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Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

(I've been enjoying this silly nonsense with Henrietta too much. It's almost a shame we have to fight now.)

Coming up to the doors, whilst it was hard to be entirely certain, Henrietta oddly appears to take note of Lizzy's warning, and mimics the duos mannerisms as they proceeded. Regardless, nothing seems to stand out among the plain stone architecture of the building. Lizzy's orb of light repelling the unnatural darkness as if blowing it away. The two magics seeming evenly matched and neutralising one another, resulting in the suns natural light finding it's way back down through the stain glass windows one by one as they advance. "Oh, he might not like that..." Henrietta mentions looking to the orb, in delayed realisation. Almost as if in answer, a low vocal rumble echoed through the spacious building, emanating from the opposite end of where they came in.

As the darkness dispelling wave finally reached the far end of the hall, a small isolated orb of it seemed to remain, floating just above the old altar. Perhaps somewhere between four and five feet in diameter, it's spherical surface rolled with strange inky smoke. "You have come. Welcome then!" A low voice rumbled out from it. It's sound less like it came from a natural voicebox, and more as if it had somehow boiled up from a bubbling lake or a fault in the earth. A single large eye opening lazily on it's surface to face them. The same eerie pink light that shone in Henrietta's eyes, but far more intense. "It has been a long time since I last entertained guests now. I was beginning to speculate that Arx Spes may have withered from the inside. But I am glad to see that the righteous remnant still resolve to send me their finest." The demon eye speaks, gazing between and seeming to appraise the two women. It says or does nothing more for the moment, allowing the duo to say their piece, ask their questions, or brandish their weapons. Whichever came.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Ilessia adopted a more offensive stance. "What in the hells is this grotesque... thing?" She gripped the hilt of her claymore with both hands and held it in front of herself. "This is the coward poisoning the city? I must admit; I'm a little disappointed."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Do not let arrogance affect your judgement, he is probably one of the more powerful demons. Lizzy responds to Ilessia before pointing her own blade at the demon. Arx Spes shall never give up till we have won our world back! We will drive you out of this territory and keep defeating you till we have won! Prepare to be defeated! Lizzy having felt that there was no need for words now that they have met, rushes to Mal!

Her sword becomes a blur as suddenly numerous sword shadows envelope Mal from all sides! Attacking with her strongest strike first, Lizzy seeks to end this before Mal can pull any tricks that will lead to their own defeat!

(Lizzy uses Special attack! Advantage: Fast Recharge. Defect: Melee attack! Rolls a )
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

While Lizzy was focused on Mal, Ilessia decided to go after the maid, Henrietta. She rushed at her and swung her claymore violently at the corrupted maid.

Ilessia attacks with Physical 15 + 8 on 1d10 = 23
((Slightly confused on combat, so bare with me. Never did combat in this style before))
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Tag: Ilessia, Lizzy, Battle Starts

"Your people, called me ~ ~." The grotesque entity replies plainly, in response to Ilessia's initial comment, it's voice filling the chamber and reverberating upon the name. His great eye narrowing slightly at Lizzy's words, in an "expression" of what appeared to be approval, as best as could be interpreted. "How eager! So be it then."

As Lizzy dashes and springs forward, her sword technique creating a blur of incoming attacks from all angles, a multitude of smaller eyes bubble up all around Mal'Umbra watching each sword. A sudden flurry of deepest black inky tendrils lash out to block and parry against the attack, but a significant number make it through this defence. Lizzy's dramatic attack plunges straight through the body of Mal'Umbra from multiple directions. A deep rumbling groan and messy spray of dark essence erupts with each hit confirming the attack had connected, but... something felt wrong. Lizzy would feel as if she barely hit anything at all, the thrusts sunk too easily, receiving scarcely any resistance in passing through the creature.

As she landed and resumed her fighting stance, she would notice her foe had barely seemed effected. It's body insubstantial as if attacking water. Meanwhile Ilessia sought to dispatch the servant of unknown name that had guided them here. Henrietta for her part up til now, had simply been standing where she had stopped at their side, watching Lizzy attack her master without concern. When she saw the claymore rushing towards her however her face took on a far more startled and panicked expression. To her credit, her reflexes were uncharacteristically sharp today, but the clumsy maid was no match for Ilessia even on her best days. The powerful sword slices down her front effortlessly from shoulder to hip. A splatter of inky spray hitting the ground where blood should have been, confirming her demonic status beyond any doubt. Curiously, the girl seemed to fade in a strange way moments before impact, the light playing tricks and making her appear slightly translucent for a moment. Henrietta would stagger back a few steps clutching her front, "...M-Master...", she would cry weakly before toppling over and exploding into smoke upon the ground.

