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Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

The once rich traderoads have been corrupted into a network of underground tunnels with lustful creatures deep beneath the surface.

-Elemental Control (Earth) for any demon inside while corrupted.
-Damage reduction (physical and sexual) for heroes inside if liberated.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains


Shimizu Nao
The Dwarven mountains
Tag: Alera

"That's good to know, Alera." As they continued through the cave in darkness, they saw shine of light at the other end. "That might be our destination or better, a place we can rest." They proceeded cautiously toward the light.
They arrived at with dwarf architecture of some sort, abandoned. "Although it's seem strange we haven't found any demons, but how about we rest here a bit?"

(OOC: the picture is for reference.)
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Hunting

"Inguruan dira hemen nonbait" Came a voice to his mind, even without Miana nearby the demon could speak to his mind just a bit, not that she ever gave anything useful. 'Somewhere' around this cave network could literally be as good as anywhere given they could be three floors up or down.

Stepping into the great natural cave instead of the dwarven halls, his nose would twitch, and the dire wolf would bare his fangs in a grin. They were definitely here.

Following his nose he'd try to look for them, though Amorok would admit, he was nowhere near as good as his smaller kin. Gaining his powers and in size had hurt his senses other then his eyes more then he'd like to admit so they would likely hear him coming.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Resting time

As Nao and Alera continued on their travels, they found a room that seemingly held a natural form of light. At Nao's proclamation that this may either be a place of rest, or their goal, Alera will perk up, excitedly.

"We're already there? That seems too good to be true, I'd imagine it is a good place to rest though, so I'll set up a place where we'll be safe, and we can rest. But we must be vigilant, there may yet be demons about."

Alera continues her tirade of the importance of safety and general caution while she sets up a "room" to sleep in.

(Utilizing Secret Realm for a nice place to rest. Sized as a house.)
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Hunting, Alera, Nao

Amorok finally found what he was looking for. A pair of females were in the caves, and one was trying to do...something. It seemed to involve breaking the fabric of reality itself so he tried to look away from it. For the two girls there was little chance at this point they didn't notice the bright golden eyes staring at them, or the figure of the giant wolf around them outlined in the shadows.

If they were outside that is, and if they were outside he'd say.

"I see we have intruders." Came a voice more like a growl that was attempting to vocalize words. It was obvious the creature wasn't naturally inclined to talking. "Leave now and I will spare you." If only to stick it to the succubus' craw. Though really, what were the odds they'd actually leave, no heroes ever seemed to.

If they were inside their realm, he'd sit down outside it. Watching it intently as he waited for them to leave.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains


Shimizu Nao
The Dwarven mountains
Tag: Alera, Amorok

While the seer still channeling her spell, Nao noticed a giant wolf glaring with its golden eyes before it turned away as if tried to hide."It seem this is our destination after all" She gripped the hilt of her short sword readied herself to react to its movement.

"Hou, you can talk? But I don't think we would like to leave as you seem to be our target." She replied to the wolf and let go of the hilt where she instead start to channel red-colored energy onto her right hand, slowly forming into a spherical shape "I will swiftly end this!"

Nao begins Charging up her special attack!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Battle, Alera, Nao

See? The heroes never want to leave. Well guess the succubus would likely get what it wanted today. As it was Amorok ignored the woman charging her special attack entirely, and instead went for the woman with the reality bending powers. Knowing from experience he was weaker to magic then to some channeled ability.

He didn't even go for what would have inevitably been a vicious bite. No instead the seer would see those few seconds ahead of a massive maw trying to bite down on her and take her inside.

Amorok uses Amorok's Capture on Alera. Amorok Rolls Physical (24+2d8) =

Alera must beat this physical roll or is captured in Amorok's maw. Suffering 1 damage per turn and being unable to attack or use active powers till either she beats Amorok in a physical check or three turns have passed.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Battle, Swept up

Alera, managing her spell with nary a care in the world heard the danger, before she saw it. Strange, given her usual disposition.

As the large animal let out it's growling voice to announce its arrival, as well as the intentions it held, she was surprised to hear that it seemed to give them the choice to leave. However, Nao wished to handle it's provocations with actions.

It seems that the seer's spell garnered the demon's attentions. Her one passing thought before being beset upon by said demon was something not unlike "Wow, that's a damned big wolf..." The aforementioned wolf went in face first towards the seer, with an attack like a bite, but, as the wolf showed it's strength, it was shown to only be something akin to a grab, one which the seer simply could not get out of.

Physical against Amorok's Capture; Can't win, rolling for Damage:
Once my turn rolls around; Best case scenario is a tie: Physical
Stamina 13/16
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains


Shimizu Nao
The Dwarven mountains
Tag: Battle, Alera, Amorok

The giant wolf ignored Nao as she prepared her attack and went straight as a bullet aiming for the unprepared seer who was grabbed by its jaw, although it doesn't seem to be gnawing its teeth into the seer's body.

