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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score

That's all she felt.

She wanted to get out

Get away

But it was as if she was trapped

Suffocated by an unknown force

Feeling as if she was going to drown




Then, it stopped.

Then, shock gripped her

As if on instinct, her body shot straight up from her bed.

She was covered in sweat.

She was in her private dorm room, the TV didn't seem to be working. She knew she left it on, but nothing was showing up on the screen.

*You're sitting up on your bed, what do you do?*
Re: Iris' nightmare

(( I hope I'm doing this right.))

Iris sat on her bed, wiping the sweat of her forehead and taking a deep breath. What was going on? What day was it? Iris couldn't recall what day it was or knew what time it was. All she knew was she was on her dorm bed looking at a powerless television, feeling cold sweat on her.

Iris got up, standing up off of her bed and stretching for a moment. She figured the power was out, that would explain why the lights and television she left on the night before were shut down. Iris knew staying in her dorm room would only result in something bad happening. She was going to have to leave.

*Iris walks out of her dorm room*
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Jillian's late night [Scenario complete]

It's late at night, Jillian had to work overtime to clean up the little brat's mess at the camp.

The crickets are making noise outside.

Mental fatigue starts to take it's toll on her, but she knows the mess won't clean itself.

The lights flicker

Jillian jumps from surprise, but shake your head in embarrassment.

A loud POP was heard, then the lights go off......

Jillian screams in terror

Jillian huddles in fear, but she eventually concludes she doesn't want to stay here, it's scaring her.

*You're inside a daycare for kids in the woods, the crickets stopped chirping, what do you do?*

(Every turn spent in the daycare results in loss of Essence due to fear.)
Re: Jillian's late night

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Lights are out, and the camp has it's own generator which hasn't come on. Someone must have cut the power and plans to come in her and get me! No. Calm down. It's just a power outage, I've just been looking at too many of those paranoid people's web blogs. Nothing's going to happen. Any moment now, Mr. Cromwell will get the generator up and running, and then the lights will be back. Jillian thinks to herself in an internal monologue. She then proceeds to head towards the door to the outside. I can go outside, it's not as if I can clean this stuff up when the lights are out. Yeah that's it. No harm in going out where there's natural lighting from the stars. I'm not scared, it's just a power outage. Going out is fine, it's a reasonable decision. Now just thin calming thoughts, calm mind, calm mind, I'm not in danger. She thinks to herself, trying to justify running from the building while at the same time trying to calm herself using the trances that she typically uses when studying.

Of course, despite all this, only a few seconds later Jillian is running screaming for the door.
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Re: Jillian's late night

Jillian runs outside, screaming in terror

She makes it through the door

As she stands out in the open sky, she didn't realize the comfort the crickets gave her.

It's silent, too silent.

She begins to feel paranoid, as if one of the creatures she read about was going to get her.


"I should... I should get to my car... I'm freaking out"


(You are afflicted with minor fear, you've lost one essence point)

*Jillian doesn't want to stay, and her car is only a minute's walk away. But the forest path might be risky... She could always look for her manager for comfort*

*What do you do?*
Re: Jillian's late night

Calm down, bigfoot isn't real. The mole people aren't going to eat me. I'm all right. It's just a quick walk to my car. Just through the trees there. Those big shady trees with shadows things could be hiding in... She thinks starting towards her car before she stops. Mr. Cromwell should still be here. he's big and strong. He probably would mind walking me to my car anyway. Yeah, he wouldn't mind, I could just go over there and get him. She thinks before rushing off to the camp offices. That short walk through the shadows being too much for her right now.
River of blood [Scenario complete]

Sweet dreams...

Such sweet dreams...

She was with her lover, they were so happy together.

She was walking with him, in the park.

She doesn't know how, but he was in front of her.

He wasn't moving, just standing straight.

She called to him, but couldn't hear herself.

He didn't answer.

She reached out to him.

He began to slowly turn around, so slowly...

When she saw his face, she was horrified.

Some kind of twisted face of what used to be a human's greeted her.

She went into shock from horror.

He leaped at her with malicious intent...


Her eyes shot open.

She was covered in sweat, lying on her couch.

It was just a dream...


She heard a loud thump against her apartment door.

*What will you do?*
Re: Iris' nightmare

She put some decent clothes on, then headed out to the hallway...

All was quiet, as it always is this late at night.

She wasn't tired, and most of the school's facilities are closed this late at night.

However, something has her on edge, and she doesn't know what.

Checking her throat, she realized she was thirsty.

Having nothing better to do, she walked over to a water cooler, got a nice, cool drink, and drank it heartily, until-


A loud slam that sounded like metal came from the hallway...