Mal'Umbra... laughed. "HAHAHAHAHAA! What kind of hero are you, that would strike down a defenceless servant girl? How novel. And YOU..." the beast bellows, it's eye sinking and re-emerging to glare menacingly at Lizzy. The next sounds that comes from the evil orb aren't any recognisable words, but instead an unnatural cacophony of hollow noises akin to a chorus of sputtering drain or sewer pipes. In unison a sudden eruption of dark tentacles shoot from both Mal'Umbra as well as the floor and walls surrounding Lizzy. The murky tendrils seeming to seek to impale her indiscriminately, surging forth at great speed. Those that break past her defence would stab right through her body, as if her armour wasn't even there. They would cause no physical wounds or damage, but she would feel the chill punch right to her soul. An entirely new and deeply disturbing sensation. Giving only a brief second to reflect on the horror of it, they would rip back out again as harshly as they came.

"I cannot fault you for being predictable. But do not think I will forgive it." The demon decrees. As he does so, his eye closes and his body seems to warp for a moment, before suddenly blurring and tearing in two, then three, then five. The five apparent clones separate and begin drifting to opposite sides of the room forming a pentagram, as the eye opens once more on each at once. Mal'Umbra's voice now sounding in each of the heroines mind rather than out loud, via some form of broadcasted telepathy. "Be warned. I will not permit surrender. You are to show me your valiant spirit, until it ruins you."

Defence phase -
Mal'Umbra rolls defence : Phys 8+[1d10=7]+Elemental Control [1d2=1]
25 - 16 = 9
Mal'Umbra uses rank 4 Insubstantiality, reducing damage taken by 80%.
Resulting in 1.8, rounding naturally to take 2 points of stamina damage.

Henrietta rolls taking a claymore to the face. : Phys 3+[1d10=8]
23 -11 = 12
Henrietta uses rank 2 Insubstantiality reducing damage taken by 40%.
Resulting in 4.8, rounding naturally to take 5 points of stamina damage.
Henrietta is defeated.

Mal'Umbra's turn -

Makes mental based dark magic attack, rolling : Mental 22+[1d10=1]+[1d4=3]
(Note that Mal'Umbra can deal a maximum of 10 stamina damage in any one attack. Reduce after defence if applicable.)

Casts Illusion power. Creates four visual illusion clones as decoys. Hitting the real Mal'Umbra requires rolling a 1 on a 1d5. Decoys are destroyed if hit, reducing the decoy dice accordingly.

Hettie's turn...
(Is a puddle. You did well Hettie. RIP.)
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Ilessia turned to the mass Lizzy was fighting without a single pang of guilt or remorse. "It was a mere demon. It had to be destroyed. Now it is your turn, beast." Ilessia was about to help Lizzy and use the same attack on Mal'Umbra when he split himself. "Just what in the hells is this?" She rushed at one of the copies and attempted the same attack as she used against Henrietta.

Ilessia's Physical attack roll:
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Right as Lizzy's strike landed, she felt no resistance at all. Her sword blows sinking deeply into Mal, yet he didn't seem that damaged at all! What!! That was one of the strongest strikes in the sect!! It was hard to believe for Lizzy that the strike had been ignored.

Suddenly Mal looked to Lizzy and all hell broke loose for Lizzy! Just like her previous strike, numerous tentacles attacked from all directions makeing it impossible for Lizzy to dodge! The massive amount of pain from her mind and soul being damaged caused her to cry out! A shrill scream escaped from her cherry lips. Da-damn it! He focuses on intangible attacks! Watch out! Lizzy tries to warn Ilessia before she is attacked!

With a low groan, Lizzy gathers her strength and stands once again. If that didn't work then I'll just have to whittle you down slowly! Lizzy swings her blade again but this attack had much less power to it compared to the previous!

Mind defense :
Takes 9 damage, at 4 health
Regeneration: 1 point, at 5 health
Lizzy uses a Physical attack! Rolls
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

"Oh, I'll have my turn. Worry not about that, hero." The beast mocks back at Ilessia. The duo strike out again, this time having to contend with another of Mal'Umbra's vexing tricks. Ilessia brings her sword to bear first, cleaving clean through one of the dark orbs. Seconds later it explodes into smoke, and the four remaining continue to orbit. A low gravely chuckle sounds in their minds. Lizzy attempts a different target, landing a simple but swift strike across the eye of the clone nearest to her. The eyes on all orbs scrunch and shiver as a growl echoes, but any relief is soon dashed as that orb explodes also, and the growl changes to laughter. "Ohoho... Three left. But are any of them real? Can you even trust the ground you stand on?" Mal'Umbra taunts.

At that moment however, such bluffs were about to become reality. The ground around both heroines darkening as magic circles written in demonic symbols formed on the paved stone. Before either could react fast enough to escape more dark tendrils identical to before lunged up out of the ground around them. These ones however didn't seek to skewer, but to ensnare. The tentacles rapid round their arms legs, waist and necks, and pulled tightly. The girls managed to stay upright at first, but much to their dismay the floor beneath their feet seemed to melt away into black liquid, and both were suddenly sucked under with scarcely enough time to cry out.

