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*COMPLETED* Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui made a few glances at the trio while she released her pent up anger at Teague. Their expressions were... not the most encouraging, but none of them seemed ready to make a move or stop her. It probably would've been best to just shut up and let them do their thing, but she needed to get this explanation out to not feel like a complete backstabber. Teague didn't deserve as much, but she needed it more for herself than him. She was able to go until she was satisfied and finished without incident, though Teague's reaction unfortunately wasn't what she was hoping for.
Instead of playing it smart, the cornered Teague had resorted to insults, some aimed at her, some aimed at the trio behind her and her whole gender altogether, and threats. The threats made her tense up and get ready for a fight, and some of the insults got glares from the trio, which was even more worrisome. “Damnit you idiot! You're hitting the hornets nest with a stick right now! They didn't come here to take insults from an ass like you. Actually, the might have even expected a fight at all. They said they would take care of subduing him... but if they think I got them involved in a fight... this is bad, they outnumber me too...”
It was a tense few moments between waiting to see if Teague was going to make a move and glancing at what her “help” was going to do. But when things jumped into motion it didn't play out at all like she had imagined...

One threat from Concepta, and before Teague had finished a comeback and started to build up any speed for a run it was already over. Elieses's lightning spell came almost instantly and out of nowhere with no warning, so much so that Kurui jumped a little, and needed a second to make sure she hadn't been hit. By the time she confirmed that she hadn't been, Teague was already coming to a stop as a paralyzed heap, burning the last bit of momentum his run had given him. As she turned her attention back to the others, she thinks she remembers hearing one of them say something about precasting and pieces together what had happened. The expression on their faces showed her guess was right, their preparation was deliberate and methodical and practically proved it. Nothing at all like the blind fight she was have been in if she had fought Teague herself. None of them even seemed remotely phased by it either. “They had to done this before... they look like they're used to far worse than this. Is it true? I don't know what they would do or where they possibly would've picked up something like that. They might be underestimating him... but... it sure didn't seem that way.”
She almost jumped again when Concepta spoke to her, but it got her focused back on the task at hand.
“Um... yeah. Crystal. That. Just give me a second.”
She scurried over to where Teague was laying and started digging through his pockets, remembering where the crystal had been earlier. She found it quick, though the sensation of feeling his paralyzed body was deeply unsettling, like touching a corpse, even though she knew he wasn't dead. The whole situation was unsettling, she had no reason to think the group would betray her, but everything they did make her feel like she playing with some kind of dangerous, venomous animal that was never completely safe. She wanted to get away and be done with them now.

“I brought him to you like you asked and you seem to have him now.” she said nervously turning to their purple-haired leader. “If you don't need me I'm going to go now and you can do whatever you want with him.” She paused for a second, feeling like there was more to say. “Be careful with him, I didn't want anyone else to know, but he's a rapist bastard, he's done it to other girls and I don't think he would hesitate to do the same to you if he thought he could...” It felt like a really risky thing to have not mentioned beforehand, but she felt a need to warn them NOW out of both a conscience and a gratitude for their help... and somehow she thought it wouldn't phase them anyway since nothing else had. “I'm not sure if it means anything to you, but I'm really thankful for your help and I won't forget it.” In truth she wanted nothing more to do with them and was really hoping they didn't ask her to stick around, but flattery seemed to be a smart precaution here. She turned to leave a moment later, hoping she would get off with nothing more than a eye roll. Now that she had the crystal all she really wanted to do was get back to Sienna so this could all finally be over...
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

As she acquired the crystal, Teague could barely even move his eyes to look at her. Probably a good thing, too, considering she wasn't 100% sure of what would happen to him. The young man was definitely breathing, but he couldn't move a muscle.

"Hmm. A memory crystal, is it? Interesting for a thug such as him to possess one--but given his apparent history, I can't say that it is truly surprising," remarked Concepta. She wasn't going to ask about what was on it, as the observant girl could tell enough of what was going on from the words exchanged between Teague and Kurui. "Anyway. You may not see him again, at least not in this state," she said matter-of-factly. Behind her, Briony wore a triumphant grin and Eliese was looking around nervously. Most definitely, these three were not to be messed with, considering Concepta's cool demeanor and Briony's remorseless yet spirited reactions. Of them, the Lightning Major was the only one who exhibited any kind of regret or nervousness, but her spells weren't any less potent, as could be seen from the paralyzed delinquent laying on the ground.

"Thank you in return for providing the subject," concluded Concepta smoothly. "Perhaps we can do business again." Never before did such a friendly-sounding invitation have such negative implications.
"Yeah, but we gotta do the sealing ritual now. So get lost!" scoffed Briony towards the Water Major.
"B-B-Bye..." stuttered Eliese.

With that, Kurui was free to leave--in fact, judging from Briony's attitude, it would be the best course of action. As soon as she exited, she could hear the Wind Major saying, "Make sure that door is closed!"
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui felt a morbid curiosity to see what would happen to Teague, but the trio's words of dismissal were too much to pass up, and holding onto the memory crystal was a constant reminder of what her main priority should be right now. In fact it was all she could do to avoid breaking out into a deliberate run out of there. As she started towards the door for some unshakeable reason she kept expecting to take a spell to the back like Teague. It never happened though... and once the door was closed that entire world was behind her and she could finally relax, though she didn't stick around to try and listen through or anything.
“How did I get out of that so well? Maybe it was OK to trust them... maybe I was just nervous because of everything else working so well... it felt sure to fall apart eventually.” The thoughts still didn't shake the feeling she had just been playing with something dangerous...

