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Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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(A thread for some side derp based off of Coraline's Den. Was considering naming this fluffy-tailed eventual-walkies edition, but this is potentially a bit more generally useful)


The blind girl wore a beautiful suit which she, of course, had never laid eyes on. It wasn't the most feminine option on offer; a black coat with matching trousers and a blue shirt underneath, all woven out of fae spidersilk, to which she had added a pair of black leather shoes and a blindfold of the same material with red eyes embroidered across the full length of it. But while she didn't have the exaggerated hourglass that so many denizens of Acheron possessed, the impeccable tailoring combined with her narrow waist, noticeable hips, and bust ensured that she looked tomboyish instead of manly. That was important, because it was a suit intended for business in Acheron when she did not want the people she was dealing with thinking too much about what was between her legs.

Despite that, she'd not been wearing it to the meeting she'd attended just hours prior. Her hair was still damp as a result of the shower she'd needed afterward. She'd not been able to do anything with it in the brief time remaining before her next appointment, so she allowed the long, snowy white tresses which transitioned into brilliant crimson at the tips to hang to the middle of her back. The kitsune's fully snow-white ears and tail, on the other hand, had received her attention in the form of a few drying cantrips.

To say it had been an interesting month would have been an understatement. Oormi had gone from a naive flower of the fae sanctuary to a hedonist as bad as her sisters, because of her sisters. All it had taken was that one lapse in judgment and she'd become addicted. With her eyes metaphorically opened to the pleasure, she'd been fucking and fighting, often combining the two pastimes, at every opportunity, and there were many in Acheron. Indeed, she'd just voluntarily spent three days as a prostitute in which her main prize had been the new sexual experiences rather than the coin.

The coin had its uses too, however. That was why she sat in the lone chair in one of the lesser chambers afforded to the workers of Coraline's Den, in a corner facing the door. The room she'd been given for this venture was one of the simpler options, for thriftier customers and less marketable workers -- understandable, given that she was an on-and-off freelancer and they were losing a debt slave in this transaction. The plaster walls were bare of any decorations except for stains of dubious origin. The wooden plank floors creaked louder than the brothel's collective bed frames. In this case, the bed itself lacked a blanket, the only extra cloth on it being a robe that the kitsune had used after her shower. Overall, it was a far cry from the chamber she was given for work, that one had come well-stocked with enjoyable distractions, but this one would be fine for her purposes, and she'd brought her own toys this time.

She had carefully set the stage. Oormi had known exactly what she'd wanted as soon as she'd learned about the wolf-like nymph working as a colleague in Coraline's Den, and her desire had only grown as she'd learned about the nymph's customers when she'd purchased the other woman's debt. She'd given explicit instructions. The faerie known as Euria was to be guided to the room Oormi was waiting in. The woman was to be allowed her own choice of clothing, including whatever she'd been wearing when she arrived at the brothel. The wolf-nymph was to be told nothing about what the kitsune had done or what was in store for her, but only to treat the blind girl as she would any other paying customer. The foxgirl wanted to break the news in person. More importantly, she wanted to gauge the nymph based on her greeting. Oormi hoped that she wasn't already broken. Trying this new form of play wouldn't be as enjoyable if the nymph had no pride left to break.

And now all that was left to do was to left patiently, sitting in the chair with one leg crossed over the other. A wineglass full of one the house specials had quashed whatever nervousness she'd felt as she prepared to enjoy another fresh experience. Whether the tingling in her body was from the minor amount of alcohol, the aphrodisiacs sloppily mixed in with it, or her own eagerness though... she couldn't tell.
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

Euria knocked on the door she'd been directed to with some nervousness, not certain what to expect on the other side. The instructions she'd been given seemed purposefully vague, but she didn't have much of a choice but to obey. Despite having been conned into this situation in the first place, she had been effectively made a legal slave of this place until her 'debt' was paid, however long that would take—yet another thing they never seemed willing to fully indulge to her—and that meant she couldn't easily just run away.

The work itself was fortunately bearable, for the most part. Rather typical of what often went on back home, really, except these people apparently paid money for it. There were always the occasional customers who went too far though, and she was forced to play along regardless. She had a sinking feeling that this might be one of those times, based on the odd manner in which she'd been sent here.

