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Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"You'd...have ended up with puppies. No matter what." Amorok growled out above her. His words clipped more so then usual as his knot grew more and more, until he slammed into her fully. Filling her with his shaft as his knot locked them together. Hot jets of seed shooting into her womb as the wolf started to relax after a few moments and leaned back. The position leaving Melana riding 'ontop' of him even as she was stuck rooted to him. The wolf's paws still clinging onto her torso and clumsily playing with her chest as the Amorok chuckled even as he was almost certainly filling her with pups once more. "You'll get your chance to dominate me properly I'm sure Silverhair. You have a month to do it afterall."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroku chans Lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana bit her lips, not giving away if Amoroks growling helped to ease her worries as she smirked lustfully, looking down upon her own belly.. "Ahmnnn!" Was her only, lustfully moaned response as the wolf lodged his knot comfortably within her warm sex. "Haaah.. Damn bastard.." She cooed as she felt his heat pump into her, shifting.. only to enjoy the sensation fully, her breasts pushing into his paws as she leaned back and exhaled lustfully, feeling him fill her up proper again, the quivering of her pussy giving away a minor climax she had under the feeling of being filled as she leaned back and against the furred creature.

"Well, assisting some of the foolish heroines can wait, if just a hmn.. little.." She cooed.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"I'm sure most of them can handle themselves." Amorok chuckled, and would keep filling Melana for a solid hour. Before his knot would finally deflate enough to pull out. Leaving her looking like she was with child again with all the seed he had packed into her. The wolf not immediately starting to fuck the silverhaired woman again after. Instead letting his shaft withdraw back into his sheath if Melana didn't tease it to keep it out. If Melana was teasing, then he'd lay back and let her tease. Seemingly planning to be content to let her take control this time. Easily rising to her teasing as he'd move as Melana ordered. The wolf very much adhering to his words about doing as the woman wanted, in sex or in battle.

If she let him grow soft and let them both cool down. He'd roll again and put her down beside him. Curling around her a bit and practically hiding her in his fur as he looked at her out of one eye. "So Silverhair? Where shall you lead me first? Also how is the young one doing?"
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroku chans Lair
Tag: Amorok

"Hmnn.. I guess.. if they are aided too much they can't.. haah.. grow as well.." Melana reasoned, gulping and just closing her eyes, enjoying the.. fulfillment of Amorok gushing into her for .. it felt like quite a while. "Hamnn.." Melana blushed and cooed, opting to rest once the wolf withdrew from her, blushing and covering her swollen belly, before resting against the beasts fur, as she felt some of the canine cum ooze out of her.

"Hmnn.. a good question actually. I was thinking of expanding into liberating a part of the world, and you will assist.. if theres no eyes upon it, the Human kingdom seems a valid target, theres been no reports back from the warriors sent there.. The Elven forest is another issue, but the lightmage going there, Yari, should at least be somewhat potent in dealing with the issue.

The young one is.. as all young ones are, reckless, she wanted to head out on her own after I taught her how to use .. well, she prefers her claws, but still its important to know certain techniques. What of the others, I see none are about?"
She asked, with a slight blushing.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok seemed to let out a bit of a growled sigh at the mention of the human kingdom. Still, his words were a firm. "Okay. As soon as you wish we will head there. Rescue your lost companions. One of the shadow demons likely got them."

He pay much attention to the other demons, but Miana would occasionally go on about them. He knew there was at least one of the creatures living there. Took over an old church or something if he remembered.

The wolf couldn't help but chuckle though at Melana's words about the daughter she had taken. Nuzzling her a bit with his muzzle. "She's a good wolf then. Claws are the only weapons we really should need. Hopefully she does not get herself in over her head to early on though. As for the others, they have left to make their own nests. Find their own mates. They are all strong though, I don't worry for them. Bar Slivc but she has her own strengths."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Melana
Amoroks lair
Tag: Amorok

"Shadow demons? I did not know you had intel on the areas held by demons.. That said, I can deal with shadow demons. Usually more apt at mental attacks. Well then..." Melana got up after a while, adjusting her dress and.. freshening herself up, her large sword sheated over her back.

