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Corporate Compliance - Campaign


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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It's the 27th of August, 2024.
Internet bloggers and Conspiracy theoriests alike finally agree:
The age of the Corporations has begun.
While the presidents economic stability charter ever expands their rights,
corporate employment of the populance is at an all time high.

And unemployment of those against the system is on a steady rise...
Today, three unlikely allies meet. An ex-scientist of the Rivers corporation, a young Journalist and a tech-fantatic,
They all find themselves in a small, privately rented flat, invited here by an anonymous.. friend, promising dark secrets...


You are in the living room of a small, well furnished appartment. To the right there are doors leading to a small corridor, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Large, sof tsofas and a duo of moderatly expensive replica tables line the room, the observant quickly noticing that all of the seating options in the room aim towards a large flatscreen The furnishing is minimalistic, with the exeption of some rolls of tinfoil, placed upon the table.

As soon as all three of you have gathered here, looking at one another, perhaps even introducing each other, the flat-screen Tv turns on, showing some random evening news.


"...meanwhile, stock prizes continue to rise as we near the presidential race. 7 of the 9 candidates of both parties combined vow to continue this economic increase by cutting.. "
She reached out for a drink having a deep sip with a soft 'ahhhn, the lable obscuring most of her face.
".. taxes to improve productivity.."

Suddenly, the screen flickered once more, the small cctv camer above it humming, taking you all in, the screen flickering, revealing a blonde girl, with a neutral backround.. she was kind of pretty, if not, perhaps, for the silver-foil hat she was wearing.

"Hello Angels. Heh.. I did it like the Movie...
I'm Dee. Only.. three of you came? Well.. that just means you are the err.. best candidates. Yes. Please, use the tinfoil to protect your thoughts. ... Wait, wait! Don't run out. Listen. I'm not crazy. I just don't want them worming into my head..
I guess I'd be cautious about a stranger talking to me like this too alright I'll earn your trust uh.. Project Lazarus."

Project Lazarus was the codename of the project you'd been kicked from, the concept of improving the human genome to create something far greater.. No outsider is supposed to have knowledge about it. Even if this Dee is crazy one has to wonder how she got a hold of this information..

Sam has no idea what this Dee is talking about. She's kinda cute though!

You remember reading about a Project Lazarus on an obscure forum. Whistleblower29 had claimed it was a secret project, designing inhumanely powerful supersoldiers to take over the world.
Whistleblower29 did however also regularly complain about Stephen King having a machine to drain the ideas for great horror stories out of his mind.

"Listen.." Dee shakes you out of your thoughts. "What I'm about to ask of you is breaking and entering. It might even be more dangerous.. if I am right and you get caught. If you want to leave, it may be safer to do so now, before you learn enough to become a .. target for permanent employment. Yes, I said it. We're talking really shady stuff, human experiments.." she scoffed.
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Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

"Hello there, Dee. Wearing the tinfoil hat, would sadly be pointless. You see, you would need something better to block any real sensors. The only real solution would be to avoid thinking too loud" Via replied, sitting on the comfortable chair and crossing her legs. This was her real estimate about tinfoil hats...of course, her remarks could have any value only if there was actually mind reading technology...but she didn't feel the need to elaborate on that -somehow having the poor girl trying not to think too hard sounded entertaining.

"However, this is not what we came here for..on that point." she nodded "Breaking and entering is not a very wise idea...it can be done, but it certainly won't be easy, as infiltrating could be."

"And we aren't really burglars to begin with...at least I am not."
she looked at the others questioningly. They didn't really look trustworthy, but then again, she didn't plan to trust them to begin with.

However she couldn't help but smirk at the mention of human experiments. How was this really shady? Everyone was doing it, in every lab across the world...it was the only way for the science to move forward. How naive was this Dee, to consider 'real shady' just this much...this meeting would be interesting...
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25253 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Dee's Flat; Mood: Optimistic
Fresh out of college, Sam was hungry for a big break! However, it wasn't likely to fall right into her lap. No, she had watched her friends and classmates, slowly give in to the temptations of the capitalist system. They might say that it wasn't so bad, or that it might be broken, but you couldn't argue with the results. All lies! Sam knew better, bribery, corruption, and manipulation. If she could only find a good story, she might be able to sway public opinion... That was when she was contacted by someone claiming to 'have a big scoop,' and that she was 'a friend'. That could be it! She assured herself grabbing her camera before rushing off to the flat in question.

