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Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, GMing becomes far easier for you to do as all players are trained as GMs to better appreciate what you do, and you quickly finish all your current games. However, upon completion there are no more players to start new ones with, as they've all turned into GMs...

I wish someone would finish my degree for me, or at least some projects :/.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, you graduate out of college with the lowest marks and owe over 2 million in student loans. The interest rate as well increases evrey month by 10%.

Wish I have more hours of sleep.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Granted, you step in front of a bus and subsequently get sent to the hospital. You're really busted up but are expected to make a full recover. In the meantime you can get plenty of shuteye.

I wish people would stop staring through my windows
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

:)D I'd take that, could use all that sleep myself!)

Wish granted, people stop staring through your windows. However you wake up one night and notice people are standing around outside your home, looking directly at you; stepping outside you see they have special glasses on that give them X-Ray vision. This also answers your question of why they're grinning...

I wish for a fully operable Gundam/strike suit/big mechanized suit thing
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish


Granted. But it is powered off of your lifeforce and kills you after you use it.

I wish my car loan was paid off.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, it was payed off by a male pimp and now he prostitutes you in the dirtiest part of town. Now you have evrey disease known to man.

I wish spring break can last longer.
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted, your spring break goes on for significantly longer - because your school sold you off to pay debts, and now you spend your days in the carribean doing lap dances for Canadians. Sometimes you get a little "tip" too ;) ;).

I wish my summer break was here already :/
Re: Corrupt-a-Wish

Wish granted , it became a very heated summer so you took of your clothes. As you did that, horny dogs came after you and raped any hole found on your body.

I wish having sex with stuffie's ears becomes a meme. :3
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Wish granted. The meme makes its way into the mainstream and becomes intolerable.

I wish I didn't have to take so many god damn pills.
Wish granted, after talking with your doctor they prescribe you a single pill to take, a new Miracle Pill(patent pending). Suffice to say, you were a test subject and die while stoned.

I wish I could change appearance at will.
Re: Corrupt-A-Wish

i wish my insanity didn't hold me from being that one faboulous boi.