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Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

After her climax, the tentacles in Lizzy, moved as fast as they could. Stopping any recovery for the poor overwhelmed girl. Her first orgasm had been to a demon that had defeated her and was now violating her, but she couldent help but enjoy it allas she cried out in pleasure some more. Noo.. ahhh.. I-I mhhhh... slow down! Lizzy begged.

Her thighs were only growing wetter as her juices and the purple slime mixed. There was plenty of both by now, and rhe tentacles were only drawing more from the poor girl. Lost in the pleasure, Lizzy could suddenly feel Mal tipping her chin up. Looking up at Mal, Lizzy's cheeks go a deeper red than they already were from shame and pleasure. She knew she shouldn't enjoy this at all. She wanted to get away, but her body felt hot and bothered, while her mind was sluggish and drifted in perverted directions constantly.

One of the tentacles suddenly wrapped around her neck, transmitting a memory into her head. Seeing that and hearing Mal's words let Lizzy's will to rally for a moment. Ju-just you wai---aahhh.. wait.. I'll pay you.. ughhh! Lizzy let's out an unsightly moan as a extra large tentacle joins the one already in her pussy, cutting off her sentance. Lizzy could barely muster any more understandable words when the extra tentacle joined in. She bit her lower lip as her insides were feeling like they were melting from pleasure. At the same time she was forced to watch herself degrading from Heroine to just a girl enjoying being violated a bit too much.

My name is Li-mhhhhh, LIZZY! She cried out, finding it hard to reject what the demon asked of her. She tried to avoided becoming a dead eyed whore like Mal wanted her to, but his actions didn't help that goal. She barely managed to speak once again as she could feel her next climax coming. When she was right on the edge she finally felt a strange bulge quickly travel up Mal's tentacles. The hot gooey slime that was released into her womb right then set off Lizzy. She bit her lip hard in pleasure and to keep herself awake. Her eyes rolled up as she screamed while clenching her mouth shut.

She was being filled with demon seed, the very seed that when sowed inside a womb may very well make her pregnant. As this thought went through her, she felt a warmth spread from her womb, spreading to her head. The corruption was spreading through her entire body. With the tentacles slowing down, and her orgasm finished Lizzy panted as she regained some logic in her. She noticed how Ilessia was staring at her and how they needed to hold on together. She embraced Ilessia closely, so as she didn't have to look at her in the face. She was ashamed but horny from the entire ordeal, a bad situation for a budding heroine.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum
Victory/Defeat Scene. (Transferring scene from Human-Kingdom thread to >>> Mal'Umbra's Sanctum Thread.)

[OOC: I've moved my post to the new thread. We'll continue there Quaztec/TheGuy. The Human Kingdom is available for conquest / lurking to hunt for pretty things, etc. Mal-Umbra would technically still sort of be in the area, having fun in his realm, but is suitably distracted.]
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Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, open challenge and purifying!

Despite a certain.. wolfish influence on her Melana had mostly returned to her calm, determined approach that had helped her fight in the dwarven mountains in the past. There were too many news of.. well, not news, heroines not reporting back.. and although they had pushed their way suprisingly far into the mountains, on all other sides the Last Bastion was still surrounded by wicked creatures... Melana planned to change that. As much as she wished to give the new generation of heroes a fighting chance, doing what was necessary to at least open up acess to other areas and taking pressure off of the Fortress, now that its defending wizard was gone, was more important.

"The human kingdom.. if it hadn't been corrupted, I'd likely have been named a noble for my services." She mused.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

Amorok was certainly out of place wandering through kingdom. His large form nearly taller and larger then some of the hovels they passed. Overshadowing the woman to his side. "If it hadn't been corrupted, I likely would have been slaughtered by farmers." He grumbled. It was a bit obvious he didn't like the place, memories of his time before Miana gave him power coming to the fore.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, open challenge and purifying!

"Only if you threatened their livestock, most farmers wouldn't pick a fight with a wolf for no reason." Melana remarked, a little thoughtful for a moment, as she reached out, patting the wolfs side, a gesture that ended up being more caressing than the original comradery she intended. "Survival of the strongest and all that, then again, some wolves befriended the humans and through domestication became pets and valued companions..

