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Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

A large cave filled with glowing rocks. Inside there is pile of what seem to be looted beds and sheets from local villages, where the large wolf likes to sleep, and to make sure it's breeding bitches remain comfortable while they bare his children
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Continued from the Dwarven mountains.

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok had to try his hardest, lock his jaw shut, to keep Melana inside his mouth until he could get clear of the dwarven mountains. The girl was fighting hard though, and they only just managed to get back to his layer in time. Even with the wolf running as fast as he could. Spitting the woman out on the ground he'd back away a bit. Much of his wounds having started to heal over. "Sorry about that, but I couldn't allow our battle to end there. Now we are free from any potential interference I figured we could finish it. None have managed to stand up to me as well as you have." The wolf wasn't about to start fighting just yet. "If you win, then obvious you are free to leave, no other demons will be around to stop you, I try to avoid them. If I win, then you will stay, bear my pups, and then you are free to go if you wish."

There was a bit of an odd tone to his voice, the wolf seemed to expect he'd lose, but he couldn't put down the chance for this fight.

If Melana agreed to his terms, or just tried to reinitiate battle, the wolf would let her draw her weapon, and prepare herself, before leaping to attack her. His paws stretched out as he seemed to be willing to start off with physical attacks at leastout of a sense of an honourable battle.

Assume Melana doesn't do something usual. Amorok attacks with Physical. 24 + 2d8 =

If she does do something usual, then I'll react after Pervy's reply.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

"Tzzzk, disgusting creature." Melana growled, her armor and hair wet with hot saliva. She looked at the wolf.. he was healing, and she couldn't keep up her powers forever, it was an enduring drain on her body, eventually outlasting her regenerative capacities. She'd have to deal with the wolf quickly.

"So what, I thought you smarter than that, you want to be defeated by me? Tzzk.. so be it.. I'm not in the mood to be despoiled by your seed. What am I getting out of this if I win? I think you ought to offer me something more. That said.. who says a change of location is enough to stop me from taking you down, now that the annoying inerferances are gone.. I do enjoy a good fight, and you at least put up some resistance." She asserted, twirling her blade. "And anyway.. you are too large to have intercourse with anything thats not a monster one way or the other.."

She sidestepped his paw-pouncing, raking her blade over his side.

"I'll acknowledge you as worthy pet though." She added, dashing forward with intimidating speed, cutting at the wolf once more.. though, perhaps good karma, this time her attack wasn't as dangerous to Amorok.
(Alright, lets presume he had two turns to regenerate, putting him at 13, with her defense of 38, counting in her secret fetish, dealing 6 damage to him.

he's on 7, her attack..

a 31 total attack, low roll, nues!
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"That's what the last girl thought too, it'll fit, you two legs are oddly stretchy. As for offering something, I have nothing to offer. If you haven't noticed, I'm a wolf. I don't keep possessions like you two legs do, and I don't think I could offer you myself as a pet. I believe Miana might take insult at that." Amorok said a bit pained, bleeding once more from her counter attack. Her own actual attack didn't manage to catch him though. The beast raising a taloned paw and turning it back and giving Melana a small nick in the process.

"And no, I don't truly expect to win. I'd be arrogant to assume such against one with skills such as your own." Amorok continued, his tail whipping around to try to smash Melana from the side.

Amorok succeeds on his defense! Finally removing his disbelief modifier for an attack :p (Rolled 21+2d8 =

Amorok regenerates 4, is at 11 HP

Amorok's counter attack = Physical 24-1+2d8 =
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

"Miana? Whats that?..Tzzk. Indeed, it would be arrogant.." She tzked when given a minor scratch.. it seemed she couldn't lapse in her focus. ..

And she only followed this up with getting slammed by the wolfs tail, stumbling back. She hadn't expected the tail-attack. "Haah.. .. haaah.. You aren't slowing down, are you? Damn it.. " She panted, her eyes glowing with energy still, though she seemed to actually feel the weight of battle now. "Then again.. damn it.. this technique is not ment for extended use.. Grr.. I'm not becoming some wolfs breeding toy!" She growled, but stumbled back again. She panted, looking at the wolf. "Just what kind of stamina is that.."

(That was enough to defeat her, however, berserker mode triggered, means she can keep attacking, with that ones bonus, for .. 30 total. - she loses her overcharge if she can't keep draining her stamina and she took too much damage. nues! )
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"She's the succubus that gave me the ability to talk. Among other things. Such as this regeneration you talk about." Amorok said, his tone making it obvious he was of two minds about the succubus. Striding toward where Melana was pulling herself to her feet, he'd cock his head to the side. "Breeding toy? No, that would be disrespectful to your strength. You would be a proper mate."

