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Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

As Zoey's lightning dragon flew towards the Witch, a huge vine monstrosity absorbed the entire attack and rammed straight into Zoey! Crying out in pain, Zoey stumbles back from the attack. At the same time before she could do anything else happened Herinna's arrow hits Yuno and she "awakens"! Before Yuno's attacks hit Zoey, her crown lights up and heals her, but only manages to negate some of the incoming damage!

She once again appears in the mind realm of Yuno, surrounded by sexual acts! Noooo! Not again! Zoey almost whimpers. Her innocence leaves her very vulnerable to this kind of attack and she knows it.

Herinna, was forced to have Zoey's pussy in her face, while Zoey wiggled in ecstasy from having her nipples and pussy played with. Her moans only smothered by Yuno's kiss, filling her mouth with a foreign tongue. Yuno's sweet words were more persuasive than last time, it seemed like the lust's influence was gaining control over Zoey! Just like last time Zoey was denied her climax! When she came to after a few seconds she found her hands timidly rubbing her breasts and folds! Momentarily shocked at her actions she quickly goes a deep red and her hands retreat!

A part of her didn't want to attack to attack Yuno, it wanted to submit to her and find out more about these new feelings. Unfortunately for the demons, Zoey's rational side stays in control and sends an attack to Yuno, trying to save Yari!

Goes to 8 stamina from Witch, while her crown heals her back to 11, only for her to take another 4 damage from a roll of to defend! Witch takes her down to 7 stamina!

She next mentally attacks Yuno in order to try and free Yuri! Rolls a Spends 6 elemental dice, leaving her with 2 left.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest


Yari Darkbane
The Forest
Tag:Zoey, Herinna, Yuno, The Woods witch.

"Hmnn the boasty one isn't the greater issue, right now." Yari determined, raising her hands to try and create a blade of light.. she growled when she felt the pulse of the dark tendrils and her summoning failled.

She tzked.. she had already used her magic to deal with the wolf, and now it had failed to empower her with light energy. That said, before she could deal fully with the witch, the other demon seemed to target her. "Wait, why am I paying for anyone.." She objected, squirming in the tentacles grasp, her soft, white elven bottom exposed for the world to see by a groping tentacle, she trying to cover up her smooth skin... well, that was it. "Alright, enough holding back, lightspeed." She growled.

Suddenly, with but a flash of light, she faded away, appearing behind the Sloth-demon. "Try this on for draining the life-force of innocents." She growled, punching the demons back. "I'm not done yet!" She exclaimed, disappearing again as soon as Yuno turned to her attacker, only to teleport to her other side, striking from there as well, her hands lighting up once more.

1d4 light element.. failed due to contamination, 1d6 total left.

Power Defense: Teleport reduces Yunos attack to a 12.

Sexual defence roll.. luckily she has not tentacle-fetish: a 14 total, vs 12, Yuno takes 2 damage.

Physical attack, 1 point light element enhanced roll plus teleport: Assasinate: 22 total physical attack. (1d5 light element left)
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Battle

"Hmm, ignoring me? Well, let me show you the error of your ways for that." The Woods Witch growled. Deciding to go after Henrietta so Yuno could focus on the other two she'd slam her staff into the ground and one of the trees took a swing at the girl.

Woods Witch attacks Herinna. Mental 22-1+1d10 =
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Herinna rolled Mental defense:
26 - 22 = 4
Herinna has 0 stamina remaining
Herinna has been defeated

Herinna took one last look at the Woods Witch before she received a sharp strike to her back, which sent her to the ground. She got up on one knee and lowered her head submissively. "Please, I surrender. No more." She released her bow and placed both hands behind her head. "I submit. I'll fight you no longer."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elven Forest
Tag: Battle

Yuno frowned when the Elven mage teleported out her grasp, but when the elven mage came in for a counter attack, she had failed the notice that Yuno never made it far from the forest’s darkness, and thus failed to notice a pair wolves jumping out the darkness and knocking her off balance. Yari completely missed the demon in her counter attack, though her next attack, even with the help of wolves, she managed to land a solid hit on Yuno, but perhaps not as solid as she would’ve hoped for. ''And here I had you for a mage, fighting in such a brutish way, how barbaric. Brutes deserve to be punished.''

Reduced incoming damage by 2 with animal affinity of the elven woods, both on the counter attack and defense. Rolled defense against physical attack for , reducing her stamina by 3 after the reduction of animal affinity, reducing her stamina to 7. If I'm doing something wrong here, tell me.

