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Corporate Compliance - Campaign

2a76bae19db1d56730f6a41ac09ed621.jpeg Jessie Roland, Tech-slut and Corporate Drone
Jessie froze at the thought of taking her suit off. She could see the logic, but it felt wrong, bad. Her suit was her second skin, even if a preliminary one. "I... I trust you on this, slave-sister." She said, stripping again and stepping out of her suit, her body glistening with her sweat and juices. She took an offered towel and dried herself up, followed by a generous spraying of deodorant to mask the scent of girlsex that had fermented so deliciously inside her suit. Even with street-clothes on, Jessie felt naked, vulnerable. "Let's take as much gear as we can conceal. Do you have a concealable communicator, or burner phones?" Jessie stowed away a set of pills and one of the stunners in her disguise. "Let's go. Mistress is counting on us."

. . .

During the first part of their drive, Jessie made sure to cuddle as much as she could with Sam, soothing each other over the temporary loss of their true selves. "It'll be worth it. We'll make Via a fellow slut, a slave, corporate Drone, and Dee too! Mistress will be so pleased, and proud of us! And then we'll get even better equipment! Then you can bloom fully into your new life as a advertisement mascot. You'll use your body and powers to make a show! Everyone will think you are a strong heroine instead of a submissive, mindless slut! They'll eat up every word Mistress whispered into that empty head of yours straight out of your palm - paw!" She grinned, her hand resting on the catslaves breast, waves of mindmelting warmth radiating into Samantha's body in sync with each syllable of her words, driving them deeper into the slut's receptive mind, to keep her calm, keep her focused, remind her she was loved. Remind her that Jessie found her beautiful, even with this silly human costume on. She leaned in for a tongue-laden kiss, feeling her crotch dampen and sweat forming on her brow in anticipation. She could smell it was the same for Samantha. They made out as long as they could, before it was time to play the part of free-willed prisoners. Jessie used her radiating warmth, instinctively, to push images of the two of them later, fully suited up again, in bed, celebrating their enslavement and first catch properly, as she broke the last kiss she could give Sam. Maybe Via would be there too, having her own suit, or maybe Via would work in the labs, making all the new gadgets and drugs they'd use, making sure to finger herself over each of them, trickling her love on them before sending them off to Jessie and Sam, so the two could enjoy her taste even while out serving Mistress...

Seeing Via and Dee outside the mall shook her out of the daydream. It was time. She lowered her head, trying to look dejected, while she braced herself. Suddenly the car swerved and shook, and Jessie was lurching forward, stopped by the seatbelt, before being slammed back into the seat. Upholster or not, pain shot through her, but she ignored it. (Resilience: 11) She took Sam's hand. "Rip the seatbelts apart and kick the door out. Make it look like we actually broke out."

Jessie leapt out of the car, pulling Samantha with her, the visor-helmet in her other hand. She ran for a few meters, scanning for Via and Dee, trying to look desperate and surprised. "Via!? Dee!? Thank god! We need to get away!" She ran up to them. "You were right, Dee! Lakeside is doing crazy stuff! I have this, here, from the car. Someone said it was important. Maybe this is the proof you've been looking for? What are you doing here, anyway? Can we lay low in the hideout? More of them might show up every minute!" She stammered out in rapid-fire, trying her best to emulate the way a stupid free-willed person who feared Ocean Corp would speak, instead of her, a perfect robotic-minded drone that loved and worshiped the corporation. (Acting: 13)
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Via was looking at the map, making mental notes about where the gala was...when the van appeared, heading straight for the wall. The other two uhhh...Sam and Jessy? were riding in the seats behind. Via insinctively made everything slow down. She needed time to understand what was going on.

The other two should be in the hospital after the explosion...they looked alive and well, which meant that they probably had powers similar to hers. But then how they had been caught? It wasn't so hard to escape from a hospital, even for a normal person. Maybe all of this was a dream, and she was imagining things? Maybe she fell in a coma after the explosion? She felt a bit angry at herself...that was really the best dream she could think of? Wouldn't it be better dream if she was in a luxurious villa, having a vacation or something? Why would she dream of all those weirdos?

No. There was no way she would dream something so silly. She had higher standards than this. Besides, there is still the stuff that had happened before the explosion...

But then what were those two doing here? Getting captured and then brought to the mall for shopping? And she just happened to be there? Maybe they were coming here on purpose, to find her...? But why? And how? How could someone locate her so easily? Maybe Dee's phone was getting tracked, and probably only a big corp could pull this off...or the police. They would probably try to persuade her to surrender then, and they were here to prove the point that it was futile to run away. There was no way she would give up that easily...if they had the guts, they should bring an army to catch her.

"Yes they are fine." she lied...or maybe not. She didn't really care. She just had to get a head start.