She wasn't told to wait in her usual room, she was told to go to another room, where someone was waiting for her. Not only that, but she wasn't given an outfit—if what she usually had to wear could even be considered that—but instead told to pick something from her own things, which had been confiscated from her when she'd first been forced into working here. She didn't have a particular variety of clothes, and what she had was designed for travelling, but she'd made do. It wasn't her full set, that seemed unnecessary here despite it being among her things, merely what she usually wore under the segmented leather armour. The outfit hugged her form well, though was otherwise fairly modest by the standards of this city, a pair of pants of an unusual leather, and a vest of the same material over a simple black shirt. The vest was only laced up loosely, leaving some of her rather impressive cleavage on display, though that was more for comfort than a desire to flaunt anything, as it was designed for practicality in combat and a little restrictive when done up properly.

When she was called in the voice registered some familiarity with the nymph, though muffled by the door she couldn't quite place it. It was certainly female though, which came as some surprise. Of course she'd had a few female customers, but the majority did seem to be male. Slowly pushing open the door, she was surprised to see who was waiting for her. The suit certainly wasn't how she'd last seen the woman before her, but the face, the hair, the ears and tail, and the blindfold especially were all quite recognizable. But what did one of the other workers here want with here? And dressed for business at that, not pleasure.

"Ah, hello. You called for me?" She asked somewhat hesitantly, not quite following proper procedure as she found herself confused as to what she was even doing here. Oormi was a free woman of course, unlike her, so it wasn't even too strange that she might even use the Den's services herself when she wasn't working, but the strange nature of this meeting left her floundering with regards to how to act. Hopefully the kitsune would enlighten her, and hopefully it wouldn't be something as bad as the suspicious circumstances had led her to fear...
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

"Come in~" the foxgirl would respond to the knocking in a singsong-y voice.

Oormi's lips spread into a grin as the nymph entered the room and she got her first 'look' at the other woman. The truth was that the kitsune's magical vision wasn't very useful for ogling the faerie, or for determining what Euria the adventurer had worn before she became Euria the brothel slave. A shame, because it was surely a moment in time worth capturing in her memory. After all, how would she compare the payoff of her own efforts to domesticate the nymph if she couldn't compare the after to the before?

She still did her best to leer, if only to leave Euria more time to stew in discomfort and silence. The kitsune spent several long moments examining the other woman's slender form in her mind. She made a mental checklist of which parts of the nymph her fingers would trace first. Thoroughness was priority one in the blind girl's first chance to enjoy her purchase. The woman's lips, the nape of her neck, her shoulders, the small of her back, her tail, her ears.... Oormi needed to investigate each and every inch of Euria's flesh to discover which carrots and which sticks made the wolf-nymph's will crumble. The kitsune licked her lips at the thought.

And then she would break the silence by tittering aloud. "Truly? They have you working the coy angle? Or perhaps the nymphs of the summer court are unique in their forwardness?" The blind girl's grin would shrink into a small smile. "Oh yes, I did call specifically for you, Euria. And I've already had dinner and a bath~" The kitsune swordsman offered one last giggle before forcibly reverting to a more neutral expression more fitting for the topic she needed to bring up. Oormi motioned toward the bed with her hand as she continued; "but first, please take a seat. We've some business to discuss. The business of your debt. I'm considering purchasing it."

Whether Euria took the offered seat or not, the foxgirl would continue without any prompting. "I think a more formal introduction is appropriate. My name is Oormi," she started, unaware that the fey woman already knew it. "I'm from a faerie sanctuary not far outside of Acheron. Surviving on my own in this demonic city is part of a rite of passage of my own design, but I've since taken an interest in freeing Acheron's slaves."

"Unfortunately, Acheron's economy revolves around vice, slaves, and magical goods. Petitioning Xeon to cut one of the legs of her city's treasury out from under it by removing its legality is unlikely to get any traction. This means that my only option to free them is to purchase them, and neither fighting in the arena nor working in this brothel have earned me enough to make a dent in the slave population. So, I developed a plan to work between those issues. I purchase slaves, find a job which will allow the purchase of at least two more slaves, and then free each slave once they reach that goal. A self-funding revolution, hopefully." Oormi very pointedly started with the information which might raise Euria's hopes and raise her trust in the foxgirl. That mixture of hope and trust would make it all the more enjoyable when the kitsune explained the job she had in mind for the wolf-like woman.

