted to just unplug, wake up and find out all of this was a dream. This year at the RMA and the one before it had been the best times of her life, but knowing she could lose it all made part of her desperately wish none of it had ever happened... that she were still living her simple boring life back in Veltria with nothing she cared for to worry about losing. Another part of her hated the fact that she had these thoughts at all... hated that she would so easily wish everything good to ever happen to her never did.... but she no longer had the energy to sort out these thoughts and their conflicts left her drained and numbed to everything. She just shuffled along with Rythe and Lafton as if she were a zombie or empty shell, at least for awhile.

Sometime after they had been walking for awhile, after Lafton's detour for his quick errand adding some time to their trip, Kurui would find her numb state suddenly broken as Lafton threw his jacket over her shoulders. She almost jumped a little when it first happened, taking a second before snapping back to reality and her awareness of things around her. “Did... I do something to make him do that? Did I look as bad as I feel? Was a shivering a little... damn, it IS pretty cold right now and we've been out awhile. Did he do this because he cares as much as he says... or did I just look totally pathetic?”
Kurui's voice was shakier than she thought it would be, her state certainly having an influence on her... but she took the coat gratefully and wrapped it around herself. She WAS pretty cold right now. It was getting dark out now and the fact that she didn't eat all day meant her own body heat was probably weak right now. Now that she was “back in reality”, the small comfort was one she was glad to have. She almost felt bad for being such a depressing mute earlier, surely it probably made things harder on Lafton and Rythe.
“S-sorry to be like this. I'm fine, really. This... just isn't a situation I ever imagined myself being in when I decided to come here and learn magic. Even a week a ago I never would have imagined it. It's scary how unpredictable the future can be...”
Perhaps what she was saying was as depressing as her being silent, but she hoped it wasn't and hoped that it might help distract Rythe and Lafton from everything.
“My whole time at the RMA until only a few days ago, I thought I was just going to do good in my classes, graduate, and travel around to learn enchanting. Enchanting always fascinated me... even back in Veltria I would use a good part of what I saved up to buy whatever enchanted trinkets I could get from the traveling merchants. They always burned out a week or two later, but they still the coolest things in the world to me. It was always what I wanted to do later on...
Maybe all this happening was a blessing in disguise... the more you know about the something, the less interesting it is sometime. I think after all this... I don't want to travel around much anymore. It's too scary knowing what's out there in the world now... I don't care if that makes me sound weak or boring, I'm fine with a nice quiet happy little life. It all makes me think of what else I could do if I'm still alive after tomorrow though... Next year is our 3rd year at the Academy and years 3 and 4 are where they start teaching us specialty stuff for our futures. I think... I think I would like to become a teacher someday. Yes... I'd like to be a teacher at the RMA someday and know I'm not someone like Black... know I'll be someone who can stand up and do something when things like this happen. Maybe I can even still study enchanting a little on the side...”

Talking, even if the subject was somewhat random, made the time go by quicker until her and the others finally came within view of Lafton's place.

Lafton's manor surprised Kurui. Although she knew who his father was, and that he was indeed nobility, the manor's size was unexpected. Sure being an instructor at the Academy could be a position of much respect and prestige, Kurui didn't think it paid THIS much. Rythe was much quicker in catching that property was inherited “old money”, an idea confirmed only a moment later by Lafton himself. Kurui herself hand't worked it out until she heard both them though, having never been good with matters of money or bloodline. In fact Kurui wasn't even sure she could recall her own family history any farther back that her parents. Had it been Odetta or any other of the nobles from the academy pointing all this out right now, Kurui would have felt pangs of envy and jealousy at the rift between her and them. Luckily for Lafton, she couldn't bring herself to direct any negative feelings his way... although a slight feeling of awkwardness lingered.
Kurui's feeling of awkwardness would only intensify upon her and Rythe following Lafton in, where the three of them were immediately greeted by what appeared to be the family's house-servants.
Although Kurui had grown up around Lord Vernan's manor in Veltria and was no stranger to house-servants and the like, this was all an experience she wasn't used to. Back in Veltria, the maids and such never really paid any attention to Kurui, let alone wait on her. In fact, she had been taught if something was asked of her, she should do her best to be accommodating. Neither of Kurui's parents were housemaids or anything like that themselves, her father dealt with mostly doing paperwork for military requisitions and stuff; and her mother was a hostess of sorts, making sure the other manor staff were prepared for the arrival of important guests and playing glorified tour-guide when visiting parties wanted to see landmarks of note that she had spent her life growing up around... however that excused neither of them from more humble roles when the situation demanded it, something they had made sure to teach their daughter as well.
Kurui respectfully gave a small bow of her head and tried not to seem imposing. A large part of her very much felt like it was improper of her to ask anything from these people she felt she had no right to acting any “higher” than, indeed had she not been lucky enough to have the chance to go to the RMA should could have very well been doing exactly what they were... Compared to everything that had happened to her at the RMA it wouldn't have been such a bad life, although a small pang of vanity made her resent thought of wearing and outfit like theirs... hiding the long hair she treasured so much behind a bonnet, terrible. Spite for the outfit though didn't mean spite for the actual people doing the job. As Lafton instructed them to lead her and Rythe to the dining room, she hoped they wouldn't be TOO attentive to her.