*What do you do?*
Re: Iris' nightmare

(( Better?))
Iris felt on edge, but she didn't know why. The drink from the water cooler helped her feel better but hearing a loud metal like slam from down the hallway didn't. ' What the hell is that?' Iris thought to herself. Iris didn't know what to do. She could go back to her room and lock the doors, or she could go check out what the sound was. Or she could run away...

After thinking about her options Iris decided to investigate what the sound was. Someone could use her help and her was didn't raise a coward.

* Iris goes and investigates the sound. *
Re: Iris' nightmare

The power outage left things dark, thus natural caution was taken when approaching the strange sound...

She edged closer to were she heard the sound




Nothing but a ventilation shaft grate that fell off

[Intelligence check...]

Something had to have come out of there...

A strange organic sound from above you confirmed this

You look up, and see some kind of six-legged creature, with nothing but a round body and six legs, (very similar to a crab)

[Fear value too low, fear is impossible]

The crab fell off the ceiling, seeming to have all intents and purposes of landing on you.

[Dodge check]

You leaped back, with plenty of time to spare.

The creature lands on it's legs, and begins to approach you.

*What do you do?*
Re: River of blood

River instinctually tried to dodge the dream, winding up beside the bed in a tangle of sheets. She was just waking up, figuring out where she was when the thump on the door hapenned.

River jumps like she had been electrified, before calming down again. "Sweet Jesus Cal, do you know what time it is?" She calls out angrily, going and opening her door.
Eternal Sleep [Scenario complete]

You're walking...

How long has it been?

You can't tell if you've been walking for days, or a couple seconds...

Why are you walking?

Where are you going?

Do you even know?

You continue to walk, towards an unknown goal...

Suddenly, you begin to fall

Fear grips you

Then suddenly


Your eyes open with shock.

You fell asleep at your desk... And your boss is standing over your desk, with his hand firmly planted on it.

Mr. Burke: Ms. Laurel! Do you plan on sleeping through your job, and still plan on me paying you!?!

You were about to answer, but you were cut off.


He walked out and slammed the door

*You're inside your office, you were supposed to be repairing broken customer's goods, but you fell asleep in your office instead*

*What do you do?*
Re: Eternal Sleep

Christie yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Ass," she said after she was sure her boss was well out of earshot. It's a simple fix, no need to rush. Yawning again, she gets back to work on the goods, only zoning out a little as she does so.

*uses repair skill on item*
Re: Iris' nightmare

"...!" Seeing a crab type beast fall out of an air vent, and almost falling on her, surprised Iris quiet a bit. She kept a cool head about the situation, nothing good would come from freaking out. Taking only a moment to examine the creature Iris could tell, it wasn't like anything she had seen before. Iris thought to herself 'What the hell is this thing and what was going on?!'

Without any weapons on her or detaild knowledge on this... Thing Iris figured the best this to do would be to get a weapon and in some better lighting so she could kill this thing.

* Iris runs away in the other direction way from the crab *
Re: River of blood

She opened the door...

A ghastly sight, some kind of twisted human-like figure was in front of her. It looked like a monster

[Fear check]
[You've been afflicted by minor fear, lost one essence point]

The bizarre creature startled you

It begins shuffling slowly towards you...

*You have a knife on your person*
*Your apartment is on the first floor, a window is nearby*

*What do you do?*
Re: Iris' nightmare

Deciding between fight or flight, Iris chose the lesser of two evils, weapons aren't allowed on campus, after all.

Running through the hallway, she comes to the end of it.

*There is a stairway to the first floor, and a door to the security office where Officer Jeanne might be.*

*What do you do?*
Re: Eternal Sleep

Simple work, a child could repair these.

You're finished with work, and you're tired.

*You can go tell your boss you're clocking out, or you can just clock out and leave*

*What do you do?*
Re: Iris' nightmare

Continuing her run, not looking back at that freak crab, Iris reached a stairway. There were two options. Go to the first floor or a security office. Iris doubted any living cops would be there if monsters crabs were runing around in a power outage. There was not a lot of time to decide where to run to. Iris thought quick, not putting her life in the hands of officers who could be dead, ran to the the first floor.

* Iris goes to the first floor. *
Re: Eternal Sleep

Christie stands up and stretches, then walks out of her small workshop room. Looking back and forth between the exit and her boss' office, she finally decides it's best not to give the old man another chance to get pissed off with her. She heads for the exit door, lazily swiping her card through the clock out computer as she exits.

*clock out and leave*
Re: River of blood

((I don't suppose you could shift the apartment a little... Higher, could you?))

"Aah!" River screams as she jumps backwards, grabbing the knife she keeps on the bedstand. She briefly considers booking it out her bedroom window, but if Cal was still in the house, he'd need help.

She started yelling around the creature, keeping a fair distance between herself and the creature in the confines of her room. "Cal! Cal, you there?! What's going on?!"