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Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

The once cheerful halfling kingdoms have become just another place of debauchery for the invading demonic forces.

-Curse 1 for any Demon inside while corrupted.
-Incredible luck 1 for any heroes inside if liberated
-Further lands unlocked beyond if liberated.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tag: Introduction

Lissoth perked up as soon as one of the girls called out at her. It looked like her whelp brought some visitors along. Lissoth was looked excited at the new toys she could play with, and kicked away the halfling she was getting bored with. With one leap she made it from the middle of village, right in front of the two girls that called out to her. When she landed on the ground, it shook beneath her feet, and clouds of dust spread through the air. As she stood in front of them and looked down at them, they finally realized how massive Lissoth actually is, as she was nearly three times their size, and after the clouds of dust dissipated, they both could smell a faint sweet scent coming from her body, making their skin feel a lot more sensitive.

''Oh, for one of the lesser races you certainly got a foul mouth on you, but at least you’re dressed like one of your kind should.'' Lissoth said while looking over the warrior’s naked body. ''Unlike your friend over there, doesn’t she know that it’s rude to wear clothing as a mere toy?''Lissoth said amused. ''It’s not my fault they were so pathetic they couldn’t even protect themselves, and if you can’t protect yourself, you deserve to be nothing more than a training dummy for my whelps.'' Lissoth said with a lewd grin on her face. ''Now, are we going to do this the fun way and fight, or are you two going to plea and cower, like the submissive pets you really are.'' Lissoth roared out in laughter as two of her bigger whelps landed near them while keeping their distance. Even though they kept their distance from the girls, they could clearly see the whelps red fleshy cocks covered in spines and bumps grow out their sheath, as if they were excepting the girls to instantly submit.

Lissoth's pheromones are corrupting the girls, adding a rank of masochistic to them.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills

"But Musubi likes her clothes." Musubi said with a tilt of her head, before her fists began to glow. Arcs of electricity arcing around them as they gained a corona glow and the girl held herself in a boxing stance. It was rather obvious that whatever she was about to throw you didn't want to be on the wrong side of. "Let's open this up with a bang then! Go get her Sigrid!

Musubi begins charging!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tags: Invasion/Team Up/First Encounter

"I don't dress like this for your amusement, beast. I do it because I've learned much in my time fighting your kind. My defenses and body have been trained and honed over years of fighting against your perverted hordes." She tapped her axes together and put herself into a defensive stance to show the truth behind her words and how serious she was to the demonic dragon.

" Plus, I'm emulating my peoples greatest warriors we had before you got your claws into this land: the Bear Warriors. Men and women with little need for armor but whos bodies were hard as steel and who fought with the ferocity of their bestial counterpart. If your whelps think they're in for an easy lay, they'll be in for a rude awakening. Not all races are ready to surrender just yet and my friend and I will deal the first blows of this resistance. It's time to throw off the chains of your oppression" Hearing her companions wish, the woman wasted no time in launching herself at one of the beasts, axes raised high as she was looking to strike hard and fast.

Sigrid attacks one of the whelps
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tag: Battle

''On the contrary, you are dressed like that for my amusement, and I appreciate it. It doesn’t surprise me that your body got trained a lot, if you dress like that. So, how often did you ‘train’ that body of yours?'' Lissoth asked amused by her statement, but when she saw how serious Sigrid is, Lissoth excitedly licked her lips, perhaps she finally found a suitable host to lay her eggs in. However, time would only tell if Sigrid was bluffing or not.

''Well, with the current reputation the Bear Warriors have, being an easy lay for an animal is exactly what I would expect of you.'' Lissoth said with a lewd grin on her face. ''Ah, but calling them warriors would be an insult to actual warriors. Instead, calling them the Bear Whores would be a lot more appropriate, famous for their ability to be pounded by multiple bears at once.'' Lissoth roared out in laughter.

However, her laughter stopped when Sigrid lashed out at Lissoth’s whelp, and got a clean hit off on it, making the whelp back off with its tail between his legs. ''Insolent bitch, how dare you harm one of my children?'' Lissoth yelled out angrily while charging at Sigrid. However, when Lissoth noticed the immense amount of power being gathered by the other girl, she simply couldn’t ignore it. She stopped dead in her tracks as her tail erupted in flames, sending out dark clouds of smog into the air. Within an instant, her flame covered tail came crashing down against Musubi, if it hit, she found herself getting knocked down to the ground, and her clothes being evaporated by the intense fire surrounding Lissoth’s tail. ''Didn’t I tell you it’s insulting to wear clothing as a mere toy.''

