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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted. The discovery of time travel followed by an attempt to to alter the history causes the timeline to destabilize as more an more disasters are avoided through time travel. The local minimum and thus the timeline that eventually prevails includes a nearly perfect utopian society in early 2000s. You, however, are not invited into it, instead dying of super-AIDS in 2018 after years of painful decline.

I wish this wish created a paradox.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, I wished your wish to not be granted, but then took my own back and used it to revert time back to here, with all of us being under different usernames. However, coming back to this point in time I wished for all those years spent in the past to have never happened (winning every lottery and spoiling movies gets old after a while), leading to having no memory of this post and WHAT THE HELL AM I WRITING WHO THE-

I wish I could remember everything that's happened in my life even as a baby (including the above post if desired).
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted but you remember your mother's womb. And being potty trained. And your *gasp* awkward teenage years. And the paradox. And your mother's womb. And being potty trained. And your *gasp* awkward teenage years. And the paradox. And your mother's womb. And being potty trained. And your *gasp* awkward teenage years. And the paradox. And your mother's womb. And being potty trained. And your *gasp* awkward teenage years. And the paradox...

I wish I could fly.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted but you can never stop and only fly upwards.

I wish for pizza.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but it's made by Ron Jeremy and he used his 'special sauce'.


I wish all the SJWs would commit suicide, having never achieved either their stated goals or private ones.

Edit: w00t 2k posts, and Featuring Ron Jeremy nonetheless.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but now the world is plagued by social justice mages.

i wish for a wish
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but your wished for wish doesn't come true.

I wish for world peace.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but the government forbids anyone to speak, sing, make music or any form of noise, even walking or breathing. The world falls into total silence as the whole population rapidly dies off.

I wish monster girls were real. (Don't we all?)
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but all of them are eternally trying to kill humans and are mindless.

I wish for immovable object.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but all of them are eternally trying to kill humans and are mindless.

I wish for immovable object.

Granted, however the immovable object spawns on top of you, rendering you unable to move for eternity, good choice!

Hmm, the last wish didn't quite work out... right! Then I wish I could be teleported to the monster girl universe and live happily among the all horny girls!
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Hmm, the last wish didn't quite work out... right! Then I wish I could be teleported to the monster girl universe and live happily among the all horny girls!

Granted but now you are a little insect.

I wish for all sequels i want to watch to be released and that they don't suck
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but you also lose your sight.

I wish for the world's most comfortable pair of underwear!

Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but you are allergic to the material.

I wish for better eyesight.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, surgeons improve your eyesight but also install an advanced bio component. You notice nothing for a while, until one day you and your friends go stargazing. Peering up into the vast skies above, the component whirs into action and brings you a view of the entire universe in great detail; the sensory overload brings excruciating pain followed by the melting of your brain.

I wish for a way to stockpile sleep in advance, so there's no need to during weeks of finals and projects.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but as no specific timeframe was specified, you fall into a deep sleep from which you may be unable to awaken.

I wish I had a pet fox.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted but a few days later it escapes and you never hear from it again.

I wish this was all a dream
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, you suddenly wake up to see Leonardo Di Caprio in front of you. He offers his assistance, as part of your subconscious' mind security, and you set off on a series of amazing adventures - which you promptly forget. At the end, you're buried by an avalanche and wake yet again to a room full of angry, armed hit men. This time, you don't wake up...

I wish for a loyal tentacle monster pet :3
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, soon after he becomes your pet the "reapers" from "Mass effect" invades earth in far superior numbers and technology.
Your tentacle friend fight a number of them and dies loyaly defending you.
In the nick of time you're being saved from same fate by commander Shepard.

I wish to have the ability to "respawn" as a young boy after death (with all the knowlege gathered)
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, but your respawn point always turns out to be lethal within a minute of your respawn.

I wish for GMing to be easier.