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Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, Open

"The road to victory is a bit too optimistic a phrase to put it." Melana chuckled, not sure what to make of the wolf at this point. "I guess I misunderstood you, you seem to believe we are trapped in endless tidings of warring with the corruption?" She sighed. "I'd rather not it be so."

"Hmn. The simple needs. I'd rather have the corruption pushed back forever.. its my duty after all. .." She hesitated when the wolf looked at her. "I.. I never thought about simply settling down, frankly, your proposal shocked me if anything." She blushed ever so slightly.

"A. . a wild beast such as you shouldn't.. have such .. I don't know.. " she cleared her throat. "I'll hunt down the corruption until I can no more or at least these lands are freed. I haven't really thought past that.." She hesitated, then sighed, extending a hand to caress along Amoroks fur once more. "I didn't mean the outburst. There are wicked and honorable creatures among both sides, I guess, I wouldn't deny that humans can be cruel, but..

I'm a warrior, not a philosopher, I didn't take you as one either."
She mused.

"Neither did I expect you .. wanting me as wife. I mean.. you can certainly take care of my needs, corrupted as you are.." She avoided eye contact for a moment. "And.. you marked me as yours.." She bit her lip slightly, but then glanced over to Miana.. there was a clear interest in her scent once more.. but also a clear revulsion at the danger of becoming more corrupted.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

"Yes, that is what I believe. It's not that the corruption can't be beaten, same with the forces of good. They will just always come back though, rebound and take their place in the sun again. Like what is happening now. You and our allies have been regaining ground quickly in the mountains, and soon these lands will be under good's control once more." Amorok said, a bit of a smile coming to his face as Melana got what he meant, which returned to a more neutral look as he added. "Though hopefully this time I won't be driven out by a pack of human farmers, or the corruption."

The wolf though would then chuckle at her comment about him being a philosopher. "But you're forgiven Melana, and I apologize for not explaining what I meant better. I'm not smart, I know that, but when you don't have anything to do for long periods of time other then talk to a creature that speaks near gibberish. You have lots of time to think on life and the like. Consider where you want to go and what you want to be when the fighting is done. And who wouldn't want one such as yourself as a wife? I'm certain you must have humans crawling all over themselves to merely get your attention with your strength."

Melana would notice something as he looked at her though. She might realize it as him noticing what she was worried about. His glance going to Miana and then back to her. Before shrugging. He didn't know what to do about her yet, or if he even was willing to do anything about her. He'd need to talk to someone that might know first, and without Miana being around hopefully.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, Open

"Hmnn.. Well, this time you are part of the corruption." She chuckled slightly. "You are quite smart for a wolf. I hope not smarter than I who believes one side can win, my side, preferably, and bring peace."

"Well.." She blushed a little again with the praise.. "There are suitors, yes, though humans don't value strength as much, many men it scares, others seek to own and diminish it.. none are as.. impressive lovers as you." She hesitated, looking at the succubus."Sometimes the problem is not vanquishing evil, but the price we'd have to pay for it, then again.. there are other prices.." like, right now, her eyes wandered over the wolfs body with a certain.. hunger, but she also knew that intercourse, right now, had a strong chance of getting her corrupted further.. worse, who knew if with her willpower fading, the succubus couldn't.. work on the wolf as well, through her.. though a small part of her liked the idea of being ravished by the wild beast.. that was also her loving .. loving..

She shook her head. "You .. I.. " She bit her lips again, a scent hinting at arousal from her.. ".. Who says you are worthy of being my mate." She said, condescendingly, though.. it has a provocative subtone to it. "Shouldn't a proper wolf be in charge of his wife, mate, bitch, whatever you want to call it? And here I am, defeating you. Yes, you marked me, but that fight got interrupted and .. either way, its not strength of your own, is it? Unless you are purified .. or I guess properly corrupted to merge with her, you act more as an enforcer than independtly of your own will.." Melana could see it,.. a proud, white wolf defending the heroes, standing by his wifes side, unusual lovers, but still... though, a lustful part of her could also see a fiendish wolf with dark markings, claiming his mate proper and turning Melana into something he truly lusted for .. she shook her head again, adding, with a slightly too quick smile: "Just.. theorizing.."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

Amorok couldn't help but grin at the praise sent back to him in comparison to the humans. Though he also had to hide a scoff at the idea of being scared at a wife. He had to admit, Melana's own arousal was taunting him, he wanted to do just as her words a moment later said. Push her down and claim her once again on these streets, but he managed to control his own lust for now. Even as the images that Melana was thinking passed through his own mind as well. Two paths, and at the moment he hadn't decided on either.