"That is what I've come to offer you: a chance to pay off the remainder of your debt sooner than is possible here. That and a drink," the kitsune added, reaching down to pick up the bottle and clean wineglass she'd stashed underneath her chair and bringing both into her lap.
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

Euria was left at a bit of a loss as to how to respond to the kitsune. She hadn't chosen this line of work, and she'd never been quite as good at dealing with people as most of her kin. Combined with the unusual nature of both this meeting and the one who had called her here and Euria wasn't entirely sure how she was supposed to be acting. With most of her customers it was easy, they usually knew what they wanted and she just needed to play along, but this was clearly something different.

"You are familiar with the summer court?" She asked curiously as Oormi mentioned the summer fae. The summer court was certainly more open than her own, but seeing someone seemingly an outsider personally familiar with them was still surprising. She chose not to comment on the remark about her attitude, not really wanting to explain how it wasn't an act and she just wasn't a natural at this. She briefly wondered if the kitsune knew of why she was working here, but her following statement cleared that matter up quite quickly.

The idea of someone purchasing the remainder of her dept managed to fill her with both hope and dread simultaneously. The problem with this sort of debt was how vaguely it was defined, and how little control she had over any matters regarding it. She was fairly certain that the brothel's managers were just going to keep stretching it out indefinitely to keep her working here as a slave. She certainly liked the idea of escaping that, but it raised the question of what she would be walking into instead. Buying her debt didn't mean she was free, only that someone else now owned her. Oormi hadn't seemed like a bad person, but in the city of demons especially it was impossible to judge anyone by looks or how they acted on the surface.

"That is... quite the generous offer." Euria replied hesitantly after Oormi laid out her plan. Quite ambitious too, and Euria wondered if she would truly be able to pull it off—or, a darker part of her mind suggested, if these were even her true intentions. Surely someone would see what was happening and put a stop to it, even if her methods were entirely legal. There were far too many in this place willing to bend or break the law to get what they wanted. That was how she had ended up here in the first place, even if she'd had no way of proving it. Despite her doubts, Euria chose to be hopeful. To believe that the kitsune truly wanted what she claimed. Surely it had to be better than being trapped here perpetually.

If worst came to worst, it would probably be much easier to escape from a single person as well. She'd been working on finding a way to do that for weeks now, but this place had good security and the law would be against her if she tried, not on her side.

"I... Thank you. I'm not sure exactly why you are doing this, but I would be happy to accept." Euria finally gave her answer, choosing to put her faith in the other woman. Of course, this was really all a formality in the end. She had no real control over anything here, and if Oormi wanted to buy off her debt—and with it, Euria herself—from the brothel, she could do it with or without Euria's consent. The fact that she was even asking was heartening. "Though, if you don't mind me asking, what is it you have planned for me to do?"
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

The white-haired fox chose not to answer Euria's curiosity about her ties to the summer court. No need to let her get too comfortable with her new mistress just yet, after all.

"To accept so quickly," the blind kitsune replied with genuine mirth later on, after the treasure hunter accepted her offer. "A bad habit to be in around here." Her willingness had surprised the foxgirl. Hints of the nymph's nervousness showed through, but Oormi hoped she wasn't being underestimated by the faerie. She'd have to make it clear that her intentions for Euria were anything but pure.

"I'm not really generous at all, I'm afraid, and you're probably about to regret thanking me. You see, for your freedom you're going to have to be my dog," she explained, smile still on her face. "For thirty days, you will be mine. You will endure my every whim, see to my every want, and relieve all my stresses. In serving me this way, you'll pay off the expense I incurred, and on the thirty-first day I'll sign the papers for your freedom. As long as you serve me faithfully for the required month, you may walk away with no strings attached. I swear on my honor as the daughter of a summer knight."

The blind kitsune's attention turned to the items in her hands, allowing the wolf-nymph to process her explanation. She uncorked the bottle and poured a few splashes of its crimson contents into her glass. She then returned the bottle to its place on the floor and drained the glass in a single, prolonged sip, ignoring that it was more water and cheap aphrodisiac than wine and embracing the warmth that spread as it passed through her. Once her glass was empty, she turned her attention back to the faerie and grinned anew.

