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Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

She has no strength to fight back. And when the huge hand pushes her to the ground, she closes her eyes. But instead of a crack. She tastes the liquid. She still tries to free herself, but the creature was too strong. Dan gives her a chunk of pleasure as her things are removed and her neck is lifted. Embarrassing flush on her face. Dan the offer and the view. "Forget it I do not follow a demon I'll find another." Hiss Tessa with burnt strength
[Splendid, some false hopes than i can still crush. Before let you at Rudociel charge, let me show you where you will live for me] The demon then smile looking at the worm and in the instant Rudociel shine and all around them start to move until the huge worm stop the floor and walls. Tessa was still restrained by her breasts size and the strong hand at her neck, still she wanted to run away when she notice the many captives in this new room. She could see more breeders of the ones she could count, most of them impregnated or giving birth to nasty creatures. [See your face make worthy this meaningless moment. For now on you will live here until Rudociel and my minions fill a whole room with your humanoids litters... They will make you give birth to some few clones, all these newborns will be you in every aspect and remember most of your past but they will be completely loyal to me]

"No, no no, you betje, I swear to you, even if I have to gnaw down those outsized things, I'll come out and destroy you." Screams Tessa with the last rest of power. She is horrified. That is not allowed to be. The number was Hallos and she would become one of them. No, that was not allowed. Then you'll leave a clone of me all 100 with free will and my memories either Either I'm not in danger Dan at least you always have enough to breed or filing on a daily basis a challenge. " She hoped the demon would fall on the fell. So she would still be able to get free.
The crystal beasts placed the halfling close the wall in an empty space, soon tentacles and the own wall secured and restrain the little woman leaking only visible her ridiculous breasts, head and small frame. The crystal woman placed her almost frozen hand over Tessa head, the little woman could sense a terrible darkness, cold and corruption in every inch of this femenine hand. [Many of your clones will turn into monsters after some days and most likely some of them will be used to face you, arent you happy ? Some others will take your place in your world and do my will, to bring me more toys, as that bartender did to you... Maybe after take down some of my weak creatures you could get closer to defeat me]

Once said this the corruption over Tessa start to fade, her strenght returned and her breasts got to be their natural size, but before Tessa get to feel glad or try anything, the slime womansoftly hold the halfling head, light enough to feed Tessa with a taste of her corruption. In the instant Tessa feel how between the cold pain and burning pleasure her insides twist, her whole insides getting tainted, her breasts and hips increased two sizes.

[I just upgraded your insides, in order for your body be able to feed your childrens for a while. If you beg enough, maybe teh kind Rudociel will free you early, before your mind break]
Tessa struggles as well as she can against the treatment but she sinks into the wall. Now she is really helpless. when the demon tells her what you are asking. Tears fall from Tessa's face. She always hopes that one day she would find a man who loved her and with whom she could have children. But this torture spoke against everything she stood for.

Trenen ferheult means she. "I should be happy, I should be happy, bring it to an end."

But there is a feeling of relief going through her. as her breasts twitched.
But that does not last long and suddenly she began to ring with excitement and pain and twitch.
She let her eyes drop in exhaustion after the words of the demon.
She kept her mouth shut.
Between her words and inner words, Tessa could feel her mistress hand patpats Tessa's head, stroking her hair as a bubbling laught come out the slime woman whole [Heavenly~ It was exquisite, Tessa] Her mental words invade the halfling mind once again, as some of the poor halfling's tears were eaten by the slime woman hand [But, is so soon to break appart, let me help you to make you happy as all in this room] Her other slime crystal hand point to the females raped in front of Tessa, all of them having happy fuck silly faces, some of them without life in theirs eyes, Tessa was not sure if some of them were alive or were just corpses. [Smile for me, thot~] In the instant Tessa could feel how her face react and move by itself to the slime woman command and Tessa couldnt take away that slutty blissful face than invade her head, she could see her own face reflected at the crystal slime lady


Filthy depraved sounds come from Tessa's mouth before suddenly her mistress kiss her lips and start a long passionated kiss, any attempt to bite her mistress would just hurt Tessa as the slime tongue was many times harder than Tessa's teeth, the tongue increase its lenght and size until Tessa was forced to fully open her mouth, the huge slime mass start to rape not only her troath but also her mind, causing her to cum and have in her brain this moment for the rest of her life. Then some slime split from the mass and get deep inside of Tessa to fuse to her corrupted insides.

