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Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Tag: Musubi

Malon has a knowing grin on her face when Musubi tells Malon about the desire to be fucked by the futanari trio. ''I’ll tell you a little secret, since you’re so honest with your desires. Occasionally I’ll let those three degrade and humiliate me. It’s hard for me to not give into the temptation of submitting to them, and when they treat someone deliciously cruel, I can’t help but feel a little jealous, and like I said, occasionally my resistance just slips away.'' Malon honestly shared with Musubi, as Malon’s face was clearly red from telling her about such a secret, though at the same time, Malon’s hands were roaming her body, as her hand slipped between her legs. ''A-Ah… if you want I’ll set up a play date for how long you want, it might be difficult to convince them to only fuck you and keep you for a short time though, they usually want more than that.''

Before Musubi tried to stand back up and look for whelps to satisfy, Malon shook her head at the lustful girl. ''Normally, new girls get a rest period of a couple of days, but considering you’re trying to get up and moving, perhaps it’s not necessary for you.'' Malon said, before she went into deep thought, as if she was debating something with herself. ''As many as I need… normally I’d limit new girls to a maximum of twenty whelps, even if they’re overexcited to mate with whelps. However, considering your regenerative properties, and masochistic submissive personality, perhaps you’re willing to assist me with something? You see, I’ve a slightly different schedule then most girls, it’s a lot stricter, and it usually leaves me with very little time to rest, not to mention, I always have last choice at feeding time. It’s because I take on the more problematic things around this lair. Besides cleaning it daily, I usually satisfy the dragons that haven’t found a mate yet, play with the cruelest whelps, so that they don’t abuse the other girls, satisfy those with certain conditions, and I take care of the whelps with the thickest and smelliest semen at the end of the day. I could really use someone to shoulder half those responsibilities, I’d understand if this might be a bit much for you though.''

''Either way, if you want to mate with some whelps, we’ve got to get you fixed. I mean, you’ll most certainly find a mate or two looking like that, but you’ll get nowhere near twenty with that many eggs and hatchlings taking up space. Although, I can see you’ve already offered the whelps two extra sacks to carry them inside.'' Malon giggled, while cupping Musubi’s egg filled breasts, and stroking her fingers over Musubi’s swollen orbs. ''I can’t imagine how it must feel having so many living things move around inside of me, I bet it feels great.''

Malon continued to tease Musubi for a little while, grabbing a hold to Musubi’s swollen nipples, and gently stroking her fingers up and down over the poor swollen things. Malon continued to milk Musubi’s nipples until her breasts were covered with a mixture of milk and whelp cum, that slowly spilled out her nipples. ''That’s quite a bit of milk you’ve stored up in those breasts of yours. I’ve barely touched them and you’re already releasing so much, perhaps you’ll need to be milked regularly.'' Malon questioned herself before repositioning Musubi. Malon carefully positioned Musubi on all fours, after laying some hay down on the ground for Musubi’s large belly to rest on. Once Musubi was stable, Malon moved behind Musubi, and kneeled down until she was eye level with Musubi exposed bottom. ''Alright, hopefully you’re prepared for this. Because this might feel a little bit more intense then you’re used to. Although, considering you got yourself into this position, you’re probably more than ready~'' Malon said, before her finger started to massage Musubi asshole, as Malon gently circled her finger around the abused hole. In the meantime though, Malon was stirring up quite the mess within Musubi’s belly, as Malon hand began to roughly press and shake several parts of Musubi’s belly, and it didn’t take long before several hatchlings wiggled angrily around inside of Musubi’s belly.

Once plenty of hatchling were awake, and rubbing their barbed cocks along Musubi’s insides, Malon stopped circling around Musubi’s little asshole, and placed her entire mouth on top of it. The woman’s tongue wriggled against Musubi’s entrance, until it forced its way into her, and once Malon forced as much of her tongue as she could inside of Musubi, she continued to swirl it around Musubi’s insides, trying her best to relax the woman’s abused entrance as much as possible. In the meantime, the first hand joined the second one in shaking and pressing several spots on Musubi’s belly. It didn’t take long before Malon began to pressure several spots, shifting around several eggs and hatchlings inside of Musubi’s belly. If Musubi was able to relax, and allow Malon to guide the eggs and hatchling towards Musubi’s now well lubed entrance, Malon would merely continue to put pressure on Musubi’s stomach. However, if Musubi failed the fight her instincts, and desperately tried to hold the eggs inside of her stomach, Malon would eventually stop, and prepare for a more forceful way to remove the eggs out of Musubi.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Musubi's face went redder at Malon's words. Sending a bit of mental images into the girl as she considered...maybe she'd let them, but not today! Save it for a different day. "For now, lets just leave it. Maybe after I settle in a bit I can look into...a playdate with them."

