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Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

Mei Ling
The High Mountains
Tag: Draconic mountaintraining

pushing her foot down on the shaft when the dragon protested The monk smirked.. releasing a bit of pressure if the dragon relented, beginning to caress up and down along his mighty member.. with her foot.

"Yes, me. You failed to introduce yourself afore your attack, so I don't know how to address you, great dragon." She remained respectful even in victory, though the tips of her toes curling at the tip of his shaft where quite distracting nonetheless.

"It'd be complicated, as well as forbidden, to explain my techniques to you. I shall give you an analogy. Imagine a surface of ice upon a lake. Your hard scales are this surface, impenetrable to physical might. The gentle palm of the open fist technique doesn't seek to strike the ice however, I struck through the ice, and send the waters beneath into turmoil." She smirked, her stroking quickening. "Or to simplify it even more for you, beast, I've defeated you, you do well to not only still live but also recover so quickly"
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tags: Mei-Ling, Defeated Dragon

His cock twitched and pulsed, fully hard again after a mere handful of moments of stimulation and slightly painful as the monk's foot pressed it down. He gasped, his efforts calming as his strength exhausted itself once more, somehow the touch made his mind feel a little clearer, even if his body still refused to attend to him. "Ryukouji..." It felt good to surrender for a moment, not even the sensual good he'd known from when the succubus had chosen to dominate him or the immediate carnal pleasure of the smooth curve of Mei-Ling's foot against his shaft. It was like a weight being lifted from his shoulders, one he hadn't even been aware he was carrying... "I am a Dragon..." He rumbled, slight affront in his voice, as though that fact explained everything, then in a slightly smaller voice. "More..." He wanted to feel more of this, more of... Whatever she was doing to his mind as the shackles of corruption that had held him eased ever so slightly for the first time in decades.

It would take a lot more time and energy to purify him, steeped in sin and depravity as he was, but even this little taste of what he had once been was ambrosia, and it stung that he could only beg for it rather than take what should be his by right of his species. (Even un-corrupted, Dragons held common a belief that anything they wished for was theirs by right, it was what led them into conflict with human and demon alike so often.)
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

Mei Ling
The High Mountains
Tag: Draconic mountaintraining

The monk grinned, feeling the draconic shaft under her toes, which she vigorously wiggled in response. "'You were a dragon and then someone messed with your mind.. I'm afraid clearing it will make you more dangerous, but so be it." She smirked, as her smooth foot continued to.. no.. sped up its rubbing along the draconic shaft, smiling down at the mighty beast.

"Now just you relax and we'll have you shoot your dragon-load all over yourself." The monk teasingly tempted, definitly a strong one, well, for a human, as she grinned down to the trapped corrupted dragon, not letting him feel pleasure from more than her foot.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tags: Mei-Ling, Defeated Dragon

"Nhhh! D-do not!" Made to cum from teasing? Humiliated by this woman? The notion was abhorrent and yet the growing pleasure of her insistent motions was inescapable. "I... Iiii...!" His shaft throbbed beneath her, twitching as orgasm rose inside him, his head falling back and his voice flailing silent as the strain upon his twisted energy flows made the effort of doing anything else too great to sustain.

As thick dragon seed spurted from the tip of his manhood and spattered against his scales, Ryukouji vowed revenge. He would be stronger, he would teach this woman proper respect. Just... Not... Now...

And his head fell back once more, slipping into unconsciousness again as the exertion of orgasm coupled with the healing of his body sent him falling again...
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

Mei Ling
The High Mountains
Tag: Draconic mountaintraining, open to challenge again!

The monk smirked at the dragon, "'tis is less than what you do to others. Remember it as lesson." She suggested, before leaving the great beast to rest, climbing back on top the mountain, ready to deal with further demonic threats as required. She smiled inwardly. Clearly, the demons were not unbeatable, the world not unfreeable.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Wake up

From one of the many caves that covered the high mountains, a terrifying yawn issued forth. Like the sound of a great beast stirring as air rushed out the cave entrance. Birds taking to flight in terror and even the stones seemed to shake in fear for a few moments as evidently something dark and terrifying was coming from the depths below to the surface.

Then Iruru stepped outside, squinting her eyes as she stretched her draconic arms over her head. Her outfit straining against her massive chest. "Ugh, how long was I asleep. You can't even see a hint of my old castle here." The woman, all of five foot nothing said with a blink as she looked around her. Radiating enough evil energy that it was rather unlikely anyone within a few kilometers wouldn't pick it up."I wonder if there are any heroes around here, they'll probably know what's up, or maybe a pack of kobolds. I really need to know anything if I'm going to start up again."

No, she didn't think it was weird that she was talking to herself.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains
Tags: looking for a fight

after a long journey from hopehold to this beautiful mountain range Cassie takes out her tent from her pack and starts setting up camp, its late afternoon and her tummy is grumbling.
"I wonder if I'll find people out here" Cassie asks herself with bow in hand she sets out to find some dinner.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

"Heavens cursed position above, why did they have to let all my paths go to rot. Don't they know mountains are hard to walk up and down!" Iruru complained as she hopped from place to place, jumping down the mountain side like a goat. Really, it was like the world had gone to hell after she had been sealed! Here she had tried to make this place nice, not that the humans had appreciated it. Nooooo instead they sent those heroes to seal her, and left her so weak. She'd have to go hunting her artifacts to get her power back.