''Don’t you think you should just surrender Zoey? It’s clear you don’t really want to fight, so why would you?'' Yuno asked Zoey while directly staring at her, and when Zoey went for an attack, it instead fizzled as she could feel her knees getting weak and her innocent folds quiver in anticipation. ''Fighting is such a chore, just lay down and dream, dream the pleasant dreams you’ve already seen.''

Defense against Zoey's magical attack for , beating her roll by 1 and dealing 1 stamina damage to her.

With The Woods Witch taking out one of their opponents, Yuno quickly gathered energy, as the grass around her turned brown in response. ''I will make you regret that, you barbaric elf.'' Yuno said angrily, before all her tentacles grabbed onto Yari once more. Though, this time her intentions were different, the tentacles forced her down on all fours, as the tentacles wrapped around her wrist and ankles locked her in place. Yuno quickly cast aside her robes, revealing her pale skin and naughty bits for everyone to see. ''I suppose, I will have to teach you what happens to brutes in these lands.'' Yuno said coldly to Yari, before forcing her mouth against Yuno’s soaking pussy. ''Lick and you can breathe.'' Yuno demanded as she held Yari’s mouth strongly against her crotch, allowing her only to breathe through her nose, and when she did, Yuno’s sweet scent would quickly overwhelm Yari’s senses. Though, that wasn’t the least of Yari’s problems, with her ass revealed to the world and forced into this position, she quickly felt two curious cold wet noses press down against her small little rosebud and pink folds.

If Yari failed to avoid the first attack, Yuno simply tried to grasp take hold of Yari again, repeating the last scene. However, if it did hit, it didn’t take long before she felt fur press against her back, andiIt didn’t take Yari long to realize that one of the wolves had taken the privilege of mounting her. The filthy corrupted beast began dry humping the mage, and it wouldn’t take long before she felt something hot and slimy poke between her ass cheeks. ''Oh, it looks like the wolves of the forest like you, perhaps if you stick your butt out a little more, he might find a hole to enjoy.'' Yuno suggested, and if Yari went with Yuno suggestion, Yari would quickly feel the wolf’s huge cock slide between her ass cheeks, as the wolf began to vigorously rub his fleshy rod over her small rosebud, until her ass was covered with his goo and his scent thoroughly spread between her cheeks, marking her as his property.

In the meantime, two of Yuno’s tentacles found their way to Zoey, and prodded inside her head. However, this time, Yuno’s illusionary world, was slightly different. Seeing the girl masturbate before, Yuno figured she was close to giving in. Zoey was now laying on a soft cushiony bed, with her head resting on a lap, which she soon found out was Yuno’s, and it didn’t take for her to notice four other Yunos were surrounding her. ''What do you prefer sweety, long hard pre-cum soaked futanari cock, or a wet hot pink folds to lick?'' Yuno whispered seductively in Zoey’s ears, if she chose the first one, her mouth and pussy were quickly filled with Yuno’s cocks, as the cock inside Zoey’s delicate folds slowly began to thrust back and forth inside of her, while the inside her mouth waited for Zoey to service it, if she didn’t, Yuno would slide her cock in rhythm with the one being thrusted inside of Zoey’s pussy. If Zoey chose the latter, she soon found herself being smothered by Yuno’s pussy, as one of the Yunos had taken the liberty of sitting on top of Zoey’s face, Yuno grinded her wet pussy against Zoey’s face. If she chose neither or both, she found herself being assaulted by a combination of both, with the cock thrusting inside of her and the pussy pressed against her mouth. Either way, soon Zoey found her asshole being probed and licked by a tongue, and two hands massaging her breasts. ''Just fall asleep... and let Yuno take care of you forever.'' Yuno cooed into Zoey’s ears, right before she felt an orgasm coming and once again being denied, as the illusion ended, and Zoey found herself again in the middle of the forest.

First Yuno heals for bringing her stamina up to 13, aka max. Double sexual attack against Yari, if the first attack misses the second pharagrph never happens, and , while simultaneously attacking Zoey for , if I did anything wrong here again tell me, either RP wise or not.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Yuno's sweat words and promises made Zoey lose her concentration, she trembled involuntarily in anticipation. She was on the verge of just giving in, the edging left her mind filled with lust and a sub conscious wish to climax!
As she was lost in her lust, she felt the familiar prodding of Yuno's tendrils invading her mind.