Regardless if she got hit or not, Lissoth quickly followed up with a pounce, crashing down onto Musubi, if she got hit by the previous attack, Lissoth massive smoldering tail poked Musubi’s entrance. It kept wiggling against her entrance, until it finally got forced into her as it spread her pussy wide and forced its way in until it completely filled her. Quickly the incredibly hot rough textured tail began to thrust inside Musubi, pulling the insides of Musubi’s pussy with it after each thrust. No matter how much the girl beneath Lissoth begged, she refused to stop until Musubi completely submitted to Lissoth’s tail, as Lissoth tail continued to ruin Musubi’s pussy, preparing it for something a lot larger. Regardless if Musubi was naked and being penetrated by Lissoth tail, Musubi soon noticed a penis larger than her arm poking out from underneath Lissoth’s robes. It looked very similar to the whelps cocks, with unpleasant spines and bumps covering the length. With Lissoth’s massive cock being this incredibly close to Musubi, it filled her nose with Lissoth’s intense pheromones, making her head dizzy, while the big erection was slowly dripping pre-cum on the girl’s face. ''Did you honestly think I wouldn’t notice such an obvious attack, do you take me for a fool or something?!''

She's been enraged. She uses, 1d8 fire on her physical and 1d2 on her sexual. Physical attack 22+2d8+1d8 = . Sexual attack 20+2d8+1d2 =
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Lissoth's tail managed to connect, blowing Musubi's clothes off and knocking the girl back, but she didn't lose her charge, it just wavered, and threw a punch at the pouncing dragon woman, unfortunately said punch going when the special attack's charge wavered to the 'off' state. Trying to hit her with her charged attack, or at least a punch even as she was unable to get out of the way and was pinned under the larger demon and she let out a loud cry mixed with...more then a bit of a moan, as the tail slammed into her and spread her wide around it. The girl stuck being pounded as her eyes opened wide at the massive member being held above her, before she had to close them to keep the dripping pre from blinding her, though some slipped into her mouth and the pheromones made her head spin.

Musubi rolls to defend and fails, suffering 3 stamina damage (suffers 1.5 damage to her sexual stat).

(Massive physical and sexual trauma causes Musubi's special attack to dissipate, instead she attacks normally, rolling an 18+1d10 = )

Musubi rolls 1d10+12-2 = Sexual and suffers 8 stamina damage. Has 4 Stamina remaining (Sexual stat is currently at -5)

Musubi regenerates 1 stamina, has 5 stamina remaining.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

"Big mistake, you scaled whore.Whatever delusions your people have been feeding you, you ate it all and came back for seconds. Not that I'd expect less from such a decadent race like the demons. So sure of their superiority that they get fat on pride. My people fought long and hard to make sure scum like you never take over this land and if I have to be the one to carry the Bear Warriors torch, then I will gladly do so, and shove it up your ass for good measure." But the barbarian didn't get much chance to have further talk with her scaled foe as she launched herself into an attack against her friend of all people.

"HANDS OFF THE GIRL OR SO HELP ME YOU'LL BE SHITTING STEEL FOR A WEEK FROM MY AXES WHEN I SHOVE THEM DOWN YOUR THROAT!" The warrior threw herself at the dragon woman, using her training and years of experience to put as much power behind her strikes as she could.

Standard Physical attack. Have Attack Mastery 2 to make die d14
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


When Musubi went for the blow, she instead hit her face and body against Lissoth cock, as she desperately tried to fight off the dragon girl. ''Aren’t you an eager one?'' Lissoth said amused at Musubi’s attempt to fight her.

16+2d6= , dealing 3 damage to Musubi

Sigrid didn’t fare much better, when she went in for her strike, the whelp she hit tripped her up, making the blow glance off the dragon girl. Though, the dragon girl was far too busy with her prey to retaliate.

16+2d6= , dealing 0 damage.

''Now then, my sweet little toy, if you’re that eager to cuddle up against my cock, who am I to deny you that privilege.'' Lissoth whispered in Musubi’s ears, before standing up while Lissoth’s tail remained buried deep inside Musubi’s pussy. ''Do you see my hands on her?'' Lissoth replied with a wicked grin, lifting Musubi from the ground with her tail, until Musubi was held up far into the air by her pussy, while gravity made Lissoth’s tail slowly slide further up Musubi’s pussy. Lissoth kept the girl up there for a while, until she suddenly start jerking Musubi up and down with her tail, as the rough scaly tail easily held onto Musubi’s pussy as she was being jerked up and down.''As you can see, I don’t really need hands to enjoy playing with the lesser races.'' Lissoth roared out in laughter, before she was going to show Sigrid what she exactly thought the lesser races are good for.

