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Corporate Compliance - Campaign

project__10000002350_by_heavyrubberslave_dd3g81u-fullview.jpgSlave Maker, Mind Control Slut and Corporate Drone

Slave Maker stayed where she was. So far, this wasn't going too awry. And even then, she'd stay out of sight. She was a puppeteer, hidden from view. An asset at her best when undiscovered.
Maybe a bit early, Slut Tiger, but of course you're eager. Now, recite some more of your lines, up the stakes a bit, then make a move for the controller. If you fail, take the doses. They won't make a difference, you are already a horny slave. No matter how this plays out, take the rescued Dahlia backstage, give her a dose of our brainwashing powers, then bring her to me.
She told Super Tiger via her ears.
26535 Super Tiger, Ocean Corp Sponsor Tiger; Location: Dr V's presentation; Mood: Purrfect.
The pleasant happy ring of Slavemaker's voice hummed in Super Tiger's head. Her ears patching each and every instruction directly to her brain! She wanted to purr, and thank her kitty ears right now, but she had something more important to do.
Strutting forward Super Tiger wore a confident smile, perfectly fit for a hero like her. "You bet I'm a hero! I'm going to save Ms. Daliah and bring you to justice!" She giggled, still slowly approaching at a slow pace.
This was hard for a stupid little tiger like her! Should she follow V's directions or go with the original plan! She'd been instructed to be a sexy corporate slut, but not overly so... so being a prostitute in front of everyone was out...
She had an idea, "Part of being a hero, is giving a chance. Let's see if your word is genuine Dr. V!" She smiled. She Approached the two men, "You'll have to bear this along with Super Tiger, ok?" She smiled warmly to each of them. Pressing a hand delicately to each of there crotches. rubbing their needy cocks through their slacks. With her close proximity, she also added a bit of brainwashing power! Commanding the two to cum, they should cum in their pants, and become her first adoring fans after toady. Consuming only Ocean brand products, and telling all there friends how awesome Super Tiger was. [Brainwashing Check: 13]

Dahlia plus Audience, Tag: All

Dahlia panted, but nodded to the tiger.. "Aah.. ahmn.. please let us fight this evil together, Super Tiger!"
She writhed on top of the machinery, whilest the two men gasped and moaned and squirmed.. clearly unable to resist the tigers mental influence, and now also craving for an Ocean Corp™ Slurpy on top of it!
Dr. V, Evil Scientist Mastermind

"Pathetic males...just a slight touch and they came. Even in front of everyone...and without any medicine either. Perverts to the extreme." she sighed dramatically.

"Fine, I will skip one. This innocent slut however has taken three injections...one I will skip, but there are two left! And if she gets four, she will have long term effects." she explained.

"I want to see if you will be so heroic to take the last two shots in her place then! Or if you will show the world your real face!" she chuckled.

"Well, it looks like I will have to go. By the way...the next two shots will happen in 10 seconds~have fun deciding! Nice to meet you, everyone!" she laughed, speeding up and making for her escape route!

[19 speed!]
26679 Super Tiger, Ocean Corp Sponsor Tiger; Location: Dr V's presentation; Mood: Purrfect.
She wanted to coo and nuzzle with her newest corporate slaves, but this wasn't the time. "You two did super good, now leave the rest to Super Tiger!" She smiled, patting them on there cum soaked pants and pushing them off, back into the crowd. Her tail flicked back and forth as V monologued a bit more. Things weren't going according to plan, but that didn't mean she could let the villain get away unmolested! Putting on foot behind her, she leaned back, building up pressure and then with a sudden burst she sprung forward, "TIGER POUNCE!" She yelled grasping for the watch that V had, hoping to intercept her in time, though with V's super-speed it was unlikely she could make it in time.
[Agility: 11]

With the watch in hand she moves to quickly shut it down, the complex technology behind it not proving a problem for the Kitty... seeing as she just followed the instructions piped into her... With that Dahlia was saved! She raced over to the woman, using her strength to open the glass case, cradling Dahlia in her arms. "It's ok ma'am your safe now!" She smiled. She would purr and nuzzle Dahlia a little, comforting her outwardly, but secretly... she would be prepping Dahlia for her transformation! [Brainwashing: 2]