Then Musubi would hear Malon's words about her own situation, and tilted her head. "Why would you even need to ask. I'd be a really bad heroine if I didn't try to help you with your load. If we split it between us then we can both have more time for extra fun stuff!" And escaping, Musubi's rational part of her brain was forced to interject. "Or well, I'll help with everything but cleaning the lair itself. Last time I touched a broom I blew something up." Musubi giggled a bit with embarrassment at that. It had something to do with her grandmother had a power similar and it apparently skipped a generation and showed up with her and her sister.

Then Musubi moaned as her breasts were fondled. "They...feel pretty good honestly. D-Didn't think having a bunch of hatchlings and e-eggs in there would feel so good. They can feed away on my milk too. W-Which I think might be partially why there's so~o much. T-Though umm...I wouldn't mind being milked, but I think the whelps already do alot of that...though maybe I could help feed them?"

Musubi let herself get pushed down and let Malon do her work, to try to get the eggs and hatchlings out of her. For once, the girl would actually do what she was supposed to, and fought against her instincts. Relaxing and letting the eggs start to drift toward her ass and out as Malon was trying to do. Though as she was relaxing she wasn't fighting back against any hatchlings that might try playing with her ears or mouth or nose again. Leaving her head up as free game as long as this process took.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Tag: Sigrid

Once the foxes caught on that Sigrid was sharing food with them, they became a lot more audacious, as they started to beg for the fish, rather than trying to steal it from her, and as she continued to fish, the foxes continued to wait besides her, keeping her companion. After living at the place for quite some time, similar events started to happen. Whenever Sigrid went out to collect food for herself, there were various animals accompanying her, mainly the animals that were worshipped by her clan. Soon enough, Sigrid had a bunch of animals help and beg for food, as bears, wolves and foxes would keep her company during fishing trips, while badgers and rabbits accompanied her during scavenging, and before Sigrid had realized it, her cave had become the home of several animals that had nowhere else to go.

Living with that many animals had it fair share of issues, but Sigrid quickly learned about the mannerisms of the various animals staying with her, and before she realized it, she had grown enough accustomed to them to understand them. Eventually though, the animals wanted more of Sigrid then food and shelter. It all started with the first fox that approached Sigrid. The famished tiny fox, which was a full grown healthy fox by now, was being particularly frisky lately, as he kept excitedly pressing his snout between Sigrid’s ass cheeks and onto her crotch, but it never went further than just an innocent sniff or lick. However, one day the fox decided to go a little bit further, as Sigrid just returned from scavenging food, and was busy cooking some of it, the fox once again excitedly pressed his nose between Sigrid’s ass cheeks, and she could feel his rough tongue excitedly lap across her pink folds. It was pretty easy for Sigrid to figure out what the fox wanted, she already knew most of the lonely male animals saw her as their mate, but none of them have tried to mount her, until now, as Sigrid could easily tell what the fox’s excited licking meant.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair


And when you feed one suddenly the entire forest hears of your generosity and kindness. Not that Sigrid minded this. If she was to solidify herself as a druidess of this land, she needed to be more generous and kind. From the weakest kit to the strongest bear. Yes, she was often tempted to scare the beggers and beasts off at first, but in time, she learned to accept them and assist them however she could. What started as one fox turned into few more. And then from foxes to every other beast her clan had warriors for: foxes, bears and wolves. All of them would accompany her on hunting or fishing trips and would take full advantage of her generosity while rabbits and badgers helped her to find better greens and other foods that the carnivores missed. Before long, her tiny grove occupied by a single starving fox was expanded to have several animals living within and around the cave. Beasts like her that had no home. No pack to call their own and no place to call home. Outcasts, beggars, those deemed 'Too weak' to survive. She gave them all and more a chance amidst her grove and she even was able to keep some semblance of peace between all these beasts.