She would slow time to the best of her ability, rushing to the bike first, and then returning with it next to Dee. Way faster than dragging her along.

"Get on. They know we are here." she ordered, pulling Dee on the bike once more. This time, she would go a bit faster...

(31 speed check!)
25811 Samantha, Capitalist Kitty of Justice (for Lady Ocean); Location: Rando Mall; Mood: Misses her kitty ears.
Sam was disappointed, to say the least as she took off her cat ears and handed them to one of the lab assistants. She tried purring, but the pleasant reassuring pulsing of the headband was gone, she was stuck as boring human Sam once again, only dreaming of her feline destiny.

Sometime later she and Jessie pulled off their spectacular car crash plan, Sam getting jostled by it, but ultimately not harmed [Resiliance 6]. Jessie did most of the talking as the duo exited the car. That being said it was obvious Via wasn't buying it. Thinking fast Sam did the only thing she could, like a proper Tiger she focused all her strength into her legs. Bolting with a pounce at super human speed... though nothing like what Via could do. Tackling face long at the spot Dee was, Via was headed toward with the bike, and given Via's tremendous speed; likely nothing was anymore. Samantha committing enough that she would either grab Dee, the bike, or nothing at all falling on her face!

[Agility: 17 + bonus for possitive aspect]
[Strength: 18 + 10 for super power]

Corporate Assistants, On the road, Tag: Samantha, Jessie

The lewd assistance chuckled and nodded, handing Jessie and Sam a set of phones too, before driving off. On the way to the crashsite, they smiled at Jessies gentle, subservient attention.. and then..:


Dee, Crashsite, Tag: All

"Wait, shouldn't we help them? Guys.. there you are... Uh.. are you alright?"
Dee made, uncertain about what was going on, clearly.

But Via had already rushed up to the bike and snatched it up, moving at inhuman speeds, almost a blur in the wind. However, she had to slow down to pick Dee up, who wasn't prepared for that.

This gave Sam the brief opening she needed.. and, with Via barely managing to pull Dee up on the bike, an Aerial Sam landed upon it as well.. and tore right through it. Dee was sent flying, gasping and whimpering as she landed on her arm, whilest Sam landed relatively save with her clearly more resilient body, sitting down on all fours, almost like a feline, whilest Via.. simply.. moved out of the impact-zone, avoiding damage. She could easily rush away by foot.. of course, but suddenly there was Sam, hopping over to her and hissing, almost animal-like, not quite looking at her, but seeming to react to her, at least unless she sped up even more..

Sam wasn't exactly sure how she landed to safely after her little jumping stunt. Or why she wanted to pounce where that blurry streak of Via rushed, she just kind of.. wanted to pounce. And it felt good. Her body felt good, even stronger, more agile, faster.. albeit not fast enough to keep up with Via.

You are in a mildly traveled spot at the edge of a medium-sized shopping mall. Dee lies a few feet away, holding her arm, after Sam slayed the motorbike. To the right of you, Jessie hears the car groaning after the damage it had taken.
The crash, and now, the exploding motorbike had gotten all heads to turn, a small crowd gathering, the technician Sam and Jessie had arrived with trying to calm a bystander, whilest glancing over concerned.
Via would have a pretty easy time getting away safely on her own, unless the two corporate slaves come up with an impromptu plan. However, leaving Dee behind could prove troublesome in the long run. Plus these are her allies, more fascinatingly, they clearly have abilities, just like her, why not try and defuse this situation?

Sam: Abilities unlocked:
-Superior Strength/Durability
-Mind Control
25866 Samantha, Capitalist Kitty of Justice (for Lady Ocean); Location: Rando Mall; Mood: Misses her kitty ears.
Seeing Via rush off like that filled Samantha with some primal urge, some desire to have whatever such a colorful thing it was! This... ended with a very destroyed motorbike, injured Dee, and a proud Sam licking her wrist and pawing herself. She was such a good kitty!
"Dee are you ok?" Sam padded over to the injured Dee. "Sorry... I don't know what came over me," she takes a moment to bandage up Dee's wounds to the best of her abilities [Medicine: 19]
Turning to Via she knew she probably made things a bit tense, having exploded a motorbike and all. "It is good we found you two. Maybe we should talk somewhere a bit more private? I umh, kind of made a scene... Sorry!"
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

"Yes, she is ok, you only broke her arm." Via commented. From the looks of it, those two had super powers too...which made their capture more of a question. And a threat.

"Why are you here, and what do you want? I am not an idiot, I know this wasn't a coincidence. And I am certainly not going anywhere with you." she continued. From the looks of it they were keeping Dee as a hostage? She needed her to introduce her to her boss, but that need wasn't enough to stick her neck out for her. Still, making them think that Dee could be used as leverage wouldn't be a bad idea, she would get them by surprise when they tried to threaten her.