The slime woman pinch the halfling breasts, her fingers then start to fit inside Tessa lowest holes before stop herself when she almost break the halfling Hymen. [ Get used to that smile, i will let you have it until you accept me as your mistress] Her mental voice said in a mocking tone
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The innermost of the Hlbling lady struggled against the ordeal. But her body does not obey her. ~ I ah .. I do not want that though. It feels so good. The kiss towers over her and imagines that she feels comfortable. As the kiss increases, that it goes on, and that it is a little quieter. ~ so ... ah ... ~

The viscous ones part now they go into their bodies worry that their body crunches. "Wansin ... Please ..." ~ no no no. I can allow that nivht I must keep it against. I can not give up. but it is so ... unbelievable. ~
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The passionated kiss prolong for minutes, as Tessa fight against the need of fall under her control, she could hear that laught almost at the most deeper part of her mind where her true self struggle. [Indeed, is still so soon and we have the whole eternity. Dont stop the struggle and hate against me or i will make even your soul fit that slutty face] Between her mistress mental words, the halfling cloud sense how something was moving at her insides and growing, her belly get round as her moans and lust increase. Finally after an half hour some kind of slimy wide tentacle get out her butt before get inside again, Tessa feel it pound at her bowels, her mistress small gift than has fused with her insides was now raping her butt hole without rest as the slime woman do the same with the Halfling throat.

[Hmhm, i stole your first kiss and now i got to be the first in make you cum using just your back cunt... Are you ready to meet your husband? the first one of many~] Tessa then got to sense how a small critter was starting to move toward her precious virgin flower, it was a small crystal tentacle creature, not more huge than two feet in lenght
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The demon's uproar helped to re-focus their minds. However her body was further processed and her body was boiling with excitement. "Ah, Graa Aaaraar." Did she give of herself? Dan stopped the endless kiss and she took her breath. "where ... what should that" suddenly something pushed through her hole on the butt. "No!" She turned away from her. Dan deflected her brawny nipples at the bottom. But the demon kept talking. "no take all the others but do not put it there" when she saw the creature she looked awake and closed her eyes and tears flowed again. Out of sheer helplessness.
The small filthy tentacle creature dont wasted its time and poke at her already wet lower lips, as Tessa couldnt stop of feel good by have her back hole used by that slime cock. The halfling closed her eyes when slowly the tentacle push inside, increasing her agony when this then press against her hymen. Suddenly in her agony the tentacle stop and paint the whole place with its seed. [So close~ Some cum got to escape your virgin wall, but i saved it at time. If you dont want your husbands to use your womb, then invite them to use your mouth, butt and hands. Im so merciful, to let you do it at your way, isnt?]

The sime woman then hold Tess throat pulling away of their kiss and then pull the halfling out the wall, leaving the halfling land at Tessa's fours. [Im giving you this last chance to save your virginity, dont dissapoint me, mortal] The slime woman stay looking at the halfling, Tessa was surrounded by crystal demons and slime tendrils, all of them around the mortal waiting their turn to fuck her pussy unless she offer her others places, she dont have her weapons and equipment
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As the tentacle begins to split its petals, Tessa sheep takes a deep breath. Dan senses her as the creature presses on her hymen. But instead of piercing it she feels sperm in her and she almost has to vomit. There was almost nothing worse than this stuff. That now in her, however, her maiden shepherd was not flown through. She was freed now with the statement that she gets the changs to save her virginity. But for what price. As it happened, she was now in the midst of these creatures. ~ damn she is right but to swallow this reputable stuff or to feel on the skin ... Please do not. Everything better than in me ... ~ So she listens to the words and now takes one of the tentacles, the essence of what she had just insulted. She began to rub it. But more crowded. Wanted to the precious place. She hesitantly moved her hand at the first being. At the same time she fended off attacks on her labia. Tessa pushed a tentacle which came to her butt. As this penetrated she groaned painfully. She would also position herself so that she was sitting on the tentacle. So that she was indeed in her but her petals covered. Unfortunately, that also meant that her clit was caressed. She was getting wet and rubbed against the tentacle with excitement. The next tentacle also took them in hand.
However, she pays attention that none came into her mouth. She kept waking. They did not have the stuff on their mouths. Even though her flushed cheeks and her burning clit feel like she's spurting in her mouth. But her will was stronger
The slime woman pet her head [Hmhm, a wise choice. If you sattle the need of all, then you will free to leave this room~] She mention before get some distance and allow her minions surround the aroused Halfling. The crystal beasts were stronger than any male and their member length twice or three times wide and large, the breeder tentacle creatures were smaller and looks to be easy to sattle, the first one almost take Tessa unaware when this cum a good amount of cum inside her mouth after just five minutes sucking, Tessa have some repulsion against the demon seed, but with each second at their mouth the precum and scent of the creatures was stimulating her to continue , she ended with her face drenched and painted with its jizz as she split the half load inside her mouth. As she do this, the one at her back cum at the same time as her, making her bowels start to fill with their seed.

The minutes go on and Tessa was starting to eagerly suck at the monsters members, her hands trying to defend her sacret place as she pleasure them stroking them, so they reduce the time for them to cum at her mouth, her moans start to come out as slowly the act made her get some mess all over her. The itch and need was increasing at tessa, no matter how many times she has cum by just her ass taken. Swollen by the arousal her clit was slighty exposed and it was rubbing against the monster in turn, this make her look down to notice than her belly was slighty round, most likely thanks all the loads than the mosters had placed on her.