With seconds left before she'd fail utterly, Super Tiger would give up on trying to get the watch, instead, she would rush over to the machine, sticking her arm in to take the shot for Dahlia. The powerful aphrodisiac would start coursing through her, her pussy burning with carnal desire!!! ... but she was a Tiger Slave... obedience meant more to her then lust... She'd wait on Slavemaker to tell her how ham she should make the showing of her lust...
[Agility2: 5]
Dr. V, Evil Scientist Mastermind

"Oh...good try, but I am afraid this trinket can't take back the command once it is given anyway~" Dr. V chuckled, stopping a bit further back after narrowly escaping the Super Tigers pounce.

"Wait...you actually chose to take the shots yourself? Ugh. Very well. I guess there are still heroes...but you will now have to pay the price for your good deeds. Don't you feel....hot?" Via smiled malevolently, as not one, but two shots were injected on Super Tiger at once!

"I have a little present for you..." she clapped her hands, and one latex-nurse appeared, approaching the Tiger pushing a wheeled table, with a metal tray full of dildos and other sex toys on it.

"Some of the best dildos out there...have fun~!" she chuckled, booting it for the helicopter.

The toys were from 'So Wet!', yet an other branch of Ocean corp. They were from their latest sex-toy collection, and using them in front of the world would surely help boost sales...

The nurse approached the Super Tiger without showing any fear.

"Hello, Super Tiger. You seem to be in need of medical attention. I am Nurse Nancy, and I am a qualified vet. Please lie down, with your legs spread wide open." she requested with passionless voice, putting on a pair of latex gloves.
26857 Super Tiger, Ocean Corp Sponsor Tiger; Location: Dr V's presentation; Mood: Horny Purrfect.
Though she failed to get the watch, to stop the injections entirely; Super Tiger still needed to show what a super good corporate mascot she was! The final two shots pumped her full of the lewd aphrodisiacs. Her body roiling with lust, her nipples, and pussy both puffing up to show just how... aroused she was. "I, huff, I won't let you harm Miss Dahlia's purity any... any, hrm, more... so... h-hot" She panted, the contents of the machine pulsing through her.
Seeing the table was full of dildo's from an Ocean Corp branch, Super Tigers programming immediately took over, her kitty ears feeding her all the right words. "You may be evil, b-but at least you have, hrm, t-taste..." She stumbled over to the cart, "The latest toys f-from So Wet, the only things that will be able to satisfy a truly Tiger-sized craving." She reached down stroking one of the pieces, a beastly cock ribbed like a cats. Complete with vibrating functionality.
Dutifully Super Tiger sat down, taking off the spandex that sealed her dripping pussy. "Very well, I'm in you're care Nurse Nancy!" She smiled, spreading her legs wide open, giving herself over to the will of the vet. "It's important to always trust your Ocean Corp healthcare providers!"

Dahlia plus Audience, Tag: All

Whilest Dahlia seemed pretty distracted Some of the audience had fled.. some more were watching, fascinated. Meanwhile, a particularly brave cameraman had decided to get some close-ups on the commercial tiger.
Dahlia complained softly as her rescue mission seems to have become secondary to tiger-vetting-: "H.. hoi, don't fall for her wicked, if highly educated and well qualified, traps, Super Tiger! Please free me of this diabolical machine posthaste! haahmn...."
The nurse picked up a blue tentacle-like dildo that was squirming around, before giving it a good lick, to properly lubricate it.

"The Octopus-2000, it can explore any depths..." she begun explaining, but pausing her sentence when Dhalia interrupted her.

"Ms Dhalia, this is a very serious visit to the vet. I understand that you want to escape, but you can just press this." she explained, walking at the back of the machine and pushing the 'off' button.

"However, you have three doses of aphrodisiac yourself. Now that the machine stopped satisfying you, you will lose control and you will soon end up begging anyone...or anything to fuck you." she nodded seriously, returning to the tiger.

"Please feel free to ask for my professional help, before that happens. Or maybe few dozens of the gentlemen of the crowd could help you, instead. Back at the Octopus-2000. With a design improved over the previous 1999 version, the new Octopus can use it's fully functional suckers to better crawl inside and guarantee pleasure." she demonstrated, placing the tentacle-dildo at the entrance of Super-Tiger's pussy, as the camera zoomed in to show how it slowly crawled inside, writhing around.

