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Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score


-Animal affinity 2 for any demon inside while corrupted.
-Regeneration 1 for heroes inside if liberated.
-Further lands unlocked beyond if liberated.

The corrupted forest is dark and twisted, shadows obscuring most of the undergrowth, while wicked beasts prowl for prey.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest


Yari Darkbane
The Forest
Tag:Zoey, Herinna

"I'll take that as a no on the tracking front." The lightmage chuckled slightly, looking at the cheerful, but confidence lacking Zoey and Herinnas empty eyed stare. "Well, it seems no one comes to contest the forest." She slammed her hands together, one pointing up with two others coiling around it. "So let us purify this area."

She was not one to simply walk into potential traps by opposing demonic forces. "Lets see if we can challenge these creatures on their own territory then."
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Forest
Tag: Witchy

''If we can split one of them up that would be amazing~'' Yuno cheered happily. ''But, we shouldn’t be too passive, or else the doggies won’t play with us anymore…'' She said looking a little depressed while rubbing her cheek against wolf’s. ''And I don’t want that, the doggies that live here are always so nice and love to play, I don’t wanna lose them!'' Yuno said to the witch while looking pouty, as she kept rubbing herself against sif’s soft fur.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

((Artorias's best friend now reduced to helping some witch))

The Forest
Tag: Yari, Zoey

"Please, I've lived in a forest for a long time," said Herinna confidently. "I won't be stupid enough to fall into a simple trap in the forest." She returned the arrow to its quiver, but kept the bow out.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Yuno

"Indeed, we need to keep them from taking the forest away from us." The Woods Witch said with a nod. "We finally got it as we like. So let us go find them and see if we can't pick off one or two of them why don't we?"

The Witch would stand up and beckoned for her wolves to follow her as she started for the exit of the abode. Hoping that Yuno would follow, or at least Sif would drag her along.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Witch

''Don’t worry, after seeing my dreams, I doubt they want to wake up ever again! So let’s go, losing these cute doggies would be bad.'' Yuno said with a pout as she climbed onto Sif’s back, now riding on the wolf. Yuno rode along with the rest of the wolves, drowsily swaying from the sif’s rough movements. This way, Yuno at least was able to keep up with The Wood Witch.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Elven Forest
Tag: Yari, Herinna

I don't know how your exactly going to purify the forest, but if we are going to stay in one place to purify, then I'll keep watch. O-or I could help somehow, but I'm not an expert on that kind of stuff. Zoey wasn't exactly sure of how to purify any area, when she first wanted to come over and fight, she was thinking of just trying to prove that she could fight.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Elven Forest
Tag: Zoey, Yari

Herinna clutched her bow in front of her. "Let's just worry about fighting off everything that's against us first. We can worry about purification later." She turned to Yari. "Though, you're gonna have to take care of the purifying stuff. I don't know any magic or whatever that's capable of this stuff."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest


Yari Darkbane
The Forest
Tag:Zoey, Herinna

"Simple.. well, not simple, but any heroine can purify these lands if they put their heart to it. What, did you come out here just to fight and have a good time? Our goal is not conflict but the liberation of our homeworld from perverted invaders." Yari nodded with determination. "Baring demonic interruptions, naturally. oh and yes.. by all means.." She looked at Herinna, not hiding her disapproval. "Lets fight them with their homeground advantage first, we want a proper challenge, after all." Yari shook her head. "Well, lets make sure none can sneak up on us." She waved her hand, the lightball growing larger, as she sat down cross leggedly upon a fallen over treetrunk, focusing.

Yari uses Enviromental control: Light
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Elven Forest
Tag: Defense, Yari, Herinna

Alright, Ill be on the watch for the demons! If we could actually purify this land, we might actually have a chance of winning against the demons! Zoey was trying to pep herself up for the coming battle. The goal they had set for them selves was starting to get Zoey to look at the bigger picture of the world.

While waiting for the demons Zoey would fidget every once in a while. The situation was somewhat tense just waiting, and Zoey was not good under pressure. W-when do you think they will show up? She eventually asks both of her fellow heroines.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Elven Forest
Tag: Yari, Zoey

Herinna was pacing about the area they're in. "If I'm right, they'll be here soon. I heard demons just cannot resist new prey."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Yuno

The Woods Witch would stop her forward advance as they came close to where the wolves had spotted the group. The two smaller creatures were scouting ahead, and the three heroes would see them hanging around on the edge of their vision as they tried to keep them in sight.