"Slivc? Anyway... time to visit the Human Kingdoms." Melana nodded and moved out.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

"Yes, the unfortunate runt of our litter. One of our hermaphroditic daughters. She has all the physical strength of a baby. Though she could talk circles around me, and I'm sure any challenge to herself." Amorok said as he started to follow Melana after the two had gotten a chance to clean themselves in the small pond that was in the back of his cave.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok had had to fight mightily to get back to his cave. Not against any enemy, but against his wife's actions. When she had been licking his shaft clean he had had to fight against taking her there again before she could purify the place. A fight that if anything, was harder then it had been before the succubus had been purged from him. He had managed to resist though. Letting Melana purify the area after she had licked him clean, even as his shaft continued to bob below him, leaking a bit onto the pavement below as he eyed the now wolf-woman's hips and tail as she went about her work.

Once the land had been reclaimed for the humans he had had to fight again against that instinct. Dropping to the ground to keep Melana from teasing him further, even if it was a bit uncomfortable. As he got his wife to get onto his back with her gear, and set off back to the cave that would be their home. Later they'd have to go look for new things to make it more 'homey' at least that is what Melana had said before. For now he just headed back as fast as he could. His instincts driving him on faster.

They practically skidded into his cave as he came to a quick stop. Before letting Melana down. Once she was off his back he'd sit down, revealing his sheath. A small bit of red poking from it as his lusts for his mate started to come to the surface again. His musk filling the cave already as he looked over Melana's body and the scent of his wants redoubled at the sight of her body, changed by him just as she had done to him. His face a large grin as he said. "I'm sorry for cutting it short earlier my Wife, but we needed to get home first, or we never would with how skilled your tongue was. I hope you can show me again, and then we can test just how well those changes have taken with you."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Silverhair
Amoroks lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana.. no,.. Silverhair, as he liked to call her was enticed by her mates ..interest in her. She couldn't quite tell why but his eyes upon her were arousing in their own right, leading to her movements having a sensual, ever so slightly revealing undertone. Naked but for her fur, with her tail lifting and coiling, just hinting at her treasures, taking of her gear what she needed before climbing on top of her mates back, riding him while nuzzling up into him, her fur on his own, enjoying his scent below her, just as he had little choice but to smell her scent upon him.

Once they arrived Melana grinned and dismounted, looking at her proud mate, inhaling his musk, now a perfume of passion for her."Hmnn of course, a wifes duty is to attend to the needs of her husband, after all." She growled lustfully, approaching the large wolf, comfortably getting on all fours in a half crouching position before leaning forward, kissing the tip of the shaft poking out from his loins, licking at it and along his furry sheathe, teasing his red shaft out, not without a slow, warm lapping over his filled balls, basking in his musk and slathering the wolf with her tongues lustful attention. "Hmnn.. you have many strong puppies for me in there, don't you?" She cooed, her lusts twisted by Amorok to desire to bear his pups now, a wolfish tongue happily dipping out at Amoroks length as soon as it revealed itself.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok let out a pleased rumble as Melana started to lick at his tip, and over his sheath and down to his balls. The wolf letting his mate know that he was quite happy with what she was doing. Even as he smelt her scent mixing with is own in the air. Knowing the effect he was having on her. Melana practically able to feel his cum churning in his balls as she licked at his sheath. By the time she worked her way back up his cock was fully erect. Standing proud above her, a small bit of precum already on the tip.