"And your service will begin by rectifying some immediate, glaring issues." Oormi rose from her seat, empty wineglass in hand. "Dogs don't stand on their hind legs, and they certainly don't wear clothes."
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

Euria's high hopes were dashed almost immediately, the blind kitsune making it abundantly clear just what she had agreed to. Even as she tried to keep her neutral expression, she was certain that some measure of shock had shown through before she had composed herself. Still, was it that bad? It was only a month, far sooner than she could have ever hoped to earn her freedom from this brothel, and Oormi was only one woman. Surely it couldn't be harder than having to deal with multiple customers a day?

"I... see. Well, I won't change my answer now." Euria replied, outwardly showing more confidence than she felt. If she still felt much attachment to her own home she might have taken issue with being indebted to a member of the summer court—or the child of one, at least—but that concern was not a particularly strong one. She was beginning to worry over just what Oormi had in mind, but if it was only for a month she could endure it, surely. She had lasted this long already.

The kitsune's first command only received a stiff nod from Euria, the nymph not even considering whether or not Oormi could actually see her do so. That also raised the question of why the blind girl cared about whether she was completely naked or not, but she didn't dwell on it. Considering where she was born and grew up, Euria had never particularly minded nudity. Her ordinary and not particularly revealing outfit was a concession to practicality, not modesty. She wordlessly stripped out of her clothes, quickly folding each and setting them where she'd been sitting.

The second half of the command was a little harder to obey. It was clear enough what the kitsune wanted her to do, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. It wasn't as if it would be her first time down on all fours here, but it was a little easier to just let someone push her down or make the demand in the heat of the moment. The idea of doing so on her own, and being told to act the part of a dog no less, was humiliating enough to give her pause. She had the vague sense that she should even be insulted by such a command, given her canine features, but that was made a little harder by the fact that Oormi had very similar features herself.

Finally though, she obeyed without any need for further threats or demands. She hesitantly lowered herself to her knees, followed by bending over and placing her hands down on the floor. The position naturally left her rear raised high in the air, tail standing proudly of its own accord in a way that really did make her resemble a common dog. "Is this what you wished for? Um... Mistress?" She tacked the title on quickly, remembering what she'd always been told to call her clients by, and hoping the kitsune wouldn't hold it against her too much.
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

The blind kitsune watched Euria undress with every bit as much lechery as a demon, even though she couldn't fully enjoy the sight of it. For the kitsune, the nude faerie wasn't much different from when she'd been clothed. She was still a bucket of rainbow paint splashed against a black canvas by Oormi's perception, but with little tantalizing extra details. Instead, she took her pleasure in the fact that Euria submitted so easily to her will, disrobing entirely for the foxgirl's pleasure.

And the feeling intensified as Euria hesitated to follow her second command. She could practically hear the faerie's pride creaking as it bent, and as the other woman's knees soon joined it when she gave in and went onto all fours. It was easy to appreciate the view of the woman in front transform into her personal dog even with the limitations of the kitsune's wavesight, and being called by mistress so soon was a feast for her fox-like ears.

Oormi sauntered to the nymph's side and knelt beside her, bringing her own face a few inches away from the faerie's. "Good girl," she earnestly praised her new dog. She patted Euria's head a couple times with her free hand and then began to stroke her head, fingers shifting through the other woman's hair in order to rub her scalp. After a few such motions her hand glided to the base of one of Euria's wolf-like ears, and she rubbed two fingers against it in small motions. "Such an obedient little dog."

She wasn't content to remain at the nymph's ear for long. Oormi would soon explore her purchase more thoroughly. Her fingers wandered their way down to the nape of Euria's neck before taking a detour to give the wolf-girl's shoulder a one-handed massage. The powerful feeling of owning the woman beneath her hand emboldened the blind warrior. A few moments of that and her fingers were moving again, slowly tiptoeing down the faerie's spine. Her roaming hand next stopped at the small of the other woman's back in order to tease her by barely drawing her fingers against fey woman's skin.

But once Oormi grew bored of that, she pulled away. She set the wineglass in her hand on Euria's back. "Don't let that fall, or I'll have to discipline you," she ordered before re-positioning herself, ending up on her knees behind the faerie, her blind eyes taking in the sight of the wolfish faerie presenting herself like a dog. The foxgirl could've been a brute about this, she mused. She owned the other woman's body. If she wanted, she could simply pull down her pants, shift herself a fat cock to give her new dog, and not spare even a hint of concern over whether Euria took any pleasure from what came next. But where was the fun in that?