''Don’t worry girl, I will teach you how to be a good bear whore in due time, after all, you lesser races are only good as tail warmers and cock sleeves.'' Lissoth said with a wicked grin as she revealed her enormous futanari cock the size of an arm to Sigrid, before smooshing Musubi against her cock. Lissoth roughly started to rub the poor girl stuck on her tail against her cock, each time her cock twitched excitedly Musubi got covered with more of her pre-cum, and it didn’t take long for the dragon girl’s pheromones to soak deep in her skin , making her reek of the lewd sweet scent. After Lissoth made her point, she slammed the girl to the ground and pulled out her tail with a loud plop, as she nearly turned Musubi’s pussy inside out with how roughly she pulled it out.

At the same time, she swiped angrily at Sigrid. ''Now that I’m done with your companion, it’s time to teach you insolent sow some manners. I’m not just some mere demon. I’m a proud dragon, way above the likes of them. And unlike your pathetic race, I now control them, dominate them, while you are pathetic slaves, bred as mere animals, occasionally even by animals, like those of your clan.'' Lissoth hissed out. ''Though, I’m feeling generous, if you go down on all fours and let my whelp mount you, I will let you flee with your tail between your legs.''

Still raging, Sexual attack against Musubi , if musubi didn't faint from the sexual attack, the physical attack goes to her and sigrid can ignore the swipe, else physical attack targets Sigrid
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills

Musubi was rather unfortunately unable to remain in fighting shape as the tail picked her up and started to peg her without even using the lizard woman's hands. Instead the girl just found herself being pulled side to side until she was rubbed up against the dragon girl's shaft, and the pheremones dazed her so drastically that she barely even felt the slam, or the tail pulling out of her.

Musubi rolls to defend. 7+1d10 =

Musubi receives 9 damage. Is reduced to -4 Stamina.

Musubi regenerates 1 Stamina, is at -3 Stamina.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Caught by surprise, the warrior would still try to swing at the dragon girl before she completly hit the floor and sadly, the blow was ineffective against her scaly skin. Seems the trip took out all the momentum from her swing. As she landed, one of the axes fell from her hand and she barely had time to pick them up before she was back on the assault. "Goddess damn you!" She would try to avoid the strike oncoming but it was to little avail. The dragon woman's claws raked off her skin, causing some minor bleeding (Block Roll: . Took 6 stamina damage and down to 7)

But her spirit was not broken just yet. But at the same time, she realized this fight was quite lost. Her partner was in dire straights and another hit like that would send her to the dirt. And while leaving on her own might be a wise idea, leaving the girl to her fate would be far crueler. So she placed the axe down and placed her hands on the back of her head, indicating her surrender. "I propose a counter offer. Let my friend leave and I will take her place instead. She's a more promiing future then I and I will take her burden as punishment for my sins against you. Do this and I will submit to you willingly. I know you dragons still have some honor within you."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


''Fufufu, that’s a good look for you. It’s heartwarming to see you trying to sacrifice yourself for your friend, truly.'' Lissoth said amused. ''This must be rather humiliating for a proud warrior like you, or perhaps it’s arousing to surrender to someone clearly superior to you.'' Lissoth said with a pervert grin on her face while she deliberately moved her cock right in front of Sigrid’s face, filling her nostrils with its scent. Though, just having the warrior woman surrender to Lissoth wasn’t humiliating enough, she wanted to completely humiliate this woman, and show her how futile their attempts to fight back really were. ''I’ll tell you what. Having you submit to me like this is boring. How about we make it a little bit more interesting~'' Lissoth said with malicious intent. ''You’re one of the bear warriors, correct? Then wrestle with a bear for me and win, and if you win, I will let both of you go. Though, if you lose, not only will you apologize to the whelp you hurt, but you will also accept being his breeding bitch for the rest of your life. And of course, I get to play with you and your friend for a while. It’s my final offer before I force you into submission.''