The anticipation of the pleasure Zoey knew that was to come, finally broke Zoey. She couldent stop herself self from submitting and laying there obediently on Yuno's bed. "Fu-futa cock! I need it! I've always wanted some! Zoey moans out her greatest desire to Yuno, wanting to feel what she only could in her fantasys. Cocks forced their way into her pussy and mouth, taking her virginity, though in the real world her hymen was still intact. Mnhh, mgh, Ahhh, Ahhh. Zoey could only let out muffled moans from her stuffed mouth. She was in ecstasy, even though it was her first time, in the dream world it didn't hurt at all.

She was fucked silly and when she came back to the real world, she collapsed to her knees! Ahhhh, I'm soo close!!! Zoey would yell out as she masturbated in front of everyone, not caring about anything else! Her own inexperience kept her from getting to an orgasm, keeping herself on the edge. It was maddening!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest


Yari Darkbane
The Forest
Tag:Zoey, Herinna, Yuno, The Woods witch.

(You can't use animal affinity to give you damage reduction, it gives you a pet. Furthermore, Teleport(assasinate) ignores many defensive options.. doesn't matter, as with your heal your Stamina is still back to 13 though. ^^)

Yari sighed, looking at Herinna, truthfully, she hadn't expected much from the ditzy looking archer, but she had expected.. anything. Zoey too didn't seem overly sucessful with her attacks, putting Yari in a progressively 1on2 situation.
(Light element enhanced defense against the sexual attacks: 10 each, counting in the beasty fetish, 6 stamina damage total, 1d3 light element remaining.)

"Tzzzk.. Wicked creature. I'd overcome you, but sadly I can't fight two of you." Yari held her breath, as the tentacles forced her down onto all fours, clearly some fight left in her, compared to the other two heroines, still, her head growing a little red with the effort and distracting arousing scent from Yuno, but she refused to submit to the cruel demoness that stained her lips with excess naughty juices. That said, she blinked in suprise with the wolves suddenly poking at her, feeling their warm, wet tongues on her once more exposed folds.
"Ahmnnn! ..What do you think you are doing, demonic creature! I shall not be despoiled by.. haah.. one such as you!" She growled back at the wolf, then insisted, "L.. let go of me you filthy creature.... ew.. ewww it feels all s..slimey!" She gulped, panting, pressing her ass out in mating-reflex against the powerful beasty, but still struggling against the wolf marking her, focusing.. finally withdrawing once more in a flash of teleporting light, escaping Yunos grasp for the second time, exclaiming:

"Haah.. haaah, Light-step!" She said, turning into a flash of light, twirling away from the wolves and gathering her breath for a moment.
"E..enough of this. I am not defeated this easily." She folded her hands, turning into a flash of light, once more striking at Yuno, sending a blast of light forward against her. "I.. I shall not surrender to you and your wicked beasts so easily! you want magic? I'll show you magic. Purifying light!" She said, though the glistening of arousal between her folds and the markings on her bottomcheeks after the beasts advances were easy to spot, with her not having fixed her dress. After her attack she took up a defensive stance, eyes darting from the witch of the woods to the sloth-demon and back.

Yari uses a Mental special attack against Yuno, with teleport: assasinate enhanced by the last of her light element, for a total of 27 mental attack... aka its not enough to take Yuno out. ^^
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Battle

Given nobody seemed to be attacking her, the Woods Witch frowned. Damn lowlifes! She'd show these bitches just why you didn't ignore her like she was some minion.

Focusing on Yari this time she called up as much power as she could, and struck. The blast of razor leaves heading for the elf lightcaster, trying to take her down.

Woods Witch targets Yari with a mental attack. 22-2+1d10 =
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The elven Forest
Tag: Battle

(My bad, I thought that bonus was for the character, not their pet.)

Herinna already submitted to Yuno, and Zoey quickly followed. The foolish girl started to even masturbate in front of everyone, the girl’s inexperienced way of masturbating made Yuno chuckle a little. Soon Zoey realized why it wasn’t the smartest idea to masturbate in a forest filled with beasts, as the scent of Zoey masturbating attracted a lot of attention from the wild animals inside the corrupted forest. It didn’t take long before Zoey was surrounded by wolves with black fur, and they were circling around her, their cocks were unsheathed and dripping with pre-cum with anticipation.