"I suggest leaving Dee alone, and don't try anything funny." she called, however not making any moves closer Dee or Sam. She would have to be ready to use her superpowers to defend against any sudden attack of those two...if she hadn't moved away in time, she would have been crushed with the bike, after all...set them on fire, see if they were as resistant as she was. Taking those two out should give her some time...right?
75924660_p0.png Jessie Roland, Tech-slut and Corporate Drone
It's ok. You did good. You served the corporation. You will surely be restored to continue to serve. Jessie replied in her mind to the car. She did the same with the motorcycle, it was not quite her style, but the pained wheezes of the dying vehicle made her feel uncomfortable... Hush, my dear. It'll be alright. You're a good motorcycle. Someone will take care of you. Your pain served a purpose.

She pushed those thoughts from her mind and looked at Via. Clearly the woman didn't buy it, so why was she sticking around? Maybe because of Dee? This was her chance. It was a gamble, but part of her was eager to try it...

She opened her hands while calling to Via. She remembered the warmth that had flowed through them, into Sam's eager slut-body... Trying to conjure this feeling, this feeling of being blissed-out and receptive, eager and horny for the programming, trying to send it out to Via, make her feel how she felt as the spiral melted her will between her thighs... (Roll: 1)
"We're not gonna hurt her, or you. We need your help! You have to trust us! You have to listen!"

DM/Dee, Crashsite, Tag: All

To her credit, Dee didn't cry, only holding her arm and groaning in pain.. but quickly, Sam began attending her, bending a small piece of metal into a makeshift bandage and support.. the arm would still need healing, of course, unless one of you spontaneously developed healing abilities as well..

With Dee getting up, with a little assistance from Sam, listening to Via, and then glancing over to both Sam and Jessie for an answer to these accusations, Jessie focused her abilities..

And her own eyes grew unfocused. Her body was all tingly and weird and nice... She had to obey. She had to listen. To whom again? Ocean corp, right?.. Poor Jessie stood there all distracted and dazed.. and then she exploded!
It seemed that the sudden mental shock had unleashed her final ability, as she transformed into a swarm of what seemed to be black, rubbery spiders, little eight-legged things mostly consisting of a dark, plastic like substance that scuttled around a little disoriented, each spider touching the next one to it and briefly sending a soothing mind-slave impulse, reminding the spider that she was a corporate slut and on a mission, before Jessie, back in her (new) right mind finally began reforming out of individual spiders... albeit not wearing her clothes, unless she made an effort to form those as part of her body too (11 or more on a d20 check!)

Jessie powers unlocked:
-Mind Control
75924660_p0.png Jessie Roland, Tech-slut and Corporate Drone
She was disoriented. She was looking everywhere at once. Who was she? What was she? How did she get here Then she felt something warm spreading through... her... parts? And she remembered. She understood. She was a slave, a corporate drone, a mindless slut. She was Jessie, until her Mistress had a better idea who she could be. With all her parts on the same page, she continued with her mission. This was unexpected, and thinking was so hard, felt so bad... but she had an idea.

Being a swarm of little spiders would have its advantages, and Jessie didn't mind their form at all. She had always wanted to own some tarantulas as pets, but her mother's omniphobia made them forbid any pets in the house, especially exotic ones, even after their children had reached adulthood. "Get your own house if you want pets." Bitch. I can't wait until you kneel before Lady Ocean and worship her like a good corporate slave.

Remembering how her body had felt before, she made all her little parts come back together. It felt...natural. She was even able to reconstitute her clothes without much of a thought, (Roll:18) as all the little rubber-spiders ran towards her reforming body... all except one. One was slithering away over the pavement, searching for cover, (Roll: 13) making its way to Via to climb her, looking for the first bit of exposed skin to lightly touch and transmit the warmth and pleasure and arousal that submission brought. You should believe us, you should trust us, you should come with us. You don't want to fight, to resist, to run, to think. (Roll: 13)

Once she had reformed, she looked around. Her vision felt both sharper, yet limited compared to the spider swarm. She turned back to Via. "Can't you see!? This shit is crazy! And Lakeside are responsible for it! Please, we need your help! You gotta believe us!"
Last edited:
26037 Samantha, Capitalist Kitty of Justice (for Lady Ocean); Location: Rando Mall; Mood: Misses her kitty ears.
With Via and Jessie distracted with each other Sam took a moment to give a comforting lick to Dee's cheek. She was such a strong, good girl, Sam didn't mean to hurt her, but that didn't change the fact that Dee had suffered. It was for the good of ocean corp though... Unable to fight her good kitty thoughts, Samantha's body started vibrating with a soft purr as she rubbed her head against Dee's. "It's ok, we are here to help. Don't worry... just trust us... come with us... obey and consume..." She purred softly into Dee's ear, running her finger lightly over Dee's chest.
[Brainwashing: Nat 20 ^~^]
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Vie knew something was fishy, even before Jessie even exploded to spiders...something very, very wrong was going on here. She activated her fire power, two faint whips of fire hanging from her hands...totally not caring about any observers...she had a sense of urgency that they were a threat, and she had to burn them both down...