It didn't take long to get out of the isolated corridors and back into the main halls, though they only reinforced the feeling she had just been in another world. It felt a lot later than she remembered it and there was hardly anyone around. Thats was OK though, she just wanted to get back to Sienna, the less people around to ask questions or socialize, the better. The peace and quiet was actually kinda of relaxing though it would've been creepy at any other time. She had too much to think about to deal with any other input in this heightened state. And yet... relaxing as it was, as she made her way towards Sienna's she started to feel off. There was no more danger anymore, she wasn't scared... but... it didn't feel right. There was some regret over Teague... but he deserved it and those pangs of guilt wern't that bad... what was it?

She had no answer when she finally found herself at Sienna's room. For some reason she hesitated to knock, but only for a second. For once she didn't actually dread her friend's over-hyperness and overwhelming sociality... it was actually kind of appealing right now... and yet... was it because this talk would be so serious? She realized she had no idea how Sienna would react... and how to tell her friend she had actually watched what was on the crystal... let alone how she could have explained any of this if it had gone badly... everything was catching up with her too fast now.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

It took a few seconds for Sienna to wake up, get up, or stop whatever she was doing and answer the door. It opened with a creak, and she peeked through warily as if worrying that someone would outright punch her in the face. Through the crack, Kurui could see her expression brighten as soon as the bubbly blonde caught a glimpse of her friend, and she swung the door open to greet her with a friendly smile, going from a very 'blah' face to her usual cheery visage in a split second. "Heeey! Glad you came!" she exclaimed in greeting. "Sorry, I was just... y'know, making sure that it... wasn't him or anything," the girl added in a somewhat lower tone.

"Anyway, come on in!" Naturally, she invited Kurui inside. It was a bit cleaner this time around--seems like she at least made an attempt to clean up. Even with that, the room definitely wasn't pristine per se, but there was considerably more room on her bed and on the ground to actually walk, stand, or sit if one was so compelled to.

She took a deep breath as soon as they got in and the door was shut behind them. "Hahh... phew! I was just gonna look for you, actually, 'cos I just haven't really been in the mood to be all alone, y'know? At least not for too long at a time. Sure, I got some other friends but I can't take up everyone's schedules I guess... even yours. I mean, I'm sorry for bugging you all the time, really." The admission and self-awareness to which she might actually have been bothering Kurui was heavily laced in her words, at least from what the Water Major could tell of her friend's demeanor. Perhaps she was in just a very self-conscious state, though even the densest of people could tell that much by now.

"But yeah, like I said, I just--what is that...?" Sienna's eyes widened and she froze, her continuous rambling coming to an abrupt halt when she caught just a tiny glimpse of the crystal Kurui held in hand.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The sounds inside after the knock told Kurui it was too late to change her mind now. She didn't have the energy left to turn around and run anyway. This had to happen now.
Kurui wasn't sure what kind of expression she had right now, or if she was even trying to hide it, or if Sienna would be as dense as always... but the wind mage's response was somehow still exactly what she was expecting. She made her way into the room, moving almost robotically and only catching glimpses of what her friend was saying. A part about other friends stuck out as stinging though, and she felt her eyes water a little. Sienna had lots of other friends, but Kurui herself didn't really have many others, especially not at the academy, due to her usual closed off nature. It made the thought of hurting one or losing one that much more painful. She needed to sit down, and worked her way over to the bed, keeping the crystal just barely held in her fingertips and making no real attempts to conceal it. There was no point, she needed to mention it sooner or later, Sienna noticing would just set things into motion if she couldn't do it herself. Luckily... or unluckily, the moment came only a few seconds later.

“I... It's...” She could feel herself starting to cry “I made a mistake Sienna! God I made a mistake... It's exactly what you think it is...” Everything over the last few hours felt like a huge mistake now “I couldn't just leave things how they were, I had no right to do any of this... but I had to! I couldn't just leave you like this!” There was no plan or pattern to any of this confession, and the words just came between growing sobs now “I... I... I saw what was on it. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. Please don't hate me.” she put the crystal on the bed, not even wanting to be touching it anymore “I had to know for for sure, I never thought you were lying, but... oh god Sienna, I don't even know how it happened, it just did... Teague is probably being brainwashed or harvested for organs right now and he deserves every bit of it, he would've done the same thing to me if he had the chance... but... I should've never dug into these things that hurt you..” her voice gets harsh and defensive for a second “...just... take it! Take the crystal and do whatever you want with it! It's here now! I can't undo it!” but then it shallows again, almost whimpering and pathetic as she turns her face away as if out of shame, tears streaming now “Please don't hate me... I'm so sorry... I...” She found herself at a loss of words with no idea how to continue now.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Y...You got this back from Teague?" Sienna responded slowly. "But how? Why? He... he didn't hurt you or anything?! I don't understand... How did you..." The blonde looked hurt, offended somehow, but more than anything, confused, as she desperately tried to make sense of the situation. For a few seconds, she looked as if she could yell at Kurui for bringing it all up again, but the tears shed by the Water Major made it hard for Sienna to stay angry or frustrated at her.

