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Corruption Tournament In Character

Re: Corruption Tournament In Character

Hope's Bastion
Castle Aquifier
Tags: HOEM, Newt Breeding

"Did you end up forgetting princess? I said way back when I caught you that I was only going to keep you until my eggs came out." Mora said with a smirk as she looked down at Leticia, her erect shaft standing proudly in both their lines of sight.

Mora's tail would curl around, the tip tickling against Leticia's side. The newt woman slowly working her way up her side until it'd wrap around one of the princess' breasts and gave it a squeeze. "Let you go back to your people and let them see that their princess belongs to a dragon."

"No matter how hard you'd try to hide it, someone would eventually see these and ask how you got them." Her tail would start it's course again, down toward her arms and played over the scales for a moment, before continuing down to Leticia's own stubby tail.

Mora would lean down though, moving to straddle the princess, resting on her now deflated stomach as her cock rested between Leticia's enlarged breasts. "Now though, I'm wondering about just keeping you forever. Would you like that princess? Maybe we can even get your kingdom back and you can rule it again while bowing to me? Then everyone will know who the real queen will be."
Re: Corruption Tournament In Character


Leticia Von Silberstein
Moras tummy/lair
Tag: Breeding Newts!!

Leticia panted, still all.. slimey and slobbery from her special king of captivity, looking up at the dragon-newt, panting slightly.. back when she was caught, it seemed.. an odd time ago. Absent mindly she brushed a drop of slime.. or was it precum off of her arm, not having a clear sight on Mora.. without that shaft in the way.

She didn't much struggle against the tail curling around her, perhaps a sign of her.. acceptance of her captivity, when the tail squeezed up to her breast she did react with a soft eeping though, a bit of wetness glistening on her helpless tip as her body writhed under the molesting newts caress. "Haahnn.. wha.. " Well.. she didn't look all that.. dragon-belongingly.. did she? She needed a wash, a new dress.. that feeling on her lower back was distracting though.. "Ask wh..ooh..." She blushed, having almost forgotten her scales, her tail twitching when touched by the larger newt-tail.

"T.. this isn't fair.." She gulped, looking up to the newt-woman straddling her. "W.. what do you mean, getting my kingdom back?" She gulped.. the sight of the shaft in between her breasts was awfully distracting, first things first, her breast soft and squishy up against the thick, draconic tool. Although she didn't directly answer the dragoness she also made no motions to escape her lewd captor at this point, perhaps due to exhaustion, of course, simply lying there, spent under the naughty newt-dragon dominatrix. Sure, she said she was a dragon and had the mental presence of one, but at the same time there was something oddly humiliating about serving the newt-woman so wantonly..
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Re: Corruption Tournament In Character

Hope's Bastion
Castle Aquifier
Tags: HOEM, Newt Breeding

Mora's tail would curl back and wrap around Leticia's breasts, squeezing them together around the newt woman's cock as she started to give herself a tit fuck with the woman's bosom. Even as she did that the newt reached down and gave the addled princess a caress on the cheek. It might have almost been a loving gesture, if it wasn't for the glint in the newts eyes and the smile on her face. It was much more a look of one touching a favored toy, or a tool, then a person.

"I mean exactly what I say princess. Right now your princess of a few refugees. Your worth is like a tarnished gemstone." Mora would use her clawed thumb to wipe off a bit of the dirt on the woman's face. "Still good, but it could be so much better. A princess of nothing being such a willing toy is worth showing off, but the princess of a reborn kingdom getting down and sucking me off at command? Ohh just imagine it, there would be so much envy directed my way. I could even remove the need for 'your' realm to ever need a king. Just send each generation to me."

The newt's cock twitched at the thought, a drip of precum coming off the tip and pooling in the notch of Leticia's neck. The flow of the drips picking up rapidly as the newt seemed to lose herself for the moment to her own delusions. The blue skinned woman starting to thrust properly as her tip poked against Leticia's chin, smearing the heady scent around once again.
Re: Corruption Tournament In Character


Leticia Von Silberstein
Moras lair
Tag: Breeding Newts!!

The princess mieeped again slightly as her breasts were smushed up against the draconic shaft. To say it was distracting to have her body used like this would be an understatement. "Uh..." She gulped, with the Newt-woman hungrily staring at her, the princess cheeks flushing at the mental image. "What do you mean restored?" She.. left out the going down and sucking the newt-woman off parts.

Of course the woman was just a newt, with.. dellusions of grandeur and a kingdom, though.. with the hot dragonshaft on her chest, Leticia struggled to argue that. Worse, she found her breathing quickening and her body heating up with the lewd scent the newt-woman gave off. She could of course imagine what the woman ment.. a kingdom of newt-women, to be bred by her? "N.. no this is wrong, I don't want to become a newt-girl.. princess.." She said, biting her lips, looking down at that draconic shaft.. it had fed her often enough in the past.. It was all a little overwhelming, she lying there, with a full clutch of eggs before her and the dragon-newt straddling her once more. "A..a dmit it you just want a kingdom of filthy newt-girls to rule over as mighty dragon. You want to turn me into a newt-queen to do your bidding!" She accused Mora, slightly panting in her vunerable position, distracted by the lewd scent.
Re: Corruption Tournament In Character

Hope's Bastion
Castle Aquifier
Tags: HOEM, Newt Breeding

"Ohh, you ha~ave learned." Mora giggled even as her face started to flush a bit as well, the newts cock redoubling in the precum it was letting loose. "But not just newt girls, even if they'd be the next to the top of the food chain. No I'd have your kingdom collect all the interesting species. Lizardmen, salamanders, naga, maybe even a few of those adorable little kobolds. You can even keep those humans of yours around, I'm sure everyone would love to have them on hand and they do~o make quite nice trinkets and artifacts."