Instead she took a light hold of Euria's waist, and then leaned to press her lips against the small of the faerie's back. She planted a trail of kisses down along the other woman's skin, her hands progressing alongside her mouth as she made her way down toward her obvious target with a deliberate slowness. Eventually she ended up at the nymph's butt, and her path continued along one cheek until she was in front of the faerie's waiting sex. The kitsune waited there for a few moments, hands clasping Euria's ass and her warm breath tickling the faerie's womanhood.

That nose full of the nymph's pheromones chopped away at Oormi's already precariously small amount of patience though, so after only a few seconds of building anticipation she returned to her work. The blind woman's tongue ran against the faerie's sex with a feather lightness as she worked to coax out Euria's clit. She started by working in circles around it, only gradually working her way in toward the sensitive nub in firmer strokes as the wolf thief's arousal became more prevalent. And when it came to measuring Euria's arousal, the kitsune was cheating.

The blind girl's wavesight might not have equipped her to fully enjoy the sight of the naked nymph, but when it came to reading a partner's excitement there was no better tool. Every spark of pleasure that Euria felt, Oormi could see in the colors of her waves as the faerie's soul bared itself to her. When the kitsune's desired target became ripe for her attentions, she was able to read the nymph's reactions to her initial experimentation every bit as easily as a succubus might. She began to lap at the sensitive nub with broad strokes of her tongue, varying her efforts only slightly until the nymph's soul reacted in a way that told her she'd found just the right pace and pressure to guide the other woman along to the heights of pleasure, avoiding the need to take an unreliable reading of her partner of the moment's physical reactions.

But, before Euria could reach her peak, Oormi took the risk of changing it up again. The kitsune decided to see just how much stimulation the faerie could take at once. She sealed her lips around the faerie's nub, suckling on it and running her tongue against it, and then even added magic to the mix and cast a small cantrip causing her mouth to vibrate around it. The kitsune would stay the course with her latest methods until it seemed certain that Euria was about to come.

And then she would back off completely, leaving the nymph entirely without stimulation beyond two hands on the faerie's ass, holding her in place. What she did next would depend on Euria's own reaction. If the nymph didn't speak up, Oormi would wait just long enough for the nymph to relax before continuing her efforts on the faerie's sex as if she'd never stopped. But, once again, Euria still wouldn't be allowed to come, with the foxgirl backing off a second time right as she reached her precipice. She would continue that cycle of teasing the nymph only to back off at the last second as many times as it took to get Euria to say something at her treatment, whatever the nymph might choose to say.
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

Euria internally seethed at the condescending tone the kitsune was taking with her, praising her as if she really was just a dog, but she managed to keep her expression carefully neutral for the time being. She could play along, put her pride aside for the time being. She'd been doing that since she'd first ended up here, having no other choice in the matter. Just playing along and getting this over with would be the easiest way out.

Judging by appearances was always difficult in a city full of shapeshifters and immortals, but Euria was reasonably confident that the girl before her wasn't particularly old by those standards. She didn't have the same bearing that the older demons or even faeries back home did. The nymph was fairly sure she had at least a decade or two on her. Even if she hadn't spent as much time indulging in her carnal desires as most of her kin, surely she had this girl beat in experience? This wouldn't be like one of those succubi, she could handle whatever was thrown at her. She just had to bear with it for a month.

She shuddered briefly as the kitsune's fingers stroked around the base of her ears, followed by roaming across her neck to her shoulder. She occasionally twitched slightly as Oormi's hand roamed across her body, but she didn't speak or move. She wasn't sure if this was a test, or if the kitsune just liked touching her—perhaps related to her apparent blindness? Euria could only take a wild guess—but this was something she could bear without problem.

The wineglass placed on her back was a different story, and she had to consciously keep her back flat to keep it from falling. Fortunately she had relatively good control over her body, because a wine glass wasn't something that was easy to balance. It was too top-heavy, any little movement could unbalance it. Still, Euria kept silent, obedient. She wanted to protest, but she doubted that would garner any better a response than dropping it would.