Turning to Yuno she'd nod. "The enemy is nearby. I believe we should try to hit them from all directions. Sif can do a reasonable job of tying one of them down."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elven Forest
Tag: Witch, Defending

''Alright, I will be heading straight for them~'' Yuno responded to the witch, being the slowest among them it only made sense for her to enter the fray first. She ran straight into the fight, although calling it running would be generous, she was more or less swaying from side to side, before immediately falling down face first on the ground. After miserably failing her charge into battle, Yuno just sat at the edge of the forest. ''Ehhhh… Running is so hard.'' Yuno whined.

At first glance Yuno looked like a normal human, but anyone could easily sense the sinister aura surrounding her. ''Hey, hey, can you please stop what you’re doing. The cute little doggies won’t play with us anymore, if you continue what you’re doing.'' Yuno said while letting out an audible yawn at the end of her sentence, making the girls that were trying to purify the forest a little drowsy. ''Come on, just close your eyes and fall asleep, and let the doggies play with you.'' Yuno cooed, trying to convince them to just give up.

''I promise the doggies will treat you nicely and that all of you will have sweet dreams…'' Yuno said as her eyes opened a little, though they looked far from normal, instead they were glowing bright pink, and quickly Zoey’s turned into the same bright pink color. Being the most physically fit among the three women, Yuno chose to bring her into her dream world, so she could learn to relax a little.

When Zoey opened her eyes, she found herself in an unfamiliar place, the first thing she noticed was that moans were coming from every direction and no matter where she looked some kind of debauchery was happening. Women that looked exactly like the girl Zoey saw outside were being raped by beasts, tentacles, futanari version of themselves and faceless men, in every position imaginable. When Zoey tried to move, she found herself stuck in what looked to be a cube of meat, as she was completely naked, and bound in such a way that only her face and butt were sticking out. The more she tried to struggle to get free, the tighter her bindings became.

Suddenly out of the fleshy goo, Yuno appeared, or something that looked like her, she was standing in front of Zoey, and lacking any kind of attire. ''Welcome to my domain of dreams, do you like it?'' Yuno whispered in Zoey’s ear. ''If you tell me your deepest darkest secret, I can make them into a reality here, and since it’s just a dream, nobody will know about it.'' Yuno whispered sweetly into her ears, before placing her soaking wet pussy on the girl’s mouth, filling Zoey’s mouth with sweet juices instantly. ''Yes, tell us everything about yourself, so we can please you just the way you like it.'' A voice similar to Yuno’s cooed out from the back, as she suddenly felt something slippery invade her ass, it easily pushed passed her sphincter and started to gyrate inside her ass. ''We promise we’ll take care of you, and play with you every day and night.'' Another cooed out in a voice similar to Yuno’s, before Zoey felt something bite and suck down onto her clitoris, and felt the sensation of several fingers entering her pussy while several mouths licked, sucked and nibbled on it. All of the fingers, mouths and tongues had different textures to them, and they constantly kept changing in intensity and position, sometimes her pussy was filled with tongues and fingers, and other times her ass got the same treatment.

The assault continued, what felt like forever to Zoey, until she was close to reaching an orgasm. She came closer and closer while Yuno kept on rubbing her pussy against Zoey’s face. Until, Zoey found herself standing in the middle of the forest were she used to be, and even though it felt like hours had passed, in reality only mere seconds had passed. The entire experience made Zoey feel fatigued and sluggish as she had to keep herself from yawning. ''Wasn’t that fun?'' Yuno cooed out at Zoey with a knowing smile on her face.

Special Mental attack on Zoey, 18+2d6+1d6 = , it half the damage is dealt to her physical stat.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Battle

Meanwhile, as Yuno was...flopping...into the clearing, Sif was rounding around behind the group. Jumping out to attack Yari. The empowered wolf leaping out of the surrounding woods to try to take out the magical elf. Growling as it tried to pin her down.

Finally, after both Yuno and Sif had attacked, the Woods Witch stepped in herself. Her staff raised in the air. "Heroes here to try to take the land away from us. Well, why if you love the forest this much then we'll let you help spread it by becoming a slave for Sif and my pets."