She pondered, hesitating for a moment. "I'd feel odd about that, but.. well, clearly, given the chance you'd not mind..." She hesitated, blushing ever so slightly before going on, her wolfish ears flicking for a moment while she considered the wolfs seed filling her fertile core still.. she had caught herself briefly glancing over the wolfs muscular frame and wanting to make sure it had really taken earlier..

"Though, I don't mean to say I consider you in such a way, either way. " She shifted the topic a little.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

"Yes, because they hunt enough that their livestock is just about the only thing we can feed on." Amorok shook his head. Focusing instead on her later words. The wolf chuckling. "I wouldn't mind you considering me in the Trusted Companion section, pet, not so much. It'd be demeaning to be treated like I couldn't think again. Though I think there is a few more battles between us before its decided whose side we both end up on though. And a few more litters."

The wolf grinned, tilting his head to the side and nuzzling her a bit. Followed by a bit of a challenging smirk that'd fade quickly.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, open challenge and purifying!

"It's hard to think of one I casually chat and.. do other things with as a pet, so do not worry." Melana Silverhair chuckled ever so slightly. She blushed at the insinuation of where the battle sides would fall, normally she'd angrily insist on being a heroine, but something about the nuzzling and wolfish litters made her hesitate as she reached out, scratching behind Amoroks ears.. albeit having to lean up for that if he withdrew, not because he was a pet, but because she wanted to pay back the playfulness.

"Perhaps one of us should hide, I doubt any demon would even dare come forth if they knew what the two of us are capable of." She chuckled slightly.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

Amorok let Melana pet between his ears for a bit. Nuzzling back in turn. Though he resisted the urge to lick, or to play to much against anywhere too sensitive. They were here for work. They could have some proper play after. For now he'd chuckle a bit. "I don't think I can really do the hiding. Unless we put one of these houses on my back like some of those strange crabs. Or find a barn."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, open challenge and purifying!

"Hmmnn..." Truly, if Melana was a more.. luscious heroine she'd be glad.. if she lost, the demons would have their way with her, if she won, Amor.. SHE would have her way with the wolf.

She pondered, either way. "It'd be awkward if I hid and you ended up meeting and fighting heroines.. oh well, let us proceed hoping we happen upon a foolish enough demon."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

"Alternatively we could go kick down their doors. Some of the demons like to make their homes in the grand structures of here." Amorok shrugged. "We should probably check out the old castle, or the cathedral, or other big places. More likely then not if there's a demon they'll be around one of those places."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, open challenge and purifying!

"Yes.. good idea... though obviously with your size, enclosed spaces can become tricky to fight in as well." She pondered about something else to talk about while they searched. "So.. you are not.. the usual kind of wolf, I get that but err.. you clearly have.. lusts and desires. Is that the succubus influence or would you if.. left to your own devices and given the chance, still make me yours.. and err.. whatever you plan to do with other heroines?" She asked, curiously.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

"I can actually make myself smaller." Amorok chuckled, and a moment later, Melana found herself standing beside a normal sized, if rather large still, but shorter then her now, wolf. "Makes me weaker though, so I don't generally like to. Also makes it a bit harder to catch the eyes of wandering heroes." Amorok seemed to try to do something like a teasing eyebrow waggle.

"Depends. If you were to take the succubus powers away now? Well I'd like to hope I'd keep being more then your average wolf, but I'd likely lose a fair bit of strength all over. The lust would probably diminish as well, but I think I'd still be interested in you. Even if it had been before Miana had found me, assuming you hadn't just cut me down like a wolf grunt, all of us became rather more lustful in the past while toward the humans and others. As for other heroines. It'd depend as well, normally it'd be like what I did to that girl you came to rescue. Fuck them, and keep them safe inside myself until they were ready to give birth, and then let them go. The only 'compulsion' I have from Miana is to continue spreading my genes. Either through one hero or many." The last line was obviously directed at her given his smirk.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, open challenge and purifying!

"Interesting. and you didn't do that to ease our.. early intercourse because..?" Melana remarked at her wolfish companion, fighting an urge to pet him. She blushed a little as she listened on to Armoroks tale. "Thats not much of a compulsion for you I guess err.. then again, I guess an ordinary wolf is harder to bargain with. You keep going on about that cutting down by humans, what happened?" She inquired, deciding to finallly caress a hand through thew wolfs fur.