When they opened their eyes a few heart beats later, they would be relieved to learn that they were not infact being drowned in a black abyss, and were merely sitting or kneeling unharmed and without pain in the same spot. Their relief soon dispersing, as they looked upon the cathedral. Everything about it was wrong. The floors, the walls, the furniture, was all painted in an increasingly familiar inky darkness. The colours all muted and desaturated, in a semi grey scale world, with only faint hues of violet and purple in places. Lizzy and Ilessia alone retained their natural colour, and even then the unnatural lighting made things look distorted. The sun no longer shone through the windows, and the roof... the roof was gone entirely. Replaced with a dull purple stormy sky swirling in a spiral around them. "Allow me to welcome you, a second time. Welcome, to my realm. Everything here, is mine. That includes you."

As he spoke, the world would seem to shift and breathe. Countless dark tentacles sprouting forth from the walls and floors across the entire building. There was room to fight between them, and cutting them down would prove to have limited fleeting success, but fighting in this field was going to be disadvantageous, to say the least. "Please make yourselves comfortable..." were the words that came before things got increasingly uncomfortable for Lizzy in particular. The tendrils around her growing notably dense and "enthusiastic" very quickly. More and more sprang up, reaching out for her, sliding and rubbing across her body without reservation. Their touch slick and slimy, but worst of all they seemed to ignore her clothes. It felt as if each was coiling around her bare skin fouling and caressing every inch of her. Her struggles doing nothing and her sword unable to stem the tide, she could barely see Ilessia any more. Involuntary shivers of pleasures shooting up her spine as her nipples are flicked over repeatedly, and a mass gathers and rubs threateningly at her crotch. It took her every ounce of desperate wiggling to prevent them finding port in her most sacred places. The vigorous two way battle of attempting to evade them however, resulting in the tendrils sliding unbearably across her petals and clit, making it all the more difficult to keep up.

"My. Your friend sounds like sounds like she's having fun. Are you not going to save her?" The great eye enquires, casting it's gaze upon Ilessia.

Defence phase -
I guess I'll handle the decoy rolls then. Attacks done in order the posts were made.
Ilessia attempts to determine the real Mal. Rolls...1d5= : A decoy is destroyed.
Lizzy attempts to determine the real Mal. Rolls...1d4= : A decoy is destroyed.
Three Mal'Umbras remain. Two are illusions.

Mal'Umbra's turn.
Takes -3 to rolls due to 'Lazy' weakness coming into effect. Recovers 2 points of darkness element (10 left).

Uses Secret Realm power. Attempts to pull Lizzy and Ilessia in via dark magic (mental check).
Against Ilessia rolls
Against Lizzy rolls
Normally you would roll a defence against this to prevent being pulled in, but unless I'm mistaking or forgetting something, I don't think either can actually avoid it even on a perfect roll. So I went ahead and wrote the post as is. >.>
(If I did make any mistake please feel free to point it out and we'll reverse it.)

In Mal'Umbra's realm he receives +4 to rolls.
Mal'Umbra attacks poor Lizzy again. Sexual attack using 1d2 darkness element (8 left). -3 from lazy, +4 realm. Rolls

Note: I'm going on a general personal policy of not RPing any sexual attacks as penetrative, until defeat. If this attack brings Lizzy to 0, feel free to RP penetration. If not, it won't and she manages to escape.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Lizzy's swing turned out to only hit one of Mal's clones! Feeling a little frustrated at how Mal's abilities basically all countered her, Lizzy didn't see the floor starting to warp before it was to late! She was swallowed up by the rift, ending up in Mal's realm!

The entire realm gave Lizzy a bad feeling as it was full of demonic energy. Before she could try and fight her way out, the tentacles around her grew even more numerous as they tried to violate her! Her breasts were rubbed and coiled around, her nipples constantly flicked, and her sacred placed rubbed! Her entire body was touched and rubbed by the tentacles and soon enough her resistance faltered!

She was losing the will to resist, the haze left in her mind from Mal's previous attacks became pink as her mind filled with a new lusty haze. Lizzy couldent resist the pleasure for much longer, and she actually submitted after a while! Becoming a moaning mess, Lizzy actually loses her virginity to the tentacles!

The mass of tentacles assaulted her crotch, each hole being filled with multiple tentacles, as Lizzy moaned in pain, before feeling pleasure once again!

Defense: rolls , takes 5 damage. Lizzy is Defeated!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

"Hah! It is rare I see one of you beasts looking so forward to your demise!" Ilessia was about to attack another one when the ground started to change. She started to panic when the dark tendrils appeared and coiled around her. "The hell is this black magic?" She tried in vain to keep them away with her weapon and was pulled into a dark abyss.

When she came to, she found herself in what seemed to be the same area, only it wasn't. The furniture, floors and walls were all warped. She stood up from her kneeling and tried to look around for her ally. When Ilessia found Lizzy, the dark tentacles started appearing. She tried to make her way over, careful not to come in contact with the tendrils.

The carefulness was short-lived, however, as Ilessia saw how Lizzy was being handled. "You will not take another!" she shouted as she was thrown into a fury. She blindly attacked one of the three Mals.