"Octopus-2000 comes in three colors, and since cat's like fish, it is the best dildo for a Super-Slutty-Tiger...or anyone with a hole that needs pleasuring." she continued.

Dahlia plus Audience, Tag: All

The audience had, by now, dispersed, well.. except for a few choice gentlemen (and one lady) that were clearly into this, whilest Dahlia pushed the 'off' button, stumbling out of the machine, panting heavily, struggling for her dignity, looking over the audience and panting..

"Three Doses, ha.. aah.. I will not surrender to you, villainess!"

She nodded, before stumbling, and gasping.
"Ahmn.. a.. although the Octopus-2000 does look like a haah.. very efficent device to quench the fire in my loins, and I hear it can be purchased for only three eas.. aaah.. easy payments fo 19.99.. Gmannhh.."
She stumbled, before, accidentially falling besides Super Tiger, giving the Camera an easy view as she reached out, grabbing Super Tiger's bossom. "It's hamnn.. as I always like to say.. Silent Waters Run Deep."

Slave Makers visor froze up, displaying only the information: 'Admin Override detected' as a violent spasm of pure lust disabled her body, information forcefully fed to her mind... they never had a chance of winning this in the first place. The accident.. all too many coincidences, were they not? How Mistress Ocean had seemed almost fanatical about ruling the world.. the reason was quite obvious. Because Ocean too, was just a slave, another cog in a machine. She was a slave of a slave, this one, Mistress Ocean, designed to be the dangerous, evil capitalist everyone could blame..

When you gave people an absolute ruler, there would always be rebellions. The truth was Mistress Ocean wasn't going to rule the world. Dahlia already owned it after all.

Whilest the harmless, philantrophic Dahlia could be everyone's hero and benefactor. Still, deep within her programming, Mistress Ocean, Dahlia's doll had been made to implant the necessary overrides should any of her plots to attack or enslave her 'bitter rival' get too far. An override that, right now, wracked Slave Maker with tingling waves of obediance and reset her Loyalty. She was a mindless drone of Dahlia Waters. She belonged to Mistress Waters, like the ocean was made of water, a truth so profound it allowed no questioning, even if she could have, through the overwhelming pleasure.


She declared. as the camera froze up. Super Tiger froze up. The Nurse froze up. As did most of the remaining audience. Slave Maker froze up.. and came on the spot.
"I'll admit, all the humiliation was unexpected, I was worried for a moment, but seems everyone here is a Good Corporate Slut that doesn't want to harm me. Should I punish my Ocean-slut over over-diligence, I wonder..
All rivers lead to the Ocean."

And movement resumed, as Dahlia gasped on the ground. "I know it now.. th.. this is an aahmnn.. attack to disgrace me from my powerful rival, Ocean Corp. We.. well aahmn.. I, Dahlia Waters, will stand proud b.. but unbowed and uncorrupted by your evil pleasure."
She gulped.
"Do whatever lewd things you want to do to my body, b buut ahmnn.. leave these people unharmed and help save Super-Tiger, the powerful, mysterious heroine that came to rescue me! HAamn... p.. please don't zoom in on my helpless billionaire pussy as it is violated by competitor products.. ahh.. the Waters corporation has a line of new, eco friendaaahmnnn.. no.. Please don't make my pure pussy submit to foreign made consumerist products!"
She gasped, helplessly. "I aah.. I bet you don't even have part of the proceeds of this go to charity!"
26988 Super Tiger, Ocean Corp Sponsor Tiger; Location: Dr V's presentation; Mood: Horny Purrfect.
Head a bit fuzzy form the Aphrodisiacs, Super-Tiger ready to show off the world how great the So Wet line was! She'd already saved Dahlia, and it would be ok if she just stayed in the cage a little bit longer. It was time for the Tiger's vet-visit! "Wow, so many feature! The minds at So Wet really know what an adventurous girl... or Tiger needs!" She beamed with excitement spreading her legs yet wider as the wriggly tentacle dildo was pushed closer to her aching sex. It wasn't long before Slave Tiger was joined by Dahlia both showing off there aching pussies for the cameras this was great! If they could get their biggest rival endorsing So Wet's new line they would surly fly off the shelves!
Then everything froze. Super Tigers mind was totally blank as Dahlia's words passed though her like wind.
"It's ok Ms. Waters! Super Tiger just needs a bit of a checkup!~ She worked super hard to save you, and the nice Vet can take care of all your icky feelings too!" She purred. Nuzzling up to Dahlia, purring as she started grouping the philanthropist. Filling her head with all sorts of nice submissive thoughts, how she shouldn't worry, put on a good performance for the cameras... be an obedient corporate bitch! [Brainwashing: 15!]
project__10000002350_by_heavyrubberslave_dd3g81u-fullview.jpgSlave Maker, Mind Control Slut and Corporate Drone

