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Convenience Stop


Jun 15, 2009
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The stop is a little dingy looking, but there is enough junk food in here to keep someone motoring for days... along with most supplies that one would need while on vacation. Two ancient looking gas pumps rest out front, alongside piles of firewood, displays of car oil and water, and an attached set of washrooms.
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Re: Convenience Stop

As soon as Cat enters she puts Moxie down and searches for a way behind the counter. "I really hope they have a shotgun under there", she tells the puppy. "Would make everything so much easier."
Re: Convenience Stop

Cat Searches the shop
6+5 vs 16, Failure.

Rooting around in here, Cat can't find a shotgun, if indeed there is one back here. There is the rest of the store to search, however, and now that Moxie is set down, he seems to be nosing around, doing just that. Interest piqued by the low-to-the-ground candy containers, the puppy scrapes at them, trying to get in.
Re: Convenience Stop

"FUCK!" Cat slams her fists on the counter. "What kind of fucking gas station doesn't have a fucking weapon under the fucking counter!" She sits up on it and slides over the counter to get back into the main area of the store. "If those are not candy-shaped hand grenades we're not going to take them along", she tells Moxie as she searches the rest of the store for something to drink and, more importantly, something that can be used as a weapon.
Re: Convenience Stop

Cat searches the shop
9+5 vs 14, Graze.
(Auto-win with the drinks, by the way. :D)

On looking around the shop, Cat finds a hefty looking fire extinguisher, as well as a few modestly labeled firecrackers behind the unlocked back of the counter that don't look like they'd just be used for sparkles...
Re: Convenience Stop

A grin shows up on Cat's face. Firecrackers, better than nothing. Speaking of fire. . . Cat makes a mental list as she pockets the fireworks.
High percentage liquor or at least glass bottles, rags, duct tape. Gonna build myself some Mollies with an extra bang. If I can't shoot them with a shotgun I at least going to set them on fire real good.
Re: Convenience Stop

While the cooler section of the convenience store has left something to be desired for the drinks behind it, Cat is easily able to find glass bottles... though not of high-grad liquor. It appears that the best that they've got here is alcohol-free beer... likewise, there don't appear to be any real decent rags in this part of the store, just swiffer-sweeper packages, toilet paper, and paper towel... Doesn't look like she'll find any duct tape in here either.
Re: Convenience Stop

Cat sighs and grabs a few bottles of the non-alcoholic beer. Normally she wouldn't touch that horse piss with a ten-foot pole, but she's not going to drink it, so. . .
Cat whistles for Moxie and steps out in front of the stop to empty the bottles of beer onto the asphalt before taking out a gas pump and starting to fill them up.
((Are they screw top or crown cap? Just asking because she can easily close a screw top bottle for later use.))
Re: Convenience Stop

((Screw top, but she's got bigger problems...))

As Cat takes the pump out of its cradle and holds it over the bottle, she realizes that the gas she was expecting isn't coming out as she'd have thought. It looks like these pumps rely on a power supply to work... all that she gets for now is a few drops.
Re: Convenience Stop

With a hiss and a burst of anger Cat throws the handle of the gas pump across the yard. "FUCK! THIS! TOWN", she yells into the fog surround the stop. Why can't anything be easy around here?
Re: Convenience Stop

Cat checks Awareness
9+5 vs. 14, Success.

The pump clatters to the ground, noisily, followed by Cat's shout. The low hanging fog muffles the noise somewhat but apparently not enough. Around to the side of the gas station, she hears the sound of something being knocked over immediately after she shouts.

Moxie turns to look at Cat then at the station and growls.
Re: Convenience Stop

"Oh, for FUCK'S SAKE!" Cat slides the brass knuckles back on and stands her ground. Something to use as a punching bag would come in just right now.
Re: Convenience Stop

Moxie continues to growl and stands his ground next to Cat. She waits, ready to fight, but it doesn't seem like whatever made that noise is going to show itself.

A silence settles over the gas station again, disrupted only by Moxie's occasional growls and yips.
Re: Convenience Stop

"Fine. If you're not coming out. . ." Cat storms towards where the sound came from, Moxie running after her. Cat is more than ready to lay the smack down on somebody.
Re: Convenience Stop

Cat checks Awareness
7+5 vs. 14, Failure.

Moxie checks Awareness
8+2 +2 (Perceptive) +2 (Awareness) vs. 14, Success

Charging around to the side of the abandoned station, Cat finds a small stack of empty wooden pallets. One of them has recently fallen off the stack (or been pushed) but as she looks around, she can't see any sign of who knocked it over. There are a couple of cars parked over here and Moxie makes a beeline for a teal hatchback, growling and yipping excitedly.

From behind the car, Cat hears a panicked sounding voice calling out, "Please don't hurt me! Stay back!" The puppy races past the car, standing in a spot where he can see the person hiding back there while still staying in sight of Cat and barks some more.
Re: Convenience Stop

"Good dog", Cat calls out as she walks around the car, keeping some distance so whatever or whoever is hiding there can't pounce her.
Re: Convenience Stop

Moxie gives and excited and happy sounding bark when Cat praises him, his tail wagging and belying the puppy’s attempts to look fearsome. He keeps growling at the unseen person behind the car a little longer until, finally, Cat sees a very nervous looking young woman stand up.

“Um… please don’t try to kill me,” she says, holding up both her hands in a gesture of surrender. “I thought you might have been… I just didn’t know who you were. Everybody has started disappearing.”

Moxie looks at the other girl and them back at Cat with an inquisitive growl. The surrendering girl is a skinny rail of a girl, when she stands up Cat can see that the other woman is quite tall with long straight black hair that she wears pulled back into a pony tail. She’s wearing a hooded sweater, cargo shorts and sneakers that only make her look even more awkward by displaying her pale, gangly legs. Her wide brown eyes nervously glance at Cat’s brass knuckles, “I’m not going to do anything, I promise, okay?”
Re: Convenience Stop

"Well, shit. Back, Moxie. Uh, what was it. . . Heel!" Cat doesn't know if the puppy has been trained, so she bows down slightly and holds out her hand as if she would offer something to him. "He's not even really my dog", she idly says to the girl. "He just started following me around. Good ears and nose though, so I keep him close." As the puppy darts towards her and licks her hand she grins. "Name's Cat, what's yours?" The brass knuckles remain in her hand. One of those creatures could be just around the corner, after all.
Re: Convenience Stop

"...Emma," the girl replies, still wary of Cat and those knuckles. "What're you doing out here? I don't recognize you from around town..."
Re: Convenience Stop

Cat shrugs as she stands back up. "I'm planning to get the hell out of here, and I'm just gathering some stuff. Food, drinks, etc. . . Reminds me that I still don't have those drinks. Got distracted", she says with another shrug.