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Corruption Tournament Character Sheets and rulez


Name: Silvia
Title: Psycho Dreamer
Type: Fallen Dhampir Heroine
Short description and Bio:
Born from an un-consensual union of a human mother and vampire futa, Silvia was taken in by the Church when her mother died giving birth to her. Even when she was a mere toddler, Silvia is very lazy and prefers to read books and sleep her days away, speaking when she needs to. However, she began to manifest unusual powers such as pulling books to her with her mind. "Moving stuff with my mind is easier than actually walking over." she quietly replied when questioned. Recognizing that such talent shouldn't go un-wasted with the war going on, the Church began to train Silvia, albeit with difficulty. After years of prodding, training, bribing with sweets and books, Silvia was declared fit for combat at the age of 19, her telepathic powers refined and strengthened.

Orientation and Interests: Cuddling, Sweets, Books, Cuddle sex, Spooning, letting her partners do all the work

Stamina: 16 (6,5,2,5 drop 2)
Physical: 9 (6,1,1,2 drop 1)
Sexual: 11 (1,5,2,4 drop 1)
Mental: 20 (3,6,6,5 drop 3 +3)

Special Powers (20 points):

Telekinesis*(Metal) Rank 4 (12 points)
Vampirism* Rank 1 (3 points)
Mind Control Rank 3 (12 points)


Lazy Rank 2 (+2 points)
Detectable (Telekinesis) (+1 point)
Detectable (Mind Control) (+1 point)
Fetish (Comfy pillows/bed) Rank 2 (+2 points)
Achilles Heel (Saltwater) (+1 point)

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Name and title: Leanne "Blitz" Violette
Type: Spoiled rich Augmented Heroine
Short description and Bio: Leanne was the scion of a rich family raised spoiled and given pretty much everything she wanted in life. Eventually she decided what she wanted most was to be a hero beloved by all and so she went ahead and did it. Using her parents money to pay for special augmentations to give herself special abilities and using her natural talents she seeks to become a famous and beloved hero. She treats being a hero like a hobby and is hardly ever serious in combat as long as things are going well
Orientation and interests: Pansexual, submissive, but loves to be adored and easily flattered.

Stamina: 17
Physical: 16
Sexual: 13
Mental: 12

Special Powers: (Points: -29)

Super Speed (Rank 4. -8 points)
Gives you a 10% chance per rank to dodge an attack, completely avoiding it, as it hits only an after image. Each sucessful dodge reduces the chance by 10%.

Undetectable (Rank 2 -4 points Sight and hearing)
You can avoid detection by one sense of your choice per rank, for example becoming invisible by becoming unseeable(though you could still be heard, touched, smelled, etc). As long as your enemy can't pinpoint you they suffer -1/rank on all their rolls when fighting you. (Detection is handled over roleplay. If in doubt ask them to spent a round not attacking just to find you.) If detected you can concentrate (not attack) to hide again. A character in combat can stay undetectable for up to 1 round/rank, after which they must recover for as many rounds as they stayed undetectable.

Heroic Determination (Rank 2) 3 points per rank -6 points)
You have to keep fighting! For everyone! As long as your stamina is under 50% you deal 1/rank more damage with all sucessful attacks (rounded up) For 3 points/rank you also take 50% less damage yourself below 50% Stamina.

Incredible Luck (Rank 5 -10 points)
Treat a roll of a 1 as a 10 instead, usable one time/fight for each rank you posess in Incredibly luck. Can apply to chance rolls like the 1 in 10 chance to dodge an attack with super speed. On rank 5 and 6 you gain +1 to your lowest attribute(pick if several are lowest)

Thrill of Battle: 1,3 or 5 points/rank (Rank 1. Sexual)
Gain +1 on attacks to an attribute of your choice(determined when picking Thrill of Battle), lasting 1 round/rank whenever you damage an opponent with a sucessful attack with that attribute. This bonus stacks but its total cannot exceed your ranks in Thrill of battle.
Gain +1 on attacks to all attributes for the 3 point version.This bonus stacks but its total cannot exceed your ranks in Thrill of battle.
At 5 points /rank you gain +1 to an attribute of your choice until the end of the fight instead. This bonus can exceed your ranks in Thrill of battle.