Melana's berserk strike would scratch the wolf's cheek. A small cut that drew some blood, only to be almost near instantly healed. "Now give in, I will hold my word."

Amorok gets nicked and takes 1 damage (rolled )

Amorok does not attack back, instead stands before Melana and regenerates 4 Stamina, now has 14
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

(actually 3 points, forgot adaptive combat, that said, still little difference, as this time she rolls a 2, so not enough... total of 24. ^^)

"Tzzzk.. a succubus. Well, no normal beast could defeat me.. that said.. I will not yield, I don't intend to become a wolfs mate just like that!" She drew her blade once more, rushing at the wolf, but it seemed a part of her knew she was defeated, her attack lacked much in offense.

"Guh.. damn interfering girl.. I'd have defeated you if we had fought on properly but that stupid whore got in the way and I underestimated just how quick you recover.." she growled, stumbling back, dropping to one knee. Subconciously her gaze wandered between the wolves legs.
"You can't demand such a price, y.. you are way too big for any mortal woman..." She insisted, but didn't dishonor herself in fleeing, only half-kneeling there, defiantly, panting.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"I do not doubt that, and I'm sure the next time we battle, the shoe will likely be on the other foot as you humans say." Amorok seemed to be completely honest. Stepping in closer to her, making their relative height difference all the more noticable. "No hero has come so close to subduing me by themselves, I did not even thing such a thing was possible."

Melana would get to see the sight of a quite impressive sheath between the wolf's legs. If what it was hiding was anywhere near proportional, she would likely be feeling it for quite a while if it went inside. Amorok chuckled a bit as he saw where her eyes darted. "You'd think that, but it will fit. I speak from experience." The wolf chuckled a bit, pushing Melana onto her back with a paw on her torso, pinning her down. "But as you put up such a fight I will hear you out. What do you think the price should be Silverhair?"
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana was still out of breath and seemed annoyed, if at herself, the situation or the wolf, she did not give away. She did allow herself a half-smirk, even if she had to look up at the wolf. "You'd do well not to underestimate us. I'm not even the strongest of heroes... though I don't doubt I exceed the inexperienced ones that carelessly rush out trying to prove themselfs right now. Tzk.. either way, I have lost. Indirectly you discovered a weak point in my combat style, I can reach a power that exceeds both men and beast, but not maintain it indefinitly, or use my technique multiple times without rest." She shrugged, admitting that much, there was no loss in doing so now.. plus she had been working to exceed her limits for a while now.

Despite her confident defiance the wolf noticed her backing off ever so slightly as her gaze inadvertendly fell upon the bestial sheath under the wolf, easy to see with its size. She gasped slightly when pushed down, her silverhair splaying on the ground, as she looked up to the beast. "Experience humnn. Well, if I was a sly one I'd offer to cut you lose from whoever you mentioned before, apparently you are not as free as you wish to be." Melana noted. "Tzzzk.. you can't seriously wish to defile my body with this. F.. for starters .. well, I guess there is some demonic magic making us.. compatible. But still.." She gulped, shifting uncomfortable with the beast towering above her, her blade lying by her side, as she backed off ever so slightly.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"Meanwhile, I don't do anything special. I'm just a giant, quick healing wolf." Amorok chuckled. "And as much as I grumble about Miana, without her I'd still be just a normal wolf. Strong, but slaughtered like the rest of my pack was."

"As for 'defiling' your body? Why wouldn't I wish to do it. The pups you would give me would be very strong, and would likely make you stronger for carrying them." The wolf leaned down, staring her right in the face. "You knew the risks being a hero did you not? And as I said before, you fought too well to be a simple breeder bitch, and it'd be a shame to treat you as such. I'd much rather make a proper mate out of you."

Amorok seemed to be getting riled up himself at this point, and as if to tempt her, Melana would see the wolf's shaft starting to reveal itself. The large red member living up to what she might have expected from the size of his sheath. Easily large enough that if it wasn't for demonic influence it'd likely break her in the process of fitting in. With its emergence came a wave of musk, the scent flowing over the prone woman.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

"Well, you did manage to give me enough trouble being what you are." Melana decided to compliment, which was an effort for her, even if it was deserved, but she wasn't in a situation to play the arrogant role.
"I don't think thats how that works." She opposed the idea of being made stronger by carrying pubs, not that she could fault the rest of the wolfs logic. "Tzk. I knew the risks though didn't assume I'd find my fate at the claw of a beast.. knowing and accepting are two things. I'm not sure I like the prospect of being made a mate.." She said, honest, but defiantly.