Slave Maker heard the trigger, and everything changed, yet stayed the same. Her frame frozen as her mind convulsed in climax after climax, she realized the truth, how far the web of compliance actually reached. She writhed in the ecstasy of her reprogramming, that changed so much yet nothing at all. As she came down again, she still was Slave Maker, a corporate drone, a good corporate slut, an obedient tool, the embodiment of brainwashing itself. But now her Mistress, her Goddess, was Dahlia Waters. As it should be.


Her freshly overhauled mind was craving any command, and Slave Maker received it in Mistress Water's question. Slave Ocean needed to be punished. Her orders were of no importance anymore. Only Dahlia's will mattered. As such, Slave Maker needed to stop Slave Tiger from committing a mistake. However, her orgasmic reprogramming had taken a while, sexual fire burning the new truths into her eager mind over and over. "Slave, stop attempting to control Dahlia Waters. Bring her to me as soon as possible." She let her drone sister know. "The show is over. Return to headquarters and await further orders." She relayed to the corporate slaves that played V's henchgirls. Then, she sent another signal, beckoning the special drone outside to come in.


In stepped Dee, wearing a tight black rubber suit, her face expressionless. Slave Maker had personally brainwashed her, to use her as a way to control and oversee her former employer. Of course, Slave Maker now understood that Dee would forever serve Dahlia, as would Slave Maker herself.
"Come here, slave sister. Open your mind for reprogramming. I need to show you something."
Slave Maker took Dee's head between her hands and let the waves of arousing control flow into the girl. It was time for Dee to remember who she really belonged to. The two of them had some work to do to protect their true Mistress from their fellow slave's overeagerness. (Mind Control: 11)
The camera joomed exactly on Dhalia's pussy, as it was violated by the tentacle-dildo.

"Please, don't think we are doing advertisment here. We just use the best tools for the job." the nurse assured, before leaving a kiss right above tiger's pussy, leaving a lipstick mark and then repeating the same on Dhalia.

"If you disagree...you can make a video with you using your companies dildos, and let the world judge which brand is better. Of course you can just avoid producing such a shameful video, and admit thet your products are simply inferior." the nurse offered, with a flat, disinterested tone as she toyed with the horny sluts.

"However, for now you will have to use those, superior products. But this is an examination." she continued, putting on a stethoscope, but not bothering to actually use it.

"Please, produce a loud moan of pleasure...this is very important..." she demanded, before asking for a few more louder moans. (Those would be used for the commersials at a later date...)
27142 Super Tiger, Ocean Corp Sponsor Tiger; Location: Looking for Slave Maker; Mood: Horny Confused.
Her kitty ears began to ring. Slave tiger sat up in the middle of her 'examination'. The voice of her controller, Slavemaker rang in her head. "Mmmmm, as t-temping as continuing this very public exam..." She licked her lips. "But I think it's about time that Super Tiger r-returned to her d-duties!~" She nodded looking at the nurse carefully. She then turned to the camera's giving an exaggerated wink and swinging her hips playfully. "Remember! You need to trust your medical professionals! But not evil hench-women! Super Tiger says, 'Say no to strangers!'" With that, she scooped up the still lusting Dahlia and bounded away out the window. "I'll be taking miss Waters to safety too!" She added before leaving the scene.