Another brief shudder passed through Euria's body as Oormi grabbed hold of her, planting her lips against her back and trailing kisses downwards. Of course, the kitsune was going to try to make her drop it, but she did her best to keep perfectly still. A few more involuntary reactions passed through her body as Oormi continued, though it wasn't yet enough to cause her to drop the glass. How long would that last though? She was well aware that even brute methods would eventually get a reaction from her—she didn't have the sort of willpower required to remain perfectly still through an orgasm—and she doubted she could keep it balanced if Oormi really tried to push her.

What came next was both in line with her expectations and unexpected enough that it nearly broke her concentration. Contrary to her initial assumptions, Oormi was quite skilled in her ministrations, seemingly able to instinctively lock on to whatever sent the strongest surge of pleasure through Euria's body. She could find no real fault with the kitsune's technique, which made it that much harder to keep in control of herself.

"Nnnnnhhh..." She moaned softly, biting her lower lip as she fought to keep herself still when Oormi cast her spell, the unnatural vibrations stimulating her in an entirely different way. She did her best to remain still, to hold out against her approaching orgasm for as long as she could... only for Oormi to simply stop. Euria's arms trembled, threatening to give out under her as her body demanded the release denied to it, but she managed to fight it, to let herself calm down. For a brief moment she thought it was over, feeling some pride at having been successful, only for Oormi to start again.

What did the kitsune want from her? For her to beg? Or was she just seeing how far she could push her? Once again Euria did her best to endure, to try to suppress all the pleasure being forced upon her. It was a little easier the second time, Oormi not doing much to change up her technique, but the aftermath hit even harder when it came. Her entire body shuddered, the glass tipping dangerously for a brief moment before righting itself again. The third followed the same pattern, Euria beginning to get used to the kitsune's technique enough to predict it a little better. Unfortunately, it didn't make it any easier when she felt herself nearing her peak again, only for Oormi to stop with perfect timing. Euria's nails scraped against the floor as she fought to control herself, to suppress her body's demands for release, but it was in vain. In a brief moment of weakness her arm slipped, hand sliding barely an inch to the side before she caught herself, but it was enough for her to feel the glass perched on her back tip, and not right itself again this time.
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

The only thing that surprised Oormi about the falling wine glass was that it hadn't gone sooner. The nymph's struggle to keep it upright had been impressive up to the very end. Her hand shot out for it just as it tumbled off Euria's back but before it had been airborne for even a second. She managed to catch it by the stem — with the help of a little bit of subtle magic, but she saw no need to advertise that — and twirled it as a flourish before setting it gently on the floor. Her little maneuver had surely revealed that she still had a few methods of seeing the world, but such was the price of being able to play with her dog without needing to maneuver around broken glass.

"Only my third order and you're already having trouble..." she tsked at Euria. The kitsune began to move from her position behind Euria, crawling into a position over the nymph similar to a male dog about to mate. The blind woman's intentions weren't quite so direct, however, as she wrapped her arms around Euria's waist.

"You'll be punished for it, of course," she whispered, her mouth at Euria's neck. The deceptively strong foxgirl straightened upright into a kneel, pulling the faerie along with her. She firmly pressed herself against Euria. The silky fabric of the kitsune's suit was the only thing keeping the nymph from feeling her new mistress's skin against her back.

"But later. I'm having too much fun right now," Oormi admitted, another whisper against Euria's neck before she planted her lips against it in a love peck. Her hands moved again as she sought to map out new parts of her purchase. They glided along the nymph's stomach up to her chest where each took a handful of the other woman's soft orbs. She trapped each of the stiffened peaks of Euria's breasts between her fingers and began to playfully knead the treasure hunter's bosom. "I could feel how you were fighting your body, you know?"

The foxgirl began to nibble on the nymph's neck, and at the same time began to torment her further. The blind woman's right hand dropped from Euria's breast, trailing down the other woman's stomach toward her sex. She wasted no time in penetrating the edged faerie with two fingers, drawing them against her inner walls in a come-hither motion and on the outside rubbing her palm against the wolf-like woman's clit. Whether it frustrated or relieved the treasure hunter, her mistress's attentions would prove less focused, capable of bringing pleasure but not release. Oormi molested her pet more for her own enjoyment than any attempt to bring the denied woman to her awaited climax. In truth, she paid just enough attention to avoid giving Euria relief and ceased her efforts if the other woman drew close.