In fact, she'd never seen the dark-haired girl open up to her like this in a way, and most definitely did not expect her friend to go to such lengths for her benefit. Looking down at the crystal, she felt her heart sink, and found it as hard to touch as the other girl. Her shocked, puzzled face soon crumpled into a pitifully distressed one, and she stooped down to hug Kurui tightly, sharing the other girl's sobs. "T-There's no way I could hate you... *sob*"

She lingered there for a while, and by the time they parted, Kurui could see the Sienna's face was probably more of a mess than hers. It was like some kind of tremendous weight was lifted off of her heart, and she didn't quite know what to make of it all. "I can hardly believe you did that... that was stupid, Kurui! If he would've done the same thing to you, I'd have... uuuu! I'm almost afraid to ask how you did that, but... but thanks... I mean it. No one's ever done something like this for me before..."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui kept her face turned away through the first of her friend's confused questions. She had no idea how to answer or what to say, everything felt like it would just make things worse. “Losing to Teague would've been better than this. I could have at least gotten over that and been OK. I can't fix this if she hates me... I can't...”

Her downward spiral of thoughts comes to a sudden stop when she feels herself being grabbed for a hug. She headn't been looking at her friend and didn't know to expect it, but it was the best surprise she had experienced in a loooong time. Suddenly everything felt OK, and she was sure she had made the right choice in doing all of this, even if that choice had been a reckless one.
It would still take her a few minutes to calm down, but for now she just let herself enjoy the embrace. She felt tired, and weak, and burnt out, and ashamed, but the assurance it gave that everything was OK now was a good feeling that was washing away all those bad ones. She didn't care if she was having an unguarded moment right now, it was too much to give up. “Thanks Sienna... thank you soooo much... I was so scared I was going to lose you over this!”

They spent a few minutes like that before Kurui finally started feeling OK again. The realization that her friend was crying too made her feel the need to stop herself. She remembered how painful this must be for the Wind Major, and it was wrong for her to be feeling bad for herself anymore. She was fine, her problem was done with, now it was time for her to be there for her friend. She wiped away her tears and got herself under control to start answering questions. Some of them she thought Sienna would be better off not knowing, but she wasn't going to hide anything anymore.
“It's OK, I'm fine, I really am, now anyway. I didn't get hurt and Teague won't be a problem anymore.” she proceeded to repeat back the series of events that had happened, from her charming Teague, to when she watched the crystal, to when Nebula's group got a new plaything. She tried not to make any of it sound as scary or risky as it actually had been, but she didn't hide any details either, as painful as it was to admit to having watched the crystal memory. It was probably safer if Sienna knew none of this, but she couldn't stand to lie to her friend who had been there for her just now.
“Nebulas group doesn't even know you know what happened, don't mention it or ask them about it. I can't place why, but they're more dangerous than anyone around here thinks, I can just tell. I'm not sure what they did to Teague, and I know it won't undo or fix what happened, but it's the closest thing he deserved short of one of us killing him. His buddies will probably notice he's missing in a few days and they won't mess with you anymore. Besides, you have the crystal now. If you wanted to show the teachers you could get them all thrown out of here in a day...” it sounded like a questionable suggestion considering her friend's state and the effort she went through to solve this without getting the teachers involved “or... if you wanted to just smash the thing right now and be done with it, we can do that too. Things will catch up to the rest of them soon enough, whether you want to be the one to make it happen or not.”
She waited to see what Sienna would say, just to make sure she understood and was going to be OK. The tears and moment of weakness had passed, she still felt tired from the whole thing, but it was a good feeling for once. There was more to do, make sure Sienna never let this happen again, but for now she was content to leave things be, and secretly promised to never seriously call her friend annoying ever again.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"You aren't gonna lose me, silly. I still think you're crazy for doing all of that, and I really can't believe that you did, but... thanks," replied Sienna. "I should be the one thanking you for doing this for me. I wouldn't have asked it of anybody, but you're really something else. Like, in a good way," she offered with a teary smile.

Afterwards, she took the time to hear Kurui's story out in its entirety, showing a mixture of worry and relief at all of the aspects, matching the former to the dealing with Nebula's group and the latter to the crystal being returned. She made no comment about Teague, and even looked a little melancholy, but even that didn't linger, at least. Her eyes turning towards the crystal, she bowed her head. "Nn... y-yah, I'll just hold onto it for now. I'm just glad none of those guys can prove anything, although I'm pretty sure the damage is already done--who knows how many people they showed this to. But I'm glad that at least somebody knows the truth. I don't... I don't really wanna show this to the teachers, but I might have to if they keep trying to get with me. I'll figure it out."

Sienna sighed. "So Teague tried to do the same thing to you, too, huh? T-That asshole... I should've expected as much. And I can't believe you dealt with Nebula's goonies! I mean, I get it and all, but just promise me you won't get caught up with them, alright? I just don't want to see anything bad happen... From the way you made things sound, they sound reeeally shady. But anyway, one of these days, I'll help pay you back for this, I swear!"
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

It felt good to be let everything out and tell the whole story. Despite the rather rocky start, Kurui had nothing to complain about with this result. She came out of the whole thing unharmed, and most importantly, Sienna didn't hate her anymore. She felt bad now for having ever doubted her friend. “I thought this would be painful for her... maybe it is... maybe I've been underestimating her and she's not really as fragile as I think. She's been able to put up with this on her own for awhile now...”