Yuno couldn’t help but look amused at Zoey getting surrounded by animals, it distracted her long enough for Yuno to be completely caught off guard when Yari suddenly disappears. Then reappeared and send a blast of light towards Yuno. Though, even caught off guard, Yuno still managed to reduce its intensity, before it pierced through her. ''Ara, are you sure? You were pretty eager to listen to my suggestion back there, and besides, the fountain between your legs gives you away.'' Yuno taunted with a chuckle, though holding her side in pain were she’d been hit.

Defense roll against Yari's mental attack for , reducing her stamina by 5 lower it to 8.

After finishing her taunt, Yuno suddenly sprinted behind the barrage of leaves towards Yari, it was like the girl that pathetically swayed before never existed. And with Multiple tentacles reaching out to Yari, it didn’t look good for her, until the tentacles suddenly disappeared, and the strong dominate woman disappeared as her eyes closed again. With her sudden burst of energy gone, Yuno became the clumsy girl from before, and had a confused look on her face as she had no idea why she was going so fast. A mere second later, and the girl instantly tripped over her robe, with the momentum she was carrying she crashed into Yari forcing both of them on the ground. ''Ah, elven lady, you know your ass is exposed right?'' Yuno said as if she completely forgot that she was the one who did that. ''Ah, it must be because you wanna play with the doggy’s right? Here let me help you~'' Yuno said happily, as she forced herself on top of her. Yuno happily pressed their breasts together, and forced both their legs apart. It didn’t take long before the wolf that marked Yari to stick his red slimy cock between the two girls, as he was excitedly trailing after what he considered his bitch, and began to ferociously thrust. Yuno forces her pussy against the wolf’s cock, and pressed it down against Yari’s entrance, now the red slimy twitching cock was sliding back and forth between both girls pink folds, mixing all three of their juices together and spreading them between them. ''See, it isn’t so hard to get the doggies to play with you, just let Yuno take care of you, and cast away those silly thoughts about modesty. Thinking is way too hard anyway.'' Yuno whispered into Yari’s ear.

Sexual attack roll for having a fun time with Yari and some beasties for
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest


Yari Darkbane
The Forest
Tag:Zoey, Herinna, Yuno, The Woods witch.

The lightmage created a .. well, blade of light, mimicking the wood-witches razorleaf strike.. and actually managing to neutralize it, both attacks crashing into one another, neither managing to overpower the other.

"Haaah.. Haaah.. Come on, whats wrong with you everyone!" she growled at Herinna and Zoey, simply giving up. "Are you heroes or sluts!" She growled, panting and keeping one hand raised up towards the Woods witch, little motes of light flowing off of it like fireflies.

That said, even she had to eventually run out of steam and now she faced the other charging demoness... which turned into a less troublesome demoness on the way? "Haah.. alright.. your powers ran out, and I can handle her magic.." Yari determined. She could stand her ground, even on her own, somehow... she could win!

"Eeep.. w.. what? No.." She eeped when Yuno first crashed into her, then drew the false conclusion.. a split personality? "N.. no.. let go of me!" She squirmed, with the beast closing in, gasping as she felt it .. "Aghaaaa!" she moan-screamed out, feeling the wolves slimey shaft in between Yunos and her pussy. Her petite elven chest only half covered by her dress with the sloth-demon rubbing up against it. "ha.. haaah.. n.. nooo.." she squirmed, still trying to struggle, but trapped under the demons voluptous body, with her bodies arousal pulsating hotly against the beast and Yuno and the demons seductive words in her ears. Worse, with her light-element needing to recover for the moment, she couldn't teleport either.. "L.. let me go.. its so slimey and disgusting... ugh.. what do you mean, thinking is hard?" She panted slightly under the demon and the wolf, her long ears twitching a little, her bare pussy exposed and soakingly eager.

(roll of 14, means with her fetish penalty she takes just enough to drop her..
That makes the demons the winners!)
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Post Battle, Victory!

The Woods Witch was not happy at the moment. She had only managed to take out one of the three, Yuno doing seemingly all the rest of the work. It annoyed her, but it wasn't enough to keep her from heading over to find Sif. The Woods Witch making a gesture with her hands and two wolves came out of the woods, moving to surround Herinna. The order of "Fuck her senseless," Was given almost halfheartedly, and the two wolves would jump on the archer. Forcing her down to her hands and knees in an instant. One mounting her from the rear, while the other did from the front, red shafts starting to come free and rub against her.