Even as she was speaking the Woods Witch's staff glowed, and Herinna would find the ground below her erupt with roots. Trying to grab and hold her down.

Sif Attacks Yari. Physical Roll 15+1d10 =

The Woods Witch uses her Special Attack on Herinna. Mental Roll 22+1d10+1d6 = If the attack hits, Herinna becomes entangled and suffers -2 to her rolls until she spends a turn breaking free.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Zoey was on watch for the eventual attack from the demons, and it came in the form of a swaying women who immediately fell down. As this was her first actual battle, this scene was not what she expected. Not only did she not expect the failure of a charge, the demon was now just trying to convince them to give up!

Sundenly Yuno's eyes turned entirely pink and Zoey felt something wash over her as her own eyes turned pink. Before she fell asleep, she instinctively used her Lightning to lessen the amount of pink affecting her.

When she awoke she was surrounded by all forms of debauchery from futa Yuno's , faceless men, and copys of Yuno. How could the innocent Zoey resist growing hot and bothered. She herself couldent move, stuck in a block of meat, helpless.

She was subjected to countless forms of pleasure, all of which were new for her! The sweet voives promising to love her, and have fun with her if she submitted came from everywhere. They sounded so genuine, ready to accept her into their arms. Unable to resist properly against the copys, she had to try and focus to break free from the dream. It took what felt like hours in order to break free, and by the time she did, she was very close to cumming!

By the time she is set free, she feels like she just ran a marathon, completely tired and worn out. Her brain a little worn out from the never felt before pleasure.

Wha-What did you do to me! Obviously still aroused, Zoey calls out. She seemed out of focus for a second or two, before coming back. When she looked over to Yuno, a strange look is in her eyes, before she suddenly attacks the Woods Witch! Lightning covers Zoey's arms before leaping off and turning into a dragon made of lightning! It headed straight for the witch!

Zoey rolls a to defend against the mind attack! Physical is now 13 and Stamina is at 10. Regeneration: 3 points, back to 13 health.
Attacks the Woods Witch with special attack (mental)! Rolls !
Wrong roll so took out the 5 from a 2d6
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Herinna rolled Mental defense:
Assuming this also damages stamina 27 - 17 = 10
Herinna has 8 stamina remaining

As Herinna was readying an arrow to fire an arrow at Yuno, the roots erupted from the ground and began to ensnare her. "What is this? Let go of me!" She tried to break out of the entanglement which was made difficult by the position she's in.

Breakout attempt with Physical:
Penalty from roots: 20 - 2 = 18
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest


Yari Darkbane
The Forest
Tag:Zoey, Herinna, Yuno, The Woods witch.

"Carefull, these creatures are clearly demons, we should strategize and..." She sighed slightly when .. well, everything became chaotic, as battles tend to do, she reminded herself.

"We have come to free this land from your wicked influence!" Yari insisted, lowering her hand to create a wall of light between her and the wolf. "Light barrier!"

Yari Defends with a light element(1d4) enhanced physical defense, although she takes a penalty against the wolf she rolls a total of 24, dealing 7 Stamina damage to the wolf attacking her.

"Not quite done yet! Lightstyle, shining judgement!" Yari called out, folding her hands together, the lupine finding himself engulfed by a cascading light. "I am sorry, ultimatley you are but a beast, innocent in this conflict." She lowered her hands, then focused on the witch. "It seems you make the mistake of misjudging me as an ignorable threat with the wolf striking at me." She waved her hands, lights cascading around her digits. "I .. huh.." When she saw the lightning|dragon thing brush forth she decided to instead observe, after dealing with the wolf, deciding which of the two demons would continue to pose the greater threat, the light still glowing around her.

Next, Yari attacks for a mental total of 22, even taking into account her fetish for beasties weakness, considering the wolfs mental score and remaining Stamina, he has no chance to survive this.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Battle

As Sif was sent flying back into the woods by the light mage's abilities. The Woods Witch growled and countered the lightning dragon with a vine monstrosity of her own. The creature plowing through the attack and crashing against Zoey before dissipating. "Really, you thought a weakling attack like that could harm me? I'm ancient compared to you girl." Then the Witch's attention turned to Yari. "And you girl, will pay for harming Sif."

Blackened tentacles reached out from the ground, before digging into her skin, and Yari would feel her powers weakening.