Both were extremely inciting, the thought of turning the woman across from him into a proper den mother. Strong enough to defend the den against all threats, and to birth his pups. Her form warped until she'd have resembled something more like their daughters then her current shape. It's be familiar, but he'd have to both beat Melana again, and risked breaking her in the process.

Or a wolf eared Melana and himself settling down in a proper house, like the humans did. Fighting Miana's other kin and driving the corruption back for a proper peace. Where he could relax and live comfortably with Silverhair. No worrying about having to hunt for the day, or other daemons coming to try to take his den out from under him. It'd be strange, and he might lose much of his strength, but he could potentially adjust.

The internal images did make him start to release a bit of a musk despite himself though. Shaking his head from side to side to try to clear the thoughts for now as he grinned at the challenge. "Your right until either such things happen I am little more then an enforcer. Maybe it's time I picked a side properly, or well, once we've finished with this place. Unless you want to fight me again now? Since all the demons seem to be off hiding from us."

Miana meanwhile put a finger to her lips and said. "traizioaren buruz hitz egitea, beraz, argi eta garbi, nire aurrean. Ez hainbeste ahula bada, baliteke zerbait egin nuen."

The words making Amorok wince a bit. Though then he grinned as something seemed to come to his head.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, Open

Melana was perceptive, enough so to notice the wolfs look. "Hrmnn.. I think we scared off all of the demonkin, yes." She chuckled slightly at the wolf, noticing his.. interest, though not on a directly conscious level.

"Pick a side properly.. hmn.. Well, I don't think you'd suggest this if you didn't give yourself a chance and.. well.. I will not hold back.. once I've won, if none other show up I will purify both you and this land." She narrowed her eyes at the succubus, taking a few steps back from Amorok.

"No need to be gentle.. for now you can't be sure I'm even pregnant yet.. though.. admittedly, you.. tend to have the virility to make sure." She bit her lips a little, determined to dominate the wolf this time.. she was definitly intend to purify Amorok, for his sake, giving the succubus a dangerous glance.

"Frankly. you should want for me to win, I merely wish to stop you from being anyones pet. Being defeated by me is the best way.." She nodded. Well, there was a chance the succubus might seduce her and Amorok, or perhaps the succubus had never been real in the first place.. Melana never heard of a sex-demon unable to take a cock, a part of her was beginning to theroize Miana was just an incarnation of Amoroks own corrupted powers, or perhaps a shard of a defeated succubus clinging to him..

Either way, she seemed readied, looking at Amorok expectantly if he ment his challenge.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Ultimate Challenge of Ultimate Destiny

"Well then Silverhair." Amorok stepped back in turn and grew back to his full size. His eyes alight with with mirth of all things as he grinned. "It looks like our next battle comes early. And fear not, I won't go easy on you. Though I think I might have to resort to different tactics. Given how easily you dismantled me last time."

Miana seemed to sigh, and faded away into the air around. Disappearing from the field of battle and any potential collateral damage. Leaving the two alone in the street as wind blew through and ruffled Amorok's fur.

The wolf circled around Melana until he was upwind of her. Melana likely realizing his ploy as his scent carried on the wind. Musk drifting around her in a cloud that tried to target straight toward her fantasies, to bring back images of her underneath him. Either during their first time, or their second just a short while ago. Even as his scent tried to do its best to bring her down to her knees. Amorok put his best attempt at a seductive growl. The words reverberating through the air. "Maybe you should be the one hoping to lose Silverhair. So you can just let your worries drift away beneath me."

He doubted it'd defeat the woman before him, but Amorok was hoping to throw her off her game early. It was really his only hope of victory. Though he himself wasn't quite sure if he wanted to win or not if he had to admit it to himself...He suspected that the human across her was having much the same thoughts as he waited for her counterattack.

Amorok attacks with his musk and words! Sexual roll: 17+2d8 = 24
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok

"You don't have the luxury of going easy on me." Melana chuckled, but raised a brow at the promise of different tactics, reaching for her blade. It was perhaps lucky that Miana disappeared, as the gust rustled the heroines silver-blonde hair. She watched Amoroks circling, keeping her eyes on him, but not following suite, for now.

"What are you scheming, wolfie? If I didn't know better I'd say you are just overcome by lust after me, without any strategy, dangerous." She said, albeit inhaling the scent.

(Melana rolls a total of 9 for her defense and takes 4 Stamina damage due to her fetishes/damage reduction vs woles, also increasing her sexual stat by 2.)

She blushed slightly, clearly affected, for a moment closing her eyes, fantasizing about the mighty wolf above her, taking care of her, breeding her body powerfully, lustfully, making her a true wolfish bitch companion for him... "B.. beneath you?" She blushed, imagining how the virile wolf-shaft had filled her, again and again, .. but she shook her head.. she could have that, without becoming his bitch... right? Her eyes wandered over his powerful frame, looking at his sheathe.. he was so virile, certainly he'd breed her more than daily, or let her suck his mighty shaft when she was filled with pups already.. she almost felt the markings he placed upon her skin..