"Hello!" Sam gave a beaming smile to the other two girls sitting on the sofa. "My name is Samatha Davis, you can call me Sam. Are you two reporters too?" It did make sense that having a few extra reporters around when reporting on a company might be good. She plopped down in the middle of the sofa looking at the television. "...Bleh! How shameless can they be!" She flopped away from the tv with an angry snort. Seeing the overt branding, the corruption and collusion of reporting were too much. It was indoctrination! Making those who watched haplessly passive and accepting of there money-hungry slave masters!

Dee interrupted the news broadcast, and not a moment too soon! The pretty blond in a shiny hat seemed to talk about a project, breaking and entering, permanent employment... It kind of went over Sam's head pretty fast. She did find herself transfixed with the blond goddess! Blush creeping up her cheeks, she felt she'd do anything for her! "That just means it's a juicier case right! Count me in~!"
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Jessie's day started like they all did. Her alarm went off 5:45, just after her workaholic of a father had left the house and well before her mother or older siblings would wake up. First thing, she opened her laptop and resumed her "session" from yesterday evening. Stroking over her slit, Jessie softly mewled, less because of her hand and more because of what she was watching - images and stories of women and girls, of course young and attractive, being captured and controlled by artificial intelligences. She had always been a hypno-fetishist, ever since watching children's cartoons featuring spiral eyes, but recently, she had found her true niche - tech control and robotization. She brought herself mercilessly to a quick climax, to indulge in her favorite part: looking at the pictures, or reading the newly reprogrammed words, of girls transformed or brainwashed, while in the afterglow of orgasm. Being so like clockwork about it gave a submissive, sexual thrill all unto itself.

After she came and then took a shower, she caught up with everything that happened on the many corners of the web she frequented. At this point, her day changed. Instead of lazing around some more and then going out, Jessie found herself immediately dressing, getting some quick breakfast, packing her to-go-back. Because among the many e-mails she got, was one regarding the Nautilus. The Nautilus was an obscure augmented reality puzzle, in which someone named "D" gave cryptic clues that would lead to other clues. A scavenger hunt for the brightest of internet dwellers. And unlike the other cryptic instructions, the e-mail - which followed the same pattern and contained the same proofmarkings - contained a simple address and apartment number.


Putting on her jet-black biker suit - deliberately fitted to be as tight as possible, squeezing her crotch wonderfully - and mounting her motorcycle, Jessie rode downtown to the address specified. She'd get to the bottom of this. The Nautilus was gonna be hers.

That brought her into the room with the other two. She took in the others. The girl looked like any campus-stand-in, the type she'd met way too many during her studies, despite her best efforts to avoid socializing too much. The older woman... she was different. Something about her made Jessie's spine tingle. "Journalist? No..." She suppressed a laugh.

The reveal of their mysterious caller made her roll her eyes, she seemed too crazy to be behind Nautilus, but what if she was right? And Project Lazarus? This couldn't be true, could it? Jessie's stomach turned. She was familiar with digital vandalism, but actual, physical breaking and entering? She tried to play it cool, forcing out a small laugh and rolling her eyes. "Tin-foil? Really? So you're 'D,' I assume? Is this little venture why you started the Nautilus puzzle? Did you think about putting out an ad in the papers?"

Dee, Hideout, Tag: All!

"Uhn.. I guess infiltration would work too.. Also, don't worry, this is double sheeted Tinfoil, not the cheap stuff." Dee gave a thumbs up.

"... I'd really rather prefer if you put it on but.. oh and no.. I can't put any Ad's in papers, obviously.. they'd know.."
She sighed.
"Alright, here is the situation. Hear me out.. decide if you are interested. As you might know, laboratory Safety has a total of four levels. Biosafety 1 handles stuff like the common cold or caustic chemicals, whereas Safety 4 handles well.. nasty stuff. Anthrax, Ebola, the last samples of Smallpox. This..."
The screen changed


"Is a rumored picture of an S5 Laboratory. A hoax, a silly story. Just a funny tale someone on the internet wrote up, most thought. However, some newly hired technician messed up an email encription.. and I picked up on it. The message, to paraphrase was:
'Moving a promising Sample from S4 to S5. So excited, kisses."

She paused for just a moment to let the message sink in.

"This was from an employe of the Rivers Corporation, and as he uses Facebook, it was easy to find where he lived and worked.
The Rivers corporation has a S4 Biomedical research laboratory, in one end of the country.:"


"And then there is a strangely old and worn down but well traveled, proclaimedly S1 lab, off limits to the public; proclaimed research facility at pretty much the other end of the country."