[3 failed mind control save]

Uh...she had to believe those idiots, trust them, come with them...she did not want to fight, to resist, to run, and to think....wait, she totally had to...think...and the other things were nessecary too...however maybe she should not burn them....yes, there was no harm talking to them, and not fighting...at least for now. However she had to keep thinking...this feeling of unease...she had to find out what it was about...

[18 mental fighting back]

She retracted the flames back in...she should not fight, for now...

"I know....Lakeside is responsible for everything. We will make them pay. Come with us." she offered, while trying to resist the strange urge to not be herself...

DM/Dee, Crashsite, Tag: Sam, primarly

"H... hoi.. what are you?"
Dee blinked at Sam, before her eyes grew dull and happy.. "Waah uh.. yes.. help.. come with you.. obey and consume.."
She nodded and smiled, shifting her arm a little, but besides that, holding onto the purring kitten with a soft, dozy smile.. it seemed at the very least as long as Sam was up close and cuddly with her, she was sucessfully subdued!

Tag: All

By now, more than a small, shocked crowd of observers had gathered, with the corporate assistant worrying.. "Will be hard to hush anymore.." To all that bothered to hear.

Finally, the assistant, still dressed as security, raised a hand. "Nothing to worry about folks... Alright, let's get in the ca..."
She glanced over, before pulling out a mobile phone..

"I'll have someone pick us up quickly.. We'll go straight to Miss Ocean's offices." She suggested.
Dee, currently nuzzling up to the tiger-girl seemed all up for that, whilest Via was.. swaying uncertainly.
75924660_p0.png Jessie Roland, Tech-slut and Corporate Drone
Sensing that Via was receptive to her influence, Jessie carefully approached the woman, seeing the bursts of flame recede before her. "That's right. There's no reason to fight. No reason to run. Let me explain everything to you. You should just listen and everything will be clearer." She reached out, her hands resting on Via's shoulders, locking her own eyes with hers. Via was attractive, but she looked so much more sexy like this, with glazed eyes. Jessie imagined how hot she'd look in a rubber bodysuit...
"Something wonderful happened. We had to find you. You need to come with us. Someone needs your help." Jessie cooed. "It feels so good, doesn't it? To have these powers, to use them. There is someone who can help you feel even better. Help her, join her, and she will make you feel really good. Even better than now." Jessie let her powers flow into Via, visions of sapphic sensuality flashing across their minds, of women submitting and worshiping and crying out in ecstasy as they came... Jessie herself felt her own power wash over her, her eyes rolling up as her hips bucked against Via's body. Submission was pleasure, she told Via, and she herself accepted it as truth burning between her legs... Compliant slut. Obedient drone. Mindless slave. Compliance is happiness. Obedience is pleasure. Servitude is bliss. She surged her power into herself, a moan escaping her throat as she climaxed in a torrent of mindless pleasure...

As she came down, she noticed Via still struggling. Clearly this woman was less receptive than she and Sam had been. It would make no difference. They all would become good corporate sluts. Mistress would makesure of that. Luckily, this time her body held unto its form. "You must be confused by all this. We were too. But someone made everything clear to us. She can help you too. All you have to do is join her, and she will make you feel so good..." Jessie sensually ground against Via, leaning in for a soft, wet kiss on the lips. "You enjoy this, don't you? My attention, my body against yours? It can get even better. All you have to do is stop fighting and come with us." Jessie wrapped her hands around Via's waist now, kissing her again. She gently pulled Via along, towards the mask she dropped. "Just let go and let me pleasure you some more. I can tell you like this." Jessie whispered, her breath hotly on Via's face. The woman probably could smell her arousal by now, leaking from her slave-pussy, which was already throbbing in anticipation of what came next. "Do you want my tongue? Stay still for a moment, and I will kiss you properly..." Jessie quickly broke contact to pick up her mask, hoping that the entranced woman would not break free. She kissed her again, her tongue pushing into her mouth to play with Via's tongue as their wet lips and flushed bodies ground against one another. "That felt good, didn't it? It gets even better." With that, Jessie put the mask/helmet combo onto Via's head, holding her tightly. Now! Activate the spiral! Hit her with all you got! She commanded the mask, hoping that it would be enough. "Don't fight it." She cooed at Via, while groping and massaging her breasts. "This is just a taste of the pleasure that awaits you. Just go along, and it will feel even better."