"You'd get to give your humans back their kingdom, and you'd all be in service of me and my kind. Then I'd have a queen as my eager little breeder instead of just a princess." Mora's thrusting got faster and faster, as she cut off any response from Leticia by reaching down with both her hands. One hand forced the princess mouth open, and the second forced her to take the tip of the draconic shaft as the newt pushed all the way forward. The tip resting against Leticia's tongue a moment before the newt climaxed, shuddering atop the princess as cum flooded Leticia's throat.

Once the tide of seed came to a stop, she'd speak again. "So what do you say princess. Pledge your kingdom to me and have a hope of getting it back? Or stay here forever as nothing more then a breeder?"

Pulling her cock back Mora would lean in again, a smile on her face as she whispered into the princess' ear. "Well, you'll be a breeder either way, we'll always need few more newt girls, but one way you get to be pregnant on a throne, the other you'll be in my belly or a cave."
Re: Corruption Tournament In Character


Leticia Von Silberstein
Moras lair
Tag: Breeding Newts!!

The hot sticky, stinking... arousing precum drooling from that newt-cock onto her was more than a little distracting. "Lizardmen and other beasts? W.. we are not trinkets and whores to trade around!" She complained, still considering herself human, of course. "All enslalmnnnnn... gmnaaah.." She gasped and squirmed, but couldn't do much to stop Mora from opening her mouth and feeding her a thick load of cum, infact, perhaps on reflex, gulping the heavy dragon-newt load down, suckling on the shaft delightfully after her time being .. trained by Mora.

"Aah.. haaah.. haamnn..." She panted, a bit of newt-cum oozing from her lips. "T.. thats not a choice." She said, albeit a bit meekly by now. She wouldn't just give the dra.. the creature a kingdom of willing slaves, but neither could she .. just stay here and become a breeder forever!
She panted a little below Mora, despite being used, rather than stimulated, shaking her head weakly, trying to ward off the lustful imagery of slithery-slimey creatures toying with her body, no.. her ruling over them.. and Mora ruling over her. .. then again, what was so wrong about that.. a primal part of her felt certainly aroused at the idea.. no she had to fight this corruption. Perhaps she could.. distract Mora and escaped? She stared at that draconic newt-shaft before her, hesitating as it withdrew, gulping at Moras whispers..

"I.. but.." She panted, looking at the pile of eggs she had produced.. well, if the choices were put like that, obviously on a throne was preferable, a slave queen of other eager breeders.. her tongue hung out in clear wanton desire, even if her mind still struggled against the idea, changed and collared and marked as she was. "I don't want to but.." She bit her lip, looking at Mora, fighting her own lewd fantasies of submission, her cheeks flushed after the newts assault.
Re: Corruption Tournament In Character

Hope's Bastion
Castle Aquifier
Tags: HOEM, Newt Breeding

"But you do." The newt replied simply. To her at least it very much looked like Leticia was fighting a rapidly losing battle with herself, and it made Mora's grin all the more sincere. "You want to rule, but do you really want all that pressure on you, all those lives depending on you? Or would you rather just let me do it, and you can just bask in the adoration of all the humans you'll give a home too and all the lizardkind that you'll give willing...'friends.'"

Depending on how Leticia responded, Mora would either keep up her position, her grip turning more forceful if she refused.

If she did agree properly though, she'd find Mora pulling her to her feet, though the newt woman was still wrapped around her possessively. "Great my little pet. Let's go get you cleaned up then shall we?"
Re: Corruption Tournament In Character


Leticia Von Silberstein
Moras lair
Tag: Breeding Newts!!

"Uhmnn.. I'm not sure what you are describing..." Leticia gulped. What Mora described did seem tempting. No responsibilities, but adoration.. letting Mora handle the tough choices.. "I uh.. I mean.." She gulped, looking at the blue-skinned newt that had so throughoutly fucked and marked.. and now bred her, though if Mora chose to take her delayed response as a denial or not was up to her. It seemed the princess had trouble simply letting go of her morals, though the newt-shaft suckling she had recieved earlier made it quite a lot harder to be a moral paradigm.

Ultimately though, it didn't seem as if she'd truly refuse Moras demands, her cheeks flushed at the dragon-newts lewd form before her and the lustful things she was making her do.. and think about.
Re: Corruption Tournament In Character

Hope's Bastion
Castle Aquifier
Tags: HOEM, Newt Breeding

"Mmmm, does the princess need a little bit more convincing?" Mora said, before letting out a laugh as her grip on the girl's head tightened for just a moment, slackening as Mora pulled her to her feet.
"Though looks more like you aren't saying no."

Pulling the princess into a hug from behind, the new woman's hands would trail over Leticia's previously rounded belly, tickling her sides as her cock rested between the girl's thighs. "Now, let's see about getting you looking all nice and pretty again for your followers, coming back all in rags I'm sure would get a few guards riled up."
Re: Corruption Tournament In Character


Leticia Von Silberstein
Moras lair
Tag: Mora

Leticia squirmed ever so slightly in the tight dragon-newts grip, cheeks still flushed with emberassment before being pulled to her feet. Perhaps a little suprised by the somewhat kind gesture of the hug in this situation she tilted her head, biting her lips ever so slightly and responded: "And just how do you plan to do that, in a sewer?" With a brief chuckle. The tickling and.. strong but gentle treatement was nice, but, looking around, the princess was once more reminded of just what her situation here was..