Weaknesses: (+9 points)

phobia +1/rank (Rank 1, Insects and bugs)
The character has an irrational fear of an object or item, and will attempt to withdraw from it, like a vampire from a cross. You can't
At rank 1 the phobia is rare and light, at rank 3 the phobia is extreme and frequent

Fetish: +1/rank (Rank 1, Bondage)
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.

Overconfidence: 1 point/rank (Rank 2. Physical stat)
Chose one attribute in which you have 20 points or more, or the mastered attribute power for. If you lose a struggle with the chosen attribute you are in disbelieve, increasing your cumulative penalty by +1/rank for that attribute until you succeed in a struggle. (The penalty still disappears if you use another attribute)

Triumphant pose: 3 or 2 points: (Rank 2)
When rolling a 10(or, worth 2 points, the highest number of your damage dice) and dealing stamina damage to your opponent you spent the next round posing victoriously and or triumphantly rather than attacking them. (You can still activate other abilities)

Vicious mockery: 3 points: When your opponent rolls a 1 and you deal damage to them through your defence action You spent the next round mocking them and telling them about your superiority rather than attacking them. (You can still activate other abilities)

Other/Comments: Edited some stuff to make it work better cause I screwed some stuff up.
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Name and title: Malencia The Tainted Soul
Type: Corrupted Lilith
Short description and Bio: Malencia had once gone by a different name, she had long ago forgotten it. The name Malencia was given to her after she arrived in this world. Before she had the name Malencia she had been a traveler between universes. A hero who traveled from universe to universe destroying evil. Something happened when she arrived in this universe. This universe sapped her strength and left her to weak to carry out her goals. Determined still to fight she tried her best and was thoroughly defeated. Captured by demons, powerless and trapped she was tormented for some time her mind breaking under torment and her body being corrupted. She was eventually released by the demons amused by her state and curious as to what this broken creature would do now, her mind in shambles and her only desire, being justice... a word she no longer even understands.
Orientation and interests: Pansexual, attracted to innocence and goodness, doesn't quite understand the concept of consent anymore or her own corrupted nature. Still considers herself the hero and will often believe that her actions are helpful.

Stamina: 5,3,6,4,+6 Total:24
Physical: 4,4,5,2,+0 Total:15
Sexual: 5,1,1,3,+1 Total:11
Mental: 2,6,5,5,+0 Total:18

Special Powers: (Points available: 15+20=35) (Points Spent=3+3+1+1+1+1+2+3+18=33)

-Phasing: This kind of attack cuts through objects, clothing.. and hits only your designated target. Energy beams can still stop it, but normal cover wont. Ignores 1 rank of power defences or grunt usage/rank. (To block it the defender needs to use up 1 power defence or grunts/rank or be hit anyway)

- Burning: Your attack sets opponents ablaze, keeps shocking them, or otherwise lingers. If you deal sucessful damage they take 1 additional point of Stamina damage/rank for 1 round/special attack rank afterwards unless they spent a round to concentrate(not attacking) on recovering.

Special movement: 1/Rank: Each rank of special movement allows you to reduce the damage(rounded up, min 1) you take from a single physical or melee type special attack by 50%. (once per attack)
You can move in ways a normal human could not.
Flying: YOU CAN FLY!

Hunger: You don't need to eat/drink. Resist corruptive liquid based attacks(-1 damage).

Sleep: You don't need to sleep, ever. Resist 1 rank 1 illusion based power.

Poison: You are resistant against toxins and physiological effects. (-1 poison damage, the poison ability is decreased by 1 rank Resist the contaminate ability for 1 round longer than normal!)

Unnatural features: 2 point/rank (Rank 1) (Eternal Youth)
The Demon posseses a useful, but non combat relevant ability like eternal youth, longevity, a moulting ability, a natural pouch, scent glands, secondary eyelids...a cock for females, two cocks for males, pheromones.. Also adds +1 Sexual ability per rank.

Defile: 3 points/rank (Rank 3)
You drain away a heroines power and determination, leaving them helpless through unholy energy and lowering the rank of one abilities they have of your choice to the minimum (rank 1), for 1 round/rank. If the ability already is rank 1 you instead apply a debuff for 2 rounds per rank that says: You lose 1 point of Stamina whenever you use this ability.(notice that certain abilities like Justice transformation and enviromental control are often only activated once and persist through the fight.)