Though hard at first, the druid would learn the mannerisms and motions of these beasts, learning all she could so she could communicate with them and understand them. But soon enough they would start to see her as more then just a guardian. As a provider. They expected...more from their druid and it started off the way it did before. With that same fox and his curious nose. On another of her many trips, he had made a habit of following her and had gotten a little more frisky in recent weeks. Seems he was of age and for some strange reason saw this human woman as a potential partner.

It started simply enough. A few sniffs after wiggling his snout between her ass cheeks and onto her womanly parts. It tickled at first and he did very little. But he grew bolder. One afternoon saw her return from her usual expedition, to have him return to between her legs. But this time he started to lick. To lick her folds and make an effort to please her. Seems he wanted more. And she knew that in time many of the other animals would seek the same. She'd not reject them here and would do her part. She'd let him lick a few more times before getting herself into the appropriate position. "Don't hold back. The goddess gave you those parts for a reason. Use them. Secure your future."
Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Tag: Musubi

''Well, if you’re willing to feed, instead of being milked, I’ll introduce you to some of the more hungry whelps and greedy dragons, that would love to get fed more.'' Malon suggested, in between roughly licking Musubi’s abused asshole. Although, after finishing that suggestion, Malon immediately went back on licking and sucking onto the Musubi’s abused hole. While Malon was doing her work, Musubi could clearly hear Malon slurp out the juices that were leaking out of Musubi, and she could hear Malon gulp down the thick seed without shame, that was slowly being pushed out of Musubi’s bowels. It didn’t take long before Musubi could feel several hatchlings and eggs being pushed along her walls, and of course the hatchlings were aggressively rubbing their barbed cocks along the side of her walls, trying their best to hump their mother’s bowels in submission. Eventually, after Malon pulled her mouth of Musubi’s hole, she could feel a single egg spread her ass widely, and plop out of her hole. Once the first egg was pushed out, it didn’t take long before many others followed the first one, as various hatchlings and eggs were forced out of her ass, each time spreading her poor abused hole further, as multiple things would slip out of her at once.

In the meantime, with Musubi being the good mother that she was, she didn’t resist once the hatchlings started to crawl onto her face and with Malon not stopping them, it didn’t take long before Musubi felt several of their barbed cocks grind against her face. The first thing to be filled was Musubi’s mouth, as she could feel their tiny barbed cocks being forced past her lips and against her tongue, it didn’t take long before the tip of their cocks started to poke against Musubi tongue, as her mouth filled with the familiar taste of dragon cock once more. Without any space left inside of Musubi’s mouth, several of the hatchlings crawled towards her sensitive swollen ears and without any hesitation the hatchlings forced their barbed cocks inside of them. The only thing Musubi could hear now was the hatchlings pounding away inside of her ears, as the barbs sliding across her swollen ears, only furthered the swelling and sensitivity. This time however, the hatchlings went even further, as soon enough Musubi could feel even her nose being plugged by two hatchlings, and without any care for Musubi, they quickly started to pound away inside of her nostrils. With this, Musubi didn’t not only hear and taste dragon cock, but also was only able to smell dragon cock.

At the sight of Musubi’s face being roughly abused by several hatchlings, Malon merely giggled as she continued to force more hatchlings and eggs out of Musubi. Eventually, Malon finished her job, as Musubi could feel the last of the hatchlings force themselves out of her butt, although Musubi’s ass felt far from empty, as several gallons of seed still filled her bowels. After Malon finished her job, she briefly removed one of the hatchlings thrusting away into Musubi’s ear. ''I suppose I’ll let you enjoy your time with your children for a bit, but in the meantime, I should find some whelps or dragons to milk you, you don’t mind bitters do you?'' Malon asked, before returning the impatient hatchling back onto Musubi ear, so it could continue to thrust into it again, and once Musubi shook her head yes or no, Malon started to walk off in search of thirsty whelps for Musubi.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Musubi might have hated this, maybe, but between the pleasure of the eggs slowly working its way out of her with Malon's help, and the hatchlings climbing back on her, she was well in sexual heaven again.