"It is owned by the Lakeside Foundation which, if you dig a little, you learn is actually partned with.. exactly!" She reappeared and then pointed somewhere above the screen, which, after a moment hesitation, she corrected to point directly at you, or rather, from her perspective, likely wherever the camera was. "The Rivers corp. has been involved in several troublesome rumours, investigated multiple times, but never with any real results. However, the Lakeside Foundation, turns out, runs as a 'research and teaching' facility, allowing them to circumvent pretty much all kinds of inspections through a state-law loophole. Nonprophit bullshit. Ah.. excuse my french."
She chuckled, before continuing on:

"So I checked out this Lakeside Foundation.. they do offer some supplementary courses in advanced chemistry, biochemistry, biology and engineering...
Online Courses only."

"I believe that the Rivers corporation is transporting something highly illegal from one laboratory to the other. Normally, security is incredibly tight.. but with me knowing where and when the delivery will be, there is a chance to err.. yes.. infiltrate. Get a look at it.. perhaps even .. aquire a sample of whatever it is they are doing.

And I'll have to ask you to come up with a plan. I can provide some details, as well as finances.. nothing big, think a car or two tops and this is just a hunch... but if you could look into this for me, I am convinced that the Rivers corporation will pay for..

Ah.. err.. nevermind.
Before you ask, I am afraid I cannot.. research much further into this facility, I'm being tracked, online, at the very least.."

She looked around, seeming ever so slightly paranoid.. was she crazy, or did she have a good reason to be? Could you trust this woman? She didn't seem -too- crazy, aside from the tin-foil.

"If you are ready to do this I can give you details on the where and an estimate of what to expect you'd be dealing with."

(DM note: You get to plan your little heist yourself. Explanation of your skills and weaknesses:
This is a freeform setting, but we will use a bit of a system as support, I call it: FSAD20S (Frogs super awesome D20 System)
Whenver you want to do something You can, or I will roll a d20, going from 1: total failure plus risk, 2-5 Failure, 6-10 Fail with potential advantage, 11-15 Success with potential risk, 16-19 Success, 20: Great success.
Basically rolls below 10 fail, but if you don't roll too bad you can still improve your chances at future success, and vice versa. (Example for a fail+ advantage: Someone shoots at you and you fail to dodge, so you get hit.. but their pistol jams so you have time to contemplate what brought you here without being shot more.)
Having a strength in something will make having a total failure impossible, making every roll one step better, conversly, Having a weakness shifts everything one step left.
Via is on a gameshow, being asked a hard science question. She rolls a 3, normally a failure, but due to her strength she rolls a fail with a potential advantage. So she fails the question, but follows it up with a joke that gets the audience on her side. Had this been a limbo-contest for example, her roll would have been a total failure.. not only did she fail the task, but she failed so miserably they had to cut to commercials.
So if Someone with a strength in Agility like Sam were to compete with Via who is weak in the same area, there is a chance Via'd win by sheer luck.. but it is unlikely. )
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Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

"Well, you have build a pretty big conspiracy theory based on one e-mail. For all we know, they could be referring to some hamster." she mused. She knew very well they didn't, but she wanted to push Dee in a position where she would have to explain herself.

"Look, why pick us for your little thing? And what would River be willing to buy?" she questioned.

"I used to work there, as I guess you should already know. Now, what they are doing, is hard to tell. And even harder to find proof of it happening. You see, there are ongoing reseaches in multiple fields - who knows if they had a breakthrough in one of them." even if she was pretty sure it was something about genetics...they had been so very close, damn it...