Rage is activated, giving a +2 bonus to attack, but a -1 penalty to defense.
Ilessia rolls Physical attack:
14 + 2 from Rage = 16
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Unable to resist, the forest of tentacles continued their work defiling the lithe pale haired swordswoman, even whilst her ally desperately fought on. Without even realising Lizzy had been hoisted off of the ground, and up into the air suspended by her demonic bindings. Ilessia received a full view of the fate of friend, spread wide as multiple slick tentacles dived into both her virgin womanhood and back door, sliding in smoothly with absolute ease despite both their size and Lizzy's inexperience, as they compressed to perfectly fit the girl's upper limits. Setting up an undulating thrusting rhythm, they glistened and swayed like rolling swells on water.

Ilessia's righteous fury at this display was met with yet more frustrating disappointment, as her spirited attack fell upon yet again just another illusion. The two remaining dark orbs with their smug evil eyes, moving to slowly circle Ilessia herself now. "Such passion. I admire that." Mal'Umbra comments. As he speaks however, as if things couldn't get any worse, Ilessia would begin to notice the room rapidly darkening. Lizzy's magical light was weakening, and the dark aura from before encroaching back in. The last thing Ilessia would see was Lizzy in the background, twitch and squirm as she moans out in orgasm. Her light suddenly snuffing out that moment. "But you leave yourself open!"

A sharp whipping pain strike across Ilessia's backside, followed by another from another angle at her thighs. A third lash sailed narrow past her breasts, missing by an inch due to Ilessia's sharp reflexes. As her eyes adjusted as best they could to the darkness, she would see the murky outline of dozens and dozens of whip thin tendrils all snaking up and looming around her. These ones weren't here to overtly wound or molest, but to humiliate and torment her body with a flurry of stinging lashes. They would do little overall damage, but they seemed to be aiming for her sensitive areas. There was just a chance she might manage to evade or parry most of them, but it wouldn't be easy.

All the while the only sound she could hear spare the swaying whips, was the lewd wet motions and involuntary pleasured moans of her partner being violated somewhere in the distance.

[Edit: The dice roll links for this post got lost due to me copy pasting the post from a post preview. My bad. The rolls should still be back there in the logs somewhere.]

Defence phase -
Ilessia attempts to hit the real Mal. Rolls...1d3= 2 Miss. A decoy is destroyed. >.>;
One decoy left.

Mal'Umbra's turn -
Takes -3 to rolls due to 'Lazy' weakness still in effect. Recovers 2 points of darkness element (10 left).

Attacks Ilessia. Physical attack using 1d10 darkness element (0 left). -3 lazy, +4 realm. Rolls... 22

Note: With Lizzy defeated, her environmental control stops working and her light goes out, no longer countering Mal's own aura. Blinded in the dark now, Ilessia receives a -2 to attack/defence rolls.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

((Neutralize my rage, will you?))

Ilessia rolled Physical defense:
24-3 from rage and darkness = 21
Ilessia has 14 stamina remaining

Ilessia shrugged off much of the assault. Blinded and deafened by her rage, she ignored what Mal'Umbra said and the moans coming from Lizzy. All she saw was a demon she needed to kill. "I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you," was all she said in her frenzy, as if in a chant. She held out her claymore in front of herself and lashed out to her left, hoping to strike the real Mal'Umbra.

Ilessia rolls Physical attack:
20+2 from rage = 22
22-2 from darkness = 20
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Lizzy simply couldent resist the tentacles, her mind long in shambles from Mal's attacks, she fell easily to the lust once she ran out of steam. Her previously virgin holes were being eagerly filled by multiple warm slimy tentacles. she could feel as one or two thrusted in, another few pulled back, pistoning her at an incredible rate! Ahhhh, ahhh, mhhhhh! It feels sooo~ goood!~ releasing humiliating and slutty moans, Lizzy was enjoying the violation!

She didn't even feel herself be lifted into the air, only feeling the tentacles getting deeper into her holes because of gravity! Soon enough they were knocking on her womb! Nooo~.... Not my womb! Lizzy managed to moan out when she felt them so far into her! The rapid knocking on her womb soon brought her to climax! AHHHHHHH, Its good! Screaming Lizzy's vision went black as she lost all control, enhancing the feeling of all the tentacles rubbing her now slick and sticky body, and fucking her holes!
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

In her frenzy Ilessia did an incredible job of evading and countering the majority of the countless whips, though not all. Her follow up attack taking out the final decoy. Whilst still not her desired target, at least there were no more such loathsome illusions left to stop her. The real Mal'Umbra ceasing his orbiting path to stop a short distance in front of her. His oversized eye faintly glowing in the dark tauntingly as the whipping tendrils subsided. Before Ilessia could bear down on the demon for her next attack, Mal'Umbra's eye would suddenly open full and wide, staring right into her own eyes. A fierce pulse of pink light emanating from it, that seemed to flood into her mind. Any attempts to look away being too late to stop it entirely.