"Your resistance was adorable, actually," she spoke between her nibbling. "It reminded me of a human farm boy who paid for me a few nights ago. He seemed like he was barely a man. I think his friends may have given him the money as a coming of age gift, but that's not the point. As soon as he got inside me, he started shuddering like he was going to explode. Took nearly ten whole seconds for him to start moving, and then he started muttering. You see, he'd started doing math in his head to keep himself going and had become so focused on it that he didn't realize he was doing the problems out loud. He was adorable too." Her tone was jovial and decidedly at odds with the fact that she'd never stopped molesting the wolfgirl. "So how about you? What was your strategy? Were you doing math in your head? Thinking unpleasant thoughts? Emptying your mind?"

"The poor boy was worried about his pride," she continued without waiting for an answer. Her motions would become more determined. The foxgirl's fingers began to zero in on the nymph's most sensitive places and focus on them. She slowly built Euria up a fourth time even as she told her story. "More worried about it than the hour he'd paid for. Of course, once I realized what he was doing, I wrapped my legs around him so he couldn't escape and cast a little cantrip," her palm began to vibrate against Euria's clit as a demonstration and added to the number of sensations intended to bring her to the brink again. "He let out so much that the condom nearly burst." Oormi giggled, but went silent after that, returning to kissing the nymph's neck as she pushed the wolf nymph ever closer to her peak.

" I made the rest of that hour very, very memorable for him. How unfortunate it is for you that you're not the one who paid for this, or I might've given you the same sort of memories~" she would add, just as the nymph approached release for a fourth time. Just as cruelly as the last three times, her efforts ceased before Euria could find her climax. This time, however, Oormi didn't take the time to revel in the nymph's frustrations. She put her race's innate shapeshifting ability to work in order to replace the sensations provided by her hands with a different one. A distinctive, stiffening bulge would form in the crotch of Oormi's pants, and she pressed it firmly against Euria's ass, likely leaving little confusion as to what it could be.

"I could take you right now if I liked," she said, more thinking aloud than talking to the wolf nymph. "Or at any time these next thirty days. If I want, I can choose any minute to tear your clothes and take quick relief from you. Or, I can drag you away for something more substantive. Here in Acheron, now that I've exchanged a sum of coins for you, it's within my right to do as I please with your body.... How boring," she scoffed. "I want much more than just your body."

"If you want to cum then act like a proper dog in heat. Present yourself and bark," Oormi ordered, letting go of the nymph to allow her to move of her own volition.
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

Euria bit her lower lip, resisting the urge to defend herself against the kitsune's mocking words, her body still trembling from her last near-orgasm. She'd been meant to fail, and she knew it, but knowing that did nothing for her. All of this illusion of choice she was being given was just a pretense. She just had to endure this, that was all. Despite her annoyance at Oormi's words, however, she was a little impressed that the apparently blind girl had been able to catch the glass in time. She hadn't seen how exactly it had happened, her own gaze fixed firmly forward, but her hearing was keen enough to pick up on the sounds of it being grabbed and set down, along with something else she hadn't quite been able to place—and, of course, she hadn't heard it shatter.

She shuddered again as the kitsune planted her lips against her neck, hands roaming her body once again before settling on her breasts "Nnnhh..." Euria moaned softly again as fingers pinched at her nipples, her entire body feeling overly sensitive after her treatment, but still she refused to speak, or give any real response to Oormi's words.

Her nails scraped against the floor when Oormi's fingers found their way between her legs once again, a shudder running downher spine each time the kitsune nibbled at her neck. Still, she did her best to remain silent. Fingers teased her clit, found their way inside of her once again, but still only a gasp escaped her lips. She didn't know how much longer she could keep this up, but she wasn't willing to give up either.

It was a matter of pride that she simply couldn't let go of, even now. She had been suppressing that pride for months now, trying to bide her time. It had even been easy to just let herself be taken by whoever decided to choose her, to just let her instincts take over. She was still a nymph, even if she'd never been particularly close to the stereotype, sex was simply a part of her nature, and she'd never much cared whether she was on the top or bottom. This was different though, Oormi had done nothing but tease her, degrade her, treat her like some kind of pet... She wasn't even certain if it was her own pride or that of the animal spirit she was bound with that took such offence to that.

Euria barely listened to Oormi's story, her mind firmly focused on doing everything in her power to ignore everything she was feeling. It wasn't easy, and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't block out everything. She could feel herself getting closer, not as quickly as when Oormi had been using her magic, but inexorably closer regardless. A few more moans escaped her lips, her body shivering with barely-controlled need... and then she stopped once again, so frustratingly close.

