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Completed scenarios

Re: A great headline.

~~~You can do multiple things in one turn, but it's not recommended as it comes at a penalty to all actions taken, usually resulting in both failing~~~

Azure attempts to kick the creature.

(Azure attacks, melee, unarmed)

With it's weight on her, she can't quite get her leg to hit it...

(Enemy attacks)

Tentacles sprout from it's back, and they begin to rip Azure's clothes to shreds.

(Azure is now naked)

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.


"AAIIEEE! LEMME GO! GET OFF!" she suddenly burst out screaming.

Clothes torn away, she realized that she was in a very, very bad situation, and suddenly escape was her primary concern. She twisted and wriggled her arms, trying to get them free so she could struggle with the creature, trying to escape it, not caring what it was anymore.

Re: A great headline.

(Azure attempts to escape)


It's too strong!

(Enemy attacks)

An organic sound is heard behind her...

She tries to wiggle, but it manages to hit it's target. Azure feels an intense sensation from her sex as the creature penetrates her with it's member.

(Orgasm status: Yellow)

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.


"NNNH! NOOO! STOP THAT YOU ... You... ooooh... please stop..."

She twisted in its grasp, feeling a strange twinge of sexual excitement despite it all, her pussy getting wet and starting to squeeze down around the length penetrating her, every time she squirmed she could feel her pussy sliding up and down it without meaning to.


"OOOH MY Gnn.. NO.. No... can't let it do the same thing to me..."

Her eyes caught the other girl nearby and she knew if she didn't escape soon she would be in deep, deep trouble, she redoubled her efforts, using every ounce of strength she had to try to break free from its hold. She didn't need to get far, just far enough to reach her bag...

(Attempt to escape! Or, at very least, manage to reach her bag to get her gun.)
Re: A great headline.

~~~A gun would be difficult to use in this situation, plus she's smart enough to know what she needs~~~

(Azure attempts to access her inventory)

She manages to get her shoe into the bag, she then tosses her taser though the air then catches it with her hand, angled at the monster.

(Enemy attacks)

The monster manages to directly hit her G-Spot, over and over. She doesn't orgasm, but she feels like she's about to...

(Stamina status: Yellow)

(Orgasm status: Danger)

*What do you do?*
Re: Fun in the street

Well, to Lin's knowledge dog's don't have horns, and she had never seen a red dog, so she knew something was very very wrong. She slowly backed away, keeping eye contact with the dog, making sure she didn't give the dog a reason to attack, and that if it did, she'd know.
Re: Fun in the street


"Nice doggy..."

She said as she slowly backed away from the ugly dog who's penis she wasn't paying attention to, she didn't like penises.

The dog began to emit a low pitched growl as it began a slow walk towards her.