As soon as Lissoth proposed her terms, several whelps landed near Musubi. At first they were merely sniffing and inspecting her, but soon enough the little beasts began to nip at her body as their cocks slowly grew out of their sheaths. Seeing the heroines fallen body right in front of them, made them very excited, and it didn’t take long before they rubbed their bumpy fleshy cocks against her body. Quickly her body was covered with bite marks and dragon whelp pre-cum. Though, that was the least of her worries, as a much larger dragon whelp was now sniffing her ass, and when its cock grew out of its sheath, it was pretty clear what his intentions were. ''You should probably hurry up and decide, before your friend’s promising future changes into dragon whelp bitch~''

The challenge is going to involve an number of rolls against a hidden DC, if you succeed three consecutive rolls, you win, but if you lose two consecutive rolls, you lose. The DC is heavily skewed in my favor, so you have been warned, but this will at least give you a chance I suppose.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills

Musubi moaned, what little strength she had was her trying to roll away from the bites, but at the same time despite the pain she seemed to be getting a bit more...lewd? She certainly wasn't sounding entirely pained. Though maybe that was just the pheromones running through her. Neither Lissoth or Sigrid would be able to tell given they only knew the girl for a solid five minutes to a day. The dragon might have been able to notice it just because she knew just how much her pheromones normally worked.

Either way, the fist fighter was currently being dogpiled under dragon welps, and didn't seem to be able to see past them at the moment as her head still span. The scent of the pre cum and spiny shafts being rubbed over her body weren't helping matters either. She barely even realized one of the creatures was sniffing at her rear, only registering enough to give a weak. "Noooooo. Don't put it in." That only the welps would likely hear.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

As much as the scent displeased her, she was still a woman and her body would start to heat up a fair bit. But she was trained enough to not let it show. However, she had to hear out the dragon's demands and they were far from pleasant. The woman was challenging her to one of the most sacred rites of the old order. To actually fight your orders namesake animal and claim it's pelt as your own was a sign of strength. She never got that chance and now she might accidently get one. "Much as it displeases me to do so, I will accept your offer. Present my opponent so that I might properly challenge him. Would hardly do good to propose this fight if my opponent isn't even present."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


''Excellent choice and I wouldn’t propose a challenge like this without having a proper challenger in mind.'' Lissoth said pleased smile. ''Don’t worry. Soon you will join your fellow clan members in doing what they love most.'' Lissoth said, before picking Sigrid off from the ground, and just before the dragon whelp was about the mount Musubi, Lissoth shooed them away, saving the girl from getting mounted. After which she picks up Musubi, and carries them both off.

After traveling for a couple of minutes, they’ve traveled a huge amount of distance, until they finally reached an enormous looking cavern. Both of the girls could easily sense an intense amount of corruption coming from the cavern. The giant dragon girl puts Sigrid in front of the entrance, after she removed Sigrid’s boots. ''Now you’re ready. I will warn you, your opponent is one of the fiercest animals I’ve ever laid eye on, so… good luck~'' Lissoth said amused, before walking away from the cavern while her tail whacks the top of the entrance, surely waking up anything inside.

Within a couple seconds, a giant bear appeared in front of the naked woman, if you could call that monstrosity a bear. It had jet black fur, red glowing eyes and was at least twice the size of a normal bear. The bear stood on two legs, and roared out furiously, it was easy to tell he didn’t particularly enjoy the rude wake up call. Though, when he laid his eyes on the naked woman in front of him, his mood drastically changed. A large pointy cock grew from its sheath, it was covered in filth and the stench was atrocious, as even from a distance Sigrid could smell the lewd scent filling the air. After the monstrous bear finished its impressive roar, he came crashing down on the naked woman, with clear intentions of overpowering and mounting her.

Meanwhile, Lissoth was sitting close by the spectacle, watching the poor woman futilely struggle against the bear. Her legs were spread, and her cock was fully on display, slowly leaking and twitching. Lissoth was holding Musubi by her legs, spreading them widely while forcing her pussy down against Lissoth’s tip. Though, she didn’t apply enough strength to make it go inside, instead she merely held Musubi against her tip, waiting for Sigrid to fail so Lissoth could force Musubi down on it, and slowly rubbing her pussy back and forth against her enormous tip. When Lissoth noticed how unnaturally wet Musubi pussy was, Lissoth’s cock twitched excitedly as she started to smile brightly. ''You know, for a hero, you’re soaking wet. You want it, don’t you? You want it inside of you, you want to submit to someone superior to you, to be bred like the masochistic slut you really are. Imagine how incredible it would feel having those spines and bumps slowly slide into your pussy, and how great it would feel to be stretched beyond your limits by this massive shaft.'' Lissoth cooed in her ear. ''Come on, tell your friend. Tell her that you secretly want her lose, and be bred like the slut you really are. Scream it out as loud as you can!'' Lissoth whispered demanding in Musubi’s ears as Lissoth forces Musubi roughly down against her tip, almost penetrating her.