Regeneration 3/rank (Rank 6)
You regenerate 1 point of Stamina/rank each round, slowly healing from all injuries. At higher ranks (3 or more) the character will 'Revive' even from massive thrauma At the highest rank (6 or more) They can slowly regrow as long as a bit of them remains intact.
At rank 3 and 4 you also gain +1 Stamina At rank 5 and 6 you gain +2 Stamina.

Weaknesses: (Points gained: +20)

Honorable: (2 points)
If your opponent made an Attack Roll against you in the previous round, you take a -2 penalty to your own Attack Roll if you do not use the same attribute as your opponent.

Easily influenced: 1/Rank (Rank 3)
10% Rank of damage done to your stamina through mental attacks is dealt as damage to your physical stat as well. (rounded up)

Easily Discouraged: (3 points): If the enemy rolls a 10 (or the maximum amount of their attack dice), you are discouraged, roll for the defense TWICE, and pick the worse result.

Lustful: 1 point/rank (Rank 5)
If your oponent doesn't take any actions you too must take a turn just fantasizing(if sub) or tempting (If dom) them, if you don't you suffer -2 to your attack roll/rank. (limiting this to a maximum of 3 turns.)

Achilles heel(Common: All sexual attacks): +1/rank (Rank 3?)
You are weak to one form of attack that is rare/uncommon/common, taking 100% increased damage from it. Rare: A Breastmilk based corruption attack. uncommon: a superpowered punch. Common: all physical attacks

Easily distracted: +1
The character can be distracted by shiny things, cats, a certain song... when distracted they roll their attack dice twice and pick the worse result. The higher the rank the more common a thing to happen.

Marked: +1/rank (3 rank)
A character is clearly marked, as either a Demon, or belonging to a Demon. At rank 1 this can still be hidden, at rank 3 it becomes obvious to nearly all

Other/Comments: I think I did this right?
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Name and title: Byra
Type: Hero
Short description and Bio: TBD
Orientation and interests: Beastmen, Strong Foes, 'Eldritch' Enemies (Tentacles, Like Like, Worms)

Stamina: 16
Physical: 16
Sexual: 12
Mental: 13

Special Powers:
Super Speed (16 pt): Rank 8
Quick mastery (8pt): Rank 5
Adaptive combat (4pt): Rank 2

Triumphant pose (3pt)
Fetish (3): Proven Stronger Opponents
Fetish (2): Beastfolk
Fetish (2): Taurs

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Name and title: Ellie Ria, Blazing Flame Mage
Type:Heroine Fire Mage

Short description and Bio: Ellie is a mage of great talent in flames and fire, while magical talented she isn't very well trained to take a beating herself. She was trained from a small set area and was trained alone, so she isn't very good at interacting with other people, showing a very shy personality. She is worried about the events of demons taking over, she still has a strong sense to fight back against them though. Also being trained alone she is naïve in sexual manners.

Orientation and interests: Lesbian, Submissive. Bondage, into Futanari, spandex outfits, encasement, Rubber suits, body-tight latex and latex in general.

Stamina: 12
Physical: 17
Sexual: 12 (-2) = 10
Mental: 17 (+1) = 18

Special Powers 20 base (6 Extra from Weakness) :
Elemental Control - Fire - Rank 6 - 1D14 (+1 Mental) (12)
Berserker Mode (AKA Phoenix Rising) Rank 2 (6)
Alchemy - 3 point version - Rank 3 (6)
Natural resistances - Heat - Rank 2 - (-2 damage all fire/heat based damage) (2)

Weaknesses:(+ 6 extra Total)
Inept defense - Rank 2 - -2 all Def rolls
Fetish - Rank 1 - Latex (Opponents wearing latex)
Fetish - Rank 1 - Bondage
Inexperienced - Rank 2 (-2 to Sexual)

Other/Comments:Stats where rolled on the discord CT_Roll room.