"Do you want a horny bitch beneath you or a wife by your side?" She fought the influence of the musk off, not without inhaling it lustfully, and almost dropping to one knee, shaking her head as she readied her blade, exhaling, stealing her resolve against the wolfs sexual attack and empowering her own offense.
(Melana uses all 2 points of quick mastery to increase her sexual stat to 17, the rest goes into physical. She uses Overcharge, physical is at 29)

"You have given away your weakness, by the way, of your mind. I could empower my mind and attack you, but... I'm not that good at spellcasting myself, not unless I want to focus on it. Either way, how about I don't use any magic and you stop using your musk.. its not fair to confront a girl with such primal needs." She nodded, drawing her blade and rushing to cut at Amorok, though the.. earlier distraction took some of the bite out of her attack. .. still, the best Amorok could hope for was to narrowly avoid her blade and not get too injured, he knew of Melanas unleashed strength.

Melana physically attacks Amorok for a total of 32!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Ultimate Challenge of Ultimate Destiny

Amorok chuckled as he watched Melana struggle with his musk. Though he knew it wouldn't be enough to really damage her. It was still a bit entertaining to watch her struggle with his scent. A bit entertaining and made him swell with a bit of pride that he could have such an influence on her. It helped reinforce what she said about his capabilities compared to the humans.

Though after a moment he shifted again, his musk fading away as he circled further. "I think that is what we are here to decide are we not? Are you sure you want to be my wife, or a bitch beneath me? Two ways we can go. Though you are right, I have revealed that weakness."

Amorok didn't seem concerned about that though. Instead his grin grew brighter at her challenge. His honourable side kicking in hard as he nodded. Then stepped to the side. He almost dodge the blow, but his bulk ended up with Melana cutting into his shoulder. Though the wound near instantly sealed again. Once Melana had passed and her attack had ended he said. "I will agree to those terms. Let us decide this with our claws and blades then?"

A moment later he swung at her. His claws out, as he tried to bat at her and knock her to the ground. Hoping to make up for his failing at dodging her blade. Knowing his only real hope was to run Melana's stamina out. He knew her powers were limited, and if he could survive the onslaught then he'd have a chance to beat her.

Amorok rolls to defend from Melana's attack, 24+1d10 = - 2 for size = 30. Amorok suffers 2 damage and regenerates it immediately.

Amorok rolls to attack Melana with his claws. 24+1d10-3 (for overconfidence) =
(Well, this is going to hurt)
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok

Truthfully, Melana had more confidence in a purely physical confrontation than the odd holy spells he had picked up on her travels, Yes she could enhance her magical powers briefly, but that'd leave her physically attackable, so this was propably for the better anyway. Just like the wolf she recovered from his attack, though slower, and her technique consumed her Stamina, so unlike him she had to end the fight quickly.

As soon as Amoroks claw came flying to cut into her he knew he had made a mistake. Melana took the hit, letting herself be thrown back, but in the same motion taking a spin, her blade cutting through the air as she used the wolfs own momentum, amplified by her own precision technique..
Melana uses power defense: Regeneration and Defense mastery. rolls of 3 or 9 vs 24, total of 38, dealing 14 damage to Amorok.

"Blade and claw it is then. You know, the average demon would already be defeated with an attack like this.. but I guess we both don't need to prove each other as worthy mates, hmn?.. Now, lets agree not to hold back after the fight either. You know, just because you'd get purified wouldn't mean you can't indulge your instincts with me throughoutly.. I guess, by that same token I can be sure you'll .. well, first you have to try and corrupt me." She said, pulling her blade back, now reddened with Amoroks blood.

"I'd let you catch a break, but frankly, we both know I can't do that, now, can I?" She dashed forward, the ground cracking beneath her feet as she jumped up and plunged at Amorok, blade first cutting into the mighty wolf, with little chance of him to completely defend against her overwhelming attacks once more.

Melanas Stamina is at 9, she uses a physical attack against Amorok, aand a roll of 5, Cumulative penalty -1, 33 total!
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Ultimate Challenge of Ultimate Destiny

Silverhair certainly was slippery, but even as the woman used the momentum of his own attack against him. Cutting deep into his side. Amorok couldn't help but grin. Not even at her words that followed as she retrieved her blade from his bleeding side. The wound trying to close itself already. No, it was because he was quite certain of his own trick now. He hadn't gotten the chance to test it yet since he figured it out in the last battle.

"Heh, I don't plan to Silverhair. Win or lose a fight like this gets my blood boiling to much to hold back in the aftermath. Though maybe this time you will get to ride me instead? Or maybe I'll turn it on you again. Watching your reactions last time certainly was entertaining."