In the dining room Kurui was greeted with a spread of dishes just as impressive (and as awkward for her) as everything else she had seen of Lafton's “world” today.
“I don't think I'd ever get used to this...” Kurui whispered in response to Rythe after the servants were out of earshot. “Back in Veltria the only time I saw food like this was when my parents brought me back leftovers. I shouldn't be complaining because we had plenty of regular food and I was never starved or anything, but when you spend your life thinking thinking meals like this aren't for you to attend... it's just weird.”
Kurui was considerably less enthusiastic about the meal than her lightning major friend. Her frayed nerves and stress were still playing havoc with her hunger instinct and eating seemed almost like it would take more effort than it was worth. It was only because she knew what she had to do tomorrow, and that she would need to be in good shape when morning came, that she forced down her first few bites of the soup, the dish that looked easiest to stomach. However once her stomach registered it actually had something in it, her natural instincts and cravings returned in a flood. Suddenly she was unbearably hungry and everything looked good.
Once Kurui's hunger drive kicked back in, it was all she could do to hold back her haste enough to keep up proper table manners and stay neat about it. She was glad Lafton had stepped out for that first 15 minutes, as it allowed her to eat far more than she thought was flattering without him seeing, and when he returned she had eaten enough already to slow herself down and look more restrained.
“Everything is great, seriously! Your family has some amazing cooks.” she complimented the fire major. “I'm ashamed to admit this, but I never really learned how to cook myself. I kind of wanted to, but my mother never had the time or skill to teach me... totally setting me up to fail as a wife someday if I ever get married, huh?”
Kurui made the comment jokingly without really thinking about it, but the fact that she made it at all showed she was doing a lot better now than on the way over. In the simple comfort of food and her body having some of it's drained energy return, she was able to forget all about some of the bad that had happened, if only for a little while. Although as soon as she finished her comment Lafton caught a sound at the front door and Kurui was filled with an all new wave of apprehension at how the fire major would explain this to his father, if that was indeed who had arrived.
As soon as Lafton had left the room, Kurui raised a finger to shush Rythe and moved towards the door to listen. She didn't so much consider it eaves dropping so much as just... being on standby in case the need to explain things herself arose. “I owe him that after all of this. I can't just leave him out there all alone to handle this if it turns bad, right?”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui's recollection regarding her goals before and after the incident with Black had both of the other Academy students listening to her in solemn silence as they walked, nodding occasionally to show that they were indeed following her train of thought.

"I don't think any of us were really ready for this, to be honest," remarked Rythe. "And I've lived in this city all my life. I seriously thought that the Syndicate was only made up of some of those thugs that got arrested in the street every now and then."

"Me too," Lafton chimed in. While the other girl seemed more content to nod and listen in a calm manner, the Fire Major seemed to follow Kurui's story with genuine interest. "Really? I don't find that boring at all. Sometimes it's nice to know where the ground is under your feet, so to speak."

He frowned after hearing her rather bleak outlook on the situation. "Of course you'll be alive after tomorrow! Black will be in jail, if not worse, and we won't have to worry about dealing with teachers like him anymore. Especially if you end up becoming one yourself. I mean uh, I just think that... you'd make a great teacher," proclaimed the youth, placing a hand behind his head and trying his best to sound encouraging.

Rythe bit her lower lip, seemingly unsure about the tension that would result from the Lafton's words, but instead decided to follow up with a more casual conversational tone, so as to follow along with Kurui's way of rambling to diffuse it. "I never would have pegged you for someone terribly into enchanting," commented the Lightning Major. "No offense or anything, it's just that most of them are all into the crazy foreign and new-wave approaches to magic, so y'know. Seems like more of something Sienna would be into... well, not that she isn't." Even the mere mention of the airheaded blonde made her quiet after realizing her slip-up, and she sighed. With the Wind Major's whereabouts still in question, it was an unintentional reminder that more than just a few things were potentially at stake.

"I can't wait until tomorrow is over with."


