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Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

(Kali attempts to feint the enemy)

(Kali's intelligence and combat skill vs enemy perception)

Kali tricks her opponent adequately.

A false swipe indeed sent the spider crawling back, with her success, she quickly tried to sprint away.

(Kali attempts to flee)

Kali runs as fast as she can, and proceeds down the stairs.

The spider pursues, and jumps from the side of the railing...

(Enemy attack)

A quick leap forward saves her from being landed on, she hurdles back to her feet and flees some more.

*You've learned the spider is faster than you, what do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Azure continued to observe this strange ritual.

The monster began slowly moving off the stone block where it's unconscious mother lies.

It changed directions.

Towards you.

*What do you do?*
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

*keeping on the move she makes for a room she can at least use a door to close and halt the spider's chase*
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

As Kali begins to flee again, the spider sees it's opportunity to pounce once more.

(Enemy attack)

The spider's leap missed as she made a cut through a doorway.

Kali makes her way through the backdoor, then shuts it immediately.

Panting heavily against the door, she tries to catch her breath...

A loud smashing of glass was heard to her left, as it turns out the spider was not about to give up so easily.

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Azure remained frozen in place, refusing to believe she was so easily spotted. She was hiding so well, no one had seen her. There were so many other people for the monster to go after if it was actually going after someone.

She stayed hidden in the bushes, hoping it would turn again, telling herself it had to, there was no way it could see her.
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

*cutting back she immeidately darted back inside the house closing the door once more making a rush for the front door this time. From there she would have to sprint for the front fence to try and just get away*
Re: A great headline.

(Damn it, you called my bluff. :mad:)

The monster crawled past her... In the direction of the city.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

The cultists began to disperse, leaving the girl where she was.


Nothing more to see here.

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Az's heart was pounding after the close call. She waited, trying to snap more pictures and waiting as the last of the cultists left, and left that girl there.

She was careful to not move too soon, but hopeful, wondering if she could catch a single cultist alone, maybe the final straggler, while keeping an eye on the woman who was left there.

(Task, wait for single straggler, if it happens. Or if the last few leave in a group or too quickly together, she waits for them all to leave and checks on the girl.)
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

Cutting back inside, the spider had the luxury of not crashing through glass, as it hopped through the window, caught up with her as she was hurriedly unlocking the door, and attempted once more to nab it's elusive prey.

(Enemy attack)

As soon as she got the door open, the spider slammed against her, swinging the door wide open.

Her and the spider rolled off of each other, she got back to her feet and made a mad dash for the gate.

(Mental status: Yellow)

(Enemy attack)

The spider attempted to pounce her before she moved, but missed entirely.

Reaching the gate, she desperately tried to climb it.

(Enemy attack)

A swift kick to the body eliminated any chance of it grabbing her while she was on the gate.

She hopped over the fence, the spider soon followed...

*What do you do?*
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

(other then a knife i have no idea of any other luxary i might have so IF i own a car thats all i can say i can do. otherwise i dont know since i dont know whats available to me)
Re: A great headline.

The cultists quickly leave as a group, and leave the girl.

Azure goes to inspect the girl...

She laying with her eyes open, motionless.

(First aid check)

She's alive, but the experience must have made her mind shut down.

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Azure almost regretted what she was doing, filming and taking pictures of the broken woman, and her pussy where that strange creature had crawled out of. She calmed herself with knowledge that she'd want someone else to do the same if she was in such a position. The news must be told, she thought. After finishing her task, getting pictures and searching the area nearby and the woman, she sent a message to the contact for a pickup.


"Hey girl... you look like you've been through hell... what happened... I can get you out of here if you can snap out of it, but I need to know everything. It's important."

She reached into her bag and got out her first aid kit, doing what little she could for the woman while waiting for the chopper to arrive nearby. Without the cultists swarming around, it would be safe to get closer.