"However, I don't think they would hire me again at River. Maybe Lakeside foundation, but that is highly unlikely too. So, I guess I am here to tell you how to get inside..."
she concluded "However, keep in mind that breaching the NDA is considered a worse crime than actually sneaking insite to take a few photos. So, what I mean to say is, I can't say if I agree with your plan without checking for cameras in the room first. Which I am sure exist, otherwise you wouldn't be able to hear us. But sure, pass on the information you have, and we will see what we can do..."
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Listening to her, Jessie's bad feeling about the older woman intensified. She coughed to announce her turn to speak. "So I have to admit that this is all very interesting, it would make for a great ARG, but I still gotta ask, why do you want us to break into a research facility. We could go away for life for corporate espionage or economic terrorism! Why do you care at all? Why go through all the trouble to find us? Why should we do anything about this. So these guys are working on a secret project, so what? Give me a reason why I should sign up for this crazy shit. Or a reward. But it'd have to be sizable."
Inside, Jessie was torn. Part of this was really great, and she wasn't entirely sure this wasn't actually some ARG after all. This D might be crazy, or just a really good actor. And it promised to be fun... but on the other hand, if this was real, and they were caught...
25269 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Dee's Flat; Mood: Optimistic
Jutting her hand into a small bag she has slung around her shoulder, Sam started frantically taking notes on paper and pencil as Dee spoke. Her wrapped attention focused solely on the unfolding story. "Rivers is big, has their fingers in a lot of pies... If we could prove even a public safety violation this could be a huge story! One big enough to stick it to those scumbags," She gave a cheerful chuckle. "I've read about Lakeside once or twice, surprized they would keep pushing their luck with how many inspections they get, but with the right lobbyist I suppose anything is possible right..." She tapped the pencil to her chin a few times, looking over the screen and thinking for a long moment. "I'm still in, there is no way I could pass on something like this."

Slouching back on the sofa Sam watched the other two as they spoke to Dee about compensation and risk. For Sam there really wasn't any better compensation than getting to out Rivers as the corrupt corporatists they where, and risk came with the territory for getting a good story... though maybe she should confirm with Dee that she can publish an article on all this once they are done... or maybe she would just let silence be consent!

Dee, Hideout, Tag: All!

"Hmnn.. you think hamsters could be involved? They always seemed up to something with their little rolley balls, always rolling back and forth...

Ah..oh. I.. am not quite sure what you are asking about... but yes, it would be hard to find definite proof. But I'm sure you can figure out a way.."

Dee nodded. It seemed Via's pushy approach made her uncomfortable, which in turn made her struggle with answering up straight.

"Uh.. what is an ARG? Anyway..

You're all here, aren't you?"

She chuckled, adjusting her tinfoil.

"I contacted more people, for this. About a dozen, to be precise, but you were the ones that came to a random downtown location, on a strangers invitation. If you didn't have the adventure spirit, the determination to do this on your own, you'd not be here, now, would you? I'm not saying there isn't any danger, obviously, but... "
She sighed.

"There isn't any big reward, sorry. If you're in this to get rich, I figure you'd be better off getting employment with one of these corporations than.. doing this investigation.
What I can tell you.. for assurance.."

She noddd to Via and Jessie.
"Is that, most likely, the Rivers corporation wouldn't want any public attention on this either, so I don't think there'd be a big legal issue..."
She hesitated briefly, before leaning forward, seeming to type something.

"I expect that the transport is currently underway, it will arrive tomorrow morning. It's driving by a scarcely used road to avoid detection. It's also likely guarded, albeit nothing that draws too much attention. On the way, and on arrival, the security of the facility will be compromised.

I cannot tell you how to do this, much less, do this without any danger. You could try a broken-down car routine on the road, you could try to infiltrate the facility while they are distracted recieving the transport.. you could even pose as the transport itself. .. although you'd need the data for hte security clearance for that.
What I want is solid evidence of whatever dangerous substance they are transporting and working with, far from the public eye. I have reason to believe that it's something... exceptional.

That's all I can tell you."
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

"So, we have a day to organize a robbery in one day, fight an unknown number of guards, and probably end up as test subjects for weird experiments, just to take a peek from an unknown thing that may or may not be anything at all? Because if they want to keep it a secret, and they want to avoid a trial, they sure as hell won't let us go to talk about it."

"You have reason to believe it is something exceptional...but we don't. Why don't you tell us what you have heard? And why don't you join the mission with us?"
Via asked. This was either a trap, or most probably, Dee was just looking for idiots to play the distraction, so she would carry her own plan. While Via wanted to see the corp burning, she didn't plan to sacrifice herself in a fool's errand.
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
"I gotta agree with her. Whatever her name is." Jessie said, pointing her thumb at the older woman. She herself had not introduced herself either, and she'd be damned before she gave them her real name, anyway. "This is risky, and frankly stupid, under the best of circumstances. We have limited time and limited knowledge, plus you wouldn't happen to have a couple million dollars lying around for funding, huh? If you want us to pull some Ocean's shit off, we're gonna need more to work with." She crossed her arms. "Also, you still haven't answered my question: What's your stake in all this? What do you want? What do you get out of this?"

Dee, Hideout, Tag: All!