It knows that I'm preparing for a big attack and went for Alera instead! Nao felt bad she hadn't thought about the possibility that it would ignored her altogether. No, this isn't the time to be thinking about this. I have to help her! As soon as her special attack was ready, she readjusted her mind and body then rushed into the medium range and hurl the red-colored shperical engery at the giant wolf. "I will make you regret for ignoring me. Prepared yourself!"

If her attack succeed, along with the initial damage, the wolf will be poisoned and suffer 1 damage to stamina in the next round.

Quick Mastery: +3 Physical until the end of the fight
Nao uses Special Attack "Higanbana no Justu" on Amorok:
Untrained Check(there 10% chance that abilities will not function):
For Special Attack
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Battle, Alera, Nao

Amorok continued to ignore Nao, even as her attack splashed over his fur and burned him. The girl would get to the sight of the damage she did healing itself in a flash before her eyes. Though he seemed almost surprised he had actually been hit by the ability. Rounding on Nao and striking out with the blunt top of his claw even as his jaws clamped shut around Alera, blinding the seer and rolling the girl around with his tongue.

Amorok rolls to defend against Nao's special attack 24+2d8 = fails, suffers 3 damage and 1 damage from the burn. Amorok goes into Disbelief over his Physical score being beaten. (-3 to physical)

Amorok rolls to bash Nao across the room with his claw. Rolls 21+2d8 = (should be 30, had the wrong modifier)

Amorok successfully keeps Alera from escaping. Rolls 21+2d8 = Alera suffers 1 Stamina damage.

Amorok heals 4 Stamina damage due to Regeneration and is back to full Stamina.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains


Shimizu Nao
The Dwarven mountains
Tag: Battle, Alera, Amorok

Nao attack had injured the wolf, but her eyes were wide open in disbelief as she saw the injure close itself as if nothing happened. But that my stongest attack!

"Did you just healed through my attack?!" She questioned but before she got any answer, the wolf's claw came down at her. She received with her short sword, although the impact blew her body backward headed straight to the cave's wall. However, before she hit the wall, she teleported to the wolf facing backwards using the momentum from the impact to spun her body midair and swung her short sword at the wolf. "It's not over yet!"

Nao defend against Amorok's claw: 17+1d10 = fails, suffers 4 damage.

Nao teleport in attack with her short sword: 16+2+1d10 = + phasing (ignore grunts and power defence) for one attack.(But you don't have one anyway)

Cumulative penalty: Physical -1

Stamina 8/12
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Battle, Alera, Nao

"Yes, yes I did." Amorok mumbled around the girl in his mouth. The wolf wasn't surprised by the teleport, and didn't even try to dodge it, instead batting her with his tail into the ground. Then, with Alera still stuck in his mouth, he'd fall down ontop of Nao, trying to force her to the ground, face down, underneath his quite significant sheath. His musk flooding the air around her. "I think this fight is over now is it not?"

Amorok rolls Physical to defend, (has recovered from overconfidence) 23+2d8 = Nao suffers 8 Stamina damage. (Not sure if Nao has 12 Stamina or 13 If it's 13 then the next roll matters, otherwise Nao is defeated.

Amorok Rolls Sexual against Nao. Rolls 17+2d8 = -2 from honourable = 21

Amorok Rolls to keep Alera stuck in his mouth. 23+2d8 =
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Captive

Alera was flustered, to say the least, there was simply nothing in her power to get out of the Wolf's grip, which was supremely demoralizing to the seer. The bright side of this ordeal was that she was taking no damage due to her remarkable healing speed.

However, since she was in this wolf's maw, she was incapable of helping Nao to fight this beast, instead watching her being wailed on by what seems to be a superior foe.

There is nary a reason to roll for physical, but I'm not a little bitch so I'm gonna do it anyway:

The over time damage can't hurt me since I regenerate it away. Round 2 of grapple.

Stamina 13/16
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains


Shimizu Nao
The Dwarven mountains
Tag: Defeated, Alera, Amorok

Nao's attack didn't went off and instead found herself lying face down on the ground defenseless, struggling to stay conscious. She started to helplessly react to the strong scent as she breathed in hefty amount of air with her tired body. Her ears became more sensitive as she heard the heartbeat of the wolf. His heart beats faster than normal not from the fight he just had, but from the anticipation of the situation. She couldn't helped that her pussy became wet from the musk and horrified from the knowledge of what going to happen next.

Stamina 0/12 defeated
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Battle, Alera, Nao

Amorok would lie there for a bit longer, Nao continuing to stew in his scent, even as Nao would feel Amorok's massive, incredibly warm, member slowly sliding out of sheath and resting against her back. He had the one girl, now he just had to deal with the other. He had a few options, but in the end he decided to spit the girl out. Letting Alera free as he growled. "Leave, I have hunted enough prey for the day. Unless you want to join your companion. I will return her to the borders of your little hideaway after I have properly punished her for attacking me."

Depending on what Alera did, the world would branch into three separate paths. One where Alera left, and she'd be unharassed by the wolf. The giant creature seemed like it was good for its word.

The other paths were that Alera decided to stay, maybe she'd stay as a willing companion to her friend, surrendering herself to the wolf. Alternatively, she decided to try to fight the great creature, and he'd leap up from where he was pinning down Nao, trying to pounce on the new girl and give her a long lick that would start between the girl's legs, and up going over her entire front, playing with her breasts and cunt on the way up.