The Woods Witch defends from Zoey's attack. Mental Roll 22+1d10 = Zoey suffers 5 Stamina Damage

Does not attack the following turn due to Triumphant Poise.

Instead uses Contamination on Yari's Special Ability, applying a 30% chance of failing on use.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Yuno Final Form
The elven forest
Tag: Battle

''I just shared some of my dreams with you, weren’t they wonderful~'' Yuno responded drowsily to Zoey. In the meantime the archer girl shot an arrow at Yuno, Herinna might’ve expect Yuno to do something, but instead she just drowsily smiled at Herinna as the arrow flew directly at Yuno, and hit her clean in the shoulder. Yuno clutched her shoulder in pain, as her eyes opened wide. ''That… hurts… you… know…'' Yuno said angrily, before pulling herself up onto two feet, and donning her robe properly.

Lazy is active, Physical defense . Yuno takes 8 damage to stamina, leaving her with 5. Since Yuno lost more than 50% of her total stamina from physical damage, final form activates.

Yuno’s aura completely changed, as the once sinister aura now felt overwhelmingly dark, and it only got stronger when ghost tentacles grew out of Yuno’s back. ''I will make you regret that.'' Yuno said coldly as two of the tentacles pierced straight through Zoey’s and Herinna’s heads, their eyes becoming the same pink color as Zoey had before. Though, Yari got a different treatment, a more hands one treatment, as Yuno’s tentacles wrapped around Yari’s arms and legs, pulling her close to Yuno. If Yari didn’t manage to avoid or resist the attack, soon she found herself being undressed by the tentacles, pulling open her top to free the elf’s breasts while pulling down her skirt and underwear, revealing her butt for all to see. Yuno’s tentacles would slither close to the elf’s mouth, and she could feel several tentacles gather around her pussy and ass, wiggling and probing against Yari’s entrances, she knew if she didn’t manage to escape quickly, her holes would soon be filled by Yuno’s tentacles. Yari could feel Yuno sapping the life out of her surroundings, as her body began to heal. ''Elven mage, you will pay for your companion’s mistake.''

Yuno heals for stamina putting her at 10 total. Yuno sexual attacks Yari for .

Zoey and Herinna however, found themselves in Yuno’s dream world, a familiar sight for Zoey, a place where debauchery was happening no matter where you looked. Though, Zoey immediately noticed that things were a little bit different from last time, as she was being held up in the air by tentacles, and saw her friend Herinna stuck in what looked to be stockades made of flesh. Yuno’s intentions were quickly made clear, as Zoey found herself being lowered down towards Herinna, until her ass and pussy were firmly placed against the girl’s mouth as the tentacles made sure to grind Zoey’s wet folds over Herinna’s face. In the meantime Herinna could feel a hand roughly hitting her ass cheek, quickly followed by another one, and another, as the sound of loud thwacks echoed through the air. ''Brutes like you deserve to be punished, now lick your companion’s pussy, and I might go easy on your bottom.'' Yuno demanded followed by another fierce slap. In the meantime, Zoey was approached with what looked to be three Yuno’s, two of them sucking gently on Zoey’s nipples while caressing her sides, while the one in front of her pulled her into a deep kiss, and forced her tongue into Zoey’s mouth. If you stay with us, you and your companions will have sweet dreams like this forever, won’t that be nice? Yuno whispered in Zoey’s ears. If Herinna was obedient and licked her companion’s folds, the thwacks on her ass would stop, and instead she found her ass and pussy being filled by several fingers, rhythmically thrusting back and forth. Right before either of them reached an orgasm, they found themselves back in the forest, now witnessing Yuno’s grasp on Yari.

Yuno attacks Zoey mentally for and attacks Herinna for
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Desperate to end the pain from the paddling, Herinna did as she was told. She started to lick the outside of Zoey's slit before thrusting her tongue inside. She licked around Zoey's insides, slowly beginning to enjoy this. Fingers started filling her as she started to go faster. The feelings of pleasure only encouraged her to keep going. She felt disappointed when the feelings ended right before she reached her climax.

Herinna looked around and saw the same forest she just left. Maybe playing with the wolves isn't such a bad idea if she can feel like this each day. She was about ready to simply give up. She did not attempt a retaliation for Yuno's attack. She didn't even care that Yari was in serious danger.

Herinna rolled Mental defense:
23 - 16 = 7
Herinna has 1 stamina remaining
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