As Melana dove down on him again, he grinned a bit. Not even moving to dodge her attack. Letting it sink into the none vital parts of his shoulder as his regeneration locked the blade in place for a moment. Keeping Melana from escaping as he wiped his body around. Throwing her and her sword free a moment later. His body regenerating the small wound and doing as much as it could for the rest of his injuries. The wolf leaping in immediately after the attack to try to strike Melana before she could recover. His jaws wide as Melana might realize he was trying to engulf her in his mouth like he had the first time they had encountered eachother.

Amorok uses power defense regeneraiton against Melana's attack! Rolls to defend from Melana's attack, 21+1d10 = - 2 for size = 27 vs 28. Amorok suffers 1 damage and regenerates it immediately. Regains 3 more HP from other wound to leave him at 11 Stamina remaining (Damn you -2 for size penalty, daaaamn you)

Amorok rolls to use Amorok's Capture on Melana. 24+2d8-4 (for cumulative and overconfidence) =
(Well, this is going to hurt even more)
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok

"Interesting, you copied my own techniques.. well to some extend, we do have similiar vitalities. You see, while the corruption makes you stronger, it doesn't make up for superior technique." She smirked triumphantly, even if she should lose now...

Well she couldn't finish the thought, with the wolfs jaw coming for her, as she closed her eyes, exhaling.

(Dramatic theme:
"Had you trained this technique for a few years, you may even have defeated me then and there." Her eyes opened, the moment Amoroks Jaw was upon her, lifting her blade and steadying it so that the mighty wolf had to clasp his teeth down upon her.
(your calculation is off, 29-4 = 25 Melana rolls a 6 for a total of 35, dealing 10 damage to Amorok.)

"That said, to learn my true technique you have to fight for something more than revenge. You have to be willing to put your own life on the line, because thats the secret of the power I use all this time. Have to keep using, against one such as you."

She exhaled, lowering her blade, smirking slightly, exhaling.. her overcharging ending. "Now then, husband, how about you forget about the succubus. Theres a secret she's refused to tell you, yes, losing her would weaken you, but you wouldn't lose intellect, whoever she is, does she seem to have the power to command you? I could cut you down, but whats the fun in that. How about instead you make me a proper she-wolf for you, while I cleanse you of this darkness, and then we'll enjoy ourselfs and settle down, this fight be damned.. I've done quite a lot for the defenders in breaking free this territory as well, if I do it all for them, they wont grow stronger and in the end I will fall, as more demons target me."

Melana smirked, pulling on her armor to reveal a glimpse of skin, and a whiff of her own strong, feminine scent. "Come, Amorok, I want a real lover and you want to turn me into your true bitch more than you care to serve the corruption, don't you? Forfeit the succubus service and I'll give you all the pups you desire, my proud mate."

Melana uses a sexual attack against Amorok and ends her overcharge! 21 total, adjusting for fetishes.
Melana offers Amorok her body and the chance to transform her if he surrenders and lets himself be purified completely!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Ultimate Challenge of Ultimate Destiny

Amorok was on his last legs. Quite literally. Despite his best attempt he felt the pain through his mouth as Melana countered fast enough. Even with his regeneration he knew even the slightest hit could likely take him down now. Even as he backed away from the woman though. Preparing his body to throw himself out of the way of another attack, he noticed her lower her sword. Blinking as her power left her. He was about to ask her what she was doing, the wound in his mouth regenerating enough for him to form words again, when she started to speak once more.

A draw, that was what she was offering. A chance for both of them to get what they want. He almost threw that away in an instant, his honour would not let him accept pity like this, not until he was truly beaten! The rest of his mind though fought against that. The rational part of his mind telling the honourable part that they had already lost. The fatherly part of his mind saying that the woman across from him was a near perfect mate. That would give strong pups and be able to guard them fiercely. Finally, the lustful side of him was currently focusing on the glimpse of skin and the scent drifting on the wind. Telling the honourable part that damn fighting to the end, there was an extremely attractive breeder literally offering herself to him.

(Amorok rolls to defend against the sexual attack. Rolls 1d10+17 = Amorok gives in to Melana's offer.)

In the end, the three voices won out. Amorok unable to stop himself from laughing. It was an actually gleeful laugh, the relief of actually finding what he had been looking for bringing joy to the surface. His mirth was of such strength that shook the air around him. Though then he'd stop and brightly grinned at Melana. "You certainly know how to make an offer Silverhair. How could I refuse?"

Pawing forward, his wounds starting to heal again he'd come close enough to nuzzle against Melana. "Husband and Wife. I must admit, I like the human terms a bit better. Though I certainly won't stop trying to get you under me. Lure you more to the wild side." The wolf said as he rubbed his muzzle against her cheek. Chuckling a bit again and sending vibrations through them both. "And even if the demons come for you, they'll have to get past me now first."