Depending on Alera's actions, she is either allowed to flee the fight, willingly surrender, or will be attacked by Amorok with the following attack.

Sexual Roll: 17 + 2d8 =
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Inner conflict

Alera was at one may call an impasse. She wanted to help Nao, she really did, but she can't possibly hope to beat the wolf demon. She wanted to come back with reinforcements, but the same thing that happened here could just happen again without either greater amounts of people, or the initiative in attacks.

"Ugh, alright wolf, I'll accept your offer, for now. I intend to come back for my friend post-haste, this is not the last you see of me..." With this, the seer will look forlornly at the kunoichi, demoralized by the crushing truth that she simply cannot stand on an equal level to this demon.

Alera turns and runs, back towards Arx Spes, in pursuit of a larger garrison to deal with this horrendous monster.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Post-Battle, Nao

"Good, I was hoping she'd leave." Amorok said with a chuckle, waiting till Alera was gone, then turning back to Nao with a grin as he said. "Then your mine now girl, you had spirit at least, hopefully your pups will be good." The girl would get to see a terrifyingly large canine member now fully unveiled below the creature. It looked like it had no hope of fitting inside her, but if she looked to Amorok's eyes she'd be able to tell he was planning to force it to fit.

Then Nao would feel hands around her, and would get to see a dark skinned succubus standing beside her. Removing her clothes before lifting her up to move her to a nearby rock, putting her on level with the massive canine. A moment later her world was shadowed as the natural lights above were blocked out by the canine, and he licked her ears even as she felt just the tip of his cock pressed against her pussy. "Are you ready little human?"
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains


Shimizu Nao
The Dwarven mountains
Tag: Tag: Post-Battle, Amorok

Nao’s saw Alera spoke something to the wolf, but she couldn’t make out any of it since her mind was clouded with strong scent emitting from the wolf. Each time she breathed in the scent, her body was getting more aroused. Hah~ Can’t think straight… the smell… so strong and sweet... Then, she saw the fully erect canine shaft that even her clouded mind knew that it was too large for her, although she wasn’t in the position nor in the right mind to resist anyway.

Nao felt a pair of hands explored her body and saw a beautiful dark skinned succubus. “Ahh~ where did you came from…?” Her question mixed with a lewd moan. The succubus stripped her naked and moved her to a nearby rock, positioned her with the large canine shaft. Everything around her became darker as the wolf moved on top of her. “Fuaaah~ don’t play... ahh~ with my ears~” Any resistance left in her melt away immediately the moment her ears was played by the wolf. Then, she felt the pressure pushed against the entrance of her pussy. “Yes! yes! yes! ahh~ I’m ready... please give it to me~”
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains

The Dwarven Mountains
Tag: Post-Battle, Nao

"non Amorok doa joan nintzen." The Succubus replied with a bright grin, before backing off to allow Amorok access to the girl. Slipping away to watch, and Nao could see, finger herself, as Amorok started to tease the humans ears. "Good, cause I don't think I could hold back any longer."

The demon marked dog pushed forward without another moment. Nao getting to know the feeling of something that shouldn't fit, working its way into her and whether it should or shouldn't, the massive member was fitting into her. First the tip started to stretch her wide, pre-cum leaking out of it to lube her insides and help as she was stretched beyond what anything likely had to her before. Inch after inch slipped in until she could feel him poking out a bit, a bulge forming on her stomach against the rock, but he still kept going. Finally he'd reach the base of his shaft, the entirety of it inside the poor human girl, and she'd feel his heartbeat through the cock inside her, her entire body jumping a bit with each twitch of the massive member. "Haaaah, feels good to have a new bitch to break in."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Dwarven Mountains


Shimizu Nao
The Dwarven mountains
Tag: Post-Battle, Amorok

The succubus grin widely and spoke to her in language that Nao couldn’t understood before she backed away and started to finger with herself. “Fuahh~” She let out another moan and her face formed into a lewd and sloppy expression as Amorok started to whisper and lick her ears once more. Unable to regain rational thought from ears tease.

“Aahhh!?” Suddenly, Nao surprised that she felt immense pleasure overshadowed a little bit of pain from getting thrust by the majestic canine cock. This is due to her wet pussy combined with pre-cum leaking from the tip of the shaft acted as lubricant. “Ahhh! Ah! why does it feel so good~” She felt her inside being stretch wider and wider as the wolf’s member slowly slided deeper into her. She could felt her stomach bulge and touching against the rock, but it didn’t stop there until she felt the base of his huge canine cock. Her body arched up and her pussy tighten around the shaft indicating that she had reached climax by eating the entire cock. “Aahh~ the entire thing is inside me~” She said sloppily, her eyes half closed and her voice filled with pleasure. The afterglow of the first orgasm combined with the twitches of Amorok’s member felt amazing that her consciousness slip away for a moment. “That no good… Haaa~ I have to stay awake to feel even more pleasure~” Somehow she managed to maintain her consciousness, she even anticipating for more.