“Don't worry about it too much, the crystal I mean. I don't think Teague showed too many people. I was probably the only one outside of his group of buddies. Something like that isn't exactly “safe” to show off, people would talk and he would've gotten caught... anyway, it's your's now. Please make up your mind soon though, I don't think it's too safe for you to have either...” She wanted to stress the risks of her losing it or it being stolen again, the thing felt like a cursed idol now... but she wasn't going to stress Sienna out anymore tonight. Tonight she had proved she was more capable than Kurui originally thought anyway. “Also, don't worry. I don't plan on dealing with Nebula's friends anymore. It was stupid of me to begin with... they did maybe save me from Teague, I'm not sure if I could've fought him off on my own earlier, but something about them... safer to ignore them than risk doing something wrong to get them mad.” She felt kind of bad speaking poorly of the trio who probably just saved her, but the “air” they carried was still overwhelming. In retrospect, they probably preferred their aura of intimidation to making friends anyway.

“Anyway, I'm glad you're OK now. I'm glad you don't hate me. I'm sorry I ever doubted you. It's been a long day though and I'm worn out from this whole thing. I'm going to turn in early tonight, we can talk more in the morning, I'm about to collapse right now.” With that she gave her friend a quick goodbye and made her way back to her own room, collapsing on her bed almost immediately. There were still things to talk about, but there was no energy for that now. She just wanted to pass out now, and hopefully return back to normal life tomorrow. It only took her 5 minutes to slip away, and despite everything that happened, the sleep was peaceful, even if she only got a few hours before waking up it would still help her recover the huge amount she needed.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Belieeeve me, I don't wanna keep it either! I mean, just, ew. But... I dunno, if someone like Mr. Black saw what was on it, I think I'd literally just die or something. Not even kidding." Sienna put on a grimace. "Or anyone, for that matter... I'm not gonna lie, i-it still feels a little weird that you saw me um... like THAT, but... I guess it could be worse. Could be everyone on campus, and I'm just glad that's not the case, 'cuz I have you to thank for it. As for Nebula's crew, they just give me the heebie-jeebies. I'm not gonna micromanage your other friends but yah, just... be careful. I'm prolly not one to talk, with Teague and all, but... *sigh* You're such a good friend to me. I need you, kay!" Hugging Kurui once again, she even seemed a little smothering, but on the other hand, it still wasn't completely out of character for the bubbly blonde.

When the dark-haired student announced her departure, Sienna appeared a little sad to have her friend leaving so soon, but in light of the changed situation, she had no choice but to let her go. "A-Ah... okay. Hehe, I was just gonna blab at you s'more anyways. I shouldn't keep ya up though, I bet it's been a loooong day, so... goodnight."

Kurui made it back to her dorm room with a considerable amount of haste and without incident, crashing into her bed just as quickly.


The next morning was rather peaceful, and much warmer, as the sun had risen earlier than usual, even though the Water Major was right on time, if not even a little early, in class. However, once she entered the building in which her classroom was located, she'd see a group of boys, no doubt Teague's lackies, loitering around in the hall. They all turned their eyes to her, almost at the same time, and gave a suspicious look; she could guess as much that this was all a result of finding their 'leader' being inexplicably gone on such a nice day. It was odd, for such undisciplined students to worry about a delinquent leader being absent for just one morning, but their response to this detail at least said something about Teague's consistency when it came to hanging around with his goons.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Ugh... sun... go away...” Kurui's sleep hadn't been particularly bad or anything, but when the first rays of sunlight started shining though, she spent a few minutes wishing they'd go away. It felt earlier than usual, then again it probably was, considering how being so wiped out last night made her sleep early.
“You're not going away, are you? ...Guess I better get up, it's too warm to fall back asleep anyway.”
In truth she felt fine even after everything and got plenty of sleep but morning tiredness was always a bit hard to shake, though once she got going and getting ready for the day it faded fast. Finishing that, she thought there was probably more to discuss with Sienna... but it was still really early and somehow she didn't imagine Sienna as serious or punctual enough to be an early riser. Oh well, it was nothing that couldn't wait. “She'll be awake in a few hours for sure. I guess I should head to class for now, it's a bit early but there's not much else to do. Besides, I still need some to reread all that junk about crystals before I go digging for them. It will be easier to study there than in stuck up in here... and it'll help me feel a bit more normal after last night.”

There wern't many people around this early, but there were still enough that she didn't feel like some recluse hiding from them on the way to class. “Maybe if I'm lucky Black will be there to answer questions or tell us more about this project. It's like... only a few days away. Actually... I haven't been keeping track, is it later today? I think I'm ready... but still...” Realizing she lost track of the time made her feel a little foolish, though she had done it before it in the past like any typical students, except the perfectionist know-it-alls, occasionally do every once in awhile. Usually with things much easier and less important than this though. “I'll do fine, I wasn't exactly sleeping through class, besides I've got some time to refresh on stuff later, and right now too...”
She was lost in thought again when she had the strange sensation of being watched, and looked up to see the rest of Teague's friends turning and staring at her all at once. For a moment she froze, not sure how to handle this situation. Did she lie and pretend last night was fun and she had no idea where Teague was... no... too much effort. She wasn't in the mood for games right now. Instead her expression changed into a deathly glare and she stared them right back. She didn't care if they thought she had anything to do with their leader's absence, if they were smart they WOULD think she had something to do with it and leave her her alone. She wasn't afraid of them, and was practically daring them to challenge her right now. It only lasted a second though before she turned her back and kept going on her way to class, saying nothing along the way.
“After Teague they're nothing. They can hate me all they want, but they won't make a move on me here, and if they're stupid enough to try I'll throw them out of the building on the end of a water jet.”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui's mean look earned her some chuckles and hoots from the throng of delinquents, many of which began to make some wise-cracks among themselves, but they were far too disorganized for her to make sense of anything being said. Although, she did hear one comment that stood out from the rest, perhaps by virtue of volume or timing. "Damn, surprised you can walk straight right now! Heh!"