Miana re-appeared, then, breaking the moment a bit. The demon looking displeased at the current situation to say the least. The woman starting to speak in rapid fire words. Gesticulating wildly at Melana and her tone at a near shout. "Emakumea da etzanda, nahi besterik ez zuen behera utzi behar duzu zure guardia eta bere maskota bihurtu. Hartu bere out orain bere guardia behera bitartean. Ondoren, bere hartu ahal izango duzu zure propioa."

Then Amorok growled, and snapped a paw out. Knocking Miana to the ground infront of the two, and a moment later pinning her down. The wolf trying to muffle her so he couldn't hear her words. Growling he'd gesture to Melana. "I will keep her pinned down Wife. Remove her before she tries to talk further. The corruption will still need to be purified but without her I don't think it can try to come back."
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok

(seems the rolls want a victory for the heroes today. So be it, corruption could be kinkier, but this makes for great romance! ^^)

"I've been thinking about your words, Amorok, sure, I could be the heroine that liberates half the world, but.. as I said, that'd only make me a target and if I were to fall..
I'd rather let other heroines use the advancement so far as a.. starting point to regain lost ground from. Meanwhile, perhaps we'll go back to your cave, though it could use some decorating."
Melana nodded, then blushed a little at the approaching wolf.

"I doubt many demons could content with your durability, if you learn a few techniques of mine and we add in my offense." She chuckled, but nuzzled ever so slightly up against the wolfs furred muzzle, sheathing her blade fully, letting him regenerate first, before she considered getting.. gropey. Infact, she herself seemed to recover slowly, cheeks growing more rosy.. it was hard to notice through the adrenaline rush, but her technique did drain her, causing her to grow pale in exhaustion..

"I don't see it as losing one of the strongest heroines for the humans, but.. making space.. for others, for our descendants.." She blushed, not admitting it, but she too enjoyed Amoroks primal desires to some extend..

Then the succubus interceeded, and she chuckled. "A moment too late, coward." She folded her hands, clasping them together and chanting, a warm glow enveloping her... and Amorok. A glow that would seer the wolf.. but much more the succubus. Infact, Amoroks body began to heal quicker than ever and he felt amost.. revitalized. He didn't lose any of his Stamina, infact, it almost felt as if it increased.
He did feel weakened, the unholy strength leaving his body.
He also finally felt.. at peace, the need to breed the succubus had instilled in him replaced by his natural desires.. though, that at the moment of purification Melana was standing before him did leave a certain.. impression. Her scent, her look.
His mind stayed much the same, yes, his thoughts dulled a little bit, while his instincts strengthened, but, it was more as if he was becoming more wolf, less unnatural than him losing any sentience.

His eyes lose their fiendish glow first, and while he loses the ability to see in darkness, he finally realized what he had lost, his superior sense of smell, now reminding him of the beautiful female in heat, allowing him to almost read what Melana feels .. right now its exertion, actually.

With one final effort the Succubus reaches up, desperately trying to fight against the holy light, reaching for the wolfs sheath, his libido, the source of her powers over him, perhaps and Amorok feels a swelling, a filling up his already impressive endowment with enough slick wolf-cum to begin glistening from his tip already, before Miana fades to nothing.

A silvery glow engulfs the wolf and the human lands around, marking him as a purified creature, a beast, sure, lustful, certainly, but not one of evil anymore, his fur turning white, like a snow-wolfs, something feral and violent leaving his frame to become more primal and prideful, as Melana pants, dropping to one knee.

Amorok is purified, and loses the last dice rolled in character creation. He loses his pet and gains Fetish 1: Melana Silverhair and those that look similiar to her. He gains Fetish 1:Breeding willing females. He also loses his dark vision. Amorok gains Marked Rank 2
Surrendering to the purification means Melana can move about as many points as she wants, and Melana also donates 1 point from purifying the district to him.
Amorok gains heightened sense: Smell rank 1
Amorok gains Regeneration up to Rank 6.
Amorok gains Heroic Determination Rank 1.
Amorok gains Defense mastery Rank 1
Amorok gains Unnatural features: enhanced virility/fertility Rank 1

The wolf blinks, for a moment the world shifts before him. He feels .. not that different, actually, there is a certain peaceful calmth, though his arousal is undeniable. A part of him feels an innate gratitude at a great sacrifice.. sacrifice? Melana seems rather exhausted, yes. "Haah.. haah.. " She pants, clearly, purifying a full demonic creature was exhausting, even for one such as her. She looks so.. human, weak. She of all deserves better, to be a proud she-wolf, with a body that can support his strong litter unstrainedly. It did his desires little good that she weakly said: "Now then.. with the demonic influence gone, haah.. .. do you still desire me as wife your?" With a hopeful subtone.