"I do Silverhair. Thanks to that woman's last attempt, I don't think you'll ever be wanting for my attentions or children." Amorok grinned down at her, his cock bobbing a bit to cause that bit of precum to drop down onto her nose. Even as his paw came to her back and started to run against her fur. Doing his best to replicate the action she had done to him so many times, petting her to encourage her along as his shaft bobbed needily. Though if Melana wanted to try to get him to fuck her mouth hard, then maybe she should hold back, just tease him a bit and work him into a froth. He would certainly be weak to her now, she could easily see it in his eyes that still roamed over all her form.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Silverhair
Amoroks lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana grinned, continuing her attention to her mate, giving his balls a little more care before lapping up his precum, looking up at the mighty wolf. "Ooh I want lots of your attention my wild wolf." She cooed, licking his red, angry length, taking the tip into her mouth, letting the wolf feel her warm, wet lips around his length as she suckled upon him greedily, only to withdraw, lap at the tip, tasting his precum and nuzzling up to his furr, her tail wagging slightly, tensed in excitement.

"Come on my mighty wolf, don't be shy.." She cooed, a hand gripping his furry chest, holding him close as she lapped along his shaft, relaxing under the petting and letting her lusts take over, drive her to go wilder with her lover, making wet, sensual slurping noises as her ass wiggled seductively up in the air before him. "Hmn..." She moaned out, whilest dedicating herslef to the canine shaft throughoutly, without hesitation.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok looked at his wife's wiggling ass and couldn't help himself. With his superior size he had no difficulty curling around her. His tongue coming out as he started to lick at her exposed pussy. Starting with an easy single long lick along her petals, before starting to dive in. Working around her clit with the tip. Paying her back by moving his tongue deeper in, and twisting it more, everytime Melana got a bit further down his cock. Her other reward being the ever increasing globs of precum that would pour onto her tongue, and down her throat.

Though soon enough not even that would be enough for him. His lusts toward his wife building up further and further. Her fertile scent so close to his nose that he couldn't stop himself from breeding the hole he was currently in. His petting along her back stopping as it turned into a grip around her side. His tongue still diving deep into her slit as he shifted his legs to be 'standing' or at least, crouching. His other paw moving to her head to position her appropriately for what was to come. The rough pads teasing her scalp through her hair and fur.

Then with little warning more then that he pushed forward. Ramming his cock down Melana's throat. The woman finding herself able to take it thanks to the changes he had done to her. Starting to fuck her throat vigorously. In tandem his tongue reached deep into her. Twisting around inside her as the rough wolf tongue scraped along her insides. Hunting down the weakspots he had found over the last few times they had been together, he played with her from both ends. Encapsulating her under his size. Like he could hide her away from the world as he fucked her.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Silverhair
Amoroks lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana moaned as Amorok coiled around her, lapping at her sex, causing her to moan lustfully and her pussylips to quiver as her own tongue couldn't help but hang out in a now more canine fashion, lustfully licking down her lovers shaft and tasting the healthy spurts of precum pumping into her with an eager growling sound. She didn't resist her husbands rougher handling, rather, following along with it, allowing herself to be positioned and submitting to the powerful wolf.

Only to be rewarded by feeling the wolf pump deep into her.. and finding her newly enhanced body could take it, she began bopping up and down on the red angry wolfish shaft, along his length and with the tongue dipping into her deeply, she didn't mind her furry body hiding away under her mate, moaning as she almost melted into him, suckling on his length and feeling his rough tongue invade her still comparably tight, now more canine slit, as she howled out, sending vibrations of pleasure upon and through his shaft with her own lustful climax.

Not that that stopped Melana, for long. If Amorok kept going, she quickly resumed her pace, licking and taking the thick wolfshaft, her slightly clawed hands digging into his sides infact if he dared slow down or try and take it all too easy on her enhanced form.. a wilder form of encouragement for her mate.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok felt a bit proud, bringing his wife to climax before he himself did. Though he couldn't spend to much time thinking on that though, as he was much to focused on ravaging Silverhair's throat. The wolf-girl's claws digging into his flanks and driving him on even faster. Indeed, it made him pull his tongue back for the moment, so that he could focus on fucking his wife harder.

Thrusts that were fast enough to cause Melana's entire body to shake. Her throat bulging out noticeably to fit the large rod. His claws digging into the wolf-woman's sides in turn. Her fur providing enough protection to keep him from cutting into her like he might once have, but it still left delightful pinpricks against her skin.

