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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Winter vents his sexual frustrations by murdering you for denying him his release.

I wish for a pet velociraptor.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

The velociraptor makes a fantastic pet. Unfortunately, its parents show up and eat you, turning your town into their new hunting ground.

I wish to be the male protagonist in an anime with a female harem.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

You get your wish, and become the male protagonist with a female harem. A yandere harem. In the end they split your body parts between each other and the 'head' goes to the leader of the harem.

I wish snowmen lived every christmas.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

And this begins the tyrannical reign of the living snowmen, who after years of having carrots shoved into their skin decide to visit torment upon the human race. Christmas is the first day of humanity's subjugation to these vengeful creatures. Jack Frost decides to make winter last forever, by making it a nuclear winter.

I wish Bill Gates would get drunk and then fall asleep at the wheel, hitting my car at a speed where I would retain the use of my body but have a rock-solid case against him in civil court.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

You indeed still have use of your body after the accident, after all, your soul still inhabits it. You're just unable to move anything from the neck down. The rock-solid case for your cars damages in court went through, and he whole heartily paid for the repairs with a smile on his face. And pays a little extra to have microsofts logo put into all the repairs....Not that you can use the car anymore.

I wish all wars were done in VR games like Swords Art Online, so there are no longer any innocents caught in the crossfire.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

All wars are performed in virtual reality. Unfortunately, so is everything else--you've just been plugged into the Matrix, and are in reality acting as a battery for the machines. The last real war for humanity has already been fought and lost, and soon enough you'll be ground up and processed as food for other human cattle.

I wish Linemarvel would start making games again.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

LineMarval does indeed..and gets his real name added to the many in the next call of duty games credits. Racking in the money with all the dlc content and laughing his face off, wondering why he ever did the games he did in the past when this was were the money was at.

I wish Pacman was real.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Pac-Man IS real, and after an unfortunate car accident involving a drunken Bill Gates, you find yourself floating after the big yellow fellow, from under a ghostly shroud. You follow him through the maze as he eats pellets, nearing him just as he reaches a power pellet. At this point you find yourself being chewed to shreds by his dull but powerful jaws. Sadly, Pac-Man has retained the skills of Billy Mitchell, and always plays a perfect game. You spend the rest of your pathetic existence chasing after Pac-Man, only to be devoured and shat out as a pair of floating eyes.

I wish Justin Bieber would go back to Canada today, and never again venture into the USA.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish Granted. Bieber goes back to Canada, gets back in touch with his roots, and meets Brian Adams. Years later he makes a comeback in the Twilight TV-series spinoff as the lead actor and music director, which also is considered as the spiritual successor for Glee.

I wish the Aliens would stop reading all my thoughts and selling it all to THEM. (It's not gonna help them takeover the world anyway.)
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted. The Aliens screwed over their trading partner, who realized it in an accident involving Bill Gates, and no longer have anyone to sell to. However, being bored they decide to abduct and probe you for as long as your body holds out before using your skull in a riveting match of tennis.

I wish you could step into posters and paintings to be in that world.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish


the people in the poster you stepped into raped you with a broom stick and use your mouth as toilet seat.

I wish i can get my blade and soul character to level 50.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted. Your account is hacked in to, a Chinese laborer levels your characters within a few days and your account is sold off to your arch nemesis.

I wish Trump wasn't allowed to use the internet, directly or indirectly.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, trump instead abolishes all gay and other race rights. Now the people of america are killing each other and mexico is taking over.

I wish Bernie sanders was president.
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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted. The gentle old man made it to the inauguration before falling over and breaking a hip, his VP takes his place.

I wish slime girls were real.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, slime girls become real and rapidly breed due to their extreme popularity. However, incidents start to happen, people disappear... and you find out why, after you buy a pet slime girl and try to smut it, it absorbs you, leaving you conscious and slowly decaying while able to see the destruction of humanity.

I wish post secondary educations could just be uploaded to your brain.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted. One mega rare to meet slimegirl is cheerfully aproaching you. She is very close now but stops and stares behind you with wide opened eyes. You turn back to see an angry moob runing from nearby village with many lit torches toward you. You turn to the slime girl but she is nowhere to be found.
The villagers reach you and drag you back to the village saying they just saved you from that vile creature.

I wish to play a HRPG game where political correctness is nonexistient
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but it's covered in bugs, literally and figuratively.

I wish for a wishy wish fish that can grant wishes.
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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, you rub a genie and get your wishy wish fish. However, genies and wish fish are extremely competitive and jealous of other wish granters, and start a contest to see who can grant more. Eventually they break into outright hostilities after humanity was turned into dildos by an errant wish, and thus began the greatest and last war of the universe...

I wish people were much more open about sex.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted. You talk with you friend casualy about sex while eating in a restaurant, then a waiter comes with a bill. He starts touching your hair and face saying he feels attracted to you. He shouts to his friend chef working in kitchen to join him making a commotion. Some people(men/women) from other tables stand up and come closer cheerfully proposing an orgy right there, right now.

I wish to lose everything i have, live on the streets and get shot dead by a stray bullet shoot in a firefight between two local gangs.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted. You talk with you friend casualy about sex while eating in a restaurant, then a waiter comes with a bill. He starts touching your hair and face saying he feels attracted to you. He shouts to his friend chef working in kitchen to join him making a commotion. Some people(men/women) from other tables stand up and come closer cheerfully proposing an orgy right there, right now.

Wish granted, a government repopulation scheme forces your move to Chicago, with your worldly possessions shipped by a cheap moving company (and effectively lost). When, upon arrival, the government officials are driven off by gunfire a local gang takes you under their wing as a low ranking street thug, operating in the underbelly of the streets. You start to become good at your work, make a couple good friends and gradually forget about your past life. However, one day the truck carrying your old possessions breaks down in a neighbourhood you happen to be in; upon discovery of several signed Nujabe's CDs, several gangs lay claim to it and fighting erupts. Emerging from your favourite dive to see where your buddies went, you're immediately hit by a ricocheting bullet.

I wish that the majority of humanity died in a war against robots, with the survivors traveling to Classical Greece to stop their eventual uprising.