"How does the succubus even benefit from your err.. spread?" She asked on, blushing ever so slightly.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

"Because it's not as interesting, and after the first time I figured if I was only this size it'd be a let down." Amorok chuckled. "As I said though, I don't like this being this small anymore when I can avoid it."

"And it's from back when I was a normal wolf. The corruption was driving us out of the deeper woods, so my pack started to move into the human kingdom's outer territory. We'd kill the occasional livestock and settled down for mating season and the like. Then the farmers rallied up the local guards and found our den. Slaughtered the rest of my pack, kidnapped or killed the pups. I survived, started killing villagers in revenge, and then Miana found me and gave me her offer." Amorok was emitting a low growling noise now at the memories, before shaking his head and leaning in to the petting. "It's in the past now, after the contract I am not allowed to kill anyone, and the rage has dimmed to nothing."

"And she gets my pups. Or well, they are more naturally inclined to assist her kind then they are yours. That and everytime I breed with a woman after I win, things like these." He jumped up a bit to put his front paws on Melana's shoulder and nuzzled her wolf ears. "Tend to happen to people. Some of them end up breaking down and joining Miana's side."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, open challenge and purifying!

"Well.. I would try to object but you.. managed to impress me, and don't think I haven't cut down a sex-demon or two without flinching. There is something.. primal about your interests." Melana chuckled ever so slightly, keeping up her caressing through the wolfs fur.

"Ah, so in the end, it was a scarcity of resources, though in a way, aren't you blaming the wrong ones? The corruption forced you out of your home and you agreed to serve it. Granted, if you had served the humans, we'd not be having this chat, but who knows, you still may have ended up accompanying me here.. I don't kill that which I have no need to, I don't eat wolf or dog, and, as I am sure you know, I'm strong enough to have the luxury to consider anything below a corrupted ogre of wyvern 'not a threat'." Melana nodded.

"Ultimately you could say that both of your sides weren't innocent but the corruption forced you to clash in the first place.. I'm sure a few of the pubs might have been raised among humans.. though they'd have quickly found their freedom again, as when fleeing, like you, most people that weren't confident they could take the average demon grunt on their retreat, left everything they couldn't carry. Still, in theory a pub could have grown enough to fend on its own by then." She mused, looking over to the wolfish companion.

"That said, I guess if the demonic contract keeps your.. no.. channels your instincts in a different way, ultimately its a blessing. ..Niaah.." She gasped a bit when her wolfish ears are nuzzled, but shrugged afterwards. "I shouldn't forget you are.. err.. an enemy. But it its insightful to hear your story, the story of one who willingly became 'the enemy' rather than being born a demon. I'm sure the succubus yearns to have me corrupted, but I'm beyond such simple magics." She claimed, though, throughout this she hadn't really stopped petting Amorok. While it seemed comfortingly it didn't stop her from enjoying his powerful frame, at a size where she could touch him and the wolf could smell an.. interest that might ellude anyone with less of a distinguished nose, perhaps even Melanas own notice.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

"Yes, it was the corruptions fault, but that would be like blaming the tides for eroding a house built on the shoreline. Inevitable and pointless." Amorok tried to laugh at his own joke but seemed a bit bitter. "Though that certainly would have been interesting. Though I wouldn't have been much help to you if I hadn't gotten stronger. If anything I'd probably have just gotten in the way."

"And I'd like to say I was a more neutral party, but no, you're right. I'm your enemy, a friendly one admittedly." Amorok pushed back off of Melana and walked along beside her again. "For now though I'm an ally, and maybe once this is all done we can go settle somewhere?" The wolf sounded a bit hopeful, even as his nose was picking up Melana's interest. Biting back a chuckle to keep from letting the woman know he was on to her. A small twinge in his mind wondering if he could get free of Miana sooner then later. Maybe he'd ask Slivc to look around if he could find her again?
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok, open challenge and purifying!

"Ah, so humans are easy targets for you to blame." Melana also narrowed her eyes. "Well, you are but an animal in the end, considering the corruption to be a force of nature.. of course it isn't, but then again, perhaps thats the Succubs influence." She removed her hand. "I'm not exactly sure you are of help to me now. A temporary ally, sure, but unless I defeat you again later on, you may end up causing more harm than good."

