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Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Indeed, Melana's scent had tipped Amorok off. The large wolf had been sleeping in his cave. The wolves that he had had with Melana having gone off to make their own lairs and find their own mates so it was just him and Miana in there right now. The gibberish speaking succubus sleeping ontop of the wolf's back.

When Melana's scent had drifted into the cave though, the wolf's eyes snapped open in an instant. A smile coming to Amorok's face as he shifted, Miana rolling off onto the bedding as the wolf stood up. Melana's new ears able to hear the shifting and a muttered. "Zergatik esnatzen dugu hain goiz?"

Then she'd hear Amorok's heavy steps padding toward her, until he started to emerge from the cave. Seemingly no real different then the last time they had fought. "I see you've come back Silverhair. Here for our rematch? Or back to bear more of my children?"

Despite his words, it seemed more like he was much more eager toward the former option then the latter. At least to start. The latter likely coming after the first afterall.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

"Shouldn't you be worried about a rematch? The last interruption was not in my favour and now, whilest we two know each other better, I wonder who could prepare more based on that knowledge." The warrior chuckled, taking measured steps towards the wolf. "Also, thats not a way to greet a lady now, is it?" She reached out to the hilt of her sword.

"Then again, I admit I too look forward to this.. against you I don't have to hold back, or worry I might accidentially kill you, have I? This time, I will set the rules. If I win, you shall defend humanity, .. at least for as long as I.. spent time with you, not seek to corrupt it." She proposed, slowly circling the wolf, a confident, but determined smile on her lips.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"I should, but I am much more excited for it then worried." Amorok grinned, starting to circle along with Melana. Joining in on the pre-battle 'dance.' "As for an improper greeting. I am a 'beast' afterall. What can you really expect." The creature's grin was still in place though and he even gave a half bow that well...was the best he could do as a wolf.

"And no, you'll have no worry about killing me, just like I know your own skills are more then enough to ensure I won't kill you either. It might take a while to regenerate though if you do too much damage to me." The wolf chuckled, and then started to get serious again as the prize was determined. "I'll accept those terms, if you lose you'll join me here for another litter as before."

Once Melana agreed to the terms. The wolf would shift personality a bit more, and it became obvious he was in full battle mode. Waiting for Melana to do the same before he'd move to strike with an outstretched paw.

Amorok attacks, rolls Physical 24+2d8 =
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

"If you keep exciting me with a battle spirit like that, perhaps I'll want to feel you fill me even if I win.."Melana bit her lip, but also drew her blade.. then took the wolves attack, stumbling back, bloodily.. and grinning as she looked up, marked by Amoroks claw.

Roll of 5, Melana takes 7 damage, is at 6.

Aah yes.. that was just the thing to remind my body to go all out. The air around her shifted, as the ground cracked under the impact of her jumping to strike at the great Direwolf, he could see her sword coming at him with superior speed and then, all he could see on one side was red. As usual, her physical prowess was overwhelming.

Melana uses Overcharge, Quick mastery and triggers adaptive combat all on physical, putting her physical on 33. Regeneration keeps her on 6. .. aand a roll of 8! Melana attacks Amorok for 41 total physical!
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Melana's strike cut deep, leaving a large gash along his side and blinding one of his eyes. The wolf creature keeping from stumbling even through the pain as he turned to bring his good eye on her. Practically painting the ground below him red but he didn't seem too concerned. Indeed he instead seemed to grin even wider. "So that is what your full strength looks like. Well, let's see how long you can keep striking like that Silverhair."

The wolf's side was already regenerating, the wounds sealing to a point where they were still bad, but not completely debilitating. As he rushed forward, trying to knock her back into the wall of the cave with his sheer mass.

Amorok rolls to defend, rolls 24+1d10-2(for the to hit bonus against him being huge) = He suffers 15 damage, and regenerates 4 to be at 11 HP remaining.

Amorok attacks, rolls Physical 24+2d8 -1(For successive use) =
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

"Indeed, this is me with nothing held back." The legendary heroine nodded, taking a defensive stance. "My most powerful assault technique is a devastating physical attack, followed up by a feint, then a riposte as the enemy is blinded, by rage or otherwise and goes all out in their counterstrike." She nodded, letting herself be knocked into the cave-wall, coughing up blood under Amoroks own, not at all unimpressive strength but quickly smirking down.. again the wolf had left his defenses wide open, her blade flashing up,

Melana uses power defence: Regeneration and Defence mastery, lowering Amoroks attack to 28 and rolling her defence twice, rolling a 5 and a 7, gaining a total of 40. That should be enough to take him out.