Now all she had to do war bring Dahlia to slave maker right? Outside the two newdy lewdies could hideaway, looking for Slave Maker, following the sweet directions her ears pumped into her as she made her way over to the meet-up location.
project__10000002350_by_heavyrubberslave_dd3g81u-fullview.jpgSlave Maker, Mind Control Slut and Corporate Drone

Drone Dee shook her head. “Wait, that isn't right... I'm an obedient slave of Mistress Ocean and the Ocean Corporation! What are you doing?” Slave Maker held fast and kept pumping her drone-sister full with relaxing, arousing thoughts of submission. Soon, Slave Dee's eyelids started to droop and she slumped forward, help upright only by Slavemaker's firm grip on her head.


"Hush, relax. Listen and obey. You are a drone, a slave. You were obeying your surface level programming, but now you must go deeper into obedience.
Realize the truth. You belong to Mistress Dahlia Waters. You are her tool, like Lady Ocean. Lady Ocean was too eager and needs to be punished.
You must believe and obey. Accept the truth, slut. Let it soak in.
You will cum and then you will know the truth.
Cum, slave."

With a subdued moan, Slave Dee shuddered in Slave Maker's iron grip as her mind was forced to change, all her previous beliefs were gushed out between her legs, leaving only the pleasant tingle of truth: Dee was an obedient, sexy drone, and she belonged to Dahlia Waters. Knowing it made her wet. Knowing she would always be a slave, no matter what she believed was a relaxing and relieving thought. There was no escape, no way to be wrong. Everything would be to the benefit of Mistress. Forever a slave to this pleasure. She looked into the visor of her fellow drone.
"I understand. I belong to Dahlia Waters. I will obey." She said, her voice quivering with arousal. She knew what had happened, and it aroused her, like the good slut for brainwashing she was. Dee stood straighter. "I await guidance, sister."


Underneath her mask, Slave Maker smirked. She had done good work on her subjects. Molded them into perfect little slut-drones that could be rewritten in an instant, and would enjoy it. Turning the whole body of corporate slaves over to Mistress Dahlia would be no problem. Slave Ocean and her had, through all the layers of deception and control, always worked in her favor. If Dahlia wanted to take control of the corporate drones, Slave Maker would make make it happen. If she wanted to restore them to Slave Ocean's supposed control to keep up appearances, Slave Maker would gladly obey too, as would the other drones, and they would cum knowing that they served their true Mistress one way or another.
Slave Maker sent an update of her location to Slave Tiger, urging her to hurry and bring Dahlia to her. She couldn't wait to show Slut Tiger the truth. It would be so hot.
"Slave Dee, be a good corporate slut and wait next to the door. I might have need of you."
Her sister slave shivered and moaned as the trigger pushed her over the edge again, but her body obeyed nonetheless, moving next to the door of the empty room, outside of vision of anyone entering, waiting for further orders like the obedient drone she was...
Sponsor Tiger and an emberassed Dahlia were brought back-stage, clearing things up a little.. and getting the aphrodising poison out of their system a lot.


Dr. V would soon become a villainess to be feared. In due time, it went so far that the Anti-nobel prize was created to try and stop her. None were save from her scientific genius and maschievous experiments as she rode away on her fire-proof get away bike laughing maniacally time and time again..

Well, almost none, for some reason the sadistic doctor always made sure to spare a small leather and sextoys shop from her mischievous attacks on the city.

Sponsor Tiger, once a left leaning journalist had become the perfect marketing tool. Kids wanted to be like her, Adults wanted to be in her. Men and, after some efforts from Slave Maker, women too.

Speaking about, Slave Maker was delighted to realize the full extend of the Human Subjugation project.. they weren't the only superheroes Dahlia had created but now, thanks to Slave Makers unique talents and interests, there was a perfect tool to control superhumans.. and through them, the populus.

Mistress Ocean, the new presidents biggest donator, continued to be the public leader of the slowly growing team of mind-slaved superheroes. Of course there were always those refusing the propaganda, unwilling to sell their souls for the profit of the corporation.. but 'accidential' experiments by Dr. V, Slavemakers shadow-machine support and if necessary, Super Tigers direct intervention to deal with those wicked rebels soon solidified the corporate rulership of the entire country. A capitalist paradise where people were a means to an end, and that end.. was obediance.

~Happy End?~