Name and title: Omega, The Ender.
Type: Android designed to fight evil.
Short description and Bio: Omega was a secret robotic Project designed in a laboratory. A desperate attempt to create a weapon to destroy the demons. Unfortunately the project was sabotaged. The scientists responsible all killed or taken by demons. The unfinished weapon remained in stasis for some time before eventually being awakened by accident. Immediately she set out following her only programming. Defeat evil. As for her appearance she was created to be cute and appealing to the demons. As a result she is a short 5'2 woman with small breasts and a thin build.
Orientation and interests: She was created to be fully reproductionally functional in order to make sure the demons would have an interest in her. However due to a mixture of sabotage and her waking up alone with no guidance, but her initial programming she has no understanding of sex or sexuality, but still has implanted sexual desires. As such expressions of sexuality turn her on even though she's not entirely sure why. She has also developed a sexual interest in creatures larger than her.

Stamina: (4 + 6 + 1 + 2-1 = 12)
Physical: (6 + 5 + 6 + 5-5+4 = 21)
Sexual: (2 + 2 + 3 + 1-1 = 7)
Mental: (3 + 4 + 1 + 4-1 = 11)

Special Powers: 20+39=59 (Current Cost: 56)

Rage: 2/rank (Rank: 6X2=18)
SMASH! While raging you gain +1 Stamina/rank, +2 to all offensive rolls and -1 to all defensive rolls. Rage lasts 1 round/rank. At rank 5 and 6 you also get +2 physical while raging.

Berserker Mode: 3 points/rank (Rank: 1X3=3)
You have to keep going! For justice! if your stamina goes to 0 or you'd otherwise be killed you aren't defeated but enter a berserker mode, gaining +1 Physical/rank during which you don't lose. You can't defend(You don't roll the defence dice anymore) or pay stamina. Berserker mode lasts for 1 round/rank and every round you gain -1 to all your attributes if they aren't already at 0.

Overcharge: 2 points/Rank (Rank: 3X2=6)
You can chose to overcharge yourself, pushing beyond your limits. Every rank of this skill adds another +2 to your Physical ability, but while overcharging you drain 1 Stamina per round. You can end overcharge at any time, but still take that rounds Stamina drain. (Drain can't be healed or regenerated)

Mastered attack: 1/3 points/Rank: (Rank 6X1=6 Stat: Physical)
Your offenses have intimidating strength behind them. Increase the dice you use for attacks with a specific attribute by one step (1d10 to 1d12, 1d14, etc). At a cost of 3 points per rank you can increase and split the dice to gain:
Rank 1: 2d6
Rank 2: 2d8
Rank 3: 2d10
Ranki 4: 2d12
Rank 5: 2d14
Rank 6: 2d16

Extra attacks: 5 or 7/rank (Rank: 1X5=5)
You have additional tentacles, more arms than nomal, tentacle, a tail or etc that allows you to attack an additional time/rank. At a cost of 5 points this is restricted to one specific attribute, at the cost of 7 you can attack multiple times with any attribute. Roll the attack dice twice, against two rolls from the defender. Each attack counts as a seperate attack.

Maximize power: 3 points/rank (Rank 6X3=18)
Treat one attack or defence roll per rank as a 10 instead. Alternatively, automatically suceed in a % chance based roll, like a 1 in 10 chance to dodge an attack with super speed. Increases your physical score by +1 on rank 4 and 5 and by +2 on rank 6.

Weaknesses: 39

Sadistic: 2/rank (3 RankX2=6)
10%/Rank of damage your attacks deal to others is dealt to your stamina as well. (Rounded up, if you reduce a target to 0 and the fight doesn't end you only take the damage it would require to knock your opponent out)

Vengeful: 2 points/rank (RankX3=6)
When sucessfully damaged by an opponent you have to damage them with your next attack. If you fail to you are drained of 1 Stamina/rank every turn until you do.

Achilles heel(x): +1/rank (Rank 2: Electricity based attacks)
You are weak to one form of attack that is rare/uncommon/common, taking 100% increased damage from it. Rare: A Breastmilk based corruption attack. uncommon: a superpowered punch. Common: all physical attacks

Achilles heel(x): +1/rank (Rank 3: All kinds of liquids.)
You are weak to one form of attack that is rare/uncommon/common, taking 100% increased damage from it. Rare: A Breastmilk based corruption attack. uncommon: a superpowered punch. Common: all physical attacks

Inept defence: +2/rank: (Rank 3X2=6)
The characters attributes are only good for attacking with and they suffer a -1/rank on rolls when defending

Fetish: +1/rank (Rank 3: Opponents larger than herself.)
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.