"Well, I guess I can see where you're coming from," said Rythe between bites at the dinner table, who then glanced in the servants' direction, towards the kitchen. "It's just that we definitely don't get to enjoy food like this at the Academy. I'd love to be pampered like this if it weren't for the social expectations," added the brunette before continuing to eat at a rather fast pace, only bothering to be particularly dainty when the servants were nearby, which wasn't for any extended period of time anyway.

Kurui's comments regarding the food and cooking seemed to catch Lafton off-guard. "Wow, I honestly... never really put much thought into all of that. I guess that makes us even though, huh? Since I haven't the slightest idea in terms of preparing a meal myself. And no, you're not setting yourself up for failure. I mean, I uh... wouldn't particularly mind whether or not you could do as much..." he trailed off, averting his eyes afterward.

Rythe looked up from her meal to observe the slightly awkward air that may have resulted, fought back a chuckle, and resumed. Luckily for Lafton and the implications of his attempts to comfort Kurui, any tension that might have built up was broken by the sound of the newcomer's arrival.

When the door finally swung open, two of the house's servants brushed right past Kurui, not seeming to mind that she appeared to be eavesdropping and focusing their attention on the individual who had just arrived--Lafton's father.

"Welcome home, Lord Jarelin," said the women in greeting while bowing their heads. The man gave a nod in return, soon making a motion for them to go about their business, which they did.

"Hello, Father," Lafton followed, acknowledging the professor's arrival with less dramatic of a gesture than the ones that the maids took.

"Mm," replied Lord Jarelin. "I hear food being made. Were you that hungry?"

"Well, no, eheh... but, my friends were. And that's the thing. Kurui and Rythe, the girls you saw earlier today, haven't had anything to eaten all day because of some setbacks, so I invited them to go on ahead..."

"Oh...? Hrrrm... I see. Very well. Is that all?"

"It... it isn't," responded Lafton with noticeable apprehension in his tone. "Kurui found out some disturbing information about some things at the Academy recently, and I was hoping that we could provide them haven for the night because of it."

"Disturbing..." Jarelin raised a brow, skipping over the initial request to inquire further about the 'information' that his son had referred to. "How so?"

"That our homeroom teacher, Mr. Black, is part of the Redclaw Syndicate."

The older man put on a frown, though remained relatively tame in his disbelief. "...What?"

"I know, it sounds pretty unbelievable, but hear me out, please. The recent incidents at the mine, with the missing people, it all makes sense when you put it together. Reius, Dinn, Anisse, and a few others--none of them were from important families... uh, well, not like me and Odetta. Black had it all planned out from the beginning, to put them into the slave trade. The Royal Constables sent over to investigate were just Black's pawns, and my classmates who were captured are probably being forced to harvest focus crystals as we speak."

"You'll have to excuse my skepticism, son, as that is... a fairly bold claim," replied a dissatisfied Jarelin.

"I know, but I haven't lied to you before about anything this important! I heard it all from a recording that Kurui took with an enchanted pen."

Jarelin's look changed, to that of genuine interest. "A sound crystal? Where is the recording?"

"It's back at the Order of Saint Lisle. We hired one of their knights to handle the arrest. But we still have other pieces of evidence I can show you. This isn't some kind of joke, I swear it!"

"Hmm... I see. I can't help but wonder, though--how did this friend of yours escape and live to share such things about what would otherwise be a scheme made by one of the capital's most esteemed scholars? While I have never been particularly close to Black, I have read some of his works, and he is certainly not one of those nobles placed in a high seat by birthright alone. He is a shrewd man, to be sure."

"He... blackmailed her," said Lafton in a lower tone. "By threatening one of her most important friends, who is still in danger right now, because she risked everything to come to me for help. We're the only people who can even do anything about this..." He was almost pleading at that point.

Jarelin sighed. The man definitely had an air of authority, not unlike that of Black's, though he didn't appear to be entirely dismissive of the claim. "Very well then. If it's just a night's stay and a meal, that is not an issue, although this 'discovery' of yours is no less... troubling, and it raises some very pertinent questions. May I meet these friends of yours?"

"Yes, Father. They're in the dining room."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui was grateful when the servant's voice from the other room confirmed that it was indeed Jarelin who had arrived. While there was no reason to think it would have been anyone else, the water major still had a lingering paranoia that Black might have followed her or something... there was something else that Kurui noticed though...
Even if the visitor at the door hadn't been Black, it could have been any number of other members of Lafton's family... however now that Kurui thought about it she found herself realizing she hadn't seen any indications that there were any others. There were apparently no curious siblings at the house right now coming to see who the visitors were, and Kurui couldn't remember Lafton ever talking to any at the Academy... also Kurui saw no indication that Jarelin had a wife around, especially not with three servants doing all the cooking and other household tasks. Maybe she was wrong, but Kurui couldn't help wonder if Lafton had grown up his whole life like this without a mother, and suddenly felt bad for having mentioned her own just a moment ago. While she was curious if childbirth or some other event had taken her, she made a mental note not to mention anything of it again.