Harder and harder, until Melana would realize his knot was starting to inflate. Though Amorok kept himself from slipping it into her mouth as he started to pour jet after jet of seed into her throat as he growled with pleasure at his orgasm. Working his cock a few inches back and forth inside her throat with each jump of his muscles. Continuing to lightly fuck her even as he filled her stomach with his seed. Though before the flow ended he'd get control of himself, and pull back, the last few jets of cum shooting out across Melana's muzzle before he grinned and said. "Mmmm, it feels so much better with your new tongue Silverhair. I hope you're liking your new body too."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Silverhair
Amoroks lair
Tag: Amorok

The she-wolf-heroine moaned under her newlywed husband rough rythm, seeming to quite enjoy that her -already well trained- body now could endure his full.. love, as she gasped at the suprisingly erotic sensation of his claws, noting another advantage to her changed physique there briefly.

"Haa.. haahmn.." She groan-moaned, before his knot inflated, silencing her into mumbling and suckling upon his red canine shaft, with her drinking down upon the hot wolf-cum. She gasped, having both a taste, and.. getting decorated by the lewd wolf-cum as he pulled back, with just a hint of a blush, more smelled than seen upon her changed form.

"Hmnn.. I'm ..*slurp* glad you enjoy it.." Melana cooed, taking care to drink and lick up any cum remaining in his shaft, patting her belly slightly after her healthy filling. "I'd lie if I didn't admit at being aroused by so clearly being yours, by having a body that satisfies your lusts, it just feels.. natural to service my mate.. speaking about.." She grinned, and her rough, lustful wolfish tongue picked up, moving from licking him clean to enticing him some more, her tongue eagerly servicing his pointy shaft and knot, before, with an aroused sigh, she cooed: "But we both know where you need to pump even more cum..hmnn.. several times.. for several days.. haah.. until we know the litter has taken.. come husband, show me a females place, aren't you curious if my womb isn't the perfect fit for you as well, now?"
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok's shaft seemed to bob a bit just from Melana's words alone, though her tongue was also helping it along. The wolf's eyes seeming to flash with lust as the she-wolf teased him to show her her place. Looking down at his wife still servicing him, marked with his scent and seed. He couldn't help himself, his voice reverberating throughout the cave as a deep near formless growl. Only Melana's new form allowed her to really interpret the demand. 'Present yourself like a proper bitch.'

The primal noise would run through Melana, pushing her new forms buttons hard. It seemed she had managed to awaken her husband's more wild side, and if she didn't get into position as his demeanor was demanding, then he'd put a strong paw against her back and push her. Forcing her down onto her hands and knees as he padded around her. Overshadowing her once again as his large form covered hers, his large cock resting against her back. Dragging across her fur, marking her further as his as more hot seed spread across her. Before finally the tip would rest against her slit, and he pushed forward. Pushing into a pussy and womb that his last bout of corruption had literally made for his cock. Every bump and vein finding themselves perfectly pressed against by Melana's insides, and pressing back against weakspots in turn.

Amorok didn't start thrusting yet though, instead he bent himself, it was awkward with Melana smaller form but his instincts demanded it, and his large jaws bracketed Melana's neck. His teeth lightly pressing against her skin, enough to ensure she was fully at his mercy as he started to pump in and out of her. Not even pretending to hold back as both their bodies would shake with the force of his thrusts, the cave filling with the sound of flesh and fur impacting eachother.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Silverhair
Amoroks lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana growled lustfully under her mate, finding herself oddly enjoying being eyes in such feral a manner now. More arousing than that was a sudden.. urge, a sudden understanding under the wolfs powerful growl.. she felt the need to, no, she had to present herself proper. She gave a slight panting in response her tail lowering itself in apropriate submission as she looked up to the large wolf. A slight, apparent flush the only thing betraying her arousal, until.. with a little assistance from Amorok, she took a more submissive position on all fours, her sex displaying its growing arousal.