Fetish: +1/rank (Rank 3: Sexually Aggressive People)
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.

Weak minded: Reduce your mental stat by 1/rank (Rank: 3)

Inexperienced: Reduce your sexual stat by 1/rank (Rank: 3)

Masochistic: 1/rank (Rank: 3)
10% Rank of damage done to your stamina through physical attacks is dealt as damage to your sexual stat as well. (rounded up)

Dependent: +1 (Can only rage while in berserker mode)
A power is dependant on another. For example, someone can only use a super sense when they are in their poket dimension.

Other/Comments: Everything hear work?
Transformed(optional, mainly for demons)/Real form

Name and title: Aya Steins
Type: Magic Heroine
Short description and Bio: Aya is an overconfident mage who's headstrong nature leads her in too deep most of the time, so she made sure to learn some get-out-quick spells so she doesn't get pinned down. Aya loves exploring and adventuring, nothing gets her off like being in a new place where she is a little lost but has her wits and spells to save her.
Orientation and interests: lesbo, exploring, being the smartest person in the room, taking the lead, getting caught but still getting out.

Stamina: 18+3+1=22
Physical: 14-3=11
Sexual: 10-3=7
Mental: 16
Special Powers:
20+26 pts
Ultimate Defence: (rank 5) 10
You are under divine protection from the greatest of damage. Any damage dealt to you that would exceed 10-rank points is instead reduced to 10-rank damage total. Each rank reduces this damage treshhold by 1. If you have ultimate defence you can't pick the heal or regeneration general powers or gain the rebirth chrysalis demon power.
Teleport: (rank 2) 6 avoid, reposition
You can well.. teleport around, avoiding danger and repositioning yourself. Chose one of the following benefits per rank and use them: 1/teleport rank in a fight:
1. Assasinate: Teleport behind a target to gain +2 to your attack roll and phasing (ignore grunts and power defence) for one attack.
2. Avoid: Teleport a safe distance away as reflex. Reduce the damage you take in a single attack by 90% (rounded up)
3. Crash: Teleport through someone on purpose to increase your attack damage by 1d6 at the cost of 1d6 stamina drain to you as well.
4. Reposition: Ignore one instance of entangling or mine special attacks, special movement, poket dimension or being held by telekinesis.
Damage Resistance: (rank 6, physical) 6
Those feeble attempts to damage you amuse you. Your suit/skin is strong enough to take a direct punch with little effect. All damage taken is reduced by 1 point/rank at a cost of 3 points, or at the cost of 1 point for one general category of damage (sexual, physical, etc) is thusly reduced. At rank 4, 5 and 6 of Damage Resistance(3 point version only) you gain +1 Stamina each. At rank 6 of Damage resistance (1 point version only) you gain +1 Stamina.
Magic: (rank 3) 6 (this describes general supernatural tricks not quite ment for combat. For magic attacks see Elemental)
You can cast magic to create various helpful effects, drawing glowy runes into thin air, producing birds out of a hat, hiding objects into seeming nothingness, disguising yourself, finding hidden tracks, ...
Combat wise this allows you to:
1.Counterspell: an enemies ability, by paying its total pointcost as Stamina drain(if once use like a special attack) or the cost for one rank of it to deactivate it for one round(if ongoing like corruption). You can not counterspell an ability thats more expensive than your total rank. Once you used Counterspell you must wait a number of rounds equal to your stamina drain before using it again.
2. Overwhelm: Add 1/Rank to your attack, however, each time you sucessfully damage an enemy with this bonus you take 1/2 of the damage you deal as damage to your mental attribute.
3. Scry: As long as your Stamina and mental stat hasn't been drained or damaged this turn you treat a roll of 1 as a roll of 1 + your rank in magic instead.
4. Shield: By concentrating(not attacking) you can reduce all damage and prevent all drain of your attributes next turn equal to half your rank in magic (rounded down).