(letting him respond before doing the propable 'area liberated!' thingie. ^^ )
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana

"And our descendants will be strong indeed." Amorok said, before the purging of his corruption, and Miana, began. The wolf keeping the succubus pinned to the ground as Melana began to start her spell. Chanting, as she began to glow, and so did he. The warm glow turning to burning pokers of metal that ran through his body as the corruption began to be purged. Miana below them starting to thrash a bit in pain as the light worked over her, struggling against Amorok's grip as her muffled words worked against his paw.

Then though, the burn started to pass, his body starting to feel stronger. His stamina increasing, what wounds he still had rapidly sealing as he put more weight on the succubus below him. Trying to pin her further as she struggled more. The haze of breeding passing from his mind, seeing the succubus for what she was. A leech on him. A specter that had attached itself to him for life. His dulling mind replaced with instincts that made him want to tighten his grip, cutting the succubus apart. He held himself though, his mind still holding together more then enough to know that such and action wouldn't help.

Then he sniffed the air, and realized just how strong his nose had suddenly come. As if the corruption had blocked up his ability to smell. His new scent causing his attention to shift to Melana. Sensing both her body in heat, and he could smell just how much this was tiring her out. He would need to pay that back when it came to his turn. It was that distraction that allowed Miana her chance to act. The wolf feeling her powers work through his shaft, his body churning with one last load of cum. Not quite corrupted as Miana would have wanted, but not quite pure as Melana's work would have tried. Something that could change someone still, but not corrupt them into a demon. Though he knew, he wasn't going to have any difficulty producing much more normal seed in the future thanks to the succubus' last action.

Then Miana was gone, faded away, and Amorok felt a weight from his shoulders. His body changed, sure he was weakened somewhat, but he could handle the changes. His fur practically radiating in the light. His attention turned to Melana, looking the tired woman up and down. Nuzzling up against her again. Though it would almost be a bit insistent. Pushing Melana onto her back as he started to lick lightly against her neck. The scent of her, the feel of her, everything drove his lusts, already sparked by the succubus' magic, higher. "Of course Melana I would have no one else as my wife, my mate. I hope you'll not mind this, but I must do this. I need to relieve this."

The wolf put a talon to her armour. Pulling it off and where necessary, damaging the outfit to remove it. It wasn't anything that couldn't be easily repaired though. As he went his tongue traced over her skin. Starting at her neck, working down slowly to her breasts. Teasing her relentlessly, lovingly, as he stripped her. Melana able to feel his scent around her just as he was focused on hers, and she could see his leaking shaft. Dripping down against her feet and sending a pleasurable burning sensation through her skin.

Shifting further up he let his pre-cum drift against her stomach for a moment when he had stripped her, the sensation working through her from a second point as it pooled around her bellybutton. Though finally he'd pull back a bit bend his legs, lining his shaft up with her pussy. His licking having moved up to her chin until he came back to her lips. "I can't hold this back Melana. Just a single round. Then you can purify this land and we can have many more after."

With that he pushed forward. His muzzle pressing against Melana's lips as his tongue slipped out. Wrestling hers as he filled her. The position was a bit awkward for him, but he wasn't going to force her onto her hands and knees for this. Later sure, for this round no. Shifting one of his paws underneath her he'd raise her lower half, giving him a bit better of an angle as he started to work into her. His shaft working in and out of her at a pace that felt both delightfully fast, and tortuously slow. His precum causing her body to feel alight. Her nerves alight as she felt her Amorok imprinting on her even further. His shaft working against her body. Her insides seeming to memorize it as the burning pre-cum warped her body slightly, and spread out from there.

Deepening the kiss. Amorok would start to thrust faster and faster. His member starting to inflate at the base. Molding her body further as Melana might start noticing something. Her hearing had already been increased with her ears, but she felt an itching above her ass, and then new sensations. It was like she had something brushing against the ground below her. A tail having formed and wagged side to side nearly with a mind of its own even as Amorok was thrusting into her. Her foot, where the precum had landed on first, had twisted into something like a wolf's paw, and her other foot was starting to change as well. It looked like Erika's, and that might be where it clicked, what she was going to look like as a she-wolf.

As Amorok moved harder and harder against her, more of his rapidly thickening pre pouring into her womb. Melana would feel the sensations move to her hands. Fur climbing up them, but she kept something closer to her normal hands then the full claws of her daughter. She could still easily handle her blade with these. Her eyes seemed to be able to see better, her nose growing stronger. Her vitality starting to grow as her body started to recover.