Flashing before her eyes she'd see a series of images... visions even? Except it felt more real than mere visions. She saw herself running as she was now, except it was from Mal'Umbra's point of view, and she was naked. She saw Lizzy, bound and up close, in every excruciating shameful detail. Saw how she enjoyed it so, and her cute face contorting in another orgasm. Ilessia saw new reaching tentacles wrap around her own body, helpless to resist as if she were frozen in time, and plunge into her holes without hesitation or ceremony. She FELT them thrust inside of her, felt as one dived down her throat, felt them squeeze, squirm and piston mercilessly. A foul pleasure surged up inside her. Everything happening rapid fire, like a bad dream. And then she felt something even stranger. Far stranger. She felt the warm wet sensation of Lizzy's folds, and the embrace around her soft skin, as if Ilessia herself was the one raping her. As if she were the literal tentacles coiled around the young fighter, feeling every tender inch that they felt. It felt good. Violating her friend like this felt so good...

Then as suddenly as it came, the invasive visions stopped in a flash. She was neither naked nor had been penetrated. It had all been in her mind, and occurred within an overwhelming instant. To her, the sensations had been real though. The pleasure she'd felt still lingering in her loins, as she felt her nipples harden and her petals moisten in response.

Mal'Umbra simply waited before her. His eye narrowed and skewed, in what approximated to a knowing grin.

Note: Ilessia's sexual stat goes down to 5 due to physical damage triggering masochism.

Defence phase -

Ilessia attempts to hit the real Mal. Rolls...1d5= : Holy crap. The dice hate Ilessia. Decoy is destroyed. None are left. ._.

Mal'Umbra's turn -
Takes -3 to rolls due to 'Lazy' weakness still in effect. Recovers 2 points of darkness element (2 left).

Attacks Ilessia. Sexual attack using 1 darkness element (1 left). -3 lazy, +4 realm. Rolls... :

Hoping to be able to finish this in the next round.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Ilessia's rage has expired and enters a cooldown period
Ilessia rolls Sexual defense:
14-2 from darkness = 12
Ilessia has 4 stamina left.

Ilessia voiced her frustration in not hitting the real Mal in the form of a low growl. She was about to strike again when the visions were projected into her. She initially did not understand what was being portrayed, but began to when the feelings came.

Ilessia tried fighting back against the tentacles, but there was not much she could do without her claymore. She tried to pull them away from herself, but her attempts were met with no success. Just then, her legs were held open and the tentacles plunged into her. Much to her surprise, this was actually feeling good. She knew this was wrong, but deep down, she wanted this to continue. Just as she opened her mouth to let out a moan, a tentacle invited itself inside.

As Ilessia relaxed, she began to feel something new, something different. She looked over at Lizzy and noticed something different. The tentacles assaulting Lizzy were coming from somewhere else. The tentacles were coming from Ilessia. She felt every inch of Lizzy's body, she felt the inside of her slit, and she was actually enjoying it. She enjoyed violating her friend.

Almost immediately after, the visions ended. It took a few seconds for Ilessia to collect herself. She noticed that everything was as it was before the visions, except for one thing: she was feeling aroused and horny. This has also taken her out of her spell of rage, though ultimately, her attitude has changed little. "Violating my mind is one thing, but using my own ally against me in the process? That is unforgivable!" She started to charge at Mal'Umbra, making attempts to dodge the tentacles in the process. If she was able to reach Mal'Umbra, she would try to run her claymore through his eye.

Ilessia rolls Physical attack:
22-2 from darkness = 20
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Watching as Ilessia charges without making the slightest effort to move or evade. The tentacles along the way grab out and attempt to slow Ilessia down, but she forces her way through, reaching her hated foe and thrusting her weapon towards it's eye. As the sword closes Mal'Umbra simply closes his eye, making it impossible to tell if it was still even there on his amorphous cloud like body. Ilessia's claymore plunges into the demon, burying to the hilt. Suddenly a thick tentacle of dark magic swings out from the orb, and catches Ilessia by the throat, wrapping round several times like a whip. Mal'Umbra's eye opens once more on the side of his body, glancing at her sideways. "Oh, I never had any expectation of being forgiven." Mal'Umbra states plainly, as his tendril squeezes tightly as Ilessia's neck, cutting off the blood supply to her head slightly and making her vision blur and dim as it lifts her slowly from the floor. The tentacle bringing her round to hang suspended in front of the eye, as it's eerie pink glow begins to intensify. "This contest, is over." All Ilessia could do was grit her teeth, as a surging pulse of demonic energy erupts from the eye and crashes through her from point blank. The last thing she is aware of is a sensation of sailing through the air in total darkness, as her conciousness gives way.

Defence Phase -
Mal'Umbra rolls:
22-17=5 damage
Mal'Umbra uses Insubstantiality to reduce damage by 80%
Takes 1 stamina damage.

Malumbra's turn -
Takes -3 to rolls due to 'Lazy' weakness still in effect. Recovers 2 points of darkness element (3 left).
Makes Mental attack against Ilessia, using 3 points of darkness element, rolling:

Since I don't think Ilessia has enough to survive the attack in these circumstances, I'll continue writing part of the defeat aftermath.