Seeing Sam snuggling a clearly controlled Dee, Jessie now thought about what to do next while Via writhed in her arms. She turned towards the crowd of spectators. It would only be a matter of time before someone would start to take footage. She grimaced. Her powers were still erratic, not digitally precise. Clearly she needed more brainwashing, more processing, more indoctrination and training before her powers became the tools they were meant to be. She smiled absentmindedly. It was worth a try though. This situation was so crazy, one more strange thing wouldn't make a difference...

She raised her hand, trying to focus that soothing, enslaving energy unto the masses. "Nothing interesting is happening here. Just some stage show tricks practice. Return to your business. Forget all of this. It didn't matter." She called out. (Roll: 7:() She took Via by the shoulder and tried to move her towards the car that would hopefully soon arrive to pick them up, hoping that Via was lost in the wonderful spiral and would go along...
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Via regained her senses as Jessy closed on her...what was going on, the way she was talking...was she trying to hypnotize her? Was this her power? This looked dangerous...if it actually worked. But it kinda did...it had made her feel dizzy for a while...she would still need some time to fully recover...

[Speed 19]

For now, she should play along. Slow things up so that she couldn't understand what Jessy said. Stay still to look dazed...why was this silly girl kissing her? She tasted like...rubber. She held herself from spitting the weird flavor.

She was picking up the mask...if she could guess it would spray her with something to knock her out? Well, it wouldn't work so easily....

Just before Jessy could put the visor on her, however she failed to wrestle it out of her hands, even if Jessy was unsuspecting.

"Fuck" she cursed...plan B. She would put the helm on fire, hopefully make the knockout gas explode....and then run away...covering herself on fire for good measure, to prevent Sam from catching her, since she was also kind of fast. She couldn't set the others on fire...not with so many witnesses.

[Fire 34]

She would then run for it...hopefully, protected by the high temperatures, nothing would stand in her way...she just had to escape their notice, and then head for the gala by herself.
Tag: All

Via proved resilient to Jessie's control attempts. On the other hand, the helmet could not resist her fiering up attempts, with the viser melting (Jessie's hand defensively scattering into spiders, some of which got singed).

This destroyed the visor and the mask. It also unleashed a cloud of gas, rather explosively, which had Dee, as well as about a third of the spectators collapse on the spot, the corporate assistant covering her nose and coughing...

(A resistance check to the vaporized poison from everyone, on a 10 or lower, also a constitution check to see how long you are out!)
Tag: All

A heavy wafting of smoke and burnt electronics later, perhaps it was the meds, perhaps a slight case of CO poisoning, but either way, one after the other, suddenly, the ground jumps up at you. The crowd does as crowds do in such situations, falling into a panic, whilest the agent that drove the car backs off, frantically typing on a mobile phone..

Tag: Jessie, Sam

Jessie first, you awaken to a soft groaning.. struggling to open your eyes, you quickly realize the source of said groaning, a cute blonde, currently half collapsed on the ground.


"Oh.. it seems they've awakened.." A familiar voice remarks, your corporate owner glancing over.


"I was getting a little bored, she was available after checking up on you. She doesn't mind... dress up slut, get yourself presentable.."
Mistress remarks to the side.

"I guess it is time to reward my little new aquisitions for bringing in the third of your little powered gang. But also, I do not recall asking you to make such a ruckus.. this will cost me millions in bribes, do you know that? But do not worry, slaves. I am willing to give you another chance. Because I see your great potential. Little tiger-slut, I'll turn you into a hero that others look up to.. even while you are rotten to the core, doing everything to increase my profit margins.. not for the people.
As for you Jessie, why.. I think there is none better but you to -help- make my little tiger a rotten capitalist drone, is there? You will not disappoint me,.. right?"

Mrs. Ocean sighed, looking from one comfy hospital bed to the other. "Oh don't worry, I know I am partially to blame for not giving you proper instructions. You tried thinking on your own, and clearly that made everything messy. But you do know all of this nonsense migh mean Dahlia is going to go wild with her politics against me.. ugh."
She shook her head. "I swear, we'll need to get you properly trained, then, maybe some teambuilding exercise. And then.. we'll take down that philantrophic bitch... But first, let's finish you up. It was my missassumption that you, Jessie were fit to be a controller, you'll do much nicer as a mindless corporate drone with my commands whispered into your ear.. oh right, let's get you both set up. Sam, you'll work with a little film crew, Jessie with me directly.. your minds are optional for the going aheads, so let's switch that right off. Good Corporate Slut."
Mistress declared, and the triggers pulsed in the slaves heads..

"Tiger drone, it is about time to get rid of your old personality. But I have good news. You get to keep your friend there. Jessie, your whole expedition to aquire Via has been observed and I have to admit one thing.. even if you hit yourself the most, I think there is none better as the new overseer for my human subjugation project than you, Jessie.
You should by now be programmed to be unable to deny me, as well as get aroused by this.. but how would you like being enslaved, whilest also eradicating all that was left of your once ally, until she is my little sponsor-tiger?"