Melana exhaled. It was nice whilest it had lasted, but Amoroks fatalism in regards to the corruption she fought had reminded her of the situaion she was in, it seems whatever the moment was, it had been dashed somewhat.

"Settle down? Not as long as you fight to corrupt the innocents for certain." Melana said, dismissively and regarding the wolf with a certain caution. Granted, she had no good answers for his quest for power and sentience without demonic corruption, but still she couldn't approve of it either.

"You talk a lot about what you've lost, well, I lost a little more. Look around you, at least, if you wanted, you could return to your home. Your family is dead for a large part, well, mine has largely been swallowed by demons. Do you think most of them are such boons that they give power and ask for little? There are enough that seek to turn us into living, not necessarily thinking sextoys, infact, had I been weaker that would have likely been my fate. What would you think then, wolf? I'd be the one unable to speak or think as an equal, but perhaps you wouldn't care, just a womb for you to breed, wouldn't it be? This twisted land is the result of the army whose footsoldiers you create willingly.. I helped create.." She touched her lower belly with its markings... then she shook her head. "Settle down.. what, as husband and wife? wolf and wolf? heroine and demonic creation?" She shook her head.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

"Is it not? I overheard humans talking about it before, and Miana confirmed it to me when I asked that as long as there are humans and mortals, the corruption will exist in some form." Amorok seemed a tad surprised at the idea it wasn't a force of nature. It certainly seemed to spread like one, unstoppable and unyielding, and soon enough it'd probably ebb back like floodwaters after the rain stopped. Then come back again probably long after everyone here was dead. "And that is true, but if you were to kill me then I am sure another demon would move into my territory, and they may not be as willing to co-operate as I am. Doubt any of them would even consider the option of putting the fight and corrupting aside to settle down somewhere peacefully."

Then he quieted down and listened to Melana's words about the other demons. Just listening, his expression relatively neutral as she went, though he winced at the mention of what likely happened to the rest of her family. He'd mull over his words for a bit after, letting silence reign for a few minutes, until he finally spoke again. "All three would technically be correct yes. There is no real doubt of my nature as a demonic creation. But no, the lifeless slaves some of the other demons make hold no interest to me. I'd much rather see a heroine free to fight again and provide an even better fight the next time, even if it ends with me losing. I'm an enemy yes, but I'm not a monster. I put my revenge aside some time ago now."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom


Lady Melana
Human kingdom
Tag: Amorok

Oh yes, a creature of corruption would be a reliable source about its origin, ask a smith what he thinks about working with iron. I've killed enough demons to know theres not an inexhaustible supply. Melana crossed her arms. "You talk about it a lot for someone that has truly put things aside. .. " She exhaled.

"That said, you did fight honorably.. to an extend. What do you mean with all three, what do you even mean with settle down, you can't just.. say these things ouf ot the blue." She said, seeming ever so slightly less certain in her glare at the wolf. She hesitated for a moment, then reached up, touching her ears..

"Ugh.. I made a mistake one way or the other, if you tell me that this is the succubus goal. I'm a warrior, not a philosopher, but in the end, we're enemies, not allies. There can't be a simple settling down, what makes you even say such things? On the one hand you claim, wrongly, by the way, the corruption is unstoppable, on the other you want to settle down? Do you then assume my fall inevitable? What exactly is your goal now, if not revenge?" Melana inquired, watching the wolf intently.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Human Kingdom

Human Kingdom
Tag: Melana, Open Challenge

"Not in the slightest. I don't think the corruption is unstoppable, I think at the time it happened it was. I think it will keep coming back, but I think you and your friends are on the road to victory at this point. The corruption's reached its zenith and will start to recede like a mountain turned to sand as its eroded against you all. Or like a tree that breaks in the wind because it grew too tall." Amorok shook his head again and said. "It'll come back again long after all of us are dead, but then this situation will just repeat itself."

"So my goal is pretty simple now. I just want to find someone who would be a good mate to settle down with when this is all over. To rebuild my pack and live out the rest of my days in relative peace. Failing that, to die in combat against someone worth dying to. I was much more expecting the latter then the former until recently." Amorok focused his gaze on Melana before he continued.

"What about yourself then Silverhair? What are your goals once the demons have been beaten and the lands rebuilt? Will it be to hunt down every last bit of corruption that fled the proper battles, or will you build yourself a new home and settle down into being a wife?"