5. Energize: you can add 1d4 to all rolls for 1 attack or defence/rank. You chose when to apply energizes bonus but you can't use Counterspell, Shield and Overwhelm while you have uses of energize left. You can chose to end energize prematurely. When energize ends it drains 1 point from your mental attribute.
Overwhelming Stamina: (rank 3) 6
Your vitality and toughness is legendary. Gain +1 Stamina. You can attack with your stamina as with any other attribute. Your opponent defends with Physical rolls.
Mastered attack: (3pts, rank 3, mental) 9
Your offenses have intimidating strength behind them. Increase the dice you use for attacks with a specific attribute by one step (1d10 to 1d12, 1d14, etc). At a cost of 3 points per rank you can increase and split the dice to gain:
Rank 1: 2d6
Rank 2: 2d8
Rank 3: 2d10
Ranki 4: 2d12
Rank 5: 2d14
Rank 6: 2d16
Force fields (rank 3, Recharging, limited (physical), sacrifical(sexual), static) 3 pts, imagine armor lock from Halo Reach
A force field is the opposite of a special attack, mitigating any damage after your roll is calculated but before damage reduction applies. Instead of a 1d6 a Forcefield adds a static +5 bonus/rank. It too recharges every 10 rounds unless specified otherwise. You can end a forcefields usage anytime on your turn, if you don't it stays active until dealt enough damage to be destroyed. (Note, only once dismissed or destroyed does a forcefield begin recharging.)
If the forcefield bonus would help you overcome an attack you deal no Damage.. forcefields are purely defensive. They also take damage first, even if you sucessfully defend without them.
Weaknesses: 26 pts
Horny: (rank 3)
10%/rank of damage done to your stamina through sexual attacks is dealt as damage to your mental stat as well. (rounded up)
Masochistic: (rank 3)
10% Rank of damage done to your stamina through physical attacks is dealt as damage to your sexual stat as well. (rounded up)
Weak Body: (rank 3)
Reduce your physical stat by 1/rank
Inexperienced: (rank 3)
Reduce your sexual stat by 1/rank
Honorable: (2 points)
If your opponent made an Attack Roll against you in the previous round, you take a -2 penalty to your own Attack Roll if you do not use the same attribute as your opponent.
Easily distracted: +1 (Dirty talk/Taunting)
The character can be distracted by shiny things, cats, a certain song... when distracted they roll their attack dice twice and pick the worse result. The higher the rank the more common a thing to happen.
Fetish: (rank 3, Bondage/Grappling)
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.
Fetish: (rank 3, Being stripped)
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.
Achilles heel(tentacles): +1/rank
You are weak to one form of attack that is rare/uncommon/common, taking 100% increased damage from it. Rare: A Breastmilk based corruption attack. uncommon: a superpowered punch. Common: all physical attacks
Achilles heel(slimes): +1/rank
You are weak to one form of attack that is rare/uncommon/common, taking 100% increased damage from it. Rare: A Breastmilk based corruption attack. uncommon: a superpowered punch. Common: all physical attacks
Detectable: +1 (force field)
The power is rather obvious, and can be seen from afar. For example, a corrupting alchemy transmutation that creates a large purple cloud above.
Inept defence: +2 (rank 1)
The characters attributes are only good for attacking with and they suffer a -1/rank on rolls when defending
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Transformed(optional, mainly for demons)/Real form

Name and title: Zepoh The mindflayer
Type: Monster
Short description and Bio:
Ahhh yeesss, I've been expecting you heroines the door wasn't too hard to find right dearies. welcome to my humble abode its quite comfy once you really get in it haha tentacle beds, bondage rooms, I've got it all just for you ladies. I reside in my pocket dimension, come find me and your real desires will be answered, do you desire wealth, I have wealth beyond compare for you little adventures, or is there something else you crave, I do hope you come to me, my dungeon is waiting.
Orientation and interests: exploiting and breaking heroines