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

~~~Taser? It would shock her too. Badly I should say in THIS position. A small handgun would be just as easy to fire off at close range I should think.~~~

Az managed to struggle in the grip enough to get a hand free and lunged for her bag, sprawled across the ground beneath the creature with her face to the dirt, clothes left in tatters around her, and her glasses knocked aside during the fall. She was thankful for those new 'ultra-durable' frames and lenses. Could be run over by a car and still have no effect on the things.

Her bag tossed and she snatched for anything that she could use as a weapon, pulling out the first thing with a handle, and instantly frusterated, the taser was not what she was hoping for, and the way this beast was fucking her, she could barely focus.


"Oooh.... my... nnh.. just a little more... mmh.. d..don't stop just yet..."

Before she knew it, her desire had overwhelmed her, that close to orgasm, she akwardly held the taser close and was grabbing for her gun again with one hand, while her other hand slid down her heated body, rubbing her breasts, coaxing the creature's limbs all around her to do the same, then diving lower, fingers caressing her clit while the beast worked her depths.

Even if the creature let her go now, she wouldn't have run, not yet, she thrust her hips back and grinded into the creature, legs spreading wide, except for her one hand still fumbling through her gear for that gun, she was entirely caught up in the wild sex now, her pussy squeezing and slurping wetly along the length inside her, and passionate moans erupting from her lips.


"So cloooooose... don't stop.... don't stop... hah... nh... just a little more..."

Her breath caught up in hard panting as she closed her eyes in bliss, working her sex onto the creature's length inside her, needy for what it was giving her while teetering at her peak.

(Actions: Grab for gun, ride that cock (or cocklike appendage), rub self, encourage creature to do more, offer whole body to it)
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Re: A great headline.

(Azure didn't realize she grabbed her gun instead of her tazor)

(Azure gives in)

With Azure's arms, still locked to her sides, she can only begin rubbing her clit, and does so enthusiastically.

(Stamina status: Orange)
(Mental status: Orange)

She feels it burning within her like fire, as she orgasms violently.

She can no longer stand, as she falls all fours, rocking back and forth as the monster prods her.

Then, she felt a pinch, and screamed in pain as something was pushed inside her body.

As it stopped going deeper into her, the creature pulled it's member out and began to retreat.

She could swear she felt something inside her moving after it was done...

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Her slow rocking, riding the creature's cock, she was lost in uncontrollable pleasure as it brought her to climax, dropped on the ground and used for its strange needs. Az felt something strange though as it continued to use her.

The sudden pain she felt was overwhelming, she was trembling, clutching at her weapons, not sure what was what anymore, she carefully rolled to her side and took aim at the retreating creature, after it so easily pulled free and started to rush off, hoping this time she had her taser as she fired off at the thing. Her voice stammered unsteadily...


"Nh..NO..NO you don't! I'm not just letting you get away!"

(Action, shoot taser at creature, she hopes.)
Completed scenarios

After a survivor has completed their scenario, and begins another, their old, finished one will be moved here.
Re: A great headline.

(Azure attacks, tazor)

The creature makes some distance, but azure is faster than it.

Azure's aims adequately.

She runs up on it, and sends thousands of volts though it. It begins trembling violently.

(Enemy cannot make an action, stunned)

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Azure took the opportunity to examine the creature closer, judging how large it was, how its legs and body worked, keeping her distant and holding the taser close, so she could send another shock through it if it tried to get up again or attack her.

(Can I get more stats on the thing?)
Re: A great headline.

(Perception check)

Azure comes up with an adequate examination

The creature, if it stood up on it's hind legs, would be about her size, it's body looks like many brown balls melted together, like a centipede. It has about two dozen legs, likely to help trap it's victim from getting away, while it's tendril arms that now seem to be submerged within it's body remove anything that might obstruct it's attempt to impregnate it's victim, such as clothes.

(Azure can't seem to notice any other traits)

The creature stopped thrashing, and is beginning to move around a little.

(Enemy cannot make an action, stunned)

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Azure reaches down and tries to pet the thing, wondering what kind of abomination of science or magic could cause this kind of creature to exist. She tried to pull the thing back towards her gear a few feet over, not wanting to give up her capture.


"I wonder if I can restrain it somehow. Tie up its legs... do something to keep it from struggling around long enough for me to bring it back to the landing zone."
Re: Fun in the street

Keep backing away slowly seems to be the only thing she can do since it's not like she can out run it...
Re: A great headline.


(Azure attempts to drag the monster, and put it in her small backpack.)

The creature is the size of a human being, and heavier to.

The monster regains consciousness.

(Enemy attacks)

The monster takes advantage of the girl's proximity.

The monster wraps it's upper body around Azure, lifts her into the air, then tosses her away like a rag doll.

(Azure stands up)

When Azure looked back for the monster, she caught the last part of it, burrowing into the ground.

(The giant centipede has fled)

(Azure assesses the situation)

Azure is standing a few yards away from the occult victim, who's still unconscious.

Azure is naked.

Azure is pregnant.

Azure is very tired.

*What do you do?*
Re: Fun in the street

Lin is worried the ugly doggy might mean malicious intent towards her.


Oh! that's right! I have my gun within my giant hat! I mostly use it for hunting squirboes.

With a gun cleverly hidden inside her big, silly hat, she now has to decide between fight or flight.

*What do you do?*
Re: A great headline.

Azure knew she couldn't do anything so silly as stuff it in her bag, she kinda hoped she could tie some of its legs or something to keep it from running away then drag it, the same way she had dragged the girl so far... at least right until it grabbed her and tossed her, leaving her staring stupidly at where it escaped.


"Well great, there goes one of my leads. And the other one's still a pain in the ass to drag around..."

She picked up what she could of her ripped up clothes and tried to salvage something to wear, even if it was rather revealing. Some clothes was better than none.

She picked up her handheld finally, turning off the video and calling her pilot.


"Forget the cult. I know what they're trying to do. I just got a firsthand experience with it. Come to the landing zone, keep your weapons at the ready and be prepared to help me drag in a victim... Call me when you've landed, I shouldn't be too far away, but I need you to come help me carry this girl."

As tired as she was, she knew staying here to rest was a bad idea, gathering her things and starting to drag the woman again, getting as close to the landing zone as she could before her pilot called her back, and hopefully showed up to help the last leg of the trip.
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Re: A great headline.

Upon inspection, what used to be one of her favorite outfits was nothing but a memory, the largest piece could barely even wrap around her arm.

Pilot: "Land? I've always been here, that was the agreement. I thought you said you were gonna stealth it out, why would you have me flying all over? Those guys would've known for sure that something was up if I had been in the air."

Pilot: "... And you took my only pistol."


"Stop complaining! Get the chopper ready."

Azure went back to the girl, lifted her upper body, then continued to drag her towards the LZ.

(5 minutes later...)

She had finally reached the LZ, and when the pilot turned to look, his cigarette fell out of his mouth as he saw two beautiful, naked women right in front of him.

Pilot: "... Woah..."


"Eyes up here!"

She demanded.

After his awkward staring, and the loading of a certain victim onto the helicopter, he said.

Pilot: "I heard about what's going on out there on the radio, there's some kind of invasion... And everyone appears to be headed for Apple Inn."


"Good, I can get an extra set of clothes there."

Headed for the roof of Apple Inn, she would be safe...

For now.

[End of chapter 1, A great Headline]