There would be one more change, as Amorok growled against her and slammed his hips forward one more time. His knot locking them together. His seed flooding into her womb. The wolf pulling back a bit to see if he had brought the woman to climax as well. If he hadn't then he'd lick at her neck and chin again, seemingly attempting to apologize. If he had, then he'd dive back in for another kiss. Even as the cum was pouring into her womb she'd feel her drive for vengeance eek out of her. The urge to stay with him growing, as the changes finally settled.

"I hope that answer's your question better then my words could Silverhair. You make a fine she-wolf. Any that will harm our den will cower before you." He chuckled after he ended the kiss. His shaft still pumping more seed into her as he snuggled against her a bit more, his tongue continuing to tease her as the time they were knotted gave her time to regain her strength.

Finally he'd pull away though, and would lower his head to give her something to grip onto to get herself to her feet. "Now though. I think it's time to purify this place. Return it to the humans hands."

Melana is converted into a she-wolf/wolfwoman, her fur coloured silver, her eyes converted to wolf like slits.
As Melana offered herself for conversion. Amorok can move her points however he wants. He grants her his two points he had been storing
Melana gains Unnatural Features: Wolf Tail, Wolf Arms+Legs
Unnatural Features Wolf Ears converted into Wolf Ears+Wolf Eyes
Regeneration up to Rank 2
Berserker Mode down to Rank 1
Fetish Beastiality up to Rank 3
Fetish Being Bread by Beasties up to Rank 3
Gains Fetish Amorok: Rank 1
Vengence down to Rank 0
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Lady Silverhair
Human Kingdom
Tag: Amorok

Melana gave Amorok, her mate, a lustful, if tired grin. Not resisting his pushing, even if she had had the strength left, her cheeks pale, yet flushed with the wolf above her. She let him tear off her armor and moaned as his tongue wandered over her, closing her eyes and grinning up to the mighty wolf. She gasped at the burning hotness of his cum, the scent of the mighty wolf all around her.

"Hmnn Amorok.. I don't want you to hold back your lusts." She cooed, feeling the heat upon her bellybutton next. She gasped as the wolf pushed into her, rutted with her, primally, her mouth parting, recieving his tongue and licking up at him, lustfully, eagerly, with a happy coo at the sensation, moaning out: "Haaah.. you're changing my pussy to be all yours, aren't you, naughty wolf?" With a lustful grin and a grinding of her hips, her sex tight, warm and delightfully welcoming of the angry wolf-shaft.

As she moaned in rythm with Amoroks short, strong thrusts her tail twitched and wagged lustfully, coiling up to her mate, not fighting the changes, but embracing them as the fur climbed up her legs and her .. hindpaws curled a bit in lust. She panted, briefly looking at her hands, smiling and moaning as she felt the wolf pump into her, knot within her, fill her with his warmth.

Melana moaned eagerly, leaning to the licking, panting and kissing her wolfish mate in turn and only once he was done she'd exhale, grin and, a bit shakily, get up, testing her new, more wolfish body. "Hmnn yes my mate.. purifying shouldn't take too long.. and afterwards, I want you to teach me all about my new wolfish body, at y.. our lair. And then.. how about a new fight.. this time, we'll see who can last longer." She cooed, leaning over, hand caressing over her mates strong flank as her wolfishly long tongue extended, licking his shaft clean with a sensual growl.
The Human Kingdoms have been liberated and two new arear are unlocked and ripe for the purifying!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tags: Just passing through / Leaving area
Less than an hour after Melana and Amorok had purified and then departed the region, a subtle swirl of blackness would emerge into being from a nearby shadow. The inky orb growing to a few feet in diameter as a sinister pink eye opens up on it's abstract surface. Mal-Umbra squints in the evening sun as he gradually floats higher and surveys the city. "So... the city has indeed been "purified" after all. A shame their hollow victory cannot restore the previous inhabitants for fresh conquest. Interesting nonetheless." Mal-Umbra casually murmurs out loud to himself, descending back to street level. "But who is responsible? Did I not sense a demon's presence during the event?" He muses as his great eye scans over the scene investigatively. A gaze that pierced darkness, solid matter, and even time to a degree. The power of post-cognition revealing the recent past.

"Amorok?" The old demon utters quietly whilst studying the past, continuing to ponder in his thoughts to himself over the scene as it unfolds. 'And... who is this corrupted whelp at your side? Wait... that, is Lady Melana?'

"HAHAHA!" Mal-Umbra rumbles laughing out loud. 'How the mighty fall. The great hound snatched quite the high profile bitch. Such a fate suits the woman. I shall have to pay a visit to congratu...' Mal-Umbra pauses, as the vision into the past continues. 'Hmm. An unexpected development. So the wolf has turned coat. I wonder what has become of that diminutive succubus that elevated the beast.' He mused observing their publicly bestial act with casual voyeuristic stride. 'I'm not surprised to see Silverhair acting the part of a wanton whore, although she scarcely seems tamed at all. Perhaps this was simply her true nature all along. A pity I missed whatever shallow excuses were surely made during the first encounter.'