Euria stiffened abruptly as she felt something pressing firmly against her ass, an unmistakable shape, even still contained within the kitsune's pants. As much as it shamed her to admit it even to herself, she wanted it, and badly. It took a surprising amount of self-control not to turn around pounce on Oormi right then. The other comments the kitsune made passed by without a second though. They were the same sorts of things her customers liked to say all the time, even if Oormi perhaps had more ability to carry them out.

With her final words and the command that followed, however, Euria's body and thoughts both froze. No, she would not lower herself to that, not for some stranger. She had accepted that she would have to endure whatever they did with her body, but her will was still her own, she would not sacrifice that so easily. She refused to be some... pet.

"I will not." She hissed with a surprising amount of hostility, even to her own ears. "You can do what you want to me, I can't stop you, but I will not shame myself like this. I will not be your dog!" Despite having agreed to precisely that not long ago, now that it had come time to prove it, she simply couldn't go through with it. She wasn't even certain why this command offended her so much. She knew the easy route was obedience, that if Oormi was telling the truth it would only be for 30 days, but what would that make her by the end? If she was demanding Euria debase herself this much already, how much more would she demand before they were finished?
Re: Coraline's Den: The Back Rooms

"Are you sure?" The foxgirl questioned Euria with a wide smile on her lips. Her voice was friendly, almost happy in the face of the wolf-nymph's hostility. She reached out with both hands and began to reassuringly rub the faerie's shoulders. "It would be so much easier on you. You understand that, right? If you just let go of that pride of yours, I'd make it really nice for you~" The blind kitsune's hands left the faerie so that she could rest her chin on Euria's shoulder and whisper to her. "Be my dog. You'll have a roof over your head, you'll eat well, you'll be allowed relative freedom between me calling for you, you'll serve me alone, and when I take you I'll reward you with such exquisite pleasure that you'll count the minutes until I want you next~ Surely thirty days of that wouldn't be so bad."

"Besides," she continued, the cheer fading from her voice as she pulled away again, "you already look the part." Swiftly and without warning, she looped a collar snugly around Euria's neck and locked it in place. She had secretly fished it out of her suit pocket while she was whispering to the wolf woman. It had once been a simple metal sealing collar meant for a different slave, but Oormi had it modified when she had decided to purchase her new dog. The base collar had been completely concealed with studded black leather and affixed with bronze loops for a leash on both the front and back. The original magic clasp was the only original part still visible, snapping into place almost magnetically but impossible to pull apart until the command word was spoken.

Oormi rose to her feet behind the defiant nymph. She pressed the sole of her shoe against the nymph's back and pushed forward, likely causing Euria to go down on her hands and knees again. Stepping on the nymph's back, the blind kitsune would insistently press down until Euria was on her belly on the floor. "Your opinion on this matter is meaningless because you don't have a choice, I'm afraid," the foxgirl explained as she re-positioned her foot onto the small of the other woman's back. The wolf nymph's fire had triggered something of a sadistic awakening in the kitsune. She wanted more than ever to overpower the other woman's will with her own and see the nymph break. And her cruel desire began to creep into her tone. "You'll be my dog, or my stool, or my doormat, or anything else I desire you to be for these thirty days. Do you know how I know that?"

"Because," she continued, not waiting for Euria's response, "I know that if I were to flip you over right now, and if I didn't mind getting my sock wet, I could make you come with just my foot. Because I could've made you come with my fingers or my mouth at any point earlier. But, most of all, I know it because if I were to mount you right now, even with all your fiery spirit, you probably wouldn't last a minute before you were howling in pleasure. You're not the alpha here. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but you're not even the proud wolf you want to be. You're just a horny bitch in denial~" she giggled.

"But if you want to delay the inevitable, that's fine too." Oormi's foot would move off of Euria's back. Though it wouldn't be visible to the wolf-nymph, the kitsune would also shift away the canine penis concealed in her pants. She treated the opportunity to take Euria as a fine wine, to be saved and enjoyed after the exquisite pleasure she'd experience once the woman broke. "I've had my fun for the moment, so stand up. I'll handle your punishments and we'll be on our way to your home for the next thirty days."