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Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

The humans, rich in number and culture have become corrupted servants of wickedness in their own new kingdom.

-Grunts 1 For any demon inside while corrupted
-Determination 1 for any heroes inside if liberated
-Further lands unlocked beyond if liberated.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

The Humans Kingdom
Tags: Introduction

Previously... (copied from other thread)
Any person arriving at the once grand capital of the Human kingdom would be greeted with a bleak and eerie scene. What had once been a bustling centre of activity, now stood largely abandoned and in decay. Evidence of past battles against the demon invasion visible around the debris strewn streets and damaged buildings. Partially over grown, but also with a subtle sickly feeling, like the land itself had been cursed and was in need of purifying.

Lizzies declaration and cry of challenge would go largely unanswered, with any lesser demons she and Ilessia encountered either scurying off into the shadows or falling upon their blades with little effort. These dregs were not the villains they sought. If there were greater dens or substantial foes in this city, they were evidently lurking further in.

In the distance standing tall over the urban sprawl were a few notable landmarks. The central castle keep, the arcane academy with it's tower, and the grand cathedral. The cathedral in particular might draw a suspicious eye, for swirling around it seemed an unnatural looking veil of shadow. The entire building notably darker than it should be even at this hour, almost like a black mist had come over it.
The next morning, hurried footsteps patter at the flagstones that paved the Cathedral floor, as a figure hustled down the aisle. The building still soaked in a thick unnatural gloom. "Master! Master! There are humans from outside in the city. I saw them. They look strong." The figure calls with a female voice towards altar.

"Good..." A deeper voice replied in a strange way that almost seemed to echo and reverberate within itself. The visage of Mal'Umbra rising slowly from the shadows at the back of the cathedral. "It's been a while since we've had guests. Where are they now Hettie? Did you invite them over?" The sinister eye floating in the dark enquired.

"Uh... I... no, I didn't. I ran here quickly to tell y-"
A slick shadowy tentacle had suddenly whipped out of the gloom and struck the girl round the head. "Wah!"

"Go find them." Mal'Umbra commands, although not actually sounding angry like the whipping might have seemed to imply. "Offer them an invite and lead them back here, before some other demon steals their company. Go. And don't waste time getting raped on the way like last time." He speaks in a low slow rumble.

"Yes Master. I'll go." Quickly spinning on her heels, Henrietta scurries back towards the exit rubbing the side of her head, and would begin making her way back across the city in search of it's invaders.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

The night turned out to be mostly uneventful, there would be demons in the distance every once in awhile, but they never attacked. When Lizzy's watch had ended, she would wake up Ilessia, before falling asleep herself. When she awoke she would ask Ilessia, What do you think we should do? I mean we can try and investigate the cathedral now that its day, or do something else. But remember we have to defeat the strong demons to scare the lower ones out of the territory.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Ilessia remained silent as she tried to come up with an idea. "I really doubt the demon in charge is strong at all if he's cowering behind a corruptive aura while his lackeys take the weight of our assault. We could charge right in and take him out with brute force, or we could scout the area and come up with something." She stretched and yawned.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag Ilessia

Hearing the Ilessia was fine with trying to try and charge into the demons lair, Lizzy's eyes glittered, I'm ready to force these demons out with force like they did to us! Let's go in and take out what ever is in the cathedral! Saying this she leads Ilessia to the cathedral, prehaps running into the servent on the way.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Lizzy

Ilessia donned the last of her metal armor, picked up her claymore and ran out after Lizzy. "At least give me a chance to get my gear." She set the claymore's scabbard on her back. "We just basically cut down anything between us and the arch demon? Fine with me. I never did get your name. I'm Ilessia."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Whilst the two women were finishing their morning preparations and considering their options, a sudden crash would be heard from outside the inn. Some kind of wooden object or furniture having been smashed or knocked over by the sounds of it, followed by a distressed female cry. Thuggish laughter and mentally addled chortling following soon after.

Should Lizy or Ilessia look out the window or head to investigate, the would be greeted with the sight of a in a maids outfit out on the street, being accosted by two emaciated and highly corrupted ragged men, looking almost more ghoulish than Human, if they ever had been. It was the same kind of pathetic dregs they had dispatched along the way here. They had hoisted the girls skirt up, and whilst one was shoving and rubbing his face around between her cleavage, the other one had his arms wrapped round her from behind and was madly thrusting his erect penis at her still clothed ass, simply jabbing at the fabric of the panties repeatedly, apparently too deranged or impatient to realise. The girl whined and struggled, but didn't seem to be making any progress on dislodging her assailants.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Ilessia, Henrietta

Just about to head out with Ilessia in tow, a crash resounds right out side. Quickly glancing out side, Lizzy would see the girl under attack! Sensing no corruption for the girl Lizzy quickly draws her blade and easily cuts down the 2 men! Are you alright girl? I never expected to find a un-corrupted person here.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tags: Henrietta, Lizzy

Ilessia merely rolled her eyes at the lack of a response to her question. You generally tell a person your name when they ask for it, she thought to herself. She hung back away from them and kept an eye out for any others. "I don't like this," she mumbled.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Dispatching the two creatures was effortless. The one busy with his face buried in tits never even saw his fate coming. The other failing to work the rear, merely turned his head to watch Lizy approaching with a gormless grin, before his head was severed from it's body. The girl in maids attire drops to her knees, before looking round and up to Lizy. At this point, both heroines might well have doubts about Lizy's initial evaluation that the girl was uncorrupted. Whilst not sporting any inherent or definitive demonic features, and not emanating any obvious demonic aura that was common for greater demons, her eyes carried an unsettling air to them.