Then she'd continue on her way to see if Sif was okay. The wolf in rough shape but slowly pulling itself together. Helping him to his feet he'd bring him back, looking to see what Yuno had done yet, and if any of the girls were free by that point then Sif would likely find himself a bitch.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Herinna was watching the battle around her unfold. Why am I not doing anything? She looked at her bow in front of her. She was about to pick it back up, but immediately stopped. The others may not like it if I fight back.

As she was pondering what to do, she was set upon by two wolves. "What the...? Get off!" Fortunately for Herinna, her armor was in the way of things. She struggled in vain to break away from them, still weakened from the fight.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The elven forest
Tag: Victory fun!

''Well, you constantly have to think about making difficult decisions, keeping up your inhibitions, and worry about silly little things, thinking about such difficult things only gets in the way of having fun. Why do you chose to be so stressed, when have the option to shut off those silly thoughts, and let your instincts take over. Let us demons do the thinking for you and take care of the difficult things. Then, all you have to do is enjoy life and relax.'' Yuno whispered seductively into Yari’s ears while somewhere between Yuno’s little speech, she flipped the two around, now Yari was pinning Yuno down to the ground. Yuno had a firm grasp onto Yari’s butt cheeks, and was spreading them wide while squeezing them. It didn’t take long for Yari to realize what her intentions were, as two wolves instantly pushed their snouts against her small rosebud and pink folds, and started to lap with their rough tongues over her exposed holes, with Yuno spreading Yari’s butt cheeks widely, the tongues occasionally managed to slip inside, making their rough tongues grind against her sensitive walls. Though, Yari, Zoey and Herinna quickly noticed something worrying, with such a strong scent of sex in the air, the wolves quickly outnumbered the girls one to ten, and more were trickling in from the darkness. ''There’s no use in resisting your urges, just relax and try to have fun okay. Come on, try it, shake your butt a little and have fun~'' Yuno said happily, and if Yari listened, she soon found her butt cheeks being filled with an familiar sensation, as a wolf was grinding the slimy red thing between Yari’s soft pale cheeks.

The inexperienced Zoey was still futilely masturbating, drawing a lot of attention from the surrounding the wolves, that were rapidly expanding in numbers. When Zoey got a better look at one, she noticed the red dripping cock underneath the wolf, and it didn’t matter where she looked, as all the wolves had their cocks proudly on display in front of the masturbating girl. The wolves slowly approached the girl, until they were all over her. They quickly knocked the girl sitting on her knees down on all fours, and tore off anything she was wearing. Now the girl was on all fours and completely naked, surrounded by horny wolves ready to pounce her. She could smell the musky scent of the wolves cock from far, but when one of the wolves presented a cock right in front her face, the scent of the wolf’s cock became unbearable. The musky smell filling her nostrils made her quickly light-headed, as the wolf kept dangling its filthy pre-cum dripping cock in front of the girl’s mouth, expecting her to clean it as an act of submitting to the beast. With Zoey’s ass high up in the air, and her pussy sweltering with desire, the wolves were eager to mount her, but when the much larger wolf sif approached, they let him inspect her first.

Though, Herinna was fortune for now, quickly the wolves figured out what was preventing them from mounting the woman. With a lot of biting, pulling and tearing, they managed to completely undress her. Another mistake she made was talking when one of the wolves was smearing its lewd smelling pre-cum across her face. When she yelled at the wolves to get off, her command got cut short when the wolves cock slipped its way into her mouth. The wolf was thrusting into her mouth without any regard of the girl’s feeling, quickly filled her mouth with the taste of wolf cock. With each thrust the wolf managed to get more of its slimy red cock inside the girl’s mouth, until the entire thing was forced inside her mouth. The wolf was humping Herinna’s head, with short small thrusts, constantly poking the tip of his cock against the back of her throat. With the wolf pushing down on Herinna’s head, and forcing it’s cock so deep into her mouth, her face was forced tightly against the wolves wet crotch, and with a cock lodged that deep into her throat, she was forced to breathe in deeply through her nose, constantly filling her nostrils with the strong musky scent of the wolf while it’s balls smacked against her chin. With her bottom exposed, it didn’t take long before she felt the wolf mounting her poke his red canine cock against her little rosebud, if she didn’t quickly shift her ass, the wolf would surely stick it inside her ass.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Yari Darkbane
The Forest
Tag:Zoey, Herinna, Yuno, The Woods witch.