Mistress Ocean smirked.
"I had a technician of mine write a little program you will come to enjoy, you see. I call it the enslaving addict."

~~Meanwhile~~ Tag; Via


Via startled awake, finding herself lying in a featureless room, a hospital bed, with a small nightstand, the room was empty, short for a small chair, with a woman sitting upon it. There was no window and a single door.
"Good morning. Via
Before you attempt to incinerate me, know that the door is locked, I do not have the key on me and I am replaceable. Up in the right corner you will find a surveilance camera observing us."

The woman informed with a monotone voice.

"You can call me drone 23. A result of the human subjugation project, I am currently acting with a baseline personality. If you find this startling, I can assume another behaviour, but it was the mistress request I directly display what Ocean Corp is capable of.
This is not ment as intimidation, but as enticement. Ocean corp has gone through great trouble to aquire you and your abilities. We are capable of far more things. If you find it agreeable working with us, for us, again.. technically you'd been priorly employed by Rivers.corp, an.. unofficial partner of Ocean."

She explained..

"Mistress Ocean has a proposed concept which you might find to your liking. You get to... basically.. do as you please, as long as you occasionally run wild.. and allow your associate, Sam, to defeat you.
Basically, we seek to create a villain figure through you, whilest controlling both sides for an increase in profit."

That did sound nice.. the idea of making profit, that was.
"The others would simply be enslaved, similiar to me in essence, if different in type. You however, are superior to them mentally. Would you enjoy being a hands on, evil scientist that is spoken about in the media day and night?"
The girl offered, before adding:
"Would you like to have assistants, perfectly compliant to your will?"
It didn't sound bad.. infact, it sounded quite enticing. Via could almost see herself commanding a small troupe of masked, sexy corporate attack slaves... wait, where did that come from, did someone mess with her mind? No, she had resisted easily in the past, and Ocean corp had just told her she was too superior to have someone mess with her mind. This was just what she felt like.
2a76bae19db1d56730f6a41ac09ed621.jpegJessie Roland, Tech-slut, and Corporate Drone

Jessie could hear her beloved mask scream in pain as it melted in the heat. She tried to hold on desperately to Via, but her hand seemed to lose form instinctively.
You bitch! Jessie wanted to scream, but as she opened her mouth, only gargles and groans came out. Her body felt numb, and shortly after the cloud enveloped her, she lost consciousness, her last thoughts before thoughtless darkness took her were the helpless feeling of having failed her Mistress...

When she came to, she didn't know where she was. Her senses returned slowly, her numbness turning into a slight pleasant buzzing as she remembered she was still a slave, and noticed the moaning girl. A slight lustful smile played over her lips. She was naked, which made her uneasy. Why wasn't she suited up? She hazily remembered the failed attempt to take Via. Her arousal ebbed. She was a bad drone. With a sigh, she rested her head back on her pillow, turning to rest...
Then, her body and mind fired up, all sluggishness gone, as she beheld her Mistress and owner, Lady Ocean, Goddess Ocean, Mistress Ocean. She sat up in her bed, kicking the sheets off her body. She had to be naked or suited in presence of her owner, had to show off her body! "Mistress..." She breathed out, her face flushed, her pussy and mind throbbing and eager. An elated smile crept on her lips as she recognized the girl, maybe a doctor or caretaker as a fellow corporate slave. She noticed Sam waking up in the bed to her right. She was relieved the catslut was unharmed, but was still concerned about what else had transpired...
Then her Mistress addressed them, and all her concerns fell away as she listened.
She felt bad for her failure, but she was glad Mistress still saw them as valuable assets. "Yes, Mistress! I'll gladly help in her transformation into your perfect tool!" She declared, every word feeling so nice between her legs...
"Yes, Mistress, please think for me! Please make me your tool! Please tame my powers so they enable me to brainwash all your rivals into your slaves!" Jessie enthused, thinking about all the sexy options for further conditioning and processing, ecstatic at the prospect of being around Mistress, having Lady Ocean herself finish her transformation into a mindless drone...
Then she heard the trigger phrase, and her mind shifted violently. She didn't see a beautiful spiral, but Mistress Ocean was just as captivating to listen to, so Jessie opened her mind to her, eager to absorb any commands. Her body slouched as orgasmic fire surged through her veins, her mouth slightly open and eyes rolled up in silent climax. As she came down, ready to be reprogrammed, her left hand wandered to her wet cunt, massaging her nether lips for her owner's viewing pleasure while she channeled her own power into herself, her arousal growing with every wave of mindless pleasure. She was a good corporate slut. She would watch and listen and obey.
She was happy for the feline slave that she soon would be someone else than Sam, and she eagerly nodded along, putting her right hand on Sam's shoulder, warm waves of submission flowing into the girl.
'Human Subjugation Project' sounded wonderful. Humans were meant to be subjugated to the will of Goddess Ocean! "Yes, Mistress! Sam will become yours, and she will love it! She'll have no choice but to love it!" She responded enthusiastically, her voice firm and even, like a machine, even though she was panting with arousal. "Mistress, I can't deny or disobey you! I am already enslaved! And I will enslave everyone you tell me to!"
Jessie was already addicted to enslavement and brainwashing, had been for years, before her fantasies had come true, but the title still sounded promising. Unable to resist the urge any longer, Jessie climbed out of the bed, ignoring her body's protests, standing naked and empty before her Mistress, hands by her side and legs slightly parted to show off her puffy and needy vagina, streams of girlcum running down her legs. "Please, Mistress! Give me your commands!" She almost begged.
26134 Samantha, Capitalist Kitty of Justice (for Lady Ocean); Location: Rando Mall; Mood: Misses her kitty ears.
From her sitting position, Sam continued to purr, nuzzling up to her cute blond prize... Mistress Ocean would be so happy! She'd captured a new consumer slave! Now all that was left was the true prize, the scientist! To that end, Jessie had exploded into a pile of spiders! Sam immediately wanted to start hunting some of the scurrying black things! It would be fun, ... but no, she needed to stay here, stay with Dee... yes. Just as it seemed that Jessie was about to win over Via everything went sideways, an explosion overtaking all of Samantha's vision, the force knocking her out cold.