However, when she would actually set eyes upon the gang, if she chose to, the Water Major would find that they all wore similarly mocking expressions to where any one of them could have been the one to say such a thing. Even then, that was the extent of what they did, and she managed to walk past without much incident outside of the occasional snicker or snarky comment.

Not far after she made it past the crowd and sought to turn the corner, Kurui ran into Sienna, who looked a bit surprised herself to run into her friend that quickly, but her face quickly brightened, as the other girl might have expected. "Heeeeeeeeeey! You! I was just gonna come get you, 'cuz I remembered those... assholes were loitering near the entrance like always. Are you okay? I'll walk ya to class or something," said the blonde cheerfully. "So I totally did one of my assignments due today super last-minute, 'cuz I was sooooo tired last night, I just passed out like a rock. Wait, when was your little field trip thing again? Wasn't it like, tomorrow or something?"
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Oh, there's someone who can't walk straight right now, and I'm THIS close to making the list longer.” the water major huffed under her breath, not really trying to hide it or say it deliberately loud. The temptation to start chanting a spell and attack them to blow off some frustration was growing every second, but she held herself back. She knew better than to go starting fights in the halls... though if they made a move first she'd “defend” herself to her heart's content until all the pent up violent urges were gone. For the moment they seemed too be all talk though, a little to her a disappointment, and she kept on her way.

As she came around the corner and practically crashed into her friend, the negative thoughts evaporated almost immediately. Part of it was to make way for the surprise at seeing the wind major this early, but the another part of it was a reflexive instinct to act more “proper” around people she cared about and not drag them down.”-Hey, I didn't expect you to be around so early! I'm fine, really, I promise. Those guys are all talk, they're too scared to do anything without Teague around. Thanks for coming though, I thought you'd still be asleep so I didn't want to wake you up earlier.” She was surprised to hear Sienna had come here for her sake, and felt a little embarassed at the idea of needing some help to deal with Teague's goonies, but at the same time it made her happy to hear it. Sienna who was afraid to even be around the guys a few days ago had come here by herself today, it seemed she was learning to stand up for herself after all. “Uhm... yeah... the trip. It is tomorrow... I think.” She stumbled over the words a bit “Sorry, I kind of lost track of time with everything that's been going on. Stupid of me, right? It's OK though, I'll find out in class in a little bit. You know me, this is a stupid project, but if the other slugs in the class are expected to be able to do it, I'll do fine. I probably know more right now than most of them would after a night of studying... well, I know the important parts anyway.”
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Oh! Nah, like I said, I slept -real- nice so no worries. I coulda been here earlier if I didn't spend like half an hour working on today's assignment. And no sweat, I woulda come to make sure you were alright anyway. I don't even really care about those guys... I mean, all they do is just take up everyone's space anyway. Where's a hall monitor when you need one, right? Ehehe."

As the pair retreated past the safety of the corner, they gave Sienna some lewd grins, but she managed to endure and actually ignore it all for once, despite traces of burden upon her otherwise sunny visage. "Aaanyway... so how's your hottie teacher? Is he still like, I dunno, scary or whatever? Then again, it's prolly too early for him to be doing any 180's, huh. I still say you're pretty lucky, 'cause I guess even if the guy is kind of a stiff type, at least your eyes won't burn any from some fugly guy or something like that. And he even sends you out of the city for projects! Actually, it was Rythe from your class who told me about the whole field trip thing, sorry for being nosy... but I was just thinking, man, we never get to do anything like that! Oh, she's really cool by the way--I think she's a Lightning Major or something, but I should totally introduce you two sometime. I definitely think you would get along!" As she went on and on, Sienna, in her own way, reminded Kurui of how inclined she was to ramble--but then again, that was her, after all.

"Whoops," she said as soon as she realized that the two of them had arrived at Kurui's homeroom class. "Guess I musta talked too much, ehehe. Sorry about that! Well, I'll catch ya after class or something then, 'kay? Seeya, Kurui!" With a smile and a wave, she actually left in a timely manner, but not before catching a glimpse of Mr. Black, who of course didn't replicate Sienna's brand of enthusiasm. The aloof instructor did look to Kurui, however, and gave her a nod. "... Good morning."
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Most other days Kurui would've found Sienna's rapid stream of rambling to be a bit annoying, but she promised herself she wouldn't think like that anymore. Besides, in retrospect this wasn't really a bad thing compared the meek silence the wind major had so easily been intimidated into before. Even if it had been annoying, she was in OK mood to put up with anyway, she knew it made Sienna feel better and she meant no harm by any of it... although Kurui wished she'd ask less questions about Black being creepy. “Nice one Sienna, he could like come down the hall at any minute and hear us...” Luckily Sienna kept going before she felt the need to answer.
“Don't feel too bad about missing out on this “cool” project. I'm not sure what Rythe told you, but all we're really doing is digging around in a cave for crystals. I know we need to learn how to do this eventually... but I'd rather have your classes than be digging around in the mud. Oh, and get this, we apparently need armed escort while we're there. I'm not sure if we'll be alone or in groups, but spending the whole day with a bunch of soldier boys acting all tough and showing off their swords sounds like a real test of patience. I guess real mages are too valuable to waste on a mine that probably never sees worse than the occasional daring bandit.” She would've continued her sarcastic tirade, but they had already reached the classroom, and Sienna wasn't eager to stick around anymore and took off with a quick wave, either to avoid being a nuisance... or to avoid Black's wonderful charisma.