Some hours later and she was far away to end to sattle them. The crystal monsters havent taking her yet, they were waiting their turn and she has just served not even half the tentacles than were around her. [ Take your time, it will take her all a life sattle them with such lower skills. Use this as training to learn faster ways to sattle your lovers] The slime woman mention close to laught. As for Tessa her belly was already full with the seed than the monsters place at her butthole
Tessa was upset her innermost shaking every time that cum touched her. But the smell and the skillful movements elicited the excitement. She was very excited and now took the tentacles in her mouth. Her body reacted even though she did not want to. Tesser hated that and mentally wandered somewhere else. Her thoughts were trying to focus on her revenge. While her body is filled now and her belly swells strong. She wanted to spit out the stuff. But she always had tentacles in her which prevented that. She was round and helpless. However, so excited her body over and over again just responded. She had to stop herself once when a tentacle slipped out of her back door. Do not poke her so to push the tentacles. Plow through your private place. Her innermost trembling and she was on the verge of an orgasm she did not want.
Her eternal service continue, each monster served push slowly any resistence on the little halfling until she couldnt stop herself to get a small jizz drop inside her throat, then a slighty bigger and after some hours she was forced to get used to drink it whole. As for her endurance, she was unable to stop a climax after other comming from her poor self, but these were small and allow her to continue serving them until finally her rubs against them make her cum aloud. She fall at her front with her hands protecting her cunt. Using this chance one of the smaller crystal beasts get behind her and placing his claws over her but it pound his huge dick inside Tessa's butthole, spreading it whole as if it were an easy task.

The halfling couldnt more than hold in place as the huge emmber thrust all the way inside her bowels, her belly get slighty the shape of such member until this after a long time cum and his huge load inflated even more until some of the cum get to reach Tessa stomash and throat until escape from her mouth. All inside her was invaded by demon cum, completely round another of teh crystal creatures take her mouth and take her services, both large beasts use her without fears of break her.

Tessa feels close to faint by such burtal use but she know than if she close her eyes her arms will fail in protect her virginity, her only chance to protect it in her aroused state is stay councious until they stop to use her. As she ponder this, some strange move happen at her belly and her cunt leak out a good amout of fluid.
As the huge part of it is going to be punctured she quickly faints. She can see stars and she gets hot and cold. But she will not faint. But Dan can make a painful noise. The part of her innermost begins to stretch so much that she quickly bursts. ~ please oh please it tears me. I can not anymore. ~ The ordeal goes, and she feels that her inside now of demon sperm. It grumbles in her and then it flows torrent-like out of her. Please do not. That must not be. Please do not. I will not. Do not get me out of here. Her body was on the edge. Her mind began to waver.
Load after load they fuck her without stop, she has been used by the same two crystal beasts than looks to have an infinite stamina and jizz. As a frob spred face down at the road, Tessa couldnt stop some of the cum escape from her mouth and nose. All of her was breaking, cumming aloud she was fainting before something at her cunt awake her whole, something starting pushing to get out of her, spreading her cervix and aiming to escape from her pussy. The halfling was giving birth to something and this would without doubt tear her virgin wall from outside. All the monsters dont care and soon take her again, using her butt hole and mouth as she was giving birth in this terrible place to her first children. [Such cruel fate, that newborn will screw your last act to protect your purity... if you nod i could avoid than that little one take your virginity] The crystal woman mention at her mind yet this has abandoned the place from the start, most likely that woman dont needed to be there to enjoy her suffering and control what happen to her
Tessa got another thrust of cum in her throat and he pushed himself out of her throat and nose. For a short time she did not breathe. The dizziness builds them up. She would soon lose consciousness. The essence of what was now his way out of her would rip them apart. She had done everything. But it was not enough sweet. Full panic and fear heard the words. She nodded. She did not care that she did not want that to happen. Not after the torture she went through. That her hymen would stay in tact and preserve her virginity.
[ Then such wish will be granted, that noborn will not take your maidenly wall] In the instant the huge crystal beast at her back hold her thighs and lift her what impale her butt at his huge hammer. She could see her denigrated round body be almost in similar state as any other broken breeder in this room. In this position the baby start to faster to her hymen, her worries made her dont notice another crystal beast come until this aim his large cock at her almost untouched flower, she tried to block it with her hands but the position and her weakness dont allow her to do more than push in vain the creature in front of her who in a single thrust pierce her hyman and return the baby at her womb, both creatures using her both lower holes as the little being at her womb fight to escape. The act making her cum aloud and pass out in complete defeat between both large beasts than continue using her after she lost her councious
So hope has that in her will not be split. The demon would keep his word. Dan spurred Tessa that she was picked up and spread. ~ was like short. No, that she is in protest to protest but only dull noise. Dan spurred her on how she was mercilessly felled. A pain through her. And she started drifting. Save the last thoughts she had failed now. That's what you want when it comes to the damage you appreciate. The good probably the end. Dan was there the darkness.