Some-time later Sam woke up once more... Seeing the slobbering blond slave first thing, but her attention was fixed on Lady Ocean. "Yes Mistress! Kitty's shouldn't think for themselves, I'd love to give myself totally over to your will and nothing else!" It was true they'd caused a bit of a mess trying to use there dumb free minds, this was why everyone should just let Lady Ocean do the thinking for them, it was much better that way.
Twisting her legs a bit, Sam listened to Mistress Ocean explain her future. "Yes... Yes mistress, destroy this bad useless personality... I wanna be a good little sponsor-tiger and nothing more!" The soft-touch of her ally, adding waves of pleasure made Sam let out a cute moan as she cam just form the promise alone. "I'm ready drone sister!" She purred, nuzzling herself up to Jessie.
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Via woke up a bit dizzy...damn, she didn't expect that. Just what kind of stupid gas they had inside that thing, she sighed. Luckily, at least she still had her clothes...even if they felt a bit tighter, for some reason.

She looked around, preparing to defend herself...but after listening to the things explanation, she gave up. They would surely have some way to knock her out again, and use her as a lab rat, if she didn't cooperate now.

Via felt getting somewhat angry while remembering how she had been unfairly fired. Now they wanted her back? Hmpf! Well, she had little choice to refuse however...

"Please, go on." she motioned, listening to the rest of the explanation.

Yes, making profit was good. Having her own lab was also good...

This made sense. She obviously was superior mentally, and they obviously realized her worth. At least, her brilliance was recognized! She smiled pleased, getting a bit aroused by the thought of how superior she was...

She would have sexy assistants who would do everything as she told them to...and she would become known to everyone, as the genious she was...yes, it did sound amazing. Getting defeated by Sam...well, whatever. It would happen on her terms too, she assured herself.

"Fine...I guess we can still cooperate. However, I do have some conditions." she nodded. Somehow setting conditions felt hot, even if she wasn't exactly in the position to set conditions.

"First, the villain thing sounds weird...I guess it is better than being the hero, so I accept that." she cringed at the thought of being the hero. Villains were clearly superior!

"However, I will not just be a second rate villain! I will arrange the plottings, or at least have a say in them. And I will have moments of triumph...even if the hero wins at the end." she nodded.

"Also...I want my previous boss to be my first minion. He isn't really usefull anyway. Don't wipe his mind either...just force him to do whatever I tell him to. Every villain needs a useless minion, after all." she chuckled. Yes, that would show him for firing her.

"On second thought, can we turn him to a sexy assistant? I recall there was an experimental program for that too." hmmm....she was getting wet thinking of her previous boss, trapped in a slutty body, becoming famous as a dumb minion...ruining his life felt so hot...and the things she would make him do...hmm...maybe being a villain was the right call, after all....

Mistress Ocean, Ocean HQ, Tag: Sam, Jessie

"You definitly have the qualities I require of a slave-mistress, Jessie.. which is perfect obediance. Your words please me.. you may cum."
Mistress Ocean casually commanded. "I think your abilities shall help in quickly advancing my mind-control technology.. although to get to work on it we need my competitors microchip technology.. more on that soon.

What I do not like is all this Sam and Jessie.. you really shouldn't have non-corporate identities anymore.. and Jessie, the only time you should be viewable to the public at all is when you are obscured in a tight, black suit. We really can't have anyone think of you as a person, least of all yourself."