Yari was not a weak willed individual, well, at least she did not consider herself one, but she was also not in a situation to think things through and struggle. "D.. do the thinking for me? I.. I'm not sure I like the thought of this.. W.. what do you mean shutting it off..." She managed to object, though the fact that despite the flipped pin she didn't struggle to get away and off the sloth demon was a clear indicator how.. distracted Yunos words had gotten her, a flush of arousal clear in her cheeks.

"What the.. aaahnnn.." She groan-gasped as she felt her soft elfish bottom exposed, no, presented to the wolves, her slightly dulled eyes worriedly darting back as she felt those snouts up against her..

"N.. noo.." She objected, gulping, though, with the sloth demons tempting, subtle encouragements she found herself presenting her bottom almost instinctually, gasping as the slimey wolfshaft once again prodded up on it.. back where it belonged, a primal, submissive part of the poor elf would whisper as she gasped, at the same time squirming away fromt he wolf a bit... only causing her to push up against Yuno. It didn't help her current situation that the wolves around clearly were already busy claiming the asses of not just herself, but also her companions. Still, she only managed to briefly shift her bottom rather than fully withdrawing it, out of a forbidden desire, keeping her ass, or pussy, presented, for whatever the wolf chose to take.

"N.. noo..." Yari gasped, her bottomcheeks pushed up and presented tot he wolf despite her objections, with Yunos tempting encouragements in her ear, as she looked at the other heroines becoming toys for the beasts and found herself wondering how not wondering and just letting it happen would feel for her.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Elven Forest
Tag: Defeated

It would take the wolves no small amount of effort to remove Herinna's armor. "Mmph!" She tried to voice a protest, but was muffled by the wolf shaft in her mouth. This thing isn't human, yet why does this taste and smell good? No! Not there! The wolf was successful in mounting and penetrating her ass.

A muffled moan escaped Herinna's mouth after several seconds. It feels so good. Maybe these wolves weren't bad at all. Maybe Yuno was right about them. Maybe she should just relax and let them take care of her.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Elven Forest
Tag: Becoming a breeding bitch!

All Zoey wanted at this time was to fall off the edge and reach her climax. It was all she could think about, not even all the wolves with their angry red cocks out could divert her attention. It was quite obvious that the wolves in her surroundings were there to breed her and the other heroines. Though Zoey couldent care, she had seen how much pleasure Yuno was getting from beasts in the dreams , and the thought of the beasts doing that to her made her even wetter!

Soon enough, the wolves had her on all fours, her hot and sweaty body was made nude by the wolves ripping off anything she wore! She could smell the scent of all of the wolves around her. The scent bore into her, overwhelming her. Suddenly one of the wolves presented with a wolf dick right in front of her face!

Another thought got through the fog, Does it really taste that good? The wonder that the cock brought her let her to timidly lick at the filthy cock! Then the cock was suddenly thrusted into her mouth, where Zoey submitted and sucked and cleaned it.

With her ass high in the air, Zoey wanted something to push her over now that she was on all fours! I need it! Im so close now, I cant care about anythong else! She could suddenly feel the biggest wolf of the pack approaching her!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Post Battle, Victory!

Sif approached Zoey, the larger wolf sniffing at her slit and growling happily. The wounded wolf was not going to let himself have to wait, and a moment later Zoey would feel the wolf's paws on her shoulders, and his canine member against her slit. Pushing deep into her pussy even as the other wolves continued to surround her. The one at her mouth happily letting her start to lick it even as her face was practically driven onto it's member by Sif's initial thrust.

The Woods Witch meanwhile watched everything going on, and used her vines to make sure none of the girls were going to be going anywhere the wolves, or Yuno and herself wanted them to go. The woman instead would head over to where Yuno being pinned down by Yari, her viness wrapping around the elf and forcing her to her hands and knees slowly to make her a presented target for the surrounding wolves. Then she couldn't help herself, leaning in and giving the sloth demon a rather deep kiss. Given the others seemed to be quite distracted for the moment, though her vines would start to climb up their arms and legs, teasing at the captured hero's skin even as the wolves took them in various ways.