"Oh, I found you!" She eventually replies after an awkward moment, looking happy to see them. "The Master will be pleased." Said carefully standing up, and non-nonchalantly fixing her dress so that her breasts weren't hanging out. Not the slightest hint of embarrassment or fluster, as if it were an every day occurrence. Giving no answer to the question of her own well being. "My Master wishes to invite you to meet with him. Please follow me." She says plainly, beginning to walk back down the street, pausing when she realises that the two women hadn't immediately started following, and looking mildly concerned at this. "Um... please, follow me."

She would stand there gazing between the two, looking hopeful.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Ilessia, Henrietta

Before Lizzy had bolted out the door she was about to answer Ilessia, but seeing the imminent danger of the girl stopped that. Having a closer look at the girl allowed her to see she might not be as pure as she had thought. Then hearing her words confirmed that. Keeping Henrietta at a distance with her sword, Lizzy asks, What does your master want with us? Knowing it could be a trap, she was interested with the way he straight up sent a messenger to them.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Henrietta, Lizzy

Ilessia kept one hand gripping the hilt of her weapon. "Choose your words carefully," was all she said. Her eyes never strayed from Henrietta's location, watching for sudden, suspicious movements, remaining in a cold glare.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

"Um..." Henrietta utters, having to stop and think upon the question. "H-he want's me to lead you to him, before any other demon's steal you." She replies a little nervously, turning to look at the Cathedral at one point. "Um... if you do not come, he will be mad at me." She adds. Whilst her explanation was plain and rather uninformative, she seemed to speak in a sincere sounding, if overly direct and non elaborative manner. It was as if she had a rather loose grasp on even her own perspective of the task she'd been sent to do, let alone any realistic expectations of how the other party might react. Getting any information out of her would likely need rather direct questions.

She stands there fidgeting, patiently hoping that 'her masters guests' were satisfied with that answer.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Lizzy, Henrietta

"Whether your master gets mad at you or not is not really of our concern, beast." Ilessia slowly removed her claymore from its scabbard. She made an attempt at threatening Henrietta with a gleam of the cold steel. "Why should I not just cut you down right now? Why should I not kill your master afterwards?"
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Lizzy was somewhat uncomfortable with Henrietta. She hadn't seen someone who looked uncorrupted yet corrupted at the same time. It was unsettling for a heroine who wanted to protect her fellow humans and other races. When Ilessia suddenly draws her claymore and threatens Henrietta, Lizzy would say to Ilessia, Calm down, I know you may hate demons but this one clearly doesn't know anything of importance. If her master is the demon hiding in the cathedral then we were already going there in the first place. It might be a trap or not but we still need to deal with it. I say we just go and resolve this entire issue right now. And no I am not defending her, I'm trying to stop us from wasting our time.

If Ilessia agreed then the two of them would follow Henrietta to the cathedral. While Lizzy poped a small sphere of light to guide the way.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Henrietta seemed a little discouraged upon Ilessia's words. If they cut her down, she would surely get punished by the master for her failure. Except, they said they'd then go to her master afterwards? Her brain ticked over for a moment trying to figure out if this was a viable solution. Before she could present herself for potential execution however, the younger of the two heroines spoke.

"Ah! Yes, Master is in the cathedral! I am not important." She exclaims excited by the talk of already going there. "Yes, I will take you there and you can resolve all the issues. We should not waste time. The Master is waiting." She says beginning to turn round again, glad that they were on the same page now, at least as far as she saw it. She would once more attempt to lead the way, taking a few steps and checking behind her, meekly beckoning if needed.

And how ideal she thought, with these strong humans behind her, it was highly unlikely she would get raped on the way back! Unless one of the other demon lords found them first, perhaps. Hopefully none of them were in town today.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

"Very well." Ilessia rested the blade of her weapon on her shoulder. "We can always kill you later." She did not seem at all bothered that Henrietta showed no fear at her threats. "What can you tell us about the aura surrounding the cathedral?"
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

They were on their way. To Henrietta's surprise, the guests had more questions. Looking over her shoulder to answer, "The aura?" She asks, looking to the cathedral to ponder what this meant. "Oh... Master prefers to make it dark like that. The light is uncomfortable to his eyes." Henrietta explains.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Hearing what Henrietta was saying for the aura. Lizzy replied with a simple Makes sense to me, I heard stories that some demons hate the light. Shortly after she had replied, the group turned a corner on the street, just down this new road was the Cathedral which was their destination. Be careful, and lookout for any traps, Lizzy warns as they walk to the grand doors. She herself keeping an eye on there surroundings and lighting them up. If nothing of note happens, she would proceed to open the doors and look on in.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

"If this is a trick, you will not survive the day," Ilessia warned Henrietta. "If all else fails, we cut down everything and everyone in sight," Ilessia whispered to Lizzy. "If things get hairy, I can temporarily ward off a small bit of ground from a demon's attacks."