Attributes: 18,17,18,14
Stamina: 14
Physical: 17-3=14
Sexual: 18
Mental: 18+3=21

Special Powers: 15+27
Mind Control: 3 rank 12
Overpowering a target with your will, the most direct approach, simple and easy. for 1 round/rank you can give the target a command instead of attacking them. They can still attack, unless you command them not to. Suicidal or clearly dangerous commands like 'Surrender and kneel!' 'strip naked!' 'Run into my wall of fire' are not followed, but commands like 'sexually attack me', 'let me see your breasts' 'Sheathe your blade' or 'hold still and ignore what I'm doing with the rope' are.
Additionally you gain +1 Mental/rank.
Secret realm: 5 rank 15
No place like home. Which is why you take your home with you. You can enter this place and invite friends.. or foes over. In your secret realm you have the home advantage, though you have to overpower someone with a physical attack or trick them make them enter. While in your secret realm you gain +1 to all rolls/rank
For reach rank the secret realm increases in size and what it can contain.
Rank 1: Its a small closet
Rank 2: Its an average sized room
Rank 3: Its a small house
Rank 4: It's a small castle
Rank 5: Its a large palace (his pocket dimension is a large dungeon with several interconnecting rooms they shift and change while inside making escape difficult and allowing him to move faster than he should)
Rank 6: Its as large as a city in its own right.
A special attack costs 2 rank (+2d6, drain energy, melee), and adds a 1d6 diceroll in your favour, however, you can reduce an attack by 1d6/rank to add any of the following bonuses to your attack this round: (Basically, similiarly to your points they need to be balanced. You can have a rank 1 burning attack for 0d6, or a rank 2 burning attack for 1d6, or a rank 2 burning and lower defences 2d6 special attack.)
Mastered attack: 1/3 points/Rank: 3pt 2 rank mental
Your offenses have intimidating strength behind them. Increase the dice you use for attacks with a specific attribute by one step (1d10 to 1d12, 1d14, etc). At a cost of 3 points per rank you can increase and split the dice to gain:
Rank 1: 2d6
Rank 2: 2d8
Rank 3: 2d10
Ranki 4: 2d12
Rank 5: 2d14
Rank 6: 2d16
Teleport: 3 points/rank
You can well.. teleport around, avoiding danger and repositioning yourself. Chose one of the following benefits per rank and use them: 1/teleport rank in a fight:
1. Assasinate: Teleport behind a target to gain +2 to your attack roll and phasing (ignore grunts and power defence) for one attack.
2. Avoid: Teleport a safe distance away as reflex. Reduce the damage you take in a single attack by 90% (rounded up)
3. Crash: Teleport through someone on purpose to increase your attack damage by 1d6 at the cost of 1d6 stamina drain to you as well.
4. Reposition: Ignore one instance of entangling or mine special attacks, special movement, pocket dimension or being held by telekinesis.
Weaknesses: +27
Weak Body: 3 rank,
Reduce your physical stat by 1/rank
Easily influenced: 3 Rank
10% Rank of damage done to your stamina through mental attacks is dealt as damage to your physical stat as well. (rounded up)
Gadget Fan: 3 rank
When you encounter someone with an item of power or artifact you have not seen before you suffer a -1 per rank penalty to all attacks, unless you spent one round per artifact concentrating to examine it.
Fetish: 3 rank, unwilling partners
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.
Fetish: 3 rank, masochists
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.
Fetish: 3 rank, weak opponents
As phobia, but instead of being afraid for no reason they may become attracted against better reason. -1 penalty on rolls for defence, player dependant.
Lustful: 3 rank
If your opponent doesn't take any actions you too must take a turn just fantasizing(if sub) or tempting (If dom) them, if you don't you suffer -2 to your attack roll/rank. (limiting this to a maximum of 3 turns.)
Vicious mockery: 3 points: When your opponent rolls a 1 and you deal damage to them through your defence action You spent the next round mocking them and telling them about your superiority rather than attacking them. (You can still activate other abilities)
Detectable: +1 (secret realm) in the real world people can see a distortion in space, this is basically the door to his lair.
The power is rather obvious, and can be seen from afar. For example, a corrupting alchemy transmutation that creates a large purple cloud above.
Inept offense: 2 rank:
The characters attributes are only good for defending with and they suffer a -1/rank on rolls when attacking
Other/Comments: If someone ever wants to use this guy he starts combat with his special "teleport behind you and drain you silly" technique then proceeds to wear down the heroine by getting her to chase him around in the dungeon and throwing magic at her if she stays too far back.
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