Jumping down to another ledge, she found herself suddenly infront of an archer. Blinking at the woman as she said. "Ohh, are you one of these modern day heroes? You certainly look the party. Can you help tell me where the nearest towns are?"
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Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains
Tags: looking for a fight

Cassie pokes her head in several caves, but one catches her eye well her ear she hears a low growl as birds fly from another nearby cave sneaking up to this cave she spots a few bones from smaller animals birds, foxes and the like litter the floor of this cave something bigger must be in here as she walks down the cave her footsteps echoing off the cave walls.

Being as stealthy as she can in a place with little cover she moves from cover to cover as she presses down this cave ready for whatever might have made that growl.

she's being stealthy but I'm sure a dragonborne would know if someone was in their lair.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains
Tags: looking for a fight

"hey watch where you're going" Cassie berates as a woman jumps down infront of her. she looks at the pale woman is that a horn? wait does she have a tail. what kind of monster is this a were-narwhal

"I'm Cassie Starshot remember the name. And well the nearest town is a long while away but its no place for monsters like you! what even are you?" she asks as she steps back and puts a hand on her quiver.
she's ready to fight, but you're not immediately hostile so she won't shoot and you can still talk it out.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

"Well, I'm Iruru! Though it's good to see my reputations gone. Stupid reputation." Iruru folded her arms under her chest and pouted at the thought of her old reputation. Really, ungrateful humans. This one was being rather ungrateful too, she could have just slammed her from high up like a meteor and left her for dead, but she didn't.

She sighed, 'good' people are supposed to be forgiving last she checked. Unless the definition of 'good' changed since she was put in that heavenly box. "I'm a dragobus, and I just need a map of the world so I can see everything that's changed since I was sealed."

The longer Cassie was standing anywhere close to Iruru, the more she could feel the girl radiating dark energy. Corruption roiling around her like a boiling pot. Even if she seemed friendly, she didn't even seem to realize what she was doing.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains
Tags: Iruru

"I have no love for monsters like you, monsters took everything from me in my childhood and now they threaten all known lands. As a hunter of monsters I pride myself knowing that we heros of hopeshold will rid this corruption from our lands!"

There's definitely something wrong with this person her demeanor is kind and friendly but her aura is dark and powerful. Cassie takes a moment to and looks Iruru over once again.

"Why were you even sealed away?" Cassie questions the intriguing enemy.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

"Stupid humans thought I was a villain! So what if I burned their homes and displaced them. It was the fastest way to get them out of the way of Gormok the Ravager's armies! I even tried to keep my minions from taking to many as captives. They also thought all the ones I tried to empower with corruption were villains too. It's not my fault half of them turned into gibbering corruption spawn because they couldn't handle the power, and half of the rest turned out to be assholes that used the power for evil. That's like blaming the gods when they grant someone holy power if he goes and uses it for bad. But nooooooooooo, everyone blames the dragobus. Burn the dragobus, kill the dragobus, seal the dragobus." Iruru had worked herself up into a rant. Throwing her arms around her and wandering in a circular rut. Seemingly forgetting Cassie was there. Though the archer would notice that when Iruru's fist made contact with a rock nearby, the entire thing shattered into dust. "I used to have a big fancy castle and I could just sit around relaxing and reading and now my castle's been worn down into nothing by time and all my stuffs been looted and those heroes stole my brain and put it in trinkets along with most of my powers and now I can't even read or work out basic math."
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains
Tags: Iruru

"Sad you've really gone off the deep end dragobus. I mean isn't it your fault that they turned into corrupt spawn without you they would at least have stood a chance against something that can't just burn your entire village from the sky. I'm sure Gromok would be easily dealt with by today's heros seeing how distraught you are I'm sure he's worse for ware. Here let's get you your bearings." Cassie pulls a tattered map from her bag and hands it to the pacing dragobus.

"Just how much has changed from when you were locked away?" as Iruru looks at the map Cassie is already knocking two arrows ready for a fight
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Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

"Probably not, you look pretty wimpy to be honest. I'm like super duper depowered and I think I could still punch your lights out if I tried and got a bit lucky. The heroes of waaaaaay back then were able to beat me when I had all my power, and suuure, Gromok wasn't right up to my standard, but with his army he'd have probably destroyed all those villages anyways. Then he'd have enslaved them to make a bigger army." Iruru grabbed the map and looked at it, trying to see anything that looked familiar.