To fight it, just send me you rolls in PM, and I will tell you when you won or lost, just give two at the time. You can use any stat you feel like.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Tag: Challenge

"You say that with such confidence as if you've seen it first hand. I doubt you'd know as much about our orders of warriors as a native."The barbarian was still quite offended at the words, but given what she was about to do and what could happen, maybe speaking such bold words in response might not be the wisest of ideas. She simply went along for th ride and in a strange show of confidence and out of respect for tradition, would remove the few other items she was wearing: sword and weapon belts, gauntlets, bands and anything else on her persons. This left her as bare as her opponent, as the challenge dictated. Nothing man-made to taint the ritual. She stood in front of the cave, her breathing slowed so she could collect herself. She would have to when she finally got a good look at her opponent. A beast of great size and no doubt strength with a...member primed for breeding and eager to fuck the barbarians body into submission. But agin, out of respect and even as he roared, she would sill speak to it as if it was normal "Great Beast, I Sigrid Falkenwrath challenge you to a test of strength and will so that I may claim your pelt." She struck her combat pose and threw herself at the great beast, ignorant of the goings on behind her and the plight of her companion who was on the brink of submission.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tag: defeat

Musubi let out a small muttering that even she didn't understand what she was saying as she got taken away from the whelps. Carried along by Lissoth she could only lay in her grip limply. Not quite registering where they were going other then Sigrid had come with them. Evidently fate had decided they'd go through this little journey together, but they'd escape eventually!

At least that's what the small part of her brain that was still 'logical' was saying. The rest of her was a bit blubbering, the lust tearing through her having taken over to a solid extent. When she came to awareness next, she was hovering over Lissoth's shaft, the dragon girl teasing her with just the tip. The girl letting out an attempt at a moan as Lissoth forced her down a bit more. As it was though the girl seemed to have lost her voice, and all she could do in the lustful haze was nod vigorously as words failed her. Ohh gods she was so horny right now, she needed it.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills


Lissoth smiled when she saw Sigrid trying to overpower the bear with just might alone. Though, it wasn’t an impossible feat for her, it was highly unlikely for someone with her stature to do so. Perhaps if she went with a more naughty approach, things might’ve turned out differently, but since she didn’t, the bear easily pinned the naked woman to the ground as his cock smeared it’s filth between Sigrid’s breasts and stomach, marking the naked woman with his lewd stench. After a few uncoordinated thrusts of the bear sliding his pointy length across Sigrid’s body, and jabbing the tip into her breasts a couple of times, he finally managed to find her entrance. With one thrust, his pointy cock entirely slid into her pussy and his tip easily penetrated straight into her womb. Although the tip was narrow, the base of the cock was as thick as her wrist, spreading her pussy wide. Sigrid could feel the tip leak hot goo inside her womb, making her realize, that being impregnated by this animal might be a real concern for her, considering how heavily corrupted it is.

''It looks like you lost, oh great warrior of the bear. Though, it’s easy to tell your heritage to the bear whores, you’re taking his cock like a champ!'' Lissoth roared out in laughter. ''Don’t worry, I won’t stop you love birds for enjoying each other. Though, you better properly apologize to your new husband for cheating~'' Lissoth cooed out at Sigrid, before her attention shifts to the girl resting on her cock. ''You know, it’s entirely your fault she lost. I’m sure she would’ve won if you didn’t want her to lose, but doesn’t it feel good, betraying your ally just so you can have a cock stuffed up your pussy'' Lissoth cruelly whispered lies into Musubi ear while grinding her pussy back and forth over the tip of her cock. ''Well, you’re going to get what you selfishly wished for, and more~'' Lissoth whispered in her ear, before forcing Musubi down. Slowly sliding her pussy over the arm sized member, first Lissoth’s tip slowly spread the poor thing beyond its limits, second came the spines that cruelly hooked and pulled along her insides, with the incredibly slow pace Lissoth was pulling the girl down over her cock, Musubi could feel each and every spine grind painfully against her inside, and finally came the bumps, with the spines making her insides overly sensitive, the sensation of them rubbing painfully slow against her insides was nearly unbearable. This continued, until Lissoth forcefully penetrated the girl’s womb, and Musubi’s pussy only being half way down the massive length. ''Well, was this worth betraying your friend for? Doesn’t it feel amazing being a dragon’s cock sleeve?''
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tag: defeat

One part of Musubi's mind was calling out that the words Lissoth was saying were lies. Her nods had been that she wanted this cock in her pussy, and that she was a masochist. They weren't about wanting Sigrid to lose!