With all her training, and fighting, and everything else. Musubi rarely if ever got the chance to just relax, and well, this wasn't exactly 'relaxing' but it was something close oddly enough. Her vision cut off by the bodies of the hatchlings crawling on her, the taste of their cocks on her tongue, hearing nothing but the scraping of the hatcling's cocks against her ears, and the beating of their hearts through it. This time she even was forced to smell them, as they took the last unusued holes on her face.

Her sort of isolation from the outside world was cut off for a moment, and Musubi would give Malon a reply in the form of a thumbs up, and a moment later she was back in her isolation. Wondering if she'd even see the whelps or dragons coming. Her tongue working over the small creatures members, and her hand would reach out for any that were missed by her other holes, giving them some pleasure too.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Tag: Musubi
[if Aust wants to continue his feel free to pm me, or else I'll drop it.]

When Musubi attempts to search for unused hatchling cocks with her hands, it was met with a lot of enthusiasm, as several of Musubi’s hatchlings eagerly made use of the woman’s reaching fingers. With the huge amount of twitching barbed cocks that were rubbing against Musubi’s fingers and hand, she could do little more than squeeze the tiny slimy cocks between her fingers, and slowly stroke them while they thrusted their barbed cocks between the gaps of Musubi’s fingers. It didn’t take long before Musubi’s hands felt slippery with the hatchlings filth, which they constantly spread on it with their leaking throbbing cocks.

Of course, without Malon occupying Musubi’s backside, it didn’t take long before she could feel the hatchlings sharp claws all over her legs, as they were climbing towards their destination, and within a few seconds, Musubi’s ass was covered with hatchlings, as all their sharp claws made tiny marks over the poor girl’s bottom. Although, there were some hatchlings that climbed on top of their mother to rest on her back, a majority of the hatchlings were clearly there for more nefarious purposes, as they were roaming around her abused holes. Once the hatchlings found the perfect position, Musubi could feel the first barbed cock slip inside her twitching ass, and once the first one slipped inside, several others would quickly follow, until Musubi’s asshole was spread widely by several tiny barbed cocks. Without much delay each hatchling started to thrust inside of Musubi’s asshole, forcing her to strongly feel their barbs grind roughly against her sensitive asshole.

Although the hole that was truly in trouble was Musubi pussy, as several hatchlings had plunged their barbed cocks inside of it, and were now eagerly using their mother’s pussy for their own desires. However, despite Musubi’s sensitive wall being ruined by the several barbed cocks being constantly pumped inside of her, the more intense sensation came from the hatchlings that made Musubi’s pussy into their playground, as several hatchlings started to nip at Musubi’s sensitive lower lips, making their sharp teeth latch onto it, as the hatchlings started to wiggled Musubi’s sensitive lower lips, and stretching her pussy wide whenever they roughly pulled on it. Whenever one of the toying hatchlings lost their balance, they’d continued to latch onto Musubi’s abused pussy lips for quite some time, desperately trying to hold on to their toy, causing them to stretch her even further as they wiggled their tiny bodies in an attempt to climb back up. Besides that, one of the hatchlings noticed Musubi’s twitching clit, and thinking it was a toy for him to play with, he began to chomp down on the poor defenseless clit, as he wiggled it widely around with his mouth, while his rough tongue continued to grind against the increasingly swelling clit.

The hatchlings continued to make use of Musubi’s holes for quite a while, and once she felt two big scaly heads rub against her milk filled breasts, she realized that things were about to get even more intense.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Eventually, Musubi would need to pull herself together and do something. Now was not eventually though, indeed, the black haired woman seemed to be hoping that 'eventually' really got delayed. As it was she felt incredibly warm, between all the friction against her skin, and all the hatchlings crawling over her, not to mention their cum spreading across her hands and pouring down her throat.

Soon enough adding to the tide was that the hatchlings pulled up to her ass and pussy, fucking both in groups as she spread her legs to let the creatures get even better access. Though as the biting started she let out a protesting "N-Nooo" and moved a hand down there to try to keep the hatchlings from using her pussy as their personal playground, though she let the one that was teasing her clit keep at it.

