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Convenience Stop

Re: Convenience Stop

Emma, coming a few steps closer, asks, "how are you going to get out of here?" She's clasping her elbows, still looking uncertain about Cat. A thought comes to mind, and she asks, "...distracted?"
Re: Convenience Stop

Cat nods. "Some kinda freak showed up in the convenience store down the street, and I ran like hell. Here, I thought I could build molotovs, but they don't have any hard liquor, and their gas pumps aren't working."
Re: Convenience Stop

Emma looks a little ashen at the prospect of molotovs. "Are you sure that that's a good idea? Someone could get hurt," then, "you know how to make those?!"
Re: Convenience Stop

Cat frowns as she crosses her arms. "Hurting somebody is the purpose of a Mollie. Haven't you ever watched any action movie? It's easy as pie. Easier, even, because I can't bake for shit." She shakes her head. "Look, there's some bad shit going on here, and I'll be grateful for any weapon I can get my hands on. Preferrably a gun or something else I don't have to get up and personal with one of those freaks."
Re: Convenience Stop

Emma shakes her head. "I don't know about guns, I don't know if that can hurt them for good," she kneels, looking up at Cat before holding her hand out to the puppy. "It might slow them down, but... I think we need to find some other people if we want to fix this."
Re: Convenience Stop

Moxie immediately strolls over to the girl and sniffs her hand before starting to lick it. Untrue Bastard, Cat can't help but think. "Fix this? I don't want to fix this. I'm getting the hell out of here. The entire place is going to hell, drunk in a muscle car", she sneers.
Re: Convenience Stop

At that, Emma frowned and shook her head. "You can't just run away, you'll disappear like the rest." She scritches Moxie behind the ears, running her hand over him in return for his affection.
Re: Convenience Stop

"Yeah well, you don't know that, do you?" Cat hmphs and turns back towards the entrance of the stop. "You go and try to save this shithole. I don't give a fuck. Heel, Moxie!" The dog gives Emma puppy eyes before running after Cat.
Re: Convenience Stop

Entering the shop, both Cat and Moxie are startled out of their wits as something lanky, chalky white coloured, and humanoid leaps over the counter near the door, shrieking and scrabbling on the tiles but failing to scratch either of them with its inhumanly distended claws.

Moxie all but shrieks in surprise and begins yapping up a storm, only adding more of a cacophony to the sudden noise...
Re: Convenience Stop

Cat shrieks herself in surprise - and before she knows what she's doing she throws herself forward, and her hand with the brass knuckles shoots forth in a pose not unlike Superman.

(Superman Punch against the lanky chalky humanoid)