(edit, misread Fomkou's post, also completely fucking mistyped and put Yuno istead of Zoey (I don't know what I'm doing right now) fixed now)
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

The Elf Forest
Tag: Victory, Herinna, Yuno, Yari, The Woods Witch


Tag: Yari and Woods Witch

Everything was proceeding smoothly, the girls were slowly getting used to their role in nature. Though, some of them were more resistant then others, Yari was still resisting against the idea of fully submitting to the wolves and having them mount her, but it was easy to tell that her will was wavering. When The Woods Witch tied down the girls, Yuno looked a little confused at her, they were already willing or soon to be willing, but she must’ve a good reason for tying them down. ''You know they’re… Hmmmm!!!'' Yuno tried to say, before she was drawn into a passionate kiss with The Woods Witch, though, Yuno didn’t leave it with just a mere passionate kiss, she made sure to keep the kiss going until the Woods witch had to pull away gasping for air, and Yuno made sure to explore the Woods Witch mouth with her tongue.

Meanwhile, Yari had a front row seat to the make out session, and when Yuno finally pulled away from the Woods witch, she smiled at Yari. ''See, we even love each other deeply. With no troubling thoughts to weigh down our mood, we only have love for each other and every living creature. Why would you deny your chance of eternal happiness and pleasure, just because your meddling mind tells you not too, isn’t that odd, isn’t it cruel to deny yourself such things? Now, let go of your final thoughts of resistance, let go of everything and let us love you, and let us take care of everything while you bask in enteral happiness~'' Yuno whispered into Yari’s ear, and with those final words, she felt the wolf finally hit it’s mark, and penetrate it’s slimy red cock into her pussy. With that, Yari has finally been claimed by one of the wild animals, and quickly the wolf began to thrust inside her with wild animalistic veracious thrusts, sliding his red cock deep inside her as she could feel her womb being hit with each single thrust, while the wolf’s wet fur rubbed across her back. Though, Yuno wasn’t satisfied with Yari simply receiving, the girl had to learn how to be a good girl and serve. Yuno grabbed a hold of two wolf cocks, and pulled the two cocks between the three girls faces, the slimy cocks were covered with filth and had a strong animalistic musk coming from them, Yuno made sure to keep the cocks close to Yari’s face, giving her no other choice but to observe and smell the large canine cocks. ''Don’t these look and smell delicious?'' Yuno said with a naughty smile. ''Since they’re taking such good care of us, it’s only fair for us to take good care of them right? So, let’s get cleaning~'' Yuno said out happily, before enthusiastically placing her tongue on the filthy wolf cocks. If both girls joined Yuno in cleaning the cocks, they soon realized she tried to force their tongues to intertwine as much as possible, and each time Yari was near the tip of a wolf, she pulled Yari into a deep kiss with the wolf cock dangling between the two girl’s mouths. Whenever they were locked in such a kiss, Yuno made sure to suck and push the cock’s tip between the both of them, and the wolf would shoot out ropes of salty dirty pre-cum in appreciation, filling both their mouths with large gulps of wolf pre-cum.


Tag: Zoey

When Zoey obediently cleaned the wolf’s cock, it started to pant with the pleasure. How humiliating for Zoey, the first actual cock she ever sucked was a wolf cock, and it was a particularly filthy one too. It was an extremely difficult task getting the entire thing clean, but after Sif took her as a mate, and her face being forced into the wolf’s crotch, she could finally clean it properly. Though, if Zoey thought she could finally have some breathing space after cleaning the filthy red slimy cock, she was sorely mistaken, with the wolf’s cock being lodged that deep into her throat, the wolf took the liberty of thrusting it into its newly found bitch. With this, both wolves had claimed Zoey as their bitch, and it wasn’t particularly hard to figure out that these two wolves weren’t going to be the last one to claim her as theirs. Was this the absolute bliss Yuno promised her, that was up to Zoey, several wolves approached her until their cocks added to the strong aroma that already filled her nostrils as the domineering animal scent made sure her hazy mind wouldn’t be cured anytime soon. Two impatient wolves approached each of Zoey’s hands, and nudged them, making her occasionally lose balance and press her face into the wolf’s crotch that had its cock buried deep inside her mouth. It was pretty clear that the wolves wanted Zoey to stroke their slimy red cocks, but she could only grasp one of them, unless she wanted to force her face against the wolf’s crotch for support, however, if she did that, the wolf would surely lock its cock in her mouth with his knot, and shoot nearly half a gallon of cum down her throat.