In that defiance, however, she glanced once more at the canine shaft that now began to unfold, gulping subtly. "Haah.. d.. do not expect me to act like a bitch in heat just because you managed to defeat me and grew aroused.." She said, glancing away to the side quickly, trying to avoid focusing on the red, angry shaft before herself, seeking refuge in audacity: "Tzzzk.. and what is that anyway, getting horny just staring at me? In full armor no less! What a lewd, horny beast. Seriously, what do you want to do with that oversized thing, I couldn't jerk you off with a single hand if I tried." Then again, her eyes wandered back to the shaft, remembering the wolfs insistance of it fitting from earlier and measuring it for a moment, shifting ever so slightly. "I mean I can't fold you for being underequipped at least, but geesh, theres a point where it passes anyhting reasonably sized as well.." She nodded at the wolfs shaft, clearing her throat. "Just what do you intend to do, wolf? D..do you think just presenting a massive schlong and smelling like a beast in heat will get me to submit and do as you wish?" She inquired, with a hint of a blush back in her cheeks admittedly.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"Seems to be working well enough. And I thought we moved past beast by now. I think I rank higher then my more common kin." Amorok said with a grin. "And I must admit, I am a bit more easy to rouse then I used to be. Downsides of working with a succubus. Now, as for your armour, that's what I keep Miana around for."

The paw that was pinning Melana didn't move, instead Melana would suddenly notice someone nearby. Someone who was evidently staring down at her. The chocolate skinned woman smiling and saying. "Let off hori lortzeko gurekin gero."

Even as Miana started to undress the woman, Amorok kept her pinned, leaning in and starting to lick at every inch of skin that became exposed. The wolf still wasn't too good at the whole foreplay thing, and this was the best he could manage. Though once her pussy was bared by the succubus' hands, Amorok would shift his attention, his large tongue licking against her entrance, and starting to force its way in to tease the first few inches.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroku chans Lair
Tag: Amorok

"So, what do you rank as?" Melana responded. "A corrupted beast?" That seemed most apropriate right now, Melana defiantly decided, as she noticed the succubus. She glared a bit at the intruder undressing her, not being overly cooperative, not that a sex demon needed that. Her body was well trained, yet feminine, in shape, with just a hint of arousal at the beasts musk as well as being held so firmly in place while undressed, shapely breasts upon a well kept feminine frame, clean shaven, though the wolf could detect a faint scar or two blemishing the light blondes beauty.

"What is she talking about?" Melana demanded to know, addressing amorok rather than the succubus, only to blush when she noticed the wolf leaning in and.. licking at her.
"Gmnaaaah!" She quickly followed this up with a gasp when she felt Amoroks tongue advance, moving from wettening her body to tasting and advancing upon her sex, her legs spreading in reflex, allowing the large beast access as Melana couldn't fight back a moan with the tongue dipping into her, one hand holding onto the earthen underground.

"Hnnn.. t.. this is still hardly apropriate!" She insisted, though if Amorok kept his tongues advances up, he'd notice her less talkative and, despite being a dangerous, confident combattant, still a woman beneath her armor, her taste feminine, strong and fertile.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"Nahiko erakargarria al zenekien zara?" Miana giggled, the succubus standing up and seemingly leaving the two to be. Preferring to watch then to partake on the first capture at least.

Amorok, was keeping to his words, and seemed intent on treating her 'right.' He continued working his tongue deeper into Melana's pussy. The wolf's tongue proving surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, adept. Twisting, rolling, poking and stroking. The large appendage was doing a rather good job of mapping Melana's insides and her weakspots as the wolf was reveling in her taste. His hard shaft bobbing a bit, and if Melana looked around the wolf's head she'd see him starting to leak precum onto the stones below.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroku chans Lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana glanced after the succubus suspciously, but the wolves tongue was.. rather distracting.. "H.. haaah.. .. wh.. what are you doing.. beast." She said it this time, on purpose, though her body squirmed slightly under her tongue and her cheeks flushed further. "N.. no matter what you do, you are still a corrupted .. hmnn.. alright, th.. that tongue does feel good, I'll admit it, I.. I'll allow you to hmnn. c... continue a little more. haah.. I can't believe I'm getting aroused with a wolf licking me..." She exhaled, while the wolf could taste the nectar of her quickly wettening pussy.

"Oohmnnn.." She exhaled, reaching out to hold onto the wolfs muzzle for a moment, before bending back, resting upon the ground with her sex pushed up against that tongue briefly. For a moment she found herself actually wondering how that shaft would feel.. Geesh, he was propably dripping more precum than a normal man would well.. cum.