When they woke, the ill fated duo would both feel disoriented and take a while blinking, as their eyes attempted to figure out the unnatural light and find some familiar point of reference to orient themselves. Lizzy and Ilessia both felt constrained, although relatively comfortable all things considered. They were upright, yet felt snugly wrapped and supported as if in bed. As the haze of waking left their eyes, they would come to realise that they were unfortunately in no such place. The scene before them was a slowly wriggling mass of dark purplish tentacles, like a wall, as if held in a pit. In front of them felt warm, and testing their movement they'd both feel something squirm against them. Fully coming to, they realise it was another person, Lizzy and Ilessia, they were both bound with their fronts pressed intimately together, and their heads resting on another's shoulder. Arms wrapped round each other and legs intertwined, as several tentacles coiled round and suspended them snugly in this arrangement. Able to move their heads, and talk to one another face to face, but little else.

Both completely naked, they could feel the tentacles slowly glide round their skin, always travelling and sliding slightly even when remaining mostly still. Any attempts to escape or wiggle free proved utterly fruitless, with the powerful tentacles remarkably adept at holding them and reacting to any motion, despite their lubricated nature. Beneath them seemed to be some kind of small pool, filled with a mysterious purple liquid. Something slowly moving beneath it's surface.

A series of tentacles would begin rising from the pool below, coated in the same purple slime. They would reach up until they found the heroines feet and begin gradually coiling round higher and higher up their calves and round their thighs. Seemingly in no rush this time, the girls would have plenty of time together to fret and anticipate their arrival. The purple slime tingled against their skin with a strange sensation that made their hairs stand on end and made their nerves come wide awake. For Lizzy, this was not the first time subjected to this, still slightly hazy from her treatment before during the battle, but having also regained her senses plenty enough to object. For Ilessia, this was her forced vision coming true. She tried to shake it from her head and to wake up from the trick, but this time everything was very much entirely real no matter how she might want to deny it. The slow climb of the tentacles, and awareness of what was coming was torturous. Several passed round and above their hips first, sliding up their sides and squeezing up between the girls. One coiling round Ilessia's breasts, whilst another weaved past each of their nipples. The strange effect of the purple slime rising all the time as more of it was painted onto them, and coated their more sensitive parts. Their nipples stiff with unnaturally heightened sensitivity, every motion of the tendrils and every squirm they might make firing off powerful shivers of pleasure.

When a tentacle finally came to the slit of each of their pussies, their feminine juices would be gushing forth to meet it. The pointed tips would snake teasingly across the surface of their petals, angling back as if to penetrate but curling back upon each deliberately weak push, licking and flicking at their entrances. The repeated false attempts flicking at their clitoris, smearing and mixing the purple juices with their own. Their bindings and the inability to do anything about their mounting lust and sensitivity would be maddening. But eventually, the tentacle reared back, and pushed in. Pushing deeper and deeper it began to twirl at the entrance, rubbing round every part of their inner walls and polluting them with it's slime. Steady rolling pleasure welling up inside them, accompanied by fleeting sparks of ecstasy as it brushed each of their most sensitive places. Deeper and deeper it went, still slowly for now, giving them time to appreciate every inch of their own depth, until it finally reached it's destination. With one last push, they'd feel it thrust into their core, penetrating their wombs. And as if the time for being delicate was over, it began. Pulling back and thrusting harshly, and again, and faster again. It gradually built up speed by the second, the rest of the tentacles binding them seeming to come more alive also. Squirming against and lapping at their bodies, everything began to sway, bob, and shake. The tentacles in their pussies were each joined by another, both pistoning in alternation, and seeming to grow and thicken in girth. Another joins their ass, sinking deeper than should be allowed. Able to feel each others every breath whilst writhing in embraced together, the constant barrage of pleasure mounting rapidly, amplified by the purple slime, and soon threatening both with an orgasm unlike either, including Lizzy, had felt before.

"Ahhh... the valiant heroes have woken." An unfortunately familiar voice sounds out from all directions. Above them, Mal'Umbra's eye opens to float in space. "I hope you are both comfortable?"
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Mal'Umbra shifting his eye's location only added to Ilessia's rage and frustration. "Just die already!" She was almost immediately grabbed by the throat before she could even remove her claymore from Mal'Umbra's body. Instinctively, she grabbed the tentacle holding her and tried in vain to pull it away from her neck.

Ilessia rolls Mental defense:
Ilessia has 0 stamina remaining
Ilessia has been defeated

The surge of energy from Mal'Umbra's eye sent Ilessia almost flying through the air. "No... this can't be..." She was able to catch one last glance at Lizzy before her vision blackened. "I'm... too weak..." She lost consciousness.

When Ilessia came to, everything was blurry. She shook her head in an effort to clear up her vision. When her vision came back, her face turned beet red. Okay, you've been tied up like this before. Just move your arms to push the other person away, then push and the ropes will eventually break. Unfortunately, she was unable to move her arms where she wanted them. Even worse, Ilessia noticed that what was tying her and Lizzy together were tentacles, not flax ropes. Not to mention that she wasn't nude and aroused last time.