She cooed more human, but no less lustful as she felt the canine shaft drag over her back, mark her, she could smell now, as she let out a long, extended moan, feeling Amorok slide deliciously, perfectly into place. Once she noticed her new husband bending over and placing his jaw over her neck in a show of dominion she moaned out again, allowing herself to comment: "So this is how wolfs make love, hmn?" Before gasping, and closing her eyes, losing herself in the moment and the submissive instincts, growling in submissive reciprocation, letting her instincts take charge in giving her pleasure and pleasing her mate, which in this case ment holding submissively still and presenting herself as she began to take her, only to have her sex warmly tighten around his shaft as she yielded to his dominion.

"Hmnaaah.. I like it... take your bitch.. feeling so hot.. haah." She moaned out, in growing arousal. Her hands.. claws digging into the caveground to steady herself against Amoroks mighty thrusts, slightly cracking the stone beneath at a more powerful push, indulging in her sensation of primal submission to her bestial husband.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Amorok would keep slamming into his wife. His tongue snaking out to lick along her spine under her hair, even as he kept her neck in his jaws. Teasing her as best he could while he put as much effort into impregnating Melana as possible. Breaking the ground further as they clawed up the floor of their home. Melana getting her first marks in to any who could recognize it. This was bliss, having a willing woman below him that wished to bear his pups. One that could handle him even at his strongest.

Pricking his teeth against the sides of her neck as he started to get higher himself. His knot starting to swell again. Starting to fill the woman turned wolf-girl even more until finally they'd lock together. The wolf's knot inflating to hit along the sensitive spots her transformation had left around her entrance. Pressing even as hot cum flooded into her womb, his shifting and small thrusts trying to help pleasure her for a bit long. To help make her womb more accepting of the seed filling it and to make more eggs drop to be impregnated.

As the flow shifted from frantic flooding, to a more sedate flow, the wild side seemed to drift out of Amorok bit by bit. The wold would finally let Melana's neck free from his jaws. Leaning around to lick at her cheek instead. His paws left the furrows he had cut in the ground. Shifting to 'hug' the woman as she pulled them onto the side. Holding her to him as she continued to pump her full. "Heh, at least this time the children will have us both here to raise them. Maybe Erka and Slivc will come visit along with the rest of our first litter."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Lady Silverhair
Amoroks lair
Tag: Amorok

Melana panted, in a fittingly animalistic fashion, briefly closing her eyes under the mighty wolf above her. It felt.. right, to her changed body. The enhanced, manyfold scents, the warm weight upon her,.. him pushing into her, thrusting powerfully again and again. She stayed in a comfortably yielding position with him holding her down, growling and clinging to the ground under the powerful thrusts.

"Ahmnn yes.." She growl-moaned as she felt her mate swelling within, her tongue half hanging out as she felt the fertile heat flooding her, continuing to rock on, and milk his canine shaft with slower rockings against his thick knot. "Haah.. haaah.. hmn.. perhaps.." She nodded and cooed, seeming a bit spent as she leaned back into him, letting him comfort her and resting against the wolfs furry form as her two slightly paw-like hands cupped and covered her swollen belly, filled with his shaft, and continuing to be filled with his hot seed, as her breathing slowly calmed down.

"Hmnn.. I'm pretty certain you.. inflamed those desires of mine.. but I don't care, I just want to be close to my husband and be filled with his young." She cooed softly, seeming content to lay there and let the wolfcum fill her, fertilize her further.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Amoroks Lair

Amorok's Lair
Tag: Melana

Hugging onto Melana as best as his wolf form allowed, Amorok continued to fill the woman with seed for a good few minutes. Filling her even as he lightly rubbed against her and marked eachother with their scents again. The wolf giving his wife a grin as he replied "Mmmm, I might have, but I'd like to think I did it with my wolfish charm and not the transformation."

Licking at her cheek a few times he'd slowly start to deflate, until the flow into Melana's womb would stop and his shaft would withdraw. "Though I certainly hope I didn't charm your more wild side out of you yet Melana. Afterall, between us we could probably hunt down some of the greatest prey around here for a grand meal." The wolf letting out a rumbling chuckle that ran through the girl pressed up against him.