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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve stands up straighter and grins eagerly before sitting cross-legged next to him. "What happened, what'd he say?"

((Like Rule suggested, if you feel the need to role play a conversation amongst yourselves without it being a part of the current chapter or plot it can go here. Also pay no attention to the guy behind the curtain, he forgot that when you move posts they go in the order they were made.))
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Re: Conversations

Fletch tries to remember, but the alcohol makes it a bit difficult. "I think... she wanted him NOT to kill us. Or some of us. Seems weird, really, I didn't think she'd care about us one bit. She left me in a HOLE, for crying out loud," he growls. "Ah well, it doesn't change a thing. I'll still stake her and leave her for dawn. Or put her on my tow truck's hook and drag her across town 'til she stops screaming. Or feed her to Bubba, or..." He sighs. Possibilities over possibilities.
Re: Conversations

"You wouldn't mind a little company in that case?" Eve asks with a small laugh. "It seems to me like you'll need some company if you take that long. You might get lonely with just Bitchpants McCrabby screaming."
Re: Conversations

Fletch gives her a long, long look before answering. "Hey, we made a deal about that, right? We kill The Bitch together. I'll come pick you up in my tow truck of torture if need be."
Re: Conversations

She gives a happy little squeal and launches herself at him for a hug. "Fabulous! I can't wait!"
Re: Conversations

Fletch grunts in pleasant surprise and is quick to wrap his arms around her - a little too quick, a little too eager perhaps. After a moment, he starts to murmur at her ear. "Listen, it's getting late. You shouldn't head out anymore. Would you stay over today? I'll take the couch," he quickly adds.
Re: Conversations

She pulls back and raises an eyebrow. "You're such a Gentleman." Then she laughs. "Nope, I won't hear of it! I showed up here unexpectedly, the least I could do is not kick you out of your own bed." She pulls out of the hug and bounces up and down on the couch. "It's soft enough, and I'm sure with a pillow and a blanket I'll be more than comfy."
Re: Conversations

Fletch grins as Eve starts bouncing on the couch and gets up. Walking over to a closet that can be described as "vintage," or, more fittingly, "old," he produces a pillow and a cotton blanket. He shakes both of them out before throwing them over to the couch. "Used to often have guests crashing on my couch. Not so much since I died."
Re: Conversations

She grabs the pillow and curls her arms around it. "I won't wake up as a dog bed, will I? I like Bubba, but he's huge and I'm not. He might squish me." She grins. "Couldn't you have gotten a smaller dog? A Chihuahua maybe?"
Re: Conversations

Fletch hmphs and looks at Bubba. "He'll stay on the bedroom floor today, but he's not supposed to sleep on the couch either way. Eh, you mutt?" He reaches down and scratches the mastiff's ears. "Don't think I don't catch the dog hairs on there now and then. Alright." He sighs and heads over to his bedroom door. Before entering, he turns towards Eve again. "The whole apartment is sun proof, if you were worried. If you need anything, anything at all, just holler and I'll be there. Good night... wait, no. Good day, then."