Ilessia started to panic a little. She tried whatever she could to get free, but the tentacles didn't look like they would release their captives anytime soon. "What does that bastard want from us?" Her panic increased when she felt something touch her ankle. This was beginning to feel like the vision from earlier. "Just a dream," she tried to convince herself. "This is just a really bad dream."

Ilessia shivered slightly when the tentacles started stroking her sides. Her breasts were rather small, so there wasn't much for the tendrils to coil around. Her nipples being stroked sent shivers of pleasure down her spine. "N-no. Stop this." Her hold on Lizzy tightened as a tentacle started stroking at her entrance.

"Nnh..." The repeated false attempts at penetration sent more shivers of pleasure through Ilessia, but she continued trying to resist going over the edge. This became more difficult as she was finally penetrated. "N-no... don't..." However, there was a part of her that wanted this to continue.

Most of Ilessia's mind, however, was concetrated on logic rather than emotions and lust. This was slowly being snuffed out by the waves of pleasure, though. This pleasure was unlike what she felt in the vision. Whether this was from the penetration being real, or Ilessia already being aroused from the vision, she does not know. What she does know is her logic and reasoning were slowly faltering and being replaced by her growing lust.

The one tentacle was soon joined by another, much to Ilessia's dismay. She kept her teeth clenched tightly, but a few small moans were able to escape. As if being penetrated by two tentacles wasn't enough, a third one was quick to penetrate her rear. "N-no... not th-there," she protested. She moaned as the pleasure and lust inside her were building up. She rested her chin on Lizzy's shoulder and continued to moan as she was getting close to her climax. "Y-you're gonna... m-make me... Aahhh!" She cried out in ecstasy as she achieved her first ever orgasm. Her juices mixed with the purple fluid leaked out and coated the tentacles inside her warm slit, though some of the mixture got on Lizzy's leg.
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

The last thing Lizzy remembered when she awoke was being in the embrace of some tentacles, while they ravaged her. In the haze of sleepiness,she felt like she was rolled up in the an amazing bed, it felt wonderful. That same haze soon dissipated for Lizzy to find the 'bed' was just Ilessia intertwined with her!

Trying to move proved impossible as they were tied together with the same kind of tentacles that had taken her first time. She was stuck to Ilessia, for better or worse. Nooooooo, not ahhh, again. Their all slimy Ahhh. Lizzy was still sensitive from the last time the tentacles had her, and feeling them wrapping and covering her in slime was amazing.

The tentacles made their way between the two girls tits, playing with Lizzy's nipples, eliciting more lewd noises from the short girl. Nhhhh! Ahhhh! The teasing of her nipples was too much for the already aroused girl. She made cute noises at every touch.

Ilessia, its goooood.
The girl moaned as her folds were teased constantly. Her mind starting to fall under the haze once again as she was teased. She could feel every movement against her folds. They were soon soaking in both her own juices and the purple slime.

Slowly, oh so slowly, Lizzy was penetrated. Her insides twisted and stirred as they were painted purple by the tentacle. Please... It was unknown if she was begging for more or to be released but she was soon mewling cute sounds again. The tentacles went deeper and deeper in side of her, soon knocking on her womb. Nighhhh, ughhh! My womb! The girl was on the edge, soon to be pushed off in a huge climax as her womb was penetrated!

Ahhh, YES!!
she screamed as she trembled in orgasmic bliss, her mind once again hazy. The tentacle sped up, faster and faster sending her on her way to another orgasm. Even in her bliss, Lizzy could feel her ass being poked at and penetrated by another tentacle sending out a scream of escatasy! IT'S GOOD, IT'S GOOD!

The tentacles continued to have their way with Lizzy until Mal finally appeared.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

(( I've been a little ill/oddly exhausted lately. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten you two.))

The tentacles assault was relentless, giving neither any heed to Ilessia's protests, nor giving any room for recovery after their mutual orgasms. The girls juices mixed with the purple fluid staining down each others thighs in long lines, only to be smeared again by their writhing and the wet spatters of the thrusting tentacles. Mal'Umbra rumbles a low chuckle at their pleasured cries. "Oh how easily they fall..." he hums, the end of one tentacle lifting Lizzy's chin, and then brushing up the side of her cheek. "Do you hear your friend, Ilessia? Do you hear her joyful sounds?" another tendril curling past Ilessia's neck now and round her head slightly, gently pulling her back so they could see each other. "Is it good for you too? Is this what you want?" The tentacle in her ass plunging in and out in torturously long and deep cycles, churning her insides in ways that shouldn't be possible. Any answer either tried to give would be met with an additional burst of attention in response, adding an extra layer of difficulty to remaining coherent.