Though soon enough she felt two larger heads nuzzling against her breasts, and she tried to get a bit of sight through the hatchlings to see just what she was dealing with, anticipation making her leak just a bit more and lube up a few more of the hatchlings cocks.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Eventually Musubi managed to pull off the majority of the hatchlings playing around with her pussy, with the exception of the one playing with her clitoris, as that one continued to happily bite and wiggle her swelling clit. Although it was difficult to see in between the crack of the hatchlings occupying her face, Musubi managed to at least catch a few glimpses of what Malon brought with her, and assuming by the size of what Malon brought with her, whatever it was, it most definitely wasn’t a hatchling or a whelp, but something much bigger. The only thing Musubi could assume what Malon brought was a much older dragon, and once Musubi felt her entire breasts being encased in a flesh prison and coated in saliva, she couldn’t help but feel her assumption was correct. It didn’t take long before Musubi felt their teeth sink into her soft flesh, as the two large mouths were experimentally squeezing down on her large milk filled breasts. Then, within a couple of seconds of Musubi’s breasts being incased in their fleshy prison, both of them suddenly get roughly sucked on them, it felt like someone was pulling on her breasts while her nipples were squirting out jets of milk, and once they were doing sucking on her breasts, Musubi could feel two rough giant tongues rub against her nipples, as they were eagerly lapping up any milk that was trickling from it.

The thrusting in every orifice and the milking of Musubi’s breasts went on for quite some time, but eventually, she could taste the sticky hot cum being poured in her mouth, as the hatchlings started to release their seed in her mouth. However it wasn’t only the mouth that they were releasing their seed inside, as soon she felt once again her ears being plugged up by the hatchlings sticky hot seed, and this time they were also pouring a large amount of hot sticky cum inside of Musubi nostrils. When the hatchlings started to explode their seed inside and over Musubi, after a couple of seconds her hands felt incredibly sticky with their hot seed, and with her spreading her legs further so more hatchlings could enter her, it didn’t take long before that space was filled with more barbed cocks, as her pussy and asshole were now completely crammed with barbed hatchling cocks, that were eagerly being thrusted inside her while coating her insides with more sticky hot seed.

The cycle of hatchlings completely releasing all of their sticky hot seed inside of Musubi, and then being immediately replaced by another cock, continued for quite some time. Even though, Musubi had no idea how long it lasted, by the end of it, every single hole was stuffed with the hatchlings cum, as it was slowly dripping from every orifice. In the meantime, Musubi’s nipples felt awfully swollen and sore, as all this time, both her breasts were continuously being milked. However, eventually there were less and less cocks replacing the once that finished inside of her, and after Musubi sucked the last hatchling cock until it sprayed it’s goo all over her mouth, she finally managed to satisfy every last hatchling that wanted her attention. When Musubi looked around her, she could see several tiny hatchlings snuggled up against and on top of her body, as they were blissfully sleeping, and occasionally twitching, as they clearly were dreaming of something pleasant. Musubi now also noticed what was latched onto her breasts, as she saw a two-headed dragon that was nearly twice her size, completely enveloping her breasts with their maws. If Musubi inspected the dragon a little closer, she noticed two arm sized cocks twitching excitedly as they were drinking from her breasts. Not only was the size bigger than any dragon besides Lissoth, but it looked to be much crueler then what she had seen so far, as enormous barbs covered the entire thing, and two large fleshy hooks were sticking out on the base of the tip. While Musubi was inspecting the two-headed dragon, Malon already started with cleaning out Musubi’s ears.
Re: Corruption Tournament: Lissoths Ebil Lair

Musubi would slowly be getting freed of hatchlings, though they'd leave their marks on the way out in the form of their seed filling her mouth and nose and ears. Along with over her hands and into her lower holes. It was nothing she wasn't expecting, and indeed what she was looking forward to. Even the warm 'prison' her breasts were in as they were suckled caused her to wiggle happily.

Once the tide of hatchling cum had finally cleared up, and she could well, see beyond the half mat of the creatures, Musubi's eyes would widen. The sight of the giant two headed dragon, that was drinking from her, and well, Malon would see her flush at the sight. Even as she helped the girl and cleaned out her other ear. Gulping a bit as she tilted her head and saw the massive cocks underneath it, before looking over at Malon. "I-Is this one of the ones that are more difficult for the average girls to deal with?"