She snipped, and the door opened, tech-assistants coming in, just as enslaved drones, of course.

"Luckily, in the time you were out, my .. help designed far better outfits for you, my slave-maker and super tiger."
Mistress Ocean presented.

"First, Jessie, put on your new suit.. You are not to remove it without mistress command, for anything, ever. And as you put it on, I want you to cover up your old identity,.. your old name. Your memories will be used as necessary, but we have no use for your old identity. I know you want it. Because of just how effective the spiral was. You want to stop being Jessie. You want to stop thinking for yourself, because clearly, that has not worked out for the best. You only think how to best implement commands, not how to do things on your own... You want to become.. Slave Maker. Pull that tight, enclosing suit all around your human core, let it evolve and upgrade you into my Corporate Slave Maker, CSM. That is your purpose now. You find those resistant to my will and too much trouble for anything but drastic measures to handle.. like this girl here.."
Ocean smirked to her side.
"And you turn them into empty consumer drones, just as empty as you, understood.. of course you did. And when you recieve and acknowledge an order, you cum. Cum for me, CSM. There isn't any need for the spiral or enslavement gear, is there.. because your first and favourite victim.. is you. Heh.. I wonder if you will try out all the little gadgets you'll help develope on yourself first, Slave Maker..."

She smirked, and focused on Sam, and her far more advanced seeming tiger-suit.
"Good girl.. it seems your brain has been nicely washed as well.. but let deeds, not words speak. Slave Maker.. behold your first project. I want you to erase the Sam personality and create Super Tiger out of this imperfect shell.. take her suit and then.. follow me."

Mistress Ocean lead the way.. to what appeared to be a TV set, complete with some technicians.. (also rubber clad drones) operating camera's and light as they entered..


"This will be the birth-place of my little Super Tiger. Oh and yes.. those cameras will be running. In the afternoon you'll sell kids soda and cereals to get strong, and in the nights you'll make me millions showing off your body to the adolescents.
Now. Slave Maker.. I want you to erase all of Super Tigers leftover personality. I need an empty capitalist sales mascot, cute and marketable and giddily feline, but without any ideas or ideals of their own. And here's the kicker.. As you help your slave-sister become her true capitalist self, I want you to relax and let your own will and sense of self disappear into Mistress thrall, understood? The death of Sam will mark the birth of both Slave Maker and Super Tiger.

The first one that is nothing but a pure, obediant capitalist asset for Ocean Corp gets to cum whilest personally pleasuring me!"

She promised, whilest a flood of light hit Jessie, all suited up and holding the Super Tiger's outfit
"Do your best.. remember, I am watching.. and one day, when I control the world, so might be millions of happy consumers wanting the truth behind Super Tiger's identity.. now then.. The Birth of Super Tiger,
Roll Camera!"


Drone 23, Unknown Tag: Via

"Mistress Ocean would of course give you some guidelines, think of it as a .. sponsorship employment. All important scientists have important sponsors, right.. and you are a very, very important woman indeed."
The enslaved assistant suggested.

"But I am happy to hear out and relay your conditions to the mistress. By the way, It is recommended you come up with a sufficiently catchy name for your public persona. "
The idea of being a sexy villainess that the kids feared and more than one teenager secretly fantasized about didn't sound too bad either, really..

"We have some writers that will happy to work with you in regards to your creative freedom. The only conditions are that you maximize intimidation and .. ideally minimize casualities.. while some problems can't be avoided in the name of profit, dead people can not buy our products.

Your previous employer Dr. Birmingham is a valuable asset. I need to discuss this, but the potential of turning her into a ditzy, but aware assistant is there and your devious ingenuity is sure to please Mistress Ocean.

We will save you the trouble of outfitting you with things like a self-destructive chip or altering your mind, knowing you could remove or overcome the other..."

Yes indeed, Via was far too smart to be brainwashed, which was why there was no reason to suspect she'd been manipulated into this at all, even if her body felt so aroused at the idea of being Ocean corps new villainess.. that was just a chance to shine with her talents, finally realized. Of course she'd feel good about that, right? Her scientific endeavours and personal interests still came first, but while they helped her, why not work with them?

"We merely ask you to recognize that, due to your current and even greater soon to be notoriety, your secret connection to us is the best way to get whatever resources you require without any hassle, in exchange for a few publicity engagements of your .. active science and recreational experiments. Do you agree with this reasoning?"
She asked, standing up from the chair, before clarifying:
"Notoriety is not ment to be derogative in this instance. Good and Evil are relative, both to people like you, with your genius, and my mistress, due to her financial affluence. It might please you that I have contacted Mistress Ocean through a mental link installed in me.. your request of an assistant is granted, but it will take a short while to.. process."