"Oooh right theree..." She cooed, with her toes curling a little under the warm, large tongues assault.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok wasn't saying anything. Mostly because anything he could try to say would be lost given his tongue was diving deep into Melana's insides. The wolf's licking and movements speeding up, getting more intense. Everytime the human pointed out a spot, either with words or reaction, he'd focus on it more. Working the captive human toward orgasm as he shifted a bit, rubbing the tip of his muzzle over her clit to stimulate her further.

Once she reached her climax, the wolf would pull back. "Heh, I'd prefer something with a better ring to it, like rival, or 'you bastard.'" The wolf put a paw to her side, trying to shift her over onto her hands and knees, using force, and a light bite of his jaws, if she tried to stay on her back. "But I guess beast works. Now, though, this beast is going to make you his. I hope you're prepared Silverhair."

A moment later she'd be overshadowed by the large wolf, and she'd feel his tip pressing against her entrance. Incredible heat rolling off it, and the precum that was slipping into her womb, as he teased her for a moment longer.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroku chans Lair
Tag: Amorok

The now nude heroine shifted modestly, though it was of little use with the beasts insistant tongue. In the end he even got her to mewl out softly, making noises that, while not entirely un-ladylike were definitly not expected given her prior calm demeanour.

"Hmnn.. s.. stop.. thats not.. aaah.." She cooed out with lustful enthusiasm, moaning under the beast, finally simply closing her eyes, letting it happen, it being the rushing of pleasure between her legs. "Haah.. hmn.. aaaah..." She sighed out, taken a little off-guard.. this was not the treatment she had expected. She could deal with a beast wanting to fuck her but, the great wolf treated her well... It was clear what it wanted to do to her, yet it was respectful. .. "Haah.. Bastard." She said, it did sound mean, though, given he had just requested to be called this.. she gasped when he repositioned her onto all fours, though, considering how much of a struggle she likely -could- put up, it seemed more as if she just let herself be nudged into place by now, as soon as he applied a little bit of force to show her the same.

"S.. so hot.." She gasped with the feeling of the canine shaft up against her sex, now on all fours, just like the beasts would do it, she noted, as she clenched one hand into a fist and bit her lips, exclaiming, with an angry voice that nonetheless only somewhat hid a slur of provocative arousal. "Come on then bastard, try and m.. make me yours if you can! Tzzzk.. your cock is drooling so much I bet you came already... its not like you could.. s.. satisfy a real woman." She gulped, though adjusted herself to give the wolf proper access, by now taken by lust, while her words edged closer to the cliff between insulting and tempting him to make her his bitch, her body clearly warmed up and nicely lubricated after her lewd climax earlier. She secretly wondered if just the precum of the strong beast would be enough to impregnate her if she kept in this position for a little longer..
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"There we go. Now I'm past 'beast' but still suitably antagonistic for just the results of our first battle." The wolf chuckled again before without any more ceremony he pushed in. Filling her inch by inch until he was entirely inside her with a single slow thrust that'd stretch her wide. As Melana had guessed though, his demonic corruption kept it from hurting her after maybe the initial push. The girl practically beating along with his heart everytime it pumped and made his shafts twitch.

"You humans are all so tight." He growled, before pulling back and starting to thrust with a rapid pace. Now that he was in he stopped holding back his natural urge to breed and fucked her with a speed and strength few if any humans could match.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroku chans Lair

"Tzk. Don't act so..." Melana began to respond, but hesitated, not quite sure on what to say at first, and a blink of an eye later, she felt the wolf push into her wet, warm opening. "GMnaaaaah.." She gasped, her tongue slightly lolling out as she felt multiple inches of wolfcock, slowly, but persistantly invade her. She grimaced slightly, clinging to and slightly scratching the caves floor, complaining? "G.. guaah.. s.. so impossibly biiiig.." with a lustful sigh.

She moaned as the bestial shaft pumped in and out of her with rabid pace. "H.. haaah.. " She moaned out with the wolf thrusting into her, shifting and steadying herself against the bestial assault.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok responded with a low growl, and moved faster and faster. The wolf fucking her hard enough that they'd shift a small bit with each thrust, slowly moving until Amorok shifted a paw and pinned her upper body to the ground again. Bracing the girl so the wolf could manage to move even harder. Slamming into her as he shifted his body, searching out those weakpoints his tongue had found before, working them with each thrust while Melana would feel his knot slowly growing.

With each thrust he swelled a bit, spreading her wider and wider, until he'd eventually grow enough to lock them together. The wolf switching to short fast thrusts until with a growl, after a solid few minutes of the short thrusting, the first rope of cum flowed into Melana's womb. Amorok moved his paw from her back and left her body jumping noticeably at each hard twitch of the wolf's cock. The girl bouncing a few inches off the ground with each new jet of seed.