"Hmnn.. I guess you wont take 'I can't tell you more' for an answer. But basically you don't want to take the risks.. that's fine, that's fine, I understand.. It would be pretty risky.. and heh.. sorry, no. I'm not a millionaire.. then again, offering you that much would be kind of weird and suspicious as well, wouldn't it be?"
Dee nodded, before glancing over to Samantha.
"What about you?"
25294 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Dee's Flat; Mood: Optimistic
Having found herself mostly alone in her willingness to take on the job. "I mean it does sound risky, I'm not going to lie... but what's the fun in life if you don't take a few risks!" She tried to encourage... "I can't imagine that Rivers or Lakeside want their deeds exposed, but for me, the possibility of exposing them is all that I need for compensation," She nodded to Dee. "If they are highering people dumb enough to send unencrypted, highly sensitive emails, then maybe I can get a job there and work from the inside? I don't think I can steal the subject in transit on my own though..."

Dee, Hideout, Tag: Samantha

"It will be harder doing this on your own, but I can help you with some fake paperwork. You don't have to bring a sample of the stuff or anything, one good solid proof would do... oh, how good is your sciences? I could set you up as an intern or a secretary, either works, intern is propably riskier, but requires more .. knowledge of the subject."
Dee nodded.
"Well, I say get you in, but you'd have to pass the interview yourself. Where do you see yourself in five years and all that stuff."
She chuckled. She seemed to not want to push the this with the other.
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
This 'Sam, journalist' girl raised a good point. Not only would this prove a challenge, not easy to come by these days, but if they managed the big score, she might be able to catapult one of her online handles to fame... "Screw it, I guess I'm in." She said, trying to keep a pokerface. There were still many questions, especially the ones about D's motive that their host was avoiding, plus that question mark of a woman next to her, but she may as well... D's reaction set off another alarm bell. "Wait, you can set her up? With papers? Or do you have contacts on the inside? You wouldn't happen to be an employee of either of those two companies?" She asked.

Dee, Hideout, Tag: All

Dee sighed at Jessies observation. "I -was- an employee. I don't want to share any details, because.. frankly.. I am not proud of everything that happened. If I were to take any witness-stands, I'd..

Ah.. anyway."

She pointed.

"It's hardly like I'm the only disgruntled ex-employee here."
25296 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Dee's Flat; Mood: Optimistic
"I took up to Biology II for extra credit. DNA, RNA, Mitosis, etc. Not exactly the most extensive of backgrounds, but I might be able to fake it as an intern anyways, just make sure you follow the right procedures right. I can do that," She nodded. Taking a moment to shudder at the thought of wearing a short skirt, showing off her legs, and presenting for some fat capitalist dog... That's what secretaries did right?

She smiled at Jessie, who has seemingly had a change of heart. "That's the spirit!" Though the news of two former employees being her wasn't great it didn't matter much to Sam. Dee clearly wanted to take the corporations down, and Via... well she didn't seem to be a money-hungry devil at the very least.
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Via thought about it for a while. On one hand, Dee was not exactly someone you wanted to depend on, but on the other hand, if she wanted to do something, Via would have to do it herself. Some allies were better than no allies...with a very generous use of the term 'allies'...

"Fine. I will help too, then." she shrugged.

"I will assume this is about the genetic engineering project, Lazarus. I was working on the research team...well they kicked out when the project started, so I have no idea what they are up to."

"Indeed the Lakeside lab does seem suspicious. The question is, if they would indeed hire us as anything. There are online curses, and that's more of a cover...it is about finding potential recruits. We could give it a try...but I don't think I would pass as a student. If you could hook me up with some fake id and documents, I could easily get hired...but there is a possibility I could get recognized by someone, ruining the plan for everyone. I guess I could change heir color or something, to be sure."

"We could also try to get the sample that is transported. However the real problem would be avoiding getting caught after the fact...which makes it a bad idea for something we only have one day to plan for."

"On a side note, they are also looking for volunteers to work as test subjects...paid volunteers, that is. It is a bit tricky however, since it is only allowed by some loophole in the laws...not really the ideal option, for more than one reasons."

Dee, Hideout, Tag: All

"It seems that the project has advanced far further in your absence.. ahem.

This is correct your.. assumptions. There are multiple ways of doing this. I can help to a degree with fake papers or a car or whatever minor thing you need.. but.. I guess you should vote on what you want to do? I guess you cold vote on an approach.. I do not suggest splitting up, so you can have each others backs, you know.."

Dee nodded.