“Wow... I actually DO exist? No lecture or anything this time either?” Upon entering the classroom, Black's greeting came as a bit of a surprise for some reason, but despite that she found herself putting on her polite and formal routine when she answered. “Good morning sir. Do you mind that I'm a bit early? I wanted to study more, about our upcoming project I mean, and it was getting kind of warm and hard to focus back in the commons... and... I thought I might have questions or something...” She lost it a bit at the end, hadn't planned forward what she going to say that well, but she moved into the room a bit nervously and took her place, hoping he wouldn't make her leave... but kind of wishing for it at the same time. “Why do I always get nervous around him? Is it because he's a noble and doesn't need a reason to be disapprove of me over anything? Am I imagining it? Is it because I think bad things about him and I know it? Nevermind, open the book and study, don't think about it.” She decided to try reading for a bit, it was always to ignore things when she was focused on something else. Though if he didn't make her leave she would occasionally cast glances up at him trying to guage him and find a time to ask some questions. “He's probably just going to tell us anything I would ask anyway, maybe I shouldn't make myself look stupid yet... unless he asks me for questions first...”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Hehe, hey, you never know, right? Could meet a nice one! Plus, they might not all be jerks! I'm pretty sure there's a nice and cute soldier guy out there somewhere... Cross your fingers!" Ever the optimist, that was Sienna. Even then, she was still good enough to not pester Kurui too much once they had reached the room, and took off promptly afterwards.

When she asked her question, Mr. Black paused and gave Kurui a flat look, such that she could almost expect a snooty answer. His tone this time around lacked such sharpness to it, however. "No, I wouldn't mind. In fact, I'd much rather have you early than late. If I must give you any advice for this course, it would be to arrive in a timely manner, above all. At any rate, if you have questions, I will take them anytime before the beginning of our session and during class as well."

If she had nothing to ask, he would remain at the podium, looking over an assortment of those unknown papers of his until everyone had taken their places. After a brief attendance check, he made his first announcement to the class. "Before we begin, I'd like to address the issue of your field project at the Bryndale Mines, which takes place tomorrow, as you may know. Everyone will NOT meet here, in class, but gather outside of this building's west entrance. A convoy will be waiting at about this time for you to board, as well as several academy monitors, who will travel with you to prevent any foul play. I highly discourage taking stones from each other--if I receive any reports from the monitors, do not believe for a second that I will go easy on any of you in terms of disciplinary action." Kurui knew the academy monitors to be graduated students employed by the Academy, ones that were not quite yet lecturers yet but were paid to do the professors' busy work, as well as keep track of what went on in the hallways.

"I will not be with you that day, for I have other business to attend to. So take the opportunity to learn on your own, since even the monitors are under strict orders not to assist with the identification of necessary minerals. They, as well as the guards assigned to you, are merely there for your protection. The time allowed in the mines is only about five hours, and a head check will be taken before and after entry to ensure safety. Any other questions regarding the matter?"
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Sienna always had a way of seeing the positive side in things that sounded dreary or annoying. This wasn't really unexpected to Kurui or anything... but any of it catching her attention usually was. “Maybe she's right... maybe some of them will be good looking. A shame they're probably all idiots... but after Teague and his goonies it's not like I have much faith in the guy students here either. They're all such skinny over self-assured geek losers. The soldier boys might be idiots, but maybe they'll be kinda fun to have around if any of them are around my age... oh well, we'll see when I get there.” The positive thought would make class a little more bearable... or so she thought until Black's weird air of authority unnerved her again, like always.

Black had his regular impact on her when she went to class, but after actually speaking to him, she was surprised to find his voice didn't have the same harsh “bite” it usually did. She wondered if he had just made a bad first impression earlier and was more “normal” today... or if he was holding back out of actually being impressed with her... a thought that was a bit unnerving its own way, but not a bad one. She wasn't desperate for approval or anything, but the thought she might be getting some from a noble was still exciting in it's own way. Whatever the case may be though, she found the instructor a lot easier to talk to today, though she kept her usual polite and formal way of speaking. Before class had even started she had already asked several questions about the nature of the upcoming trip, such as how they would be split up, how long they'd be there, and what protection (though she thought of it more as babysitting) they'd have, as well as a few quick questions about stuff in her book as she re-read it just to make sure she was prepared. The answers to some of the big questions were a little less satisfying than she had hoped, going in groups would mean having to deal with competition with classmates, and having monitors come along, while better than the uneducated soldiers, made her feel a little patronized... like she couldn't be trusted alone. Given the rest of her classmates and Black's low tolerance of them, she could kind of see why though.
By the time class started and everyone else was hearing all of this, she sat a little smugly knowing all the answers already. It was still an unusual and kind of difficult project but she felt about as prepared as she was going to get now. “Maybe this is too hard, but if I can't do it then like three fourths of the class won't be able to. There's no way he's going to fail us all. I'll be fine as long as I don't get grouped with idiots... or overachievers who are gonna try to keep everything to themselves and screw me over. Eh... it will be fine... my class is pretty “normal”. It could be worse, I could've had Teague and his buddies in here and been down a group member or stuck with scum who would probably try to cheat.”
The water major felt she had all the answers she needed and understood them well enough when the enigmatic instructor finished... but one thing stood out to her. For such a big important project, it seemed strange that he wouldn't be coming. When he finished his speech and asked if there were any more questions, it almost felt like he was tempting her to ask, but she held her tongue. “I need to stop this, I'm just being paranoid again. This was an OK day for once, I'm not going to ruin it by digging into his business.” The feeling was still unbelieveably nagging though... “*sigh* Someone else please ask instead... or maybe have the consideration to tell us before the rest of class is over Mr. Big Important Lightning Mage.”