Woooooow, she was gone for a really really long time. If the fact that her castle had eroded away into nothing wasn't already indicative of that. "Pretty much everything it looks like. Don't recognize anything on this map really. That could just be because my brain's still off in I think it was a pendant? I should go looking for that. Though looks like you heroes aren't in good shape anyways. You know, if you really wanted to beat them you could just let me give you some powers. Then you could go smash the demons."
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains
Tags:Challenging Iruru

The thought of more power does sound very useful but the methods of this monster concern Cassie. Iruru may mean well but she's still a monster and a silvertounged one at that. Her aura its so powerful and if she isn't even at full strength I don't wanna know what she might be capable of.

"I'm sorry Iruru but the more we talk the more I realize you are just going to be a bigger threat if I let you live and regain power. I won't let your honey soaked words entice me, I came here to slay you not be corrupted by such an deceitful enemy. I Cassie Starshot challenge you. Though I shouldn't be much of a problem for you since I'm such a weakling." Cassie teases.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

"But I haven't even done anything this time! And still you heroes want to seal me again! Why do I even try to help you all." Iruru pouted. Folding her arms across her front as she hid away the map in her top. "Well fine! You want to fight me so bad little miss 'goodguy' then fine! I'll just beat you up and take your stuff because obviously your just some brigand pretending to be a heroine to rob people!"

At least that was the excuse she was telling herself for the moment it seemed. A moment later Iruru seemed to split and split again until there was three Iruru's. "Let me teach you a lesson of what I do to people that try to hurt Iruru!"

Then Iruru seemed to dissapear with a suprised sqwak. Leaving just the two duplicates to fight. The two copies launching forward, draconic talons forming around their hands which then grew to a massive size as they swung at Cassie. Though one of thems fist shrinks back to normal size before it hits.

Iruru uses illusionary double to make one 30% and one 20% double.

Iruru's size change fires on its own. Reducing her to very very small she doesn't attack (and I think at worst could do 1d1 or 1d2 to her roll, but all attacks against her are at -4

Iruru's illusionary doubles attack.
30% double passes it's power test
30% double rolls 21+2d12 = 32 (any damage reduced to 30%)
20% double fails power test
20% double rolls 21+1d10 =27 (any damage reduced to 20%)
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains
Tags:Challenging Iruru

Cassie is shocked as three Iruru's appear the main one stealing her map!
"Hey that's my ma--uuhhfff" Cassie is cut short as she is stuck with a huge belly punch followed up by a strong uppercut but they seem to only be semi real doing a lot less damage than she thought they would. When she gets her bearings back there are only two Iruru's "where did the other one go?" Wow she's fast this is gunna be a good fight!

"take these beast!"Cassie jumps back and launches both of her arrows at the clones. one arrow flies wide the other flies true but might not even penetrate her scales.

1d10+15: 25 [1d10=10] for first defense 7*.3=2, 1d10+15: 17 [1d10=2]10*.2=2 for second, 4 total stamina damage at 12 stamina left

Physical attack,Two arrows!
first 1d10+15: 17 [1d10=2], second 1d10+15-1: 21 [1d10=7]
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

Cassie's attacks unfortunately caught nothing but air as she fired at the two illusions. Well that wasn't exactly true. The shot fired at the stronger of the two illusions ended up missing badly. While the second buried into the girl'stared draconic hand for a moment before shattering. Leaving the illusion still standing. Even worse for her. The third Iruru re-appeared behind her. The primary Iruru appeared behind her. Only for her own enlarged claw to shrink back as well. Much to the woman's consternation. "Cursed seals! Can't even get my powers to work right!"

Even with that though the punch was nothing to scoff at. And neither were the other two coming for her.

Double 1 rolls 22-4 for size = 18. Double two rolls 25-4 =21. Neither suffer damage

Iruru's size changes back to size+4 fails malfunction roll and ends up at normal size. Standard penalties apply. Physical attack = 1d10+21 =23 (any damage is full damage)

Iruru's illusionary doubles attack.
30% double fails it's power test (malfunction back to normal size)
30% double rolls 21+1d10 = 28-1 for continously use =27 (any damage reduced to 30%)
20% double suceeds power test
20% double rolls 21+2d12 =24-1 for continous use =23 (any damage reduced to 20%)
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains
Tags:Challenging Iruru

The real Iruru reappears behind her and swings a massive fist right at Cassie's head luckily for Cassie it seems the dragobus's own body is fighting against her as the fist shrinks flying wide, unfortunately she ducked right into a hay-maker from the first clone and threw her arms down just in time to block the second clones body blow. "Three on one is hardly a fair fight but i still have a few tricks up my sleeve dragoness."

Cassie's hand glows a deep crimson as she dives between the legs of the Iruru behind her and and draws her bow. As she does the crimson light forms a jagged arrow "VAMPIRIC SHOT!" she bellows as she releases the string!

just bearly dodged it! real 1d10+15: 24 [1d10=9], clone one-1d10+15: 22 [1d10=7] 5*.3=2 rounded up, clone two-1d10+15: 23 [1d10=8], total 2 stamina damage at 10

Special attack 1d10+2d6+15-2 for consecutive attacks: 23 [1d10=5] [2d6=2, 3] when your bankai sucks :(
If i roll a 33 or lower on a d100 we'll say i actually hit the real you
1d100: 79 [1d100=79] lol nope
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