(How far is the city from them? Wondering how long it'll take that creature to get to the city against how long it would take her to get in the chopper and fly.)
Re: A great headline.

~~~Your first aid will only cure physical ailments, not mental ones, as the main portion of damage she's sustained is trauma, there's not much you can do to snap her out of it.~~~

Azure opens a com link with her contact.


"Hey, there's a girl here, and... Jesus Christ, can you get over here as soon as possible?"

Contact: "Negative, we were lucky to find this spot, there's no way I can land anywhere else. You're gonna have to come back to the LZ."


Damn it

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.


"Great. So I can either drag this girl back to the landing zone, or I lose my scoop."

She leaned down over the girl and gave her a hard slap across the face.


"WAKE UP! If you don't snap out of it now, I'm leaving your ass here and those people are going to come back and do this to you again."

She tried to help lift the woman up, even if the woman wasn't being helpful then she simply threw the woman over her back to carry her piggyback style, calling on her phone...


"I'm coming to the LZ. Can you see the cultists? They're heading towards town... Keep an eye on them until I call for you again. I want you to drop me off ahead of them. I need to know what they're doing..."

(Carry the girl, willing to burn stamina to get to the LZ in a timely fasion. Attempting to get ahead of the cultists by helicopter.)
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

~~~Since ya left, I'll just jump you into your car. You may edit your post to your liking.~~~

Kila quickly hops into her car.

The spider crawls onto the hood.

She starts the engine and sends the bastard flying off her car as she drives away from that death trap...

Turning on the radio, she hears a broadcast.

Girl on the radio: "-repeats, There has been some kind of monster invasion, there is a safe haven at apple in, hurry and get to apple inn, and bring weapons. This message repeats."

Shocked, she says out loud.


"Invasion!?! There are more of these things!?!"

Heart racing with terror, not only from her last encounter, but from the apparent circumstances.


This is all so wrong... I was going to finally be able to live peacefully...

Feeling her loss, she drives to Apple Inn, as one tear rolls down her eye.

[End of Chapter 1, Said the spider to the burgler]
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Fun in the street

Possible Start Points: College, Home, Street

Lin was in the middle of the street, because she likes it there.


"Yay! Playing in the street is fun!"

The insane Lin shouted.

(Perception check)

Lin noticed an ugly dog, some ways away from her.

It wasn't like any other dog she had seen, and it's penis wasn't like any other penis she had seen on any other dog she had seen.

*What do you do?*
Re: Fun in the street

(Street as in SHOPPING or just taking a walk, why do I have to be insane?)
Lin had always liked dogs, ugly or not, she decided to take better look at the dog ignoring it's penis, after all, she could care less about weird looking penis.
Re: Fun in the street

why do I have to be insane?

Because I had NO idea what to write for two days. :3

Lin arched her head at the dog, examining it, but not it's penis, she doesn't like penises.

(Perception check)

The dog looked very strong, and had horns on it's head, looked red in color, and was very, very ugly.

The dog was looking at her as well.

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Whatever those cultists did, this girl would know. And Azure was not about to lose her scoop on one of the freakiest things that has ever happened in history!

Azure's frail frame had difficulty carrying the girl, she was forced to resort to dragging her back to the LZ.

Azure dragged her for what she thinks was halfway, then had to stop to take a break on a nearby rock. It didn't seem quite so hard without the extra luggage...

(Perception check)

She felt her energy coming back to her, and was just about ready to continue her drag when...

(Enemy attack)

Almost instantly, what looked to be many insect legs wrapped around her body, holding her arms against the sides of her body.

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Azure groaned after the long trip thus far, setting out her camera and taking a moment to record herself. Panting hard, she looked into the camera and shook her head slowly, "I don't know who or what those cultists were. I don't know what that monster was. This whole thing feels wrong. Whatever's happening around here... I just don't know..."

Rather tired still and just barely regaining her second wind, Azure was about to pick up her gear again and start dragging the abused girl when she suddenly felt something snatching her.

Arms pinned down to her sides, she tried to kick at the thing out of instinct, trying to do as much damage as possible in hopes it would let her go, though with it holding her so tightly it seemed unlikely her kicks would have much effect as she tried to twist and struggle, hoping to get a view of the creature, wondering if it was the same kind of thing that this girl had given birth to.


"Don't scream, don't scream, don't scream... please don't scream and let those cultists find me..." she panted and gasped to herself.

(Action: Kick to try to beat off the creature + Attempt to see if its the same monster as before (or at least the same type of monster))