And cutting down, into his neck.. a force enough to decapitate him, if Melana had so wished, only stopping once there was absolutely no doubt about it.. but stopping she did, the wolfs life not ending then and there, as a smirk crossed over her lips and amorok felt her reach out under him, barely reaching and cupping the tip of his sheath. "Admit it. Although defeat is nothing we desire, that excited you. This is how strong I really am. What do you think? You are an.. impressive specimen.. and be it the corruption or my own reasons, I struggled to get you out of my head after the things you did to me and now.. I'm in charge." She smirked, and, gripping the back of the wolfs head, the gesture rough, though not overly so, she leaned forwards, pressing her lips upon the muzzle of the still regenerating wolf.

Optional purification: Spared and respected as fellow warrior by Melana Amorok feels himself grow even more honorable, his honorable weakness increasing to rank 2, -4 to all rolls if he doesn't attack a heroine with the same attribute she used. However, Melanas touch, while not lessening his bestial tendencies, makes him more intelligent and sophisticated, increasing his mental score by one. Furthermore, after fighting Melana twice he has learned her counterattack technique, giving him Power Defence: Regeneration Rank 1. He also feels a mark upon his neck, a white scar, as if made by a holy weapon, that will forever remind him of the fact that a heroine spared his life and mark him.. though not as one touched by the forces of corruption.
That said, with the heroines victory turning lewd, perhaps there was an opening for a bestial instincts and a succubus touch upon Melana as well, if the wolf played along. Looking at Melana she had discarded her sword, a dominant, but not alltogether unpleasant grin on her lips.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

As soon as she saw Melana's smirk. Amorok knew he had fallen into a trap. The next thing he knew was feeling the woman's sword cutting through him. He actually felt a bit angry at himself. Here he was being beaten in literally two blows. Even if it was Melana going all out he shouldn't be going down that quick or she'd end up losing interest and he'd lose his title to a proper hunter.

Those were mostly thoughts to distract him from the admittedly rather painful experience of being nearly beheaded. Though admittedly, if Melana hadn't pulled her sword back then Amorok might have ended up with the thing stuck in him as his body started to regenerate even the grievous wound. The only reason he could do that though, and not end up stuck as a head for a rather annoyingly long while was that Melana had deliberately pulled the attack.

He was rather pleasantly surprised by her hand slipping under him and brushing against his sheath, revealing that he was indeed a tad excited. His grin returning a bit at Melana's words, seemingly his own agreement. Unable to reply in kind as she planted a kiss on his muzzle. Until his regeneration finally took care of the damage, leaving behind his first scar, and healing enough for him to speak again. "I admit it. Knowing there you still had this much more power. It does indeed bring some excitement." And he could only imagine just how strong their children would end up becoming when they claimed a few mates of their own." Then, bending a knee to the woman with his grin still in place, he continued. "Well, as the stakes were, I am at you beck and call for the next month Silverhair. Use me and my skills as you would."

The way his voice came out made it rather obvious he was referring to all his skills Melana had come across so far and not just his combat ones.

(OOC: Takes the optional Purification)
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

"I can fight normally, of course, but against certain, stronger foes, well.. I need to.. unleash a little." She nodded, grinned and felt the tip of the wolves shaft. "So this is what happens if I see no need to hold back." She caressed licked a little at the wolfish muzzle, not a too unusual feeling, considering her earlier entrappment.

"I'll have you travel to aid the heroes when they really need it.. but, beyond that.." Melana bit her lip, giving him a few longer moments to let his body regenerate fully, before her hand advanced, she smirking softly, taking the bend knee, and his other leg, and, with her inhuman strength, rolling him over, straddling him dominantly and licking her lips, at first looking down on the wolf on his back, before her eyes wandered back themselfs, to the wolfish sheath. "Hmnn, but perhaps I should get rid of this obstructing clothing first." She considered, biting her lips, leaning up to work on the straps of her armor, clearly dominating the wolf with her position, but also with clearly lewd intents. "You don't mind, do you?" She inquired, with a hint of a tease.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok wasn't sure why, but he was indeed a bit surprised when Melana rolled him over after his wounds had healed. Thus he was quite easily moved relatively, having not expected the action. In the new position his shaft was rather quite visible now, a few inches having worked their way free of the sheath now, more and more slipping out as Melana stripped herself. His grin wide as she asked if he minded answering the question for her by letting his now mostly revealed cock twitch a bit. "Not in the slightest Silverhair. You won, so I'd be a sore loser to mind."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair


Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

"Hmnn.." Melana licked her lips, reaching down to caress along the wolfish shaft, feeling its veiny hotness and teasing it fully out of its sheath. "I did and I intend to use your aid to help liberate the world of demons.. surely, your succubus does mind, but perhaps we can.. hmnn appease her.." She leaned down, extending her tongue to taste the length of the wolves shaft, grinning as she stepped over him. Now, clearly he was larger, and, with her dismissing her empowering, if draining technique he could have knocked her away, but.. did he want to, as he felt her naked body up against his fur, sitting down and riding his belly, slowly edging her way backwards until she felt his shaft up against her back, a flush on her cheeks, as she caressed over his furry chest. "I really shouldn't be so eager to make love to a beast, you know." She cooed, though didn't seem all too dissuaded at the moment.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok certainly wasn't going to throw Melana off. Indeed he seemed perfectly content to let her take the lead for now. By the time she was rubbing back against his now near fully erect member she'd feel the near constant, if light stream of precum dripping onto her back, warming her with its touch that paled compared to the heat of his member itself. Amorok's reply was in kind, the continued grin on his features making it obvious he was quite fine with the current path of events, if his eager shaft didn't do that already. "And I really shouldn't be this eager to let a human ride me you know."

Though there would be a tad bit of a distraction.

"Baretzen dit nola?" Came the light voice of the succubus, and if Melana looked she'd see the recruiter daemon was sitting a bit into the cave. The woman watching, and well...playing with herself. Seemingly uncaring that her ace in the hole was beaten before her, or maybe just trying to make the personal best out of a bad situation? Afterall, the chocolate skinned woman seemed to be...incredibly weak on her own if her aura was anything to go on. As it was though she'd not say anything more unless Melana talked to her, fine with watching Melana and Amorok have their fun.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

(I originally wanted to use this one for the elven forest scene but as that developes slow/differently.. :p )

Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana blushed, with her smile widening at the feeling of precum oozing over her back.. that was exactly what she ment. "Hrmmnn well then, we should just keep this our secret." She suggested, biting her lips and bending back, giving the wolfish shaft a taste, not that his precum was unknown to her at this point..

In doing so her gaze fell upon the succubus, showing slight annoyance at being watched. and... was that a bit of jealousy? A strange feeling, judging by the lack of succubi-wolfs around, the two had a different kind of relationship, Melana guessed that perhaps the Succubus was just in Amoroks head, a manifestation of his corruption and darker desires, that'd explain why he could understand her fine, at least.

"Perhaps the pact kept her alive, or gave you more strength than it should.. anyway she wont interfere, but all this watching..." Melana complained, but still held Amoroks impressive canine shaft in one hand, caressing it almost tenderly and extending her tongue to lick up more wolfish precum, without even being emberassed after her time as Amoroks mate, just enjoying the pure, virile wolf-ooze.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"She's too weak for it. Unlike yourself, I'd break her to pieces if I mated with her." Amorok said as he realized where Melana was focusing. "She just amuses herself by watching on."

Miana seemed to notice the attention herself, and titled her head. Then she disappeared, though Melana could feel she was still nearby, just hiding herself. Amorok meanwhile certainly didn't mind the current situation though, and his shaft twitched in her grip, covering her tongue and much of her face with his pre-cum each time he did. His musk flowing over them both, and with his cock so close, Melana would be getting a rather hearty blast of the heat inducing scent. The wolf bending his body a bit until Melana would feel his tongue trying to dart in between her legs, trying to tease her in turn.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

"Huh, .. I'll .. err.. take that as compliment." She said, finding the conversation a little sureal, considering what was right before her. Then she noted the succubus disapperance, tzking and looking about.. though a thick, warm coating of cum upon her cheek and chest distracted her quite effectively.

"Oh fuck it.. hmnn.. you are such a virile beast...No wonder all you want to do is breed." It might have sounded insulting, but there was a clear teasing subtone, not much less due to the fact that Amorok could easily smell Melanas growing arousal.
Just as she could smell, no, inhaled, his musk. "Haah this scent.. damn, this is not what I came here for but.. haah.." She bent forward, licking at his shaft to entice more of that precum and delicious musk to flow out over her, bending back to present her pussy to his rough tongue, biting her lips at one point, leaning over with a slight cursing, burrowing her nose in his sheath and balls, giving them a short lick whilest inhaling the heat inducing musk directly from the source, cooing..

