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Compton, Ohio

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Compton is a place filled with crime and gangs, and other unsavory types. It's a violent place, dangerous for both human and abnormal alike to live in. It is also home to a vast underground research facility owned by an unknown group.

Here, many terrible experiments are conducted, and many abnormals have been brought here against their will. Many have died here, and been unceremoniously disposed of upon death.

((Lurker, your up here, your character should be waking up here now. Will leave it up to you how long she's been here for.))
Re: Compton, Ohio

Groaning slightly, Sarah slid up a bit as she groggily looks at the walls of her cell. Being here only a few days, she was blissfully unawares at the extent of what they've done to others, but at least she got the gist something was up. Some tests her ass, she thought, stretching as she moved off where she had got dumped uncerimoniously last time. "Ok, let's get this over with," she mutters.
Re: Compton, Ohio

As Sarah moved, a speaker suddenly came to life, and a voice filled the room.

"Glad to see your awake. Was beginning to think I would have to wait until tomorrow for our next little test. Seems your blood work has come back with some very interesting properties in them. So interesting in fact, I've been cleared for a test to see how responsive you'll be under duress of pain. Today's little game is to see how much physical pain from burns you can withstand before you start to tilt over towards death. For this, we're going to turn up the heat. I do hope you won't disappoint."

As the speakers cut off, she would notice the room she was in was completely sealed, with no apparent doorway at all. However, a moment later she heard a whining noise, and suddenly the temperature in the room went from comfortable, to beyond the heat of a desert, and began to rise steadily a few degrees every couple of seconds.
Re: Compton, Ohio

Sarah just raises an eyebrow. "And to think, I was expecting a firing squad."

Quietly she thought through her options, shrugging down her trenchcoat and wrapping it around her waist as she tried to look carefully at her surroundings. She was especially looking for flaws in the materials holding her- such as where the heat was coming from- and also trying to take stock if someone was stupid enough to leave her carpet bag inside the room. Knowing her luck not, but ya never know.
Re: Compton, Ohio

Sarah's heart might sink a bit when she realized her bag wasn't there. Again the voice came over the speakers.

"Looking for your bag girl? Don't worry, it's safe with me."

So much for that plan it seemed, though how they had known to keep the bag from her was anyone's guess.

Her inspection of the room revealed nothing at all useful, in fact, there was no evidence at all to support how she'd gotten in there, or even where the heat was coming from.

And then suddenly there was a geyser of flame in front of her, coming seemingly from the floor, yet not. The flame was coming towards her, and it was starting to get very uncomfortably hot in there, she could begin to feel her skin peeling and cooking painfully.
Re: Compton, Ohio

Yelping in surprise at the flame bursting in front of her, Sarah growled to herself. This was definately a pickle, and whoever made this place odviously didn't intend people to get out again. Whiping some of the steaming sweat from her brow, she glared at the ceiling, hoping the dagger look got the reaction she was hoping for. "Seriously, what do you want you pile of crap?!?" she hissed at the mocking voice.
Re: Compton, Ohio

"To conduct my tests and find a way of harnessing each abnormal's power, that's what I want. That and to see you suffer. Wha -? Who the hell are you, GAAH!"

Suddenly the voice went very quiet, though Sarah could hear gurgling from the still active microphone. After a long uncomfortable moment with the heat finally building up to be beyond painful, it suddenly snapped off without warning.

Sarah didn't have much time to welcome the reprieve, for suddenly out of thin air a tall, bald man dressed in a black trench coat just appeared as if he had teleported into the room. At first she might wonder if this was some part of the experiment, however the blood that was still lightly on his hands was all too real. Without warning he tossed her bag at her feet, nodding before speaking.

"Patch yourself up enough to be mobile, and then perhaps you'd like to get out of here, yes?"
Re: Compton, Ohio

Sarah blinked bemusedly at the sudden appearence of the person. "Facinating enterance, considering this place doesn't even seem to have a bloody DOOR," Sarah deadpans, though quickly grabbing her bag. "Still, thanks. Who are you?" she asked, whilest quickly sorting through her bag until she located some gauss she used to whipe herself down with. "Though I ain't got nearly enough burn ointment in here to deal with this barbeque..." she muttered more to herself, keeping her ears open to the other man, and one hand near her bag, and more importantly the large-caliber magnum pistol her hand was idly laying over.
Re: Compton, Ohio

"My name is John Druitt, and as I recall from the file that poor chap had in there, yours would be Sarah correct?"

He pauses for a moment, considering something.

"I believe we may have something to help with the burns upon reaching our destination, if your interested in getting treatment for them that is. I'm supposed to extend an invitation to you. Essentially, your invited to have some place safe to stay, free from ... these types here. I think by now it's fairly obvious they don't give a damn about you as a person, they just see you as a lab toy to experiment with, and break down to be their slave. As for my entry well ... Suffice it to say there's never been a room constructed out of any material that I couldn't get into. In fact, I can promise you one thing, I can take you someplace safe so far from here, these people will lose track of you entirely. The invitation is extended by my former ... fiancee, Helen Magnus. Ultimately the choice is yours however, I think we both can agree you at least want to get out of this place, yes?"
Re: Compton, Ohio

"Listen sir. Trust me, this isn't the worst place in hell one can go. But yes, a change of scenery would be nice," she commented, slowly moving her hand away from the firearm before slinging the bag over her shoulder. "Still, I at least had one backup plan, unless they treat thier corpses like thier test subjects that is..."
Re: Compton, Ohio

John nodded.

"I do believe you there Sarah, and as for the treatment, if what I saw on my way in here is any indication, the dead are given even less respect here than the living. And since the living seem to garner none ... Well, need I say more?"

He paused for a moment as he watched her movements, determining it seemed that she had no intention of actually suddenly turning on him.

"I admit, I was expecting this to be a bit of a trap, these people have been trying very hard to kill people like us who want to help others like you. Yet, you do not appear like you'd be enthused with working for them. Very well, however before I take us from here I must warn you of one thing. My ability, as you may have guessed is to teleport. Now, I can take you with me, however I must have some form of physical contact with you. A hand on your shoulder will suffice, if you are willing?"

He made absolutely no movement at all after speaking, merely waited there respectfully for her decision. While he probably knew she had no other real option, at least he was willing to wait for a reply.
Re: Compton, Ohio

Sarah shrugged. "Ya acting like this ain't much of a no-brainer. Still, it's nice to hear a polite voice for once," she noted as she held her hand open for the man, her other hand zipping her bag close, just in case. "Lead the way, Spook."
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Re: Compton, Ohio

He nodded, then spoke one final time.

"We'll be making a brief stop in London before heading to our proper destination in Canada. Like I said, far away from here. Here we go."

He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, and then suddenly she would feel a slight tingle as they vanished.

((Transferring them to London Sanctuary in a moment.))
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