"Don't think I'm going to let you forget yourselves quite so easily however. I have no interest, in dead eyed whores." Mal'Umbra continues. A dark whip suddenly wrapping tightly round Lizzy's neck. Suddenly both would see a vision of sorts overlaid into their sight, like a flashback being projected into their minds.
...he is probably one of the more powerful demons. Lizzy responds to Ilessia before pointing her own blade at the demon. Arx Spes shall never give up till we have won our world back! We will drive you out of this territory and keep defeating you till we have won! Prepare to be defeated!
Only this flashback came from Mal'Umbra's point of view as they had previously stood upon first entering the cathedral, confidence and righteous defiance still showing on their faces. Mal'Umbra's eye seeming to see them with unsettling clarity despite the distance across the room, as if he had been leaning in studying their faces from right next to them. "Have you abandoned your pride so freely girl? Have you forgotten why you came here? Where you are now?" The tentacles working her holes giving no reprise during this change of tact. The ones binding her legs lifting and spreading them wide open, as yet another thick malleable tentacle lunges in to join the others in her pussy. "Or did you secretly long for this all along?" The others coiling around her perky petite breasts gripping tighter. A strange shimmer as the vision returns and advances, showing a close up of Lizzy's startled face from when Mal'Umbra's lecherous magic had first sprung to molest her from beneath. He showed them that pretty face falter and change from one of desperate defiance, to one of reluctant pleasure, then to one of defeated and compliant ecstasy crying out in bliss. "Such a deliciously cute expression, don't you agree Ilessia? Makes you want to keep and torment it every day.~"

"What is your name, hero?"
Mal'Umbra would ask, accompanied by a fleeting flashback of when Ilessia had asked the same question at the inn. Hazier than the other visions, and strange, considering neither the demon nor his servant had been present at the precise time of the question. Although it was unlikely either would realise this in their current state. "You do still remember it, I hope?" Waves of pleasure crashing through her over sensitive body, and filling her mind with lust and base thoughts despite Mal'Umbra's mind games giving her something else to try and hold onto. Deliberately reminding the heroines of their identity and ideals whilst violating them, in order to disallow either the "mercy" of simply resigning to wallow in the moment. Yet again their attempts to respond severely hampered by yet another looming orgasm, welling up and threatening to wash them away. As the inevitable feeling swelled, so too would the tentacles energetically servicing them. From down bellow they seemed to ripple and throb, and without any more warning than that, would suddenly bury themselves deep and erupt with a thick churning fluid inside the girls depths. Repeated bulges would rush along the tentacles and physically hammer into their entrances with the pressure, spurting quantities their bodies were not built to contain and resulting in messy geysers of thick purple liquid spraying in all directions from their lower orifices. The sensation of their wombs being flooded comprehensively with the profane ooze seeming to fill them to the core, as if seeping into and polluting their very being. A feeling of subtle horror masked by yet more irrepressible lust that demon seed instilled in them. Whilst they recovered and caught their breath from the un-anounced eruption, the tentacles would finally soften and slow for the first time since they began, taking a gentler pace and loosening their grip on the ill-fated heroines. Smooth gradual thrusts squeezing out smaller spurts of excess liquid from their nethers and anus with each push, maintaining the after glow of the experience. With some of the binding tentacles loosening, they would find themselves still unable to go anywhere, but now had their arms essentially free and were somewhat forced to hang on one another for support. Although with the constant gradual thrusting still continuing, and in fact bearing a portion of their weight, attempting to hold completely still would be impossible. Their bodies forced to rub back and forth in a slow rhythm up against one another.

Mal'Umbra for the time being, remained silent. His disembodied eye having dropped in altitude a bit, and now simply orbiting round the pair at a slight distance, enjoying the view.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

((Not to worry. It happens to us all at some point.))

Hearing Mal'Umbra's taunts only fueled Ilessia's desire to permanently silence him. She looked at Lizzy when her head was pulled back. A small part of her wanted to make Lizzy feel even more pleasure, but this urge was snuffed out by what logic still remained.

Ilessia's mind was mainly focused on escaping. Several scenarios involved abandoning Lizzy, others involved playing along for now. She ultimately decided on the latter, then coming back later to kill him. A small, pleasured yelp escaped her when the tentacle in her ass started churning.

This is all just a really bad dream. I'm going to wake up and I'm still going to be in Arx Spes,
she thought to herself as the vision was projected into her. When Lizzy's legs were spread, Ilessia couldn't help but feel more aroused. Her mind was growing foggy and her logic was being replaced by lust. She was beginning to care less and less about this. A part of her was still protesting to this, but in her hazy, lusty mind, she ignored these protests.

"Ahh... hahnnn..." Ilessia let out moans of pleasure. "F-feels... so g-good..." She closed her eyes and held onto Lizzy more tightly as she felt her next orgasm coming. "Aahh... y-yes, hahh..." She paid little attention to Mal'Umbra's words, but was not very much able to ignore his constant reminders of her identity.

Ilessia cried out in ecstasy as she reached her climax. However, the tentacles did something she did not expect. They started to swell and throb as they released a liquid deep into her. "S-so much..." She never thought it possible for this much of something to fit into her womb. She let this feeling fill her being. Possibly from a corruption seeping into her, she was actually enjoying this feeling.

Almost soon after, the tentacles eased up, allowing Ilessia to catch her breath and recover from her two orgasms. "Hah... ahh... so good..." As the tentacles loosened their hold, Ilessia was able to remember an important question she never received a response to. "What is your name, anyway?" she asked Lizzy.