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Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

(Ooc: Should only be suffering -1 for consecutive. Don't think extra attacks adds to the count. Also you don't need to roll on which to target in this case cause I made it rather obvious (also cause Iruru can just take over a double even if she is beat). Also we forgot that successful defends cause damage to the attacker. Figure just start counting them now.)

Iruru proved to be surprisingly dexterous. Even as Cassie was sliding beneath her legs. The dragon girl flexed them and jumped into the air. Slamming her tail into the girl as she passed. The vampiric attack just missing the girl. Though it did rend a long tear in her flowing outfit.

"Darn it, now I'm going to need to find a tailor too!" The dragobus looked down at the damage and despaired . Even as the other two Illusions attacked again. Forcing Cassie back from the main body. Iruru spinning on her heels and pointing toward Cassie with an outstretched claw. "I'll make you pay for damaging my outfit you monster! Be cursed with distraction! To my adorable tail!"

The dragon woman's aura condensed at that, and shot toward Cassie. An arrow of inky darkness that would pierce her forehead. Causing no damage but...Iruru and her clones tails. The way they swished and weaved. They were so distracting to the poor archer. Unable to take her eyes off them. Giving the perfect opening for the weaker of the two illusions to rear back for an utterly devastating punch.

Iruru takes 1 damage from Cassie's defense now has 3HP remaining. Double 2 takes 0 damage

Iruru rolls to dodge. Rolls 21+1d10(8) =29 Cassie suffers 7 Stamina damage

Iruru uses corrupt on Cassie. Inflicting the weakness Easily Distracted(Dragon Tails) (3pts). Cassie must recollection all attack rolls and take the worse result.

Iruru's illusionary doubles attack.
30% double fails it's power test (remains at normal size)
30% double rolls 21+1d10(4) = 25-2 for continously use =23 (any damage reduced to 30%)
20% double does not malfunction. Remains at size+4
20% double rolls 21+2d12(12,12) =45-2 for continous use =43 (any damage reduced to 20%)
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains
Tags:losing to Iruru

(Ooc: whoops completely forgot that successful defense does stamina damage to other people. first combat will get better at it eventually.)

Cassie sees the bolt of darkness fly right for her, she tries to dodge but she her legs won't move it connects right into her forehead and she can feel the corruption take hold. Her eyes sway back and forth watching the beautiful tail swish side to side like a woman's hips. Cassie is too distracted by the tails to even notice that one of the Iruru's have moved behind her grabbing her drawstring arm and twisting it so she couldn't reach for more arrows. Snapped back into reality by the sudden jolt of pain, she focuses on the last one trying to use her free arm to block the incoming punch. Iruru's fist grows to the largest she's seen this fight and Cassie in shock whiffs her block and takes a belly punch that lifts her off her feet. The edges of her vision grow fuzzy and her legs shake almost uncontrolably.
"I'm sorry papa and mama I'm still such a weakling." Cassie croaks out dropping her bow and going limp in the clones arms

1d10+15-2 cuz of lowered defenses from my special attack: 21 [1d10=8] 2*.3=1, for the second clone have to roll twice and take the worst roll cuz you rolled max on your dice and Cassie is easily discouraged 1d10+15-2: 20 [1d10=7]1d10+15-2: 22 [1d10=9] 23*.2=5 rounded up stamina at 0
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

The double put Cassie down on the ground, leaving her laying on her back. Before the two doubles faded back into the main Iruru, who moved to stand overtop of Cassie. Staring down at the girl past her large breasts as she crouched and glared. "Well, you are, but that's because your fighting me! All by yourself. Really, it took a whole team of heroes to beat me back when I was strong and they were all way stronger then you!"

The dragon girl would give Cassie a bit of a slap to keep her awake. Her draconic claw having turned back to a normal hand. "But you are supposed to be a hero aren't you? You all tend to get super strong eventually if you keep at it. Or become breeding slaves in someone's basement. Either or. There were a few that really got in to the whole being a breeder slave thing at my castle...Seemed like some heroes just did it to get fucked by demons."

Iruru shook her head, realizing she was rambling again. "How bout this. I'll help you get a bit stronger? I don't feel like getting revenge after seeing you whimpering like that. Also I need to see if I can still do this anyways. It's not my fault if there's any side-effects though!"

The dragon girl's grin seemed to promise actual help, but given she could barely control her own powers. Cassie might be worried. Especially as the woman reached down and the dark energy formed around her hands. Eeking into Cassie's own aura as she felt rods of pleasure tearing through her nerves with each touch.

"All done!" Then just as quickly as it started, Iruru's work was done. Pulling her hands back. Cassie feeling...better? Like she could force herself to be stronger when she needed to? Then she'd look down and realize that she had something she didn't have before. Namely, a bulge against her panties. The dragon girl seemingly half talking to herself as she reached down toward the bulge. "Oops, those were the side effects I was talking about. Let's see what I did?"

A moment later Iruru revealed that Cassie had a rather large cock now. Easily enough to put the average man to shame, and it was erect and sensitive. Iruru blushing a bit at the sight. Her hand wrapped around the shaft almost forgetfully. "Well. Iruru's bad! Though now you'll probably have all the girls jumping all over you."