Tag: Herinna

Herinna got the roughest treatment from the wolves, tearing apart the difficult armor left them frustrated, as their cocks were twitched with lust after such an exercise. Meanwhile, the wolf managed to successfully penetrate her ass, as the red hot slimy spear would spread apart her asshole and slide deep inside her. The wolf would immediately use the freshly penetrated hole, and thrusted vigorously inside of her, every thrust the cock nearly slid out of her ass before the wolf slammed it back into her, with the knot slipping in and out of her ass each single time, forcing her rosebud to spread beyond its limit multiple times. The wolf inside her mouth didn’t treat her much differently, using the girl’s mouth as its personal pleasure toy, as it continued to thrust inside her mouth with rough small thrusts while howling and panting, it didn’t take long before the wolf’s wet furry balls smeared it’s musk all across Herinna’s chin. Since the wolves were frustrated from removing Herinna’s armor, they didn’t simply wait their turn, similar to the others. Instead, they mounted her from every direction, soon enough several wolves were pressing down on her body, and were thrusting their slimy cocks across her body, she could feel the slimy things rub under her armpits, sides, thighs and neck, and soon enough her body was coated in their smelly pre-cum, and some of the wolves shot out entire ropes of pre-cum against her body, made certain parts of her body slowly drip smelly wolf pre-cum on the ground.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Yari Darkbane
The Forest
Tag:Zoey, Herinna, Yuno, The Woods witch.

Briefly, Yari cursed her luck, a selfish part of her convinced she could have done better with allies that focused on the fight, looking on the show before them, with wolfs surrounding Herinna, and the plant-witches pet focusing on the priorly so determined Zoey.

Not that she could struggle much, apparently the plant-controlling sorceress hadn't forgotten about her, binding her atop of Yuko and keeping her presented. Briefly she tore on the vines, actually giving her something direct to resist, blinking at the making out before her while the vines slithered over her, though whatever resistance she mustered so far was quickly distracted by Yunos renewed whispering, she shaking her head, as if to get the bad thoughts out of it..

"Guaaah!" She gasped, with the wolf thrusting into her, gasping. "Agghnn.. gnn.. th.. they look disgusting!" She insisted, truthfully, though it was hard to focus with the filthy animal shafts presented directly before her, with her smelling their bestial musk. With her eyes slightly glazed over, trapped and with her resistance wavering she finally followed Yunos lure, kissing and lapping with her warm, wet mouth up against a canine shaft, only to be kissed and teased on by the sloth demon, moaning as she felt the wolf hit the entrance of her womb again and again, shivering pleasurably and slowly relaxing her tensed body, letting it happen, her hot pussy beginning to squeeze and tighten around the dirty wolves shaft, while she got her first taste of corrupted bestial cum.

"h.. haaah.. thi.. this is so messed up, we were supposed to purify this hmnn place not become bitches for the wolves..." Yari moaned and lap-suckled on the Wolfish shaft, biting her lips in growing arousal. She complained, but had begun suckling on the nearest wolfshaft, tasting its precum, looking at the sloth-demon doing just the same. Letting the demons love her and just take care of everything sounded so tempting..
Re: Corruption Tournament: Elven Forest

Elven Forest
Tag: Wolf bitch!

Even in her lusty haze, Zoey could only bring herself to timidly lick at the filthy wolf cock in front of her. It had a weird taste, but for some reason every time she licked at it, she felt a rush of excitement. It was like a rush someone gets from adrenaline, but this one was taboo so it only increased the excitement for Zoey! Perhaps it was the corruption, or just Zoey's hidden perverseness, either way Zoey was enjoying it!.

Soon enough, Zoey felt one of the bigger wolfs behind her, and she soon felt it mount her, pushing her down and forward! She gagged on the wolfs dick in her mouth, cleaning it and covering it in her spit while inadvertently sucking on it! At the same time, she could feel something hot rubbing against her butt, probing for her folds. The larger dog found his mark after a few tries and penetrated Zoey in one thrust! She had lost her virginity to the wild wolf! For some reason it didn't hurt like she expected it to, instead it brought her to her first climax ever! Her scream of pleasure muffled as she was spit roasted between the two wolves!

The wolves were soon wildly fucking Zoey! Sending her on her way to her second climax as she couldent help but enjoy it all immensely! So it really does feel this good! Zoey muddily thought to herself. She was swamped by wolf dicks, two of them even trying to get her to give hand jobs as well! She decided she might as well enjoy it as much as she could because of her lusty state! She thrusted her face to the base of the wolfs cock, while rubbing the other two wolfs!