(Arranged a little of this over OOC. These "groups" are like groups of 3 or 4 students each. I don't mention it explicitly, but my character knows.)
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui apparently wasn't alone in having considered the question, at least mentally, and she could figure as much from the brows raised by many of the other students in class, with a select portion of the group nonverbally expressing her inner sentiments. However, Black was just too cold to notice, apparently--that, or he just didn't care, which was probably more likely in this case, given his history. However, to some students' visible relief, someone did make the inquiry verbal. A girl with chestnut brown hair, sitting near the far edge of the room, had raised her hand, speaking when the instructor stopped to basically stare at her. "So... um, where are you going to be? I thought this was an important project or something."

"It is," replied the lecturer rather bluntly. "But do you need me to hold your hand? My other matters are private and thus none of your concern. What you should be worried about is the assignment." Though it wasn't exactly out of character for him, such an answer was sharp enough to leave the girl stunned in a state of silence, and she looked as if she was going to say something in protest for a moment, but ultimately held her tongue. "......" Folding her arms, the girl huffed, rolling her eyes, to which Black made no response.

A few more seconds passed until another student, a boy with brown hair and brown eyes, like many others, chimed in. He spoke with a bit of a stutter. "So, are we traveling in groups? I think it c-could be dangerous traveling in the mines if one is to... uhhh, g-get separated from the main pack..."

"You'll be traveling in groups of four. Let's see, there are 28 of you, so there will be 7 groups in total. Each will be guarded by either a monitor or a soldier. We only have 4 monitors coming with, so 3 groups will have a member of the Elynsorian Military keeping watch. Please, be on your best behavior, and don't embarrass the Royal Magic Academy with any childish conduct." The boy nodded nervously to this, and Mr. Black moved on. "Now, if no one has any other questions, I'd like to start class now. Since the project is tomorrow, let's do a review. Pyrenium, Siffulum, and Netaldum are just a few of the metals you'll find to be good conductors. However, you'll practically never find them in their pure form so easily. Netaldum requires a thorough cleansing and an active channeling of your magic through it in order to reveal its true state..." He went on to begin his lecture, filled with details of the various rocks they might come across.

The rest of the material covered in class was, for the most part, stuff Kurui already knew, although the teacher seemed very knowledgeable about the rocks in question--him coming with them may as well have been cheating, if he was so predisposed to give out information the way he did during lectures.

Before she knew it, though, class was over, and the brown-haired girl managed to make it to the door before Kurui, stepping out into the hall where Sienna was waiting. "Hey! Rythe! Whoah, Kurui! So have you two met yet?! Rythe, this is Kurui. Kurui, this is Rythe! I can't believe you guys are in the same class and don't even know each other! I was totally thinking that you two were totally alike!"

"Well, that's awkward, especially when you put it THAT way," replied Rythe, who turned her gaze to Kurui. "Plus, Mr. Black doesn't really give us a whole lot of mingle time." She spoke with an incredibly pessimistic tone, almost half-sarcastic in a way. However, she didn't regard the Water Major with any kind of outright hostility. "Rythe. Nice to meet you I guess. So you know Sienna too, huh..."

"C'mon, we should totally get out of the doorway and head out!" interrupted the cheerful blonde, who grabbed both Kurui and Rythe by their arms and ushered them towards the hallway leading to the western exit. As expected, Teague's lackeys were blocking the way, again. Rythe heaved a sigh. "Oh, those idiots. Just walk past them, the only one of them with any nerve is that red-haired guy."

Sienna was just about to say something when rapid footsteps could be heard approaching from behind the trio. A rather tall, orange-haired girl, possessing the uniform of a Fire Major, zoomed right past Kurui, Sienna, and Rythe, barreling into the group and knocking several of them over. "OUDDA DE FUCKIN' WHEY! Arseholes!" She was a proverbial bowling ball for the pins that the boys were, blazing a path in a matter of seconds.

"What the hell?!"
"That stupid... get her!"
A big chunk of the aggravated delinquents, or at least the ones that weren't still recovering, gave chase to the redhead, leaving the three with a considerably less cluttered hallway.

"That's one way to handle it," remarked Rythe.
"Wow! Is she new? She looks new."
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Nice one Black, back to being all aloof and snide... and the morning started so well too...” Though Kurui was glad to see someone else ask the question that was nagging on her mind, Black's answer was unceremoniously short and vague. “I should have expected as much...” Other questions would follow the ones about Black's absence during the trip, but these questions would be far less important. Something about the class's escort from some stuttery boy, that she already knew the answer to. Hearing it made her roll her eyes a little “Nice job, Stutters, quit being such a coward. You're a guy, show some spine, geeze. *sigh* I really hope my group doesn't end up with the monitors, ever since Teague all the mage guys have been so pathetic recently...”
The rest of the class session passed relatively uneventfully, it seemed at least that Black was making a good effort not to send them in blind. He certainly knew his stuff. His absence on the trip still bugged her, although she could halfway see why him coming along might be unfair if he were to give anyone advice. “Pfft, yeah... like he'd do that. He seems to hate talking to any of us enough as it is...”