Iruru uses her corruption to try to 'help' Cassie.
Cassie gains Overcharge Rank 1
Cassie gains Touched By Corruption Rank 1 (Turned into a Futanari)
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains

Cassie squirms as the dragon girls hands roam over her body she feels her aura tainted by Iruru. Where ever Iruru touches on the young heroine begins tingle, Iruru moves down to Cassie's pussy.
"Stttooppp Iruru I'm really sensitive down ther--aahh it feels so...good... " Cassie's back arches and she tilts her head back as Iruru's magic ravages Cassie's body she feels something deep inside her being coaxed out. When she comes down from her precipice she sees that more than one thing was coaxed out of her, a rather large member sits between her legs. It was bigger than any of her past lovers.

"I definitely feel different Iruru but I'll have to test it out. You...you can keep the map to find yourself the nearest town I need to train more and I promise next time you see me, I'll be strong enough to beat even you and if I do you'll get rid of this!" Cassie says gesturing at her new shaft.

"Thank you Iruru! I guess not all monsters are bad but what's your plan now? Do you have any idea where anything they've taken from you are? Oh and one last question would you umm...can you umm..."Cassie glances at her throbbing, sensitive cock at full mast. " I'm sorry, you got me so worked up and ummm...can you help me out one last time?"Cassie asks blushing redder than a rose.

Cassie gains Overcharge Rank 1
Cassie gains Touched By Corruption Rank 1 (Turned into a Futanari)
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

"See, not all of us are bad!" Iruru puffed up at Cassie's praise. Looking quite happy as she nodded. Starting to stroke the girl's new cock lightly. Her face turning to a blush at the twitching against her hand. "I can help, it is my fault afterall. Though I'm only going to help you with my hands! 'Good' girls aren't supposed to just let others use their pussy right? That's what I heard from a few heroes back in the day."

Iruru started to stroke Cassie's cock a bit more quickly. Her hands soft now, curled around the large shaft and feeling almost deliciously cool against the hot rod of flesh. "And I was thinking about going back to that big city you have on your map and see if I can't find someone who might know where my artifacts got to. Maybe you can be my assistant and help me with that? Go in and get more information for me because they are for suuuure going to think I'm evil at the door."
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

-Iruru has re-corrupted the High Mountains. Nues!-
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High mountains

"That big city is the ahhh...Human's kingdom. I'm sure someone will know something about your artifacts there. I can travel with you there and get your foot in the door. I can't settle for long though, you showed me I got a lot of training left to do if I want to be an actual hero." Cassie rides out the waves of pleasure from her orgasm and a small rope of cum spurts out.

"It's a long journey to the Human's kingdom I still have my tent set up we can sleep for tonight and head out early in the morning." After a few minutes of resting Cassie finally gets her feet back under her and stands up offering a hand to the dragon-girl.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Cassie

Iruru seemed a bit suprised that Cassie climaxed so quickly. Guess the new member must have been more sensitive then she had thought. Pulling her cum covered hand back she'd look at it, and licked it off. Even if she was 'good' and not supposed to be 'perverted' she was still a succubus in part. She needed cum to sustain herself just as much as she needed food.

"Thanks, just being able to get into the place would be nice. I'll find someone who knows where the other parts of my power are and then I'll be able to be properly all put together again! I hope my brain is the first one I find." Iruru took the offered hand, letting Cassie pull her to her feet as she'd follow the girl back down to her tent, and from there onwards in search of her missing power.

Though she did get pretty snuggly with Cassie that night.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

High Mountains
Tag: Aki

Freki softly moaned and gave Aki a sly grin, as she voluntarily slide down the big cock. Creating quite the satisfying and sloppy wet sound when Aki hiltted herself on the demonic shaft. Freki stayed still for a moment, letting the pleasure course through both of them, her inhuman cock twitching inside of the hero's tight folds. Mhhhh, your still ready for more I see, and who am I to reject you? With that Freki started to lightly buck her hips, stopping any of Aki's resistance against the arousal covering her mind. Ughhhhh... your so tight even after I had my way with you. Prehaps I might just keep you as my own instead...

Freki suddenly sits up, the two were now face to face, before she leans in right next to Aki's ear and whispers. Would you like that? I would love you everyday, filling you up nicely all the time. Freki once again tempted the hero, enjoying her little game of slowly corrupting the hero. She wanted to see the stain of her corruption on the girl, see her fall little by little. Leaning back till they were face to face again, Freki looked into Aki's eyes. Her own eyes shining with a mischievous light. Hmmm, you know, a collar would look quite nice on you. Freki said as she suddenly wrapped a hand around the hero's throat. Not enough to do any harm at all, but just enough to help the girl imagine the collar around her neck. All while this happens, Freki didn't stop her light thrusts. Her shaft reaching the deepest parts of the hero, even if she was barely moving much. It was like instead of fucking Aki, she was teasing every part of Aki's insides.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Freki

"H-Hey! We had an...agreement." Aki moaned as she felt Freki's shaft twitch inside her. Though the complaint really was lackluster, more a formality then anything, as the pleasure that ran through her was leaving her well...rather 'helpless' before the wolf woman. Her body bouncing in turn with Freki's as the demon started thrusting.