Regardless of his thoughts on the matter, the recent purifying magic acting on the area gnawed uncomfortably on the profane being greatly. His unique "physiology" feeling particularly unwelcome here. Whilst little had visibly changed just yet, the demonic influence over the land was receding rapidly, and it was still too soon after the spell to attempt a renewed desecration. So for now, he would retire elsewhere to finish enjoying his current captives. The loss of territory didn't bother the demon, as long as the conflict continued, and naive pure maidens still sallied forth to defeat him, he would be satisfied.

[ Mal-Umbra departs the Human Kingdom region for parts unknown, and returns to his realm for now to look after his special guests. ]
After long preparations, Tessa started to speak of the kingdom of humans. A lot has happened lately. Heronines starts hunts and did not return. Areas got cleansed from the demons and reclaimed. New areas got conquered. Even the one-eyed demon was spotted. But where he was was last, a heroine and a former demon saved the human realm. So, the probability to find her arch enemy here shrunk. But still, it was the last place where he was seen.
As they entered through the towns they saw the people going on their daily business. That was great. There still lay something heavy over the whole town but it was good to see people living normally. She would go into a tavern and notice that the biglings still build too big. The doorknob was definitely not fit for a halfling. Thus, she had to stand on her toes and push out her pelvis and with her butt. The human pedestrians threw her looks, but she did not notice. She was busy with opening the doors.
When she was finally inside, bartender looked at her confused. "Children should not play with such weapons. And they should not go into a tavern at this time. "Tessa sighed and pointed slightly at her ears and feet. He rubbed his eyes. "Ever saw a bigling child with such pretty feet?" "Oh, a halfling lady. Come in. We just see your people rather than ... well ... you know ". Tessa nodded and took a seat at the bar. "I know. I'm looking for a certain demon that was not too long ago. A creature looks like a giant eye. Did you hear that? "The bartender swallowed and came closer with lifted hands. Seemingly to not worry the other customers. "Yes. But a woman like you should not hunt such a creature. Sadly, I can not help you with that. Would you like room for the night? " Tessa nodded. "And a beaker. I'm a little thirsty from the journey. "The bartender placed a beaker in front of her and Tessa seemed to think where else she could. She just hoped that no other demon would come in her way.
(So, dear demons, who wants to join?)
After long preparations, Tessa started to speak of the kingdom of humans. A lot has happened lately. Heronines starts hunts and did not return. Areas got cleansed from the demons and reclaimed. New areas got conquered. Even the one-eyed demon was spotted. But where he was was last, a heroine and a former demon saved the human realm. So, the probability to find her arch enemy here shrunk. But still, it was the last place where he was seen.
As they entered through the towns they saw the people going on their daily business. That was great. There still lay something heavy over the whole town but it was good to see people living normally. She would go into a tavern and notice that the biglings still build too big. The doorknob was definitely not fit for a halfling. Thus, she had to stand on her toes and push out her pelvis and with her butt. The human pedestrians threw her looks, but she did not notice. She was busy with opening the doors.
When she was finally inside, bartender looked at her confused. "Children should not play with such weapons. And they should not go into a tavern at this time. "Tessa sighed and pointed slightly at her ears and feet. He rubbed his eyes. "Ever saw a bigling child with such pretty feet?" "Oh, a halfling lady. Come in. We just see your people rather than ... well ... you know ". Tessa nodded and took a seat at the bar. "I know. I'm looking for a certain demon that was not too long ago. A creature looks like a giant eye. Did you hear that? "The bartender swallowed and came closer with lifted hands. Seemingly to not worry the other customers. "Yes. But a woman like you should not hunt such a creature. Sadly, I can not help you with that. Would you like room for the night? " Tessa nodded. "And a beaker. I'm a little thirsty from the journey. "The bartender placed a beaker in front of her and Tessa seemed to think where else she could. She just hoped that no other demon would come in her way.
(foregoing Account ist einer bei dem ich die Email adresse nicht mehr habe. Bitte löschen.)
With her drink served and a rusty dark key given by the bartender all point than it will be a day than Tessa could use to preapre herself for her mission. She could see than the tavern owner was trying to act normal after such scary question than could end with the mood of this place. It has passed some minutes and before Tessa could end her beaker, she was almost close to fall voctim of maybe this same drink. Her hand holding the key and placing it at her pocket some minutes ago was the last thing than she got to remember, before her eyes fully close and the darkness cover her

(Continue this in Halfling Hills ).