Kurui was glad when the class came to an end. Though the topic was important, she found herself growing bored and mentally drifting by the end. Hanging out with Sienna and talking about mindless randomness actually sounded pretty fun right now, and she knew the Wind-Major would be there waiting for her like usual. To her surprise though, she found she wasn't the only one wanting Sienna's attention today. As she left the class she heard Sienna's greetings, but this time it was directed at someone else, a brown-haired lightning major. She almost felt left for a second, or at least a bit surprised before Sienna came over and started on introductions, then the momentary mix of emotions passed. “I guess it's a good thing Sienna has other friends, I really should make an effort to know more of them. So she's like me huh?” Just then she caught the lightning Major trying to make an introduction before Sienna interupted again. It was enough though for her to catch the tone and speech pattern of the brown haired girl though. “Like me huh? I DO NOT sound that negative and sarcastic all the time! ...do I? Oh well, be polite, make a good first impression and everything, if only for Sienna's sake.”
“Yeah, I'm Kurui, I've known Sienna since I started going to the academy pretty much. Nice to meet you, Rhythe-”
Before she could finish she found Sienna tugging her arm and dragging them both along for some diversion or another. Before they had gone more than a few footsteps though there was another interruption, this time NOT from Sienna. Before Kurui even knew what was going on, a fire major blazed past them... and straight through the group of Teague's lackies, crass yelling along the way to complete the scene.
“Umm... what just happened?”
She didn't recognize the Fire Major at all, and though she wasn't the most social, it still seemed a little weird. The feeling of weirdness was overridden by a bit of laughter though as she watched Teague's lackies stillt ripping over themselves to get up.
“Yeah, she must be new. Kinda of a crazy one it looks like. I like her spirit, she's kinda blunt and crass though, she'd fit right in with their group if she were a guy, she's like the female version of Teague.” For a moment hearing herself say that out loud made her freeze. “Wait... there's no way... I know they were going to experiment on him but... Nah, it doesn't make any sense, stupid idea. If that was Teague he wouldn't be running around in public like this.” She discarded the thought a second later and went back to laughing over it. Despite her finding the whole thing funny, she noticed now that the guys had gotten back up on their feet, they didn't look too amused.
“*sigh* Hey, I know those guys aren't much to worry about, but I kinda wana make sure she'll be OK, in case she is new and stuff. I know it's useless involvement in trouble... but still. I'm going to go make sure this doesn't get out of hand, I've put up with worse from Teague himself anyway, so this shouldn't be too bad.” She assumed Sienna would come along, barring any extremely pressing circumstances. Despite Sienna's past fear of the group, she seemed to think her friend was brave enough for it now... she was a bit unsure of the new girl with them though, but so far her demeanor suggested she could look after herself too, so Kurui found herself extending the invitation.
“Wana come Rythe? You look like you can handle stuff like this just fine. If you don't want to, thats OK, but it might be fun after that painfully boring class of lectures, huh?”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Wah... like, really? I don't wanna spend anymore time around those guys if I have to," said Sienna with a frown, clearly uncomfortable in having remembered the fact that many of them had their 'turns' with her in the past. Her attitude towards them now was all hostility instead of fear, however, and this could be credited to her knowledge of Teague being gone for the most part. However, that still didn't stop some of them from giving her sly looks before running off to track this orange-haired stranger, and she made a face at this. "Yah, uh... I kinda wished you found a way to get rid of all of those assholes too," remarked Sienna before covering her mouth upon realizing that Rythe was there. "Oops...err."

The Lightning Major raised a brow at this, but didn't say much more on that particular topic, shrugging. She might have just taken it as general dislike, luckily for her talkative friend. Instead, she glanced to Kurui to address her suggestion. "If you want. I'd have my boyfriend tag along since I'm pretty sure he can beat up all of those idiots, but if it's us three, we should be okay. Plus, they're headed outside anyway, so why not?"

"Yeesh, guess I'm outvoted two to one then, huh? But geez Kurui, don't even joke about that Teague thing! Scaring me, already. If he was still at this school, I'd..."

"You mean he left?" interrupted Rythe, who appeared as sharp as ever in catching Sienna's slip-up.

"Um... well... yeah! He transferred out the other day or something. Lucky me, right?" The bubbly blonde was clearly not the best at making these kinds of excuses, or lying very well to begin with, as her lie was written all over her nervously smiling face.

Rythe simply raised a brow, then shrugged and urged the other girl on. "Come on, let's take Kurui's advice before the opportunity passes."

When the three headed outside, they'd find that the weather was bright and almost unbearably sunny, just like earlier in the day. The group had traveled quite a distance, but a few stragglers gave enough of a clue as to where the mysterious Fire Major and her pursuers had run off to. Kurui, Sienna and Rythe would find their targets just outside a building across the far end of the campus, and in a somewhat secluded section of it at that. They had her cornered, six of them gathered in a half-circle around the brash student. She gave them a defiant look as they closed in on her menacingly. "Fuck off!"
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