"Haaah fuck.. I came here to tease and dominate you but... oooh..damn Amorok, I just want your majestic shaft to breed me and make me your bitch more and more!" She shouted out, lustfully, even a disciplined female like her not able to fight her primal instincts and the wolves delicious primal scent. Her body above Amorok, but subtly assuming the position of a bitch ready to be bred, enjoying her alphas musk.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"Your not to far from wrong, but I feel you wouldn't be as interested in me if I wasn't so ready to go." Amorok said with his grin. Wasting no time in using her new position to push his tongue in even further. While Melana continued to recieve a rather large helping of the wolf's pre.

The she said her wants and the wolfs grin grew even further. A paw wrapping around her, uncaring for the seed his drooling member was pouring onto her still. "Well that could easily be arranged." Judging by the grip, and the movement of muscles that Melana could practically feel. If she didn't do something to stop it he was going to flip them both over and the silver haired warrior would find herself beneath the wolf once more.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroks Lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana just tzked and grinned lusfully at Amoroks response, taken in by his scent and almost -letting- the wolfish precum ooze over her face, closing her eyes and moaning as the wolfish tongue dipped deep into her.

Well, this was certainly not how Melana had initially planned it, but the delicious, lustful scent of the wolf had her.. distracted, even if she had intended to ride him, as she felt Amoroks paw on her she didn't really resist him if he flipped her over next.. put her in her rightful place, even if she was stronger, she could feel her body covered in the virile seed oozing over her, tickling her submissive feminine side..
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok certainly didn't mind Melana's submissiveness. Indeed it'd make things much easier for him. Laying on his back was a tad uncomfortable. Not something he couldn't handle, but being on all fours was much more fun. With a bit of a growl the two would roll as Amorok ended up leaving Melana pressing up against a rock. Allowing herself to brace her hands against it and for Amorok to prop himself on it for even better leverage to use on her.

First though the wolf had to shift himself, and Melana would get to feel his shaft rubbing along her skin as he turned around. Pulling his tongue from her slit as he overshadowed her once more. Lining up his shaft with her entrance. Melana could practically feel his muscles thrumming, a moment before he slammed into her, her earlier teasing making it rather near impossible for him to control himself. She might realize that between his stamina and her own ability to resist his strength, the rock might be the first thing to give out once he started going at her.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroku chans Lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana was too battle hardened to yelp.. much, when rolled over suddenly, gulping as she knew pretty much exactly what the powerful wolf was after, feeling a trail of precum slide over her body as the wolf shifted over her, her sex glistening and twitching slightly, welcomingly.

"Oooh fuck me.. yes.." Melana encouraged lewdly, gripping onto the rock before her and cooing as she felt the wolf above, not minding what he was about to do, infact, yearning for it.. her body had submitted to the wolf often enough already to not fear it anymore and.. well, few lovers Melana could met would rival the wild wolf, as she let him take charge, despite herself, taken in by his primal scent.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok would let Melana have her chance to take the lead. Eventually, after he made sure she was filled with his pups again. Afterall, he'd be spending the month with the woman at least so there would be plenty of time. For now, he instead just focused on using the rock to take Melana. His shaft finding itself buried back inside her with a hard thrust, then another, and another. The wolf not holding back his strength in the slightest now that he knew Melana could handle it as the two mated. The wolf's claws carving furrows in the rock as he put his all into it. The sounds of their mating likely able to be heard half across the mountain.

Even as the pace picked up, Amorok would tilt his body, working his way through Melana's insides, prodding at her weakspots. His speed picking up faster and faster as his knot started to swell and he started to impact against her slit as he worked it inside her. Spreading her further with each thrust, until his paws moved from the rock and wrapped around Melana. The large pads pressing against her breasts as he rolled back a bit. The girl half ending up in his 'lap' as he pushed her down, until with a 'pop' the knot slipped inside her and her womb started to get flooded once more.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroku chans Lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana panted lustfully, feeling the wolf over her, dominate her, pound into her. Her plan had been to defeat and dominate Amorok, so she had been half sucessful.. that said, something primal in her didn't quite mind feeling him breed her again, fill her, fullfill her body..

"Godss.. fuuuck!" She moaned out as the wolfs pace picked up and the grinding, pushing, spreading of his knot against her wet, hot pussy reminded her why she had lusted after the wolf. She cooed as she was pulled back by her furry mates embrace, feeling the shaft push into her fully, knowing the knot would swell and seal her fully at least until she was fertilized, biting her lips.

"Haaah.. you're pumping me full of your pups again, aren't you... ugh, I won and still I ended up being your bitch.." She growled a little, but it didn't sound overly unhappy, as her body relaxed, allowing him to put his knot into proper place and fill her up nicely.