The rest of her was just getting wetter from the words being whispered into her ears. The girl's voice still lost until Lissoth started to slide the fist fighter down her member. The massive shaft spreading her insides wide while the spines raked along her inner walls like barbs. The pain translating to just more pleasure in the girl's mind as her eyes unfocused again and she adopted a slutty grin, a bit of drool rolling down from the corner of her mouth by the time Lissoth was pushing into her womb. Musubi's insides locking tight around the draconic member, seemingly in an attempt to pleasure the girl right back as she finally found her words. Muttering quietly. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes." The words repeating like a mantra under her breath, only Lissoth able to hear them.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

Tags: Defeat

Mayhaps it was foolish to take on such a powerful beast through sheer strength alone. Maybe she could have done something different to quell the beasts fury. But that would have tainted the ritual. The purity of her clans history and traditions could not be corrupted by such low tricks and foul deeds. Maybe the gods didn't think her worthy after all and that this defeat was their way of showing her. She was pinned by the corrupted bear quite quickly, his scent strong and now rubbing off on her. No doubt marking her as a mere prize or plaything. And then it happened. The great beast thrust into her waiting body, the veteran warrior at his mercy as she submitted and accepted her defeat. Her humiliation. "I...will do no such thing...Beasts...could care less for such formalities...."Still she tried to bite back. But not much could be said with a cock this deep in her cunt.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Halfling Hills

The Halfling Hills
Tag: Victory

Lissoth growled at Sigrid’s response, her anger made her grip Musubi’s legs tighter in her hands, squeezing them roughly. ''How dare you insult my children like that, they’re not mere beasts you insolent slut, they’re your superior, and you better keep that in mind, or else I will have you personally apologize to every single one of my children. And, unless you want to break your word, you will treat him with such formalities and more. Your husband is not your equal, he’s your superior, and you’re just his mere bitch, a toy for him to enjoy whenever he feels like it.'' Lissoth hissed out angrily at Sigrid.

In the meantime, the bear started to take the liberty of using his victim, as his cock began to roughly thrust into the woman beneath him. His thrusts were powerful and quick, making the pointy cock slam deep inside her womb, and with each thrust forcing more of his cock into the woman, it didn’t take long before she was stretched beyond her limits by bear cock, and her womb was filled with bear cock as Sigrid could feel it slide around inside her womb. The bear stuffed more and more of his length into Sigrid’s slit, until finally a pair of large wet fuzzy balls was tapping against her ass, making her realize that this monstrosity forced its entire length inside of her. To prevent her back from getting scratch up, Sigrid could embrace the bear’s wet smelly fur, and press her body up against him. Though, if she did that, the bear would roughly force her shoulders down to the ground, and smooshing the poor woman against his body, at this point her face was directly nuzzled against the bears fur, constantly filling her nostrils with his lewd raunchy scent, as her lower body was hoisted into the air by the bear’s cock, and was now slamming down into her pussy with each thrust, giving a much better view to the two women watching Sigrid. ''Fufufu, look at that Musubi, a show for us to enjoy~'' Lissoth roared out amused.

At the same time, Lissoth had taken the liberty of sliding Musubi painfully slow over her entire length. The slow thrusts were absolutely torturous, as Musubi could intensely feel every single barb drag slowly along her inner walls, and every single bump slowly caressing her overly sensitive insides. It didn’t take long before several whelps landed on top of her, with their cocks unsheathed. They simply rested their smoldering cocks on top Musubi’s skin while their cocks twitched in anticipation and slowly covered her body with their hot goo. ''It looks like my children are fond of you. It’s heartwarming to see them accept a pet so openly, after I’m done with you my slutty little cock warmer, be sure to play with all of them okay?'' Lissoth whispered breathily into Musubi ears, as she suddenly increased the pace she was sliding over her cock. The sudden movement agitated the whelps, as they grasped down onto Musubi’s skin, making her feel several tiny claws pinch her body, and some of them started to aggressively nip at the more sensitive spots on her body, they were particularly fond of nipping her thighs, sides, armpits, neck and breasts. When Lissoth noticed this, she increased the pace even more with a knowing smile, making her whelps act more aggressivily as they were now humping against Musubi’s body, making her feel several dragon cocks slapping and grinding against her skin