Then suddenly Freki sat up, and was whispering in her ear. The speedster wiggling at the feeling of her hot breath in her ear. The girl about to say that no, she didn't want it, when Freki mentioned the collar and wrapped her hand around her neck. Ani unable to avoid admitting. "M-Maybe a collar w-wouldn't be too bad. B-But I'm not g-going to just become your bi~itch for all time. I s-still want to l-leave after y-you get your litter."

The girl's voice was broken up with moans and pants as Freki kept thrusting into her, teasing her and keeping her from collecting her thoughts enough to muster a real counter argument. Though Freki still had a while to go if she was really going to mark this girl.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

Haha! Don't worry, I might uphold my end of the deal still. Freki assured Aki, though she suddenly slyly smiled, anticipation written on her face. If I do, I'll just mark you as mine, and find you again, then we can have a lot more fun next time! While Freki said that she was going to mark Aki, she bucked her hips, thrusting deeper than she usually did into the girl.

With her hand on still on Aki's throat, she sends some of her demonic energy to weave around Aki's throat. The energy seeped into Aki and at the same time seemed to begin to materialize something around her throat! Aki could also feel the energy that was entering her, start to change her in some way. It didn't feel bad at all, in fact, Aki only seemed to grow even more arroused at the whole situation!

If Aki looked behind Freki and across the room, she would notice one of those old standing mirrors. Looking at it, Aki could see a dark collar had formed around her neck. The feeling it gave made it seem like it was actually made from some soft leather, instead of the demonic energy that formed it. On the collar was a name plate, it said "Freki’s Bitch" on it. Any attempts Aki might make to remove the collar didn't work at all, instead it seemed like it was going to be staying there for a long time!

At the same time she could see some fluffy wolf ears had grown on her head. At first she couldn't feel them, but now that she was aware of them, she could twitch them a little. While all this was happening, Freki had not forgotten to keep thrusting into Aki. She took her time, slowly bringing Aki to the edge, before keeping her there. Not letting her go over! Now your mine, whether you like it or not! But trust me, you'll grow to love it soon enough, my bitch.

No matter how Aki reacted to the corruption that Freki spread to her, Freki soon allowed both of them to cum. The edging only surved to intensify the rush of pleasure from Aki's climax, causing her vision to go dark. Already tired from the continues fucking, the climax sent her over into unconsciousness.

For the next few days, Freki kept fucking Aki, though gradually she became less rough with the herione. At the same time, gradually Aki's belly started to grow with pups. Motherhood had come for the heroine, probably her first children and from a demon at that! Then the day finally came, Aki gave birth to her litter, the first of probably many in the future!

Aki gave birth to 6 Wolf Spirit pups, 2 hermaphrodites, and 4 female pups. One of the herms looked a lot like Aki, and her sister, the other herm, looked a lot like Freki.

The day after the birth, Freki said to Aki, I'm going to take our pups back to my clan, and have my people take care of them, and after that, I'll be coming for you again dear. And yes, that means you can go when you want. Freki whispers while the two were in bed, taking the time to rest from the birth.

(Coruption = Weaknesses: Fetishs Beasiality Rank 1, Breeding with beasts Rank 1, Marked rank 1. Powers: Unnatural Features: Wolf ears Rank 1, Special movement Water walking Rank 1.)
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

The High Mountains
Tag: Freki

Aki moaned as the thrusting continued even as Freki worked her corruption over her body. The speedster reaching up to feel at her neck and the collar that was there. Looking over to see what was written there as she tried to pull it off. Only to find it wasn't going anywhere. Then her hands wandered further up to her new wolf like ears. Feeling at the flicking appendages even as she moaned again while Freki hit one of her weakspots, but not enough to send her to orgasm. Forcing to her to ride on the edge as her arms turned to jelly and fell to her sides. The girl moaning once more before panting out just before they both climaxed. "N-No faaaair."

The next few days passed in a blur. Aki being fucked day in and day out by the wolf demon as her belly swelled more and more. Her breasts growing as well as milk filled them and motherhood shaped her body a bit. The speedster wasn't happy at it, but well, she couldn't really do anything about her condition, and eventually she'd give birth to a rather sizable litter. Though she did take a bit of pride in her own genes succeeding a bit in one of the kids.

Finally though the time would come, Freki sticking to her agreement and giving her the option to leave. "Hmph, next time I'll win! And then I'll be putting a collar on you." She said, even as well, she wasn't exactly jumping away from the snuggling. Though eventually she'd pull herself off the bed and slip away when she got the chance. Going back to recover and train again back up to full form.
Re: Corruption Tournament: High Mountains

Haha! Well then the spoils shall go to the winner, when we fight next time the winner gets to do what ever they want to the loser! Ill be looking forward to putting some more pups into you~ Freki says as she watches Aki leave her bed and set off. A few hours later after gathering everything and summoning some nearby clansmen, she sets off to her Clan to bring her new litter home.

(Encounter End)