In the other room Kurui could hear Lafton had already begun his explanation of what had happened. There was little buildup and his explanation was hasty and a bit erratic... but Kurui couldn't blame the fire major for wanting to just get it over with. This sentiment would only be strengthened when she hear Jarelin's unnervingly calm responses to everything. While this had been exactly what Kurui wanted, calmness instead of the noble freaking out and doing something rash, it was still unexpected and surreal enough when it was actually happening to make her feel a nervous tension. She actually felt sorry for Lafton having to live with someone like that, especially if her guess about him not having another parent to turn to was correct. While Kurui's own parents had been strict, and she was no stranger to formality and stuff, at least she had two of them so there was always another to turn to if one was being difficult... and her own parents somehow never had the way of speaking or air of authority the elder Jarelin in the other room did. Then again, Lafton seemed not to have much difficulty in dealing with, being more an “equal” to the elder than Kurui herself had any claim to.

By the time Lafton finished his explanation, Kurui could tell Jarelin seemed far from convinced, despite Lafton's desperate explanations. It wasn't all bad though... he hadn't dismissed the idea completely by the sounds of it.
“Ok Kurui, he didn't start screaming at Lafton to make you and Rythe leave. He wants to meet us. Jut remember your manners, bow your head, show respect, be just as calm as he is and explain things. Lafton rushed his explanation, but you know how to explain things better, give more details, you were there. If it becomes necessary I can eve take him back to the Order to show him all the proof I got, but hopefully the goblin blood will be enough, it's not like I'm some trained alchemist who would know how to brew up fake stuff. Just try to look nice and hope the stress from earlier isn't showing... or maybe hope it is so you look more convincing...”
Kurui exhaled a long slow breath and prepared to present herself and answer any questions Jarelin had. Even after everything she had been through this was still making her nervous for some reason though. She hoped that part was just how she always got around nobles, and not the small part of her mind screaming at her that Jarelin's calmness wasn't because he was one of those other Syndicate instructors Black had mentioned, after all, that was the exact reason she hadn't asked any staff at the Academy for help in the first place..
“No Kurui, don't think about that... not everyone in the world is in with those monsters. They can't be... Black is just trying to scare you, just because he bribed a few Royal Constables into being careless in their investigation doesn't mean everyone is in his pocket and out to get you...”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Jarelin stepped into the dining room, looking over both Kurui and Rythe with a neutral expression, his tone flat to match. "Good evening. I hope the food is to your liking," he announced, unable to help but turn his gaze to the brunette as she nodded several times in confirmation with her mouth full. For such a small girl, the Lightning Major certainly wasn't lacking in appetite. She was, however, keen to finish chewing and swallowing her food before making her response. "Mmhm! I mean... it's delicious! I haven't had a meal like this in such a long while, if ever, really. We appreciate the hospitality," said Rythe with a smile on her face, one made to fight off the inherent nerves from being 'caught' in a noble's house while eating his food. "As well as apologize for intruding, if we were interrupting any plans you might have had..."

"Hm. Good to hear it. And no, you weren't," replied the lord, who then turned his attention to Kurui. "So you are Lafton's classmates, from 2-A? It has been brought to my attention that you have found some disturbing information regarding the Academy, and my workplace. It's not necessarily that I don't believe you, of course, but the implications of your newest instructor, Mr. Black, having Redclaw connections are... weighty, to say the least. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to take a closer look at the evidence you've provided."

Lafton opened his mouth as if to say something, but Jarelin was quick to wave off his concern. "Don't misunderstand. I am wholeheartedly willing to accept this possibility, but I need to ensure that the evidence that you are able to provide after the fact is presentable to a given court. Even if he IS guilty, as you claim, it would do no good to be lacking in the department of convincing proof."

"But the Order of Saint Lisle accepted what we showed them," said Rythe, trying her best not to sound rude despite her quick response.

"It may be enough for the equivalent of mercenaries who are less concerned with such matters, due to their inherent lack of accountability. But if Black's connections seek to press charges on the lot of you, I'm quite sure that official courts will want as much and then some," explained the lecturer. "Forgive me, but if my son is to recklessly involve himself in such a case, then I would prefer to ensure him as much legal immunity as possible. The difference between Black's word and mine is just that--evidence. Which is why I must ensure that what you do have is sufficient."

He placed a hand on his chin. "I hear you have a recording somewhere."